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The general stress response and the decision-making processes of sporulation initiation are interconnected pathways in the regulatory network of Bacillus subtilis. In a previous study we provided evidence for a mechanism capable of impairing sporulation by σ(B) -dependent induction of spo0E, encoding a phosphatase specifically inactivating the sporulation master regulator Spo0A~P. Here we show that the σ(B) promoter (Pσ(B) ) of spo0E is responsive to sub-inhibitory levels of ethanol stress, producing a σ(B) -dependent sporulation deficient phenotype. In addition to positive regulation by σ(B) , we identified Rok, the repressor of comK, to be a direct repressor of spo0E expression from Pσ(B) . This constellation provides the possibility to integrate signals negatively acting on sporulation initiation through the σ(B) branch as well as a positive feedback loop acting on Pσ(B) by Rok that is most likely a direct consequence of Spo0A~P activity. Thus, the molecular mechanism described here offers the opportunity for cross-talk between the general stress response and sporulation initiation in the adaptational gene expression network of B.?subtilis.  相似文献   

Three-finger proteins form a structurally related family of compounds that exhibit a great variety of biological properties. To address the question of the prediction of functional areas on their surfaces, we tentatively conferred the acetylcholinesterase inhibitory activity of fasciculins on a short-chain curaremimetic toxin. For this purpose, we assimilated the three-dimensional structure of fasciculin 2 with the one of toxin alpha. This comparison revealed that the tips of the first and second loops, together with the C terminus residue, deviated most. A first recombinant fasciculin/toxin alpha chimera was designed by transferring loop 1 in its entirety together with the tip of loop 2 of fasciculin 2 into the toxin alpha scaffold. A second chimera (rChII) was obtained by adding the point Asn-61 --> Tyr substitution. Comparison of functional and structural properties of both chimeras show that rChII can accommodate the imposed modifications and displays nearly all the acetylcholinesterase-blocking activities of fasciculins. The three-dimensional structure of rChII demonstrates that rChII adopts a typical three-fingered fold with structural features of both parent toxins. Taken together, these results emphasize the great structural flexibility and functional adaptability of that fold and confirm that structural deviations between fasciculins and short-chain neurotoxins do indeed reflect functional diversity.  相似文献   

A morphometric analysis of biotypes 1, 2 and 3 from the International Rice Research Institute, Philippines, reared respectively on rice cultivars TN1, Mudgo and ASD7, showed significant differences, but some overlap between them. When the three biotypes were each reared for a single generation on TN1, morphometric differences were very greatly reduced and the distributions widely overlapped.Biotypes 2 and 3 were significantly less fecund than biotype 1 when reared on their normal host varieties. When all were reared on TN1, biotype 3 showed a somewhat lower fecundity than did 1 and 2, but the difference was less than previously reported.It is concluded that the evidence for the association of morphometric differences with virulence characteristics inN. lugens is not proved. Equally there is no evidence that morphometric data may be used to identify field populations with distinct patterns of virulence.
La signification des différences morphométriques et de fécondité entre des biotypes deNilaparvata lugens
Résumé Ce que l'on a appelé des biotypes deN. lugens sont des populations caractérisées par différents types de virulence à l'égard de différents cultivars résistants de riz, mis en évidence par des essais variétaux systématiques. Différents chercheurs ont tenté de trouver des caractères morphologiques pour identifier ces biotypes.Nous avons fait une analyse morphométrique des biotypes 1, 2 et 3 de l'International Rice Research Institute (IRRI) Philippines. Quand ils sont élevés sur leur propre varieté — biotype 1 sur TN1, 2 sur Mudgo, 3 sur ASD7 — des différences significatives sont observées, bien qu'il y ait un chevauchement considérable. Quand les 3 populations biotypes sont élevées sur la variété sensible TN1, les différences morphométriques sont réduites et le chevauchement fortement augmenté. Nous pourrions alors conclure qu'une part importante de la différenciation morphométrique est due à des facteurs écologiques et non à des différences génétiques entre les populations. Des chercheurs avaient indiqué des différences de fécondité entre les biotypes de l'IRRI, le biotype 3 étant significativement moins fécond; les résultats publiés son contradictoires. Nos observations suggèrent une certaine diminution de la fécondité pour le biotype 3 élevé sur TN1, mais plus limitée que les autres auteurs ne l'avaient envisagée.Nous en concluons qu'il n'y a pas de véritable preuve pour étayer l'hypothèse que les biotypes deN. lugens sont caractérisés par des paramètres morphométriques génétiquement déterminés. Il est alors fallacieux de suggérer que de tels caractères pourraient être utilisés pour identifier des populations avec différents types de virulence. Nous repoussons aussi l'hypothèse que les biotypes représentent une étape dans le processus de spéciation.

Journal of Mathematical Biology - In this paper we introduce a formal method for the derivation of a predator’s functional response from a system of fast state transitions of the prey or...  相似文献   

Plant vacuoles play several roles in controlling development, pathogen defence, and stress response. γVPE is a vacuolarlocalised cysteine protease with a caspase-1 like activity involved in the activation and maturation of downstream vacuolar hydrolytic enzymes that trigger hypersensitive cell death and tissue senescence. This work provides evidence that γVPE is strongly expressed in Arabidopsis guard cells and is involved in water stress response. The γvpe knock-out mutants showed reduced stomatal opening and an increased resistance to desiccation suggesting a new role of γVPE in control of stomatal movements.  相似文献   

Despite differences in FSH concentrations ranging from 1.5 ng/ml (Romanov ewes) to 4 ng/ml (Ile-de-France ewes) between the follicular and luteal phases, follicular growth (numbers of follicles growing, growth rates, maximum size reached) was morphologically similar between the two stages of the cycle. Injection of 750 i.u. hCG at Day 6 or 16 of the cycle triggered ovulation of 4.1 +/- 0.7 and 4.0 +/- 1.3 follicles in Romanov and 2.2 +/- 0.5 and 1.7 +/- 0.5 follicles in Ile-de-France ewes, respectively, demonstrating that functional differentiation was similar between the two stages of the cycle. As gonadotrophin environment differs between these two stages of the cycle, this suggests that there is a wide flexibility in the amount of gonadotrophins required to trigger terminal follicular growth and that ovarian requirements for gonadotrophins might work through thresholds. When Romanov and Ile-de-France ewes were given similar amounts of exogenous gonadotrophins (1250 i.u. PMSG, 750 i.u. hCG) after hypophysectomy, ovulation rates were close to the usual values (Romanov, 5.5 +/- 3.9; Ile-de-France, 1.4 +/- 0.5), demonstrating that differences in gonadotrophin concentrations during the follicular phase do not play a major role in the high ovulation of the Romanov compared to the Ile-de-France ewes.  相似文献   

The oxidant status of an individual is assessed by determining a group of markers in noninvasive samples. One limitation when measuring these biomarkers is that they do not give information about tissue localization of oxidative stress. The present study was undertaken to establish whether the serum oxidative stress biomarkers are indicative of oxidative stress in tissues of an individual. To accomplish this, we determined a few generic markers of oxidation in serum and tissues of six groups of rats treated experimentally, to modulate their oxidative stress status. The correlation between serum and tissue levels was calculated for each marker. Also, for each tissue, the correlation between the values of these oxidative stress biomarkers was analysed. Our results show that only lipid peroxides in serum could be useful to predict the oxidative stress in tissues. No correlation was found between any of the oxidative stress markers in serum.  相似文献   

Although differences in the corticosterone stress response have frequently been reported between populations or closely related subspecies, their origin remains unclear. These differences may appear because individuals adjust their corticosterone stress response to the environmental conditions they are experiencing. However, they may also result from selection that has favoured individuals with specific corticosterone stress response or from environmental factors that have affected the development of the corticosterone stress response during early life. We investigated these hypotheses by studying the corticosterone stress response of two closely related subspecies of swamp sparrows (Melospiza sp.). We showed for the first time that two closely related subspecies can differ in their corticosterone stress response when raised at the laboratory and held in similar conditions for a year. Thus, we demonstrated that selection, developmental processes or a conjunction of both of these processes can account for variation in the stress response between closely related subspecies.  相似文献   

Maria Reuter 《Hydrobiologia》1991,227(1):221-227
The ultrastructure of the CNS (central nervous system) in three species of the Proseriata — Archiloa unipunctata (O. Fabricius), Bothriomolus balticus (Meixner), and Promonotus schultzei (Meixner) — was studied and compared to that of the lower flatworms Stenostomum leucops (Catenulida) and Microstomum lineare (Macrostomida) in material available from our previous studies. Conventional electron microscopical fixation was used for A. unipunctata and B. balticus; the tannic-acid-incubation method (TARI), a method that reveals especially nonsynaptic exocytotic release of neuronal substances, was applied in study of P. schultzei.In general, the ultrastructural features of neurons and nerve fibers were similar in proseriates and lower flatworms. A striking feature common to both groups was the secretory appearance of all neurons. A significant difference between them is the occurrence, in the proseriates, of wrapping of neurons by glial cells. Heterogeneity in the population of neuronal vesicles and in structure of synapses in the proseriates are probably advanced characters; by contrast, S. leucops has relatively homogeneous vesicles and simple synapses. A gradual advancement from the state in the catenulids through that in the macrostomids to the proseriates seems to be reflected in the differentiation of synapses and the variability of neuronal vesicles. This probably reflects differences in functional demands but also evolutionary advancement.  相似文献   

Respiratory neuronal network activity is thought to require efficient functioning of astrocytes. Here, we analyzed neuron-astrocyte communication in the pre-Bötzinger Complex (preBötC) of rhythmic slice preparations from neonatal mice. In astrocytes that exhibited rhythmic potassium fluxes and glutamate transporter currents, we did not find a translation of respiratory neuronal activity into phase-locked astroglial calcium signals. In up to 20% of astrocytes, 2-photon calcium imaging revealed spontaneous calcium fluctuations, although with no correlation to neuronal activity. Calcium signals could be elicited in preBötC astrocytes by metabotropic glutamate receptor activation or after inhibition of glial glutamate uptake. In the latter case, astrocyte calcium elevation preceded a surge of respiratory neuron discharge activity followed by network failure. We conclude that astrocytes do not exhibit respiratory-rhythmic calcium fluctuations when they are able to prevent synaptic glutamate accumulation. Calcium signaling is, however, observed when glutamate transport processes in astrocytes are suppressed or neuronal discharge activity is excessive.  相似文献   

The inhibitory action of caffeine on calcium (Ca2+) release from the sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) and interference with mitochondrial (Ca2+) fluxes by a mitochondrial uncoupler protonfore CCCP were utilized to define a calcium pool responsible for potentiation of post-rest twitch tension in guinea-pig atria. The Ca2+ fluxes were assessed by means of 45Ca2+. Caffeine and CCCP when applied separately did not affect post-rat 45Ca2+ content. Yet, when they were applied together it was markedly reduced to the resting level. It is concluded that a possible source of contractile Ca2+ may be located in mitochondria and an eventual shift of Ca2+ between mitochondria and the SR seems to be a plausible assumption.  相似文献   

When photodamaged under excessive light, the D1 protein is digested and removed from Photosystem (PS) II to facilitate turnover of the protein. In vitro studies have shown that part of the photodamaged D1 protein forms aggregates with surrounding polypeptides before being digested by a protease(s) in the stroma [Yamamoto Y (2001) Plant Cell Physiol 42: 121–128]. The aim of this study was to examine whether light-induced aggregation of the D1 protein also occurs in vivo. The following results were obtained: (1) PS II activity in spinach leaves was significantly inhibited by weak illumination (light intensity, 20–100 μE m−2 s−1), as monitored by chlorophyll fluorescence Fv/Fm, when the leaves were kept at higher temperatures (35–40 °C); (2) aggregation of the D1 protein, as well as cleavage of the protein, was detected in thylakoids isolated from spinach leaves that had been subjected to heat/light stress; (3) aggregates of the D1 protein disappeared after incubation of the leaves at 25 °C in the dark or under illumination with weak light. Since it is dependent on the presence of oxygen, aggregation of the D1 protein is probably induced by reactive oxygen species produced in thylakoids upon illumination at elevated temperatures. Consistent with this notion, singlet oxygen production in thylakoid samples under illumination was shown to be stimulated significantly at higher temperatures.  相似文献   

For unicellular organisms, a lack of effects of local species richness on ecosystem function has been proposed due to their locally high species richness and their ubiquitous distribution. High dispersal ability and high individual numbers may enable unicellular taxa to occur everywhere. Using our own and published data sets on uni- and multicellular organisms, we conducted thorough statistical analyses to test whether (1) unicellular taxa show higher relative local species richness compared to multicellular taxa, (2) unicellular taxa show lower slopes of the species:area relationships and species:individuals relationships, and (3) the species composition of unicellular taxa is less influenced by geographic distance compared to multicellular taxa. We found higher local species richness compared to the global species pool for unicellular organisms than for metazoan taxa. The difference was significant if global species richness was conservatively estimated but not if extrapolated, and therefore higher richness estimates were used. Both microalgae and protozoans showed lower slopes between species richness and sample size (area or individuals) compared to macrozoobenthos, also indicating higher local species richness for unicellular taxa. The similarity of species composition of both benthic diatoms and ciliates decreased with increasing geographic distance. This indicated restricted dispersal ability of protists and the absence of ubiquity. However, a steeper slope between similarity and distance was found for polychaetes and corals, suggesting a stronger effect of distance on the dispersal of metazoans compared to unicellular taxa. In conclusion, we found partly different species richness patterns among uni- and multicellular eukaryotes, but no strict ubiquity of unicellular taxa. Therefore, the effect of local unicellular species richness on ecosystem function has to be reanalyzed. Macroecological patterns suggested for multicellular organisms may differ in unicellular communities.  相似文献   

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