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The universal sesquiterpene precursor, farnesyl diphosphate (FPP), is cyclized in an Mg(2+)-dependent reaction catalyzed by the tetrameric aristolochene synthase from Aspergillus terreus to form the bicyclic hydrocarbon aristolochene and a pyrophosphate anion (PP(i)) coproduct. The 2.1-A resolution crystal structure determined from crystals soaked with FPP reveals the binding of intact FPP to monomers A-C, and the binding of PP(i) and Mg(2+)(B) to monomer D. The 1.89-A resolution structure of the complex with 2-fluorofarnesyl diphosphate (2F-FPP) reveals 2F-FPP binding to all subunits of the tetramer, with Mg(2+)(B)accompanying the binding of this analogue only in monomer D. All monomers adopt open activesite conformations in these complexes, but slight structural changes in monomers C and D of each complex reflect the very initial stages of a conformational transition to the closed state. Finally, the 2.4-A resolution structure of the complex with 12,13-difluorofarnesyl diphosphate (DF-FPP) reveals the binding of intact DF-FPP to monomers A-C in the open conformation and the binding of PP(i), Mg(2+)(B), and Mg(2+)(C) to monomer D in a predominantly closed conformation. Taken together, these structures provide 12 independent "snapshots" of substrate or product complexes that suggest a possible sequence for metal ion binding and conformational changes required for catalysis.  相似文献   

Unusual polyketide synthases (PKSs), that are structurally type I but act in an iterative manner for aromatic polyketide biosynthesis, are a new family found in bacteria. Here we report the cloning of the iterative type I PKS gene chlB1 from the chlorothricin (CHL) producer Streptomyces antibioticus DSM 40725 by a rapid PCR approach, and characterization of the function of the gene product as a 6-methylsalicyclic acid synthase (6-MSAS). Sequence analysis of various iterative type I PKSs suggests that the resulting aromatic or aliphatic structure of the products might be intrinsically determined by a catalytic feature of the paired KR-DH domains in the control of the double bond geometry. The finding of ChlB1 as a 6-MSAS not only enriches the current knowledge of aromatic polyketide biosynthesis in bacteria, but will also contribute to the generation of novel polyketide analogs via combinatorial biosynthesis with engineered PKSs.  相似文献   

Li C  Han J  Shang D  Li J  Wang Y  Wang Y  Zhang Y  Yao Q  Zhang C  Li K  Li X 《Gene》2012,503(1):101-109
Most methods for genome-wide association studies (GWAS) focus on discovering a single genetic variant, but the pathogenesis of complex diseases is thought to arise from the joint effect of multiple genetic variants. Information about pathway structure, such as the interactions and distances between gene products within pathways, can help us learn more about the functions and joint effect of genes associated with disease risk. We developed a novel sub-pathway based approach to study the joint effect of multiple genetic variants that are modestly associated with disease. The approach prioritized sub-pathways based on the significance values of single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) and the interactions and distances between gene products within pathways. We applied the method to seven complex diseases. The result showed that our method can efficiently identify statistically significant sub-pathways associated with the pathogenesis of complex diseases. The approach identified sub-pathways that may inform the interpretation of GWAS data.  相似文献   

Conidiogenone, a diterpene with a unique structure, is known to induce the conidiation of Penicillium cyclopium. The biosynthetic pathway of (?)-conidiogenone has been fully elucidated by the heterologous expression of biosynthetic genes in Aspergillus oryzae and by in vitro enzyme assay with 13C-labeled substrates. After construction of deoxyconidiogenol by the action of bifunctional terpene synthase, one cytochrome P450 catalyzes two rounds of oxidation to furnish conidiogenone. Notably, similar biosynthetic genes are conserved among more than 10 Penicillium sp., suggesting that conidiogenone is a common conidiation inducer in this genus. The cyclization mechanism catalyzed by terpene synthase, which involves successive 1,2-alkyl shifts, was fully elucidated using 13C-labeled geranylgeranyl pyrophosphate (GGPP) as substrate. During the structural analysis of deoxyconidiogenol, we observed broadening of some of the 13C signals measured at room temperature, which has not been observed with other structurally related compounds. Careful examination using techniques including 13C NMR studies at ?80 °C, conformational analysis and prediction of the 13C chemical shifts using density functional theory gave insights into this intriguing phenomenon.  相似文献   

The araD gene from Escherichia coli, coding for L-ribulose-5-phosphate 4-epimerase, was overexpressed and the resulting enzyme was purified to homogeneity. Crystals of L-ribulose-5-phosphate 4-epimerase, obtained with 4.0 M sodium formate as precipitant, belong to space group P4212 with unit cell dimensions a = b = 107.8 A and c = 281.4 A and diffract to at least 2.2 A resolution. Density measurements of these crystals are consistent with eight subunits in the asymmetric unit.  相似文献   

Glycogen synthase kinase 3: a drug target for CNS therapies   总被引:24,自引:0,他引:24  
Abstract Glycogen synthase kinase3 (GSK3) is emerging as a prominent drug target in the CNS. The most exciting of the possibilities of GSK3 lies within the treatment of Alzheimer's disease (AD) where abnormal increases in GSK3 levels and activity have been associated with neuronal death, paired helical filament tau formation and neurite retraction as well as a decline in cognitive performance. Abnormal activity of GSK3 is also implicated in stroke. Lithium, a widely used drug for affective disorders, inhibits GSK3 at therapeutically relevant concentrations. Thus while the rationale remains testable, pharmaceutical companies are investing in finding a selective inhibitor of GSK3. In the present review, we summarize the properties of GSK3, and discuss the potential for such a therapy in AD, and other CNS disorders.  相似文献   

Proton decoupled 31P and 13C solution NMR experiments were applied to mixtures of 3-deoxy-D-manno-2-octulosonate-8-phosphate (KDO8P) synthase, with each of its natural substrates, phosphoenolpyruvate and arabinose-5-phosphate (ASP), and product KDO8P to identify the formation of the enzyme-substrate and enzyme-product complexes. Effects arising from ligand interactions with the enzyme are reported via chemical shifts and line broadening with respect to those of the free ligands in solution, depending on the strength and dynamics of binding under thermodynamic equilibrium conditions. The characterization was done both at low and high field spectrometers, 200 and 500 MHz (1H frequencies), and in cases of 31P NMR measurements, it was demonstrated that only the low field spectrometer is capable of providing direct experimental evidence on the enzyme-ligand interactions. Since both the substrate A5P and the product KDO8P exhibit multiple anomeric forms in solution, evidence for the preference of recognition and binding of particular forms is sought.  相似文献   

In recent years, high throughput screening (HTS) studies have been increasingly employed as an integral element of bioprocess development activities. These studies are often limited by an analytical bottleneck; they generate multiple samples for analysis and the available analytical methods cannot always cope with the added analytical burden. A potential solution to this challenge is offered by the deployment of appropriate analytics. This article outlines features of analytical methods that affect their fit to high throughput (HT) applications. These are discussed for a range of analytics frequently used in bioprocess development studies of monoclonal antibodies. It then outlines how these features need to be considered in order to classify analytical methods in terms of their particular application in high throughput scenarios. Biotechnol. Bioeng. 2013; 110: 1924–1935. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

4-Hydroxybutyryl-CoA dehydratase from Clostridium aminobutyricum catalyses the reversible dehydration of its substrate 4-hydroxybutyryl-CoA (4-HB-CoA) to crotonyl CoA. The enzyme contains one [4Fe-4S](2+) cluster and one flavin adenine dinucleotide (FAD) molecule per homotetramer. Incubation of the enzyme with its substrate under equilibrium conditions followed by freezing at 77K induced the EPR-spectrum of a neutral flavin semiquinone (g=2.005, linewidth 2.1 mT), while at 10K additional signals were detected. In an attempt to characterize these signals, 4-HB-CoA molecules specifically labeled with (13)C have been synthesized. This was achieved via (13)C-labeled gamma-butyrolactones, which were obtained from (13)C-labeled bromoacetic acids by efficient synthetic routes. Incubation of the (13)C-labeled 4-hydroxybutyrate-CoA molecules with 4-hydroxybutyryl-CoA dehydratase did not lead to marked broadening of the signals.  相似文献   

Manganese peroxidase (MnP) from the white rot fungus Phanerochaete chrysosporium contains a manganese-binding site that plays a critical role in its function. Previously, a MnII-binding site was designed into cytochrome c peroxidase (CcP) based on sequence homology (Yeung et al. in Chem. Biol. 4:215–222, 1997; Gengenbach et al. in Biochemistry 38:11425–11432, 1999). Here, we report a redesign of this site based on X-ray structural comparison of MnP and CcP. The variant, CcP(D37E, V45E, H181E), displays 2.5-fold higher catalytic efficiency (k cat/K M) than the variant in the original design, mostly due to a stronger K M of 1.9 mM (vs. 4.1 mM). High-resolution X-ray crystal structures of a metal-free form and a form with CoII at the designed MnII site were also obtained. The metal ion in the engineered metal-binding site overlays well with MnII bound in MnP, suggesting that this variant is the closest structural model of the MnII-binding site in MnP for which a crystal structure exists. A major difference arises in the distances of the ligands to the metal; the metal–ligand interactions in the CcP variant are much weaker than the corresponding interactions in MnP, probably owing to partial occupancy of metal ion at the designed site, difference in the identity of metal ions (CoII rather than MnII) and other interactions in the second coordination sphere. These results indicate that the metal ion, the ligands, and the environment around the metal-binding site play important roles in tuning the structure and function of metalloenzymes. Electronic supplementary material Supplementary material is available in the online version of this article at and is accessible for authorized users.  相似文献   

The asteltoxin-producing fungus Emericella variecolor IFM42010 possesses 22 highly-reducing polyketide synthase (HR-PKS) genes. Of these, an HR-PKS with a methyltransferase domain but lacking an enoylreductase domain could be involved in the biosynthesis of asteltoxin and related compounds. From six such candidate HR-PKS genes, Ev460pks was analyzed by gene disruption in E. variecolor and heterologous expression in Aspergillus oryzae. The Ev460pks-disrupted strain retained asteltoxin production ability, indicating that Ev460pks is not involved in asteltoxin biosynthesis. The A. oryzae transformant harboring the Ev460pks gene produced compounds 1 and 2, along with several unidentified products possibly decomposed from 2. Spectroscopic analyses revealed that 1 was a 4-methyl-β-ketolactone with a methylheptatriene side-chain at the C-5 position, and 2 was also a 4-methyl-β-ketolactone, bearing a dimethyltetradecahexaene side-chain at the same position. The relative configuration at C-4 in compounds 1 and 2 was opposite.  相似文献   

Phosphocholine as a pattern recognition ligand for CD36   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We have previously shown that CD36 recognizes oxidation products of phospholipids on oxidized LDL (OxLDL) such as 1-palmitoyl-2-(5'-oxovaleroyl)-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine (POVPC). The current study was designed to examine whether the phosphocholine (PC) headgroup in POVPC constitutes an obligatory binding target for CD36. To examine the contribution of PC in the binding of POVPC to CD36, we used well-defined synthetic oxidized phospholipids (OxPLs) cross-linked to BSA or to a hexapeptide. The OxPL adducts were then tested for their ability to bind to CD36-transfected cells and for their ability to inhibit OxLDL binding to CD36. Both POVPC-BSA and POVPC-peptide adducts were high-affinity ligands for CD36 and potent inhibitors of OxLDL binding. Enzymatic removal of the entire PC moiety of the POVPC-peptide, or of the choline headgroup alone, as well as substitution of the choline headgroup by ethanolamine abrogated the inhibitory activity of POVPC. Interestingly, PC by itself or cross-linked to BSA did not show any intrinsic competition activity. In conclusion, our data demonstrate that the PC headgroup of OxPL alone is sufficient for binding to CD36, but only if presented in the correct conformation as in OxPL of OxLDL or as in POVPC-peptide adducts.  相似文献   

Summary Despite extensive efforts to develop suitable media for rearing the intramolluscan stages of schistosomes, successful in vitro culture of these parasites remains elusive. Recent31P NMR studies demonstrated that the levels of free phospholipids, particularly phosphatidylcholine, in the digestive gland of the snail,Biomphalaria glabrata, were dramatically reduced when the host was infected withSchistosoma mansoni. It was speculated that absorption of host phosphatides may be an important source of membrane phospholipid precursors and fatty acids for developing sporocysts and cercariae. During the present investigations,B. glabrata was maintained on a high fat diet of egg yolk, and the lipid composition of control uninfected and infected snails examined by31P and13C NMR. In addition, the levels of host hemolymph metabolites, including glucose and urea, considered as indicators of parasite nutrient uptake, were monitored. The lipid level of snails fed egg yolk was greatly increased, and hosts developed patent infections in approximately half the time of infected snails maintained on lettuce. The composition of the free phospholipids accumulated in the tissues ofB. glabrata fed egg yolk were the same as those previously reported in the cercarial stage ofS. mansoni. Moreover, the fatty acids ofS. mansoni and those reported here in the neutral lipids and free phosphatides in the host tissues were similar. Uninfected snails maintained on lettuce had higher hemolymph levels of glucose than those reared on egg yolk, and infected hosts on egg yolk had significantly lower levels of hemolymph urea. β-hydroxybutyrate was the principal hemolymph metabolite in snails fed egg yolk, but was not detected in snails maintained on lettuce. The level of β-hydroxybutyrate in the hemolymph of snails on egg yolk was significantly reduced by infection. The results indicated that the pattern of host hemolymph nutrient utilization by larval schistosomes may be markedly altered by host diet, and it was concluded that host lipids may directly and indirectly be important nutrients for developing schistosomes. Future studies on in vitro culture of the intramolluscan stages of schistosomes should emphasize the potential role of lipids and attempt to define the nutritive value of those medium components that presently supply lipids in culture media, most notably serum.  相似文献   

Multiple myeloma (MM) cells demonstrate high basal endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress and are typically exquisitely sensitive to agents such as proteasome inhibitors that activate the unfolded protein response. The flavin adenosine dinucleotide (FAD) containing endoplasmic reticulum oxidoreductin enzyme (Ero1L) catalyzes de-novo disulfide bridge formation of ER resident proteins and contributes to proper protein folding. Here we show that increased Ero1L expression is prognostic of poor outcomes for MM patients relapsing on therapy. We propose that targeting protein folding via inhibition of Ero1L may represent a novel therapeutic strategy for the treatment of MM. In this report we show that treatment of MM cells with EN-460, a known inhibitor of ERO1L, was sufficient to inhibit cell proliferation and induce apoptosis. Furthermore, we show that cell death correlated in part with induction of ER stress. We also show that EN460 inhibited the enzyme activity of Ero1L, with an IC50 of 22.13?μM, consistent with previous reports. However, EN-460 was also found to inhibit other FAD-containing enzymes including MAO-A (IC50?=?7.91?μM), MAO-B (IC50?=?30.59?μM) and LSD1 (IC50?=?4.16?μM), suggesting overlap in inhibitor activity and the potential need to develop more specific inhibitors to enable pharmacological validation of ERO1L as a target for the treatment of MM. We additionally prepared and characterized azide-tagged derivatives of EN-460 as possible functional probe compounds (e.g., for photo-affinity labeling) for future target-engagement studies and further development of structure-activity relationships.  相似文献   

A new synthesis of both epimeric forms of 26-cholestanoic acids and 26-alcohols containing a 3beta-hydroxy-Delta(5)- or a Delta(4)-3-keto-functionality in ring A is described starting from stigmasterol or (20S)-3beta-acetoxy-pregn-5-en-20-carboxylic acid. The obtained compounds are useful as standards for studies of cholic acids. Construction of the side chain was achieved by linkage of steroidal 23-iodides to sulfones prepared from (2R)- and (2S)-3-hydroxy-2-methylpropanoates. Oxidation of intermediate 26-alcohols into the corresponding carboxylic acids ensuring preservation of stereochemistry at C-25 and functional groups in the cyclic part was achieved with sodium chlorite catalyzed by TEMPO and bleach.  相似文献   

Chemokines are important immune system proteins, many of which mediate inflammation due to their function to activate and cause chemotaxis of leukocytes. An important anti-inflammatory strategy is therefore to bind and inhibit chemokines, which leads to the need for biophysical studies of chemokines as they bind various possible partners. Because a successful anti-chemokine drug should bind at low concentrations, techniques such as fluorescence anisotropy that can provide nanomolar signal detection are required. To allow fluorescence experiments to be carried out on chemokines, a method is described for the production of fluorescently labeled chemokines. First, a fusion-tagged chemokine is produced in Escherichia coli, then efficient cleavage of the N-terminal fusion partner is carried out with lab-produced enterokinase, followed by covalent modification with a fluorophore, mediated by the lab-produced sortase enzyme. This overall process reduces the need for expensive commercial enzymatic reagents. Finally, we utilize the product, vMIP-fluor, in binding studies with the chemokine binding protein vCCI, which has great potential as an anti-inflammatory therapeutic, showing a binding constant for vCCI:vMIP-fluor of 0.37 ± 0.006 nM. We also show how a single modified chemokine homolog (vMIP-fluor) can be used in competition assays with other chemokines and we report a Kd for vCCI:CCL17 of 14 μM. This work demonstrates an efficient method of production and fluorescent labeling of chemokines for study across a broad range of concentrations.  相似文献   

The formation of cholesterol and sphingolipids into specialized liquid-ordered membrane microdomains (rafts) has been proposed to function in the intracellular sorting and transport of proteins and lipids. Defined by biochemical criteria, rafts resist solubilization in nonionic detergents, enabling them to be isolated as detergent-resistant membranes (DRM). In this study, we characterized the lipid composition of DRM from a cell model of the sphingolipid storage disorder, Gaucher disease, in which the catabolism of the sphingolipid glucosylceramide (GC) is impaired. In this cell model, we showed that GC accumulated primarily in the DRM, with smaller secondary increases in ceramide, dihexosylceramide, trihexosylceramide, and phosphatidylglycerol. This suggested that not only was lipid metabolism altered as a consequence of the cells' inability to degrade GC, but this affected the DRM rather than other regions of the membrane. This increase in lipids in the DRM may be responsible for the altered lipid and protein sorting seen in Gaucher disease. Analysis of individual lipid species revealed preservation of the shorter and fully saturated fatty acid species in the DRM, suggesting that the highly ordered and tightly packed nature of the DRM is maintained.  相似文献   

Monoamine oxidase (MAO) catalyzes the oxidative deamination of biogenic and exogenous amines and its inhibitors have therapeutic value for several conditions including affective disorders, stroke, neurodegenerative diseases and aging. The discovery of 2,3,6-trimethyl-1,4-naphthoquinone (TMN) as a nonselective and reversible inhibitor of MAO, has suggested 1,4-naphthoquinone (1,4-NQ) as a potential scaffold for designing new MAO inhibitors. Combining molecular modeling tools and biochemical assays we evaluate the kinetic and molecular details of the inhibition of human MAO by 1,4-NQ, comparing it with TMN and menadione. Menadione (2-methyl-1,4-naphthoquinone) is a multitarget drug that acts as a precursor of vitamin K and an inducer of mitochondrial permeability transition. Herein we show that MAO-B was inhibited competitively by 1,4-NQ (Ki = 1.4 μM) whereas MAO-A was inhibited by non-competitive mechanism (Ki = 7.7 μM). Contrasting with TMN and 1,4-NQ, menadione exhibited a 60-fold selectivity for MAO-B (Ki = 0.4 μM) in comparison with MAO-A (Ki = 26 μM), which makes it as selective as rasagiline. Fluorescence and molecular modeling data indicated that these inhibitors interact with the flavin moiety at the active site of the enzyme. Additionally, docking studies suggest the phenyl side groups of Tyr407 and Tyr444 (for MAO-A) or Tyr398 and Tyr435 (for MAO-B) play an important role in the interaction of the enzyme with 1,4-NQ scaffold through forces of dispersion as verified for menadione, TMN and 1,4-NQ. Taken together, our findings reveal the molecular details of MAO inhibition by 1,4-NQ scaffold and show for the first time that menadione acts as a competitive and reversible inhibitor of human MAO.  相似文献   

Panic disorder is a major cause of medical attention with substantial social and health service cost. Based on pharmacological studies, research on its etiopathogenesis has been focused on the possible dysfunction of specific neurotransmitter systems. However, recent work has related the genes involved in development, synaptic plasticity and synaptic remodeling to anxiety disorders. This implies that learning processes and changes in perception, interpretation and behavioral responses to environmental stimuli are essential for development of complex anxiety responses secondary to the building of specific brain neural circuits and to adult plasticity. The focus of this review is on progress achieved in identifying genes that confer increased risk for panic disorder through genetic epidemiology and the use of genetically modified mouse models. The integration of human and animal studies targeting behavioral, systems-level, cellular and molecular levels will most probably help identify new molecules with potential impact on the pathogenetic aspects of the disease.  相似文献   

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