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The basement membrane (BM) protein laminin-332 (Lm332) (laminin-5) has unique activity and structure as compared with other laminins: it strongly promotes cellular adhesion and migration, and its alpha3, beta3, and gamma2 chains are all truncated in their N-terminal regions (short arms). In the present study, we investigated the biological function of the laminin beta3 chain. When the beta3 chain short arm (beta3SA) was overexpressed in HEK293 cells (beta3SA-HEK), they deposited a large amount of beta3SA and a small amount of laminin-511 (Lm511) (laminin-10) on culture plates. Control HEK293 cells secreted Lm511 but failed to deposit it. The extracellular matrix (ECM) deposited by beta3SA-HEK cells strongly promoted cell attachment and spreading. The beta3SA-HEK ECM did not directly bind Lm511, but it stimulated control HEK293 cells to deposit Lm511 on the culture plates. Although purified beta3SA did not support cell adhesion by itself, it enhanced the cell adhesion activity of Lm511. Experiments with anti-integrin antibodies also suggested that the strong cell adhesion activity of the beta3SA-HEK ECM was derived from the synergistic action of beta3SA and Lm511. It has previously been found that beta3SA binds an unknown cell surface receptor. Taken together, the present study suggests that the short arm of the laminin beta3 chain enhances the matrix assembly of Lm511 and its cell adhesion activity by interacting with its receptor.  相似文献   

Bone regeneration is a tightly regulated process that ensures proper repair and functionality after injury. The delicate balance between bone formation and resorption is governed by cytokines and signaling molecules released during the inflammatory response. Interleukin (IL)-17A, produced in the early phase of inflammation, influences the fate of osteoprogenitors. Due to their inherent capacity to differentiate into osteoblasts, mesenchymal stem/stromal cells (MSCs) contribute to bone healing and regeneration. This review presents an overview of IL-17A signaling and the leading cellular and molecular mechanisms by which it regulates the osteogenic differentiation of MSCs. The main findings demonstrating IL-17A’s influence on osteoblastogenesis are described. To this end, divergent information exists about the capacity of IL-17A to regulate MSCs’ osteogenic fate, depending on the tissue context and target cell type, along with contradictory findings in the same cell types. Therefore, we summarize the data showing both the pro-osteogenic and anti-osteogenic roles of IL-17, which may help in the understanding of IL-17A function in bone repair and regeneration.  相似文献   

The biomimetic approach mimicking in vivo micro environment is the key for developing functional tissue engineered constructs. In this study, we used a tripolymer combination consisting of a natural polymer, chitosan and two extracellular matrix components; collagen type 1 and hyaluronic acid to coat tissue culture plate to evaluate their effect on osteogenic differentiation of human bone marrow derived mesenchymal stem cells (hMSCs). The polymers were blended at different mixing ratios and the tissue culture plates were coated either by polyblend method or by surface modification method. hMSCs isolated from adult bone marrow were directed to osteoblast differentiation on the coated plates. Our results showed that the tripolymer coating of the tissue culture plate enhanced mineralization as evidenced by calcium quantification exhibiting significantly higher amount of calcium compared to the untreated or individual polymer coated plates. We found that the tripolymer coated plates having a 1:1 mixing ratio of chitosan and collagen type 1, surface modified with hyaluronic acid is an ideal combination to achieve the synergistic effect of these polymers on in vitro osteogenic differentiation of hMSCs. These results thus, establish a novel biomimetic approach of surface modification to enhance osteoblast differentiation and mineralization. Our findings hold great promise in implementing a biomimetic surface coating to improve osteoconductivity of implants and scaffolds for various orthopaedic and bone tissue engineering applications.  相似文献   

Osteogenesis of mesenchymal stem cells (MSC) can be regulated by the mechanical environment. MSCs grown in 3D spheroids (mesenspheres) have preserved multi-lineage potential, improved differentiation efficiency, and exhibit enhanced osteogenic gene expression and matrix composition in comparison to MSCs grown in 2D culture. Within 3D mesenspheres, mechanical cues are primarily in the form of cell-cell contraction, mediated by adhesion junctions, and as such adhesion junctions are likely to play an important role in the osteogenic differentiation of mesenspheres. However the precise role of N- and OB-cadherin on the biomechanical behaviour of mesenspheres remains unknown. Here we have mechanically tested mesenspheres cultured in suspension using parallel plate compression to assess the influence of N-cadherin and OB-cadherin adhesion junctions on the viscoelastic properties of the mesenspheres during osteogenesis. Our results demonstrate that N-cadherin and OB-cadherin have different effects on mesensphere viscoelastic behaviour and osteogenesis. When OB-cadherin was silenced, the viscosity, initial and long term Young's moduli and actin stress fibre formation of the mesenspheres increased in comparison to N-cadherin silenced mesenspheres and mesenspheres treated with a scrambled siRNA (Scram) at day 2. Additionally, the increased viscoelastic material properties correlate with evidence of calcification at an earlier time point (day 7) of OB-cadherin silenced mesenspheres but not Scram. Interestingly, both N-cadherin and OB-cadherin silenced mesenspheres had higher BSP2 expression than Scram at day 14. Taken together, these results indicate that N-cadherin and OB-cadherin both influence mesensphere biomechanics and osteogenesis, but play different roles.  相似文献   

A potent regulator of bone anabolism is physical loading. However, it is currently unclear whether physical stimuli such as fluid shear within the marrow cavity is sufficient to directly drive the osteogenic lineage commitment of resident mesenchymal stem cells (MSC). Therefore, the objective of the study is to employ a systematic analysis of oscillatory fluid flow (OFF) parameters predicted to occur in vivo on early MSC osteogenic responses and late stage lineage commitment. MSCs were exposed to OFF of 1 Pa, 2 Pa and 5 Pa magnitudes at frequencies of 0.5 Hz, 1 Hz and 2 Hz for 1 h, 2 h and 4 h of stimulation. Our findings demonstrate that OFF elicits a positive osteogenic response in MSCs in a shear stress magnitude, frequency, and duration dependent manner that is gene specific. Based on the mRNA expression of osteogenic markers Cox2, Runx2 and Opn after short-term fluid flow stimulation, we identified that a regime of 2 Pa shear magnitude and 2 Hz frequency induces the most robust and reliable upregulation in osteogenic gene expression. Furthermore, long-term mechanical stimulation utilising this regime, elicits a significant increase in collagen and mineral deposition when compared to static control demonstrating that mechanical stimuli predicted within the marrow is sufficient to directly drive osteogenesis.  相似文献   

Extracellular vesicles (EVs), including exosomes, microvesicles, and others, have emerged as potential therapeutics for a variety of applications. Pre-clinical reports of EV efficacy in treatment of non-healing wounds, myocardial infarction, osteoarthritis, traumatic brain injury, spinal cord injury, and many other injuries and diseases demonstrate the versatility of this nascent therapeutic modality. EVs have also been demonstrated to be effective in humans, and clinical trials are underway to further explore their potential. However, for EVs to become a new class of clinical therapeutics, issues related to translation must be addressed. For example, approaches originally developed for cell biomanufacturing, such as hollow fiber bioreactor culture, have been adapted for EV production, but limited knowledge of how the cell culture microenvironment specifically impacts EVs restricts the possibility for rational design and optimization of EV production and potency. In this review, we discuss current knowledge of this issue and delineate potential focus areas for future research towards enabling translation and widespread application of EV-based therapeutics.  相似文献   

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