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The synthetic ACTH-like decapeptide H-Val-Lys-Lys-Pro-Gly- Ser-Ser-Val-Lys-Val-OH, corresponding to amino acid residues 11-20 of the variable part of the human IgG1 heavy chain (referred to as immunocortin) was found to have an immunosuppressive effect on cells in vitro: it inhibits blast transformation of mouse thymocytes and reduces spontaneous motility of mouse peritoneal macrophages as well as their bactericidal activity against the virulent bacterial strain Salmonella typhimurium 415. Tritium-labeled immunocortin binds with high affinity to ACTH receptors on thymocytes and macrophages (Kd 2. 1 and 2.5 nM, respectively) and activates adenylate cyclase in these cells. Thus, the interaction of immunocortin with the target cell includes the following main steps: binding to the receptor, activation of adenylate cyclase, and elevation of the intracellular content of cAMP.  相似文献   

Synthetic decapeptide corresponding to ACTH-like sequence of the variable part of the heavy chain of immunoglobulin G1 Eu was studied by two-dimensional 1H-NMR spectroscopy (400 MHz). A complete assignment of signals in the peptide spectrum was made. The decapeptide was shown not to have any ordered spatial structure, and was characterized by a high extent of flexibility of the oligopeptide chain, except for the peptide bond with an N-terminal residue.  相似文献   

The antiproliferative and immunosuppressive in vitro effects of immunocortin, a synthetic adrenocorticotropin-like (ACTH-like) decapeptide H-Val-Lys-Lys-Pro-Gly-Ser-Ser-Val-Lys-Val-OH, whose sequence corresponds to segment 11-20 of the variable part of the human IgG1 heavy chain, were studied. At concentrations of 10(-11)-10(-7) M, immunocortin was found to inhibit the growth of the human MT-4 T-lymphoblastoid cell line, to suppress the blast transformation of thymocytes, and to decrease the spontaneous mobility of peritoneal macrophages and their bactericidal action toward the virulent strain Salmonella typhimurium 415. By using a 125I-labeled "addressing" fragment of ACTH ?[125I]ACTH-(13-24)?, we showed that MT-4 cells express specific receptors for ACTH (Kd 97 pM). Immunocortin and human ACTH (but not the heavy chain of IgG1) competitively inhibited the binding of [125I]ACTH-(13-24) to these receptors with Ki1 of 0.38 and Ki2 of 0.34 nM, respectively. Specific receptors for ACTH (Kd 5.8 nM) on mouse thymocytes were detected and characterized. The unlabeled immunocortin was shown to complete with labeled ACTH-(13-24) for binding to these receptors (Ki = 1.8 nM) and this binding of immunocortin to receptors on thymocytes activates adenylate cyclase from these cells and increases the intracellular concentration of cAMP.  相似文献   

The antiproliferative and immunosuppressivein vitro effects ofimmunocortin, a synthetic adrenocorticotropin-like (ACTH-like) decapeptide H-Val-Lys-Lys-Pro-Gly-Ser-Ser-Val-Lys-Val-OH, whose sequence corresponds to segment 11–20 of the variable part of the human IgG1 heavy chain, were studied. At concentrations of 10−11−10−7 M, immunocortin was found to inhibit the growth of the human MT-4 T-lymphoblastoid cell line, to suppress the blast transformation of thymocytes, and to decrease the spontaneous mobility of peritoneal macrophages and their bactericidal action toward the virulent strainSalmonella typhimurium 415. By using a125I-labeled “addressing” fragment of ACTH {[125I]ACTH (13–24)}, we showed that MT-4 cells express specific receptors for ACTH (K d 97 pM). Immunocortin and human ACTH (but not the heavy chain of IgG1) competitively inhibited the binding of [125I]ACTH-(13–24) to these receptors withK i1 of 0.38 andK i2 of 0.34 nM, respectively. Specific receptors for ACTH (K d 5.8 nM) on mouse thymocytes were detected and characterized. The unlabeled immunocortin was shown to compete with labeled ACTH-(13–24) for binding to these receptors (K i=1.8 nM), and this binding of immunocortin to receptors on thymocytes activates adenylate cyclase from these cells and increases the intracellular concentration of cAMP.  相似文献   

We found that the tritium-labeled synthetic ACTH-like octapeptide leucocorticotropin corresponding to the 81-88 sequence of the precursor of human interleukin-1alpha ([3H]GKVLKKRR) is bound by the ACTH receptor of rat adrenal cortex with a high affinity and specificity (Kd 2.2 +/- 0.1 nM). This peptide was shown to exert no effect on the adenylate cyclase activity of the membranes of rat adrenal cortex in the concentration range from 1 to 1000 nM. Leucocorticotropin administration three times at doses of 10-20 microg/animal did not change the level of hydroxycorticosteroids (11-HOCS) in the rat adrenal glands in the absence of temperature action. At the same time, the peptide abolishes (at a dose of 20 microg/animal, three times) or significantly decreases (at a dose of 10 microg/animal, three times) the dramatic increase in the 11-HOCS content in the adrenal glands occurring in the case of cold or heat shock. Thus, leucocorticotropin normalizes the 11-HOCS level in the rat adrenal cortex during stress. The stress-protective effect of the peptide is mediated through the ACTH receptor.  相似文献   

We found that the tritium-labeled synthetic ACTH-like octapeptide leucocorticotropin corresponding to the 81–88 sequence of the precursor of human interleukin-1α ([3H]GK VLKKRR) is bound by the ACTH receptor of rat adrenal cortex with a high affinity and specificity (K d 2.2 ± 0.1 nM). This peptide was shown to exert no effect on the adenylate cyclase activity of the membranes of rat adrenal cortex in the concentration range from 1 to 1000 nM. Leucocorticotropin administration three times at doses of 10–20 μg/animal did not change the level of hydroxycorticosteroids (11-HOCS) in the rat adrenal glands in the absence of temperature action. At the same time, the peptide abolishes (at a dose of 20 μg/animal, three times) or significantly decreases (at a dose of 10 μg/animal, three times) the dramatic increase in the 11-HOCS content in the adrenal glands occurring in the case of cold or heat shock. Thus, leucocorticotropin normalizes the 11-HOCS level in the rat adrenal cortex during stress. The stress-protective effect of the peptide is mediated through the ACTH receptor.  相似文献   

In attempts to identify antibodies for Bursal Anti-Steroidogenic Peptide (BASP), rabbit serum was observed to reduce phorbol ester-stimulated chicken B-lymphocyte proliferation comparable to BASP. These experiments investigated the effects of IgG on B-lymphocyte proliferation. In Experiment 1, 3% rabbit serum decreased B-lymphocyte proliferation. In Experiment 2, 2 mg/ml of intact rabbit IgG or 0.65 mg/ml of IgG papain digest products, Fab and Fc, decreased B-lymphocyte proliferation. The combination of BASP and either Fab or Fc was observed to have at least an additive anti-proliferative effect. In Experiment 3, 0.01 mg/ml of either rabbit or chicken IgG, or 1.0 mg/ml of rabbit or 0.01 mg/ml of chicken Fab, Fc, and the pepsin digestion product F(ab')(2) was observed to have an anti-proliferative effect. No combined effects of BASP and IgG or IgG digest products were observed for this experiment. In Experiment 4, 12 mg/ml of chicken egg yolk IgG or 1.2 mg/ml Fab was found to suppress B-lymphocyte proliferation. Additionally, an additive effect of 12 mg/ml of IgG with BASP was again observed. The present studies suggest that IgG and its digestion products reduce phorbol-stimulated B-lymphocyte proliferation in vitro and combined treatment with IgG and BASP may have at least an additive anti-proliferative effect on B-lymphocyte proliferation.  相似文献   

An antibody specific to a synthetic peptide corresponding to the N-terminal 27 amino acid residues of human urine DNase I (anti-DNase I peptide) was obtained. The antibody did not inhibit the activity of the enzyme, but reacted well with the enzyme upon immunoblotting following electrophoresis. The urine DNase I isozyme patterns detected using this antibody were almost identical to those produced with an antibody specific to purified DNase I. Therefore, the anti-DNase I peptide antibody should prove to be valuable for genetic analysis of human DNase I isozymes.  相似文献   

The N-terminal signal sequence of glucitol pcrmease of Escherichia Coli (Gut22) and its analogue (Gut22Ana) were synthesized. The analogue had a Pro residue substituting for the His at the 7th position of Gut22 and a Val residue substituting for the Glu at the 10th position. The intrinsic fluorescence emission spectra indicated that the binding of Gut22 with lipid bilayer was much stronger than that of Gut22Ana. The leakage experiments with calcein-loaded liposomes showed that Gut22 strongly perturbed lipid bilayers while Gut22Ana did not. The apparent partition constant of Gut22 for partitioning into phosphatidylserine/phosphatidylcholine bilayers was measured; the effect of membrane potential on the interaction of Gut22 with lipid bilayers was studied and the conformation changes of Gut22 and Gut22Ana upon interacting with liposomes were studied by the method of circular dichroism analysis.  相似文献   



Avian influenza H5N1 virus is highly pathogenic partially because its H5 hemagglutinin contains a polybasic cleavage site that can be processed by proteases in multiple organs.


Monoclonal antibodies (mAb) specific to the synthetic peptide of hemagglutinin polybasic cleavage site of H5N1 virus were raised and tested for their neutralizing potential.


Purified mAb showed suppression of H5N1 pseudovirus infection on Madin-Darby Canine Kidney (MDCK) cells but the efficacy was less than 50%. Since those mAb are specific to the intact uncut polybasic cleavage site of hemagglutinin, their efficacy depends on the extent of hemagglutinin cleavage on the viral surface.


Proteolytic analysis suggests the low efficacy associated with those mAb may be due to proteolytic cleavage already present on the majority of hemagglutinin prior to the infection of virus.  相似文献   

The conformations of synthetic peptides Lys-Phe-Phe-Phe-Ile-Ile-Gly-Leu-Ile-Ile-Gly-Leu-Phe-OCH3 and Lys(epsilon-palmitoyl)-Phe-Phe-Phe-Ile-Ile-Gly-Leu-Ile-Ile-Gly-Leu-Phe-O CH3, which constitute a part of the membrane-spanning region of the vesicular stomatitis virus G protein, have been studied by circular dichroism (CD) spectroscopy. Secondary structural features are observed for both peptides in trifluoroethanol, methanol, aqueous mixtures of trifluoroethanol and methanol and in a micellar environment. In trifluoroethanol, the CD spectra indicate the presence of a helical conformation, whereas in aqueous mixtures of organic solvents, both helical and beta-conformations are observed. While fatty acid acylation does not directly modulate peptide conformation, it promotes self-association of the acylated peptide and association with micelles. In a micellar environment, the acylated peptide adopts an alpha-helical conformation.  相似文献   

A novel synthesis of human CLIP, a peptide corresponding to the sequence of human ACTH-(18-39) is described. The dodecapeptide chain was assembled by a combination of fragment condensation and stepwise synthesis while using N alpha-benzyloxycarbonyl and side chain tert.-butyl-derived protective groups combination. The final deprotection was performed by acidolysis in trifluoroacetic acid. The end product was purified by ion exchange chromatography on carboxymethyl cellulose.  相似文献   

Krishnakumari V  Singh S  Nagaraj R 《Peptides》2006,27(11):2607-2613
The antibacterial activities of synthetic human beta-defensin analogs, constrained by a single disulfide bridge and in the reduced form, have been investigated. The peptides span the carboxy-terminal region of human beta-defensins (HBD-1-3), which have a majority of cationic residues present in the native defensins. The disulfide constrained peptides exhibited activity against Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus whereas the reduced forms were active only against E. coli. The antibacterial activities were attenuated in the presence of increasing concentrations of NaCl and divalent cations such as Ca(2+) and Mg(2+). The site of action was the bacterial membrane. Peptides spanning the carboxy-terminal region of human beta-defensins could be of help in understanding facets of antimicrobial activity of beta-defensins such as salt sensitivity and mechanisms of bacterial membrane damage.  相似文献   

The effect of immunocortin, an ACTH-like decapeptide VKKPGSSVKV corresponding to the 11-20 sequence of the variable part of the human IgG1 heavy chain on the content of 11-hydroxycorticosteroids (CS) in rat adrenal glands and blood serum in vivo was studied. An intramuscular injection of immunocortin at a dose of 10 microg/kg was found in an hour to induce a twofold decrease in CS content in the adrenal glands and a 1.8-fold increase in the blood serum CS content. At the same time, an immunocortin dose of 100 microg/kg exerted practically no effect on the CS content and its dose of 1000 microg/kg increased the CS content both in adrenal glands and in blood serum by 1.6 and 2.2 times, respectively. Four hours after the injection of any of the three doses of immunocortin, the CS content in adrenal glands did not differ from the control value, and after 24 h the content decreased threefold. Immunocortin was shown to be bound by the ACTH receptors in the membranes of the rat adrenal cortex with a high affinity and specificity (inhibiting the specific binding of 125I-labeled ACTH-(11-24) peptide with Ki of 1.2 nM).  相似文献   

C L Ruegg  C R Monell    M Strand 《Journal of virology》1989,63(8):3257-3260
Peptides were synthesized that contained sequences from two regions (env amino acids [aa] 581 to 597 and 655 to 671) of the transmembrane protein gp41 and one region of the external envelope glycoprotein gp120 (aa 457 to 464) of human immunodeficiency virus type 1. Selection of these sequences was based on their homology to the highly conserved and immunosuppressive sequence contained within the transmembrane proteins p15E and gp21 of animal and human retroviruses, respectively. Peptide aa581-597 was found to specifically inhibit human and murine lymphoproliferation, whereas peptides aa655-671 and aa457-464 had no activity. These results suggest a mechanism by which human immunodeficiency virus type 1 gp41 exerts a direct immunosuppressive effect in vivo, analogous to that postulated for p15E and gp21, which could contribute to the immune dysfunction observed in patients suffering from acquired immunodeficiency syndrome. It is of particular interest that the sequence aa 584 to 609, shown to contain B- and T-helper-cell epitopes, overlaps with the sequence aa 581 to 597 that is shown here to inhibit lymphoproliferation. The potential implications of this overlap of immunologic activities are discussed.  相似文献   

The immune response of CAF1 mice to various synthetic peptides (SP) related to the amino acid sequence (PDTRPAPGSTAPPAHGVTSA) of the tandem repeat of the MUC1 human breast mucin core peptide was evaluated. The most immunogenic preparations of the synthetic peptides were those conjugated to keyhole limpet hemocyanin (KLH) or clustered in a dendritic multiple antigenic peptide (MAP-4) configuration. The mice were immunized subcutaneously with synthetic peptides emulsified in RIBI adjuvant, employing various immunization protocols. Equivalently high IgG responses were induced using SP-KLH conjugates (GVTSAPDTRPAPGSTA-KLH) or an SP — MAP-4 chimeric configuration (SP1-6), which also included a universal malarial CST-3 T-helper epitope (SP1-6 = SAPDTRPAEKKIAKMEKASSVFNVVNS — MAP-4). These IgG antibodies bound both the appropriate MUC1 synthetic peptides and the cell surface expressed MUC1 mucin on murine mammary cells that had been transfected with the human MUC1 gene and a human breast cancer cell line that expresses cell-surface MUC1. A MAP-4 molecule, which included the entire 20-aminoacid sequence of the MUC1 tandem repeat (SP1-5 = PDTRPAPGSTAPPAHGVTSA—MAP-4) induced a poor IgG response. In contrast, all three types of molecule: SP-KLH, SP1-6 and SP1-5, were found to be good immunogens for the induction of specific delayedtype hypersensitivity (DTH) reactions measured using either synthetic peptides or MUC1-transfected cells. In addition, immunization with irradiated MUC1-transfected cells induced strong DTH reactions measured using synthetic peptides that expressed the PDTRP sequence, which has been shown to be, or to overlap, a T cell epitope in humans and a B cell epitope in mice. Finally, it was demonstrated that synthetic MUC1 peptide vaccines could be used both prophylactically and therapeutically to inhibit the growth of MUC1-transfected tumor cells and prolong the survival of tumor-bearing mice.  相似文献   

Human immunoglobulin G1 Van was studied by negative staining, freeze drying and high resolution shadow casting. The Fab and Fc subunits of an intact IgG1 molecule were shown to possess limited mobility. It was found that about 70% of molecules in the IgG1 Van specimen are not flat but have a tripod-like shape.  相似文献   

Amino acid sequence homology between the GTPase Activating Protein (GAP) and the GTP-binding regulatory protein, Gs alpha, suggests that a specific region of GAP primary structure (residues 891-898) may be involved in its stimulation of p21ras GTP hydrolytic activity (McCormick, F. [1989] Nature 340, 678-679). A peptide, designated p891, corresponding to GAP residues 891-906 (M891RTRVVSGFVFLRLIC906) was synthesized and tested for its ability to inhibit GAP-stimulated p21ras GTPase activity. At a concentration of 25 microM, p891 inhibited GAP activity approximately 50%. Unexpectedly, p891 also stimulated GTP binding to p21N-ras independent of GAP. This stimulation correlated with an enhancement of p21N-ras.GDP dissociation; an approximate 15-fold increase in the presence of 10 microM p891. In contrast, dissociation of the p21N-ras.GTP gamma S complex was unaffected by 10 microM p891. The p21N-ras.GDP complex was unresponsive to 100 microM mastoparan, a peptide toxin shown previously to accelerate GDP dissociation from the guanine nucleotide regulatory proteins, Gi and Go. p21H-ras, as well as the two p21H-ras effector mutants, Ala-38, and Ala-35, Leu-36, also exhibited increased rates of GDP dissociation in the presence of p891. Also tested were three ras-related GTP-binding proteins; rap, G25K and rac. The rap.-GDP complex was unaffected by 10 microM p891. Dissociation of the G25K- and rac.GDP complexes were enhanced slightly; approximately 1.3- and 1.8-fold over control, respectively. Thus, the inhibitory effect of p891 on GAP stimulation of p21ras suggests that amino acids within the region 891-906 of GAP may be essential for interaction with p21ras. In addition, p891 independently affects the nucleotide exchange properties of p21ras.  相似文献   

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