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Australian science has made rapid advances in the last decade in understanding eutrophication processes in inland waters and estuaries. The freshwater research on which these advances are based was triggered by well-publicised blooms of cyanobacteria during the 1980s and early 1990s, particularly a 1000 km long bloom on the Darling River. In estuaries the study which greatly enhanced our understanding but simultaneously served to stimulate further research into estuarine eutrophication, the Port Phillip Bay Study, was initially designed to address perceived problems of toxicants in the Bay but provided profound insights into drivers for, and ecosystem responses to, eutrophication. Subsequent estuarine research has largely been stimulated by management questions arising from Australia’s increasing coastal development for residential purposes. The research has shown that some of the beliefs extant at the time of the blooms were incorrect. For example, it is now clear that stratification and light penetration, not nutrient availability, are the triggers for blooms in the impounded rivers of southeastern Australia, although nutrient exhaustion limits the biomass of blooms. Again, nitrogen seems to play as important a role as phosphorus does in controlling the biomass of these freshwater blooms. The research has also shown that aspects of eutrophication, such as nutrient transport, are dominated by different processes in different parts of Australia. Many of the biophysical processes involved in eutrophication have now been quantified sufficiently for models to be developed of such processes as sediment-nutrient release, stratification, turbidity and algal growth in both freshwater and estuarine systems. In some cases the models are reliable enough for the knowledge gained in particular waterbodies to be applied elsewhere. Thus, there is now a firm scientific foundation for managers to rely upon when managing algal blooms. Whilst these findings have already been presented to managers and communities throughout Australia, there is still a considerable way to go before they are absorbed into their modus operandi.  相似文献   

Diatom blooms in Thau lagoon are always related to rain events leading to inputs of inorganic nutrients such as phosphate, ammonium and nitrate through the watershed with time lags of about 1 week. In contrast, blooms of Alexandrium catenella/tamarense can occur following periods of 3 weeks without precipitation and no significant input of conventional nutrients such as nitrate and phosphate. Field results also indicate a significant drop (from 22–25 to 15–16 μM over 3 days) in dissolved organic nitrogen (DON) at the bloom peak, as well as a significant inverse relationship between A. catenella/tamarense cell density and DON concentrations that is not apparent for diatom blooms. Such dinoflagellate blooms are also associated with elevated (6–9 μM) ammonium concentrations, a curious feature also observed by other investigators, possibly the results of ammonium excretion by this organism during urea or other organic nitrogen assimilation.The potential use of DON by this organism represents short cuts in the nitrogen cycle between plants and nutrients and requires a new model for phytoplankton growth that is different from the classical diatom bloom model. In contrast to such diatom blooms that are due to conventional (nitrate, phosphate) nutrient pulses, Alexandrium catenella/tamarense blooms on the monthly time scale are due to organic nutrient enrichment, a feature that allows net growth rates of about 1.3 d−1, a value higher than that generally attributed to such organisms.  相似文献   

Allelopathic control of cyanobacterial blooms by periphyton biofilms   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Periphyton biofilms are natural mixtures comprised of photoautotrophic and heterotrophic complex microorganisms. In this work, the inhibition effects of periphyton biofilms on cyanobacterial blooms were studied in pilot and field trials. Results show that the cyanobacterial species responsible for the blooms had an upper nutrient concentration threshold, below which it could not effectively compete with other organisms in the periphyton. The disappearance of the cyanobacterial blooms was due to the allelopathy between the cyanobacteria and periphyton biofilm. In particular, it was found that the periphyton biofilm could produce water-soluble allelochemicals such as indole and 3-oxo-α-ionone to significantly inhibit the growth of the cyanobacteria. These allelochemicals are able to damage the thylakoid membranes of the cyanobacteria, interrupt the electron transport in photosystem II, decrease effective quantum yields, and eventually lead to the failure of photosynthesis. A comprehensive discussion on the ecological consequences of these findings is also presented. This work demonstrates the potential of periphyton biofilm to be used as an environmentally friendly ecological engineering solution for (i) the control of cyanobacterial blooms and (ii) a transitional means for the construction of beneficial conditions for ecosystem restoration. In addition, this work provides significant insights into the competitive relationships between algae and biofilms.  相似文献   

This contribution represents a review of the historical and recent literature describing the environmental factors that relate to the distribution, growth, primary production, nutrient requirements and utilization along with hypotheses that are extant for the initiation, growth, maintenance and termination of Karenia brevis blooms on the West Florida Shelf. Potential nutrient sources that support blooms and relate to recent questions on the duration, frequency, and intensity of WFS blooms are summarized and some thoughts are presented which relate to the question of why K. brevis, a slow growing dinoflagellate, becomes dominant in a nearshore shelf region that is typically dominated by diatoms.There is no single hypothesis that can account for blooms of K. brevis along the west coast of Florida. Of the approximately 24 thoughts and hypotheses described herein (including the 1880s speculation), seven are related to rainfall and/or riverine flux, six invoke the benthos or bottom flux in one form or another, seven involve water column hydrodynamics or are unrelated to the benthos or land sources, and four are primarily chemical/allelopathy based. Nutrient sources for growth and maintenance range from atmospheric deposition, N-fixation, riverine and benthic flux, and zooplankton excretion to decaying fish killed by the toxic dinoflagellate with no one source being conclusively identified as a primary contributor to prolonged bloom maintenance. Insufficient information is available to delimit specific mechanisms that may play a role in the termination of K. brevis blooms. However, general processes such as macro- and microzooplankton grazing, bacterial and viral cell lysis, and dispersal by physical advection and the break down of fronts, that originally may have acted as concentrating mechanisms, are reviewed.  相似文献   

Blooms of freshwater cyanobacteria are a worldwide spread environmental issue. Despite toxin producing planktonic species are generally expected to be poor competitors for resources, dense blooms of toxic cyanobacteria, such as Microcystis, do often occur in nature. Experimental results suggest that the formation of such blooms is promoted by the predatory activity of zooplankton. In fact, such predator grazes on both the nontoxic and toxic species despite the toxicity of the latter actually inhibits its growth. We model this phenomenon through a Lotka–Volterra reaction–diffusion system. Our goal is to investigate the coupled role of toxicity and zooplankton's predation in the persistence of the toxic prey and to study the mechanisms behind the formation of spatially local toxic blooms. It is known that the classical Lotka-Volterra system consisting of one prey and one predator never exhibits pattern formation. In this paper, we show that the introduction of a toxic prey may destabilize the spatially homogeneous coexistence and trigger spatial pattern formation. We also show that local blooms more likely occur when predators avoid the toxic prey and when the strength of the toxicity is of an intermediate level.  相似文献   

The combined effects of temperature and salinity on growth of Alexandrium monilatum were studied in laboratory cultures. This toxic, red-tide dinoflagellate grew faster with higher temperatures, up to a maximum of approximately 1 division per day at 31 °C. Salinities above 15 psu had a lesser effect on growth rate, as might be expected for an estuarine species. Growth rates of cultures exposed to natural light and temperature fluctuations were comparable to laboratory cultures. The minimum N cell quota suggested that high N flux would be required to support bloom development. A literature survey of documented A. monilatum blooms indicated that within US waters, blooms occur in July–September in nearshore or estuarine regions of the Gulf of Mexico and the Florida Atlantic coast. Temperature and salinity measured during blooms correspond to the optimal growth conditions of the laboratory cultures. Nevertheless, the occurrence of A. monilatum blooms is sporadic compared to the occurrence of seemingly optimal growth conditions. Laboratory growth experiments predict when blooms of this species are unlikely due to low growth rates, but so far cannot predict individual blooms.  相似文献   

Heterocapsa triquetra is one of the most common bloom forming dinoflagellates found in estuaries and near shore regions around the world. In order to bloom, H. triquetra optimizes a suite of factors including low grazing pressure, increased nutrient inputs, alternative nutrient sources, and favorable salinity and hydrodynamic conditions, as well as the negative factors of temperature-limited growth, short day lengths, and periods of transient light limitation. The prevailing environmental conditions associated its wintertime blooms are largely the result of atmospheric forcing. Low-pressure systems moved through coastal area at frequent intervals and are accompanied by low air temperatures and rainfall. Runoff following the rainfall events supplies nutrients critical for bloom initiation and development. Heterocapsa triquetra blooms can reach chl a levels >100 mg L−1 and cell densities between 1 to 6×106 L−1. As the blooms develop, nutrient inputs from the river became insufficient to meet growth demand and H. triquetra feeds mixotrophically, reducing competition from co-occurring phytoplankton. Cloud cover associated with the low-pressure systems light limit H. triquetra growth as do low temperatures. More importantly though, low temperatures limit micro and macrozooplankton populations to such an extent that grazing losses are minimal.  相似文献   

Harmful algal blooms (HABs) have occurred with increasing frequency in recent years with eutrophication and other anthropogenic alterations of coastal ecosystems. Many of these blooms severely alter or degrade ecosystem function, and are referred to here as ecosystem disruptive algal blooms (EDABs). These blooms are often caused by toxic or unpalatable species that decrease grazing rates by planktonic and benthic herbivores, and thereby disrupt the transfer of nutrients and energy to higher trophic levels, and decrease nutrient recycling. Many factors, such as nutrient availability and herbivore grazing have been proposed to separately influence EDAB dynamics, but interactions among these factors have rarely been considered. Here we discuss positive feedback interactions among nutrient availability, herbivore grazing, and nutrient regeneration, which have the potential to substantially influence the dynamics of EDAB events. The positive feedbacks result from a reduction of grazing rates on EDAB species caused by toxicity or unpalatability of these algae, which promotes the proliferation of the EDAB species. The decreased rates also lower grazer‐mediated recycling of nutrients and thereby decrease nutrient availability. Since many EDAB species are well‐adapted to nutrient‐stressed environments and many exhibit increased toxin production and toxicity under nutrient limitation, positive feedbacks are established which can greatly increase the rate of bloom development and the adverse effects on the ecosystem. An understanding of how these feedbacks interact with other regulating factors, such as benthic/pelagic nutrient coupling, physical forcing, and life cycles of EDAB species provides a substantial future challenge.  相似文献   

Nodularia is a halotolerant, filamentous, dinitrogen-fixing cyanobacterium that forms massive blooms in some coastal oceans, estuaries, and saline lakes worldwide. Although the genus is globally distributed, its blooms are sporadic and appear to be confined to certain water bodies. Blooms are frequently associated with phosphorus enrichment; therefore Nodularia may benefit from increased anthropogenic nutrient loading to coastal waters. We studied the potential for Nodularia to grow in the nitrogen-limited Neuse River Estuary (North Carolina, U.S.A.) with laboratory growth experiments in Neuse River Estuary water and by examining physico-chemical data from the estuary. Analysis of nutrients (nitrogen and phosphorus), salinity, and temperature data from the Neuse River Estuary between 1994 and 1998 revealed that suitable conditions for Nodularia prevailed during the summer of each of these years for time spans ranging from 1.5 to 5 months. Growth of two laboratory strains in Neuse River Estuary water was as fast or slightly slower than in artificial growth medium, as long as the culture inoculum had phosphorus reserves. Phosphorus addition did not stimulate growth of already phosphorus-sufficient inocula. Phosphorus starvation of the inoculum before the experiment decreased growth rates in the estuarine water unless additional phosphorus was supplied. Although phosphorus addition had a stimulatory effect on dinitrogen fixation and productivity, the effect differed for the two Nodularia strains. Results suggest that growth of Nodularia in North Carolinian estuaries is possible, and that such growth would be phosphorus-limited at times. Phosphorus availability may determine the times and locations for potential establishment of Nodularia in this and similar estuarine ecosystems.  相似文献   

The division Haptophyta is represented only by about 300 extant species showing wide diversity in morphology, biochemistry and ecology. They have a world-wide distribution and are numerically important in phytoplankton populations in nearly all marine environments. Evidence from the geological record shows that they have been the major constituent of calcareous deposits since the Late Triassic and, as they have evolved quickly through time, their coccoliths have always shown wide morphological diversity. In today's oceans they occasionally produce extensive blooms, visible by satellite imagery, which have ecological impact. As a consequence of these blooms the haptophyte algae are now receiving greater attention, as their role in the global sulphur and carbon cycles may influence the world's climate, and their potential as nuisance bloom algae have implications for commercial fishing and the marine ecosystem. As it is likely that these organisms have always produced such blooms, these effects may have been in operation for the last 200 million years.  相似文献   

Phytoplankton blooms are elements in repeating annual cycles of phytoplankton biomass and they have significant ecological and biogeochemical consequences. Temporal changes in phytoplankton biomass are governed by complex predator–prey interactions and physically driven variations in upper water column growth conditions (light, nutrient, and temperature). Understanding these dependencies is fundamental to assess future change in bloom frequency, duration, and magnitude and thus represents a quintessential challenge in global change biology. A variety of contrasting hypotheses have emerged in the literature to explain phytoplankton blooms, but over time the basic tenets of these hypotheses have become unclear. Here, we provide a “tutorial” on the development of these concepts and the fundamental elements distinguishing each hypothesis. The intent of this tutorial is to provide a useful background and set of tools for reading the bloom literature and to give some suggestions for future studies. Our tutorial is written for “students” at all stages of their career. We hope it is equally useful and interesting to those with only a cursory interest in blooms as those deeply immersed in the challenge of understanding the temporal dynamics of phytoplankton biomass and predicting its future change.  相似文献   

Macroalgal blooms are a growing environmental problem in eutrophic coastal ecosystems world wide. These blooms are dominated typically by only one out of several co-occurring opportunistic species, which are all favored by increased nutrient loads. We asked whether pronounced dominance of filamentous Pilayella littoralis Kjellm. (Phaeophyceae) over foliose Enteromorpha intestinalis L. (Chlorophyceae) in the Baltic Sea can be explained by interspecific physiological differences. In laboratory experiments, we analyzed uptake kinetics of nitrate, ammonium, and phosphate and the time dependency of uptake rates for both species. We further examined growth rates and nutrient assimilation in relation to single and combined enrichment with nitrate and phosphate, and three different nitrogen sources. Overall, we did not detect distinct differences in uptake, growth, and assimilation rates between P. littoralis and E. intestinalis. Minor differences and the related advantages for single species are discussed. Highest maximal uptake rates were found for ammonium, followed by nitrate and phosphate. Strong time dependency of uptake occurred, with the highest rates during the first 15 to 30 min. Nitrate enrichment had far more of an effect on growth than phosphate. Enrichment with urea, ammonium, and nitrate significantly increased growth rates without interspecific differences. A larger surface area to volume (SA/V) ratio in Pilayella compared with Enteromorpha did not translate into greater physiological capacity. We conclude that species dominance patterns in macroalgal blooms are not always a direct result of different ecophysiological traits among species. Ecological traits such as susceptibility to herbivory are important factors in determining species distribution in the field.  相似文献   

In the St. Lawrence Estuary, annual recurrent blooms of the toxic dinoflagellate Alexandrium tamarense L. Balech are associated with brackish waters. Riverine inputs are suspected to favor bloom development by increasing water column stability and/or by providing growth stimulants such as humic substances (HS). A 17‐day culture experiment was conducted to evaluate the importance of HS as growth factors for A. tamarense. Nonaxenic cultures were exposed to four HS extracts from three different sources: humic and fulvic acids isolated from the Manicouagan River, Quebec, Canada; humic acids from the Suwannee River, Georgia, United States; and a desalted alkaline soil extract. For each extract, four concentrations were tested as supplements to the artificial Keller medium, a nitrate‐rich algal culture medium. Additions of HS from all sources significantly enhanced the overall growth rates relative to the controls. Concentrations of HS, estimated by UV spectrophotometry, remained constant throughout the exponential growth phase, suggesting that the HS were acting mainly as growth promoters during our experiment. Dose–response curves indicated that HS could increase the growth rate of A. tamarense even at low concentrations, such as those encountered in the St. Lawrence Estuary. Our results support the hypothesis that HS from the Manicouagan River plume can stimulate the development of toxic dinoflagellate blooms.  相似文献   

Changes in the complexity of planktonic food webs may be expected in future aquatic systems due to increases in sea surface temperature and an enhanced stratification of the water column. Under these conditions, the growth of unpalatable, filamentous, N2‐fixing cyanobacterial blooms, and their effect on planktonic food webs will become increasingly important. The planktonic food web structure in aquatic ecosystems at times of filamentous cyanobacterial blooms is currently unresolved, with discordant lines of evidence suggesting that herbivores dominate the mesozooplankton or that mesozooplankton organisms are mainly carnivorous. Here, we use a set of proxies derived from amino acid nitrogen stable isotopes from two mesozooplankton size fractions to identify changes in the nitrogen source and the planktonic food web structure across different microplankton communities. A transition from herbivory to carnivory in mesozooplankton between more eutrophic, near‐coastal sites and more oligotrophic, offshore sites was accompanied by an increasing diversity of microplankton communities with aging filamentous cyanobacterial blooms. Our analyses of 124 biotic and abiotic variables using multivariate statistics confirmed salinity as a major driver for the biomass distribution of non‐N2‐fixing microplankton species such as dinoflagellates. However, we provide strong evidence that stratification, N2 fixation, and the stage of the cyanobacterial blooms regulated much of the microplankton diversity and the mean trophic position and size of the metabolic nitrogen pool in mesozooplankton. Our empirical, macroscale data set consistently unifies contrasting results of the dominant feeding mode in mesozooplankton during blooms of unpalatable, filamentous, N2‐fixing cyanobacteria by identifying the at times important role of heterotrophic microbial food webs. Thus, carnivory, rather than herbivory, dominates in mesozooplankton during aging and decaying cyanobacterial blooms with hitherto uncharacterized consequences for the biogeochemical functions of mesozooplankton.  相似文献   

Some species of cyanobacteria form resting stages at the sedimentsurface when environmental conditions become unfavourable. Asconditions turn more favourable, these resting stages hatchto the water phase, where the cells grow, reproduce, and sometimesform blooms. Since blooms of cyanobacteria have become an increasingthreat to inland and brackish waters, it is important to assessthe mechanisms and processes involved in the initiation of suchblooms. One such mechanism is recruitment from the sedimentsurface. Potential factors regulating the recruitment of restingstages include variations in nutrient concentrations and ratios,as well as variations in grazing. To investigate how the recruitmentof Microcystis responds to different levels of these factors,we performed an enclosure experiment (zooplankton abundanceswere regulated by predation from fish). We found that recruitmentand growth were most pronounced at the second highest nutrientconcentration (average concentrations were 498 µg l-1of dissolved nitrogen and 134 µg l-1 of total phosphorus),while no direct response to different grazing levels was detected.We also found that resting stages can be important for initiatingand sustaining blooms. The environmental conditions most importantin regulating the recruitment rate from resting stages correspondedto the requirements of the plankton cells, namely high nutrientaddition and low N:P ratio.  相似文献   

Abstract Toxic cyanobacterial mass occurrences have caused animal poisonings worldwide and may pose a health hazard for humans. Strains of the genus Anabaena are either non-toxic or produce hepatotoxins, microcystins (MCYST), or neurotoxins (such as anatoxin-a). In order to study which growth conditions favor hepatotoxic vs neurotoxic strains and how production of toxins varies, we compared the responses of two microcystin- and two anatoxin-a-producing Anabaena strains in continuous turbidostat cultures, at different temperatures, under growth-limiting light levels. Growth rates consistently remained <0.8 divisions per 24 h. Differences were strain-specific and not associated with hepatotoxicity or neurotoxicity. Thus, differential adaptation of strains to temperature and to growth-limiting light levels cannot explain why, in some cyanobacterial water blooms, hepatotoxic strains, and in others, neurotoxic ones become dominant. A statistical analysis of field data showed that the most significant discriminating factors between different types of blooms were the concentrations of dissolved PO4-phosphorus and NO3-nitrogen. Anabaena blooms with unknown neurotoxicity associated with low PO4-phosphorus and high NO3-nitrogen concentrations. Among other Anabaena blooms, the hepatotoxic ones associated with the lowest, and most of the non-toxic ones with higher concentrations of PO4-phosphorus. Anabaena blooms that contained anatoxin-a and hepatotoxic Microcystis blooms showed tendencies towards the highest concentrations of PO4-phosphorus. Non-toxic blooms dominated by genera other than Anabaena occurred over a wide range of growth conditions. In turbidostat cultures, maximal production of microcystins correlated with maximal growth rates. Light regulated the production of MCYST-LR variants, and temperature affected the production of MCYST-RR variants. Anatoxin-a seemed to be produced most under temperatures and light levels slightly suboptimal for growth. Under low light, considerable amounts of extracellular anatoxin-a were detected while microcystins consistently remained intracellular. Received: 25 August 1997; Accepted: 2 December 1997  相似文献   

Dinoflagellate blooms are frequently observed under temporary eutrophication of coastal waters after heavy rains. Growth of these opportunistic microalgae is believed to be promoted by sudden input of nutrients and the absence or inefficiency of their natural enemies, such as grazers and parasites. Here, numerical simulations indicate that increasing nutrient availability not only promotes the formation of dinoflagellate blooms but can also stimulate their control by protozoan parasites. Moreover, high abundance of phytoplankton other than dinoflagellate hosts might have a significant dilution effect on the control of dinoflagellate blooms by parasites, either by resource competition with dinoflagellates (thus limiting the number of hosts available for infection) or by affecting numerical-functional responses of grazers that consume free-living parasite stages. These outcomes indicate that although both dinoflagellates and their protozoan parasites are directly affected by nutrient availability, the efficacy of the parasitic control of dinoflagellate blooms under temporary eutrophication depends strongly on the structure of the plankton community as a whole.  相似文献   

Cyanobacterial blooms are a current cause for concern globally, with vital water sources experiencing frequent and increasingly toxic blooms in the past decade. These increases are resultant of both anthropogenic and natural factors, with climate change being the central concern. Of the more affected parts of the world, Africa has been considered particularly vulnerable due to its historical predisposition and lag in social economic development. This review collectively assesses the available information on cyanobacterial blooms in Africa as well as any visible trends associated with reported occurrences over the last decade. Of the 54 countries in Africa, only 21 have notable research information in the area of cyanobacterial blooms within the last decade, although there is substantial reason to attribute these blooms as some of the major water quality threats in Africa collectively. The collected information suggests that civil wars, disease outbreaks and inadequate infrastructure are at the core of Africa’s delayed advancement. This is even more so in the area of cyanobacteria related research, with 11 out of 21 countries having recorded toxicity and physicochemical parameters related to cyanobacterial blooms. Compared to the rest of the continent, peripheral countries are at the forefront of research related to cyanobacteria, with countries such as Angola having sufficient rainfall, but poor water quality with limited information on bloom occurrences. An assessment of the reported blooms found nitrogen concentrations to be higher in the water column of more toxic blooms, validating recent global studies and indicating that phosphorous is not the only factor to be monitored in bloom mitigation. Blooms occurred at low TN: TP ratios and at temperatures above 12 °C. Nitrogen was linked to toxicity and temperature also had a positive effect on bloom occurrence and toxicity. Microcystis was the most ubiquitous of the cyanobacterial strains reported in Africa and the one most frequently toxic. Cylindrospermopsis was reported more in the dry, north and western parts of the continent countries as opposed to the rest of the continent, whilst Anabaena was more frequent on the south eastern regions. In light of the entire continent, the inadequacy in reported blooms and advances in this area of research require critical intervention and action.  相似文献   

Cyanobacterial blooms often occur in lakes that have high phosphorus (P) and low nitrogen (N) concentrations, and the growth rate of the blooms is often constrained by N. For these reasons, many researchers have suggested that regulation of both P and N is required to control eutrophication. However, because N occurs in many bioavailable forms, regulation of a particular form may be beneficial rather than regulation of all N forms. To address how N-stressed cyanobacteria respond to various N inputs, N enrichment experiments (nitrate, ammonium, urea, and alanine) were performed during N-limited cyanobacterial blooms in Maumee and Sandusky Bays of Lake Erie and in Grand Lake St. Marys (GLSM). Bioavailable N (nitrate, urea, and ammonium) concentrations were also determined. Microcystis aeruginosa dominated the Maumee Bay bloom, where the highest growth rates were in response to ammonium additions, and lowest growth rates were in response to nitrate. Urea and the amino acid alanine resulted in intermediate growth rates. Planktothrix agardhii dominated the Sandusky Bay and GLSM blooms, where nitrate, ammonium, and urea addition resulted in similar growth rates. Additions of alanine did not stimulate growth of the Planktothrix blooms. Incubations using stable isotope 15N showed the cyanobacteria had a preference for ammonium, but the other forms were also assimilated in the presence of ammonium. These results show that cyanobacterial blooms will assimilate multiple forms of N to support growth. Thus, if lake managers do decide that N abatement is necessary, then all forms of bioavailable N need to be constrained.  相似文献   

Ocean temperature extreme events such as marine heatwaves are expected to intensify in coming decades due to anthropogenic global warming. Reported ecological and economic impacts of marine heatwaves include coral bleaching, local extinction of mangrove and kelp forests and elevated mortalities of invertebrates, fishes, seabirds and marine mammals. In contrast, little is known about the impacts of marine heatwaves on microbes that regulate biogeochemical processes in the ocean. Here we analyse the daily output of a near‐global ocean physical–biogeochemical model simulation to characterize the impacts of marine heatwaves on phytoplankton blooms in 23 tropical and temperate oceanographic regions from 1992 to 2014. The results reveal regionally coherent anomalies of shallower surface mixing layers and lower surface nitrate concentrations during marine heatwaves. These anomalies exert counteracting effects on phytoplankton growth through light and nutrient limitation. Consequently, the responses of phytoplankton blooms are mixed, but can be related to the background nutrient conditions of the study regions. The blooms are weaker during marine heatwaves in nutrient‐poor waters, whereas in nutrient‐rich waters, the heatwave blooms are stronger. The corresponding analyses of sea‐surface temperature, chlorophyll a and nitrate based on satellite observations and in situ climatology support this relationship between phytoplankton bloom anomalies and background nitrate concentration. Given that nutrient‐poor waters are projected to expand globally in the 21st century, this study suggests increased occurrence of weaker blooms during marine heatwaves in coming decades, with implications for higher trophic levels and biogeochemical cycling of key elements.  相似文献   

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