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Rediae of Echinostoma caproni (Egyptian strain) were dissected from Biomphalaria glabrata snails at intervals from 13-34 days post-exposure and co-cultured for up to 51 days with cells of the B. glabrata embryonic (Bge) cell line. Rediae readily ingested Bge cells and survived longer when co-cultured with cells than in cell-free cultures. Rediae released mostly motile cercariae throughout the observation period when in Bge medium and cells. Rediae cultured in 199 medium with Bge cells also produced progeny throughout most of the observation period. In the latter medium, progeny were much more likely to include rediae as well as cercariae. Some cercariae produced in vitro encysted as metacercariae. Rediae consumed cercariae released into culture but were not observed to attack one another or rediae of a different echinostome species.  相似文献   

Human amniotic fluids supported growth of Campylobacter fetus subsp. fetus, C. jejuni and C. coli. Campylobacters remained viable for up to 11–12 weeks in amniotic fluid.  相似文献   

Third larval stages (L3) removed from fish fillets, fourth larval stages (L4) raised in in vitro culture, and adults of Pseudoterranova decipiens, collected from grey seal (Halichoerus grypus) stomachs, were exposed to the broad spectrum anthelmintic, ivermectin. L3 and L4 parasites were exposed, in vitro, to 500, 100, 50, 20, 5 and 1 micrograms/ml concentrations of the drug, in culture media. Adult P. decipiens were exposed in vitro to a concentration of 500 micrograms/ml ivermectin, only. Controls consisted of parasites placed in culture media alone or culture media plus drug vehicle. These three developmental stages of P. decipiens were all found to be susceptible to the effects of ivermectin.  相似文献   

Bamboo shoots could be induced to flower in vitro, but there is very little information on the effect of growth components on flowering. In this study, multiple shoots grown from in vitro, spikelet-derived, somatic embryos of Bambusa edulis were used for in vitro flowering. Multiple shoots flowered on Murashige and Skoog medium (MS) with 0.5 mM thidiazuron (TDZ) and 30 g l sucrose. Different  相似文献   

In vitro survival and proliferation of porcine primordial germ cells   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
Shim H  Anderson GB 《Theriogenology》1998,49(3):521-528
Primordial germ cells (PGC) collected from the genital ridge of Day 25 porcine embryos were cultured on STO feeder cells in medium with or without supplemented growth factors. The effects on porcine PGC proliferation of leukemia inhibitory factor (LIF), LIF + stem cell factor (SCF) or LIF + SCF + basic fibroblast growth factor (bFGF), growth factors shown to be essential for in vitro survival and proliferation of murine PGC, were tested. After histochemical staining, both freshly collected and cultured PGC expressed alkaline phosphatase activity. With or without supplemented growth factors, porcine PGC survived and proliferated in culture for at least 5 d. None of the growth factors tested markedly enhanced in vitro growth of porcine PGC. These results suggest that growth factors provided by either the STO feeder layer or the cultured PGC themselves are sufficient to support in vitro survival and proliferation of porcine PGC. With the support of STO cells, addition of growth factors shown to be essential for the in vitro growth of murine PGC is not required for survival and proliferation of cultured porcine PGC.  相似文献   

The differentiation and survival of heterozygous Lurcher (+/Lc) Purkinje cells in vitro was examined as a model system for studying how chronic ionic stress affects neuronal differentiation and survival. The Lurcher mutation in the δ2 glutamate receptor (GluRδ2) converts an orphan receptor into a membrane channel that constitutively passes an inward cation current. In the GluRδ2+/Lc mutant, Purkinje cell dendritic differentiation is disrupted and the cells degenerate following the first week of postnatal development. To determine if the GluRδ2+/Lc Purkinje cell phenotype is recapitulated in vitro, +/+, and +/Lc Purkinje cells from postnatal Day 0 pups were grown in either isolated cell or cerebellar slice cultures. GluRδ2+/+ and GluRδ2+/Lc Purkinje cells appeared to develop normally through the first 7 days in vitro (DIV), but by 11 DIV GluRδ2+/Lc Purkinje cells exhibited a significantly higher cation leak current. By 14 DIV, GluRδ2+/Lc Purkinje cell dendrites were stunted and the number of surviving GluRδ2+/Lc Purkinje cells was reduced by 75% compared to controls. However, treatment of +/Lc cerebellar cultures with 1‐naphthyl acetyl spermine increased +/Lc Purkinje cell survival to wild type levels. These results support the conclusion that the Lurcher mutation in GluRδ2 induces cell autonomous defects in differentiation and survival. The establishment of a tissue culture system for studying cell injury and death mechanisms in a relatively simple system like GluRδ2+/Lc Purkinje cells will provide a valuable model for studying how the induction of a chronic inward cation current in a single cell type affects neuronal differentiation and survival. © 2009 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Develop Neurobiol, 2009  相似文献   

Three experiments were conducted to investigate the effects of type of culture medium in freshly bisected bovine embryos and the effects of agar embedding and of 1.2 propanediol (PROH) as the cryoprotectant in frozen/thawed bisected bovine embryos on development in vitro. A total of 265 bovine embryos were used as controls or were microsurgically bisected and were cultured in vitro for 48 hours and development was determined 24 and 48 hours after the onset of culture. Whitten's medium supported more (P<0.05) intact and demi-embryos to grow to expanded blastocysts (92.9 and 73.1%, respectively) compared with Ham's F10 (43.8 and 26.3%, respectively) and PBS (53.8 and 12.5%, respectively). Embedding in agar and culture in Whitten's medium resulted in a higher (P<0.05) percentage of in vitro development of frozen/thawed demi-embryos after 24 hours than the freezing of nonembedded demi-embryos (44.1 versus 19.6%, respectively). This difference disappeared, however, after a 48 hours culture period (17.6 versus 11.8%, respectively). Following freezing in PROH, survival rates of 40 and 28%, respectively after 24 hours of culture were obtained for intact and demi-embryos. The respective percentages after 48 hours were 8.6 and 16%. Since neither embedding in agar nor the use of PROH as the cryoprotectant resulted in high survival rates of frozen/thawed demi-embryos in vitro, new freezing procedures are needed to overcome the sensitivity of demi-embryos to freezing and thawing.  相似文献   

Isakova NP 《Parazitologiia》2011,45(5):358-366
Dynamic of the reproduction of the trematodes Notocotylus imbricatus (Notocotylidae), Echinostoma caproni (Echinostomatidae), Sphaeridiotrema globulus and Psilotrema tuberculata (Psilostomatidae) parthenites was observed. The formation of generative cells takes place only as a result of undifferentiated cells proliferation and following differentiation. These processes and early stages of embryogenesis are taking place only in the special reproductive organ--germinal mass. The germinal mass is always formed at the posterior part of the body. The process of reproduction had been finishing to the beginning of the generating of cercariaea of new age by parthenites. Rediae of different generations in fact stop producing new generative cells with the beginning of the appearance of a new generation.  相似文献   

Miracidia of the eyeflukes Philophthalmus megalurus and Philophthalmus gralli contain a preformed larval stage that was identified as a redia by electron microscopy and, on living forms, by the presence of ambulatory buds and an oral opening. This redial stage escaped and actively moved about when the miracidium stopped swimming in pond water. No redial escape was observed in NaCl solutions even though miracidia became immobile, but escape was noted in Hanks' balanced salt solution (HBSS) after 7 hr of exposure. When miracidia were placed in RPMI-1640 and Eagle's minimum essential medium, rediae escaped much earlier than in pond water and HBSS. Redial escape in vitro will provide a good source of material to initiate cultures of this larval stage.  相似文献   

In vitro studies utilizing 4 pathogenic fungi, Trichosporon cutaneum, Candida albicans, Microsporum gypseum and Trichophyton mentagrophytes, all known from Hawaiian beaches, indicate that they survive in the fluctuating beach habitat where they can serve as potential sources of infection for significant periods of time. Survival was measured by testing the viability of propagules at intervals for 6 months. All species survived 6 months under 1 or more experimental conditions. Survival patterns showed both increases and decreases depending upon the given parameters designed to simulate various beach conditions. Propagules inoculated on hair and horn (keratinized inoculum) did not remain viable longer than propagules from pure culture suspensions (non-keratinized). Microbial antagonism was not a major factor in survival. All species survived at least 1 month in non-sterile sand inoculated with keratinized propagules. This condition approximated the natural sand habitat. Alternate wetting and drying of sand caused an overall decrease in survival time except for M. gypseum (non-keratinized inoculum) at 37 degrees C in sterile sand and T. mentagrophytes (keratinized inoculum) at 37 degrees C in non-sterile sand. Temperature was important: increasing temperature resulted in a general decrease in survival time; 45 degrees C was definitely inhibitory, with the exception of T. cutaneum which survived that level for 6 months (keratinized inoculum). Salinity did not influence survival.  相似文献   

Recent studies have suggested that intracellular Wolbachia spp. endobacteria are necessary for the reproduction and survival of filarial nematodes. The effects of antibiotics that are active against related bacteria on adult worms and microfilariae (Mf) of Brugia malayi in vitro were investigated. Antibiotics tested were doxycycline (Doxy), tetracycline (Tet), rifampicin (Rif), azithromycin (Azith), and chloramphenicol (Chlor). Doxy, Tet, Rif, and Azith reduced release of Mf by adult female worms. The minimum effective concentrations that reduced Mf release by 50% were 5 microg/ml for Doxy, 20 microg/ml for Tet, 40 microg/ml for Rif, and 100 microg/ml for Azith. The same drugs (at higher concentrations) killed adult worms and Mf. Embryograms showed that Tets blocked embryogenesis in female worms. Electron microscopy (EM) showed that the Tets, Rif, and Azith cleared Wolbachia spp. from adult worms and damaged developing embryos. These studies show that antibiotics active against Rickettsiaceae affect adult B. malayi worms and Mf in vitro. Additional studies will be needed to elucidate the mechanisms of action of these antibiotics on Wolbachia and filarial worms.  相似文献   

Rediae of the trematode Echinostoma trivolvis, from naturally infected Helisoma trivolvis snails, form a black pigment while inside the snail host. Here we examine the black pigment to show that the insolubility characteristics in detergent and weak base solution are identical to Plasmodium falciparum hemozoin. Laser desorption mass spectrometry of the purified pigment demonstrates the presence of heme. Examination of purified pigment under polarized light microscopy illuminates ordered birefringent crystals. Field emission in lens scanning electron microscopy reveals irregular ovoid crystals of 200-300 nm in diameter. The purified pigment crystals seeded extension of monomeric heme onto the crystal which by Fourier Transform Infrared analysis is beta-hematin. Rediae of a second echinostome parasite, Echinostoma caproni, from experimentally infected Biomphalaria glabrata, do not produce measurable or recoverable heme crystals. These observations are consistent with heme crystal formation by a hematophagous parasite within a non-vertebrate intermediate host.  相似文献   

In this study, environmental conditions mimicking those prevailing in the epididymis were used for storing ejaculated bull spermatozoa in vitro during 4 days at ambient temperature. These conditions were low pH, high osmolarity, high sperm concentration and low oxygen tension. Hepes-TALP was used as basic storage medium. Fresh spermatozoa were stored at a concentration of 10 x 10(6)spermatozoa/ml in Hepes-TALP of different pH (pH 4, 5, 6, 7 or 8), and osmolarity (100, 300, 400, 500, 600 or 800 mOsm/kg), and under different atmospheric conditions (nitrogen gassed or aerobic). Spermatozoa were also stored undiluted or at different concentrations: 10x 10(6), 100 x 10(6), 500 x 10(6) or 1 x 10(9)spermatozoa/ml. Sperm parameters such as membrane integrity, motility, mitochondrial membrane potential or DNA fragmentation were used to assess semen quality after storage. Adjustment of the pH of Hepes-TALP to pH 6 yielded significantly better results than storage at all other pH values. Isotonic Hepes-TALP (300 mOsm/kg) had a less detrimental effect on spermatozoa than hypo- and hyperosmotic versions. No differences in sperm parameters were observed when spermatozoa were incubated under aerobic or under nitrogen gassed storage conditions. Optimal sperm concentration in vitro is 10 x 10(6)spermatozoa/ml. This is in contrast with the in vivo situation, where spermatozoa are stored at high concentration. However, better results at high sperm concentrations were obtained when spermatozoa were diluted for less than 5 min in Triladyl-egg yolk-glycerol diluent immediately after ejaculation.  相似文献   

Folliculogenesis is a process of development and maturation of the ovarian follicles, being essential for the maintenance of fertility. In in vivo conditions, 99.9% of the follicles of an ovary do not ovulate and undergo atresia. In order to minimize this loss and to clarify the existing mechanisms, a technique was developed that allows for the in vitro follicular development. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of different epidermal growth factor (EGF) concentrations on the in vitro culturing of equine preantral follicles. Ovaries (n?=?10) were collected from a local slaughterhouse of mares in seasonal anestrus, washed with 70% alcohol and PBS, and transported. The inner portion of the ovary was divided into 11 fragments of approximately 3?×?3?×?1 mm. A fragment of each ovary was immediately fixed in Bouin (control group). The remaining 10 fragments were individually cultured for 2 and 6 d. The medium was supplemented with different concentrations of EGF (0, 10, 50, 100, and 200 ng/mL). After cultivation, the fragments were processed and classified according to the developmental stage and morphology. In total, 1065 slides containing 6105 tissue sections were evaluated. Within 2 d of culture, there was a higher proportion of intact follicles at the EGF concentrations of 0 and 100 ng/mL (p?>?0.05). After 6 d of culture, only the EGF concentration of 100 ng/mL demonstrated a difference when compared to the other treatments (0, 10, 50 and 200 ng/mL of EGF, p?>?0.05). There was follicular development after 2 d at all EGF concentrations. Thus, we suggest that EGF promotes follicular survival in equines at a concentration of 100 ng/mL in in vitro cultures of ovarian fragments for 2 d. In addition, we suggest that EGF promotes follicular survival in equines at a concentration of 100 ng/mL in situ cultivation.  相似文献   

The aim of the present study was to evaluate the effect of two different oxygen (O2) concentrations on survival and development of preantral follicles of goats cultured in vitro. Preantral ovarian follicles (≥150 μm) were isolated from ovarian cortex fragments of goats and individually cultured for 30 days under two different O2 concentrations (5% and 20% O2). Follicle development was evaluated on the basis of antral cavity formation, increase in follicular diameter, presence of healthy cumulus oocyte complexes and fully grown oocytes. Results showed with progression of culture period from 6 to 12 days, a decrease in follicular survival was observed in both O2 concentrations (P < 0.05). When the O2 tensions were compared to each other in the different days of culture, 20% O2 was more efficient in promoting an increase in follicular diameter from day 24 of culture onward than 5% O2 (P < 0.05). However, follicles cultured with 5% O2 had an increased percentage of antrum formation from 12 days to the end of culture, compared with 20% O2 (P < 0.05). Moreover, there was no difference in percentage of fully developed oocytes with the different O2 tensions. However, only oocytes (16.7%) from follicles cultured in 20% O2 resumed meiosis. In conclusion, concentration of 20% O2 was more efficient in promoting follicular growth and oocyte meiosis resumption from preantral follicles of goats when grown in vitro.  相似文献   

One of the problems associated with in vitro culture of primordial germ cells (PGCs) is the large loss of cells during the initial period of culture. This study characterized the initial loss and determined the effectiveness of two classes of apoptosis inhibitors, protease inhibitors, and antioxidants on the ability of porcine PGCs to survive in culture. Results from electron microscopic analysis and in situ DNA fragmentation assay indicated that porcine PGCs rapidly undergo apoptosis when placed in culture. Additionally, alpha(2)-macroglobulin, a protease inhibitor and cytokine carrier, and N:-acetylcysteine, an antioxidant, increased the survival of PGCs in vitro. While other protease inhibitors tested did not affect survival of PGCs, all antioxidants tested improved survival of PGCs (P: < 0.05). Further results indicated that the beneficial effect of the antioxidants was critical only during the initial period of culture. Finally, it was determined that in short-term culture, in the absence of feeder layers, antioxidants could partially replace the effect(s) of growth factors and reduce apoptosis. Collectively, these results indicate that the addition of alpha(2)-macroglobulin and antioxidants can increase the number of PGCs in vitro by suppressing apoptosis.  相似文献   

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