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We recently developed a display method for the directed evolution of integral membrane proteins in the inner membrane of Escherichia coli for higher expression and stability. For the neurotensin receptor 1, a G-protein-coupled receptor (GPCR), we had evolved a mutant with a 10-fold increase in functional expression that largely retains wild-type binding and signaling properties and shows higher stability in detergent-solubilized form. We have now evolved three additional human GPCRs. Unmodified wild-type receptor cDNA was subjected to successive cycles of mutagenesis and fluorescence-activated cell sorting, and functional expression could be increased for all three GPCR targets. We also present a new stability screening method in a 96-well assay format to quickly identify evolved receptors showing increased thermal stability in detergent-solubilized form and rapidly evaluate them quantitatively. Combining the two methods turned out to be very powerful; even for the most challenging GPCR target—the tachykinin receptor NK1, which is hardly expressed in E. coli and cannot be functionally solubilized—receptor mutants that are functionally expressed at 1 mg/l levels in E. coli and are stable in detergent solution could be quickly evolved. The improvements result from cumulative small changes in the receptor sequence. This combinatorial approach does not require preconceived notions for designing mutations. Our results suggest that this method is generally applicable to GPCRs. Existing roadblocks in structural and biophysical studies can now be removed by providing sufficient quantities of correctly folded and stable receptor protein.  相似文献   

Previous research on Antarctic notothenioids has demonstrated that cells of cold-adapted Antarctic notothenioids lack a common cellular defense mechanism called the heat shock response (HSR), the induction of a family of heat shock proteins (Hsps) in response to elevated temperatures. The goal of this study was to address how widespread the loss of the HSR is within the Notothenioidei suborder and, specifically, to ask whether cold temperate non-Antarctic notothenioids possess the HSR. In general, Antarctic fish have provided an important opportunity for physiologists to examine responses to selection in the environment and to ask whether traits of the notothenioids represent cold adaptation, or whether the traits are related to history and are characteristics of the notothenioid lineage. Using in vivo metabolic labeling, results indicate that one of the two New Zealand notothenioids possess an HSR. The thornfish, Bovichtus variegatus Richardson, 1846, expressed heat shock proteins (Hsp) in response to heat stress, whereas the black cod, Notothenia angustata Hutton, 1875, did not display robust stress-inducible Hsp synthesis at the protein-level. However, further analysis using Northern blotting clearly demonstrated that mRNA for a common Hsp gene, hsp70, was present in cells of both New Zealand species following exposure to elevated temperatures. Overall, combined evidence on the HSR in notothenioid fishes from temperate New Zealand waters indicate that the loss of the HSR in Antarctic notothenioid fishes occurred after the separation of Bovichtidae from the other Antarctic notothenioid families, and that the HSR was most likely lost during evolution at cold and constant environmental temperatures.  相似文献   

大肠杆菌碱性磷酸酶的体外定向进化研究   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
大肠杆菌碱性磷酸酶(E.coli alkaline phosphatase, EAP, EC是一个非特异性二聚体磷酸单酯酶. 采用易错聚合酶链反应(error prone PCR)的方法,在原有高活力突变株的基础上,对EAP远离活性中心催化三联体的区域进行定向进化,经两轮error prone PCR,获得催化活力较亲本D101S突变株提高3倍、较野生型酶提高35倍的进化酶4-186,并对该酶的催化动力学特征进行了分析. 进化酶基因的DNA测序表明4-186含两个有义氨基酸置换:K167R和S374C,二者既不位于底物结合位点,也不位于酶的金属离子结合位点.  相似文献   

CO and NO are small toxic gaseous molecules that play pivotal roles in biology as gasotransmitters. During bacterial infection, NO, produced by the host via the inducible NO synthase, exerts critical antibacterial effects while CO, generated by heme oxygenases, enhances phagocytosis of macrophages. In Escherichia coli, other bacteria and fungi, the flavohemoglobin Hmp is the most important detoxification mechanism converting NO and O2 to the ion nitrate (NO3). The protoheme of Hmp binds not only O2 and NO, but also CO so that this ligand is expected to be an inhibitor of NO detoxification in vivo and in vitro. CORM-3 (Ru(CO)3Cl(glycinate)) is a metal carbonyl compound extensively used and recently shown to have potent antibacterial properties. In this study, attenuation of the NO resistance of E. coli by CORM-3 is demonstrated in vivo. However, polarographic measurements showed that CO gas, but not CORM-3, produced inhibition of the NO detoxification activity of Hmp in vitro. Nevertheless, CO release from CORM-3 in the presence of soluble cellular compounds is demonstrated by formation of carboxy-Hmp. We show that the inability of CORM-3 to inhibit the activity of purified Hmp is due to slow release of CO in protein solutions alone i.e. when sodium dithionite, widely used in previous studies of CO release from CORM-3, is excluded. Finally, we measure intracellular CO released from CORM-3 by following the formation of carboxy-Hmp in respiring cells. CORM-3 is a tool to explore the concerted effects of CO and NO in vivo.  相似文献   

The gene coding for ferric enterobactin binding protein from E. coli O157:H7 was amplifi ed. This gene was cloned and expressed as C-terminal His (6)-tagged protein. The SDS-PAGE analysis of the total protein revealed only two distinct bands, with molecular masses of 31kDa and 34kDa. The Ni-NTA chromatography purifi ed FepB and the osmotically shocked periplasmic fraction of IPTG induced cells showed only a single band of 31 kDa. Polyclonal mouse antibody was raised against the recombinant protein during 4 weeks after immunization. Western blot analysis of the recombinant FepB with mouse antiserum revealeda single band of 31 kDa. Identification and purification of FepB helped reveal its appropriate molecular mass. Polyclonal antibody raised against the recombinant protein reacted with bacterial FepB. The recombinant protein FepB could have a protective effect against E. coli O157:H7 and might be useful as an effective vaccine.  相似文献   

The fim system in E. coli controls the expression of type-1 fimbriae. These are hair-like structures that can be used to attach to host cells. Fimbriation is controlled by a mechanism called "orientational control." We present two families of models for orientational control to understand the details of how it works. We find that the main benefits of orientational control are that (i) it allows rapid adjustment of fimbriation levels in response to a change of environmental conditions while (ii) keeping the overall frequencies with which a cell switches between the fimbriate state and the afimbriate state low. The main reason for the efficiency of orientational control in regulation of fimbriation levels is that it keeps the system far from its steady state.  相似文献   

The small ribosome subunit of Escherichia coli contains 10 base-methylated sites distributed in important functional regions. At present, seven enzymes responsible for methylation of eight bases are known, but most of them have not been well characterized. One of these enzymes, RsmE, was recently identified and shown to specifically methylate U1498. Here we describe the enzymatic properties and substrate specificity of RsmE. The enzyme forms dimers in solution and is most active in the presence of 10-15 mM Mg(2+) and 100 mM NH(4)Cl at pH 7-9; however, in the presence of spermidine, Mg(2+) is not required for activity. While small ribosome subunits obtained from an RsmE deletion strain can be methylated by purified RsmE, neither 70S ribosomes nor 50S subunits are active. Likewise, 16S rRNA obtained from the mutant strain, synthetic 16S rRNA, and 3' minor domain RNA are all very poor or inactive as substrates. 30S particles partially depleted of proteins by treatment with high concentrations of LiCl or in vitro reconstituted intermediate particles also show little or no methyl acceptor activity. Based on these data, we conclude that RsmE requires a highly structured ribonucleoprotein particle as a substrate for methylation, and that methylation events in the 3' minor domain of 16S rRNA probably occur late during 30S ribosome assembly.  相似文献   

Transition of bacteria to cell wall deficient L-forms in response to stress factors has been assumed as a potential mechanism for survival of microbes under unfavorable conditions. In this article, we provide evidence of paradoxal survival through L-form conversion of E. coli high cell density population after lethal treatments (boiling or autoclaving). Light and transmission electron microscopy demonstrated conversion from classical rod to polymorphic L-form shape morphology and atypical growths of E. coli. Microcrystal formations observed at this stage were interpreted as being closely linked to the processes of L-form conversion and probably involved in the general phenomenon of protection against lethal environment. Identity of the morphologically modified L-forms as E. coli was verified by species specific DNA-based test. Our study might contribute to a better understanding of the L-form phenomenon and its importance for bacterial survival, as well as provoke reexamination of the traditional view of killing strategies against bacteria.  相似文献   

The Escherichia coli chaperonin machinery, GroEL, assists the folding of a number of proteins. We describe a sequence-based approach to identify the natural substrate proteins (SPs) for GroEL. Our method is based on the hypothesis that natural SPs are those that contain patterns of residues similar to those found in either GroES mobile loop and/or strongly binding peptide in complex with GroEL. The method is validated by comparing the predicted results with experimentally determined natural SPs for GroEL. We have searched for such patterns in five genomes. In the E. coli genome, we identify 1422 (about one-third) sequences that are putative natural SPs. In Saccharomyces cerevisiae, 2885 (32%) of sequences can be natural substrates for Hsp60, which is the analog of GroEL. The precise number of natural SPs is shown to be a function of the number of contacts an SP makes with the apical domain (N(C)) and the number of binding sites (N(B)) in the oligomer with which it interacts. For known SPs for GroEL, we find approximately 4 < N(C) < 5 and 2 相似文献   

In an effort to simplify a complex mixture of soluble proteins from Escherichia coli, methods to fractionate the samples prior to two-dimensional (2D) gel electrophoresis were developed. These methods involve the use of DEAE-Sepharose, SP-Sepharose, and phenyl Sepharose chromatographic columns and the fractionation of the protein mixtures based on differential anionic, cationic, and hydrophobic properties of the proteins, respectively. Fractionation of the soluble proteins from an E. coli extract with DEAE-Sepharose resulted in a threefold increase in the number of detectable 2D gel spots. These gel spots were amenable to protein identification by using in-gel trypsin digestions, matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry, and peptide mass fingerprinting. Significantly, the DEAE-Sepharose column fractionation effectively partitioned the soluble proteins from the cell extracts. Similarly, an SP-Sepharose column was used to fractionate the soluble proteins from E. coli and resulted in over a twofold increase in the number of detectable gel spots. Lastly, fractionation of the cell extract with the phenyl Sepharose column resulted in a threefold increase in the number of detectable 2D gel spots. This work describes an easy, inexpensive way to fractionate the soluble proteins in E. coli and a way to better profile the E. coli proteome.  相似文献   



E.coli ST131 is a globally disseminated clone of multi-drug resistant E. coli responsible for that vast majority of global extra-intestinal E. coli infections. Recent global genomic epidemiological studies have highlighted the highly clonal nature of this group of bacteria, however there appears to be inconsistency in some phenotypes associated with the clone, in particular capsule types as determined by K-antigen testing both biochemically and by PCR.


We performed improved quality assemblies on ten ST131 genomes previously sequenced by our group and compared them to a new reference genome sequence JJ1886 to identify the capsule loci across the drug-resistant clone H30Rx. Our data shows considerable genetic diversity within the capsule locus of H30Rx clone strains which is mirrored by classical K antigen testing. The varying capsule locus types appear to be randomly distributed across the H30Rx phylogeny suggesting multiple recombination events at this locus, but that this capsule heterogeneity has little to no effect on virulence associated phenotypes in vitro.


Our data provides a framework for determining the capsular genetics of E. coli ST131 and further beyond to ExPEC strains, and highlights how capsular mosaicism may be an important strategy in becoming a successful globally disseminated human pathogen.

Electronic supplementary material

The online version of this article (doi:10.1186/1471-2164-15-830) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

Chitinase is a rate-limiting and endo-splitting enzyme involved in the bio-degradation of chitin, an important component of the cuticular exoskeleton and peritrophic matrix in insects. We isolated a cDNA-encoding chitinase from the last larval integument of the cabbage moth, Mamestra brassicae (Lepidoptera; Noctuidae), cloned the ORF cDNA into E. coli to confirm its functionality, and analyzed the deduced amino acid sequence in comparison with previously described lepidopteran chitinases. M. brassicae chitinase expressed in the transformed E. coli cells with the chitinase-encoding cDNA enhanced cell proliferation to about 1.6 times of the untransformed wild type strain in a colloidal chitin-including medium with only a very limited amount of other nutrients. Compared with the wild type strain, the intracellular levels of chitin degradation derivatives, glucosamine and N-acetylglucosamine were about 7.2 and 2.3 times higher, respectively, while the extracellular chitinase activity was about 2.2 times higher in the transformed strain. The ORF of M. brassicae chitinaseencoding cDNA consisted of 1686 nucleotides (562 amino acid residues) except for the stop codon, and its deduced amino acid composition revealed a calculated molecular weight of 62.7 and theoretical pI of 5.3. The ORF was composed of N-terminal leading signal peptide (AA 1-20), catalytic domain (AA 21-392), linker region (AA 393-498), and C-terminal chitin-binding domain (AA 499-562) showing its characteristic structure as a molting fluid chitinase. In phylogenetic analysis, the enzymes from 6 noctuid species were grouped together, separately from a group of 3 bombycid and 1 tortricid enzymes, corresponding to their taxonomic relationships at both the family and genus levels.  相似文献   

Stuffed mussel is a traditional food that sold by street venders in various countries. In the present study, samples of stuffed mussels were collected from various places in Ankara. The mussels were analyzed to show the microbiological risks for human health. Thirty samples (600 stuffed mussels in total) were collected periodically and microbiological analyses were performed by standard procedures for Bacillus cereus, Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli, Salmonella sp., Clostridium sp. In terms of Salmonella sp., approximately 50% of samples were not suitable for consumption. Besides, in accordance with Turkish Food Codex Microbiological Criteria Announcement in terms of E. coli 30%, in terms of B. cereus 80%, in terms of S. aureus 76.6%, in terms of Clostridium perfringens 13.3% of these samples were not suitable for consumption. The aim of this study is to discuss the microbiological quality of stuffed mussels as a ready-to-eat food according to Turkish Food Codex (TFC). The result of this investigation indicates that stuffed mussels as a street food may constitute a potential health hazard, depending on contamination level and lack of sanitary practices, and therefore, handling practices should require more attention and improvement.  相似文献   

Bacteriological analysis of the water samples collected from upstream, midstream and downstream points along the bank of the river revealed high populations of Escherichia coli, Citrobacter freundii, Citrobacter diversus, Enterobacter aerogens and Klebsiella species. All these isolates were screened against eight antibiotics to determine the prevalence of multiple antibiotic resistance among isolates at different sites of the river. The study revealed that multiple antibiotic resistance was prominently seen in coliforms at downstream sites (Average multiple antibiotic resistance index, MAR Index = 0.43) while it was low in coliforms at upstream sites (MAR Index = 0.15). These differences in MAR indices provide a method for distinguishing high risk contamination sites in aquatic environment.  相似文献   

Therapeutic options for infections caused by gram-negative organisms expressing plasmid-mediated AmpC β-lactamases are limited because these organisms are usually resistant to all the β-lactam antibiotics, except for cefepime, cefpirome and the carbapenems. These organisms are a major concern in nosocomial infections and should therefore be monitored in surveillance studies. Hence, this study was aimed out to determine the prevalence of plasmid-mediated AmpC β-lactamases in E. coli and K. pneumoniae from a tertiary care in Bangalore. A total of 63 E. coli and 27 K. pneumoniae were collected from a tertiary care hospital in Bangalore from February 2008 to July 2008. The isolates with decreased susceptibility to cefoxitin were subjected to confirmation test with three dimensional extract tests. Minimum inhibitory concentrations (MICs) were determined by agar dilution method. Conjugation experiments, plasmid profiling and susceptibility testing were carried out to investigate the underlying mechanism of resistance. In our study, 52 (57.7%) isolates showed resistance to cefoxitin, the occurrence of AmpC was found to be 7.7% of the total isolates. Plasmid analysis of the selected isolates showed the presence of a single plasmid of 26 kb in E. coli and 2 Kb in K. pneumoniae. Plasmid-mediated AmpC β-lactamases were found in 11.1% of K. pneumoniae and in 6.3% of E. coli. Curing and conjugation experiments showed that resistance to cephamycins and cephalosporins was plasmid-mediated. Our study has demonstrated the occurrence of plasmid-mediated AmpC in E. coli and K. pneumoniae which illustrates the importance of molecular surveillance in tracking AmpC-producing strains at general hospitals and emphasizes the need for epidemiological monitoring.  相似文献   

A multiplex PCR procedure that detects six major virulence genes, fliC, stx1, stx2, eae, rfbE, and hlyA, in Escherichia coli O157:H7 was developed. Analyses of the available sequences of the six major virulence genes and the published primers allowed us to develop the six-gene, multiplex PCR protocol that maintained the specificity of each primer pair. The resulting six bands for fliC, stx1, stx2, eae, rfbE, and hlyA were even and distinct with product sizes of 949, 655, 477, 375, 296, and 199 bp, respectively. The procedure was validated with a total of 221 E. coli strains that included 4 ATCC, 84 cattle, and 57 human E. coli O157:H7 strains as well as 76 non-O157 cattle and human E. coli strains. The results of all 221 strains were similar to the results generated by established multiplex PCR methods that involved two separate reactions to detect five virulence genes (stx1, stx2, eae, fliC, and hlyA). Specificity of the O antigen was indicated by amplification of only O157, and not O25, O26, O55, O78, O103, O111, O127, and O145 E. coli serotypes. Sensitivity tests showed that the procedure amplified genes from a fecal sample spiked with a minimum of 104 CFU/g (10 cells/reaction) of E. coli O157. After a 6-h enrichment of E. coli O157-spiked samples, a sensitivity level of 10 CFU/g was achieved.  相似文献   

Understanding the evolution of functional RNA molecules is important for our molecular understanding of biology. Here we tested experimentally how two evolutionary parameters, selection pressure and recombination, influenced the evolution of an evolving RNA population. This was done using four parallel evolution experiments that employed low or gradually increasing selection pressure, and recombination events either at the end or dispersed throughout the evolution. As model system, a trans-splicing group I intron ribozyme was evolved in Escherichia coli cells over 12 rounds of selection and amplification, including mutagenesis and recombination. The low selection pressure resulted in higher efficiency of the evolved ribozyme populations, whereas differences in recombination did not have a strong effect. Five mutations were responsible for the highest efficiency. The first mutation swept quickly through all four evolving populations, whereas the remaining four mutations accumulated later and more efficiently under low selection pressure. To determine why low selection pressure aided this evolution, all evolutionary intermediates between the wild type and the 5-mutation variant were constructed, and their activities at three different selection pressures were determined. The resulting fitness profiles showed a high cooperativity among the four late mutations, which can explain why high selection pressure led to inefficient evolution. These results show experimentally how low selection pressure can benefit the evolution of cooperative mutations in functional RNAs.  相似文献   

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