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The electrochemical gradient of protons, , was estimated in the obligatory aerobic yeastRhodotorula glutinis in the pH0 range from 3 to 8.5. The membrane potential, , was measured by steady-state distribution of the hydrophobic ions, tetraphenylphosphonium (TPP+) for negative above pH0 4.5, and thiocyanate (SCN) for positive below pH0 4.5. The chemical gradient of H+ was determined by measuring the chemical shift of intracellular Pi by31P-NMR at given pH0 values. The values of pHi increased almost linearly from 7.3 at pH0 3 to 7.8 at pH0 8.5. In the physiological pH0 range from 3.5 to 6, was fairly constant at values between 17–18 KJ mol–1, gradually decreasing at pH0 above 6. In deenergized cells, the intracellular pHi decreased to values as low as 6, regardless of whether the cell suspension was buffered at pH0 4.5 or 7.5. There was no membrane potential detectable in deenergized cells.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Durch simultane visuelle Bewegungsreize, die von mehreren Beutetieren (z.B. Mehlkäferlarven) ausgehen, wird der Beutefang der Erdkröte (Bufo bufo L.) gehemmt. An diese Verhaltensheobaehtung anknüpfend, wurde die Abhängigkeit dieses inhibitorischen Umfeldeffektes von verschiedenen visuellen Reizparametern im Attrappen versuch quantitativ gemessen: Im frontalen Gesichtsfeld der Kröte rotierte vor dunklem Hintergrund eine weiße, rechteckige, 2,5 × 20° große Beuteattrappe (Zentralattrappe, z) mit dem Rechteckzentrum im Drehpunkt. Zusätzlich konnten mehrere Kreisscheiben von 5 bzw. 10° (Peripherattrappen, p) um die Zentralattrappe bewegt werden.Die Beutefangaktivität R z [Beutefangreaktionen x min–1] auf die allein gebotene Zentralattrappe war bei einer Sehwinkelgeschwindigkeit v s der distalen Attrappenkanten 10v s30 [grad x see–1] maximal und sank für kleinere oder größere Winkelgeschwindigkeiten wieder ab. Eine mit v s=25 [grad x sec–1] allein bewegte Peripherattrappe löste maximale Beutefangaktivität R p aus. Mit zunehmender Anzahl n p simultan bewegter Peripherattrappen sank die Beutefangaktivität ab.Mehrere, um den gleichen Drehpunkt bewegte Peripherattrappen, deren Abstand untereinander =10° betrug, blieben von der Kröte unbeantwortet. Sie bildeten ein inhibitorisches Umfeld und hemmten dadurch die Reaktion auf die gleichzeitig bewegte Zentralattrappe z. — Die im Simultanreizungsversuch gemessene Beutefangaktivität R zp war abhängig vom Abstand [grad] zwischen Zentralattrappe und Peripherattrappen ( : Kürzester Abstand zwischen z und p): Für =10° war R zp0 und stieg für >10° an. — Kontrollversuche, die jeweils auf die Simultanreizung mit z allein folgten (R z), ließen eine -abhängige Nachhemmung erkennen. — Die hemmende Wirkung auf die Beantwortung von z war auch von der Sehwinkelgeschwindigkeit v s der Peripherattrappen abhängig; sie war bei derjenigen Sehwinkelgeschwindigkeit (v s=25 [grad × sec–1]) maximal, mit der die Zentralattrappe, allein geboten, maximale Beutefangaktivität auslöste; für v sg25 [grad × sec–1] nahm die Hemmung wieder ab.Die Versuchsergebnisse lassen auf inhibitorische Verknüpfungen innerhalb des zentralen visuellen Systems schließen. Es wird vermutet, daß die Reiz-Verhaltens-reaktionsbeziehungen in den visuellen Simultanreizungsversuchen durch eine Art zentrale laterale Inhibition bestimmt werden.
Inhibitory effect of simultaneously moved prey dummies on the prey catching behaviour of the common toad (Bufo bufo L.)
Summary The prey catching behaviour of the toad (Bufo bufo L.) is generally inhibited by simultaneously visual moving stimuli caused by a group of prey animals (mealworms). According to this behavioural observation the dependence of this inhibitory effect on several visual parameters were quantitatively measured in dummy experiments: in the frontal visual field of the toad a white rectangular prey dummy of 2,5×20° (central dummy, z) was rotating in a centre against dark background. In addition several disks of 5 or 10° diameter (peripheral dummies, p) could simultaneously rotate around the central dummy (Figs. 1 and 7).The prey catching activity R z [catching reactions x min–1] released by rotation of only the central dummy z increased with increasing angular velocity v s of the stimulus distal edges, reaching a maximum for 10vs30 [degrees x sec–1] and decreasing for v s>30 [degrees x sec–1] (Fig. 5).A single peripheral dummy p, moved at v s=25 [degrees x sec–1], released maximal catching activity R p. The activity R p decreased with the increasing number n p of simultaneously offered dummies (Fig. 6).The prey catching behaviour of the toad was inhibited, when several peripheral dummies p were moved around the centre with a distance =10° from each other. They caused an inhibitory field and they also inhibited the response to a simultaneously moved central dummy z. The prey catching activity, measured in experiments in which z and p rotated simultaneously, depends on the distance [degrees] between z and p ( being the shortest distance between z and p). For =10°, R zp was zero; R zp increased for >10° (Figs. 9 and 10). — Control experiments carried out with z allone — after having applied the simultaneous stimulation — showed a - dependent after-inhibition (Fig. 9). — The inhibitory effect on the response to z also depended on the angular velocity v s of p; the inhibition was at a maximum for v s25 [degrees x sec–1], and it decreased for v s25 [degrees x sec–1] (Fig. 11).The experimental results suggest inhibitory interactions within the central visual system. It is supposed that the relation between stimulus and behavioural reaction in simultaneous stimulating experiments results from some kind of central nervous lateral inhibition.

Mit Unterstützung der Deutschen Forschungsgemeinschaft (Ew 7/4+5).  相似文献   

Summary Theoretical studies on the optimal numbers of components in mixtures (for example multiclonal varieties or mixtures of lines) have been performed according to phenotypic yield stability (measured by the parameter variance). For each component i, i = 1, 2,..., n, a parameter ui with 0 ui 1 has been introduced reflecting the different survival and yielding ability of the components. For the stochastic analysis the mean of each ui is denoted by u 1 and its variance by i 2 For the character total yield the phenotypic variance V can be explicitly expressed dependent on 1) the number n of components in the mixture, 2) the mean of the i 2 3) the variance of the i 2 4) the ratio and 5) the ratio i 2 /2 where denotes the mean of the u i and u 2 is the variance of the u j. According to the dependence of the phenotypic stability on these factors some conclusions can be easily derived from this V-formula. Furthermore, two different approaches for a calculation of necessary or optimal numbers of components using the phenotypic variance V are discussed: A. Determination of optimal numbers in the sense that a continued increase of the number of components brings about no further significant effect according to stability. B. A reduction of b % of the number of components but nevertheless an unchanged stability can be realized by an increase of the mean of the u i by 1% (with and u 2 assumed to be unchanged). Numerical results on n (from A) and 1 (from B) are given. Computing the coefficient of variation v for the character total yield and solving for the number n of components one obtains an explicit expression for n dependent on v and the factors 2.-5. mentioned above. In the special case of equal variances, i 2 = o 2 for each i, the number n depends on v, x = (0/)2 and y = (u/)2. Detailed numerical results for n = n (v, x, y) are given. For x 1 and y 1 one obtains n = 9, 20 and 79 for v = 0.30, 0.20 and 0.10, respectively while for x 1 and arbitrary y-values the results are n = 11, 24 and 95.This publication is an extended version of a lecture given at the 1984-EUCARPIA meeting (Section Biometrics in Plant Breeding) in Stuttgart-Hohenheim (Federal Republic of Germany)  相似文献   

The dynamics of coupled biological oscillators can be modeled by averaging the effects of coupling over each oscillatory cycle so that the coupling depends on the phase difference between the two oscillators and not on their specific states. Average phase difference theory claims that mode locking phenomena can be predicted by the average effects of the coupling influences. As a starting point for both empirical and theoretical investigations, Rand et al. (1988) have proposed d/dt= — K sin ), with phase-locked solutions =arcsin( /K), where is the difference between the uncoupled frequencies and K is the coupling strength. Phase-locking was evaluated in three experiments using an interlimb coordination paradigm in which a person oscillates hand-held pendulums. was controlled through length differences in the left and right pendulums. The coupled frequency c was varied by a metronome, and scaled to the eigenfrequency v of the coupled system K was assumed to vary inversely with c. The results indicate that: (1) and K contribute multiplicatively to (2) =0 or = regardless of K when =0; (3) 0 or regardless of when K is large (relative to ); (4) results (1) to (3) hold identically for both in phase and antiphase coordination. The results also indicate that the relevant frequency is c/v rather than c. Discussion high-lighted the significance of confirming =arcsin(/K) for more general treatments of phase-locking, such as circle map dynamics, and for the 11 phase-entrainment which characterizes biological movement systems.  相似文献   

Summary On t.l.c. plates 125I-cholera toxin binds to a disialoganglioside tentatively identified as GDlb with about 10 times less capacity than to ganglioside GM1. Binding of labeled toxin to both gangliosides was abolished in presence of excess amounts of unlabeled B subunit. Ganglioside extracts from human or pig intestinal mucosa showed toxin binding to gangliosides GM1 and GD1b. In ganglioside-containing lipid monolayers the penetration of the toxin was independent of the ganglioside binding capacity.Abbreviations GM2 Gal-NAc14Gal(3-2NeuAc)14G1c1Cer - GM1 Gal3Ga1-NAc14Gal(32NeuAc)14G1c11Cer - GD1a NeuAc23Ga113Gal-NAc14Gal(32NeuAc)14G1c11Cer - GD1b Gall3Gal-NAcl4Gal(32NeuAc82NeuAc)14Glc11Cer - GT1b NeuAc23Ga113Ga1-NAcal4Gal(3-2NeuAc82NeuAc)14G1c11Cer - dpPC 1,2-hexadecanoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine - dpPE 1,2-hexadecanoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphoethanolamine  相似文献   

Summary The influence of the alcohol concentration on the foaminess, , of-BSA-solutions is considered. This effect is calculated by means of the function (CBSA . f), where f=1 for pure protein solutions and f>1 for alcohol solutions. f is calculated by f = 2TTeff. Here, where TT is the turbidity temperature change due to solvent structure effects and TD, the temperature correction due to alcohol-protein interaction. The constants necessary to calculate TT and TD are tabulated. The agreement between the calculated and measured foaminess , as a function of the n-propanol concentration is satisfactory and for methanol or ethanol excellent.  相似文献   

A simple one variable caricature for oscillating and excitable reaction-diffusion systems is introduced. It is shown that as a parameter, , varies the system dynamics change from oscillatory ( > 0) to excitable ( < 0) and the frequency of the oscillation vanishes as for 0. When such dynamics are coupled by continuous diffusion in a ring geometry (1-space dimension), propagating wave trains may be found. On an infinite ring excitable devices lead to unique solitary waves which are analogous to pulse waves. A solvable example is presented, illustrating properties of dispersion, excitability, and waves. Finally it is shown that the caricature arises in a natural way from more general excitable/oscillatory systems.  相似文献   

Summary This work deals with the ability of phage 80 to provide defective mutants of with their missing functions. Functions Involved in Recombination. As shown by others, the Int mechanism of 80 cannot excise prophage . However, 80 efficiently excises recombinants from tandem dilysogens, using its Ter mechanism. Likewise, the nonspecific mechanism Red is interchangeable between 80 and . Maturation of DNA by 80. The Ter recombinants excised by 80 from tandem dilysogens are packaged into a 80 protein coat. This contrasts with the fact, already mentionned by Dove, that 80 is extremely inefficient for packaging phage superinfecting a -lysogen. The latter result is also found when the helper phage is a hybrid with the left arm of (80hy4 or 80hy41 — see Fig. 1). However, the maturation of the superinfecting is much more efficient if the 80hy used as a helper has the att-N region of (like 80hy1). Conversely a with the att-N region of 80 (hy6 — see Fig. 1) is packaged more efficiently by 80 or 80hy4 than by 80hy1. It is suggested that the maturation of chromosome superinfecting an immune cell requires a recombination with the helper phage. Vegetative Functions. Among the replicative functoons O and P, the latter only can be supplied by 80. That N mutants are efficiently helped by 80 does not tell that 80 provides the defective with an active N product; the chromosomes are simply packaged into a 80 coat. This shows that 80 is unable to switch on the late genes of . That neither 80 nor any of the 80hy tested can provide an active N product is shown in a more direct way by their complete failure to help N -r14; this phage carries a polar mutation which makes the expression of genes O and P entirely N-dependant. The maturation of a N - by 80 contrasts with the fact that mutants affected in late genes (A, F or H) are not efficiently helped by 80. This suggests that the products coded by these genes are not interchangeable between 80 and , and that packaging of DNA into 80 coats is possible but inhibited when late proteins are present in the cell. Activation of the Late Genes. Among the im 80 h + hybrids tested, only 80hy41 is able to switch on the late genes of a N defective mutant. This hybrid differs from the other hybrids studied here, by the fact that it has the Q-S-R region of (see Fig. 1). The results are consistant with the view that the product of Q gene is sufficient for activating the late genes of a DNA. N would thus control the expression of late genes only indirectly by controlling the expression of gene Q (Couturier & Dambly have independantly reached the same conclusion, 1970). Furthermore the failure of 80 and of the 80hy1 and 80hy4 to activate the late genes of would imply that these phages are unable to provide an Q product active on the chromosome Reciprocally, switches on the late genes of prophage 80hy41, but not of prophages 80hy1 and 80hy4. This suggests that the initiation of late genes expression takes place at a main specific site located in the Q-S-R region of the chromosome. The expression of the late genes would thus be sequential, and proceed through the left arm only when steaky ends cohere. Similar conclusions were reached independantly by Toussaint (1969) and by Herskowitz and Signer (1970).

Ce travail a été réalisé dans le cadre du contrat d'association Euratom-U. L. B. 007-61-10 ABIB et avec l'aide du Fonds de la Recherche Fondamentale Collective.  相似文献   

Addition of Na+ to the K+-loadedVibrio alginolyticus cells, creating a 250-fold Na+ gradient, is shown to induce a transient increase in the intracellular ATP concentration, which is abolished by the Na+/H+ antiporter, monensin. The pNa-supported ATP synthesis requires an additional driving force supplied by endogenous respiration or, alternatively, by a K+ gradient (high [K+] inside). In the former case, ATP formation is resistant to the protonophorous uncoupler. Dicyclohexylcarbodiimide and diethylstilbestrol, but not vanadate, completely inhibit Na+ pulse-induced ATP formation. The data agree with the assumption that Na+-ATP-synthase is involved in oxidative phosphorylation inV. alginolyticus. Interrelation of H+ and Na+ cycles in bacteria is discussed.Abbreviations and electrochemical gradients of H+ and Na+, respectively - transmembrane electric potential difference - pH, pNa, and pK concentration gradients of H+, Na+, and K+, respectively - CCCP carbonyl cyanidem-chlorophenylhydrazone - DCCD N,N-dicyclohexylcarbodiimide - DES diesthylstilbestrol - HQNO 2-heptyl-4-hydroxyquinolineN-oxide - Tricine N[2-hydroxy-1,1-bis(hydroxymethyl)ethyl]glycine  相似文献   

The origin of Q-independent derivatives of phage lambda   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
Summary qsr (Q-independent) phages are characterised by the replacement of the region of the genome that contains Q, S, R, and the late gene promoter, PR, with host-derived DNA that codes for functions analogous to those deleted. Restriction endonuclease analysis and DNA/DNA hybridisation methods have been used to show that p4 and qin A 3, two such Q-independent phages, are the product of recombination between and a defective lambdoid prophage (the qsr prophage) located at an as yet unidentified site in the E. coli K 12 chromosome. The qsr prophage is distinct from the defective lambdoid prophage Rac (Kaiser and Murray 1979). In the E. coli K 12 strain AB1157 from which qsr phages cannot be generated, the qsr prophage has suffered an internal deletion. That the qsr prophage appears not to carry a full complement of essential late genes suggests one explanation for its apparently defective nature.  相似文献   

Summary Oxygen binding properties of the hemocyanin-containing blood ofBuccinum undatum were examined in vitro and in vivo under normoxic ( 150 mmHg) and hypoxic ( 50 mmHg) conditions at 10°C. Blood pH and showed a decrease in vivo under hypoxic conditions. Oxygen uptake at high water , was about 18 ml O2/kg·h (wet weight) and the critical oxygen tension between 25 and 50 mm Hg. In vitro the O2 binding to hemocyanin showedn-values independent of pH, while both O2 affinity and oxygen carrying capacity were strongly pH dependent. Oxygen affinity increased below pH=8.1 and thus showed a pronounced reversed Bohr shift in the physiological pH range (7.5<pH<8.1). The oxygen carrying capacity similarly increased markedly with falling pH in the physiological pH range (reversed Root shift). Astrup titration curves showed a metabolic and respiratory acidosis under hypoxic conditions ( 50 mm Hg). The role of hemocyanin in the transport of oxygen in relation to ambient O2 availability is discussed.  相似文献   

Summary Liquid-phase volumetric oxygen transfer coefficients were evaluated in a bubble column containing yeast suspensions, using the instationary oxygen absorption method and a polarographic oxygen electrode. The electrode time lag was found to be independent of both the system studied and the operating conditions. The volumetric oxygen mass transfer coefficients k L a could be reasonably predicted by calculating k L from the equation derived by Bhavaraju et al. or the empirical equation of Calderbank and Moo-Young and a from the experimental gas hold-up values.Nomenclature a Exponent in Eq.6 or specific gas-liquid interfacial area based on reactor volume m - b Exponent in Eq. 6 - C Constant in Eq 6 or oxygen concentration in the liquid phase g/ml - C * Equilibrium oxygen concentration g/ml - C 0 Oxygen concentration in the liquid phase at t=0 g/ml - C E Oxygen concentration as determined by the polarographic electrode g/ml - D B Bubble equivalent diameter mm - D l Oxygen diffusivity in the liquid phase m2/s - g Acceleration of gravity m/s2 - K Consistency index Pasn - K L Liquid-phase mass transfer coefficient m/s - n Power law exponent - Pe sw Peclet number based on bubble swarm velocity - S C Schmidt number - Sh Sherwood number - i Time s - U B Bubble rise velocity in infinite medium m/s - U g Superficial air velocity based on column cross-sectional area m/s - U sw Bubble swarm velocity defined by Eq.15 m/s - Y MSW Mass transfer coeficient correction factor for mobile interfaces in pseudo-plastic fluids Eq. 7 - Y MSW Mass transfer coefficient correction factor for immobile interface in pseudo-plastic fluids Eq. 8 Greek letters l Density of liquid g/ml - sus Density of unaerated suspension g/ml - wet cell Density of yeast wet cells g/ml - l Viscosity of the liquid Pas - app Apparent viscosity of power law fluid Pas - E Electrode time lag s - l Time lag due to resistance of the gas-liquid interface s - g Gas hold-up, volume fraction occupied by the gas phase - l Liquid hold-up - c Wet cell volume fraction  相似文献   

Wolinella succinogenes grown on formate and elemental sulphur was found to use the polysulphide derivatives 2,2-tetrathiobispropionate (R2S4) or pentathionate (S5O 6 = ) as acceptors for formate oxidation. The specific activities of formate oxidation with these acceptors were similar to those with elemental sulphur. The main reaction products of R2S4 reduction were 2,2-dithiobispropionate (R2S2) and sulphide. Pentathionate was converted to thiosulphate and some elemental sulphur. The electrochemical proton potential across the cytoplasmic membrane of the bacterium was measured in the steady state of electron transport from formate to R2S4. The electrical proportion () of the determined through the distribution of labeled tetraphenylphosphonium cation was obtained as 0.17 Volt. The was zero, when a protonophore was present. The pH-difference across the membrane was negligible. Thus the generated by sulphur respiration is close to that measured earlier with fumarate as the terminal acceptor of electron transport.Abbreviations DMO 5,5-dimethyloxazolidine-2,4-dione - R2Sn (n=2–5) 2,2-polythiobispropionate - TTFB 4,5,6,7-tetrachloro-2-trifluoromethylbenzimidazol - TPP tetraphenylphosphonium cation  相似文献   

Summary To determine the effect of a taurine-enriched drink Red Bull on performance, 10 endurance-athletes performed three trials. After 60 min. cycling at approximately 70% VO2 max, the subjects pedalled to exhaustion on a cycle ergometer. During each exercise, the subjects received 500 ml of a test-drink after 30 min. submaximal cycling: Red Bull without taurine, without glucuronolacton (U1), Red Bull without taurine, without glucuronolacton, without caffeine (U2) and Red Bull original drink containing taurine, glucuronolacton and caffeine (U3).The heart rate level was significantly lower in U3 (p = 0,0031) 15 min. after application. The plasma catecholamines increased slightly from begin of exercise to 15 min. after application of the drinks in all trials but remained on a significantly lower level in U3 (epinephrine (p = 0,0011) and norepinephrine (p = 0,0003). Endurance time was significantly longer with Red Bull original in U3 (p = 0,015). The results of this study show a positive effect of a taurine-containing drink on hormonal responses which leads to a higher performance.  相似文献   

Gross and net nitrogen (N) ammonification and nitrification were measured in soils from an uncut and recently cut upland and peatland conifer stand in northwestern Ontario, Canada. Rates of gross total inorganic N immobilization were similar to gross mineralization, resulting in low net mineralization rates in soils from all four upland and peatland conifer stands. Gross ammonification rates were variable but similar in soils from uncut and cut peatland hollows (18–19mgNkg–1day–1) and upland forest floor soils (14–19mgNkg–1day–1). Gross ammonium ( ) immobilization rates were also variable but similar to ammonification rates. Median gross nitrification rates were within 0–2mgNkg–1day–1 in soils from all four upland and peatland cut and uncut stands, although rates were consistently higher for the soils from the cut stands. Large variability in gross nitrification rates were observed in peatland soils, however the highest gross nitrification rates were measured in saturated peatland soils. Net rates remained low in the soils from all four stands due to high nitrate ( ) immobilization and very fast turnover (<0.2 day). Our results suggest that potential losses may be negated by high immobilization in uncut and cut boreal forest stands. This study reveals the potential for the interaction of N production and consumption processes in regulating N retention in upland and peatland conifer forests, and the resilience of the boreal forest to disturbance.  相似文献   

Henrik Laasch 《Planta》1989,178(4):553-560
A series of tertiary amines was investigated for effects on the transmembrane proton potential difference ( H), on photophosphorylation and on electron-flux control related to the intrathylakoid proton potential ( HI), using isolated chloroplasts ofSpinacia oleracea L. As indicated by 9-aminoacridine fluorescence and [14C]methylamine uptake, all amines studied inhibited a build-up of H and, in parallel, ATP synthesis. Even when H was low, strong H1-dependent electron-flux control was observed under the influence of tertiary amines. The strength of flux control in the presence of low H and the effectiveness of inhibition of ATP synthesis linearly increased with the lipophilicity of the amines. The most effective of the amines tested caused 50% inhibition of ATP synthesis at a concentration of 6 M, which is about 1000-fold lower than the concentration required for inhibition by methylamine. The data presented indicate the existence of two proton domains in the thylakoid vesicles, one of them feeding the ATP-synthase, the other the sites of pH-dependent electron-flux control. It is concluded that tertiary amines develop their action in a lipophilic domain of the thylakoid membrane, in the vicinity of the ATP-synthase complex. A mechanism for selective uncoupling and for the maintenance of HI-dependent electron flux control in the presence of low H is discussed.Abbreviations and symbols coefficient for pH-dependent electron flux control - 9-AA 9-aminoacridine - Chl chlorophyll - I50 amine concentration producing 50% inhibition of ATP-synthesis - Je flux of photosynthetic electron transport - k H apparent rate constant for proton efflux - H1 proton potential in the thylakoid lumen - H1 transthylakoid proton potential difference - p partition coefficient - q AA coefficient for 9-aminoacridine fluorescence quenching - PS photosystem - Q quantum flux of photosynthetically active light Dedicated to Professor Wilhelm Simonis, on the occasion of his 80th birthday  相似文献   

The segregation of seven isozyme marker genes was investigated using eight controlled crosses in almond. The cultivar Nonpareil was the maternal parent in all crosses. Pollination was achieved using eight different cultivars, and a total of 3200 individual kernels were assessed. For each isozyme the goodness-of-fit test was used to test for departure from the expected frequencies assuming Mendelian inheritance. Given a higher than expected number of significant results for individual isozymes, independent segregation between pairs of isozymes was tested using the chi-square statistic on the resulting two-way contingency tables. In all crosses a highly significant association (P value< 0.001) was observed between (1) the AAT- 1 and IDH isozymes loci and (2) the LAP-1 and PGM-2 isozymes loci, which leads to the conclusion that the respective isozyme pairs are linked.In addition, a significant association (P value < 0.001) was observed between LAP-1 and GPI-2 when the pollen sources were Fritz, Mission, or Price, but this could not be tested for the remaining five pollen sources, Carmel, Grant, Keane, Ne plus Ultra, Peerless, because they are homozygous at these loci. If LAP-1 is linked with GPI-2 and PGM-2, it might be expected that we should find evidence of linkage between GPI-2 and PGM-2. The lack of a significant association between these two isozymes suggests that LAP-1 is located centrally on the chromosome. These three pairs of linked loci are the first to be reported in almond.  相似文献   

The structure, function, and evolutionary history of globin genes have been the subject of extensive investigation over a period of more than 40 years, yet new globin genes with highly specialized functions are still being discovered and much remains uncertain about their evolutionary history. Here we investigate the molecular evolution of the -globin gene family in a marsupial species, the tammar wallaby, Macropus eugenii. We report the complete DNA sequences of two -like globin genes and show by phylogenetic analyses that one of these genes is orthologous to embryonically expressed -globin genes of marsupials and eutherians and the other is orthologous to adult expressed -globin genes of marsupials and eutherians. We show that the tammar wallaby contains a third functional -like globin gene, -globin, which forms part of the -globin gene cluster. The position of -globin on the 3 side of the -globin cluster and its ancient phylogenetic history fit the criteria, originally proposed by Jeffreys et al. (1980), of a fossil -globin gene and suggest that an ancient chromosome or genome duplication preceded the evolution of unlinked clusters of - and -globin genes in mammals and avians. In eutherian mammals, such as humans and mice, -globin has been silenced or translocated away from the -globin locus, while in marsupials -globin is coordinately expressed with the adult -globin gene just prior to birth to produce a functional hemoglobin (2 2).  相似文献   

Unravelling the factors that contribute to the formation and the stability of -sheet structure in peptides is a subject of great current interest. A -hairpin, the smallest -sheet motif, consists of two antiparallel hydrogen-bonded -strands linked by a loop region. We have performed a statistical analysis on protein -hairpins showing that the most abundant types of -hairpins, 2:2, 3:5 and 4:4, have characteristic patterns of 13C and 13C conformational shifts, as expected on the basis of their and angles. This fact strongly supports the potential value of 13C and 13C conformational shifts as a means to identify -hairpin motifs in peptides. Their usefulness was confirmed by analysing the patterns of 13C and 13C conformational shifts in 13 short peptides, 10–15 residues long, that adopt -hairpin structures in aqueous solution. Furthermore, we have investigated their potential as a method to quantify -hairpin populations in peptides.  相似文献   

Summary Resting rates of O2 consumption against , exercise endurance times and during recovery from vigorous exercise were measured inSceloporus occidentalis captured near sea level and inS. graciosus captured above 2850 m. Oxygen consumption against was also measured inS. occidentalis captured above 2850 m. When was recorded continuously, as ambient was slowly reduced from 155 Torr, it became directly dependent upon ambient between 110 and 120 Torr. The critical for the high altitude lizards was lower than that for the lowland lizards, which enabled the former to maintain relatively higher 's when ambient was reduced below 120 Torr. The high altitude lizards also had significantly greater endurance when stimulated to exercise at 1600 m ( 130 Torr). Both the higher under hypoxia and the greater endurance roughly parallel a significantly greater maximum in the high altitude lizards. At a simulated altitude of 3600 m ( 100 Torr), maximum and rate of recovery of the O2 debt calculated from post active were significantly reduced in the lowland but not the high altitude lizards. The effects of simulated altitude conditions on the lowland but not the mountaine animals indicate adaptations to altitude in these sceloporine lizards. We did not find any consistent relationship between organ/body weight ratios or hematocrit and our measures of endurance or the altitude at which the lizards were captured.  相似文献   

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