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Membranes made of dimyristoylphosphatidylcholine and cholesterol, one of the simplest paradigms for the study of liquid ordered-disordered phase separation, were investigated using a pulse-EPR spin-labeling method in which bimolecular collision of molecular oxygen with the nitroxide spin label is measured. This method allowed discrimination of liquid-ordered, liquid-disordered, and solid-ordered domains because the collision rates (OTP) differ in these domains. Furthermore, the oxygen transport parameter (OTP) profile across the bilayer provides unique information about the three-dimensional dynamic organization of the membrane domains. First, the OTP in the bilayer center in the liquid-ordered domain was comparable to that in the liquid-disordered domain without cholesterol, but the OTP near the membrane surface (up to carbon 9) was substantially smaller in the ordered domain, i.e., the cholesterol-based liquid-ordered domain is ordered only near the membrane surface, still retaining high levels of disorder in the bilayer center. This property may facilitate lateral mobility in ordered domains. Second, in the liquid-disordered domain, the domains with ~5 mol % cholesterol exhibited higher OTP than those without cholesterol, everywhere across the membrane. Third, the transmembrane OTP profile in the liquid-ordered domain that contained 50 mol % cholesterol dramatically differed from that which contained 27 mol % cholesterol.  相似文献   

Lipids segregate with each other into small domains in biological membranes, which can facilitate the associations of particular proteins. The segregation of cholesterol and sphingomyelin (SPM) into domains known as rafts is thought to be especially important. The formation of rafts was studied by using planar bilayer membranes that contained rhodamine-phosphatidylethanolamine (rho-DOPE) as a fluorescent probe, and wide-field fluorescence microscopy was used to detect phase separation of the probe. A fluorescently labeled GM(1), known to preferentially partition into rafts, verified that rho-DOPE faithfully reported the rafts. SPM-cholesterol domains did not form at high temperatures but spontaneously formed when temperature was lowered to below the melting temperature of the SPM. Saturated acyl chains on SPMs therefore promote the formation of rafts. The domains were circular (resolution > or = 0.5 microm), quickly reassumed their circular shape after they were deformed, and merged with each other to create larger domains, all phenomena consistent with liquid-ordered (l(o)) rather than solid-ordered (s(o)) domains. A saturated phosphatidylcholine (PC), disteoryl-PC, could substitute for SPM to complex with cholesterol into a l(o)-domain. But in the presence of cholesterol, a saturated phosphatidylethanolamine or phosphatidylserine yielded s(o)-domains of irregular shape. Lipids with saturated acyl chains can therefore pack well among each other and with cholesterol to form l(o)-domains, but domain formation is dependent on the polar headgroup of the lipid. An individual raft always extended through both monolayers. Degrading cholesterol in one monolayer with cholesterol oxidase first caused the boundary of the raft to become irregular; then the raft gradually disappeared. The fluid nature of rafts, demonstrated in this study, may be important for permitting dynamic interactions between proteins localized within rafts.  相似文献   

Aeroecology is a discipline that embraces and integrates thedomains of atmospheric science, ecology, earth science, geography,computer science, computational biology, and engineering. Theunifying concept that underlies this emerging discipline isits focus on the planetary boundary layer, or aerosphere, andthe myriad of organisms that, in large part, depend upon thisenvironment for their existence. The aerosphere influences bothdaily and seasonal movements of organisms, and its effects haveboth short- and long-term consequences for species that usethis environment. The biotic interactions and physical conditionsin the aerosphere represent important selection pressures thatinfluence traits such as size and shape of organisms, whichin turn facilitate both passive and active displacements. Theaerosphere also influences the evolution of behavioral, sensory,metabolic, and respiratory functions of organisms in a myriadof ways. In contrast to organisms that depend strictly on terrestrialor aquatic existence, those that routinely use the aerosphereare almost immediately influenced by changing atmospheric conditions(e.g., winds, air density, precipitation, air temperature),sunlight, polarized light, moon light, and geomagnetic and gravitationalforces. The aerosphere has direct and indirect effects on organisms,which often are more strongly influenced than those that spendsignificant amounts of time on land or in water. Future advancesin aeroecology will be made when research conducted by biologistsis more fully integrated across temporal and spatial scalesin concert with advances made by atmospheric scientists andmathematical modelers. Ultimately, understanding how organismssuch as arthropods, birds, and bats aloft are influenced bya dynamic aerosphere will be of importance for assessing, andmaintaining ecosystem health, human health, and biodiversity.  相似文献   

The kinetic model of toluene decomposition in nonequilibrium low-temperature plasma generated by a pulse-periodic discharge operating in a mixture of nitrogen and oxygen is developed. The results of numerical simulation of plasma-chemical conversion of toluene are presented; the main processes responsible for C6H5CH3 decomposition are identified; the contribution of each process to total removal of toluene is determined; and the intermediate and final products of C6H5CH3 decomposition are identified. It was shown that toluene in pure nitrogen is mostly decomposed in its reactions with metastable N2(A3?? u + ) and N2(a??1?? u ? ) molecules. In the presence of oxygen, in the N2 : O2 gas mixture, the largest contribution to C6H5CH3 removal is made by the hydroxyl radical OH which is generated in this mixture exclusively due to plasma-chemical reactions between toluene and oxygen decomposition products. Numerical simulation showed the existence of an optimum oxygen concentration in the mixture, at which toluene removal is maximum at a fixed energy deposition.  相似文献   

Cyanobacteria are key players in the global carbon and nitrogen cycles and are thought to have been responsible for the initial rise of atmospheric oxygen during the Neoarchean. There is evidence that a class of membrane lipids known as hopanoids serve as biomarkers for bacteria, including many cyanobacteria, in the environment and in the geologic record. However, the taxonomic distributions and physiological roles of hopanoids in marine cyanobacteria remain unclear. We examined the distribution of bacteriohopanepolyols (BHPs) in a collection of marine cyanobacterial enrichment and pure cultures and investigated the relationship between the cellular abundance of BHPs and nitrogen limitation in Crocosphaera watsonii, a globally significant nitrogen‐fixing cyanobacterium. In pure culture, BHPs were only detected in species capable of nitrogen fixation, implicating hopanoids as potential markers for diazotrophy in the oceans. The enrichment cultures we examined exhibited a higher degree of BHP diversity, demonstrating that there are presently unaccounted for marine bacteria, possibly cyanobacteria, associated with the production of a range of BHP structures. Crocosphaera watsonii exhibited high membrane hopanoid content consistent with the idea that hopanoids have an important effect on the bulk physical properties of the membrane. However, the abundance of BHPs in C. watsonii did not vary considerably when grown under nitrogen‐limiting and nitrogen‐replete conditions, suggesting that the role of hopanoids in this organism is not directly related to the physiology of nitrogen fixation. Alternatively, we propose that high hopanoid content in C. watsonii may serve to reduce membrane permeability to antimicrobial toxins in the environment.  相似文献   

Neuropsychiatric disorders, which arise from a combination of genetic, epigenetic and environmental influences, epitomize the challenges faced in understanding the mammalian brain. Elucidation and treatment of these diseases will benefit from understanding how specific brain cell types are interconnected and signal in neural circuits. Newly developed neuroengineering tools based on two microbial opsins, channelrhodopsin-2 (ChR2) and halorhodopsin (NpHR), enable the investigation of neural circuit function with cell-type-specific, temporally accurate and reversible neuromodulation. These tools could lead to the development of precise neuromodulation technologies for animal models of disease and clinical neuropsychiatry.  相似文献   

Low dissolved oxygen (DO) levels often occur during summer in tidal creeks along the southeastern coast of the USA. We analyzed rates of oxygen loss as water-column biochemical oxygen demand (BOD5) and sediment oxygen flux (SOF) at selected tidal creek sites monthly over a 1-year period. Ancillary physical, chemical and biological data were collected to identify factors related to oxygen loss. BOD5 rates ranged from 0.0 mg l?1 to 7.6 mg l?1 and were correlated positively with organic suspended solids, total suspended solids, chlorophyll a concentrations, temperature, and dissolved oxygen, and negatively with pH and nitrate + nitrite. SOF rates ranged from 0.0 to 9.3 g O2 m?2 d?1, and were positively correlated with temperature, chlorophyll a, and total suspended solids, but negatively with dissolved oxygen. Both forms of oxygen uptake were seasonally dependent, with BOD5 elevated in spring and summer and SOF elevated in summer and fall. Average oxygen loss to sediments was greater and more variable than oxygen loss in the water column. Oxygen deficits at three of five locations were significantly related to BOD5 and SOF, but not at two sites where ground water discharges were observed. Correlation and principal component analyses suggested that BOD5 and SOF responded to somewhat different suites of environmental variables. BOD5 was driven by a set of parameters linked to warm season storm water inputs that stimulated organic seston loads, especially chlorophyll a, while SOF behaved less strongly so. Runoff processes that increase loads of organic material and nutrients and ground water discharges low in dissolved oxygen contribute to occurrences of low dissolved oxygen in tidal creeks.  相似文献   

Conventional techniques for site characterisation are time consuming, cost intensive, and often do not support decision making with regard to sustainable remediation. Therefore, new techniques for step by step site characterization with smart feed back loops are necessary that are able to support a future “soil framework directive”. Advanced geophysical site characterization techniques combined with new types of vegetation analysis will be developed. Based on these non-invasive surveys, the extension of sources, contamination levels (THP, BTEX, PAH, CHC, explosives, heavy metals and radio nuclides) and soil heterogeneities will be localized first. Hot spots will then be investigated by new direct push probing systems integrated with geophysical and hydrogeological methods and combined with chemical and isotopic contaminant analysis for source localization and identification (environmental forensics). The actually occurring bioprocesses, such as contaminant degradation or sorption and mobilization processes, will be assessed using biosensors, in situ microcosms, and stable isotope and biomarker analysis. These new techniques and tools will be evaluated against best practice of conventional methods. The ModelPROBE project (EU-FP7 collaborative project) gives the opportunity to test, optimize and demonstrate the proposed approach at fully equipped and characterized European brownfield reference sites in Germany, Italy, Norway and the Czech Republic. Integrated statistical analysis and modelling at different stages, the step by step approach will result in an improved view of soil and subsurface contamination and will provide a sound basis for a cost-effective risk assessment and decision in the choice of the most appropriate sustainable remediation strategy.  相似文献   

Ozone: a tool for probing programmed cell death in plants   总被引:27,自引:0,他引:27  

Membrane tension underlies a range of cell physiological processes. Strong adhesion of the simple red cell is used as a simple model of a spread cell with a finite membrane tension-a state which proves useful for studies of both membrane rupture kinetics and atomic force microscopy (AFM) probing of native structure. In agreement with theories of strong adhesion, the cell takes the form of a spherical cap on a substrate densely coated with poly-L-lysine. The spreading-induced tension, sigma, in the membrane is approximately 1 mN/m, which leads to rupture over many minutes; and sigma is estimated from comparable rupture times in separate micropipette aspiration experiments. Under the sharpened tip of an AFM probe, nano-Newton impingement forces (10-30 nN) are needed to penetrate the tensed erythrocyte membrane, and these forces increase exponentially with tip velocity ( approximately nm/ms). We use the results to clarify how tapping-mode AFM imaging works at high enough tip velocities to avoid rupturing the membrane while progressively compressing it to a approximately 20-nm steric core of lipid and protein. We also demonstrate novel, reproducible AFM imaging of tension-supported membranes in physiological buffer, and we describe a stable, distended network consistent with the spectrin cytoskeleton. Additionally, slow retraction of the AFM tip from the tensed membrane yields tether-extended, multipeak sawtooth patterns of average force approximately 200 pN. In sum we show how adhesive tensioning of the red cell can be used to gain novel insights into native membrane dynamics and structure.  相似文献   

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