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普通小球藻对养殖污水脱氮除磷的效果研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着我国养殖业的不断发展,养殖污水排放量的日益增加,养殖污水的高氮、磷含量导致水体富营养化问题日趋严重。小球藻是光能自养生物,能有效同化氮、磷,使污水中的氮、磷减少。本研究通过在实验室模拟不同氮、磷含量的养殖污水环境,分析小球藻对氮、磷的去除效果;在此基础上,用小球藻处理某养殖场污水;并联合膨润土与小球藻,探究两者脱氮除磷的协同作用能力及膨润土对小球藻细胞沉降的效果。结果表明,小球藻对模拟污水的氨氮去除率可达80%,对磷酸根的最高去除率接近100%;对养殖污水中的氮、磷也有一定的去除效果;但养殖污水成分复杂,小球藻的生长被抑制。膨润土与小球藻的结合,能够提高污水中的氮磷去除率并帮助藻细胞快速沉降,为污水处理后藻细胞的收集处理提供了有效方法。  相似文献   

小球藻细胞活性物质的提取及对啤酒酵母的生理效应   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
小妹藻(Chlorella vulgaris)为绿藻门普生性单细胞藻类。因其具有极为丰富均衡的营养成分,常作为医疗保健品,或用于食品、轻工业以及饲料添加剂,并可用于重金属的生物吸附、污水处理及环境评价方面.小球藻生长因子(Chlorena Growth Factor,CGF)又称小球藻精,为其细胞活性物质,含有氨基酸、核酸、多糖、多肽、蛋白质、酶、维生素、矿物质等成分,被誉为“类荷尔蒙”。  相似文献   

Inactivation of microorganisms with pulsed electric fields is one of the nonthermal methods most commonly used in biotechnological applications such as liquid food pasteurization and water treatment. In this study, the effects of microsecond and nanosecond pulses on inactivation of Escherichia coli in distilled water were investigated. Bacterial colonies were counted on agar plates, and the count was expressed as colony-forming units per milliliter of bacterial suspension. Inactivation of bacterial cells was shown as the reduction of colony-forming units per milliliter of treated samples compared to untreated control. According to our results, when using microsecond pulses the level of inactivation increases with application of more intense electric field strengths and with number of pulses delivered. Almost 2-log reductions in bacterial counts were achieved at a field strength of 30 kV/cm with eight pulses and a 4.5-log reduction was observed at the same field strength using 48 pulses. Extending the duration of microsecond pulses from 100 to 250 μs showed no improvement in inactivation. Nanosecond pulses alone did not have any detectable effect on inactivation of E. coli regardless of the treatment time, but a significant 3-log reduction was achieved in combination with microsecond pulses.  相似文献   

This work discusses the effects of pulsed electric field (PEF) and osmotic pre-treatments on potato tissue structure and on the freezing and freeze-drying behaviour of this tissue. Potato samples (26-mm diameter, 10-mm height) were treated by PEF (400 V/cm) to high level of disintegration (conductivity disintegration index Z was ≈0.95) and were subjected to osmotic treatment in an aqueous solution of NaCl. The samples were either frozen in an air-blast freezer at air temperature of −80 °C and velocity of 2 m/s or freeze-dried at 0 °C and 0.04-mbar pressure. The scanning electron microscope (SEM) images evidenced similarity in structure of the cell walls and area and morphology of starch granules for untreated and PEF-treated potato tissues. However, sequential (PEF + osmotic) pre-treatment of potato tissue resulted in starch granules with rougher surface. The profiles of freezing curves were strongly dependent on pre-treatment. The longest effective freezing time t f was observed for untreated tissue, and the values of t f were decreasing in the following sequence: untreated > PEF pre-treated > PEF + osmotically pre-treated. The faster freezing and freeze drying and visually better quality of the dried samples were observed for PEF or sequential PEF + osmotic pre-treatments. The SEM analysis revealed also a noticeable disorder of starch granule surface morphology inside the cells of the freeze-dried potatoes after sequential PEF + osmotic pre-treatment.  相似文献   

基于多层电介质模型,对于适应于球形生物细胞的脉冲电场,提出了一种等效电路模型,在相同频域下,内膜和外膜的变化趋势相同,频域分析表明,不同频谱场将引起不同的生物医学效应.我们针对癌症细胞计算了跨膜电压,并讨论了脉冲和跨膜电压以及阻抗的关系.结果表明不同的频域和不同的持续时间对细胞的内膜和外膜有选择性的影响,时域和频域的分析显示,在细胞上有一个窗口,当持续时间在10-8~10-6 s之间,细胞内膜的电压将高于细胞外膜的电压.窗口效应为解释生物细胞的脉冲电学效应提供了一种参考思路.  相似文献   

Membrane permeabilization due to pulsed electric field (PEF) treatment of gram-positive Lactobacillus cells was investigated by using propidium iodide uptake and single-cell analysis with flow cytometry. Electric field strength, energy input, treatment time, and growth phase affected membrane permeabilization of Lactobacillus plantarum during PEF treatment. A correlation between PEF inactivation and membrane permeabilization of L. plantarum cells was demonstrated, whereas no relationship was observed between membrane permeabilization and heat inactivation. The same results were obtained with a Lactobacillus fermentum strain, but the latter organism was more PEF resistant and exhibited less membrane permeabilization, indicating that various bacteria have different responses to PEF treatment. While membrane permeabilization was the main factor involved in the mechanism of inactivation, the growth phase and the acidity of the environment also influenced inactivation. By using flow cytometry it was possible to sort cells in the L. plantarum population based on different cell sizes and shapes, and the results were confirmed by image analysis. An apparent effect of morphology on membrane permeabilization was observed, and larger cells were more easily permeabilized than smaller cells. In conclusion, our results indicate that the ability of PEF treatment to cause membrane permeabilization is an important factor in determining inactivation. This finding should have an effect on the final choice of the processing parameters used so that all microorganisms can be inactivated and, consequently, on the use of PEF treatment as an alternative method for preserving food products.  相似文献   

ADP-glucose pyrophosphorylase was partially purified from Chlorella vulgaris 11h. 3-Phosphoglycerate activated the enzyme by lowering the Michaelis constant for glucose-1-phosphate (from 0.97 to 0.36 millimolar in the presence of 2 millimolar phosphoglycerate) and ATP (from 0.23 to 0.10 millimolar), as well as increasing the Vmax. Saturation curves for 3-phosphoglycerate were hyperbolic and the activator concentration at half Vmax value for 3-phosphoglycerate was 0.41 millimolar either in the presence or absence of phosphate. Phosphate inhibited the enzyme in a competitive manner with respect to glucose-1-phosphate, but did not affect the Michaelis constant value for ATP. 3-Phosphoglycerate changed neither the inhibitor concentration at half Vmax value of 1.0 millimolar for phosphate nor the hyperbolic inhibition kinetics for phosphate. The enzyme required divalent cations for its activity. The activation curves for Mn2+ and Mg2+ were highly sigmoidal. The activator concentration at half Vmax values for Mn2+ and Mg2+ were 2.8 and 3.7 millimolar, respectively. With optimal cations, the Michaelis constant values for ATP-Mn and ATP-Mg were 0.1 and 0.4 millimolar, respectively.  相似文献   

It has been shown previously that added ammonium salts cause a cessation of nitrate utilization in some Chlorella species. It has also been shown that Chlorella vulgaris can form an inactivated nitrate reductase which is an HCN complex. In the present study, a comparison has been made of the rate of nitrate utilization and the rate of nitrate reductase inactivation in Chlorella vulgaris in response to the addition of ammonium salts and light-dark changes. The rate of formation of HCN-inactivated enzyme is too slow to account for the prompt inhibition of nitrate utilization caused by adding ammonium. In contrast, when nitrate utilization is inhibited by addition of ferricyanide to intact cells, the HCN-inactivated enzyme is promptly formed in vivo, and might account for the inhibition of nitrate utilization, though inhibition of nitrate uptake can not be excluded.  相似文献   

Effect of iron on growth and lipid accumulation in Chlorella vulgaris   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
Liu ZY  Wang GC  Zhou BC 《Bioresource technology》2008,99(11):4717-4722
The economic feasibility of algal mass culture for biodiesel production is enhanced by the increase in biomass productivity and storage lipids. Effect of iron on growth and lipid accumulation in marine microalgae Chlorella vulgaris were investigated. In experiment I, supplementing the growth media with chelated FeCl3 in the late growth phase increased the final cell density but did not induce lipid accumulation in cells. In experiment II, cells in the late-exponential growth phase were collected by centrifugation and re-inoculated into new media supplemented with five levels of Fe3+ concentration. Total lipid content in cultures supplemented with 1.2 x 10(-5) mol L(-1) FeCl3 was up to 56.6% biomass by dry weight and was 3-7-fold that in other media supplemented with lower iron concentration. Moreover, a simple and rapid method determining the lipid accumulation in C. vulgaris with spectrofluorimetry was developed.  相似文献   

The relationship between O2 and an active oxygen scavenging system in Chlorella vulgaris var.vulgaris (IAM C-534) was investigated. When Chlorella vulgaris was exposed to 2% O2, only traces of active oxygen scavenging enzymes were found. When the Chlorella vulgaris was treated with 20% or 50% O2, it was shown that the level of enzyme activity increased as the O2 concentration increased. An increase in enzyme activity was not found in any specific enzyme but in all of the enzymes, but the level of glutathione and ascorbate remained the same in all the cases. In addition, the photosynthetic efficiency also decreased as the concentration of O2 was increased. These results suggest that an O2 enriched environment can lead to an increase in the production of active oxygen species such as Obullet2 and H2O2 and to a decrease in the photosynthetic efficiency in Chlorella vulgaris. The hydroxyl radical (bulletOH) was detected directly in the Chlorella vulgaris suspension with a spin trapping reagent. It was also clear that the increase in the bulletOH intensity as the visible light intensity increased was unrelated to the O2 concentration. It was suggested that the conditions for producing bulletOH and the other active oxygen species were different, and that two types of oxygen stress should exist in the Chlorella vulgaris.  相似文献   

The aim of the present study was to investigate selenite effects in the unicellular green algae Chlorella vulgaris as a primary producer and the relationship with intracellular bioaccumulation. The effects of selenite were evaluated by measuring the effect of different selenite concentrations on algal growth during a 144 h exposure period. It was found that lower Se concentrations (≤75 mg L−1) positively promoted C. vulgaris growth and acted as antioxidant by inhibiting lipid peroxidation (LPO) and intracellular reactive oxygen species (ROS). The antioxidative effect was associated with an increase in guaiacol peroxidase (GPX), catalase (CAT), superoxide dismutase (SOD) and photosynthetic pigments. Meanwhile, significant increase in the cell growth rate and organic Se content was also detected in the algae. In contrast, these changes were opposite in C. vulgaris exposed to Se higher than 100 mg L−1. The antioxidation and toxicity appeared to be correlated to Se bioaccumulation, which suggests the appropriate concentration of Se in the media accumulation of C. vulgaris should be 75 mg L−1. Taken together, C. vulgaris possesses tolerance to Se, and Se-Chlorella could be developed as antioxidative food for aquaculture and human health.  相似文献   

本文采用尿素-月桂酰肌氨酸钠(urea-sarkosyl)法, 用于分离带有坚硬细胞壁小球藻的高纯度叶绿体DNA (cpDNA)。将对数生长期的小球藻收集后置于冰上研磨, percoll密度梯度离心收集叶绿体层, 显微观察表明叶绿体经梯度离心后形态完整。采用尿素-月桂酰肌氨酸钠法、蛋白酶K消化及酚/氯仿/异戊醇抽提, 获得了高纯度的cpDNA。检测结果显示, cpDNA分子长度为22 kb, A260:A280值为1.87±0.01, 产率达(2.52±0.01) μg?g-1 (DW); cpDNA编码的16S rDNA扩增呈阳性, 而由细胞核编码的18S rDNA扩增呈阴性。表明cpDNA纯度高, 没有受到核基因组DNA的污染, 符合小球藻cpDNA高通量测序的要求。同时, 该方法也适合提取具有相似细胞壁成分的其他微藻的基因组DNA和cpDNA。  相似文献   

This work discusses the effects of pulsed electric field (PEF) application on low-pressure mechanical expression (the pressure maximum was 1 bar) and characteristics of juice produced from Chardonnay white grape. The experiments were carried out using a texture analyzer equipped with a PEF-treatment compression chamber operated at moderate electric field strength E = 400 V/cm. Two regimes of extraction were compared: expression at constant pressure (0.5 or 1 bar) and expression at progressive pressure increase (from 0 to 1 bar). This last one was chosen for the scale-down modeling of industrial grape pressing process. It was shown that PEF treatment at the electric field E = 400 V/cm and the total time of treatment t PEF ≈ 0.1 s allowed reaching of a high level of cell disintegration, Z ≈ 0.8. The energy consumption of PEF treatment corresponding to this level of disintegration was rather low and equal to W ≈ 15 kJ/kg. The PEF pretreatment resulted in juice yield increase from 67% to 75% (1 h of pressing at constant pressure of 1.0 bar). PEF treatment accelerated development of grape deformation. Decrease of difference between deformations of untreated and PEF-treated samples at high pressure and long-pressing time was observed. Statistical analysis showed no significant effect of PEF treatment on turbidity and content of polyphenols for the constant pressure regime. However, PEF treatment application resulted in elevation of the content of polyphenols (more than 15%) for the progressive pressure-increase regime.  相似文献   

The growth of Chlorella vulgaris and Stichococcus bacillaris cultures in media containing from 20 to 100 mg Cd/l was studied. The examined strains were found to be highly resistant to the action of cadmium since the highest concentration of the metal used limited the production of dry weight (during 5 days of cultivation) by less than 50%. The lower production of chlorophyll a by S. bacillaris cultures in media containing from 60 to 100 mg Cd/l and 2-fold elongation of the cells point to lower tolerance of the strain to cadmium than that shown by C. vulgaris.  相似文献   

The effects of three ecdysteroids, 20-hydroxyecdysone (20E), 2-deoxy-20-hydroxyecdysone (2d20E) and 20-hydroxyecdysone 22-acetate (20E22Ac), on growth and the levels of cellular components in Chlorella vulgaris Beijerinck (Trebouxiophyceae) are reported and compared with data previously reported for ecdysone (E; Bajguz A and Koronka A, Plant Physiol Biochem 39: 707–715, 2001). All three 20-hydroxyecdysteroids stimulate growth of C. vulgaris cells over a wide concentration range (10−16 to 10−7  M ). Optimal stimulation is observed at 10−9  M with each ecdysteroid. High concentrations (>10−6  M ) are cytotoxic. The potency ranking of the ecdysteroids is 20E > 20E22Ac > 2d20E > E. Levels per cell of DNA, RNA, protein, sugars, organic and inorganic phosphorus, chlorophylls a and b and phaeophytins a and b are all stimulated by ecdysteroid treatment when compared with the untreated control cells. Possible modes of action of ecdysteroids on C. vulgaris cells are discussed.  相似文献   

Assimilatory nitrate reductase (EC NADH:nitrate oxidoreductase) from Chlorella vulgaris purified by affinity chromatography was found to be homogeneous as judged by electrophoresis on sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel and by analytical ultracentrifugal techniques. The molecular weight of the intact enzyme and that of the enzyme dissociated in 6 M GuHCl, determined by sedimentation equilibrium studies, were 280,000 +/- 10,000 and 90,000 +/- 5,000, respectively. Comparable values were obtained using the S20,w value and the D20,w values in Svedberg's equation. The D20,w values were determined by laser light-scattering measurements. Active enzyme centrifugation showed that the monomer is an active species. A quantitative re-evaluation of the prosthetic groups present (FAD, heme, and molybdenum) was also made and was consistent with the conclusion that the active monomer contains three subunits as previously deduced by Solomonson et al. ((1975) J. Biol. Chem. 250, 4120). Electron micrographs showed images which corresponded to three subunits, supporting the data obtained by hydrodynamic studies. The enzyme is not cigar-shaped, as previously surmised, but has a roughly globular structure.  相似文献   

A laboratory investigation was conducted to study the effect of various concentrations of copper on the freshwater algae Scenedesmus quadricauda and Chlorella vulgaris. Electron-dense inclusions were observed in the vacuoles of S. quadricauda, and this alga showed some growth at a dose as high as 2,500 μg.1−1. The occurrence of the electron-dense inclusions was correlated significantly with the copper concentration and seems to be implicated in the tolerance of the species. C. vulgaris was much more sensitive to copper than S. quadricauda and showed osmotic changes and membrane damage.  相似文献   

葡萄皮色素提取条件的综合研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用葡萄饮料厂生产加工的废料葡萄皮提取天然色素,并对影响色素提取率的因素如:提取溶剂的选择、提取剂用量、提取温度、提取时间及提取pH等条件进行研究,初步确定获得最大提取收率的条件,即:以无水乙醇为提取剂,葡萄皮重(g)与提取剂的用量(mL)之比为1 7,提取温度60~80℃,时间为70min,pH为2~4。同时对提取次数进行了研究,结果表明提取2次较好。  相似文献   

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