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The acrosome reaction (AR) of sperm is a prerequisite for fusion with the egg. In sea urchins, the complete AR (CAR) consists of exocytosis of the acrosomal vesicle (AV) and polymerization of acrosomal actin to form the approximately 1 micro m long acrosomal process. The fucose sulfate polymer (FSP) of egg jelly stimulates Ca(2+) entry through two distinct Ca(2+) channels and induces the CAR. Here we report that the second channel is blocked by SKF96365 (SKF), an inhibitor of store-operated channels. SKF also blocks the thapsigargin (TG), trifluoperazine (TFP), and calmidizolium (CMZ) stimulated Ca(2+) entry into sperm. These data indicate that the second Ca(2+) channel is a store-operated channel (SOC) that may be regulated by calmodulin. The TG, TFP, and CMZ-induced intracellular Ca(2+) elevations are similar to those induced by FSP, but the sperm acrosomal process does not polymerize. An antibody to bindin, the major protein of the AV, showed that in a significant percentage of these drug-treated sperm, the AV had undergone exocytosis. When NH(4)Cl was added to increase intracellular pH, the TG-treated sperm polymerized actin to form the acrosomal process. We conclude that the second Ca(2+) channel of sea urchin sperm is a SOC that triggers AV exocytosis.  相似文献   

Human sperm are endowed with voltage-dependent calcium channels (VDCC) that produce increases in [Ca2+]i in response to depolarization with KCl. These channels are stimulated during "capacitation", a complex biochemical process, accompanied by a slight pHi alkalization, that sperm must accomplish to acquire the ability to fertilize the egg. The stimulation can be explained in part by the fact that in non-capacitated sperm, calcium influx through VDCC is stimulated by pHi alkalization in the range of pHi observed during capacitation. In this work, we explored the effect of pHi on VDCC in capacitated sperm loaded with fura ff. Strikingly, the pHi sensitivity of VDCC increased approximately 7-fold when sperm was capacitated, as compared with non-capacitated sperm. This finding suggests that the pHi sensitivity of VDCC can be modulated during capacitation so that a combined effect of pHi alkalization and biochemical regulation enhances calcium influx through these channels.  相似文献   

Human spermatozoa stimulated with progesterone (a product of the cumulus and thus encountered by sperm prior to fertilization in vivo) apparently mobilize Ca(2+) and respond very differently according to the way in which the steroid is presented. A progesterone concentration ramp (0-3 microM) induces [Ca(2+)](i) oscillations (repetitive store mobilization) which modify flagellar beating, whereas bolus application of micromolar progesterone causes a single large transient (causing acrosome reaction) which is apparently dependent upon Ca(2+) influx. We have investigated Ca(2+)-mobilization and functional responses in human sperm exposed to 3 muM progesterone. The [Ca(2+)](i) response to progesterone was abolished by 4 min incubation in 0 Ca(2+) medium (2 mM EGTA) but in nominally Ca(2+)-free medium (no added Ca(2+); 0 EGTA) a smaller, slow response occurred. Single cell imaging showed a similar effect of nominally Ca(2+)-free medium and approximately 5% of cells generated a small transient even in the presence of EGTA. When cells were exposed to EGTA-containing saline (5 min) and then returned to nominally Ca(2+)-free medium before stimulation, the [Ca(2+)](i) transient was greatly delayed (approximately 50 s) and rise time was doubled in comparison to cells not subjected to EGTA pre-treatment. We conclude that mobilization of stored Ca(2+) contributes a 'slow' component to the progesterone-induced [Ca(2+)](i) transient and that incubation in EGTA-buffered saline is able rapidly to deplete this store. Analysis of flagellar activity induced by 3 muM progesterone showed an effect (modified beating) associated with the [Ca(2+)](i) transient, in >80% of cells bathed in nominally Ca(2+)-free medium. This was reduced greatly in cells subjected to 5 min EGTA pre-treatment. The store-mediated transient showed a pharmacological sensitivity similar to that of progesterone-induced [Ca(2+)](i) oscillations (consistent with filling of the store by an SPCA) suggesting that the transient induced by micromolar progesterone is a 'single shot' activation of the same store that generates Ca(2+) oscillations.  相似文献   

The involvement of the transmembrane regions S2, S3 and S4 in the activation of potassium channels by depolarization has been well clarified. However, a role of the intracellular regions in channel function is emerging. Here we review recent evidence for the roles of intracellular regions in the functioning of members of two families of channels. The Kv2.1 potassium channel, a member of the voltage activated Kv family, has long intracellular regions. By mutagenesis studies and expression in oocytes, we identify residues in both the N- and C-terminal regions that contribute to determining activation kinetics of this channel. It seems that the C-terminus wraps around the N-terminus and interacts with it functionally. The voltage-activated ether-a-go-go (eag) channels also have long intracellular regions. Despite considerable homology, eag1 and eag2 channels display different activation kinetics. By making chimeras between these channels and again expressing in oocytes, we show that residues in both the N-terminal region and the membrane-spanning region are involved in determining these differences in activation kinetics. The intracellular N- and C-terminal regions are likely to continue to prove fertile regions in future investigations into the functioning of ion channels.Presented at the Biophysical Society Meeting on Ion channels—from structure to disease held in May 2003, Rennes, France  相似文献   

Summary There are species of hydrozoans, Eutonina victoria, Mitrocomella polydiademata, and Phialidium gregarium whose eggs contain calcium-specific photoproteins. These cytoplasmic photoproteins are synthesized during oogenesis. During the cleavage stages of embryogenesis they are distributed to all of the cells of the developing planula larva. The amount of photoprotein slowly declines during the development of the planula larva, and markedly declines when the planula undergoes metamorphosis to become a polyp.Oocytes, unfertilized eggs, and fertilized eggs prior to the first cleavage do not produce light when treated with KCl. The ability to respond to KCl appears about the time of first cleavage, and is correlated with the appearance of active membrane responses. Both the KCl response and the action potentials will occur in sodium-free sea water, and both are inhibited by calcium channel blockers. These and other experiments suggest that voltage sensitive calcium channels first become active at about the time of first cleavage. These channels also appear on the same schedule in both unfertilized eggs and in enucleated egg fragments, which have been artificially activated with A23187.Developing planulae produce few or no spontaneous light responses before gastrulation. Later the frequency and magnitude of spontaneous light production increases presumably due to an increasing frequency and magnitude of calcium transients. Both the natural trigger of metamorphosis (bacteria) and an artificial trigger (CsCl) cause a conspicuous series of calcium transients. When these transients are inhibited by calcium channel blockers, metamorphosis is also inhibited.  相似文献   

The antibodies against omega-conotoxin GVIA (-CTX GVIA; N-type voltage-dependent calcium channel [VDCC] blocker) and B1Nt (N-terminal segment [residues 1–13] of BI 1 subunits of VDCCs) were prepared, and the selectivity for each antigen -CTX GVIA and B1Nt was investigated. For the antigen selectivity of anti–-CTX GVIA antibody against -CTX GVIA, ELISA, and immunoprecipitation were used. The reactions for ELISA and immunoprecipitation were observed except when antibody IgG purified by Protein A–Sepharose CL-4B from nonimmunized serum (purified NI-Ab) was used. The specific reactions were inhibited by 10 nM -CTX GVIA, but not by -CTX SVIB (N-type VDCC blocker), -CTX MVIIC (N- and P-type VDCC blocker), or -Aga IVA (P-type VDCC blocker). For the antigen selectivity of the anti-B1Nt antibody, analyses by ELISA, immunoprecipitation, and Western blotting were conducted. The reactions were observed except when NI-Ab was used. The ELISA and immunoprecipitation reactions were inhibited by the antigen peptide B1Nt, and the IC50 values were about 1.2 × 1028 and 1.3 × 1028 M, respectively. The bands of 210 and 190 kD by Western blotting of crude membranes from chick brain were also inhibited by 1 M B1Nt. These results suggest that the antibodies prepared against -CTX GVIA and B1Nt in this work have high selectivity for their antigen. Therefore we assume that the antibodies against -CTX GVIA and B1Nt are useful tools for the analyses of the function and distribution of N-type VDCCs. The anti -CTX GVIA antibody must also be useful for the radioimmunoassay of -CTX GVIA.  相似文献   

The marine alga Ulva compressa exposed to 10 µM copper showed a triphasic increase of intracellular calcium with maximal levels at 2, 3 and 12 h involving the activation of ryanodine-, Ins(1,4,5)P3- and NAADP-sensitive calcium channels. In order to analyze the requirement of extracellular calcium entry for intracellular calcium release as well as the activation of voltage-dependent calcium channels (VDCC) and phospholipase C, U. compressa was treated with EGTA, a non-permeable calcium chelating agent, with verapamil, nipfedipine and diltiazem, inhibitors of L-type VDCC, and with neomycin and U731222, inhibitors of phospholipase C. The release of intracellular calcium was partially inhibited with EGTA at 2 and 3 h and completely inhibited at 12 h of copper exposure and decreased with inhibitors of L-type VDCC and phospholipase C. Thus, copper-induced intracellular calcium release depends on calcium entry and activation of L-type VDCC and phospholipase C. An integrative model of copper-induced cellular responses in U. compressa is presented.  相似文献   

This study was undertaken to determine the role of calcium ion, a key regulator of the intensity and form of motility in mature demembranated sperm, in the development of motility during passage through the bovine epididymis. Cellular calcium levels in bovine caput and cauda epididymal spermatozoa were measured with three different techniques. 45Ca2+ uptake measurements revealed that net calcium uptake and Ca2(+)-Ca2+ exchange in caput spermatozoa were about 2 to 3 times higher than in caudal spermatozoa. Intracellular free calcium determination with the calcium fluorophore Fura 2 showed that the levels were 6 times higher in caput spermatozoa. The values for caput and caudal sperm were 875 +/- 55 nM (n = 15) and 155 +/- 6 nM (n = 24), respectively. Total cellular calcium levels quantitated by atomic absorption were 626 +/- 30 (n = 48) and 304 +/- 19 (n = 46) ng/10(8) sperm in caput and caudal epididymal sperm, respectively. At least one of the reasons for the high calcium content of caput epididymal sperm is the result of a higher rate and extent of mitochondrial calcium accumulation in caput compared to caudal sperm. Mitochondrial calcium uptake rates measured in digitonin permeabilized cells revealed uptake rates 2- to 3-fold higher in caput compared to caudal sperm. However, mitochondrial calcium efflux rates were identical in caput and caudal epididymal sperm. The efflux rates in both cell types were unaffected by external sodium levels but were found to be proportional to pH. Alkalinization or acidification of internal pH of intact sperm resulted in a corresponding lowering or elevation of cytoplasmic free calcium levels.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

The effect of heparin-induced capacitation on the intracellular pH (pHi) of individual bovine sperm was determined with image analysis. Sperm were loaded with the acetoxymethyl ester of the pH sensitive fluorescent indicator, 2′,7′-bis(carboxyethyl)-5(6)-carboxy-fluorescein (BCECF). The pHi of 5303 sperm was evaluated from a total of five bulls at .5, 2, 3, 4, and 5 h of incubation. The pHi did not differ between the sperm head and mid-piece (P > 0.05). An increase in sperm head pHi was seen in heparin-treated sperm at 3, 4, and 5 h of incubation relative to sperm incubated without heparin (control, P < 0.05). At 5 h of incubation, the pHi in heparin-treated sperm was 6.92 ± 0.07, while control-treated sperm pHi was 6.70 ± 0.03. Initially a normal frequency distribution was seen for sperm pHi in both heparin- and control-treated sperm. As the incubation progressed, the frequency distribution began to skew towards higher pHi in both samples but was more dispersed for the heparin-treated sperm. Following an NH4Cl-induced alkaline load, the pHi of both control- and heparin-treated sperm recovered toward the resting pHi with a half-time of recovery of 1.5–1.7 min. The recovery of sperm pHi was not due to leakage of NH4+ into sperm because recovery also occurred with trimethylamine. The instantaneous velocity of the pHi recovery (vi) was dependent on pHi and decreased as pHi decreased. Capacitation by heparin was associated with an 81% decrease in vi at a pHi of 7.00, but there was no effect of capacitation on the proton buffering power of the sperm, which was 87 ± 8 mM/pH unit. Results demonstrate that both the regulation of pHi and resting pHi were altered during capacitation of bovine sperm by heparin. © 1995 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

《Cell calcium》2016,59(6):617-627
Neurons possess an elaborate system of endolysosomes. Recently, endolysosomes were found to have readily releasable stores of intracellular calcium; however, relatively little is known about how such ‘acidic calcium stores’ affect calcium signaling in neurons. Here we demonstrated in primary cultured neurons that calcium released from acidic calcium stores triggered calcium influx across the plasma membrane, a phenomenon we have termed “acidic store-operated calcium entry (aSOCE)”. aSOCE was functionally distinct from store-operated calcium release and calcium entry involving endoplasmic reticulum. aSOCE appeared to be governed by N-type calcium channels (NTCCs) because aSOCE was attenuated significantly by selectively blocking NTCCs or by siRNA knockdown of NTCCs. Furthermore, we demonstrated that NTCCs co-immunoprecipitated with the lysosome associated membrane protein 1 (LAMP1), and that aSOCE is accompanied by increased cell-surface expression levels of NTCC and LAMP1 proteins. Moreover, we demonstrated that siRNA knockdown of LAMP1 or Rab27a, both of which are key proteins involved in lysosome exocytosis, attenuated significantly aSOCE. Taken together our data suggest that aSOCE occurs in neurons, that aSOCE plays an important role in regulating the levels and actions of intraneuronal calcium, and that aSOCE is regulated at least in part by exocytotic insertion of N-type calcium channels into plasma membranes through LAMP1-dependent lysosome exocytosis.  相似文献   

Voltage-gated sodium and calcium channels are responsible for inward movement of sodium and calcium during electrical signals in cell membranes. Their principal subunits are members of a gene family and can function as voltage-gated ion channels by themselves. They are expressed in association with one or more auxiliary subunits which increase functional expression and modify the functional properties of the principal subunits. Structural elements which are required for voltage-dependent activation, selective ion conductance, and inactivation have been identified, and their mechanisms of action are being explored through mutagenesis, expression in heterologous cells, and functional analysis. These experiments reveal that these two channels are built on a common structural theme with variations appropriate for functional specialization of each channel type.  相似文献   

Action of serotonin (5-HT) on single Ca(2+) channel activity was studied in identified neurons of snail Helix pomatia. Only one type of Ca(2+) channels of 5 pS unitary conductance was determined under patch-clamp cell-attached mode. Kinetic analysis have shown a monotonically declining distribution of channel open times (OT) with mean time constant of 0.2 ms. The distribution of channel closed times (CT) could be fitted by double-exponential curve with time constants 1 and 12 ms. We established that 5-HT acts on Ca(2+) channel activity indirectly via cytoplasm. 5-HT prolonged the OT (up to 0.3 ms) and shortened the CT proportionally for both constants to 0.4 and 6 ms correspondingly. A conclusion is made that enhancement of Ca(2+) macro-current by 5-HT is determined by kinetic changes, increase of the number of active channels, and increase of the probability of OT. At the same time the transmitter did not affect the unitary channel conductance.  相似文献   

Pédrono F  Khan NA  Legrand AB 《Life sciences》2004,74(22):2793-2801
We studied the role of natural occurring 1-O-alkylglycerols on the calcium signalling in Jurkat T-cells. Alkylglycerols evoked an increase in free intracellular calcium concentration [Ca2+]i, in a dose-dependent manner. When the experiments were performed in calcium-free buffer, the alkylglycerol response on the rise of [Ca2+]i was wholly abolished compared with the one in calcium-containing buffer, suggesting that these etherlipids induce a calcium influx by the opening of Ca2+ channels. We further employed inhibitors of voltage-gated calcium channels. We observed that omega-conotoxin, a blocker of N-type voltage-activated Ca2+ channels, but not verapamil, a blocker of L-type voltage-activated Ca2+ channels, curtailed significantly the calcium rise evoked by the lipid agents. Alkylglycerols also induced plasma membrane depolarisation, known to be involved in the opening of the voltage-gated calcium channels. Our study shows that alkylglycerols increase [Ca2+]i influx in human Jurkat T-cells possibly by modulating the permeability of calcium channels.  相似文献   

Commercial solvents such as toluene are commonly used as drugs of abuse by children and adolescents. The cellular and molecular sites and mechanisms of actions of these compounds are not well studied but their effects on behavior resemble those of central nervous system depressants such as alcohol, barbiturates and benzodiazepines. In this study, the effects of toluene on voltage-sensitive calcium channels (VSCCs) were measured in pheochromocytoma cells. The KCl-induced rise in intracellular calcium as measured by calcium imaging was almost completely blocked by the dihydropyridine calcium channel antagonist nifedipine verifying that undifferentiated pheochromocytoma cells express mainly the L-type of calcium channel. Toluene (0.3–3000 μM) by itself did not affect intracellular calcium levels in resting cells but dose-dependently inhibited the KCl-induced rise in calcium. This inhibition was substantially reversed upon washout of the toluene-containing solution. KCl-dependent increases in intracellular calcium in cells differentiated with nerve growth factor (NGF) were largely insensitive to nifedipine. Toluene produced a greater inhibition of the KCl response in NGF treated cells as compared with undifferentiated cells. A similar finding was obtained when whole-cell patch-clamp-electrophysiology was used to directly monitor the effects of toluene on voltage-activated calcium currents in undifferentiated and differentiated cells. These results show that dihydropyridine sensitive and insensitive calcium channels are inhibited by toluene and may represent important sites of action for this compound.  相似文献   

Transepithelial transport of calcium involves uptake at the apical membrane, movement across the cell, and extrusion at the basolateral membrane. Active vitamin D metabolites regulate the latter two processes by induction of calbindin D and the plasma membrane ATPase (calcium pump), respectively. The expression of calbindin D and the calcium pump declines with age in parallel with transepithelial calcium transport. The apical uptake of calcium is thought to be mediated by the recently cloned calcium channels-CaT1 (or ECaC2, TRPV6) and CaT2 (or ECaC1, TRPV5). The purpose of these studies was to determine whether there were age-related changes in intestinal calcium channel regulation and to identify the dietary factors responsible for their regulation. Young (2 months) and adult (12 months) rats were fed either a high calcium or low calcium diet for 4 weeks. The low calcium diet significantly increased duodenal CaT1 and CaT2 mRNA levels in both age groups, but the levels in the adult were less than half that of the young. The changes in calcium channel expression with age and diet were significantly correlated with duodenal calcium transport and with calbindin D levels. To elucidate the relative roles of serum 1,25(OH)2D3 and calcium in the regulation of calcium channel expression, young rats were fed diets containing varying amounts of calcium and vitamin D. Dietary vitamin D or exogenous 1,25(OH)2D3 more than doubled CaT1 mRNA levels, and this regulation was independent of dietary or serum calcium. These findings suggest that the apical calcium channels, along with calbindin and the calcium pump, may play a role in intestinal calcium transport and its modulation by age, dietary calcium, and 1,25(OH)2D3.  相似文献   

Exocytosis and endocytosis are Ca(2+)-dependent processes. The contribution of high-voltage activated Ca(2+) channels subtypes to exocytosis has been thoroughly studied in chromaffin cells. However, similar reports concerning endocytosis are unavailable. Thus, we studied here the effects of blockers of L (nifedipine), N (omega-conotoxin GVIA) and P/Q (omega-agatoxin IVA) Ca(2+) channel on Ca(2+) currents (I(Ca)), Ca(2+) entry (Q(Ca)), as well as on the changes in membrane capacitance (C(m)) in perforated-patch voltage-clamped bovine adrenal chromaffin cells. Using 500-ms pulses to 0 or +10 mV, given from a holding potential of -80 mV and 2 mM Ca(2+) we found that omega-conotoxin GVIA affected little the exo-endocytotic responses while omega-agatoxin IVA markedly blocked those responses. However, nifedipine blocked little exocytosis but almost completely inhibited endocytosis. We conclude that L-type Ca(2+) channels seem to be selectively coupled to endocytosis.  相似文献   

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