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Most molecular biology experiments, and the techniques associated with this field of study, involve a great deal of engineering in the form of molecular cloning. Like all forms of engineering, perfect information about the starting material is crucial for successful completion of design and strategies.


We have generated a program that allows complete in silico simulation of the cloning experiment. Starting with a primary DNA sequence, PlasmaDNA looks for restriction sites, open reading frames, primer annealing sequences, and various common domains. The databases are easily expandable by the user to fit his most common cloning needs. PlasmaDNA can manage and graphically represent multiple sequences at the same time, and keeps in memory the overhangs at the end of the sequences if any. This means that it is possible to virtually digest fragments, to add the digestion products to the project, and to ligate together fragments with compatible ends to generate the new sequences. Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) fragments can also be virtually generated using the primer database, automatically adding to the fragments any 5' extra sequences present in the primers.


PlasmaDNA is a program available both on Windows and Apple operating systems, designed to facilitate molecular cloning experiments by building a visual map of the DNA. It then allows the complete planning and simulation of the cloning experiment. It also automatically updates the new sequences generated in the process, which is an important help in practice. The capacity to maintain multiple sequences in the same file can also be used to archive the various steps and strategies involved in the cloning of each construct. The program is freely available for download without charge or restriction.  相似文献   

Bacteria are diverse and abundant, playing key roles in human health and disease, the environment, and biotechnology. Despite progress in genome sequencing and bioengineering, much remains unknown about the functional organization of prokaryotes. For instance, roughly a third of the protein-coding genes of the best-studied model bacterium, Escherichia coli, currently lack experimental annotations. Systems-level experimental approaches for investigating the functional associations of bacterial genes and genetic structures are essential for defining the fundamental molecular biology of microbes, preventing the spread of antibacterial resistance in the clinic, and driving the development of future biotechnological applications. This review highlights recently introduced large-scale genetic manipulation and screening procedures for the systematic exploration of bacterial gene functions, molecular relationships, and the global organization of bacteria at the gene, pathway, and genome levels.  相似文献   

Current molecular cloning strategies generally lack inter-compatibility, are not strictly modular, or are not applicable to engineer multi-gene expression vectors for transient and stable integration. A standardized molecular cloning platform would advance research, for example, by promoting exchange of vectors between groups. Here, we present a versatile plasmid architecture for mammalian synthetic biology, which we designate VAMSyB, consisting of a three-tier vector family. Tier-1 is designed for easy engineering of fusion constructs, as well as easy swapping of genes and modules to tune the functionality of the vector. Tier-2 is designed for transient multi-gene expression, and is constructed by directly transferring the engineered expression cassettes from tier-1 vectors. Tier-3 enables stable integration into a mammalian host cell through viral transduction, transposons, or homology-directed recombination via CRISPR. This VAMSyB architecture is expected to have broad applicability in the field of mammalian synthetic biology. The VAMSyB collection of plasmids will be available through Addgene.  相似文献   

Just as synthetic organic chemistry once revolutionized the ability of chemists to build molecules (including those that did not exist in nature) following a basic set of design rules, cell-free synthetic biology is beginning to provide an improved toolbox and faster process for not only harnessing but also expanding the chemistry of life. At the interface between chemistry and biology, research in cell-free synthetic systems is proceeding in two different directions: using synthetic biology for synthetic chemistry and using synthetic chemistry to reprogram or mimic biology. In the coming years, the impact of advances inspired by these approaches will make possible the synthesis of nonbiological polymers having new backbone compositions, new chemical properties, new structures, and new functions.  相似文献   

A set of tools for the genetic manipulation of the osmotolerant yeast Zygosaccharomyces rouxii was developed. Auxotrophic mutants (ura3 leu2, ura3 ade2, ura3 leu2 ade2) derived from the CBS 732 type strain were prepared. Centromeric and episomal Z. rouxii/Escherichia coli shuttle plasmids with different marker genes (ScURA3, ZrLEU2, ZrADE2) and with multiple cloning sites were constructed, together with a plasmid enabling green fluorescent protein-tagging. A system for repeatable targeted gene deletion in Z. rouxii was established, involving first the integration of a PCR-generated loxP-kanMX-loxP cassette and second the removal of kanMX from the genome using a Z. rouxii plasmid harbouring cre recombinase.  相似文献   

The applications of synthetic oligodeoxyribonucleotides to problems in molecular biology described in this article are those where the oligodeoxyribonucleotide is a probe for a specific region of a nucleic acid. This includes the isolation of the iso-1-cytochrome c gene of yeast; the sequence determination of RNAs and DNAs including regions of double-stranded DNA; the introduction of defined site-specific point mutations into bacteriophage OX174 and in the in vitro selection of mutant DNA from a mixture with wild-type DNA.  相似文献   

DNA assembly is the key technology of the emerging interdisciplinary field of synthetic biology. While the assembly of smaller DNA fragments is usually performed in vitro, high molecular weight DNA molecules are assembled in vivo via homologous recombination in the host cell. Escherichia coli, Bacillus subtilis and Saccharomyces cerevisiae are the main hosts used for DNA assembly in vivo. Progress in DNA assembly over the last few years has paved the way for the construction of whole genomes. This review provides an update on recent synthetic biology advances with particular emphasis on high molecular weight DNA assembly in vivo in E. coli, B. subtilis and S. cerevisiae. Special attention is paid to the assembly of whole genomes, such as those of the first synthetic cell, synthetic yeast and minimal genomes.  相似文献   

We have developed an Escherichia coli expression vector that is particularly useful for construction and production of fusion proteins. Based on the synthetic biology pSB1C3 platform, the resulting vector offers a combination of useful features: the strong T7 promoter combined with lac operator, OmpA signal sequence, a selection of cloning sites located at convenient positions and a 3′-terminal His-10 tag. Each of these regions is flanked by a restriction site that allows for easy vector modification, including removal of the signal sequence without perturbation of the reading frame. All the elements were assembled by stepwise addition of three cassettes for which the design was made de novo. To prove the efficiency of the new vector, named pMD204, we successfully produced a cysteine proteinase inhibitor variant in the periplasm and in the cytoplasm of E. coli, in both cases as a soluble and active protein.  相似文献   

RNA and RNP as new molecular parts in synthetic biology   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Synthetic biology has a promising outlook in biotechnology and for understanding the self-organizing principle of biological molecules in life. However, synthetic biologists have been looking for new molecular "parts" that function as modular units required in designing and constructing new "devices" and "systems" for regulating cell function because the number of such parts is strictly limited at present. In this review, we focus on RNA/ribonucleoprotein (RNP) architectures that hold promise as new "parts" for synthetic biology. They are constructed with molecular design and an experimental evolution technique. So far, designed self-folding RNAs, RNA (RNP) enzymes, and nanoscale RNA architectures have been successfully constructed by utilizing Watson-Crick base-pairs together with specific RNA-RNA or RNA-protein binding motifs of known defined 3D structures. Riboregulators for regulating targeted gene expression have also been designed and produced in vitro as well as in vivo. Lately, RNA and ribonucleoprotein complexes have been strongly attracting the attention of molecular biologists because a variety of noncoding RNAs discovered in nature perform spatiotemporal gene expressions. Thus we hope that newly accumulating knowledge on naturally occurring RNAs and RNP complexes will provide a variety of new parts, devices and systems for synthetic biology.  相似文献   

基因组大尺度遗传操纵是指对基因组大片段DNA的敲除、整合、易位等遗传改造。相较于小规模基因编辑,基因组大尺度遗传操纵可实现更多遗传信息的同步改造,对于探究多基因相互作用等复杂机制的理解有重要意义。同时,基因组大尺度遗传操纵技术可对基因组开展更大规模的设计重构,甚至创建全新的基因组,在复杂功能重塑方面具有重要创新潜力。酵母是一种重要的真核模式生物,因其安全性和易于操作而被广泛应用。本文系统总结了酵母基因组大尺度遗传操纵的工具包,包括重组酶介导的大尺度操纵、核酸酶介导的大尺度操纵、从头合成大片段DNA以及其他大尺度操纵工具,介绍了它们的基本工作原理与典型应用案例。最后,对大尺度遗传操纵面临的挑战和发展进行了展望。  相似文献   

非常规酵母的分子遗传学及合成生物学研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
先进的合成生物学技术与传统的分子遗传学技术的结合更有助于实现酵母底盘细胞的快速改造和优化。酵母合成生物学研究最早开始于常规酵母——酿酒酵母(Saccharomyces cerevisiae),近些年来又迅速扩展至一些非常规酵母,包括巴斯德毕赤酵母(Pichiapastoris)、解脂耶氏酵母(Yarrowialipolytica)、乳酸克鲁维酵母(Kluyveromyces lactis)和多形汉逊酵母(Hansenula polymorpha)等。借助合成生物学技术与工具,目前科学家们已经成功开发出了能够高效生产生物材料、生物燃料、生物基化学品、蛋白质制剂、食品添加剂和药物等工业产品的重组非常规酵母工程菌株。本文系统总结了合成生物学工具(主要是基因组编辑工具)、合成生物学组件(主要是启动子和终止子)和相关分子遗传学方法在上述非常规酵母系统(底盘细胞)中的最新研究进展和应用情况,并讨论了其他合成生物学技术在这些非常规酵母表达系统中的潜在适用性和应用前景。这为研究人员利用合成生物学方法在这一新型非模式微生物底盘细胞中设计和构建各种高附加值工业产品的异源合成模块并最终实现目标化合物的高效生物合成提供了科学的理论指导。  相似文献   

The field of synthetic biology has made rapid progress in a number of areas including method development, novel applications and community building. In seeking to make biology "engineerable," synthetic biology is increasing the accessibility of biological research to researchers of all experience levels and backgrounds. One of the underlying strengths of synthetic biology is that it may establish the framework for a rigorous bottom-up approach to studying biology starting at the DNA level. Building upon the existing framework established largely by the Registry of Standard Biological Parts, careful consideration of future goals may lead to integrated multi- scale approaches to biology. Here we describe some of the current challenges that need to be addressed or considered in detail to continue the development of synthetic biology. Specifically, discussion on the areas of elucidating biological principles, computational methods and experimental construction methodologies are presented.  相似文献   

As wildlife populations and habitats continue to diminish at alarming rates all over the world, those responsible for wildlife management recognize that global, integrated, multi-dimensional strategies must be developed to respond to the escalating crisis that the world's biodiversity is facing. It is also recognized that resources available for the preservation of the world's biodiversity are limited and must be carefully apportioned not only where they are most needed but also where they can do the most good. Concomitantly, if current rates of extinction are to be slowed, global cooperation and coordination of efforts for species preservation are essential. In response to these challenges, the Conservation Breeding Specialist Group (CBSG) of IUCN's Species Survival Commission has assisted in the development and application of a series of tools and processes to expedite the development of scientifically-based management strategies for threatened species. These tools, based on small population and conservation biology, are used in intensive, problem-solving workshop processes designed to contribute to the development of realistic and achievable strategies for species conservation. The primary tools used by the CBSG include: (i) providing an objective workshop environment and a facilitation process that supports sharing of available information, reaching agreement on the issues, available information, and useful management recommendations; (ii) the Mace-Lande criteria for evaluation of threat, and, currently their derivative draft IUCN Red List criteria for threat; (iii) VORTEX, a stochastic, small population simulation modelling program (developed by Dr Robert Lacy of the Chicago Zoological Society) that considers genetics, demography, and environmental variation; (iv) topographic maps and Geographical Information System (GIS) tools to organize and visually to present species distribution information in relation to habitat, land use, and local human population distribution; and (v) demographic analysis of the local human populations with projections of growth patterns. The workshop processes employing these tools include: (i) Conservation Assessment and Management Planning (CAMP); and (ii) Population and Habitat Viability Assessment (PHVA). These processes have assisted in scientific decision-making and setting of priorities for species management activities aimed at halting the on-going decline in the planet's biodiversity. Recommendations for intensive management stemming from CAMP and PHVA workshops are as varied as the species analysed. This Papers presents case summaries that demonstrate how these tools and workshop processes have aided in the formulation of holistic and viable conservation strategies for threatened species and lessons that have been learned in the process.  相似文献   

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