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Tobacco vein mottling virus (TVMV) is a member of the Potyviridae, one of the largest families of plant viruses. The TVMV genome is translated into a single large polyprotein that is subsequently processed by three virally encoded proteases. Seven of the nine cleavage events are carried out by the NIa protease. Its homolog from the tobacco etch virus (TEV) is a widely used reagent for the removal of affinity tags from recombinant proteins. Although TVMV protease is a close relative of TEV protease, they exhibit distinct sequence specificities. We report here the crystal structure of a catalytically inactive mutant TVMV protease (K65A/K67A/C151A) in complex with a canonical peptide substrate (Ac‐RETVRFQSD) at 1.7‐Å resolution. As observed in several crystal structures of TEV protease, the C‐terminus (~20 residues) of TVMV protease is disordered. Unexpectedly, although deleting the disordered residues from TEV protease reduces its catalytic activity by ~10‐fold, an analogous truncation mutant of TVMV protease is significantly more active. Comparison of the structures of TEV and TVMV protease in complex with their respective canonical substrate peptides reveals that the S3 and S4 pockets are mainly responsible for the differing substrate specificities. The structure of TVMV protease suggests that it is less tolerant of variation at the P1′ position than TEV protease. This conjecture was confirmed experimentally by determining kinetic parameters kcat and Km for a series of oligopeptide substrates. Also, as predicted by the cocrystal structure, we confirm that substitutions in the P6 position are more readily tolerated by TVMV than TEV protease.  相似文献   

Wild-type phosphotriesterase (PTE) prefers the SP-enantiomers over the corresponding RP-enantiomers by factors ranging from 10 to 90. To satisfy the binding modes of the PTE of SP- and RP-enantiomers, all-atom molecular dynamics simulations were carried out on two paraoxon SP and RP derivatives, namely, Sp-1 and Rp-1. Molecular mechanics Poisson–Boltzmann surface area and molecular mechanics generalized Born surface area (MM-PBSA and MM-GBSA) calculations indicated that His230 in Sp-1-PTE had a closer interaction with the substrate than that in Rp-1-PTE and that such interaction increased the catalytic efficiency of PTE for Sp-1. The steered molecular dynamics simulation indicated that, compared with Sp-1, Rp-1 in the unbinding (binding) may hinder some residue displacement, thus requiring more effort to escape the binding pocket of PTE. In addition, Trp131, Phe306, and Tyr309 are deemed important residues for the Sp-1 unbinding pathway via PTE, whereas Tyr309 alone is considered an important residue for the Rp-1 unbinding pathway. These results demonstrate the possibility of dramatically altering the stereoselectivity and overall reactivity of the native enzyme toward chiral substrates by modifying specific residues located within the active site of PTE.  相似文献   

The Hsp70-class molecular chaperone HscA interacts specifically with a conserved (99)LPPVK(103) motif of the iron-sulfur cluster scaffold protein IscU. We used a cellulose-bound peptide array to perform single-site saturation substitution of peptide residues corresponding to Glu(98)-Ile(104) of IscU to determine positional amino acid requirements for recognition by HscA. Two mutant chaperone forms, HscA(F426A) with a DnaK-like arch structure and HscA(M433V) with a DnaK-like substrate-binding pocket, were also studied. Wild-type HscA and HscA(F426A) exhibited a strict preference for proline in the central peptide position (ELPPVKI), whereas HscA(M433V) bound a peptide containing a Pro-->Leu substitution at this location (ELPLVKI). Contributions of Phe(426) and Met(433) to HscA peptide specificity were further tested in solution using a fluorescence-based peptide-binding assay. Bimane-labeled HscA and HscA(F426A) bound ELPPVKI peptides with higher affinity than leucine-substituted peptides, whereas HscA(M433V) favored binding of ELPLVKI peptides. Fluorescence-binding studies were also carried out with derivatives of the peptide NRLLLTG, a model substrate for DnaK. HscA and HscA(F426A) bound NRLLLTG peptides weakly, whereas HscA(M433V) bound NRLLLTG peptides with higher affinity than IscU-derived peptides ELPPVKI and ELPLVKI. These results suggest that the specificity of HscA for the LPPVK recognition sequence is determined in part by steric obstruction of the hydrophobic binding pocket by Met(433) and that substitution with the Val(433) sidechain imparts a broader, more DnaK-like, substrate recognition pattern.  相似文献   

The binding of substrate analogs to phosphotriesterase   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Phosphotriesterase (PTE) from Pseudomonas diminuta catalyzes the detoxification of organophosphates such as the widely utilized insecticide paraoxon and the chemical warfare agent sarin. The three-dimensional structure of the enzyme is known from high resolution x-ray crystallographic analyses. Each subunit of the homodimer folds into a so-called TIM barrel, with eight strands of parallel beta-sheet. The two zinc ions required for activity are positioned at the C-terminal portion of the beta-barrel. Here, we describe the three-dimensional structure of PTE complexed with the inhibitor diisopropyl methyl phosphonate, which serves as a mimic for sarin. Additionally, the structure of the enzyme complexed with triethyl phosphate is also presented. In the case of the PTE-diisopropyl methyl phosphonate complex, the phosphoryl oxygen of the inhibitor coordinates to the more solvent-exposed zinc ion (2.5 A), thereby lending support to the presumed catalytic mechanism involving metal coordination of the substrate. In the PTE-triethyl phosphate complex, the phosphoryl oxygen of the inhibitor is positioned at 3.4 A from the more solvent-exposed zinc ion. The two structures described in this report provide additional molecular understanding for the ability of this remarkable enzyme to hydrolyze such a wide range of organophosphorus substrates.  相似文献   

The healthy sweetener isomaltulose is industrially produced from the conversion of sucrose by the sucrose isomerase SmuA from Protaminobacter rubrum. Crystal structures of SmuA in native and deoxynojirimycin complexed forms completed with modeling studies unravel the characteristics of the isomaltulose synthases catalytic pocket and their substrate binding mode. Comparison with the trehalulose synthase MutB highlights the role of Arg298 and Arg306 active site residues and surface charges in controlling product specificity of sucrose isomerases (isomaltulose versus trehalulose). The results provide a rationale for the specific design of optimized enzymes.  相似文献   

Cardiovascular homeostasis and blood pressure regulation are reliant, in part, on interactions between natriuretic peptide (NP) hormones and natriuretic peptide receptors (NPR). The C-type NPR (NPR-C) is responsible for clearance of NP hormones from the circulation, and displays a cross-reactivity for all NP hormones (ANP, BNP, and CNP), in contrast to other NPRs, which are more restricted in their specificity. In order to elucidate the structural determinants for the binding specificity and cross-reactivity of NPR-C with NP hormones, we have determined the crystal structures of the complexes of NPR-C with atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP), and with brain natriuretic peptide (BNP). A structural comparison of these complexes, with the previous structure of the NPR-C/CNP complex, reveals that NPR-C uses a conformationally inflexible surface to bind three different, highly flexible, NP ligands. The complex structures support a mechanism of rigid promiscuity rather than conformational plasticity by the receptor. While ANP and BNP appear to adopt similar receptor-bound conformations, the CNP structure diverges, yet shares sets of common receptor contacts with the other ligands. The degenerate versus selective hormone recognition properties of different NPRs appears to derive largely from two cavities on the receptor surfaces, pocket I and pocket II, that serve as anchoring sites for hormone side-chains and modulate receptor selectivity.  相似文献   

The structure of cruzain, an essential protease from the parasite Trypanosoma cruzi, was determined by X-ray crystallography bound to two different covalent inhibitors. The cruzain S2 specificity pocket is able to productively bind both arginine and phenylalanine residues. The structures of cruzain bound to benzoyl-Arg-Ala-fluoromethyl ketone and benzoyl-Tyr-Ala-fluoromethyl ketone at 2.2 and 2.1 A, respectively, show a pH-dependent specificity switch. Glu 205 adjusts to restructure the S2 specificity pocket, conferring right binding to both hydrophobic and basic residues. Kinetic analysis of activated peptide substrates shows that substrates placing hydrophobic residues in the specificity pocket are cleaved at a broader pH range than hydrophilic substrates. These results demonstrate how cruzain binds both basic and hydrophobic residues and could be important for in vivo regulation of cruzain activity.  相似文献   

A glucodextranase (iGDase) from Arthrobacter globiformis I42 hydrolyzes alpha-1,6-glucosidic linkages of dextran from the non-reducing end to produce beta-D-glucose via an inverting reaction mechanism and classified into the glycoside hydrolase family 15 (GH15). Here we cloned the iGDase gene and determined the crystal structures of iGDase of the unliganded form and the complex with acarbose at 2.42-A resolution. The structure of iGDase is composed of four domains N, A, B, and C. Domain A forms an (alpha/alpha)(6)-barrel structure and domain N consists of 17 antiparallel beta-strands, and both domains are conserved in bacterial glucoamylases (GAs) and appear to be mainly concerned with catalytic activity. The structure of iGDase complexed with acarbose revealed that the positions and orientations of the residues at subsites -1 and +1 are nearly identical between iGDase and GA; however, the residues corresponding to subsite 3, which form the entrance of the substrate binding pocket, and the position of the open space and constriction of iGDase are different from those of GAs. On the other hand, domains B and C are not found in the bacterial GAs. The primary structure of domain C is homologous with a surface layer homology domain of pullulanases, and the three-dimensional structure of domain C resembles the carbohydrate-binding domain of some glycohydrolases.  相似文献   

5′-Methylthioadenosine (MTA)/S-adenosylhomocysteine (SAH) nucleosidase (MTAN) is essential for cellular metabolism and development in many bacterial species. While the enzyme is found in plants, plant MTANs appear to select for MTA preferentially, with little or no affinity for SAH. To understand what determines substrate specificity in this enzyme, MTAN homologues from Arabidopsis thaliana (AtMTAN1 and AtMTAN2, which are referred to as AtMTN1 and AtMTN2 in the plant literature) have been characterized kinetically. While both homologues hydrolyze MTA with comparable kinetic parameters, only AtMTAN2 shows activity towards SAH. AtMTAN2 also has higher catalytic activity towards other substrate analogues with longer 5′-substituents. The structures of apo AtMTAN1 and its complexes with the substrate- and transition-state-analogues, 5′-methylthiotubercidin and formycin A, respectively, have been determined at 2.0-1.8 Å resolution. A homology model of AtMTAN2 was generated using the AtMTAN1 structures. Comparison of the AtMTAN1 and AtMTAN2 structures reveals that only three residues in the active site differ between the two enzymes. Our analysis suggests that two of these residues, Leu181/Met168 and Phe148/Leu135 in AtMTAN1/AtMTAN2, likely account for the divergence in specificity of the enzymes. Comparison of the AtMTAN1 and available Escherichia coli MTAN (EcMTAN) structures suggests that a combination of differences in the 5′-alkylthio binding region and reduced conformational flexibility in the AtMTAN1 active site likely contribute to its reduced efficiency in binding substrate analogues with longer 5′-substituents. In addition, in contrast to EcMTAN, the active site of AtMTAN1 remains solvated in its ligand-bound forms. As the apparent pKa of an amino acid depends on its local environment, the putative catalytic acid Asp225 in AtMTAN1 may not be protonated at physiological pH and this suggests the transition state of AtMTAN1, like human MTA phosphorylase and Streptococcus pneumoniae MTAN, may be different from that found in EcMTAN.  相似文献   

Ribonucleotide reductases (RNRs) catalyze the reduction of ribonucleotides to the corresponding deoxyribonucleotides, the building blocks of DNA. RNRs are specific for either ribonucleoside diphosphates or triphosphates as substrates. As far as is known, oxygen-dependent class I RNRs (NrdAB) all reduce ribonucleoside diphosphates, and oxygen-sensitive class III RNRs (NrdD) are all ribonucleoside triphosphate reducers, whereas the adenosylcobalamin-dependent class II (NrdJ) contains both ribonucleoside diphosphate and triphosphate reducers. However, it is unknown how this specificity is conveyed by the active site of the enzymes and how this feature developed in RNR evolution. By structural comparison of the active sites in different RNRs, we identified the apical loop of the phosphate-binding site as a potential structural determinant of substrate specificity. Grafting two residues from this loop from a diphosphate- to a triphosphate-specific RNR caused a change in preference from ribonucleoside triphosphate to diphosphate substrates in a class II model enzyme, confirming them as the structural determinants of phosphate specificity. The investigation of the phylogenetic distribution of this motif in class II RNRs yielded a likely monophyletic clade with the diphosphate-defining motif. This indicates a single evolutionary-split event early in NrdJ evolution in which diphosphate specificity developed from the earlier triphosphate specificity. For those interesting cases where organisms contain more than one nrdJ gene, we observed a preference for encoding enzymes with diverse phosphate specificities, suggesting that this varying phosphate specificity confers a selective advantage.  相似文献   

The binding free energies of four inhibitors to bovine beta-trypsin are calculated. The inhibitors use either ornithine, lysine, or arginine to bind to the S1 specificity site. The electrostatic contribution to binding free energy is calculated by solving the finite difference Poisson-Boltzmann equation, the contribution of nonpolar interactions is calculated using a free energy-surface area relationship and the loss of conformational entropy is estimated both for trypsin and ligand side chains. Binding free energy values are of a reasonable magnitude and the relative affinity of the four inhibitors for trypsin is correctly predicted. Electrostatic interactions are found to oppose binding in all cases. However, in the case of ornithine- and lysine-based inhibitors, the salt bridge formed between their charged group and the partially buried carboxylate of Asp189 is found to stabilize the complex. Our analysis reveals how the molecular architecture of the trypsin binding site results in highly specific recognition of substrates and inhibitors. Specifically, partially burying Asp189 in the inhibitor-free enzyme decreases the penalty for desolvation of this group upon complexation. Water molecules trapped in the binding interface further stabilize the buried ion pair, resulting in a favorable electrostatic contribution of the ion pair formed with ornithine and lysine side chains. Moreover, all side chains that form the trypsin specificity site are partially buried, and hence, relatively immobile in the inhibitor-free state, thus reducing the entropic cost of complexation. The implications of the results for the general problem of recognition and binding are considered. A novel finding in this regard is that like charged molecules can have electrostatic contributions to binding that are more favorable than oppositely charged molecules due to enhanced interactions with the solvent in the highly charged complex that is formed.  相似文献   

Krishna SS  Zhou T  Daugherty M  Osterman A  Zhang H 《Biochemistry》2001,40(36):10810-10818
Homoserine kinase (HSK), the fourth enzyme in the aspartate pathway of amino acid biosynthesis, catalyzes the phosphorylation of L-homoserine (Hse) to L-homoserine phosphate, an intermediate in the production of L-threonine, L-isoleucine, and in higher plants, L-methionine. The high-resolution structures of Methanococcus jannaschii HSK ternary complexes with its amino acid substrate and ATP analogues have been determined by X-ray crystallography. These structures reveal the structural determinants of the tight and highly specific binding of Hse, which is coupled with local conformational changes that enforce the sequestration of the substrate. The delta-hydroxyl group of bound Hse is only 3.4 A away from the gamma-phosphate of the bound nucleotide, poised for the in-line attack at the gamma-phosphorus. The bound nucleotides are flexible at the triphosphate tail. Nevertheless, a Mg(2+) was located in one of the complexes that binds between the beta- and gamma-phosphates of the nucleotide with good ligand geometry and is coordinated by the side chain of Glu130. No strong nucleophile (base) can be located near the phosphoryl acceptor hydroxyl group. Therefore, we propose that the catalytic mechanism of HSK does not involve a catalytic base for activating the phosphoryl acceptor hydroxyl but instead is mediated via a transition state stabilization mechanism.  相似文献   

Tryptases betaI and betaII were heterologously expressed and purified in yeast to functionally characterize the substrate specificity of each enzyme. Three positional scanning combinatorial tetrapeptide substrate libraries were used to determine the primary and extended substrate specificity of the proteases. Both enzymes have a strict primary preference for cleavage after the basic amino acids, lysine and arginine, with only a slight preference for lysine over arginine. betaI and betaII tryptase share similar extended substrate specificity, with preference for proline at P4, preference for arginine or lysine at P3, and P2 showing a slight preference for asparagine. Measurement of kinetic constants with multiple substrates designed for beta-tryptases reveal that selectivity is highly dependent on ground state substrate binding. Coupled with the functional determinants, structural determinants of tryptase substrate specificity were identified. Molecular docking of the preferred substrate sequence to the three-dimensional tetrameric tryptase structure reveals a novel extended substrate binding mode that involves interactions from two adjacent protomers, including P4 Thr-96', P3 Asp-60B' and Glu-217, and P1 Asp-189. Based on the determined substrate information, a mechanism-based tetrapeptide-chloromethylketone inhibitor was designed and shown to be a potent tryptase inhibitor. Finally, the cleavage sites of several physiologically relevant substrates of beta-tryptases show consistency with the specificity data presented here.  相似文献   

The reaction mechanism for the phosphotriesterase from Pseudomonas diminuta has been examined. When paraoxon (diethyl 4-nitrophenyl phosphate) is hydrolyzed by this enzyme in oxygen-18-labeled water, the oxygen-18 label is found exclusively in the diethyl phosphate product. The absolute configurations for the (+) and (-) enantiomers of O-ethyl phenylphosphonothioic acid have been determined by X-ray diffraction structural determination of the individual crystalline 1-phenylethylamine salts. The (+) enantiomer of the free acid corresponds to the RP configuration. The RP enantiomer of O-ethyl phenylphosphonothioic acid has been converted to the SP enantiomer of EPN [O-ethyl O-(4-nitrophenyl) phenylphosphonothioate]. (SP)-EPN is hydrolyzed by the phosphotriesterase to the SP enantiomer of O-ethyl phenylphosphonothioic acid. The enzymatic reaction therefore proceeds with inversion of configuration. These results have been interpreted as an indication of a single in-line displacement by an activated water molecule directly at the phosphorus center of the phosphotriester substrate. (RP)-EPN is not hydrolyzed by the enzyme at an appreciable rate.  相似文献   

Arylamine N-acetyltransferases (NATs) catalyze the acetylation of arylamines, a key step in the detoxification of many carcinogens. The determinants of NAT substrate specificity are not known, yet this knowledge is required to understand why NAT enzymes acetylate some arylamines, but not others. Here, we use NMR spectroscopy and homology modeling to reveal the structural determinants of arylamine acetylation by NATs. In particular, by using chemical shift perturbation analysis, we have identified residues that play a critical role in substrate binding and catalysis. This study reveals why human NAT1 acetylates the sunscreen additive p-aminobenzoic acid and tobacco smoke carcinogen 4-aminobiphenyl, but not o-toluidine and other arylamines linked to bladder cancer. Our results represent an important step toward predicting whether arylamines present in new products can be detoxified by mammalian NATs.  相似文献   

Structural basis of substrate specificity in the serine proteases.   总被引:21,自引:12,他引:21       下载免费PDF全文
Structure-based mutational analysis of serine protease specificity has produced a large database of information useful in addressing biological function and in establishing a basis for targeted design efforts. Critical issues examined include the function of water molecules in providing strength and specificity of binding, the extent to which binding subsites are interdependent, and the roles of polypeptide chain flexibility and distal structural elements in contributing to specificity profiles. The studies also provide a foundation for exploring why specificity modification can be either straightforward or complex, depending on the particular system.  相似文献   

The human mitochondrial deoxyribonucleotidase catalyzes the dephosphorylation of thymidine and deoxyuridine monophosphates and participates in the regulation of the dTTP pool in mitochondria. We present seven structures of the inactive D41N variant of this enzyme in complex with thymidine 3'-monophosphate, thymidine 5'-monophosphate, deoxyuridine 5'-monophosphate, uridine 5'-monophosphate, deoxyguanosine 5'-monophosphate, uridine 2'-monophosphate, and the 5'-monophosphate of the nucleoside analog 3'-deoxy 2'3'-didehydrothymidine, and we draw conclusions about the substrate specificity based on comparisons with enzyme activities. We show that the enzyme's specificity for the deoxyribo form of nucleoside 5'-monophosphates is due to Ile-133, Phe-49, and Phe-102, which surround the 2' position of the sugar and cause an energetically unfavorable environment for the 2'-hydroxyl group of ribonucleoside 5'-monophosphates. The close binding of the 3'-hydroxyl group of nucleoside 5'-monophosphates to the enzyme indicates that nucleoside analog drugs that are substituted with a bulky group at this position will not be good substrates for this enzyme.  相似文献   

Ang EL  Obbard JP  Zhao H 《The FEBS journal》2007,274(4):928-939
Aniline dioxygenase is a multicomponent Rieske nonheme-iron dioxygenase enzyme isolated from Acinetobacter sp. strain YAA. Saturation mutagenesis of the substrate-binding pocket residues, which were identified using a homology model of the alpha subunit of the terminal dioxygenase (AtdA3), was used to probe the molecular determinants of AtdA substrate specificity. The V205A mutation widened the substrate specificity of aniline dioxygenase to include 2-isopropylaniline, for which the wild-type enzyme has no activity. The V205A mutation also made 2-isopropylaniline a better substrate for the enzyme than 2,4-dimethylaniline, a native substrate of the wild-type enzyme. The I248L mutation improved the activity of aniline dioxygenase against aniline and 2,4-dimethylaniline approximately 1.7-fold and 2.1-fold, respectively. Thus, it is shown that the alpha subunit of the terminal dioxygenase indeed plays a part in the substrate specificity as well as the activity of aniline dioxygenase. Interestingly, the equivalent residues of V205 and I248 have not been previously reported to influence the substrate specificity of other Rieske dioxygenases. These results should facilitate future engineering of the enzyme for bioremediation and industrial applications.  相似文献   

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