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A new species of parasitic nematode, Procamallanus (Procamallanus) pacificus n. sp., is described from the stomach of the Pacific shortfinned eel, Anguilla obscura (type host), and from the speckled longfin eel, Anguilla reinhardtii, from northern New Caledonia (Melanesia, South Pacific); from Anguilla sp. (cf. obscura) from the Fiji Islands (Melanesia, South Pacific); and from the giant mottled eel Anguilla marmorata from Futuna Island (Wallis and Futuna Islands, Polynesia). Although a total of 450 nematodes were collected, all specimens were females; this suggests either an extremely rare occurrence of males or parthenogenetic reproduction in this species. Procamallanus pacificus differs markedly from all congeners from fish hosts in possessing a greater number (4-9) of caudal mucrons in the female and by other morphological features. This parasite might become a serious pathogen of cultured eels in the region of the South Pacific. Batrachocamallanus Jackson and Tinsley, 1995 is considered a junior synonym of Procamallanus Baylis, 1923, to which 2 species are transferred as Procamallanus occidentalis (Jackson and Tinsley, 1995) n. comb. and Procamallanus siluranae (Jackson and Tinsley, 1995) n. comb. One third-stage larva of Procamallanus (Spirocamallanus) sp. was also recorded from Anguilla sp. (cf. obscura) from the Fiji Islands.  相似文献   

A new species of dracunculoid nematode, Moravecia argentinensis n. sp. (Guyanemidae), is described from the blood vessels and body cavity of Brazilian flathead, Percophis brasiliensis Quoy et Gaimard (Perciformes: Percophidae), from off the coast of Argentina. The new species differs from the only other congeneric species, Moravecia australiensis Ribu et Lester, 2004, mainly in the number (14) of cephalic papillae, the length ratio of the muscular and glandular portions of esophagus (1:1-2), more numerous (3-5 pairs) genital papillae in the male, and the presence of a sclerotized copulatory plate. This is the second known species of Moravecia Ribu et Lester, 2004 and the first species of this genus reported from South American waters.  相似文献   

The haematocrit centrifugation technique, modified by keeping the haematocrit tubes cold (between 1 and 10 C), was sensitive for detecting light infections of Cryptobia salmositica (as few as 75 flagellates per ml of blood). In wet mount preparations, infections lighter than 7.5 X 10(3) flagellates per ml of blood could not be detected consistently. Different Pacific salmon stocks from British Columbia demonstrated differences in susceptibility to C. salmositica in experimental studies using laboratory reared juvenile fish. Oncorhynchus keta and Oncorhynchus tshawytscha from the Big Qualicum River stocks (Vancouver Island), and Oncorhynchus nerka from the Fulton River stock (Skeena River system), were all equally susceptible and suffered high mortalities at low exposures (100 flagellates in 0.1 ml physiological saline inoculated intraperitoneally per fish). Oncorhynchus nerka from the Weaver Creek stock (Fraser River system) was the most resistant with no mortalities even at exposures of 10(6) flagellates (in 0.1 ml physiological saline) per fish. Oncorhynchus kisutch seemed to be slightly less resistant than the Weaver Creek O. nerka, but fewer than 16% of the inoculated fish died. Oncorhynchus kisutch from the Big Qualicum River seemed to be slightly more resistant than O. kisutch from the Capilano River stock (a coastal river near Vancouver), with fewer mortalities and lighter infections when the experiments were terminated. Differences in susceptibility are believed to be associated with innate, genetically transmitted resistance.  相似文献   

The carcasses of semelparous Pacific salmon (Oncorhynchus spp.) provide nutrients that enter aquatic ecosystems by various pathways, including direct consumption of tissue by fishes. Salmonids and other species frequently eat eggs and other tissues from dead salmon but the roles of vision and olfaction are unclear, as is the relative attraction to different tissues. Accordingly, we conducted a series of in situ experiments using minnow traps in two natural streams in Alaska to test the relative roles of chemosensory and visual cues in attraction of fishes to eggs from adult Pacific salmon, and then compared catch rates of traps baited with eggs, muscle, liver, and testis. Experiments indicated that chemical traces were necessary and sufficient to attract juvenile Dolly Varden (Salvelinus malma), coho salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch), and sculpins (Cottus spp.) into traps. Combining both sites, 70 salmonids and 19 sculpins were trapped using visual and chemical cues, and 53 and 21, respectively, for traps with only chemical cues. Traps with only the sight of eggs caught no salmonids and only 5 sculpins, comparable to empty control traps. In addition, eggs were markedly more attractive than the other tissues, trapping 68?% of the salmonids and 69?% of the sculpins, compared to 14?% and 15?% for muscle tissue, 12?% and 11?% for liver, and 6?% and 5?% for the testis. Visual cues undoubtedly play a role in egg consumption in streams, but these experiments indicated a very important role of chemical traces in attracting fish to the vicinity of the eggs, and selective attraction of eggs over other salmon tissues.  相似文献   

We use a game-theoretic framework to investigate the reproductive phenology of female kokanee (Oncorhynchus nerka). As in the other semelparous species of Pacific salmon, females construct nests in gravel, spawn with males, bury their fertilized eggs, and defend their nest sites until they die several days later. Later-breeding females may reuse previous nest sites, and their digging behavior is thought to subject previously buried eggs to mortality. Using game-theoretic models, we show that females can reduce this risk by allocating resources to longevity (the period between arrival and death) as opposed to eggs. Waiting before territory settlement is also expected if it allows females to conserve energy and delay senescence. The models demonstrate how these costs and benefits interact to select for a seasonal decline in longevity, a well-known phenomenon in the salmonid literature, and a seasonal decline in wait duration. Both of these predictions were supported in a field study of kokanee. Female state of reproductive maturity was the most important proximate factor causing variation in longevity and wait duration. With more than 30% of territories being reused, dig-up is likely an important selective force in this population.  相似文献   

Counter to expectations of coevolved parasite-host relationships, parasites frequently infect hosts that never contribute to their reproduction, making the identification of a parasite's true host-specificity problematic. Pseudodelphis oligocotti (Nematoda: Dracunculoidea) infects several coastal Pacific fishes, but its course of development appears highly variable, suggesting that incidence does not reflect effective host range. To determine the host range of P. oligocotti and describe its relationship to various potential hosts, 24 fish species were examined from several British Columbia localities for prevalence, intensity, and extent and tissue location of parasite development. Pseudodelphis oligocotti infects 9 species of fishes from 5 orders, of which penpoint gunnel, Apodichthys flavidus, showed the highest prevalence and intensity, up to 80% and 19 (+/- 17.1 SD) worms per host, respectively. Although subadult and adult P. oligocotti occurred in all 9 fishes, larvigerous P. oligocotti only occurred in A. flavidus and rarely in the northern clingfish, Gobiesox maeandricus. Infective first-stage larvae were recovered from gill tissue of A. flavidus. Thus, at most only 2 of the 9 host species infected by P. oligocotti actually contribute to its transmission. The occurrence of P. oligocotti in diverse hosts may be accounted for by the parasite's indiscriminant mode of transmission via ingestion of free-living intermediate copepod hosts, where highly exposed or more suitable fishes (or both) are closely related by diet and microhabitat. This study demonstrates how parasite transmission and host ecology can greatly affect observed host range and ultimately its potential for expansion.  相似文献   

Availability of preferred salmonid prey and a sufficiently quiet acoustic environment in which to forage are critical to the survival of resident killer whales (Orcinus orca) in the northeastern Pacific. Although piscivorous killer whales rely on echolocation to locate and track prey, the relationship between echolocation, movement, and prey capture during foraging by wild individuals is poorly understood. We used acoustic biologging tags to relate echolocation behavior to prey pursuit and capture during successful feeding dives by fish-eating killer whales in coastal British Columbia, Canada. The significantly higher incidence and rate of echolocation prior to fish captures compared to afterward confirms its importance in prey detection and tracking. Extremely rapid click sequences (buzzes) were produced before or concurrent with captures of salmon at depths typically exceeding 50 m, and were likely used by killer whales for close-range prey targeting, as in other odontocetes. Distinctive crunching and tearing sounds indicative of prey-handling behavior occurred at relatively shallow depths following fish captures, matching concurrent observations that whales surfaced with fish prior to consumption and often shared prey. Buzzes and prey-handling sounds are potentially useful acoustic signals for estimating foraging efficiency and determining if resident killer whales are meeting their energetic requirements.  相似文献   

The following marine species of parasites are reported from the gastrointestinal tract of pre-spawning chinook salmon, Oncorhynchus tshawytscha, taken in the Rakaia River, New Zealand: the digeneans Derogenes varicus, Lecithocladium seriolellae, Parahemiurus sp., and Tubulovesicula angusticauda; and a tetraphyllidean metacestode, possibly of the genus Phyllobothrium. A small larval nematode tentatively assigned to the genus Contracaceum was found in the intestine and may be either of marine or freshwater origin. All are species acquired in the new environment of the salmon, descendants of stock introduced from California.  相似文献   


Helicotylenchus species collected from managed soils in New Zealand were identified. They were found at 159 sites. H. pseudorobustus was found at 82 of these sites, H. labiatus at 56, H. varicaudatus at 28, and H. canadensis at 4. Only 11 sites had more than one species present and most (7) of these sites had mixtures of H. pseudorobustus and H. labiatus. H. labiatus, reported only twice before, was the most common species found in cotula bowling greens. H. canadensis was restricted to sites south of 45°S. Measurements are given for 15 populations, and H. labiatus is illustrated. Characters separating the four species are given.  相似文献   


High-head dams are migration barriers for Pacific salmon Oncorhynchus spp. in many river systems and recovery measures for impacted stocks are limited. Trap-and-haul has been widely used in attempts to facilitate recovery but information from existing programs has not been synthesized to inform improvements to aid recovery of salmonids in systems with high-head dams. We reviewed 17 trap-and-haul programs regarding Pacific salmon to: (1) summarize information about facility design, operation and biological effects; (2) identify critical knowledge gaps; and (3) evaluate trap-and-haul as a current and future management tool. Existing programs are operated to address a range of management goals including restoring access to historical habitats, temporarily reducing exposure to dangerous in-river conditions, and reintroducing ecological processes upstream from dams. Information gathered from decades of operation on facility design criteria and fish handling protocols, and robust literature on fish collection and passage are available. While many aspects of trap-and-haul have been evaluated, effects on population productivity and sustainability remain poorly understood. Long-term and systematic studies of trap-and-haul outcomes are rare, and assessments can be confounded by concurrent management actions and broad ecological and climatic effects. Existing data suggest that performance and effectiveness vary among programs and over various time scales within programs. Although critical information gaps exist, trap-and-haul is an important management and conservation tool for providing Pacific salmonids access to historical habitats. Successful application of trap-and-haul programs requires long-term commitment and an adaptive management approach by dam owners and stakeholders, and careful planning of new programs.


Lesions due to Dracunculus insignis in the legs of raccoons (Procyon lotor) in southern Ontario occur seasonally as most larvigerous females emerge in the spring and early summer (April-June). The pathology of dracunculiasis in the raccoon is described and the transmission of the parasite in the wild is discussed with respect to seasonality and local agricultural practices. Crayfish, fishes and frogs (including tadpoles) were given infective third-stage larvae of D. insignis to test their suitability as paratenic hosts. Most of the larvae fed to adult Rana pipiens and R. clamitans were recovered from the somatic musculature. Larvae had increased in size and were highly infective to raccoons.  相似文献   

Coho salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch) smolts infected with the nematode Philonema agubernaculum had 36% lower mean lipid content (1.4%) than nonparasitized coho salmon (2.2%) harvested simultaneously from the same outmigration. Lengths, weights, and condition factors, as well as protein and moisture content, did not differ significantly between the two groups. Lipid class compositions differed significantly between the parasitized and nonparasitized fish. None of the nematode-infected fish contained detectable triacylglycerols (TAG) or monoacylglycerols (MAG). In contrast, mean TAG and MAG contents of the nonparasitized fish totaled 5.5% of the extracted lipid. Infected smolts had lower cholesterol contents than did uninfected coho (17% for infected, 33% for uninfected). Parasitized fish had significantly higher levels of free fatty acids (mean of 57% for parasitized vs. 35% for nonparasitized) as well as the phospholipids phosphatidylethanolamine (PE) and phosphatidylcholine (PC). However, the PC/PE ratios for infected and noninfected coho did not differ significantly (2.2 for infected vs. 2.0 for uninfected). These differences suggest that the parasitic nematodes are either harvesting storage energy directly from the coho or are placing additional energetic demands on the fish to cope with the infection.  相似文献   

Nematodes that parasitize salmonids are found in both seawater and freshwater. Unlike seawater species such as those in family Anisakidae, freshwater species have not been well studied. In particular, the influences of these nematodes on the body condition of salmonids remain unclear. We studied the effects of Salmonema cf. ephemeridarum on the body condition of masu salmon Oncorhynchus masou. We found a positive relationship between the number of parasites and fish fork length. In contrast, we found a negative relationship between the body condition (condition factor) of fish and the number of parasites. These results suggest that nematode infection could affect host energy reserves for future growth.  相似文献   

The effect of salinity on hatching, larval survival and infectivity of Anguillicola crassus was studied under experimental conditions using eggs obtained from naturally infected eels. Egg hatching rate, second-stage larval survival and larval infectivity were maximal in fresh water and declined with increase in salinity. Larvae survived up to 100 d in fresh water, 70 d in 50 % sea water and 40 d in 100% sea water. Infectivity experiments demonstrated that salinity influenced transmission success throughout the life cycle by decreasing total infectivity of the larval population in utero within female A. crassus and when larvae were free-living in the aquatic environment. Infectivity was age-dependent in relation to salinity. Larvae were infective to intermediate and paratenic hosts for up to 80 d in fresh water, 21 d in 50% sea water and up to 8 d in 100% sea water. The data confirm field observations that infection levels decrease with an increase in salinity. The study contributes to experimental verification of the colonization abilities of A. crassus and supports the hypothesis that A. crassus can be disseminated and transmitted in brackish water. The importance of regular monitoring and stringent hygiene practices in the transportation of eels is emphasized.  相似文献   

We collected 24 brown rats, Rattus norvegicus, in Kanagawa Prefecture in Japan and found one rat harboring a dioctophymatid nematode. A single male and a female worm were recovered from the abdominal cavity and were identified as Dioctophyme renale based on morphologic features and a BLAST DNA sequence analysis. We describe the morphological features of the adult worms and eggs from this extremely rare case of D. renale infection in a brown rat.  相似文献   

Mature hybrids between chum salmon Oncorhynchus keta and pink salmon Oncorhynchus gorbuscha, which were identified by an intermediate colour pattern, were caught at the Kurilsky Hatchery, Iturup Island, Russia. Most of them were female and 3 years old (a partial freshwater year and 2 marine years), which is intermediate between the ages of maturity of the parental species. The hybrids exceed both parental species in the rate of growth, are large in size and robust and might successfully compete for mating in the wild or be chosen for artificial reproduction. The ratio of the scale length over width, R, is oblate (R < 1), whereas scales of the parental species are prolate (R > 1). From scale analyses, the c.v. in body size of hybrid females at the second marine year is twice that of O. keta, which suggests developmental instability in the hybrid. A dynamic model predicted that continuing hybridization at a low rate does not produce a substantial hybrid load due to selection against advanced‐generation hybrids and backcrosses. A high hybridization rate, however, may be an additional risk for genetic management and should be taken into account in programmes of artificial reproduction of Pacific salmon Oncorhynchus spp., although such hybrids might have commercial use in confined production systems.  相似文献   

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