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花生果针入土后16天(16 DAP),种子干重和鲜重开始迅速增加。整个发育阶段可分为5个时期:组织分化期(0~20 DAP)、成熟前期(21~28 DAP)、成熟中期(29~40DAP)、成熟中后期(41~62 DAP)和成熟后期(63~88DAP)。种子发芽率在成熟前期和中期迅速提高并到达最大值,而苗成活率在成熟中后期达到最大值,苗鲜重则以88 DAP种子的为最大。种子发育过程中,贮藏蛋白质的合成与积累模式与种子干重变化相似。SDS-PAGE分析表明,种子发育初期(16 DAP)子叶中已积累花生球蛋白和伴花生球蛋白I。双向凝胶电泳显示花生球蛋白各个亚基在20DAP时均已存在,伴花生球蛋白I的主要亚基在整个发育过程中其等电点有所变化,含量也逐渐增加。其他蛋白质在种子发芽力形成阶段(20~40 DAP)的变化较为显著。  相似文献   

Peanut (Arachis hypogaea L. ) seed powder accumulated ATP fromAMP and phosphoenolpyruvate (PEP) at a rate of approx. 100 pmolmin–1mg powder at 35° C. When peanut seed powderwas incubated with various substrates, which may result in PEPor AMP (ADP) synthesis, then ATP accumulated. The best substratecombinations examined so far were AMP + succinate, NADH2, andAMP + malate + NAD, with activities of 33, 12 and 12 pmol minmg–1powder,respectively; AMP + malate showed very low activity. Some combinationsexhibited linear activities with time, while others had an exponential-typeprofile. The temperature dependence of the ATP accumulationdemonstrated by the Ahrrenius plot had a double phase with atransition point at 25° C. The Ea values between 15°C and 25° C were 25 000–50 000 cal/mol, while above25° C the Ea values fluctuated between 6000 and 8000 cal/mol(depending on the substrate). The AMP + PEP combination exhibiteda single-phase profile between 15° C and 40° C, withan Ea value of 22 000 cal/mol. In the presence of some substrates,ethephon (ethylene) had a stimulatory effect and caused an increasein the Ea values at the high temperature phase. A comparisonof seed powder from dormant seeds with that from non-dormantseeds revealed that some substrate combinations accumulate ATPfaster in non-dormant seeds and others do so in dormant seeds. Key words: Arachis hypogaea, ATP, Ethylene, Dormancy, Peanut, Seed  相似文献   

Cell-free extracts of peanut (Arachis hypogaea L., cv. Shulamit)seeds, incubated with various substrates, synthesized ATP. Significantsynthesis occurred in the presence of AMP + PEP, NADH2 + PEPand NAD + PEP. When the activities were examined in extractsprepared with 0.3 M mannitol, the rates were 0.6, 0.1 and 0.04nmol min–1 mg–1 protein, respectively. The activitiesunder such conditions were linear with time up to 90 min incubationat 30 °C. In the presence of PEP + NADH2 there was a higherspecific activity in extracts from non-dormant seeds than fromdormant seeds. No such difference was found when PEP + AMP orNAD + PEP was used as the substrate. The temperature dependenceof the activity showed a relatively high energy of activation(Ea) for AMP + PEP and a low one if NADH2 + PEP or NAD + PEPwas used as substrate. In buffer extracts of seeds ATP was synthesizedin the presence of the above-mentioned substrate combinationsbut the rate of activity exhibited a lag phase at the earlytime of incubation, after which higher rates of activities (ascompared with mannitol extracts) were obtained. The activitieswere Co+-dependent, with a Km of about 0.7 mM. In the bufferextracts relatively high activities of adenylate kinase (EC2.7.4.3 [EC] (AK) and pyruvate kinase (EC [EC] ) (PK) were found.AK was stimulated by ethephon (ethylene). This effect is temperature-dependentand occurs in both directions: in the presence of ADP (ATP +AMP) as well as if ATP + AMP is used as substrate to synthesizeADP. PK is Co+-dependent, and unaffected by ethephon. Both activitieswere stimulated by malonate. Key words: Adenylate Kinase, Arachis hypogaea, ATP synthesis, Peanut, Pyruvate kinase, Seed  相似文献   

花生种子吸胀6h后胚轴DNA中有~3H-胸苷掺入。咖啡因和羟基脲均对6~12h的~3H—胸苷掺入具强烈的抑制作用;当12~24h时,咖啡因的抑制作用较大;但30h以后,羟基脲的抑制作用超过咖啡因。双链DNA放射性从种子吸胀9h后迅速上升,单链DNA放射性在吸胀12h后出现一个明显的峰。但在吸胀12h后,单链DNA形成和存在的时间是短暂的。  相似文献   

Seeds of various species were treated with polyethyleneglycolin the absence or presence of AMP and phosphoenolpyruvate, redriedand examined for ATP accumulation at the early stage of germinationand for the rate of germination under suboptimal temperatures.The pretreatments resulted in seeds with various levels of accumulatedATP but in most comparative experiments no correlation was foundbetween the ATP accumulation and the rate of germination. Similarpretreatments with naturally aged seeds led to the same conclusion.The fact that ATP accumulation is a result of ATP synthesisas well as ATP utilization was demonstrated by a protein inhibitionexperiment which showed a possibility to produce seeds withrelatively high ATP accumulation levels at the early stage ofgermination, but with very low germination ability. Key words: AMP, PEP, Polyethyleneglycol, Pretreatment  相似文献   

The potato rot nematode, Ditylenchus destructor Thorne, is reported for the first time in hulls and seeds of peanut. The populations found differed from D. dipsaei and D. myceliophagus in habitat, number of lateral incisures, shape of tail tip, and length of postvulval sac. Infected hulls had brown necrotic tissue at the point of connection with the peg, and a black discoloration appeared first along the longitudinal veins. Infected seeds were usually shrunken, and testae and embryos had a yellow to brown or black discoloration. Of 877 seed samples graded "damaged" from all major peanut producing areas of South Africa, 73% were infected.  相似文献   

Methanol Accumulation in Maturing Seeds   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:4  
During in vitro growth and maturation of soybean seeds, cessationof embryo growth and dry weight accumulation occurred in thepresence of abundant C and N nutrients. Axis followed by cotyledontissues changed from green to yellow, and post-harvest germinationpotential declined if cultured after yellowing of axis tissues.A tissue specific accumulat;on of methanol occurred during thein vitro culture of immature seeds (i.e. initially 50 to 70mg fresh weight) to maturity in liquid medium. Methanol accumulatedto 3.0 g m–3 or 50 µg seed–1 in the medium,while methanol decreased from 37 to about 3.0 µg g–1fresh weight in cotyledons. By contrast, axis tissues increased20-fold in methanol concentration to 90 µg g–1 during20 d in culture. Ethanol was present only in trace amounts inaxis tissues and medium. Addition of exogenous methanol vapourto in situ grown seeds during precocious maturation decreasedsubsequent seedling vigour and germination with increasing levelsof exposure. Methanol accumulation in axis tissues during thegermination phase was not correlated with high temperature andtissue water content treatments which simulated pre-harvestdeterioration of seeds. However, the accumulation of methanolduring in vitro seed development and maturation in liquid culturemay contribute to reduced post-harvest germination performance. Key words: Soybean, Glycine max, seed maturation, in vitro, methanol  相似文献   

ATP concentration increased rapidly during the first 6h of imbibitionin cotyledons of cucumber and mung bean seeds. The increasewas strongly inhibited by 1-h treatment of tissues with cyanidein both species. Carbonylcyanide m-chlorophenylhydrazone, anuncoupler of oxidative phosphorylation, showed little effectduring the first hour of the treatment, but its inhibitory effecton ATP synthesis became significant after 3 h. Mitochondrialfractions prepared from 6-h-old cucumber cotyledons were capableof phosphorylating ADP to ATP. These results suggest that mitochondrialoxidative phosphorylation may be involved in ATP synthesis duringthe early hours of imbibition in both cucumber and mung beanseeds. (Received December 7, 1987; Accepted April 9, 1988)  相似文献   

The seeds of loblolly pine (Pirns taeda L.) were cold-stratified for 0, 14, 28, 42, and 56 days. Endogenous growth regulators were extracted from these seeds, and also from the germinating and the 28-day warm stratified seeds. Partially purified extracts were separated on chromatographic paper. The chromatograms were cut into 10 equal segments, and these were tested for biological activity using three different btoassays. The results indicated that the unstratified seeds and those stratified up to a period of 28 days contained very little or no growth promoter (GA-like substances), and a relatively high concentration of an inhibitor (presumably abscisic acid), Following 42-day stratification, the promoter concentration gradually increased while the inhibitor level fell almost to zero. A high level of promoter but no inhibitor was detected in germinating seeds. No auxin-like activity was noted in the unstratified seeds. This activity slowly increased up to a period of 28 days and remained at this level for the subsequent stratification periods. However, the activity greatly increased in the germinating seeds. Very little changes in the levels of growth regulators were noted in warm-stratified seeds as compared to the unstrati-fied controls.  相似文献   

During the imbibition of seeds in polyethyleneglycol (PEG),increasing amounts of ATP accumulated up to 24 h. Similar amountsaccumulated in the seeds during 4–5 h of imbibition inwater. Radioactive amino acids were increasingly incorporatedin the acid-insoluble fraction up to 24 h imbibition in PEG,as well as in water, after which a sharp decrease occurred upto 5 d of imbibition. If seeds were imbibed in PEG or waterin the presence of radioactive acetate, water-insoluble radioactivityincreased linearly in seeds during 5 d of imbibition. The amountsof incorporated amino acids or acetate were about double inPEG-imbibed as compared with in water-imbibed seed. The incorporationof AMP into the acid-insoluble fraction in seeds imbibed inPEG in the presence of radioactive AMP levelled off after 24h followed by a sharp decrease of up to 10% of the peak 5 dafter the start of imbibition. In water-imbibed seeds the incorporationof AMP continued to increase during at least 5 d of imbibition.During redrying of PEG-treated seeds (24 h), at least 80% ofthe accumulated ATP decreased during 18 d. The total radioactiveamino acids and nucleotide decreased during 3 d of redryingby 20% and 60%, respectively. At that time, the acid-insolubleincorporates increased by 20% and 50%, respectively. Some ofthe AMP was released as CO2. Key words: AMP, Germination, Nucleic acid synthesis, Osmoconditioning, PEG, Protein synthesis  相似文献   

种子休眠与破眠机理研究进展   总被引:29,自引:3,他引:29  
李蓉  叶勇 《西北植物学报》2005,25(11):2350-2355
种子休眠机理主要围绕透性、抑制剂作用和光敏素转化等方面的研究而建立。种皮的阻碍作用可能是由于种皮的物理或化学特性引起.可导致对水、光、气体或溶质的透性改变。抑制剂作用机理是抑制物质可抵消促进细胞分裂和生长发育的激素的作用。光敏素转化机理来源于与休眠有关的生物活性化学物质的合成、活化或破坏受光诱导的观点,由于发现了光敏素蓝色蛋白的活化型(Pfr)和钝化型(Pr)而得到强有力的支持,种子光休眠取决于光敏素蓝色蛋白的活化型(Pfr)含量和Pfr/(Pr+Pfr)比值。目前,打破休眠的方法一般有机械破皮法、激素处理法、分子生物学技术法、物理处理法(如激光、烟、热等处理技术)、CO2处理法等。激素的平衡由抑制剂占优势向促进物占优势的变化是打破休眠的决定因素。研究破眠机理的分子生物学技术有多种,包括ABA突变体的利用、分子标记、转基因技术、用反义RAN阻止基因的表达、cDNA克隆技术等。用激光照射种子,把适宜的光射入细胞,可增加细胞生物能,促进种子发育,从而可能打破休眠。热处理的机理是由于加热可以增加种皮的透气性。CO2之所以能提高某些物种的萌发率,在于其影响了种子内部乙烯的敏感性。  相似文献   

The acquisition and induction of desiccation tolerance associated with the expression of heat-stable proteins in the developing peanut (Arachis hypogaea L. ) seeds were studied. Desiccation tolerance of peanut seeds was achieved during 45 to 65 DAP (days after pegging) embryogenesis, while a set of low molecular weight (9 to 15.5 kD) heat-stable polypeptides was preferentially expressed. Slow drying regime applied in vitro to 25 and 35 DAP peanut embryos induced desiccation tolerance and the expression of the same subset of polypeptides. Mature drying treatment enhanced the ability of 65 DAP peanut embryos to withstand fast drying, also increased the heat stability of arachins, the major peanut storage protein, which was heat labile during 45 to 65 DAP embryogenesis. It was concluded that the heat-stable proteins may contribute to desiccation tolerance of the peanut seeds, and the low molecular weight heat-stable polypeptides may confer nonspecifieally heat tolerance on peanut storage proteins which were normally heat labile.  相似文献   

Changes in abscisic acid-like inhibitors and cytokinins were studied during dry storage after ripening of dormant peanut seeds. Decrease in ABA-like inhibitors and increase in cytokinin levels was found as the seeds lose their dormancy. Dormancy of peanut seeds is associated with presence of a high level of ABA-like inhibitors and a low level of cytokinins.  相似文献   

Accumulation of aflatoxin in Spanish peanut kernel samples from different geographical areas in Texas during 1966, as detected by the thin-layer chromatographic method, was relatively low. Analysis of samples obtained from growers using artificial drying equipment (forced air and supplemental heat), when windrow conditions were unfavorable for rapid drying, suggests that this practice reduces the possibility of aflatoxin accumulation. In general, peanuts harvested from land planted to peanuts the previous year were more highly infested with fungi and contained more aflatoxin than peanuts grown on land planted with rye, oats, melons, or potatoes the previous year. Aflatoxin incidence tended to decrease from south to north Texas. These findings verify previous research observations that moist tropical climates are conducive to fungal infestation and aflatoxin accumulation. Detection of aflatoxin in sound mature kernels (kernels screened for minimal size) indicates that the practice of screening for removal of small immature kernels and removal of obviously damaged kernels does not completely eliminate aflatoxin contamination.  相似文献   

To further elucidate the regulation of dormancy release, we followed the natural afterripening of Virginia-type peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.) seeds from about the 5th to 40th week after harvest. Seeds were kept at low temperature (3 ± 2 C) until just prior to testing for germination, ethylene production, and internal ethylene concentration. Germination tended to fluctuate but did not increase significantly during the first 30 weeks; internal ethylene concentrations and ethylene production remained comparatively low during this time. When the seeds were placed at room temperature during the 30th to 40th weeks after harvest, there was a large increase in germination, 49% and 47% for apical and basal seeds, respectively. The data confirm our previous suggestion that production rates of 2.0 to 3.0 nanoliters per gram fresh weight per hour are necessary to provide internal ethylene concentrations at activation levels which cause a substantial increase of germination. Activation levels internally must be more than 0.4 microliter per liter and 0.9 microliter per liter for some apical and basal seeds, respectively, since dormant-imbibed seeds containing these concentrations did not germinate. Abscisic acid inhibited germination and ethylene production of afterripened seeds. Kinetin reversed the effects of ABA and this was correlated with its ability to stimulate ethylene production by the seeds. Ethylene also reversed the effects of abscisic acid. Carbon dioxide did not compete with ethylene action in this system. The data indicate that ethylene and an inhibitor, possibly abscisic acid, interact to control dormant peanut seed germination. The inability of CO2 to inhibit competitively the action of ethylene on dormancy release, as it does other ethylene effects, suggests that the primary site of action of ethylene in peanut seeds is different from the site for other plant responses to ethylene.  相似文献   

Footitt S  Cohn MA 《Plant physiology》1992,100(3):1196-1202
Exposure of dehulled, dormant red rice (Oryza sativa) seeds to dormancy-breaking treatments (10 mm sodium nitrite, 20 mm propionic acid, 30 mm methyl propionate, 40 mm propionaldehyde, or 70 mmn-propanol) induced tissue pH acidification during chemical contact at least 12 h before visible germination. During chemical contact, the onset of embryo acidification occurred before or coincident with the chemical contact interval necessary for subsequent germination. Upon seed transfer to H2O following chemical contact, embryo pH also decreased coincident with visible germination. During this period, the percentage of germination and embryo pH were closely linked irrespective of the dormancy-breaking compound used. Therefore, tissue acidification during the breaking of seed dormancy and the germination process may be analogous to similar tissue pH changes associated with the termination of developmental arrest in other multicellular systems, such as brine shrimp cysts and nematode larvae.  相似文献   

The embryonic axes of Spanish-type peanut seeds that do not exhibit dormancy to any extent were found to produce ethylene during germination. Virginia-type peanut seeds of the extremely dormant variety NC-13 produced low levels of ethylene when imbibed but not germinating. Treatments that released dormancy of NC-13 peanut seeds resulted in increased ethylene production by the embryonic axis. The estimated internal concentration of ethylene in Virginia-type peanut seeds was 0.4 ppm at 24 hr of germination. Fumigation with an external concentration of 3.0 to 3.5 ppm for 6 hr was sufficient to break dormancy of Virginia-type peanut seeds. These results suggest that ethylene is associated with the germination processes of non-dormant seeds and participates in the breaking of seed dormancy of dormant peanut varieties.  相似文献   

Regulation of starch accumulation in yellow (Lupinus luteus L.), white (L. albus L.), and Andean lupin (L. mutabilis Sweet) developing and germinating seeds was investigated. Research was conducted on cotyledons isolated from developing seeds as well as on organs of germinating seeds, that is, isolated embryo axes, excised cotyledons, and seedling axes and cotyledons. All organs were cultured in vitro for 96 h in different carbon (60 mM sucrose) and nitrogen (35 mM asparagine or 35 mM nitrate) conditions. Ultrastructure observation showed one common pattern of changes in the number and size of starch granules caused by sucrose, asparagine, and nitrate in both developing and germinating seeds. Sucrose increased the number and size of starch granules. Asparagine additionally increased starch accumulation (irrespective of sucrose nutrition) but nitrate had no effect on starch accumulation. Asparagine treatment resulted in a significant decrease in soluble sugar level in all organs of germinating lupin seeds of the three species investigated. The above-mentioned changes were most clearly visible in white lupin organs. In white lupin, starch granules were visible even in cells of sucrose-starved isolated embryo axes where advanced autophagy occurs. The importance of asparagine-increased starch content in the creation of a strong source–sink gradient in developing and germinating lupin seeds is discussed.  相似文献   

萌发中花生胚轴的耐干性与热稳定蛋白   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
成熟花生种子吸胀18 h 发芽率达100 % 。在这18 h 的范围内,胚轴即使经干燥处理,萌发生长率仍保持100 % ,而热稳定蛋白含量变化很小。吸胀24 h 后,经干燥的花生胚完全丧失萌发生长能力。SDSPAGE和双向电泳表明,花生胚轴的热稳定蛋白主要是贮藏蛋白,该蛋白中的花生球蛋白大亚基,伴花生球蛋白I和2S 蛋白的降解与胚轴的耐干性丧失有关。  相似文献   

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