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Recombinant bacteriophage lambda clones from a cat genomic library derived from placental DNA of a specific pathogen-free cat were screened to identify endogenous feline leukemia virus (FeLV) sequences. Restriction endonuclease mapping of four different clones indicates that there are a number of similarities among them, notably the presence of a 6.0- to 6.4-kilobase pair (kbp) EcoRI hybridizing fragment containing portions of sequences homologous to the gag, pol, env, and long terminal repeat-like elements of the infectious FeLV. The endogenous FeLV sequences isolated are approximately 4 kbp in length and are significantly shorter than the cloned infectious FeLV isolates, which are 8.5 to 8.7 kbp in length. The endogenous elements have 3.3- to 3.6-kbp deletions in the gag-pol region and approximately 0.7- to 1.0-kbp deletions in the env region. These deletions would render them incapable of encoding an infectious virus and may therefore be related to the non-inducibility of FeLV from uninfected cat cells and the subgenomic expression of these endogenous sequences in placental tissue. It appears that there is conservation in the ordering of restriction sites previously reported in the proviruses of the infectious FeLVs in sequences corresponding to the pol and env boundary as well as the region spanning the env gene of the endogenous clones, whereas a greater divergence occurs among restriction sites mapped to the gag and part of the pol regions of the infectious FeLV. Such deleted, FeLV-related subsets of DNA sequences could have originated either by germ-line integration of a complete ecotropic virus followed by deletion, or by integration of a preexisting, defective, deleted variant of the infectious virus.  相似文献   

Two functional cytosolic thymidine kinase (tk) cDNA clones were isolated from a mouse L-cell library. An RNA blot analysis indicated that one of these clones contains a nearly full-length tk sequence and that LTK- cells contain little or no TK message. The nucleotide sequences of both clones were determined, and the functional mouse tk cDNA contains 1,156 base pairs. An analysis of the sequence implied that there is an untranslated 32-nucleotide region at the 5' end of the mRNA, followed by an open reading frame of 699 nucleotides. The 3' untranslated region is 422 nucleotides long. Thus, the gene codes for a protein containing 233 amino acids, with a molecular weight of 25,873. A comparison of the coding sequences of the mouse tk cDNA with the human and chicken tk genes revealed about 86 and 70% homology, respectively. We also isolated the tk gene from a mouse C57BL/10J cosmid library. The structural organization was determined by restriction mapping, Southern blotting, and heteroduplex analysis of the cloned sequences, in combination with a mouse tk cDNA. The tk gene spans approximately 11 kilobases and contains at least five introns. Southern blot analysis revealed that this gene is deleted in mouse LTK- cells, consistent with the inability of these cells to synthesize TK message. This analysis also showed that tk-related sequences are present in the genomes of several mouse strains, as well as in LTK- cells. These segments may represent pseudogenes.  相似文献   

The onc gene (v-fes) of the acutely transforming feline sarcoma virus (Snyder-Theilen strain) has homologous cellular sequences (c-fes) in all vertebrate species, including humans. We isolated from a human DNA library recombinant phages containing overlapping c-fes sequences. The human c-fes locus spans a region of 3.4 kilobases and contains 1.4 kilobases of DNA homologous to the viral onc sequence interspersed with three intervening sequences.  相似文献   

Supercoiled Harvey sarcoma virus (Ha-SV) DNA was extracted from newly infected cells by the Hirt procedure, enriched by preparative agarose gel electrophoresis, and digested with EcoRI, which cleaved the viral DNA at a unique site. The linearized Ha-SV DNA was then inserted into lambda gtWESlambda B at the EcoRI site and cloned in an approved EK2 host. Ha-SV DNA inserts from six independently derived recombinant clones have been analyzed by restriction endonuclease digestion, molecular hybridization, electron microscopy, and infectivity. Four of the Ha-SV DNA inserts were identical, contained about 6.0 kilobase pairs (kbp), and comigrated in agarose gels with the infectious, unintegrated, linear Ha-SV DNA. One insert was approximately 0.65 kbp smaller (5.35 kbp) and one was approximately 0.65 kpb larger (6.65 kpb) than the 6.0 kpb inserts. R-looping with Ha-SV RNA revealed that the small (5.35 kbp) insert contained one copy of the Ha-SV RNA. Preliminary restriction endonuclease digestion of the recombinant DNAs suggested that the middle-size inserts contained a 0.65-kbp tandem duplication of sequences present only one in the small-size insert; this duplication corresponded to the 0.65-kpb terminal duplication of the unintegrated linear Ha-SV DNA. The large-size insert apparently contained a tandem triplication of these terminally located sequences. DNA of all three sized inserts induced foci in NIH 3T3 cells, and focus-forming activity could be rescued from the transformed cells by superinfection with helper virus. Infectivity followed single-hit kinetics, suggesting that the foci were induced by a single molecule.  相似文献   

Extrachromosomal DNA obtained from mink cells acutely infected with the Snyder-Theilen (ST) strain of feline sarcoma virus (feline leukemia virus) [FeSV(FeLV)] was fractionated electrophoretically, and samples enriched for FeLV and FeSV linear intermediates were digested with EcoRI and cloned in lambda phage. Hybrid phages were isolated containing either FeSV or FeLV DNA "inserts" and were characterized by restriction enzyme analysis, R-looping with purified 26 to 32S viral RNA, and heteroduplex formation. The recombinant phages (designated lambda FeSV and lambda FeLV) contain all of the genetic information represented in FeSV and FeLV RNA genomes but lack one extended terminally redundant sequence of 750 bases which appears once at each end of parental linear DNA intermediates. Restriction enzyme and heteroduplex analyses confirmed that sequences unique to FeSV (src sequences) are located at the center of the FeSV genome and are approximately 1.5 kilobase pairs in length. With respect to the 5'-3' orientation of genes in viral RNA, the order of genes in the FeSV genome is 5'-gag-src-env-c region-3'; only 0.9 kilobase pairs of gag and 0.6 kilobase pairs of env-derived FeLV sequences are represented in ST FeSV. Heteroduplex analyses between lambda FeSV or lambda FeLV DNA and Moloney murine sarcoma virus DNA (strain m1) were performed under conditions of reduced stringency to demonstrate limited regions of base pair homology. Two such regions were identified: the first occurs at the extreme 5' end of the leukemia and both sarcoma viral genomes, whereas the second corresponds to a 5' segment of leukemia virus "env" sequences conserved in both sarcoma viruses. The latter sequences are localized at the 3' end of FeSV src and at the 5' end of murine sarcoma virus src and could possibly correspond to regions of helper virus genomes that are required for retroviral transforming functions.  相似文献   

Gardner-Rasheed feline sarcoma virus (GR-FeSV) is an acute transforming retrovirus which encodes a gag-onc polyprotein possessing an associated tyrosine kinase activity. The integrated form of this virus, isolated in the Charon 21A strain of bacteriophage lambda, demonstrated an ability to transform NIH/3T3 cells at high efficiency upon transfection. Foci induced by GR-FeSV DNA contained rescuable sarcoma virus and expressed GR-P70, the major GR-FeSV translational product. The localization of long-terminal repeats within the DNA clone made it possible to establish the length of the GR-FeSV provirus as 4.6 kilobase pairs. The analysis of heteroduplexes formed between lambda feline leukemia virus (FeLV) and lambda GR-FeSV DNAs revealed the presence of a 1,700-base-pair FeLV unrelated segment, designated v-fgr, within the GR-FeSV genome. The size of this region was sufficient to encode a protein of approximately 68,000 daltons and was localized immediately downstream of the FeLV gag gene coding sequences present in GR-FeSV. Thus, it is likely that this 1.7-kilobase-pair stretch encodes the onc moiety of GR-P70. Utilizing probes representing v-fgr, we detected homologous sequences in the DNAs of diverse vertebrate species, implying that v-fgr originated from a well-conserved cellular gene. The number of cellular DNA fragments hybridized by v-fgr-derived probes indicated either that proto-fgr is distributed over a very large region of cellular DNA or represents a family of related genes. By molecular hybridization, v-fgr was not directly related to the onc genes of other known retroviruses having associated tyrosine kinase activity.  相似文献   

D Dina  K Beemon  P Duesberg 《Cell》1976,9(2):299-309
The 50S-70S RNA of a Moloney sarcoma-leukemia virus [Mo-MSV(MLV)] complex produced by a particular mouse cell line was shown by gel electrophoresis to contain a major (97%) 30S sarcoma-specific subunit species and a minor (3%) 38S leukemia virus-specific subunit. On the basis of its sedimentation coefficient and known complexity, the 30S Mo-MSV RNA was estimated to be a unique RNA molecule of about 6000 nucleotides. Hybridization experiments using viral RNA and DNA complementary to viral RNA (cDNA) made by viral DNA polymerase indicated that the 30S Mo-MSV RNA shared 70% of its sequences with Mo-MLV, 30% with another MLV derived from Mo-MLV, and 30% with Kirsten sarcoma-xenotropic leukemia virus. The 30S Mo-MSV RNA sequences shared with these viruses were not additive. The Tm of a Mo-MSV RNA-MLV cDNA hybrid was 83 degrees C, indicating that large contiguous nucleotide sequences were shared between the two nucleic acids. Mo-MSV RNA and Mo-MLV RNA shared possibly seven of 20-30 RNAase T1-resistant oligonucleotides, while Mo-MSV RNA contained three, and Mo-MLV RNA contained at least five specific oligonucleotides. We conclude that the 30S Mo-MSV RNA molecule consists of approximately 70% (about 4200 nucleotides) Mo-MLV-specific sequences and of 30% (1800 nucleotides) Mo-MSV-specific sequences covalently linked. Our results favor the hypothesis that 30S Mo-MSV RNA was generated by recombination between Mo-MLV and other genetic elements. We discuss whether all or only the MSV-specific sequences of the 30S Mo-MSV RNA function as sarcoma genes. Mo-MLV cDNA was hybridized about 45% by unfractionated Mo-MSV (MLV) RNA at RNA/DNA ratios of up to 10, about 50% by electrophoretically purified 30S Mo-MSV RNA at RNA/DNA ratios up to 500, but close to 100% by unfractionated Mo-MSV(MLV) RNA at RNA/DNA ratios over 900. This indicated that unfractionated RNA of our Mo-MSV(MLV) contained a complete complement of Mo-MLV, albeit at a low ratio.  相似文献   

Unintegrated, circular viral DNA, isolated from Prague A avian sarcoma virus (PrA-ASV)-infected quail cells (QT6), was cloned in the lambda vector lambda gtWES x lambda B. Three independent lambda-ASV recombinants were identified, and each contained a complete copy of the PrA-ASV genome. The arrangement of the ASV sequences within the recombinants was determined by restriction enzyme analysis and hybridization with labeled ASV-specific complementary DNA. One of the recombinants (lambda RPA101) resulted from cloning at the EcoRI site located within the terminally repeated sequence and therefore was virtually co-linear with PrA-ASV virion RNA. The other two recombinants (lambda RPA102 and 103) resulted from cloning at the EcoRI site located within the viral env gene. By restriction enzyme analysis and by measurement of R-loops formed between lambda RPA101 and PrA-ASV virion 35S RNA, the viral genome was estimated to be 9,100 bases in length. Genome length viral DNA purified from clones lambda RPA102 and 103 was biologically active. Transfection of chicken embryo cells with viral DNA, in the form of either circles or linear dimers, produced foci of transformed cells within 8 to 10 days. Linear DNA was much less efficient at inducing transformation. Viral DNA from the clone lambda RPA101 was unable to cause transformation; the basis for this defect is unknown.  相似文献   

Three species of unintegrated supercoiled Harvey sarcoma virus DNA (6.6, 6.0, and 5.4 kilobase pairs) have been molecularly cloned from Harvey sarcoma virus-infected cells. On the basis of restriction enzyme analyses, the 6.6- and 6.0-kilobase pair viral DNAs contain two and one copies, respectively, of a 650-base pair DNA segment which contains sequences present at the 3' and 5' termini of the viral genome. R-loop structures formed between Moloney leukemia virus RNA and the cloned Harvey sarcoma virus DNA indicated that about 500 base pairs of the 650-base pair repeating segment was complementary to the 3' end of the viral RNA. During amplification in the Escherichia coli host, some recombinants containing the 6.6- or the 6.0-kilobase pair Harvey sarcoma virus DNA insert acquired or lost the complete 650-base pair DNA segment. These changes occurred in both recA+ and recA- E. coli.  相似文献   

Detailed restriction endonuclease maps were developed for Harvey murine sarcoma virus (Ha-MuSV) DNA (clone H-1), molecularly closed at its unique EcoRI site in pBR322, for three nonoverlapping subgenomic HindIII clones which together span the entire H-1 clone and for a molecularly cloned DNA copy of a portion of rat 30S RNA (which represents the majority of the rat genetic sequences in Ha-MuSV). Molecular hybridization of the 30S clone to small restriction fragments of clone H-1 revealed a 0.9-to-1.0-kilobase pair region in the 5' half of the Ha-MuSV genome not homologous to the 30S clone, although the 30S clone did contain related sequences in Ha-MuSV on both sides of this nonhomologous region. By using cloned sequences from a segment of the Ha-MuSV nonhomology region as a probe for hybridization to Southern blots of DNA from rat, mouse, bat, and chicken cells, one to three bands were detected in DNA of each species. By contrast, the 30S clone DNA was highly related to many sequences in rat DNA, partially related to fewer mouse DNA sequences, and homologous only to one to three bands in bat and chicken DNA. Earlier work had shown that the 5' half of the Ha-MuSV genome coded for transformation and for the viral p21 protein (Chang et al., J. Virol. 35: 76--92, 1980; Wei et al., Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A., in press). We used two subgenomic HindIII clones whose shared HindIII site mapped within the 5' region of clone H-1 nonhomologous to the 30S clone to test whether the nonhomologous segment might encode the transforming and p21 functions. Although neither of the subgenomic HindIII fragments by themselves induced transformation, ligation of these two nontransforming DNAs to each other did restore p21-mediated transformation. A conclusion consistent with these results is that a region in the 5' half of the Ha-MuSV genome evolutionarily distinct from and not present in rat 30S RNA is essential for transformation and for p21 encoding.  相似文献   

Pseudomonas aeruginosa is an important cause of infections, especially in patients with immunodeficiency or diabetes. Antibiotics are effective in preventing morbidity and mortality from Pseudomonas infection, but because of spreading multidrug-resistant bacterial strains, bacteriophages are being explored as an alternative therapy. Two newly purified broad host range Pseudomonas phages, named vB_Pae-Kakheti25 and vB_Pae-TbilisiM32, were characterized as candidates for use in phage therapy. Morphology, host range, growth properties, thermal stability, serology, genomic sequence, and virion composition are reported. When phages are used as bactericides, they are used in mixtures to overcome the development of resistance in the targeted bacterial population. These two phages are representative of diverse siphoviral and podoviral phage families, respectively, and hence have unrelated mechanisms of infection and no cross-antigenicity. Composing bactericidal phage mixtures with members of different phage families may decrease the incidence of developing resistance through a common mechanism.  相似文献   

The nucleic acid sequences found in DNA and RNA from rat cells which are homologous to Kirsten sarcoma virus have been characterized. The homologous sequences are present in multiple copies per diploid rat cellular genome in a variety of different rat cellular dna's. In certain cells that constitutively express only low levels of sequences homologous to Kirsten sarcoma virus, bromodeoxyuridine treatment leads to the expression of high levels of these sequences in RNA. Supernatants from cell lines producing the sequences homologous to Kirsten sarcoma virus contain high levels of these sequences which are purified to the same degree as the previously known rat type C viral nucleic acid sequences by type C particles being released from such cells. The results indicate that the sequences in rat cells homologous to Kisten sarcoma virus have three characteristics of known mammalian type C viruses, and suggest that at least part of Kirsten sarcoma virus rat-derived sequences represent a distinct class of endogenous rat type C virus that has no detectable homology to the other known class of endogenous rat type C virus.  相似文献   

We report the molecular cloning of two replication-competent osteoma-inducing murine leukemia viruses from the RFB osteoma virus stock (M. P. Finkel, C. A. Reilly, Jr., B. O. Biskis, and I. L. Greco, p. 353-366, in C. H. G. Price and F. G. M. Ross, ed., Bone--Certain Aspects of Neoplasia, 1973). Like the original RFB osteoma virus stock, viruses derived from the molecular RFB clones induced multiple osteomas in mice of the CBA/Ca strain. The cloned RFB viruses were indistinguishable by restriction enzyme analysis and by nucleotide sequence analysis of their long-terminal-repeat regions and showed close relatedness to the Akv murine leukemia virus.  相似文献   

A Rynditch  F Kadi  J Geryk  S Zoubak  J Svoboda  G Bernardi 《Gene》1991,106(2):165-172

The myeloproliferative sarcoma virus (MPSV) induces extensive hematopoietic changes, including spleen foci in adult mice, and transforms fibroblasts in vitro. NRK nonproducer cell lines of MPSV and ts temperature-sensitive mutants were analyzed by restriction enzyme digestion and Southern blotting. EcoRI fragments containing the proviral DNAs of MPSV and two temperature-sensitive mutants and rat cellular sequences homologous to c-mos were molecularly cloned. By comparing restriction enzyme cleavage sites, it was shown that the MPSV genome consists only of sequences related either to Moloney murine leukemia virus or to the c-mos mouse oncogenic sequences. Two regions of fragment heterogeneity were observed: (i) in the defective pol gene, where MPSV and the two cloned temperature-sensitive mutants were different from Moloney murine sarcoma virus and from each other, although MPSV wild-type retained more of the pol gene than any of the Moloney murine sarcoma virus isolates; (ii) in the area 3' to the mos gene, which was identical in MPSV and its temperature-sensitive mutants but different from other Moloney murine sarcoma virus variants. Transfection of cloned MPSV DNA in RAT4 cells and virus rescue on infection with Friend murine leukemia virus yielded MPSV which transformed fibroblasts in vitro and also induced spleen foci in adult mice, thus proving that both properties are coded by the same viral genome.  相似文献   

In order to isolate genes which are induced during liver regeneration, we have constructed a cDNA library from 16-h-regenerating liver poly(A)+ RNA. By computer analysis of autoradiograms produced by differential plaque hybridization with cDNA from normal or 16-h-regenerating liver, we have isolated several recombinant clones representing sequences transiently increased during liver regeneration. Three of these were further characterized: the level of the corresponding mRNAs increase rapidly after partial hepatectomy, before the onset of DNA synthesis. Two clones were identified as fibrinogen clones. It is speculated that alpha-fibrinogen may be involved in the growth process, or in its regulation.  相似文献   

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