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A new rapid method for the identification and cloning of DNA fragments containing specific protein-binding domains is based on the common bandshift assay. Cloned DNA is digested with a restriction endonuclease recognizing a particular 4-bp sequence, an aliquot of this digest is end-labelled and used in protein binding reactions with and without protein extract. The binding reactions are then loaded onto nondenaturing polyacrylamide gel. The main portion of the digest is run in a parallel lane and serves as a source of fragments for cloning. Autoradiography of the wet gel reveals loss in intensity of some bands from the restriction digest incubated with the protein extract. DNA fragments corresponding to these bands are cut out from the gel; DNA is eluted and cloned in the M13 vector, thus allowing rapid and simple sequencing of the inserts.

The method, terned multiple bandshift assay, is especially useful when screening relatively long DNA fragments (of several kb) for potential protein-binding domains. The procedure was used to study interaction of HeLa-cell nuclear proteins with a 5.2-kb downstream region of pseudorabies virus immediate-early gene ( . Vl ek, Z. Kozmik, V. Pa es, S. Schirm and M. Schwyzer, unpublished).  相似文献   

The addition of l-glutamine, -alanine or l-glutamic acid strongly stimulates somatic embryo formation in carrot, not only in the number of somatic embryos formed but also with respect to their development. The effects of the amino acids on somatic embryogenesis were stronger than that of ammonium ion. In particular, l-glutamine strongly stimulated the development of somatic embryos. To clarify the different effects of amino acids and ammonium ion, the activity of glutamine synthetase (GS; EC, a key enzyme involved in nitrogen assimilation, was measured. Its activity decreased during the later stages of embryo development.Abbreviations -Ala -alanine - Glu l-glutamic acid - Gln l-glutamine - 2,4-D 2, 4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid - -GHA l-glutamic acid -monohydroxamate - GS glutamine synthetase - MS medium Murashige & Skoog (1962) medium - MS-NH4 medium MS medium without NH4NO3 - MS+NH4 medium MS-NH4 medium with 10 mM NH4Cl - MS+ala medium MS-NH4 medium with 10 mM -alanine - MS+GLU medium MS-NH4 medium with 10 mM l-glutamic acid - MS+GLN medium MS-NH4 medium with 10 mM l-glutamine - NIR nitrite reductase - NR nitrate reductase  相似文献   

DNA gel retardation assay has been applied to the investigation of complexes between rat liver nuclear proteins and Barbie box positive regulatory element of cytochrome P450 2B (CYP2B) genes. The intensities of B1 and B2 bands detected in the absence of an inducer increased after 30 min protein incubation with phenobarbital (PB) or triphenyldioxane (TPD), but not with 1,4-bis[2-(3,5-dichloropyridyloxy)]benzene (TCPOPOB). In addition, a new complex (B3 band) was for the first time detected under induction by PB, TPD, and TCPOPOB. Increase in the incubation time up to 2 h facilitated the formation of other new complexes (B4 and B5 bands), which were detected only in the presence of TPD. The use of [3H]TPD in hybridization experiments revealed that this inducer, capable of binding to Barbie box DNA, is also present in B4 and B5 complexes. It is probable that the investigated compounds activate the same proteins at the initial induction steps, which correlates with the formation of B1, B2, and B3 complexes. The further induction step might be inducer-specific, as indicated by the formation of B4 and B5 complexes in the presence of TPD only. Thus, the present data suggest the possibility of specific gene activation signaling pathways that are dependent on a particular inducer.  相似文献   

A complex of three proteins (of 80, 70, 58 kDa-p80, p70, and p58, respectively) with the ability to bind alphoid DNA (alpha-satDNA) was revealed by gel mobility shift assay (GMSA) in human nuclear matrix. The probes of the alpha-satDNA bound in the GMSA with the greatest specificity, but the complex was capable of binding human satellite 3 fragment. According to ion exchange and affinity chromatography, the complex includes two DNA-binding proteins, p70 and p80, and a non-DNA-binding one, p58, which enhances the specificity of binding to the alpha-satDNA. GMSA, SDS-PAGE and immunoblotting showed that the lamins, as well as constitutive centromeric proteins (CENP-A, CENP-B, CENP-C, CENP-G), were not incorporated into the complex. It was demonstrated by immunoprecipitation assay that p70 and, probably p58, share a common antigen determinant with the rod domain of intermediate filaments (IF) proteins. The results obtained indicate that the nuclear matrix contains at least one IF-related protein that is able to bind specifically to alpha-satDNA in vitro and that this protein is distinct from the lamins.  相似文献   

We have identified DNA binding proteins which interact with a sequence found in an intron of the tyrosine kinase coding portion of the murine c-abl gene. Several specific DNA: protein complexes were observed. Those complexes of approximate molecular weights 64 and 66kDa were detected when an Msp I site (CCGG) within the sequence was unmethylated, but were not observed when that site was methylated. Insertion of the intron sequence 5' to the rat somatic cytochrome C promoter and chloramphenicol acetyl transferase (CAT) sequences resulted in at least four-fold stimulation of CAT activity. These data suggest a potential role for the intron sequence in the regulation of gene expression.  相似文献   

Summary The temperature-sensitive carrot cell variant ts11c, arrested in somatic embryogenesis after the globular stage, was characterized. The sensitivity to a shift from 24° C (permissive temperature) to 32° C (non-permissive temperature) is greatest at the globular stage of embryogenesis, while cells proliferating in unorganized fashion and plantlets are not affected. Embryogenesis in ts11c is also arrested at the permissive temperature by replacement of conditioned culture medium with fresh medium. The timing of sensitivity of ts11c to medium replacement coincides with the sensitivity to temperature shift. Both sensitivities are recessive in somatic hybrids between ts11c and wild-type cells. Extracellular glycoproteins synthesized by ts11c at the non-permissive temperature contain much less fucose than those synthesized by the wild type. The glycoproteins synthesized by the variant under non-permissive conditions do not accumulate at the periphery of the embryo, as their wildtype counterparts do, but instead show a diffuse distribution throughout the embryo. The defect in ts11c can be fully complemented by the addition of extracellular wild-type proteins. A revertant of ts11c was isolated that simultaneously reacquired temperature insensitivity and normal glycosylation ability. Collectively, these observations indicate that ts11c is not able to perform proper glycosylation at the non-permissive temperature and suggest that the activity of certain extracellular proteins, essential for the transition of globular to heart stage somatic embryos, depends on the correct modification of their oligosaccharide side-chains.  相似文献   

DNA-protein crosslinks (DPCs) were induced in intact human leukemic T-lymphocyte MOLT4 cells or isolated nuclei by treatment with potassium chromate, chromium(III) chloride hexahydrate or x-rays. The proteins complexed to DNA were analyzed by two-dimensional SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (PAGE). A group of identical non-histone proteins was crosslinked to DNA by any of the three treatments, except that a 51 kDa basic protein was additionally complexed to DNA when either potassium chromate or chromium(III) chloride hexahydrate was the crosslinking agent. Treatment of chromate-induced DNA-protein crosslinks with EDTA or thiourea followed by ultracentifugation dissociated the major proteins from the complex indicating that these proteins were crosslinked to DNA by direct participation of a EDTA-chelatable form of chromium such as Cr(III) through sulfur containing amino acid residues. The 51 kDa protein was not seen in the post-EDTA pellet but was present in the post-thiourea pellet, indicating that it was also crosslinked to DNA by Cr(III) through non-sulfur-containing amino acids. Digestion of x-rays-induced DPCs by DNase I also revealed this protein on two-dimensional gels indicating that the same protein was also crosslinked by oxidative mechanisms. The involvement of oxidative mechanisms in the crosslinking process was indicated as the majority of the proteins in chromate-induced DPCs were resistant to EDTA and thiourea treatment, and were found to crosslink to DNA when x-rays were used as the crosslinking agent. These results suggest that the chromate-induced DPCs are formed by the generation of reactive oxygen species during the intracellular chromate reduction as well as by the biologically generated Cr(III). About 19% of DNA-protein crosslinks actually involve Cr(III) crosslinking DNA to proteins, about 14% involve Cr(III) crosslinking DNA to proteins through non-sulfhydryl containing moieties and about 5% involve Cr(III) crosslinking DNA to sulfhydryl groups on proteins. The remaining 81% of DNA-protein crosslinks appear to be oxidatively crosslinked out of which about 45% appear to be through sulfhydryl groups and another 36% appear to be through non-sulfhydryl groups.  相似文献   

Developing cotyledons of the common bean, Phaseolus vulgaris L., transport within their secretory system (endoplasmic reticulum and Golgi apparatus) the abundant vacuolar proteins, phaseolin and phytohemagglutinin. To identify proteins that may play a role in vacuolar targeting, we treated cotyledon microsomal fractions with a bifunctional crosslinking reagent, dithiobis(succinimidyl propionate), isolated protein complexes with antibodies to phaseolin and phytohemagglutinin, and analysed the polypeptides by sodium dodecylsulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. This allowed us to identify a protein of Mr=9000 (P-9000) that was crosslinked to both phaseolin and phytohemagglutinin. P-900 is abundantly present in the endoplasmic reticulum. The aminoterminus of P-9000 shows extensive sequence identity with the amino-terminus of PA1 (Mr=11 000), a cysteine-rich albumin whose processing products accumulate in the vacuoles of pea (Pisum sativum L.) cotyledons. Like PA1, P-9000 is synthesized as a pre-proprotein that is posttranslationally processed into smaller polypeptides. The possible functions of P-9000 are discussed.Abbreviations DSP dithiobis(succinimidyl propionate) - EDTA ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid - ER endoplasmic reticulum - kDa kilodalton - Mr relative molecular mass - PHA phytohemagglutinin - SDS sodium dodecylsulfate - PAGE polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis  相似文献   

The amyloid beta-protein (Abeta) deposited in brains of Alzheimer's disease (AD) patients is proteolytically derived from a large Abeta precursor protein (APP). APP gene expression patterns in the AD brain region indicate that abnormalities of gene regulation may be important in AD pathology. To understand the contribution of different cell types to APP gene expression, we studied it at four levels: promoter activity (by reporter gene assay of transfected cells), DNA-nuclear protein interaction (by electrophoretic mobility shift assay), RNA message and protein (by northern and western blotting, respectively). APP mRNA and protein expression levels were greater in neuroblastoma and PC12 cells than in glial or cervix epithelial cells. Relative activity among 12 different promoter regions and within single regions varied according to cell type/cell line. An upstream regulatory region containing a GATA-1 site is necessary for activity in PC12 and glial cells but not in neuroblastoma cells. DNA-protein interactions were examined in three distal and one proximal promoter elements in nuclear extracts belonging to neuronal and non-neuronal cells. The proximal promoter region is important for cell line-specific APP gene expression. Characterization of the APP regulatory region's interaction with cell type-specific nuclear factor(s) is important to understand tissue-specific expression of APP seen in AD subjects.  相似文献   

The yeast two-hybrid system is a molecular genetic test for protein interaction. Here we describe a step by step procedure to screen for proteins that interact with a protein of interest using the two-hybrid system. This process includes, construction and testing of the bait plasmid, screening a plasmid library for interacting fusion proteins, elimination of false positives and deletion analysis of true positives. This procedure is designed to allow investigators to identify proteins and their encoding cDNAs that have a biologically significant interaction with your protein of interest.  相似文献   

Plant high-mobility-group (HMG) chromosomal proteins are the most abundant and ubiquitous nonhistone proteins found in the nuclei of higher eukaryotes. There are only two families of HMG proteins, namely, HMGA and HMGB in plants. The cDNA encoding wheat HMGa protein was isolated and characterized. Wheat HMGA cDNA encodes a protein of 189 amino acid residues. At its N terminus, there is a histone H1-like structure, which is a common feature of plant HMGA proteins, followed by four AT-hook motifs. Polymerase chain reaction results show that the gene contains a single intron of 134 bp. All four AT-hook motifs are encoded by the second exon. Northern blot results show that the expression of HMGA gene is much higher in organs undergoing active cell proliferation. Gel retardation analysis show that wheat HMGa, b, c and histone H1 bind to four-way-junction DNA with high binding affinity, but affinity is dramatically reduced with increasing Mg(2+) and Na(+) ion concentration. Competition binding studies show that proteins share overlapping binding sites on four-way-junction DNA. HMGd does not bind to four-way-junction DNA.  相似文献   

The cAMP-dependent protein kinase (PKA) is targeted to specific subcellular compartments through its interaction with A-kinase anchoring proteins (AKAPs). AKAPs contain an amphipathic helix domain that binds to the type II regulatory subunit of PKA (RII). Synthetic peptides containing this amphipathic helix domain bind to RII with high affinity and competitively inhibit the binding of PKA with AKAPs. Addition of these anchoring inhibitor peptides to spermatozoa inhibits motility (Vijayaraghavan, S., Goueli, S. A., Davey, M. P., and Carr, D. W. (1997) J. Biol. Chem. 272, 4747-4752). However, inhibition of the PKA catalytic activity does not mimic these peptides, suggesting that the peptides are disrupting the interaction of AKAP(s) with proteins other than PKA. Using the yeast two-hybrid system, we have now identified two sperm-specific human proteins that interact with the amphipathic helix region of AKAP110. These proteins, ropporin (a protein previously shown to interact with the Rho signaling pathway) and AKAP-associated sperm protein, are 39% identical to each other and share a strong sequence similarity with the conserved domain on the N terminus of RII that is involved in dimerization and AKAP binding. Mutation of conserved residues in ropporin or RII prevents binding to AKAP110. These data suggest that sperm contains several proteins that bind to AKAPs in a manner similar to RII and imply that AKAPs may have additional and perhaps unique functions in spermatozoa.  相似文献   

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