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Patranomodon nyaphulii , known from a nearly complete skull, lower jaw and partial postcranial skeleton, is morphologically the most primitive anomodont therapsid yet discovered. It is from the Eodicynodon Assemblage Zone, the lowest biozone of the Beaufort Group of South Africa, which has a primitive therapsid fauna comparable with that of the Russian Zone I. Patranaomodon is primitive with respect to other anomodonts in having short palatal exposure of the premaxilla, an unreduced tabular, a slit-like interpterygoidal vacuity, a screw-shaped jaw articulation (which precludes fore-aft sliding of the lower jaw), and only three sacral vertebrae. The poorly-known Galechirus and Galepus from the younger Cistecephalus Assemblage Zone appear to be at a comparably primitive evolutionary grade, and the three genera are tentatively united in the family Galechiridae. The taxon Dromasauria is shown to be paraphyletic and therefore should be discarded.  相似文献   

Suminia getmanovi , a recently discovered basal anomodont from the Late Permian of Russia, is characterized by robust, 'leaf-shaped' teeth, and a masticatory architecture that is similar to that of the highly diverse and cosmopolitan group of Permo-Triassic herbivores, Dicynodontia (Anomodontia). Based on new material, the skull is reconstructed in three dimensions and described in detail. A cladistic analysis of the basal anomodonts, Patranomodon, Galeops, Otsheria, Ulemica , and Suminia , using 37 cranial characters, resulted in a single most parsimonious tree, in which Suminia is united with the Russian taxa, Ulemica and Otsheria. This clade, diagnosed by four unambiguous characters, is designated as Venyukovioidea. The South African anomodont, Galeops , appears as the sister taxon to Dicynodontia. Patranomodon is the most basal anomodont. The cladistic analysis suggests that a 'dicynodont-type' masticatory architecture, with an expanded adductor musculature and sliding jaw articulation, may have originated prior to the advent of the (Venyukovioidea + ( Galeops + Dicynodontia)) clade.  相似文献   

An investigation of the internal cranial anatomy of the anomodont Kawingasaurus from the Upper Permian Usili Formation in Tanzania by means of neutron tomography revealed an unusual inner and middle ear anatomy such as extraordinarily inflated vestibules, lateroventrally orientated stapes with large footplates, and a small angle between the planes of the anterior and lateral semicircular canals. The vestibule has a volume, which is about 25 times larger than the human vestibule, although Kawingasaurus has only a skull length of approximately 40 mm. Vestibule inflation and enlarged stapes footplates are thought to be functionally correlated with bone‐conduction hearing; both morphologies have been observed in fossorial vertebrates using seismic signals for communication. The firmly fused triangular head with spatulate snout was probably used for digging and preadapted to seismic signal detection. The quadrate‐quadratojugal complex was able to transmit sound from the articular to the stapes by small vibrations of the quadrate process, which formed a ball and socket joint with the squamosal. Mechanical considerations suggest that the ventrolaterally orientated stapes of Kawingasaurus was mechanically better suited to transmit seismic sound from the ground to the fenestra vestibuli than a horizontal orientated stapes. The low sound pressure level transformer ratio of 2–3 in Kawingasaurus points to a seismic sensitivity of the middle ear and a vestigial or reduced sensitivity to airborne sound. Three hypothetical pathways of bone conduction in Kawingasaurus are discussed: 1) sound transmission via the spatulate snout and skull roof to the otic capsules, 2) relative movements resulting from the inertia of the mandible if sound is percepted with the skull, and 3) bone conduction from the substrate via mandible, jaw articulation, and stapes to the inner ear. J. Morphol. 276:121–143, 2015. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Adaptive radiations are central to macroevolutionary theory. Whether triggered by acquisition of new traits or ecological opportunities arising from mass extinctions, it is debated whether adaptive radiations are marked by initial expansion of taxic diversity or of morphological disparity (the range of anatomical form). If a group rediversifies following a mass extinction, it is said to have passed through a macroevolutionary bottleneck, and the loss of taxic or phylogenetic diversity may limit the amount of morphological novelty that it can subsequently generate. Anomodont therapsids, a diverse clade of Permian and Triassic herbivorous tetrapods, passed through a bottleneck during the end-Permian mass extinction. Their taxic diversity increased during the Permian, declined significantly at the Permo–Triassic boundary and rebounded during the Middle Triassic before the clade''s final extinction at the end of the Triassic. By sharp contrast, disparity declined steadily during most of anomodont history. Our results highlight three main aspects of adaptive radiations: (i) diversity and disparity are generally decoupled; (ii) models of radiations following mass extinctions may differ from those triggered by other causes (e.g. trait acquisition); and (iii) the bottleneck caused by a mass extinction means that a clade can emerge lacking its original potential for generating morphological variety.  相似文献   

The cranial endocast of Pristerodon mackayi is described, which has been virtually reconstructed on the basis of neutron tomographic data. The gross anatomy of the cranial endocast of Pristerodon resembles other nonmammalian synapsids such as Thrinaxodon liorhinus in having a narrow, tubular forebrain, well developed olfactory bulbs, a large parietal foramen and unossified zone. As it is the case in cynodonts the hindbrain of Pristerodon is broader than the mid‐ and forebrain. Large paraflocculi are developed. The medulla oblongata can be well distinguished from the pons. The pons is divided by a median ridge into two portions. There is no evidence for a neocortex, which seems to be also reflected in the low encephalization quotient of 0.18 estimated according to the method of Eisenberg. J. Morphol. 276:1089–1099, 2015. © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

The skull of a small anomodont therapsid, from the Tapinocephalus Assemblage Zone (Abrahamskraal Formation, Beaufort Group, Upper Permian) in Northern Cape Province, South Africa, represents a new basal dicynodont and is described in detail. Colobodectes cluveri gen. et sp. nov. is distinguished from other dicynodonts by an anteroposteriorly extensive caniniform process, parietals that were broadly overlapped posterolaterally by posterodorsal processes of the postorbitals, diverging anterior palatal ridges, and a dorsoventrally low foramen magnum. A phylogenetic analysis indicates that Colobodectes is the basalmost member of a dicynodont clade that excludes Eodicynodon . This position is not particularly strong, as two additional steps are needed to make Colobodectes and Eodicynodon oosthuizeni exchange places on the most parsimonious tree. Another discovery of the phylogenetic analysis is that there is little basis for recognizing Eodicynodon oelofseni as the closest relative of E. oosthuizeni . The former species is identified as the sister taxon of a clade that includes the latter and all other dicynodonts.  相似文献   

The Pygmy Bushtit is confined to the montane forests of Java. It is the world's smallest passerine and morphologically resembles a small, drab long‐tailed tit or bushtit (Aegithalidae). In its behaviour the Pygmy Bushtit show similarities with the members of the Aegithalidae, but owing to its small size and isolated geographical distribution relative to the other members of the Aegithalidae, it has always been placed in a monotypic genus within the family. The affinities of the Pygmy Bushtit have never been tested in a phylogenetic context and the species has to date not been included in any molecular studies. In this study we use sequence data from four different genetic markers to place it in the passerine phylogenetic tree. Our results confirm the inclusion of the Pygmy Bushtit in the Aegithalidae, but rather than being an isolated lineage, our results strongly suggest that it is nested in the Aegithalos clade, and most closely related to the Black‐throated Bushtit Aegithalos concinnus. The range of the Black‐throated Bushtit extends south into subtropical Indochina, with an isolated subspecies occurring in southern Vietnam. The Black‐throated Bushtit contains several morphologically and genetically distinct lineages, which could represent distinct species, but the phylogenetic relationships within this complex are poorly resolved and partly in conflict with current taxonomic treatment based on morphology.  相似文献   

Current phylogenetic hypotheses for the dicynodonts conflict, probably because the characters used, especially those of the jaws and facial region, show considerable convergence. Characters of the braincase and basipterygoid articulation of the Late Permian–Middle Triassic dicynodonts Diictodon , Dicynodon , Kingoria, Lystrosaurus , Rechnisaurus , and 14 other genera, may have phylogenetic value. Parsimony analysis and the character compatability permutation test suggest, at the highest possible confidence level, that the data set contains significant hierarchical structure, interpreted as a result of phylogeny. The most parsimonious tree broadly agrees with all recent hypotheses on the relationships among dicynodonts. However, it conflicts with the recent suggestion that Lystrosaurus is part of a clade of Middle–Late Triassic dicynodonts, but supports the basal position of Kingoria . The use of Eodicynodon as an outgroup does not perturb the parsimonious relationship of the included taxa. Topological constraints reveal that phylogenetic hypotheses based only on basicranial characters are not robust. Characters of the basipterygoid articulation and inner braincase have high consistency and retention indices, which suggests that the main evolutionary transformations in the dicynodont basicranium occurred within these structures.  相似文献   

A New Basal Lystrosaurid Dicynodont from the Upper Permian of South Africa   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A new genus and species of late Permian dicynodont, Kwazulusaurus shakai , is described on the basis of a complete skull from the late Permian Dicynodon Assemblage Zone of the South African Beaufort Group. It is an advanced form which shows characters, such as the shape of the snout and the loss of the ectopterygoid, that link it to the early Triassic genus Lystrosaurus. Kwazulusaurus represents the most basal member of the lystrosaurian lineage. The phylogeny of progressive pristerodontian dicynodonts is discussed. It appears possible that the Kannemeyeriiformes and Lystrosauridae do not form a monophylum, as previously assumed. Instead a sister-group relationship between lystrosaurids and dicynodontids plus kannemeyeriiforms is suggested.  相似文献   

In this study, we present the first genetic evidence of the phylogenetic position of Tarsius pumilus, the mountain tarsier of Sulawesi, Indonesia. This mysterious primate is the only Eastern tarsier species that occurs exclusively in cloud forests above 1800 m.a.s.l. It exhibits striking morphological peculiarities—most prominently its extremely reduced body size, which led to the common name of ‘pygmy tarsier’. However, our results indicate that T. pumilus is not an aberrant form of a lowland tarsier, but in fact, the most basal of all Sulawesi tarsiers. Applying a Bayesian multi-locus coalescent approach, we dated the divergence between the T. pumilus lineage and the ancestor of all other extant Sulawesi tarsiers to 9.88 Mya. This is as deep as the split between the two other tarsier genera Carlito (Philippine tarsiers) and Cephalopachus (Western tarsiers), and predates further tarsier diversification on Sulawesi by around 7 Myr. The date coincides with the deepening of the marine environment between eastern and western Sulawesi, which likely led to allopatric speciation between T. pumilus or its predecessor in the west and the ancestor of all other Sulawesi tarsiers in the east. As the split preceded the emergence of permanent mountains in western Sulawesi, it is unlikely that the shift to montane habitat has driven the formation of the T. pumilus lineage.  相似文献   

The basal clade Burnetiamorpha is known from only two specimens representing two genera, Proburnetia from the Severodvinskian horizon of the Vyatka River Basin in the Kotelnich district of Russia, and Burnetia from the Dicynodon Assemblage Zone of the Beaufort Group of South Africa. Both genera are of Late Tatarian (Late Permian) age. This paper describes the cranial morphology of a new genus of burnetiamorph, Bullacephalus , from the Late Permian Tapinocephalus Assemblage Zone of the Beaufort Group of South Africa. It is known from a relatively complete skull and lower jaw and is the best preserved burnetiamorph yet discovered. Apart from being the oldest member of the clade, Bullacephalus is also morphologically the least derived and provides new evidence on the phylogeny of this poorly understood group of basal therapsids.  相似文献   

Sixteen tardigrade species have been identified from a total of 943 specimens isolated from 69 positive soil samples collected in southern Spain (Andalusia, Huelva). Three genera (Hexapodibius, Xerobiotus and the new genus Sarascon) and eight species are new records for the Iberian Peninsula, increasing Iberian tardigrade biodiversity by 6%, and 10 species are new records for soil habitats, increasing soil tardigrade biodiversity by 9% (from 96 to 108 species). A newly discovered species and genus are described, followed by an analysis and discussion of the species' phylogenetic position and synapomorphies, based on morphological and total evidence (morphology and molecular – 18S and 28S rRNA – data combined) phylogenetic analyses. The new genus is distinguished from other Itaquasconinae genera, to which it is phylogenetically related, by having a Parascon buccopharyngeal apparatus and Ramajendas claws. In contrast to general eutardigrade evolution, which is primarily determined by claw morphology, itaquasconid evolution is more related to buccopharyngeal apparatus morphology, which shows homoplastic evolution at superfamily, family and subfamily levels, and also defines functional trophic groups in soil-related environments.

http://zoobank.org/urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:068B9D87-27E2-4B26-8920-FF03CEF9869A  相似文献   

The cranial osteology of the small theropod dinosaur Proceratosaurus from the Bathonian of Minchinhampton, England, is described in detail, based on new preparation and computed tomography (CT) scan images of the type, and only known, specimen. Proceratosaurus is an unusual theropod with markedly enlarged external nares and a cranial crest starting at the premaxillary–nasal junction. The skull is highly pneumatic, with pneumatized nasals, jugals, and maxillae, as well as a highly pneumatic braincase, featuring basisphenoid, anterior tympanic, basipterygoid, and carotid recesses. The dentition is unusual, with small premaxillary teeth and much larger lateral teeth, with a pronounced size difference of the serrations between the mesial and distal carina. The first dentary tooth is somewhat procumbent and flexed anteriorly. Phylogenetic analysis places Proceratosaurus in the Tyrannosauroidea, in a monophyletic clade Proceratosauridae, together with the Oxfordian Chinese taxon Guanlong. The Bathonian age of Proceratosaurus extends the origin of all clades of basal coelurosaurs back into the Middle Jurassic, and provides evidence for an early, Laurasia‐wide, dispersal of the Tyrannosauroidea during the late Middle to Late Jurassic. © 2009 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2009.  相似文献   

Data improving the characterization of the marine Euplotes species, E. petzi Wilbert and Song, 2008, were obtained from morphological, ecological and genetic analyses of Antarctic and Arctic wild-type strains. This species is identified by a minute (mean size, 46 μm × 32 μm) and ellipsoidal cell body which is dorsally decorated with an argyrome of the double-patella type, five dorsal kineties (of which the median one contains 8–10 dikinetids), five sharp-edged longitudinal ridges, and a right anterior spur. Ventrally, it bears 10 fronto-ventral, five transverse, two caudal and two marginal cirri, 30–35 adoral membranelles, and three inconspicuous ridges. Euplotes petzi grows well at 4 °C on green algae, does not produce cysts, undergoes mating under the genetic control of a multiple mating-type system, constitutively secretes water-borne pheromones, and behaves as a psychrophilic microorganism unable to survive at >15 °C. While the α-tubulin gene sequence determination did not provide useful information on the E. petzi molecular phylogeny, the small subunit rRNA (SSU rRNA) gene sequence determination provided solid evidence that E. petzi clusters with E. sinicus Jiang et al., 2010a, into a clade which represents the deepest branch at the base of the Euplotes phylogentic tree.  相似文献   

The initial stages of evolution of Diapsida (the large clade that includes not only snakes, lizards, crocodiles and birds, but also dinosaurs and numerous other extinct taxa) is clouded by an exceedingly poor Palaeozoic fossil record. Previous studies had indicated a 38 Myr gap between the first appearance of the oldest diapsid clade (Araeoscelidia), ca 304 million years ago (Ma), and that of its sister group in the Middle Permian (ca 266 Ma). Two new reptile skulls from the Richards Spur locality, Lower Permian of Oklahoma, represent a new diapsid reptile: Orovenator mayorum n. gen. et sp. A phylogenetic analysis identifies O. mayorum as the oldest and most basal member of the araeoscelidian sister group. As Richards Spur has recently been dated to 289 Ma, the new diapsid neatly spans the above gap by appearing 15 Myr after the origin of Diapsida. The presence of O. mayorum at Richards Spur, which records a diverse upland fauna, suggests that initial stages in the evolution of non-araeoscelidian diapsids may have been tied to upland environments. This hypothesis is consonant with the overall scant record for non-araeoscelidian diapsids during the Permian Period, when the well-known terrestrial vertebrate communities are preserved almost exclusively in lowland deltaic, flood plain and lacustrine sedimentary rocks.  相似文献   

系统发育分析结果表明,尽管Lanzia berggrenii能在寄主中形成基物子座,但与膜盘菌属的核心种关系较近,而与蜡盘菌科成员关系较远,应该归属于膜盘菌属。在广义的膜盘菌属的系统树中该种及在新西兰发现的4个新种构成一个单系群,分别命名为Hymenoscyphus haasticus,H. kiko,H.ohakune和H.waikaia。它们的共同特征:基物均为南青冈叶片,侧丝顶端分枝形成类似囊层被的结构,覆盖于子实层上部。Lanzia berggrenii var.metrosideri应为膜盘菌属中一个独立的种,即Hymenoscyphus metrosideri。  相似文献   

A new specimen from the base of the Beaufort Group, Upper Permian of South Africa, represents a new therapsid (''mammal-like reptile'') which has been identified as the most basal (''primitive'') member of the Anomodontia. Anomocephalus africanus gen. et sp. nov. is based upon a partial skull that exhibits several characteristic anomodont synapomorphies including the presence of isodont marginal teeth and a dorsally bowed zygoma, but is distinguished from other anomodonts by the possession of peg-like marginal dentition with oblique wear facets on the tips of the teeth. Anomocephalus is excluded from a clade comprised of all other anomodonts as (i) the snout is relatively long, (ii) the vertically aligned zygomatic process of the squamosal is blade-like, and (iii) the squamosal does not contact the ventral tip of the postorbital. The basal position of Anomocephalus, together with its South African occurrence, strongly supports the postulate that a Gondwanan distribution was ancestral for anomodonts.  相似文献   

In recent years the hypothesis that pterosaurs were the major sister-group of dinosaurs and a closely-linked hypothesis that pterosaurs evolved flight from the ground up have gained general acceptance. A cladistic analysis of the Archosauromorpha using characters presented by previous workers results in a single most parsimonious tree with the Pterosauria as the major sister-group of the Dinosauria. However, that sister-group relationship is supported only by a suite of hindlimb characters that are correlated with bipedal digitigrade locomotion in dinosaurs. In pterosaurs the characters have been interpreted as correlates of bipedal cursorial locomotion, arboreal leaping, or involvement of the hindlimb in the wing. The homology of those characters in dinosaurs and pterosaurs cannot be supported. Reanalysis of the data after exclusion of those hindlimb characters results in most parsimonious trees with the Pterosauria as the sister-group of the Erythrosuchidae + Proterochampsidae + Euparkeria + Archosauria, in that order. This sister-group relationship is supported by a diverse assemblage of functionally independent skeletal characters from all regions of the skeleton. The results of the analysis cast doubt on the hypothesis that pterosaurs evolved flight from the ground up.  相似文献   

Liparis tsii, a new orchid from Guangdong, China, is described and illustrated. It is compared with its closest allies: L. sasakii Hayata, L. nanlingensis H.Z. Tian & F.W. Xing, L. krameri Franch. & Sav., L. reckoniana T.C. Hsu and L. brunnea Ormerod belonging to section Liparis. Further phylogenetic study based on combined molecular data from nrITS and plastid trnL-F ascertained its phylogenetic position as L. tsii being sister to L. sasakii and L. nanlingensis. A key to identification with the allied species is provided.  相似文献   

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