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When cells are briefly exposed to cis-diamminedichloroplatinum (II) before lysis in high sodium dodecyl sulfate-urea solutions, the high molecular-weight nucleic acids pelleted by ultracentrifugation contain an increased level of bound proteins when compared to a similar fraction from untreated cells. Subsequent shearing of the pelleted DNA followed by treatment with DNase permits electrophoretic and immunoblot analysis of the crosslinked proteins. In the present study such experiments were carried out with reference to nuclear envelope pore complex proteins in the differentiating L8 rat skeletal muscle cells. The results show that (i) whereas the major lamin proteins crosslinked to DNA in both myoblast and myotubes, lamin B is crosslinked to a greater extent to DNA in myotubes; (ii) a 62-kDa lectin-binding glycoprotein is apparently situated differently with respect to DNA in myotube nuclei; and (iii) the crosslinking pattern of the nuclear matrix proteins to DNA is qualitatively similar in myoblast and myotubes. In addition, lamin C′, a modified form of lamin C, not observed in intact nonmuscle cells previously [[31.] J. Biol. Chem. 260, 1895–1900], exists as a native component of the nuclear lamina in rat skeletal myotubes but not in myoblasts. These results point to significant structural alterations in the proteins of the nuclear lamina-pore complex during myogenesis.  相似文献   

We have characterized Tdr1, a family of Tc1-like transposable elements found in the genome of zebrafish (Danio rerio). The copy number and distribution of the sequence in the zebrafish genome have been determined, and by these criteria Tdr1 can be classified as a moderately repetitive, interspersed element. Examination of the sequences and structures of several copies of Tdr1 revealed that a particular deletion derivative, 1250 by long, of the transposon has been amplified to become the dominant form of Tdr1. The deletion in these elements encompasses sequences encoding the N-terminal portion of the putative Tdr1 transposase. Sequences corresponding to the deleted region were also detected, and thus allowed prediction of the nucleotide sequence of a hypothetical full-length element. Well conserved segments of Tc1-like transposons were found in the flanking regions of known fish genes, suggesting that these elements have a long evolutionary history in piscine genomes. Tdr1 elements have long, 208 by inverted repeats, with a short DNA motif repeated four times at the termini of the inverted repeats. Although different from that of the prototype C. elegans transposon Tc1, this inverted repeat structure is shared by transposable elements from salmonid fish species and two Drosophila species. We propose that these transposons form a subgroup within the Tc1-like family. Comparison of Tc1-like transposons supports the hypothesis that the transposase genes and their flanking sequences have been shaped by independent evolutionary constraints. Although Tc1-like sequences are present in the genomes of several strains of zebrafish and in salmonid fishes, these sequences are not conserved in the genus Danio, thus raising the possibility that these elements can be exploited for gene tagging and genome mapping.  相似文献   

We found a cis-regulatory element of 12 base pairs (bp) (GGATTTTACAGT) capable of conferring light responsiveness to a minimal promoter, CaMV 35S46, in pea. The 12-bp sequence is located in the 5' upstream region of the light down-regulated gene pra2, which encodes a small GTPase belonging to the YPT/rab family. Here we examined gain-of-function analyses using synthetic promoter-luciferase constructs in a transient assay and found that the 12-bp element alone was sufficient to confer dark induction, as well as light down-regulation on the minimal promoter. We named this dark inducible element DE1. Effects of various light conditions on the reporter gene activity showed that DE1 received signals from phytochrome A, phytochrome B, and blue light photoreceptors. Using phytochrome-deficient mutants, we showed that the pra2 protein level in seedlings was also regulated by these photoreceptors. The changes in the immunoblotting pattern of the pra2 protein in these mutants were correlated with the changes in epicotyl elongation. Results from transient assays using these mutants showed that the DE1 received signals from phytochromes A and B, demonstrating that this element is indeed a light-responsive element. To our knowledge, this is the first cis-element that by itself confers light responsiveness to a minimal promoter.  相似文献   

The introduction of a c-fos expression vector has been shown to potentiate spontaneous differentiation in teratocarcinoma cells. We have studied a teratocarcinoma stem cell line which can be induced to differentiate with dimethylsulfoxide (DMSO) to determine endogenous c-fos expression during the process of differentiation. c-Fos expression increases dramatically as P19S1801A1 embryonal carcinoma cells are induced to differentiate into a variety of cell types. Expression peaks 12 days after the start of aggregate culture about the same time as alphafetoprotein (AFP), a characteristic of visceral endoderm differentiation, as demonstrated by RNA hybridization to specific probes, ELISA, and immunofluorescent staining with specific antibodies. However, most differentiated cells expressed c-fos, while AFP was expressed in a minor fraction (less than 5%). The data suggest that c-fos is correlated with differentiation of teratocarcinoma cells but not specifically to visceral endoderm formation.  相似文献   

 A cDNA from Arabidopsis thaliana similar to microbial photolyase genes, and designated AT-PHH1, was isolated using a photolyase-like cDNA from Sinapsis alba (SA-PHR1) as a probe. Multiple isolations yielded only PHH1 cDNAs, and a few blue-light-receptor CRY1 (HY4) cDNAs (also similar to microbial photolyase genes), suggesting the absence of any other highly similar Arabidopsis genes. The AT-PHH1 and SA-PHR1 cDNA sequences predict 89% identity at the protein level, except for an AT-PHH1 C-terminal extension (111 amino acids), also not seen in microbial photolyases. AT-PHH1 and CRY1 show less similarity (54% protein identity), including respective C-terminal extensions that are themselves mostly dissimilar. Analysis of fifteen AT-PHH1 genomic isolates reveals a single gene, with three introns in the coding sequence and one in the 5′-untranslated leader. Full-length AT-PHH1, and both AT-PHH1 and AT-PHH1ΔC-513 (truncated to be approximately the size of microbial photolyase genes) cDNAs, were overexpressed, respectively, in yeast and Escherichia coli mutants hypersensitive to ultraviolet light. The absence of significant effects on resistance suggests either that any putative AT-PHH1 DNA repair activity requires cofactors/chromophores not present in yeast or E. coli, or that AT-PHH1 encodes a blue-light/ultraviolet-A receptor rather than a DNA repair protein. Received: 27 March 1996/Accepted: 30 July 1996  相似文献   

The bz-m1 mutation in maize was one of the first to arise by direct transposition of the chromosome-breaking Ds element from its original or `standard' location in chromosome 9S to a known locus in the same chromosome arm. Thus, elucidation of its structure should shed light on the nature of the original Ds element described by McClintock in 1948. The Ds insertion in bz-m1 has been reported to be only 1.2 kb long – much shorter than other chromosome-breaking Ds elements that have been described. We have characterized here the Ds element in our bz-m1 stocks and have confirmed by genetic and molecular tests that, in the presence of Ac, it acts as a chromosome breaker. The Ds insertion at bz-m1 is 1260 bp long. Besides its normal 5′ and 3′ ends, it contains an internal 3′ end at the same junction as the chromosome-breaking double Ds element that has been found in several sh mutations. Thus, it appears to have arisen from the 4.1-kb double Ds by internal deletion of 2.9 kb. Because the element has lost one internal 5′ end, but retains the chromosome-breaking properties of double Ds, we have named it sesqui-Ds (sDs). The origin, structure and properties of sDs vis-à-vis double Ds support the hypothesis that double Ds corresponds to the chromosome-breaking Ds element at the `standard' location in 9S. Received: 10 March 1997 / Accepted: 2 May 1997  相似文献   

A transposable element has been isolated from the industrially important fungus Aspergillus niger (strain N402). The element was identified as an insertion sequence within the coding region of the nitrate reductase gene. It had inserted at a TA site and appeared to have duplicated the target site upon insertion. The isolated element was found to be 4798 by in length and contained 37-bp inverted, imperfect, terminal repeats (ITRs). The sequence of the central region of the element revealed an open reading frame (designated ORF1) which showed similarity, at the amino acid level, to the transposase of the Tc1/mariner class of DNA transposons. Another sequence within the central region of the element showed similarity to the 3 coding and downstream untranslated region of the amyA gene of A. niger. Sequence homology and structural features indicate that this element, which has been named Ant1 (A. niger transposon 1), is related to the Tc1/mariner group of DNA transposons. Ant1 is apparently present as a single copy in strain N402 of A. niger.  相似文献   

The functional differences between male and female brains commit to the existence of androgen that the testis secretes during the perinatal period. Androgen exerts its action on the brain after conversion to estrogen by brain aromatase. The aromatase appears in some neural nuclei such as in the hypothalamus and amygdala, and has been indicated to be involved in the expression of sexuality by the results of neurobehavioral analyses involving aromatase-knockout mice. We analyzed the brain-specific promoter in order to clarify the control mechanism for the expression of brain aromatase, which is deeply concerned in the sexual differentiation of the brain. The 202 bp upstream region of brain-specific exon 1 contains at least three kinds of cis-acting elements, Arom-Aα, -Aβ and -B. In particular, the binding activities as to the Aβ sequence show a tissue-specific pattern. Gel shift analysis revealed that the Aβ binding factor recognizes the TTGGCCCCT sequence. Aβ binding activity is detectable at the perinatal stage, but is undetectable at the adult stage in the brain. Furthermore, a protein which binds to the Aβ sequence was purified from the fetal mouse brain. The molecular mass of the Aβ binding protein was estimated to be 49 kDa by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis.  相似文献   

A transposable element, Flipper, was isolated from the phytopathogenic fungus Botrytis cinerea. The element was identified as an insertion sequence within the coding region of the nitrate reductase gene. The Flipper sequence is 1842 bp long with perfect inverted terminal repeats (ITRs) of 48 bp and an open reading frame (ORF) of 533 amino acids, potentially encoding for a transposase; the element is flanked by the dinucleotide TA. The encoded protein is very similar to the putative transposases of three elements from other phytopathogenic fungi, Fot1 from Fusarium oxysporum, and Pot2 and MGR586 from Magnaporthe grisea. The number of Flipper elements in strains of B. cinerea varied from 0 to 20 copies per genome. Analysis of the descendants of one cross showed that the segregation ratio of Flipper elements was 2:2 and that the copies were not linked. Received: 4 December 1996 / Accepted: 21 January 1997  相似文献   

A new transposable element has been isolated from an unstable niaD mutant of the fungus Fusarium oxysporum. This element, called impala, is 1280 nucleotides long and has inverted repeats of 27 bp. Impala inserts into a TA site and leaves behind a footprint when it excises. The inserted element, impala-160, is cis-active, but is probably trans-defective owing to several stop codons and frameshifts. Similarities exist between the inverted repeats of impala and those of transposons belonging to the widely dispersed mariner and Tc1 families. Moreover, translation of the open reading frame revealed three regions showing high similarities with Tc1 from Caenorhabditis elegans and with the mariner element of Drosophila mauritiana. The overall comparison shows that impala occupies an intermediate position between the mariner and Tcl-like elements, suggesting that all these elements belong to the same superfamily. The degree of relatedness observed between these elements, described in different kingdoms, raises the question of their origin and evolution.  相似文献   

Aspergillus niger var. awamori has transposable elements that we refer to as Vader and Tan1 (transposon A. niger). Vader was identified by screening unstable nitrate reductase (niaD) mutants for insertions. Four of the isolated niaD mutants were shown to contain a small insertion element. This 437 bp insertion element, Vader, is flanked by 44 bp inverted repeats (IR) and is present in approximately 15 copies in the genomes of two A. niger strains examined. A synthetic 44 bp oligomer of the inverted repeat of Vader has now been used to clone, via the polymerase chain reaction, a 2.3 kb Tan1 element. The Tan1 element has also been isolated from a partial genomic library. Tan1 is present as a single copy in A. niger var. awamori. The Tan1 element has a unique organization: IR-ORF-IR-IR-Vader-IR. The single open reading frame (ORF) (1668 bp) encodes a putative transposase homologous to Fusarium oxysporum Fot1 and Magnaporthe grisea Pot2. Immediately 3′ to the second inverted repeat, which bounds the transposase, is a copy of the AT-rich Vader element. We hypothesize that at some stage the independent Vader element, although inactive by itself, arose from Tan1, resulting in current strains with only one copy of Tan1 providing transposase activity and numerous mobile copies of Vader dispersed in the genome. Received: 14 September 1995/Accepted: 4 June 1996  相似文献   

By Northern blot analysis of nitrate reductase-deficient mutants of Nicotiana plumbaginifolia, we identified a mutant (mutant D65), obtained after -ray irradiation of protoplasts, which contained an insertion sequence in the nitrate reductase (NR) mRNA. This insertion sequence was localized by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) in the first exon of NR and was also shown to be present in the NR gene. The mutant gene contained a 565 by insertion sequence that exhibits the sequence characteristics of a transposable element, which was thus named dTnp1. The dTnp1 element has 14 by terminal inverted repeats and is flanked by an 8-bp target site duplication generated upon transposition. These inverted repeats have significant sequence homology with those of other transposable elements. Judging by its size and the absence of a long open reading frame, dTnp1 appears to represent a defective, although mobile, transposable element. The octamer motif TTTAGGCC was found several times in direct orientation near the 5 and 3 ends of dTnp1 together with a perfect palindrome located after the 5 inverted repeat. Southern blot analysis using an internal probe of dTnp1 suggested that this element occurs as a single copy in the genome of N. plumbaginifolia. It is also present in N. tabacum, but absent in tomato or petunia. The dTnp1 element is therefore of potential use for gene tagging in Nicotiana species.  相似文献   

植物需要利用太阳光能进行光合作用,因而不可避免地受到紫外线-B(UV-B) 辐射的影响.为了鉴定水稻WRKY转 录因子OsWRKY89基因启动子中的UV-B反应相关元件,分析了转启动子不同缺失片段与gus融合基因的水稻幼苗,发现在该启动子中存在UV-B反应元件,位于基因翻译起始位点上游-1 213~-1 188之间的25 bp区域,碱基序列为AAGATCTACCATTGCTCTATAGCTT.结合OsWRKY89和UV-B诱导上调表达基因启动子序列分析发现,该元件区在水稻UV-B反应基因启动子上具有高度的保守性,而且与已知保守的光反应元件位置邻近,表明该区域在水稻UV-B反应的转录调控中可能具有重要功能.  相似文献   

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