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GM1 gangliosidosis is a lysosomal disorder caused by β-galactosidase deficiency due to mutations in the GLB1 gene. It is a rare neurodegenerative disorder with an incidence of about 1:100,000–1:200,000 live births worldwide. Here we review GLB1 mutations and clinical features from 65 Brazilian GM1 gangliosidosis patients. Molecular analysis showed 17 different mutations and c.1622–1627insG was the most frequent, accounting for 50% of the alleles. Cognitive impairment was the main clinical sign, observed in 82% of patients, followed by hepatosplenomegaly observed in 56% of patients. It was possible to establish a significant correlation between age at onset of symptoms preceding the first year of life and the presence of the mutation c.1622–1627insG (p = 0.03). Overall our findings differ from literature and represent the exclusive genotypic profile found in Brazilian GM1 gangliosidosis patients.  相似文献   

We characterized the genotypic and phenotypic variation in cell wall digestibility (CWD) and other agronomic traits of 50 backcross 1 generation doubled haploid (BC1DH) lines developed from the Germplasm Enhancement of Maize project. These lines were generated by introgressing 31 exotic unadapted maize races into PHZ51 and PHB47, temperate inbred lines with expired Plant Variety Protection. The 50 BC1DH lines and five check lines were genotyped with 199 single nucleotide polymorphism markers distributed across the genome. We identified, on average, 11.8% of markers with exotic donor parent alleles. This likely underestimates the proportion of donor introgressions, since we cannot discriminate monomorphic alleles from donor and recurrent parents. The potential roles of natural selection and the doubled haploid process in favouring selection of the recurrent genome are discussed. Although the proportion of donor parent genome was underestimated, donor fragments evaluated across the 50 BC1DH lines covered 92.9% of the recurrent parent genome. The evaluation of BC1DH lines for CWD revealed promising lines with CWD not differing significantly (???=?0.05) from forage quality lines used as checks. The introgression of exotic genome segments, however, was generally associated with higher ears, lodging, and late flowering. Even with limited power, our association analysis revealed quantitative trait polymorphisms associated with CWD, flowering date, and lodging.  相似文献   

Two Swedish isolates of Coxiella burnetii and the two prototype strains of the species, Nine Mile and Priscilla, were characterized with regard to their multiplication and cytopathic effect on BGM cells and by PCR-based amplification of repetitive element DNA and the C. burnetii -specific plasmids QpH1 and QpRS. Moreover, 1330 bp of each 16S rRNA gene were sequence-determined. All four strains multiplied at virtually the same rate and displayed the same type of vacuoles in the BGM cells. Genetic homogeneity was observed inasmuch as the 16S rDNA sequences were identical and the strains showed identical PCR amplification patterns using primers specific to enterobacterial repetitive intragenic consensus DNA sequences. The two Swedish strains and the Priscilla strain also showed identical patterns after PCR amplification of repetitive extragenic palindromic DNA sequences, whereas the Nine Mile strain demonstrated a similar, but not identical pattern. Thus, the investigated strains demonstrated very similar phenotypic and genotypic characteristics. This finding is discussed in view of the very rare occurrence of domestic Q fever in Sweden.  相似文献   

Phylogenetic and antigenic studies were performed on 48 human oral Fusobacterium strains from Chinese patients with either necrotizing ulcerative gingivitis (NUG) or gingivitis and on 23 Fusobacterium nucleatum or Fusobacterium periodonticum strains from European periodontitis patients. Alignment of partial 16S rRNA gene sequences resulted in a phylogenetic tree that corresponded well with the current classification of oral fusobacteria into F. periodonticum and several subspecies of F. nucleatum, in spite of much minor genetic variability. F. periodonticum, F. nucleatum subsp. animalis and a previously undescribed phylogenetic cluster (C4), that may represent an additional F. nucleatum subspecies, constituted discrete clusters distinct from the remainder of F. nucleatum with high bootstrap values. Chinese and European strains differed markedly with regard to their respective classification patterns, suggesting a predominance of F. peridonticum and F. nucleatum susp. animalis over F. nucleatum subsp. nucleatum and F. nucleatum subsp. fusiforme/vincentii in samples from China. Antigenic typing enabled the association of many previously described serovars with distinct phylogenetic clusters and when applied directly to uncultured clinical samples confirmed the differential distribution of oral Fusobacterium taxa in Chinese and European samples. Bacteria from cluster C4 and F. nucleatum subsp. animalis were significantly more prevalent and accounted for higher cell numbers in NUG than in gingivitis samples, suggesting a possible association of these rarely observed taxa with NUG in Chinese patients.  相似文献   

Li X  Yan W  Agrama H  Hu B  Jia L  Jia M  Jackson A  Moldenhauer K  McClung A  Wu D 《Genetica》2010,138(11-12):1221-1230
A rice mini-core collection consisting of 217 accessions has been developed to represent the USDA core and whole collections that include 1,794 and 18,709 accessions, respectively. To improve the efficiency of mining valuable genes and broadening the genetic diversity in breeding, genetic structure and diversity were analyzed using both genotypic (128 molecular markers) and phenotypic (14 numerical traits) data. This mini-core had 13.5 alleles per locus, which is the most among the reported germplasm collections of rice. Similarly, polymorphic information content (PIC) value was 0.71 in the mini-core which is the highest with one exception. The high genetic diversity in the mini-core suggests there is a good possibility of mining genes of interest and selecting parents which will improve food production and quality. A model-based clustering analysis resulted in lowland rice including three groups, aus (39 accessions), indica (71) and their admixtures (5), upland rice including temperate japonica (32), tropical japonica (40), aromatic (6) and their admixtures (12) and wild rice (12) including glaberrima and four other species of Oryza. Group differentiation was analyzed using both genotypic distance Fst from 128 molecular markers and phenotypic (Mahalanobis) distance D(2) from 14 traits. Both dendrograms built by Fst and D(2) reached similar-differentiative relationship among these genetic groups, and the correlation coefficient showed high value 0.85 between Fst matrix and D(2) matrix. The information of genetic and phenotypic differentiation could be helpful for the association mapping of genes of interest. Analysis of genotypic and phenotypic diversity based on genetic structure would facilitate parent selection for broadening genetic base of modern rice cultivars via breeding effort.  相似文献   

《Fungal biology》2022,126(10):658-673
In northwestern Argentina, sugarcane-derived industrial fermentation is being extensively used for bioethanol production, where highly adaptive native strains compete with the baker's yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae traditionally used as starter culture. Yeast populations of 10 distilleries from Tucumán (Argentina) were genotypic and phenotypic characterized to select well-adapted bioethanol-producing autochthonous strains to be used as starter cultures for the industrial production of bioethanol fuel. From the 192 isolates, 69.8% were identified as S. cerevisiae, 25.5% as non-Saccharomyces, and 4.7% as Saccharomyces sp. wild yeasts. The majority of S. cerevisiae isolates (68.5%) were non-flocculating yeasts, while the flocculating strains were all obtained from the only continuous fermentation process included in the study. Simple Sequence Repeat analysis revealed a high genetic diversity among S. cerevisiae genotypes, where all of them were very different from the original baker's strain used as starter. Among these, 38 strains multi-tolerant to stress by ethanol (8%), temperature (42.5 °C) and pH (2.0) were obtained. No major differences were found among these strains in terms of ethanol production and residual sugars in batch fermentation experiments with cell recycling. However, only 10 autochthonous strains maintained their viability (more than 80%) throughout five consecutive cycles of sugarcane-based fermentations. In summary, 10 autochthonous isolates were found to be superior to baker's yeast used as starter culture (S. cerevisiae Calsa) in terms of optimal technological, physiological and ecological properties. The knowledge generated on the indigenous yeast populations in industrial fermentation processes of bioethanol-producing distilleries allowed the selection of well-adapted bioethanol-producing strains.  相似文献   

Recently, we isolated from a raw vegetable processing line a Serratia strain with strong biofilm-forming capacity and which produced N-acyl-L-homoserine lactones (AHLs). Within the Enterobacteriaceae, strains of the genus Serratia are a frequent cause of human nosocomial infections; in addition, biofilm formation is often associated with persistent infections. In the current report, we describe the detailed characterization of the isolate using a variety of genotypic and phenotypic criteria. Although the strain was identified as Serratia plymuthica on the basis of its small subunit ribosomal RNA (16S rRNA) gene sequence, it differed from the S. plymuthica type strain in production of pigment and antibacterial compounds, and in AHL production profile. Nevertheless, the identification as S. plymuthica could be confirmed by gyrB phylogeny and DNA:DNA hybridization.  相似文献   

Aim: To characterize Bordetella pertussis vaccine strains in comparison with current circulating bacteria. Methods and Results: Genomic and proteomic analyses of Bp137 were performed in comparison with other vaccine strains used in Latin America (Bp509 and Bp10536) and with the clinical Argentinean isolate Bp106. Tohama I strain was used as reference strain. Pulse‐field gel electrophoresis (PFGE) and pertussis toxin promoter (ptxP) sequence analysis revealed that Bp137 groups with Bp509 in PFGE group III and contains ptxP2 sequence. Tohama I (group II) and Bp10536 (group I) contain ptxP1 sequence, while Bp106 belongs to a different PFGE cluster and contains ptxP3. Surface protein profiles diverged in at least 24 peptide subunits among the studied strains. From these 24 differential proteins, Bp10536 shared the expression of ten proteins with Tohama I and Bp509, but only three with Bp137. In contrast, seven proteins were detected exclusively in Bp137 and Bp106. Conclusions: Bp137 showed more features in common with the clinical isolate Bp106 than the other vaccine strains here included. Significance and Impact of the Study: The results presented show that the old strains included in vaccines are not all equal among them. These findings together with the data of circulating bacteria should be taken into account to select the best vaccine to be included in a national immunization programme.  相似文献   

Genome‐wide association (GWA) studies can identify quantitative trait loci (QTL) putatively underlying traits of interest, and nested association mapping (NAM) can further assess allelic series. Near‐isogenic lines (NILs) can be used to characterize, dissect and validate QTL, but the development of NILs is costly. Previous studies have utilized limited numbers of NILs and introgression donors. We characterized a panel of 1270 maize NILs derived from crosses between 18 diverse inbred lines and the recurrent inbred parent B73, referred to as the nested NILs (nNILs). The nNILs were phenotyped for flowering time, height and resistance to three foliar diseases, and genotyped with genotyping‐by‐sequencing. Across traits, broad‐sense heritability (0.4–0.8) was relatively high. The 896 genotyped nNILs contain 2638 introgressions, which span the entire genome with substantial overlap within and among allele donors. GWA with the whole panel identified 29 QTL for height and disease resistance with allelic variation across donors. To date, this is the largest and most diverse publicly available panel of maize NILs to be phenotypically and genotypically characterized. The nNILs are a valuable resource for the maize community, providing an extensive collection of introgressions from the founders of the maize NAM population in a B73 background combined with data on six agronomically important traits and from genotyping‐by‐sequencing. We demonstrate that the nNILs can be used for QTL mapping and allelic testing. The majority of nNILs had four or fewer introgressions, and could readily be used for future fine mapping studies.  相似文献   

Summary Evidence for the presence of extrachromosomal elements inLactobacillus helveticus ATCC 15009 and the absence of plasmid DNA in two other strains ofL. helveticus is reported. These three strains did not show any difference in regard to lactose metabolism, proteolytic activity, and antibiotic resistance or in N-acetyl-D-glucosamine fermentation. The only difference found is a higher resistance to arsenate forL. helveticus ATCC 15009, suggesting linkage of this resistance to plasmids present in this strain.  相似文献   

K V Sal'nikov 《Tsitologiia》1986,28(6):615-622
Stable mutants resistant to ethidium bromide in concentrations of 1 and 3 micrograms/ml have been selected in a single step in L cells. The frequency of spontaneously occurring ethidium bromide resistant clones after the exposure to 1 microgram/ml of the drug has been established as 5.10(-5). Resistant variants were induced following treatment with mutagen N-methyl-N-nitro-N-nitrosoguanidine. The resistant clones were shown to be resistant to higher concentration of the agent then which was used for selection. In multistep selection, a number of clones resistant to ethidium bromide in concentration up to 50 micrograms/ml was obtained. The alteration in the permeability of plasma membrane to the drug is the clue mechanism of the resistance.  相似文献   

AIM: To characterize the genetic and phenotypic diversity of 33 strains of Lactobacillus rossiae. METHODS AND RESULTS: Genotypic identification was carried out by partial 16S rRNA gene sequence analysis. Genetic diversity was evaluated by RAPD-PCR analysis. Phenotypic diversity was evaluated through fermentative profile by Biolog system, proteinase and peptidase activities using synthetic substrates, and acidification capacity and amino acid profile during sourdough fermentation. The genetic analyses excluded clonal relatedness among the strains used. A large phenotypic diversity was found. It mainly concerned the capacity to use carbon sources available in sourdough during fermentation, the quotient of fermentation and the peptidase activities, especially towards proline containing synthetic substrates. The free amino acid profiles differed either for the total concentration or for the type of amino acids. With a few exceptions, proteinase activity towards wheat albumins and globulins was weak. CONCLUSIONS: Overall, no relationships between genetic and physiological analyses were found, and the strains examined showed a marked genetic and phenotypic heterogeneity. L. rossiae strains had interesting properties for application in sourdough fermentation. Although some strains combined several technological traits, the association of more strains seemed to be a requisite to get optimal sourdough characteristics. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: It represents the first characterization of the diversity within the L. rossiae species. Besides, it may represent an example of computerized analysis of genotypic and phenotypic information to select strains for improving sourdough characteristics.  相似文献   

AIMS: To evaluate the importance of garlic for fermentation of a Thai fish product, and to differentiate among garlic-/inulin-fermenting lactic acid bacteria (LAB) at strain level. METHODS AND RESULTS: Som-fak was prepared by fermentation of a mixture of fish, salt, rice, sucrose and garlic. pH decreased to 4.5 in 2 days, but omitting garlic resulted in a lack of acidification. LAB were predominant and approximately one third of 234 isolated strains fermented garlic and inulin (the carbohydrate reserve in garlic). These strains were identified as Lactobacillus pentosus and Lact. plantarum. Randomly Amplified Polymorphic DNA (RAPD) analysis revealed one major RAPD type (29 strains) isolated from all stages of fermentation. CONCLUSION: Garlic was essential for acidification of som-fak and garlic-fermenting strains constituted a significant, homogeneous part of the LAB flora. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: The present study indicates the role of fructans (garlic/inulin) as carbohydrate sources for LAB. Fructan fermenters may have several biotechnological applications, for example, as probiotics.  相似文献   

Tricho-rhino-phalangeal syndrome (TRPS) is characterized by craniofacial and skeletal abnormalities. Three subtypes have been described: TRPS I, caused by mutations in the TRPS1 gene on chromosome 8; TRPS II, a microdeletion syndrome affecting the TRPS1 and EXT1 genes; and TRPS III, a form with severe brachydactyly, due to short metacarpals, and severe short stature, but without exostoses. To investigate whether TRPS III is caused by TRPS1 mutations and to establish a genotype-phenotype correlation in TRPS, we performed extensive mutation analysis and evaluated the height and degree of brachydactyly in patients with TRPS I or TRPS III. We found 35 different mutations in 44 of 51 unrelated patients. The detection rate (86%) indicates that TRPS1 is the major locus for TRPS I and TRPS III. We did not find any mutation in the parents of sporadic patients or in apparently healthy relatives of familial patients, indicating complete penetrance of TRPS1 mutations. Evaluation of skeletal abnormalities of patients with TRPS1 mutations revealed a wide clinical spectrum. The phenotype was variable in unrelated, age- and sex-matched patients with identical mutations, as well as in families. Four of the five missense mutations alter the GATA DNA-binding zinc finger, and six of the seven unrelated patients with these mutations may be classified as having TRPS III. Our data indicate that TRPS III is at the severe end of the TRPS spectrum and that it is most often caused by a specific class of mutations in the TRPS1 gene.  相似文献   

Recombinant Congenic Strains (RCS) are useful for dissecting complex polygenic traits. Here, we describe genetic and phenotypic characterization of six new RCS generated from outcrosses between NOD/Shi and CBA/LsLt, followed by sib mating of first backcross progeny (to CBA) for 20 generations, whereupon genetic and phenotypic analysis commenced. Four of the RCS were selected on the basis of residual heterozygosity present at F20 in one of the three original RCS. Contrary to expectations for RCS developed at first backcross, all derived at least 50% of the polymorphic markers typed from the NOD parental strain. Development of autoimmune insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (IDDM) in NOD is a strain-specific characteristic. The major genetic component predisposing NOD mice to IDDM, their H2 g7 haplotype, was present in all RCS. Nevertheless, the presence of variable amounts of CBA genome at non-MHC loci conferred complete resistance in all RCS to spontaneous IDDM development, and rendered them strongly resistant to cyclophosphamide-induced IDDM. Although the RCS more resemble NOD in regard to certain strain-specific characteristics, such as prolificacy, an immunologic phenotype that was significantly reduced when compared to both parental strains was the number of peripheral CD8+ T cells. Given the genetic characterization presented, these new RCS should prove valuable to investigators interested in studying genes controlling differential susceptibilities distinguishing the NOD and CBA inbred strain backgrounds. Received: 26 June 1998 / Accepted: 14 October 1998  相似文献   

Of 14 potential sulfur-oxidizing strains, Pseudomonas sp. B21 and Agrobacterium sp. B19 were considered as denitrifiers. Under aerobic conditions, with S0 as electron donor, maximum cell growth rates were 0.022 (B21) and 0.043 h–1 (B19). Both grew optimally at pH 7.5 and 28 °C. When NO3-N was increased from 10 to 200 mg l–1 the efficiency of nitrate removal of each strain gradually decreased, from 60 to 40%. Addition of suitable organic compounds (C/N < 4.2) increased the nitrate removal efficiencies of both strains, indicating their mixotrophic characters.  相似文献   

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