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The 10,000-nucleotide RNA genome of the Prague strain, subgroup B (PR-B) of Rous sarcoma virus, was found to contain 11.6 ± 0.5 residues of m6Ap by quantitative analysis of 32P-labeled virion RNA after complete RNAase digestion. Approximately ten of the m6Ap residues are located, without obvious clustering, in that region of the genome between 500 and 4000 nucleotides from the 3′ poly(A) end. The src gene, which is required for transformation, and part of the env gene, which codes for the major viral envelope glycoprotein, have previously been mapped in this region of the viral genome. A transformation-defective deletion mutant of PR-B Rous sarcoma virus, which lacks the src gene, has 7.0 ± 0.2 m6Ap residues per RNA subunit. This supports our mapping of a portion of the m6A residues in src and suggests that this methylation is specific to certain regions of the genome. The possible significance of this result for Rous sarcoma virus RNA processing and translation is discussed.  相似文献   

Endochondral bone formation involves the progression of epiphyseal growth plate chondrocytes through a sequence of developmental stages which include proliferation, differentiation, hypertrophy, and matrix calcification. To study this highly coordinated process, we infected growth plate chondrocytes with Rous sarcoma virus (RSV) and studied the effects of RSV transformation on cell proliferation, differentiation, matrix synthesis, and mineralization. The RSV-transformed chondrocytes exhibited a distinct bipolar, fibroblast-like morphology, while the mock-infected chondrocytes had a typical polygonal morphology. The RSV-transformed chondrocytes actively synthesized extracellular matrix proteins consisting mainly of type I collagen and fibronectin. RSV-transformed cells produced much less type X collagen than was produced by mock-transformed cells. There also was a significant reduction of proteoglycan levels secreted in both the cell-matrix layer and culture media from RSV-transformed chondrocytes. RSV-transformed chondrocytes expressed two- to- threefold more matrix metalloproteinase, while expressing only one-half to one-third of the alkaline phosphatase activity of mock infected cells. Finally, RSV-transformed chondrocytes failed to calcify the extracellular matrix, while mock-transformed cells deposited high levels of calcium and phosphate into their extracellular matrix. These results collectively indicate that RSV transformation disrupts the preprogrammed differentiation pattern of growth plate chondrocytes and inhibit chondrocyte terminal differentiation and mineralization. They also suggest that the expression of extracellular matrix proteins, type II and type X collagens, and the cartilage proteoglycans are important for chondrocyte terminal differentiation and matrix calcification. J. Cell. Biochem. 69:453–462, 1998. © 1998 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

During assembly and morphogenesis of Rous sarcoma virus (RSV), proteolytic processing of the structural precursor (Pr76Gag) protein generates three capsid (CA) protein variants, CA476, CA479, and CA488. The proteins share identical N-terminal domains (NTDs), but are truncated at residues corresponding to gag codons 476, 479, and 488 in their CA C-terminal domains (CTDs). To characterize oligomeric forms of the RSV CA variants, we examined 2D crystals of the capsid proteins, assembled on lipid monolayers. Using electron microscopy and image analysis approaches, the CA proteins were observed to organize in hexagonal (p6) arrangements, where rings of membrane-proximal NTD hexamers were spaced at 95 A intervals. Differences between the oligomeric structures of the CA variants were most evident in membrane-distal regions, where apparent CTDs interconnect hexamer rings. In this region, CA488 connections were observed readily, while CA476 and CA479 contacts were resolved poorly, suggesting that in vivo processing of CA488 to the shorter forms may permit virions to adopt a dissembly-competent conformation. In addition to crystalline arrays, the CA479 and CA488 proteins formed small spherical particles with diameters of 165-175 A. The spheres appear to be arranged from hexamer or hexamer plus pentamer ring subunits that are related to the 2D crystal forms. Our results implicate RSV CA hexamer rings as basic elements in the assembly of RSV virus cores.  相似文献   

Summary Prompted by our observation that a reduction in junctional permeance is one of the earlier events in the process of neoplastic transformation of a cell line by Rous sarcoma virus, we analyzed the gap junctions, from these cells to determine if the basis of the reduction is a loss of junctional channels. The cells (normal rat kidney, or NRK) are infected with a temperature-sensitive mutant of Rous sarcoma virus, allowing one easily to manipulate the cells into and out of the transformed state, and hence also to manipulate the junctional permeance. Using freeze-fracture electron microscopy, we found that the number and size of the junctions did not change in parallel with the permeance changes we had previously characterized. There is, however, a significant rearrangement of the junctional particles to a more random configuration when the cells are transformed and a reversal to the more ordered pattern when the cells are shifted back to the normal phenotype. These changes do parallel the changes in junctional permeance. We conclude that the permeance of existing junctional channels is modified and that the change in permeance may involve a change in the interaction of the junctional channels with each other and/or the surrounding lipid domain.  相似文献   

Summary A method for efficiently infecting primary myogenic cultures with a temperature-sensitive variant of the Prague strain of Rous sarcoma virus (RSV, tsLA24) to obtain a high yield of transformed myogenic cells is reported. It incorporates the use of an amorphous polymer of polycations, Polybrene, to enhance the absorption of the virus by the muscle cells. In addition, other steps which were shown to be important were a) to allow cell attachment before infection, b) to infect at 35° C in low protein medium, c) to use a density of 1 to 1.5×106 cells/60-mm dish, d) gentle agitation during infection, and e) to minimize the number of passages after infection. The use of the temperature-sensitive virus provided a means of confirming the presence of myogenic cells in transformed cultures. When infected cells were maintained at 35° C (the permissive temperature for virus activity) they exhibited the characteristics of transformed cells. These characteristics included altered cell morphology, the absence of contact-inhibited growth, growth in semisolid medium, and expression of thesrc oncogene. In contrast, not expresssrc and showed normal myogenic development and ultimately formed myotubes. This work was supported by grants from the Australian Research Grants Committee and the Cancer Foundation of Western Australia.  相似文献   

The genomes of all retroviruses contain sequences near their 5' ends that interact with the nucleocapsid domains (NC) of assembling Gag proteins and direct their packaging into virus particles. Retroviral packaging signals often occur in non-contiguous segments spanning several hundred nucleotides of the RNA genome, confounding structural and mechanistic studies of genome packaging. Recently, a relatively short, 82 nucleotide region of the Rous sarcoma virus (RSV) genome, called muPsi, was shown to be sufficient to direct efficient packaging of heterologous RNAs into RSV-like particles. We have developed a method for the preparation and purification of large quantities of recombinant RSV NC protein, and have studied its interactions with native and mutant forms of the muPsi encapsidation element. NC does not bind with significant affinity to truncated forms of muPsi, consistent with earlier packaging and mutagenesis studies. Surprisingly, NC binds to the native muPsi RNA with affinity that is approximately 100 times greater than that observed for other previously characterized retroviral NC-RNA complexes (extrapolated dissociation constant K(d)=1.9 nM). Tight binding with 1:1 NC-muPsi stoichiometry is dependent on a conserved UGCG tetraloop in one of three predicted stem loops, and an AUG initiation codon controvertibly implicated in genome packaging and translational control. Loop nucleotides of other stem loops do not contribute to NC binding. Our findings indicate that the structural determinants of RSV genome recognition and NC-RNA binding differ considerably from those observed for other retroviruses.  相似文献   

Mature Xenopus laevis spermatozoa are capable of binding plasmid pAPrC carrying the complete Rous sarcoma virus (RSV) DNA. Each sperm cell associates, on an average, with 70–160 molecules of the plasmid DNA in a DNase resistant form, if the spermatozoa were exposed to the DNA at a concentration of 1.0–1.4 μg/107 sperm cells. Fertilization with pAPrC-treated spermatozoa induced developmental malformations in 25–30% of embryos. Immunohistochemical analysis of tissue sections from defective animals revealed aberrations in myotomal structures, and increased expression of pp60src protein in myoblasts, neuronal tube, and epidermis. The presence of characteristic v-src and RSV-long terminal repeat (LTR) sequences in X. laevis DNA was detected by PCR analysis. Embryonic RNA hybridized with a src-specific and an RSV-LTR specific probes indicating expression of the viral DNA. Plasmid DNAs without the v-src gene (pATV9) or completely free of any RSV sequences (pBR322) did not induce any changes in embryonic development. Our results provide evidence that the pBR322-cloned DNA form of the RSV genome associates with frog sperm cells in a DNase-resistant manner suggesting internalization and may be subsequently carried into eggs during the process of artificial fertilization. Correlation between the defective morphogenesis of X. laevis and increased expression of the src gene as well as an interference of RSV DNA with the developmental programs of frog embryos are discussed. © 1996 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

To identify phosphotyrosine-containing proteins essential for maintaining the transformed state, we studied the tyrosine phosphorylation profile of temperature-sensitive mutant of Rous sarcoma virus, tsNY68, infected cells (68N7). Shifting the temperature from 39 degrees C (nonpermissive) to 32 degrees C (permissive) markedly increased the expression of phosphotyrosine-containing cell membrane proteins of approximately 40kDa, as assessed by SDS-PAGE. Membrane and nuclear proteins were separated by two-dimensional gel electrophoresis and immunoblotted with anti-phosphotyrosine antibody. Proteins showing temperature-dependent changes in phosphorylation profile were subjected to in-gel digestion with trypsin and analyzed by mass spectrometry. Five proteins were identified: heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein (hnRNP) A3, hnRNP A2, annexin II, phosphoglycerate mutase 1, and triosephosphate isomerase 1. hnRNP A3 was phosphorylated at serine residues and had both serine and tyrosine phosphorylated sites. These results suggest an important complementary role for proteomics in identifying molecular abnormalities associated with tumor progression that may be attractive candidates for tumor diagnosis.  相似文献   

Total cellular calcium content (determined by atomic absorption spectrometry) of Rat-1 cells transformed by temperature-sensitive Rous sarcoma virus decreases with cell density, but is found not significantly different at permissive and at non-permissive temperature. Kinetic analysis of 45Ca efflux from preloaded cells exhibits three separable pools of exchangeable calcium. The ratio of pool size of the fast-exchanging Ca-compartment (bound to cell surface) to pool size of the intermediate Ca-compartment (cytoplasmic) was found to decrease from 2.5 to 1.3 upon shift from non-permissive to permissive temperature. The slowly exchanging Ca-pool (presumably mitochondrial) did not change significantly upon temperature shift. These and further data demonstrate a close correlation between distribution of cellular Ca among different cellular compartments and characteristics of cellular proliferation, both attributable to the function(s) of a single oncogene.  相似文献   

Seven major histocompatibility (B) complex recombinants were evaluated for anti-Rous sarcoma response. In experiment 1, the BR5(F21-G19) recombinant haplotype both homozygous and in heterozygous combinations with B19 and B21 haplotypes were compared to B19/B19 and B21/B21 chickens to determine the relative influence of the BF versus BG chromosomal segments on regression of Rous sarcoma virus-induced tumours. In experiment 2, six recombinant haplotypes BR1(F24-G23), BR2(F2-G23), BR3(F2-G23), BR4(F2-G23), BR6(F21-G23) and BR8(F2-G2a,23) present in chickens heterozygous for normal haplotypes B19, B23 or B26 were compared for anti-sarcoma response. A total of 1328 chickens were blood typed for B alloanti-gens at 17 days of age, inoculated in the wingweb with Rous sarcoma virus at 6 weeks and monitored for anti-tumour immune response over a 10-week period. Genotypes which shared the same BF haplotype, but differed in their BG regions, had similar anti-tumour responses, implicating the BF but not the BG region in tumour regression. Chickens carrying BF2 or BF21 had a strong anti-tumour response, while BF24 conferred a weaker response, regardless of the accompanying normal haplotype.  相似文献   

The structure of the N-terminal domain (NTD) of Rous sarcoma virus (RSV) capsid protein (CA), with an upstream 25 amino acid residue extension corresponding to the C-terminal portion of the Gag p10 protein, has been determined by X-ray crystallography. Purified Gag proteins of retroviruses can assemble in vitro into virus-like particles closely resembling in vivo-assembled immature virus particles, but without a membrane. When the 25 amino acid residues upstream of CA are deleted, Gag assembles into tubular particles. The same phenotype is observed in vivo. Thus, these residues act as a “shape determinant” promoting spherical assembly, when they are present, or tubular assembly, when they are absent. We show that, unlike the NTD on its own, the extended NTD protein has no β-hairpin loop at the N terminus of CA and that the molecule forms a dimer in which the amino-terminal extension forms the interface between monomers. Since dimerization of Gag has been inferred to be a critical step in assembly of spherical, immature Gag particles, the dimer interface may represent a structural feature that is essential in retrovirus assembly.  相似文献   

The effects of two inhibitors of lipid biosynthesis on the replication of Rous sarcoma virus Prague C strain in chick embryo fibroblasts have been examined in media containing delipidated serum. 25-Hydroxycholesterol, which markedly inhibits the incorporation of [1-14C]acetate into sterols, had no effect on the formation of infectious virions or on the synthesis and processing of intracellular virion proteins. Cerulenin strongly inhibited [1-14C]acetate incorporation into fatty acids and partially inhibited its incorporation into sterols in chick embryo cells. Rous sarcoma virus production as measured by focus formation and by the production of [35S]methionine-labeled virions was strongly inhibited within 5 h after cerulenin addition to infected cultures. Examination of extracts of these cells revealed the accumulation of the 76 000 dalton precursor (Pr76) of the major non-glycosylated virion structural proteins, p27, p19, p15 and p12. The failure to process the 76 000 dalton precursor was coincident in time with the decrease in viron production. Neither whole serum nor mixtures of fatty acids plus cholesterol were able to reverse the effects of cerulenin.  相似文献   

A physical map of the Rous sarcoma virus genome.   总被引:36,自引:0,他引:36  

The 5'-untranslated region (5'-UTR) of retroviral genomes contains elements required for genome packaging during virus assembly. For many retroviruses, the packaging elements reside in non-contiguous segments that span most or all of the 5'-UTR. The Rous sarcoma virus (RSV) is an exception, in that its genome can be packaged efficiently by a relatively short, 82 nt segment of the 5'-UTR called muPsi. The RSV 5'-UTR also contains three translational start codons (AUG-1, AUG-2 and AUG-3) that have been controvertibly implicated in translation initiation and genome packaging, one of which (AUG-3) resides within the muPsi sequence. We demonstrated recently that muPsi is capable of binding to the cognate RSV nucleocapsid protein (NC) with high affinity (dissociation constant K(d) approximately 2 nM), and that residues of AUG-3 are essential for tight binding. We now report the solution structure of the NC:muPsi complex, determined using NMR data obtained for samples containing ((13)C,(15)N)-labeled NC and (2)H-enriched, nucleotide-specifically protonated RNAs. Upon NC binding, muPsi adopts a stable secondary structure that consists of three stem loops (SL-A, SL-B and SL-C) and an 8 bp stem (O3). Binding is mediated by the two zinc knuckle domains of NC. The N-terminal knuckle interacts with a conserved U(217)GCG tetraloop (a member of the UNCG family; N=A,U,G or C), and the C-terminal zinc knuckle binds to residues that flank SL-A, including residues of AUG-3. Mutations of critical nucleotides in these sequences compromise or abolish viral infectivity. Our studies reveal novel structural features important for NC:RNA binding, and support the hypothesis that AUG-3 is conserved for genome packaging rather than translational control.  相似文献   

An increase of methylase activity is often related to neoplastic transformation. SAH, the natural inhibitor of transmethylases, does not inhibit cell transformation induced by RSV, in contrast to one of its synthetic analogues, SIBA. This inefficiency was thought to be due to the rapid metabolism of SAH by transformed cells. We now show, that, on the contrary, 70 % of the added amount of SAH disappears in one hour in cell-free extracts of normal cell against only 14 % in extracts of transformed cells. This decreased rate of degradation occurred one day post infection. Cells infected with the non transforming RAV1 degrade SAH at the same rate as normal cells. A decrease of SAH-hydrolase and adenosine deaminase activity was also observed in infected cells. The decrease of the first enzyme seems to be related to the transformed state, whereas that of the second enzyme seems to depend only on infection, since it is also observed in cells infected with RAV1.  相似文献   

B77 avian sarcoma virus RNA was labeled with (methyl-3H) methionine under conditions that prevent non-methyl incorporation of 3H radioactivity into purine rings. From the determined values for the extent of methylation of 4S RNA isolated from infected chicken embryo cells, it was estimated that 30 to 40S RNA subunits that results from heat denaturation of the 60 to 70S RNA contain approximately 21 methyl groups, of which 14 to 16 are present at internal positions as N6 -methyladenosine residues. In addition, each of the virion RNA subunits appears to contain about two methyl groups in the "capped" 5' -terminal structure m7G(5')ppp(5') gm. These properties are consistent with the hypothesis that the 30 to 40S genome RNA os oncornaviruses also serves an mRNA function in infected cells.  相似文献   

In the Rous sarcoma virus (RSV) Gag protein, the 25 amino-acid residues of the p10 domain immediately upstream of the CA domain are essential for immature particle formation. We performed systematic mutagenesis on this region and found excellent correlation between the amino-acid side chains required for in vitro assembly and those that participate in the p10-CA dimer interface in a previously described crystal structure. We introduced exogenous cysteine residues that were predicted to form disulphide bonds across the dimer interface. Upon oxidation of immature particles, a disulphide-linked Gag hexamer was formed, implying that p10 participates in and stabilizes the immature Gag hexamer. This is the first example of a critical interaction between two different Gag domains. Molecular modeling of the RSV immature hexamer indicates that the N-terminal domains of CA must expand relative to the murine leukaemia virus mature hexamer to accommodate the p10 contact; this expansion is strikingly similar to recent cryotomography results for immature human immunodeficiency virus particles.  相似文献   

The subcellular location at which genomic RNA is packaged by Gag proteins during retrovirus assembly remains unknown. Since the membrane-binding (M) domain is most critical for targeting Gag to the plasma membrane, changes to this determinant might alter the path taken through the cell and reduce the efficiency of genome packaging. In this report, a Rous sarcoma virus (RSV) mutant having two acidic-to-basic substitutions in the M domain is described. This mutant, designated Super M, produced particles much faster than the wild type, but the mutant virions were noninfectious and contained only 1/10 the amount of genomic RNA found in wild-type particles. To identify the cause(s) of these defects, we considered data that suggest that RSV Gag traffics through the nucleus to package the viral genome. Although inhibition of the CRM-1 pathway of nuclear export caused the accumulation of wild-type Gag in the nucleus, nuclear accumulation did not occur with Super M. The importance of the nucleocapsid (NC) domain in membrane targeting was also determined, and, importantly, deletion of the NC sequence prevented plasma membrane localization by wild-type Gag but not by Super M Gag. Based on these results, we reasoned that the enhanced membrane-targeting properties of Super M inhibit genome packaging. Consistent with this interpretation, substitutions that reestablished the wild-type number of basic and acidic residues in the Super M Gag M domain reduced the budding efficiency and restored genome packaging and infectivity. Therefore, these data suggest that Gag targeting and genome packaging are normally linked to ensure that RSV particles contain viral RNA.  相似文献   

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