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Non-structural protein 1 (NS1) of the influenza virus plays a crucial role in modulating the host immune response and facilitating virus replication. The formation of a homodimer or an oligomer is necessary for NS1 to exert its function efficiently. In the present study, the NS1 protein from the A/Shantou/602/06(H3N2) virus (herein abbreviated as NS32) was found to interact with NS1 from A/Shantou/169/06(H1N1), A/Chicken/Guangdong/1/05(H5N1) and A/Quail/Hong Kong/G1/97(H9N2) (abbreviated as NS11, NS51 and NS92, respectively) viruses, although NS32 shares 17.4%?C20.9% sequence diversity with NS11, NS51 and NS92. This indicates that the heterologous interactions between NS1 proteins from different influenza A virus subtypes/ strains may be a common event during co-infection.  相似文献   

NS1蛋白是流感病毒编码的一种小分子多功能蛋白,可在病毒的复制过程中抑制宿主细胞的抗病毒免疫应答。为研究不同亚型流感病毒的NS1蛋白在细胞内的定位差异,分别用H1N1亚型WSN、PR8和CA04毒株,H9N2亚型SD毒株及H7N9亚型AH01毒株感染A549、MDCK细胞系以及构建的可表达不同亚型流感病毒NS1蛋白的p CMV-Myc-NS1质粒转染293T细胞,用激光共聚焦显微镜观察发现不同亚型流感病毒在不同细胞系和时间点的定位差异,感染后24 h时WSN和PR8毒株的NS1主要定位于细胞质中,而CA04和SD毒株主要定位于细胞核内。另外,观察过表达的WSN、SD和AH01毒株NS1的细胞定位,转染后24 h时WSN毒株NS1定位于细胞质中,而SD和AH01毒株主要定位于细胞核中。经氨基酸序列比对,对WSN毒株NS1蛋白进行关键氨基酸点突变,结果显示单一位点的改变未导致NS1蛋白细胞定位的改变,其细胞定位的差异不是由单一位点决定的。综上所述,分析不同亚型中的NS1的定位差异,这对进一步了解NS1蛋白同宿主细胞不同区域的蛋白的相互作用、流感病毒的调节机制以及病毒感染细胞中天然免疫反应具有一定的指导意义。  相似文献   

A型流感病毒NS1蛋白研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
NS1蛋白是A型流感病毒的唯一的非结构蛋白,是一种RNA结合蛋白,具有重要的调节活性。NS1蛋白仅存在于病毒感染的细胞内,且在感染的早期,大量存在于细胞核中,而在感染的晚期,也可出现于细胞浆中。NS1蛋白具有RNA结合区和效应区,在抑制宿主细胞蛋白质的合成、诱导细胞凋亡和拮抗干扰素α/β的产生等方面具有重要的作用。另外,NS1蛋白在野毒感染的鉴别诊断、外源基因的载体及抗病毒药物的设计等方面,均显示了良好的应用价值。  相似文献   

Structure and function of the NS1 protein of influenza A virus   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The avian influenza A virus currently prevailing in Asia causes fatal pneumonia and multipleorgan failure in birds and humans.Despite intensive research,understanding of the characteristics of influenzaA virus that determine its virulence is incomplete.NS1A protein,a non-structural protein of influenza Avirus,was reported to contribute to its pathogenicity and virulence.NS1A protein is a multifunctionalprotein that plays a significant role in resisting the host antiviral response during the influenza infection.Thisreview briefly outlines the current knowledge on the structure and function of the NS1A protein.  相似文献   

近年来A型流感严重威胁着人类和畜禽的健康,随着研究的深入,人们已经发现A型流感病毒的NS1蛋白对病毒毒力有重要影响,是一个多功能毒力因子、宿主细胞抗病毒免疫抑制子。根据其功能的不同分为效应区和RNA结合域。目前NS1蛋白结构已经解析,使人们可以直观的认识其各个功能位点的作用机制。该文综述了NS1蛋白的结构特征、已知的功能位点及其功能,为在结构水平上研究NS1蛋白的功能提供参考。  相似文献   

This article describes the development of a simple and robust fluorescence polarization (FP)-based binding assay and adaptation to high-throughput identification of small molecules blocking dsRNA binding to NS1A protein (nonstructural protein 1 from type A influenza strains). This homogeneous assay employs fluorescein-labeled 16-mer dsRNA and full-length NS1A protein tagged with glutathione S-transferase to monitor the changes in FP and fluorescence intensity simultaneously. The assay was optimized for high-throughput screening in a 384-well format and achieved a z' score greater than 0.7. Its feasibility for high-throughput screening was demonstrated using the National Institutes of Health clinical collection. Six of 446 small molecules were identified as possible ligands in an initial screening. A series of validation tests confirmed epigallocatechine gallate (EGCG) to be active in the submicromolar range. A mechanism of EGCG inhibition involving interaction with the dsRNA-binding motif of NS1A, including Arg38, was proposed. This structural information is anticipated to provide a useful basis for the modeling of antiflu therapeutic reagents. Overall, the FP-based binding assay demonstrated its superior capability for simple, rapid, inexpensive, and robust identification of NS1A inhibitors and validation of their activity targeting NS1A.  相似文献   

Cheng A  Wong SM  Yuan YA 《Cell research》2009,19(2):187-195
Influenza A viruses are important human pathogens causing periodic pandemic threats. Nonstructural protein 1 (NS1) protein of influenza A virus (NS1A) shields the virus against host defense. Here, we report the crystal structure of NS1A RNA-binding domain (RBD) bound to a double-stranded RNA (dsRNA) at 1.7A. NS1A RBD forms a homodimer to recognize the major groove of A-form dsRNA in a length-independent mode by its conserved concave surface formed by dimeric anti-parallel alpha-helices. dsRNA is anchored by a pair of invariable arginines (Arg38) from both monomers by extensive hydrogen bonds. In accordance with the structural observation, isothermal titration calorimetry assay shows that the unique Arg38-Arg38 pair and two Arg35-Arg46 pairs are crucial for dsRNA binding, and that Ser42 and Thr49 are also important for dsRNA binding. Agrobacterium co-infiltration assay further supports that the unique Arg38 pair plays important roles in dsRNA binding in vivo.Cell Research (2009) 19:187-195. doi: 10.1038/cr.2008.288; published online 23 September 2008.  相似文献   

目的 A型流感病毒NS1蛋白是一种多功能的致病因子,能够与被感染细胞中的多种蛋白相互结合,影响并干扰宿主细胞内的信号转导、蛋白质合成及抗病毒反应。突触后密度蛋白(Postsynaptic density protein95,PSD-95)主要存在于神经元及SH-SY-5Y等神经来源的细胞株中。假设NS1能够与PSD-95结合,则更有利于了解A型流感病毒对神经元及相关细胞的作用机制。方法通过酵母双杂交,GST-pull down及免疫荧光技术分别从体外和体内两方面检测NS1与PSD-95的相互作用。结果酵母双杂交表明,仅转染PGAD-NS51/PGBK-PSD-95的QDO有菌落生长,且α-半乳糖苷酶活性显著高于阳性对照;而转染PGAD-NS32/PGBK-PSD-95的QDO无菌落生长;GST-pull down表明仅NS51与PSD-95孵育后,能够被Western-blot检测到;免疫荧光表明NS51与PSD-95可能存在共定位,而NS32与PSD-95则不存在共定位。结论 H5N1(A/chicken/Guangdong/1/2005)的NS1能够与PSD-95结合;反之,H3N2(A/Shantou/602/06)的NS1则不能。  相似文献   

Nuclear and nucleolar targeting of human ribosomal protein S6.   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:10       下载免费PDF全文
Chimeric proteins were constructed to define the nuclear localization signals (NLSs) of human ribosomal protein S6. The complete cDNA sequence, different cDNA fragments and oligonucleotides of the human ribosomal proteins S6, respectively, were joined to the 5' end of the entire LacZ gene of Escherichia coli by using recombinant techniques. The hybrid genes were transfected into L cells, transiently expressed, and the intracellular location of the fusion proteins was determined by their beta-galactosidase activity. Three NLSs were identified in the C-terminal half of the S6 protein. Deletion mutagenesis demonstrated that a single NLS is sufficient for targeting the corresponding S6-beta-galactosidase chimera into the nucleus. Removal of all three putative NLSs completely blocked the nuclear import of the resulting S6-beta-galactosidase fusion protein, which instead became evenly distributed in the cytoplasm. Chimeras containing deletion mutants of S6 with at least one single NLS or unmodified S6 accumulated in the nucleolus. Analysis of several constructs reveals the existence of a specific domain that is essential but not sufficient for nucleolar accumulation of S6.  相似文献   

目的研究不同亚型的甲型流感病毒在单个核细胞内的复制情况,探讨其免疫应答机制。方法①细胞培养:复苏A549、MDCK细胞后,用DMEM培养液常规培养;外周血分离得到单个核细胞,用RPMI1640常规培养;②空斑形成试验:用空斑试验检测病毒A/Shantou/169/2006(H1N1)和A/Shantou/602/2006(H3N2)的病毒原始滴度;检测流感病毒感染单个核细胞后的病毒滴度变化。结果流感病毒感染单核细胞后,上清液的病毒滴度下降,36、48、72 h病毒滴度<10 PFU/mL;而其细胞裂解液病毒滴度上升,滴度由9.5×10~4 PFU/mL上升至1.63×10~5 PFU/mL。流感病毒感染淋巴细胞,其细胞上清和裂解液病毒滴度均下降,其中上清液H3N2病毒滴度在48、72 h均<10 PFU/mL;裂解液病毒滴度则由4.8×10~5 PFU/mL下降至1.8×10~3 PFU/mL。结论不同亚型的甲型流感病毒在单核细胞和淋巴细胞中的复制存在差异。单核细胞可以吞噬流感病毒但不能直接灭活流感病毒,而淋巴细胞却可以直接抑制流感病毒的复制。  相似文献   

The influenza A virus non-structural protein 1 (NS1) is a multifunctional virulence factor consisting of an RNA binding domain and several Src-homology (SH) 2 and SH3 binding motifs, which promotes virus replication in the host cell and helps to evade antiviral immunity. NS1 modulates general host cell physiology in association with various cellular molecules including NS1-binding protein (NS1-BP) and signaling adapter protein CRK-like (CRKL), while the physiological role of NS1-BP during influenza A virus infection especially in association with NS1 remains unclear. In this study, we analyzed the intracellular association of NS1-BP, NS1 and CRKL to elucidate the physiological roles of these molecules in the host cell. In HEK293T cells, enforced expression of NS1 of A/Beijing (H1N1) and A/Indonesia (H5N1) significantly induced excessive phosphorylation of ERK and elevated cell viability, while the over-expression of NS1-BP and the abrogation of CRKL using siRNA abolished such survival effect of NS1. The pull-down assay using GST-fusion CRKL revealed the formation of intracellular complexes of NS1-BP, NS1 and CRKL. In addition, we identified that the N-terminus SH3 domain of CRKL was essential for binding to NS1-BP using GST-fusion CRKL-truncate mutants. This is the first report to elucidate the novel function of NS1-BP collaborating with viral protein NS1 in modulation of host cell physiology. In addition, an alternative role of adaptor protein CRKL in association with NS1 and NS1-BP during influenza A virus infection is demonstrated.  相似文献   

Influenza A virus NS1 protein is a multifunctional virulence factor consisting of an RNA binding domain (RBD), a short linker, an effector domain (ED), and a C-terminal 'tail'. Although poorly understood, NS1 multimerization may autoregulate its actions. While RBD dimerization seems functionally conserved, two possible apo ED dimers have been proposed (helix-helix and strand-strand). Here, we analyze all available RBD, ED, and full-length NS1 structures, including four novel crystal structures obtained using EDs from divergent human and avian viruses, as well as two forms of a monomeric ED mutant. The data reveal the helix-helix interface as the only strictly conserved ED homodimeric contact. Furthermore, a mutant NS1 unable to form the helix-helix dimer is compromised in its ability to bind dsRNA efficiently, implying that ED multimerization influences RBD activity. Our bioinformatical work also suggests that the helix-helix interface is variable and transient, thereby allowing two ED monomers to twist relative to one another and possibly separate. In this regard, we found a mAb that recognizes NS1 via a residue completely buried within the ED helix-helix interface, and which may help highlight potential different conformational populations of NS1 (putatively termed 'helix-closed' and 'helix-open') in virus-infected cells. 'Helix-closed' conformations appear to enhance dsRNA binding, and 'helix-open' conformations allow otherwise inaccessible interactions with host factors. Our data support a new model of NS1 regulation in which the RBD remains dimeric throughout infection, while the ED switches between several quaternary states in order to expand its functional space. Such a concept may be applicable to other small multifunctional proteins.  相似文献   

Influenza A viruses (IAV) are enveloped viruses carrying a single-stranded negative-sense RNA genome. Detection of host proteins having a relationship with IAV and revealing of the role of these proteins in the viral replication are of great importance in keeping IAV infections under control. Consequently, the importance of human DDX56, which is determined to be associated with a viral NS1 with a yeast two-hybrid assay, was investigated for IAV replication. The viral replication in knocked down cells for the DDX56 gene was evaluated. The NS1 was co-precipitated with the DDX56 protein in lysates of cells transiently expressing DDX56 and NS1 or infected with the viruses, showing that NS1 and DDX56 interact in mammalian cells. Viral NS1 showed a tendency to co-localize with DDX56 in the cells, transiently expressing both of these proteins, which supports the IP and two-hybrid assays results. The data obtained with in silico predictions supported the in vitro protein interaction results. The viral replication was significantly reduced in the DDX56-knockdown cells comparing with that in the control cells. In conclusion, human DDX56 protein interacts with the IAV NS1 protein in both yeast and mammalian cells and has a positive regulatory effect on IAV replication. However, the mechanism of DDX56 on IAV replication requires further elucidation.  相似文献   

The influenza A virus genome consists of eight RNA segments that associate with the viral polymerase proteins (PB1, PB2, and PA) and nucleoprotein (NP) to form ribonucleoprotein complexes (RNPs). The viral NS1 protein was previously shown to associate with these complexes, although it was not clear which RNP component mediated the interaction. Using individual TAP (tandem affinity purification)-tagged PB1, PB2, PA, and NP, we demonstrated that the NS1 protein interacts specifically with NP and not the polymerase subunits. The region of NS1 that binds NP was mapped to the RNA-binding domain.  相似文献   

甲型流感病毒(influenza A virus,IAV)是每年季节性流感的主要病原体,也是全球儿童急性呼吸道感染的重要病毒性病原。非结构蛋白1(nonstructural protein 1,NS1)是由病毒基因组编码的蛋白,表达于被感染的细胞中,但不存在于病毒颗粒中。近年来,大量研究表明NS1是IAV的重要毒力因素,通过NS1-RNA之间、NS1-蛋白之间的相互作用,在拮抗宿主抗病毒反应、抑制宿主细胞凋亡、调节宿主及自身基因表达等多方面发挥作用。深入研究NS1与宿主细胞的相互作用,不仅可加深对IAV致病机制的理解,还可为预防和控制IAV的传播甚至暴发奠定理论基础,在新型抗病毒药物及疫苗研制中有着重要的应用价值。  相似文献   

The influenza A virus nonstructural NS1 protein is known to modulate host cell gene expression and to inhibit double-stranded RNA (dsRNA)-mediated antiviral responses. Here we identify NS1 as the first viral protein that antagonizes virus- and dsRNA-induced activation of the stress response-signaling pathway mediated through Jun N-terminal kinase.  相似文献   

The ubiquitously expressed protein Ser/Thr phosphatase-1 isoforms PP1alpha, PP1beta and PP1gamma1 are dynamically targeted to distinct, but overlapping cellular compartments by associated proteins. Within the nucleus of HeLa cells, EGFP-tagged PP1gamma1 and PP1beta were predominantly targeted to the nucleoli, while PP1alpha showed a more diffuse distribution. Using PP1 chimaeras and point mutants we show here that a single N-terminal residue, i.e., Gln20 for PP1alpha, Arg19 for PP1beta and Arg20 for PP1gamma1 accounts for their distinct subnuclear distribution. Our data also suggest that the N-terminus of PP1beta and PP1gamma1 harbours an interaction site for one or more nucleolar interactors.  相似文献   

We present a novel mechanism by which viruses may inhibit the alpha/beta interferon (IFN-alpha/beta) cascade. The double-stranded RNA (dsRNA) binding protein NS1 of influenza virus is shown to prevent the potent antiviral interferon response by inhibiting the activation of interferon regulatory factor 3 (IRF-3), a key regulator of IFN-alpha/beta gene expression. IRF-3 activation and, as a consequence, IFN-beta mRNA induction are inhibited in wild-type (PR8) influenza virus-infected cells but not in cells infected with an isogenic virus lacking the NS1 gene (delNS1 virus). Furthermore, NS1 is shown to be a general inhibitor of the interferon signaling pathway. Inhibition of IRF-3 activation can be achieved by the expression of wild-type NS1 in trans, not only in delNS1 virus-infected cells but also in cells infected with a heterologous RNA virus (Newcastle disease virus). We propose that inhibition of IRF-3 activation by a dsRNA binding protein significantly contributes to the virulence of influenza A viruses and possibly to that of other viruses.  相似文献   

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