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A significant portion of the sulfide in lake sediments may be derived from sulfur-containing amino acids. Methionine degradation in Lake Mendota (Wisconsin) sediments was studied with gas chromatographic and radiotracer techniques. Temperature optimum and inhibitor studies showed that this process was biological. Methane thiol and dimethyl sulfide were produced in sediments when 1-μmol/ml unlabeled methionine was added. When chloroform (an inhibitor of one-carbon metabolism) was added to the sediments, methane thiol, carbon disulfide, and n-propane thiol were produced, even when no methionine was added. When 35S-labeled methionine was added to the sediments in tracer quantities (1.75 nmol/ml), labeled hydrogen sulfide was produced, and a roughly equal amount of label was incorporated into insoluble material. Methane and carbon dioxide were produced from [methyl-14C]methionine. Evidence is given favoring methane thiol as an intermediate in the formation of methane, carbon dioxide, and hydrogen sulfide from the terminal methiol group of methionine. Methionine may be an important source of sulfide in lake sediments.  相似文献   

Production and Consumption of Hydrogen in a Eutrophic Lake   总被引:1,自引:4,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
The vertical distribution of hydrogen was measured in the Loclat, a eutrophic and holomictic lake near Neuchâtel, Switzerland, before and during summer stratification. H2 concentrations decreased with depth in the anaerobic hypolimnion and were often below the detection limit (2.5 nl of H2 liter−1) in the water adjacent to the lake sediment. H2 was apparently not released from the lake sediment. The highest H2 concentrations (>4 μl of H2 liter−1) were observed in the aerobic water of the epilimnion and metalimnion. There, the H2 concentrations changed with time, indicating a turnover of H2. The H2 production processes could not be studied in the laboratory since incubation of water samples in light or darkness did not result in H2 production but rather always in H2 consumption. The possible role of cyanobacteria and algae for H2 production is discussed. Aerobic or anaerobic H2 consumption activities were observed at all depths of the water column, with highest activities in the hypolimnion. Aerobic H2 consumption activity was insensitive to azide inhibition, but sensitive to heat, mercuric chloride, or cyanide. It was restricted to a particle fraction of 0.2 to 3.0 μm in size, so that it must be due to single bacterial cells. Aerobic hydrogen bacteria, on the other hand, occurred in clusters of >3.0 μm. Therefore, the hydrogen bacteria could not have caused the H2 consumption in lake water. The aerobic H2 consumption activity followed Michaelis-Menten kinetics, with a Km of 67 nM H2. This is an exceptionally low value compared with Km values of hydrogenases in hydrogen bacteria and other species, but is similar to that for H2-decomposing abiontic soil hydrogenases.  相似文献   

Microbial electrosynthesis (MES) systems with mixed cultures often generate a variety of gaseous and soluble chemicals. Methane is the primary end product in mixed-culture MES because it is the thermodynamically most favorable reduction product of CO2. Here, we show that the peptaibol alamethicin selectively suppressed the growth of methanogens in mixed-culture MES systems, resulting in a shift of the solution and cathode communities to an acetate-producing system dominated by Sporomusa, a known acetogenic genus in MES systems. Archaea in the methane-producing control were dominated by Methanobrevibacter species, but no Archaea were detected in the alamethicin-treated reactors. No methane was detected in the mixed-culture reactors treated with alamethicin over 10 cycles (∼3 days each). Instead, acetate was produced at an average rate of 115 nmol ml−1 day−1, similar to the rate reported previously for pure cultures of Sporomusa ovata on biocathodes. Mixed-culture control reactors without alamethicin generated methane at nearly 100% coulombic recovery, and no acetate was detected. These results show that alamethicin is effective for the suppression of methanogen growth in MES systems and that its use enables the production of industrially relevant organic compounds by the inhibition of methanogenesis.  相似文献   

The rates, products, and controls of the metabolism of fermentation intermediates in the sediments of a eutrophic lake were examined. 14C-fatty acids were directly injected into sediment subcores for turnover rate measurements. The highest rates of acetate turnover were in surface sediments (0- to 2-cm depth). Methane was the dominant product of acetate metabolism at all depths. Simultaneous measurements of acetate, propionate, and lactate turnover in surface sediments gave turnover rates of 159, 20, and 3 μM/h, respectively. [2-14C]propionate and [U-14C]lactate were metabolized to [14C]acetate, 14CO2, and 14CH4. [14C]formate was completely converted to 14CO2 in less than 1 min. Inhibition of methanogenesis with chloroform resulted in an immediate accumulation of volatile fatty acids and hydrogen. Hydrogen inhibited the metabolism of C3-C5 volatile fatty acids. The rates of fatty acid production were estimated from the rates of fatty acid accumulation in the presence of chloroform or hydrogen. The mean molar rates of production were acetate, 82%; propionate, 13%; butyrates, 2%; and valerates, 3%. A working model for carbon and electron flow is presented which illustrates that fermentation and methanogenesis are the predominate steps in carbon flow and that there is a close interaction between fermentative bacteria, acetogenic hydrogen-producing bacteria, and methanogens.  相似文献   

Temporal changes in α-and β-glucosidase activities, dissolved organic matter content, and bacterial biomass were studied in the superficial sediment layer of a eutrophic lake during the period of anoxia. The mean α-and β-glucosidase activities were 30.7±11.0 and 15.1±6.2 nmol h−1 g−1 of dry sediment, respectively. The specifc β-glucosidase activity seemed to be stimulated by carbohydrates (r=0.80, P<0.05), whereas the specifc α-glucosidase activity was negatively correlated with the dissolved protein concentration (r=−0.72, P<0.10). To test the effect of organic matter on hydrolytic activities under controlled conditions, changes in specific activities were studied in relation to the concentrations of different types of organic matter: phytoplankton, polymers (proteins, cellobiose, and starch) and monomers (glucose and amino acids). The specifc α-and β-glucosidase activities were strongly induced by their natural substrates (starch and cellobiose, respectively) (P<0.05) and were not inhibited by glucose. Proteins inhibited these activities (P<0.05), whereas supplementation with amino acids had no effect on specifc glycolytic activities.  相似文献   

Concentrations of various sulfur compounds (SO42−, H2S, S0, acid-volatile sulfide, and total sulfur) were determined in the profundal sediments and overlying water column of a shallow eutrophic lake. Low concentrations of sulfate relative to those of acid-volatile sulfide and total sulfur and a decrease in total sulfur with sediment depth implied that the contribution of dissimilatory sulfur reduction to H2S production was relatively minor. Addition of 1.0 mM Na235SO4 to upper sediments in laboratory experiments resulted in the production of H235S with no apparent lag. Kinetic experiments with 35S demonstrated an apparent Km of 0.068 mmol of SO42− reduced per liter of sediment per day, whereas tracer experiments with 35S indicated an average turnover time of the sediment sulfate pool of 1.5 h. Total sulfate reduction in a sediment depth profile to 15 cm was 15.3 mmol of sulfate reduced per m2 per day, which corresponds to a mineralization of 30% of the particulate organic matter entering the sediment. Reduction of 35S0 occurred at a slower rate. These results demonstrated that high rates of sulfate reduction occur in these sediments despite low concentrations of oxidized inorganic compounds and that this reduction can be important in the anaerobic mineralization of organic carbon.  相似文献   

In order to characterize the vertical variation of abundance and community composition of ammonia-oxidizing archaea (AOA) and ammonia-oxidizing bacteria (AOB) in sediments of a eutrophic lake, Lake Taihu, molecular techniques including real-time PCR, clone library, and sequencing were carried out in this study. Abundances of archaeal amoA gene (ranged from 2.34 × 106 to 4.43 × 107 copies [g dry sediment]?1) were higher than those of bacterial amoA gene (ranged from 5.02 × 104 to 6.91 × 106 copies [g dry sediment]?1) for all samples and both of them exhibited negative correlations with the increased depths. Diversities of archaeal and bacterial amoA gene increased with the elevated depths. There were no significant variations of AOB community structures derived from different sediment depths, whereas obvious differences were observed for the AOA community compositions. The information acquired in this study would be useful to elucidate the roles of AOA and AOB in the nitrogen cycling of freshwater ecosystems.  相似文献   

The net mineralization of organic sulfur compounds in surface sediments of Wintergreen Lake was estimated from a mass-balance budget of sulfur inputs and sediment sulfur concentrations. The net mineralization of organic sulfur inputs is <50% complete, which is consistent with the dominance of organic sulfur (>80% of total sulfur) in sediment. Although sediment sulfur is predominantly organic, sulfate reduction is the most significant process in terms of the quantities of sulfur transformed in surface sediments. Rates of sulfate reduction in these sediments average 7 mmol/m2 per day. On an annual basis, this rate is 19-fold greater than net rates of organic sulfur mineralization and 65-fold greater than sulfate ester hydrolysis.  相似文献   

Methanosarcina barkeri grew on methanol plus H2. Both substrates were consumed in equimolar amounts. Growth was strictly dependent on the presence of acetate, which was required for the biosynthesis of cellular constituents. Only about 0.4% of the methane produced originated from acetate. By using deuterated methanol, it was demonstrated that methanogenesis from this compound under H2 did not occur via oxidation of methanol to CO2 and subsequent reduction but by direct reduction with H2. Growth yields with methanol plus H2 and with methanol alone were not significantly different: 2.8 g of cells per mol of methanol in mineral medium and 4.6 g of cells per mol of methanol in complex medium, respectively. Growth of M. barkeri on methanol plus H2 depended strictly on the presence of sodium ions in the medium. In the presence of 50 mM K+ the Ks for Na+ was 5 mM.  相似文献   

Mineralization rates of 14C-labeled substrates were determined in the presence and absence of Na2MoO4, an inhibitor of sulfate reduction, in the profundal sediments of a shallow eutrophic lake. Sulfate reduction was inhibited by Na2MoO4 at all concentrations tested (0.2 to 200 mM), whereas methane production was inhibited at Na2MoO4 concentrations greater than 20 mM. Initial mineralization rates of glucose were unaffected by Na2MoO4; however, Na2MoO4 decreased the mineralization rates of lactate (58%), propionate (52%), an amino acid mixture (85%), and acetate (14%). These decreases in the rates of mineralization were attributed to inhibition of sulfate reduction. Hydrogen stimulated the reduction of 35SO42− 2.5- to 2.8-fold, demonstrating potential hydrogen oxidation by sulfate-reducing bacteria. These results indicate that sulfate reducers utilize an array of substrates as electron donors and are of potential significance to the in situ mineralization of lactate, propionate, and free amino acids in these sediments.  相似文献   

The effects of several metals on microbial methane, carbon dioxide, and sulfide production and microbial ATP were examined in sediments from Spartina alterniflora communities. Anaerobically homogenized sediments were amended with 1,000 ppm (ratio of weight of metal to dry weight of sediment) of various metals. Time courses in controls were similar for CH4, H2S, and CO2, with short initial lags (0 to 4 h) followed by periods of constant gas production (1 to 2 days) and declining rates thereafter. Comparisons were made between control and experimental assays with respect to initial rates of production (after lag) and overall production. Methane evolution was inhibited both initially and overall by CH3HgCl, HgS, and NaAsO2. A period of initial inhibition was followed by a period of overall stimulation with Hg, Pb, Ni, Cd, and Cu, all as chlorides, and with ZnSO4, K2CrO4, and K2Cr2O7. Production of CO2 was generally less affected by the addition of metals. Inhibition was noted with NaAsO2, CH3HgCl, and Na2MoO4. Minor stimulation of CO2 production occurred over the long term with chlorides of Hg, Pb, and Fe. Sulfate reduction was inhibited in the short term by all metals tested and over the long term by all but FeCl2 and NiCl2. Microbial biomass was decreased by FeCl2, K2Cr2O7, ZnSO4, CdCl2, and CuCl2 but remained generally unaffected by PbCl2, HgCl2, and NiCl2. Although the majority of metals produced an immediate inhibition of methanogenesis, for several metals this was only a transient phenomenon followed by an overall stimulation. The initial suppression of methanogenesis may be relieved by precipitation, complexation, or transformation of the metal (possibly by methylation), with the subsequent stimulation resulting from a sustained inhibition of competing organisms (e.g., sulfate-reducing bacteria). For several environmentally significant metals, severe metal pollution may substantially alter the flow of carbon in sediments.  相似文献   

Methanosarcina barkeri was cultured on methanol, H2-CO2, and acetate, and the 13C/12C ratios of the substrates and the methane produced from them were determined. The discrimination against 13C in methane relative to substrate decreased in the order methanol > CO2 > acetate. The isotopic fractionation for methane derived from acetate was only one-third of that observed with methanol as the substrate. The data presented indicate that the last enzyme of methanogenesis, methylreductase, is not the primary site of isotopic discrimination during methanogenesis from methanol or CO2. These results also support biogeochemical interpretations that gas produced in environments in which acetate is the primary methane precursor will have higher 13C/12C ratios than those from environments where other substrates predominate.  相似文献   

Anaerobic San Francisco Bay salt marsh sediments rapidly metabolized [14C]dimethylselenide (DMSe) to 14CH4 and 14CO2. Addition of selective inhibitors (2-bromoethanesulfonic acid or molybdate) to these sediments indicated that both methanogenic and sulfate-respiring bacteria could degrade DMSe to gaseous products. However, sediments taken from the selenium-contaminated Kesterson Wildlife Refuge produced only 14CO2 from [14C]DMSe, implying that methanogens were not important in the Kesterson samples. A pure culture of a dimethylsulfide (DMS)-grown methylotrophic methanogen converted [14C]DMSe to 14CH4 and 14CO2. However, the organism could not grow on DMSe. Addition of DMS to either sediments or the pure culture retarded the metabolism of DMSe. This effect appeared to be caused by competitive inhibition, thereby indicating a common enzyme system for DMS and DMSe metabolism. DMSe appears to be degraded as part of the DMS pool present in anoxic environments. These results suggest that methylotrophic methanogens may demethylate methylated forms of other metals and metalloids found in nature.  相似文献   

The uptake of glucose and the formation of end products from glucose catabolism have been measured for sediments of eutrophic Wintergreen Lake with a combination of tritiated and 14C-labeled tracers. Time course analyses of the loss of [3H]glucose from sediments were used to establish rate constants for glucose uptake at natural substrate concentrations. Turnover times from these analyses were about 1 min for littoral and profundal sediments. No seasonal or site differences were noted in turnover times. Time course analyses of [U-14C]glucose uptake and 14C-labeled end product formation indicated that glucose mass flow could not be calculated from end product formation since the specific activity of added [14C]glucose was significantly diluted by pools of intracellular glucose and glucose metabolites. Mass flow could only be accurately estimated by use of rates of uptake from tracer studies. Intermediate fermentation end products included acetate (71%), propionate (15%), lactate (9%), and only minor amounts of butyrates or valerates. Addition of H2 to sediments resulted in greater production of lactate (28%) and decreased formation of acetate (50%), but did not affect glucose turnover. Depth profiles of glucose uptake indicated that rates of uptake decreased with depth over the 0- to 18-cm interval and that glucose uptake accounted for 30 to 40% of methanogenesis in profundal sediments.  相似文献   

Variability in Microbiological Data from a Stratified Eutrophic Lake   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A survey of a stratified eutrophic lake was undertaken to determine the degree of variability in direct counts of bacteria, electron transport system activity, ATP concentration, chlorophyll a concentration and chemiluminescence, in the water column and the sediment. Heterogeneity in the horizontal and vertical dimension was studied in detail and the scale of variability was compared with within-sample and between-sample errors, and with seasonal fluctuations. Variability was greater in the sediment samples, and the coefficient of variation of samples taken at a single site was often as large as that between sites in a transect across the lake. Although this was not an exhaustive survey, the values provided should allow rough estimates to be made of the number of samples required to achieve a given level of precision in future investigations.  相似文献   

The isotope enrichment factors () in Methanosaeta concilii and in a lake sediment, where acetate was consumed only by Methanosaeta spp., were clearly less negative than the usually observed for Methanosarcina spp. The fraction of methane produced from acetate in the sediment, as determined by using stable isotope signatures, was 10 to 15% lower when the appropriate of Methanosaeta spp. was used.  相似文献   

The carbon and electron flow pathways and the bacterial populations responsible for transformation of H2-CO2, formate, methanol, methylamine, acetate, glycine, ethanol, and lactate were examined in sediments collected from Knaack Lake, Wis. The sediments were 60% organic matter (pH 6.2) and did not display detectable sulfate-reducing activity, but they contained the following average concentration (in micromoles per liter of sediment) of metabolites and end products: sulfide, 10; methane, 1,540; CO2, 3,950; formate, 25; acetate, 157; ethanol, 174; and lactate, 138. Methane was produced predominately from acetate, and only 4% of the total CH4 was derived from CO2. Methanogenesis was limited by low environmental temperature and sulfide levels and more importantly by low pH. Increasing in vitro pH to neutral values enhanced total methane production rates and the percentage of CO2 transformed to methane but did not alter the amount of 14CO2 produced from [2-14C]acetate (~24%). Analysis of both carbon transformation parameters with 14C-labeled tracers and bacterial trophic group enumerations indicated that methanogenesis from acetate and both heterolactic- and acetic acid-producing fermentations were important to the anaerobic digestion process.  相似文献   

Accumulation of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) was studied in a eutrophic pond and in cultures of Scenedesmus abundans. Samples of pond water and media were treated with a cation exchanger in Na cycle and chromatographed on Sephadex G 25 and G 10. — UV spectra of the peak fractions were recorded. In the pond about half of the organic carbon is in fractions with an apparent molecular weight (AMW) of 500–1000, while in the algal medium (after cultivation) most of organic carbon has an AMW of about 120. These and spectral data did not suggest that aromatics and compounds with conjugated double bonds were major organic constituents of DOC.  相似文献   

Methanogenesis and the anaerobic metabolism of acetate were examined in the sediment and water column of Knaack Lake, a small biogenic meromictic lake located in central Wisconsin. The lake was sharply stratified during the summer and was anaerobic below a depth of 3 m. Large concentrations (4,000 μmol/liter) of dissolved methane were detected in the bottom waters. A methane concentration maximum occurred at 4 m above the sediment. The production of 14CH4 from 14C-labeled HCOOH, HCO3, and CH3OH and [2-14C]acetate demonstrated microbial methanogenesis in the water column of the lake. The maximum rate of methanogenesis calculated from reduction of H14CO3 by endogenous electron donors in the surface sediment (depth, 22 m) was 7.6 nmol/h per 10 ml and in the water column (depth, 21 m) was 0.6 nmol/h per 10 ml. The methyl group of acetate was simultaneously metabolized to CH4 and CO2 in the anaerobic portions of the lake. Acetate oxidation was greatest in surface waters and decreased with water depth. Acetate was metabolized primarily to methane in the sediments and water immediately above the sediment. Sulfide inhibition studies and temperature activity profiles demonstrated that acetate metabolism was performed by several microbial populations. Sulfide additions (less than 5 μg/ml) to water from 21.5 m stimulated methanogenesis from acetate, but inhibited CO2 production. Sulfate addition (1 mM) had no significant effect on acetate metabolism in water from 21.5 m, whereas nitrate additions (10 to 14,000 μg/liter) completely inhibited methanogenesis and stimulated CO2 formation.  相似文献   

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