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Human thioredoxin reductase (hTrxR) is a homodimeric flavoprotein crucially involved in the regulation of cellular redox reactions, growth and differentiation. The enzyme contains a selenocysteine residue at its C-terminal active site that is essential for catalysis. This redox center is located on a flexible arm, solvent-exposed and reactive towards electrophilic inhibitors, thus representing a target for antitumor drug development. During catalysis reducing equivalents are transferred from the cofactor NADPH to FAD, then to the N-terminal active site cysteine residues and from there to the flexible C-terminal part of the other subunit to be finally delivered to a variety of second substrates at the molecule's surface. Here we report the first crystal structure of hTrxR1 (Sec-->Cys) in complex with FAD and NADP(+) at a resolution of 2.8 A. From the crystals three different conformations of the carboxy-terminal arm could be deduced. The predicted movement of the arm is facilitated by the concerted action of the three side-chain residues of N418, N419 and W407, which act as a guiding bar for the C-terminal sliding process. As supported by previous kinetic data, the three visualized conformations might reflect different stages in enzymatic catalysis. Comparison with other disulfide reductases including human glutathione reductase revealed specific inhibitor binding sites in the intersubunit cavity of hTrxR that can be exploited for structure-based inhibitor development.  相似文献   

Enoyl-acyl carrier protein (ACP) reductases are critical for bacterial type II fatty acid biosynthesis and thus are attractive targets for developing novel antibiotics. We determined the crystal structure of enoyl-ACP reductase (FabK) from Streptococcus pneumoniae at 1.7 A resolution. There was one dimer per asymmetric unit. Each subunit formed a triose phosphate isomerase (TIM) barrel structure, and flavin mononucleotide (FMN) was bound as a cofactor in the active site. The overall structure was similar to the enoyl-ACP reductase (ER) of fungal fatty acid synthase and to 2-nitropropane dioxygenase (2-ND) from Pseudomonas aeruginosa, although there were some differences among these structures. We determined the crystal structure of FabK in complex with a phenylimidazole derivative inhibitor to envision the binding site interactions. The crystal structure reveals that the inhibitor binds to a hydrophobic pocket in the active site of FabK, and this is accompanied by induced-fit movements of two loop regions. The thiazole ring and part of the ureido moiety of the inhibitor are involved in a face-to-face pi-pi stacking interaction with the isoalloxazine ring of FMN. The side-chain conformation of the proposed catalytic residue, His144, changes upon complex formation. Lineweaver-Burk plots indicate that the inhibitor binds competitively with respect to NADH, and uncompetitively with respect to crotonoyl coenzyme A. We propose that the primary basis of the inhibitory activity is competition with NADH for binding to FabK, which is the first step of the two-step ping-pong catalytic mechanism.  相似文献   

Fungal fatty acid synthases Type I (FAS I) are up to 2.7 MDa large molecular machines composed of large multifunctional polypeptides. Half of the amino acids in fungal FAS I are involved in structural elements that are responsible for scaffolding the elaborate barrel-shaped architecture and turning fungal FAS I into highly efficient de novo producers of fatty acids. Rhodosporidium toruloides is an oleaginous fungal species and renowned for its robust conversion of carbohydrates into lipids to over 70% of its dry cell weight. Here, we use cryo-EM to determine a 7.8-Å reconstruction of its FAS I that reveals unexpected features; its novel form of splitting the multifunctional polypeptide chain into the two subunits α and β, and its duplicated ACP domains. We show that the specific distribution into α and β occurs by splitting at one of many possible sites that can be accepted by fungal FAS I. While, therefore, the specific distribution in α and β chains in R. toruloides FAS I is not correlated to increased protein activities, we also show that the duplication of ACP is an evolutionary late event and argue that duplication is beneficial for the lipid overproduction phenotype.  相似文献   

Clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats (CRISPRs) and CRISPR-associated (Cas) proteins provide prokaryotes with nucleic acid–based adaptive immunity against infections of mobile genetic elements, including phages. To counteract this immune process, phages have evolved various anti-CRISPR (Acr) proteins which deactivate CRISPR-Cas–based immunity. However, the mechanisms of many of these Acr-mediated inhibitions are not clear. Here, we report the crystal structure of AcrIF13 and explore its inhibition mechanism. The structure of AcrIF13 is unique and displays a negatively charged surface. Additionally, biochemical studies identified that AcrIF13 interacts with the type I-F CRISPR-Cas surveillance complex (Csy complex) to block target DNA recognition and that the Cas5f-8f tail and Cas7.6f subunit of the Csy complex are specific binding targets of AcrIF13. Further mutational studies demonstrated that several negatively charged residues of AcrIF13 and positively charged residues of Cas8f and Cas7f of the Csy complex are involved in AcrIF13–Csy binding. Together, our findings provide mechanistic insights into the inhibition mechanism of AcrIF13 and further suggest the prevalence of the function of Acr proteins as DNA mimics.  相似文献   

The MRE11–RAD50–NBS1 (MRN) complex plays essential roles in the cellular response to DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs), which are the most cytotoxic DNA lesions, and is a target of various modifications and controls. Recently, lysine 48-linked ubiquitination of NBS1, resulting in premature disassembly of the MRN complex from DSB sites, was observed in cells lacking RECQL4 helicase activity. However, the role and control of this ubiquitination during the DSB response in cells with intact RECQL4 remain unknown. Here, we showed that USP2 counteracts this ubiquitination and stabilizes the MRN complex during the DSB response. By screening deubiquitinases that increase the stability of the MRN complex in RECQL4-deficient cells, USP2 was identified as a new deubiquitinase that acts at DSB sites to counteract NBS1 ubiquitination. We determined that USP2 is recruited to DSB sites in a manner dependent on ATM, a major checkpoint kinase against DSBs, and stably interacts with NBS1 and RECQL4 in immunoprecipitation experiments. Phosphorylation of two critical residues in the N terminus of USP2 by ATM is required for its recruitment to DSBs and its interaction with RECQL4. While inactivation of USP2 alone does not substantially influence the DSB response, we found that inactivation of USP2 and USP28, another deubiquitinase influencing NBS1 ubiquitination, results in premature disassembly of the MRN complex from DSB sites as well as defects in ATM activation and homologous recombination repair abilities. These results suggest that deubiquitinases counteracting NBS1 ubiquitination are essential for the stable maintenance of the MRN complex and proper cellular response to DSBs.  相似文献   

Prehistoric demography has recently risen to prominence as a potentially explanatory variable for episodes of cultural change as documented in the archaeological and ethnographic record. While this has resulted in a veritable boom in methodological developments seeking to address temporal changes in the relative size of prehistoric populations, little work has focused on the manner in which population dynamics manifests across a spatial dimension. Most recently, the so-called Cologne Protocol has led the way in this endeavour. However, strict requirements of raw-material exchange data as analytical inputs have prevented further applications of the protocol to regions outside of continental Europe. We apply an adjusted approach of the protocol that makes it transferable to cases in other parts of the world, while demonstrating its use by providing comparative benchmarks of previous research on the Late Glacial Final Palaeolithic of southern Scandinavia, and novel insights from the early Holocene pioneer colonization of coastal Norway. We demonstrate again that population size and densities remained fairly low throughout the Late Glacial, and well into the early Holocene. We suggest that such low population densities have played a significant role in shaping what may have been episodes of cultural loss, as well as potentially longer periods of only relatively minor degrees of cultural change.This article is part of the theme issue ‘Cross-disciplinary approaches to prehistoric demography’.  相似文献   

The atomic view of the active site coupling termed channelling is a major subject in molecular biology. We have determined two distinct crystal structures of the bacterial multienzyme complex that catalyzes the last three sequential reactions in the fatty acid beta-oxidation cycle. The alpha2beta2 heterotetrameric structure shows the uneven ring architecture, where all the catalytic centers of 2-enoyl-CoA hydratase (ECH), L-3-hydroxyacyl-CoA dehydrogenase (HACD) and 3-ketoacyl-CoA thiolase (KACT) face a large inner solvent region. The substrate, anchored through the 3'-phosphate ADP moiety, allows the fatty acid tail to pivot from the ECH to HACD active sites, and finally to the KACT active site. Coupling with striking domain rearrangements, the incorporation of the tail into the KACT cavity and the relocation of 3'-phosphate ADP bring the reactive C2-C3 bond to the correct position for cleavage. The alpha-helical linker specific for the multienzyme contributes to the pivoting center formation and the substrate transfer through its deformation. This channelling mechanism could be applied to other beta-oxidation multienzymes, as revealed from the homology model of the human mitochondrial trifunctional enzyme complex.  相似文献   

All-trans-retinoic acid (atRA) provides essential support to diverse biological systems and physiological processes. Epithelial differentiation and its relationship to cancer, and embryogenesis have typified intense areas of interest into atRA function. Recently, however, interest in atRA action in the nervous system, the immune system, energy balance and obesity has increased considerably, especially concerning postnatal function. atRA action depends on atRA biosynthesis: defects in retinoid-dependent processes increasingly relate to defects in atRA biogenesis. Considerable evidence indicates that physiological atRA biosynthesis occurs via a regulated process, consisting of a complex interaction of retinoid binding-proteins and retinoid recognizing enzymes. An accrual of biochemical, physiological and genetic data have identified specific functional outcomes for the retinol dehydrogenases, RDH1, RDH10, and DHRS9, as physiological catalysts of the first step in atRA biosynthesis, and for the retinal dehydrogenases RALDH1, RALDH2, and RALDH3, as catalysts of the second and irreversible step. Each of these enzymes associates with explicit biological processes mediated by atRA. Redundancy occurs, but seems limited. Cumulative data support a model of interactions among these enzymes with retinoid binding-proteins, with feedback regulation and/or control by atRA via modulating gene expression of multiple participants. The ratio apo-CRBP1/holo-CRBP1 participates by influencing retinol flux into and out of storage as retinyl esters, thereby modulating substrate to support atRA biosynthesis. atRA biosynthesis requires the presence of both an RDH and an RALDH: conversely, absence of one isozyme of either step does not indicate lack of atRA biosynthesis at the site. This article is part of a Special Issue entitled: Retinoid and Lipid Metabolism.  相似文献   

Fatty acid (FA) metabolism is a series of processes that provide structural substances, signalling molecules and energy. Ample evidence has shown that FA uptake is mediated by plasma membrane transporters including FA transport proteins (FATPs), caveolin-1, fatty-acid translocase (FAT)/CD36, and fatty-acid binding proteins. Unlike other FA transporters, the functions of FATPs have been controversial because they contain both motifs of FA transport and fatty acyl-CoA synthetase (ACS). The widely distributed FATP4 is not a direct FA transporter but plays a predominant function as an ACS. FATP4 deficiency causes ichthyosis premature syndrome in mice and humans associated with suppression of polar lipids but an increase in neutral lipids including triglycerides (TGs). Such a shift has been extensively characterized in enterocyte-, hepatocyte-, and adipocyte-specific Fatp4-deficient mice. The mutants under obese and non-obese fatty livers induced by different diets persistently show an increase in blood non-esterified free fatty acids and glycerol indicating the lipolysis of TGs. This review also focuses on FATP4 role on regulatory networks and factors that modulate FATP4 expression in metabolic tissues including intestine, liver, muscle, and adipose tissues. Metabolic disorders especially regarding blood lipids by FATP4 deficiency in different cell types are herein discussed. Our results may be applicable to not only patients with FATP4 mutations but also represent a model of dysregulated lipid homeostasis, thus providing mechanistic insights into obesity and development of fatty liver disease.  相似文献   

Class I WW domains are present in many proteins of various functions and mediate protein interactions by binding to short linear PPxY motifs. Tandem WW domains often bind peptides with multiple PPxY motifs, but the interplay of WW–peptide interactions is not always intuitive. The WW domain–containing oxidoreductase (WWOX) harbors two WW domains: an unstable WW1 capable of PPxY binding and stable WW2 that cannot bind PPxY. The WW2 domain has been suggested to act as a WW1 domain chaperone, but the underlying mechanism of its chaperone activity remains to be revealed. Here, we combined NMR, isothermal calorimetry, and structural modeling to elucidate the roles of both WW domains in WWOX binding to its PPxY-containing substrate ErbB4. Using NMR, we identified an interaction surface between these two domains that supports a WWOX conformation compatible with peptide substrate binding. Isothermal calorimetry and NMR measurements also indicated that while binding affinity to a single PPxY motif is marginally increased in the presence of WW2, affinity to a dual-motif peptide increases 10-fold. Furthermore, we found WW2 can directly bind double-motif peptides using its canonical binding site. Finally, differential binding of peptides in mutagenesis experiments was consistent with a parallel N- to C-terminal PPxY tandem motif orientation in binding to the WW1–WW2 tandem domain, validating structural models of the interaction. Taken together, our results reveal the complex nature of tandem WW-domain organization and substrate binding, highlighting the contribution of WWOX WW2 to both protein stability and target binding.  相似文献   

  1. The Cormack–Jolly–Seber (CJS) model and its extensions have been widely applied to the study of animal survival rates in open populations. The model assumes that individuals within the population of interest have independent fates. It is, however, highly unlikely that a pair of animals which have formed a long‐term pairing have dissociated fates.
  2. We examine a model extension which allows animals who have formed a pair‐bond to have correlated survival and recapture fates. Using the proposed extension to generate data, we conduct a simulation study exploring the impact that correlated fate data has on inference from the CJS model. We compute Monte Carlo estimates for the bias, range, and standard errors of the parameters of the CJS model for data with varying degrees of survival correlation between mates. Furthermore, we study the likelihood ratio test of sex effects within the CJS model by simulating densities of the deviance. Finally, we estimate the variance inflation factor c^ for CJS models that incorporate sex‐specific heterogeneity.
  3. Our study shows that correlated fates between mated animals may result in underestimated standard errors for parsimonious models, significantly deflated likelihood ratio test statistics, and underestimated values of c^ for models taking sex‐specific effects into account.
  4. Underestimated standard errors can result in lowered coverage of confidence intervals. Moreover, deflated test statistics will provide overly conservative test results. Finally, underestimated variance inflation factors can lead researchers to make incorrect conclusions about the level of extra‐binomial variation present in their data.

Structural and kinetic properties of the human 2-enoyl thioester reductase [mitochondrial enoyl-coenzyme A reductase (MECR)/ETR1] of the mitochondrial fatty acid synthesis (FAS) II pathway have been determined. The crystal structure of this dimeric enzyme (at 2.4 Å resolution) suggests that the binding site for the recognition helix of the acyl carrier protein is in a groove between the two adjacent monomers. This groove is connected via the pantetheine binding cleft to the active site. The modeled mode of NADPH binding, using molecular dynamics calculations, suggests that Tyr94 and Trp311 are critical for catalysis, which is supported by enzyme kinetic data. A deep, water-filled pocket, shaped by hydrophobic and polar residues and extending away from the catalytic site, was recognized. This pocket can accommodate a fatty acyl tail of up to 16 carbons. Mutagenesis of the residues near the end of this pocket confirms the importance of this region for the binding of substrate molecules with long fatty acyl tails. Furthermore, the kinetic analysis of the wild-type MECR/ETR1 shows a bimodal distribution of catalytic efficiencies, in agreement with the notion that two major products are generated by the mitochondrial FAS II pathway.  相似文献   

Clavulanic acid (CA) is usually used together with other β‐lactam antibiotics as combination drugs to inhibit bacterial β‐lactamases, which is mainly produced from the fermentation of microorganism such as Streptomyces clavuligerus. Recently, it is still a challenge for downstream processing of low concentration and unstable CA from fermentation broth with high solid content, high viscosity, and small cell size. In this study, an integrated process was developed for simultaneous solid–liquid separation and primary purification of CA from real fermentation broth of S. clavuligerus using salting‐out extraction system (SOES). First, different SOESs were investigated, and a suitable SOES composed of ethanol/phosphate was chosen and further optimized using the pretreated fermentation broth. Then, the optimal system composed of 20% ethanol/15% K2HPO4 and 10% KH2PO4 w/w was used to direct separation of CA from untreated fermentation broth. The result showed that the partition coefficient (K) and recovery yield (Y) of CA from untreated fermentation broth were 29.13 and 96.8%, respectively. Simultaneously, the removal rates of the cells and proteins were 99.8% and 63.3%, respectively. Compared with the traditional method of membrane filtration or liquid–liquid extraction system, this developed SOES showed the advantages of simple operation, shorter operation time, lower process cost and higher recovery yield of CA. These results demonstrated that the developed SOES could be used as an attractive alternative for the downstream processing of CA from real fermentation broth.  相似文献   

Cryo-EM structure of dodecameric Vps4p and its 2:1 complex with Vta1p   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The type I AAA (ATPase associated with a variety of cellular activities) ATPase Vps4 and its co-factor Vta1p/LIP5 function in membrane remodeling events that accompany cytokinesis, multivesicular body biogenesis, and retrovirus budding, apparently by driving disassembly and recycling of membrane-associated ESCRT (endosomal sorting complex required for transport)-III complexes. Here, we present electron cryomicroscopy reconstructions of dodecameric yeast Vps4p complexes with and without their microtubule interacting and transport (MIT) N-terminal domains and Vta1p co-factors. The ATPase domains of Vps4p form a bowl-like structure composed of stacked hexameric rings. The two rings adopt dramatically different conformations, with the “upper” ring forming an open assembly that defines the sides of the bowl and the lower ring forming a closed assembly that forms the bottom of the bowl. The N-terminal MIT domains of the upper ring localize on the symmetry axis above the cavity of the bowl, and the binding of six extended Vta1p monomers causes additional density to appear both above and below the bowl. The structures suggest models in which Vps4p MIT and Vta1p domains engage ESCRT-III substrates above the bowl and help transfer them into the bowl to be pumped through the center of the dodecameric assembly.  相似文献   

Prokaryotes evolved clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats (CRISPR) and CRISPR-associated (Cas) proteins as a kind of adaptive immune defense against mobile genetic elements including harmful phages. To counteract this defense, many mobile genetic elements in turn encode anti-CRISPR proteins (Acrs) to inactivate the CRISPR-Cas system. While multiple mechanisms of Acrs have been uncovered, it remains unknown whether other mechanisms are utilized by uncharacterized Acrs. Here, we report a novel mechanism adopted by recently identified AcrIF23. We show that AcrIF23 interacts with the Cas2/3 helicase-nuclease in the type I-F CRISPR-Cas system, similar to AcrIF3. The structure of AcrIF23 demonstrated a novel fold and structure-based mutagenesis identified a surface region of AcrIF23 involved in both Cas2/3-binding and its inhibition capacity. Unlike AcrIF3, however, we found AcrIF23 only potently inhibits the DNA cleavage activity of Cas2/3 but does not hinder the recruitment of Cas2/3 to the CRISPR RNA-guided surveillance complex (the Csy complex). Also, in contrast to AcrIF3 which hinders substrate DNA recognition by Cas2/3, we show AcrIF23 promotes DNA binding to Cas2/3. Taken together, our study identifies a novel anti-CRISPR mechanism used by AcrIF23 and highlights the diverse mechanisms adopted by Acrs.  相似文献   

Well-orchestrated maternal–fetal cross talk occurs via secreted ligands, interacting receptors, and coupled intracellular pathways between the conceptus and endometrium and is essential for successful embryo implantation. However, previous studies mostly focus on either the conceptus or the endometrium in isolation. The lack of integrated analysis impedes our understanding of early maternal–fetal cross talk. Herein, focusing on ligand–receptor complexes and coupled pathways at the maternal–fetal interface in sheep, we provide the first comprehensive proteomic map of ligand–receptor pathway cascades essential for embryo implantation. We demonstrate that these cascades are associated with cell adhesion and invasion, redox homeostasis, and the immune response. Candidate interactions and their physiological roles were further validated by functional experiments. We reveal the physical interaction of albumin and claudin 4 and their roles in facilitating embryo attachment to endometrium. We also demonstrate a novel function of enhanced conceptus glycolysis in remodeling uterine receptivity by inducing endometrial histone lactylation, a newly identified histone modification. Results from in vitro and in vivo models supported the essential role of lactate in inducing endometrial H3K18 lactylation and in regulating redox homeostasis and apoptotic balance to ensure successful implantation. By reconstructing a map of potential ligand–receptor pathway cascades at the maternal–fetal interface, our study presents new concepts for understanding molecular and cellular mechanisms that fine-tune conceptus–endometrium cross talk during implantation. This provides more direct and accurate insights for developing potential clinical intervention strategies to improve pregnancy outcomes following both natural and assisted conception.  相似文献   

The cytosolic iron–sulfur (Fe-S) cluster assembly (CIA) pathway delivers Fe-S clusters to nuclear and cytosolic Fe-S proteins involved in essential cellular functions. Although the delivery process is regulated by the availability of iron and oxygen, it remains unclear how CIA components orchestrate the cluster transfer under varying cellular environments. Here, we utilized a targeted proteomics assay for monitoring CIA factors and substrates to characterize the CIA machinery. We find that nucleotide-binding protein 1 (NUBP1/NBP35), cytosolic iron–sulfur assembly component 3 (CIAO3/NARFL), and CIA substrates associate with nucleotide-binding protein 2 (NUBP2/CFD1), a component of the CIA scaffold complex. NUBP2 also weakly associates with the CIA targeting complex (MMS19, CIAO1, and CIAO2B) indicating the possible existence of a higher order complex. Interactions between CIAO3 and the CIA scaffold complex are strengthened upon iron supplementation or low oxygen tension, while iron chelation and reactive oxygen species weaken CIAO3 interactions with CIA components. We further demonstrate that CIAO3 mutants defective in Fe-S cluster binding fail to integrate into the higher order complexes. However, these mutants exhibit stronger associations with CIA substrates under conditions in which the association with the CIA targeting complex is reduced suggesting that CIAO3 and CIA substrates may associate in complexes independently of the CIA targeting complex. Together, our data suggest that CIA components potentially form a metabolon whose assembly is regulated by environmental cues and requires Fe-S cluster incorporation in CIAO3. These findings provide additional evidence that the CIA pathway adapts to changes in cellular environment through complex reorganization.  相似文献   

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