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Seasonal variation in population density, birth rate, mortality and production of a daphnid was studied in a high, altitude sub-tropical lake. A bimodal growth curve with maxima during summer and autumn was observed. A positive correlation was reported between fecundity and death rate, probably due to a difference in age specific death rate combined with a high relative frequency of juveniles in a growing population. The production of Daphnia longispina correlates better with temperature than with food. The P/B ratio was higher during summer and autumn months.  相似文献   

Temporal changes in the population size of a phytophagous lady-beetle were analyzed to identify mechanisms affecting lady-beetle population dynamics at different spatial scales. The study area (15 ha) included 18 habitat patches. The major host plants were potato for first generation larvae and eggplant for second generation larvae. The habitat patches were classified into three groups according to the major host plants in each patch: P-E patches (both host plants available), P patches (potato only), and E patches (eggplant only). The winter disappearance of adults in the whole study area, and larval mortality in E patches were apparently the most important factors disturbing the overall population density. Density-dependent movement of females appeared to have the greatest stabilizing effect on the yearly fluctuation of population density. Rate of increase of female adults from the first to the second generation,R, was generally higher on eggplants in E patches than in P-E patches because the adult density of the first generation was much higher in P-E patches. The yearly fluctuation of adult density in each generation tended to be less in patches with all habitat components necessary for the full life cycle (P-E patches). However, such patches were not favorable for first generation females, as indicated by the lower rate of increase from the first to the second generation. The density and stability of lady-beetle populations is discussed in relation to habitat structure.  相似文献   

1. In 2002 Microdon myrmicae, a social parasite of Myrmica ants, was taxonomically separated from Microdon mutabilis. The original study in the U.K. found Microdon myrmicae to be specific to one ant species, Myrmica scabrinodis, yet it became apparent that the range of Microdon myrmicae includes at least the western Palaearctic. 2. Current knowledge of the European distributions of both Microdon myrmicae and Microdon mutabilis in Europe is reviewed. Also, in detailed studies of two Polish populations, Microdon myrmicae was found to survive equally well with two Myrmica ant species. We examine, however, the possibility that this reflects the presence of two separate Microdon species, each connected to one species of Myrmica. 3. Forty populations of Microdon myrmicae and 37 populations of Microdon mutabilis are currently known in Europe. All the populations in central and southern Europe that were visited after the separation of the two species were identified as Microdon myrmicae, while Microdon mutabilis’ recognised range is now restricted to the British Isles and Scandinavia. Myrmica scabrinodis was found to host Microdon myrmicae in 26 out of 31 populations investigated. Four other Myrmica species were identified to the host Microdon myrmicae: Myrmica gallienii (eight populations), Myrmica rubra (four), Myrmica vandeli (one), and Myrmica sabuleti (one). Microdon myrmicae occurs in waterlogged grassland habitats, mainly of the ‘Molinietum’ type, resulting in a patchy distribution relative to its host ants. 4. In two populations Myrmica scabrinodis and Myrmica gallienii are both abundant and rear Microdon myrmicae in equal proportions. Microdon myrmicae pupae from Myrmica gallienii nests were heavier and the anterior respiratory organs were of significantly different shape. In contrast, the comparisons of Microdon myrmicae pupae among all other populations showed no significant differences, suggesting only one species throughout the European range.  相似文献   

Understanding the pattern of abundance of vector populations is important to control the potential of transmission of associated pathogens. The pattern of abundance of Stomoxys Geoffroy, an ubiquitous blood‐sucking fly, is poorly known in tropical Africa. In this study, we investigated the spatio‐temporal pattern of abundance of the Stomoxys genus along a gradient of man‐made disturbance in north‐eastern Gabon. Three sites (one in primary forest, one in secondary forest and one in a man‐made environment) were monitored during 13 months using Vavoua traps. Seven species and subspecies were found to live in sympatry, but with distinct patterns of abundance with respect to space and time. The most abundant species was Stomoxys transvittatus Villeneuve, whereas the rarest species was S. xanthomelas Roubaud. Stomoxys calcitrans Linné was preferentially found in man‐made environments, whereas S. xanthomelas was preferentially found in primary forest. Stomoxys abundance was the greatest in secondary forest, then in man‐made environments and finally in primary forest. A seasonal variation in Stomoxys abundance was also found. In conclusion, forest degradation and deforestation are likely both to favour the concentration of populations of Stomoxys, and to change the specific composition of the Stomoxys community.  相似文献   

Neophylax kolodskii sp. n. from Great Smoky Mountains National Park is described and illustrated from adult specimens.  相似文献   

Mosquito larvae were collected from the subalpine region of the eastern Sierra Nevada Mountains from 2011 to 2014. Two watersheds were sampled and sites selected were mainly vernal snow‐melt pools and wet meadows. Seven Aedes species, Culiseta incidens (Thomson), and Culex tarsalis Coquillett were collected. The most abundant and widely distributed species were Ae. hexodontus Dyar and Ae. tahoensis Dyar. Aedes tahoensis was the predominate species in woodland snow‐melt habitats. Some species were found at most elevations while others were found more often at specific elevations. The most restrictive species was Ae. ventrovittis Dyar which occurred almost exclusively between 3,219 m a.s.l. and 3,390 m a.s.l. Shannon and Simpson species diversity indices demonstrated that species diversity was greater in meadow habitats compared to woodland habitats. Mixed woodland/meadows, rock pools, and shallow grass pools were intermediate in species diversity. Abiotic factors such as snowpack and water temperature impacted species development times and when habitats dried. It was concluded that spatial and temporal patterns of habitats, along with elevation, influenced species presence and larval development. The results of the present study and previous work in the eastern Sierras will help guide future research that focuses on the potential change in the distribution and seasonality of subalpine mosquitoes and disease potential in the eastern Sierras as climatic conditions change.  相似文献   

Karen A. Eaton 《Hydrobiologia》1983,106(3):247-252
A study of the life history and production of Chaoborus punctipennis (Say) in Lake Norman, North Carolina, U.S.A. was conducted from February 1978 through January 1979. Four sublittoral (~8 m) and two profundal (~30 m) locations were sampled. Larvae and pupae were collected with a modified Petersen grab and a plankton net, and adults were collected with emergence and light traps. Based on larval, pupal, and adult collections, there appear to be two generations per year — an overwintering spring generation and a summer generation. Annual dry weight standing stock biomass, dry weight production, and P/ B ratio were estimated from each sampling location and depth zone. Production was estimated by the size-frequency method. Standing stock biomass (30.9 mg · m-2) and production (170.8 mg · m-2) were highest in the profundal zone. In the sublittoral zone, standing stock biomass and production were 4.7 mg · m-2, and 29.6 mg · m-2, respectively. Annual P/ B ratios in the profundal and sublittoral zones were 5.5 and 6.3, respectively.  相似文献   

Equine piroplasmosis (EP), caused by two parasitic organisms, Theileria equi and Babesia caballi, is a tick‐borne disease of recent concern in horses in the U.S.A. Outbreaks of EP have been detected in Florida, Missouri, Kansas and Texas. In 2009, EP transmission in Texas occurred through the adults of two tick species, Amblyomma mixtum [formerly known as Amblyomma cajennense (Fabricius, 1787)] Koch (Ixodida: Ixodidae) and Dermacentor variabilis (Say) (Ixodida: Ixodidae), the American dog tick (ADT). In this study, we developed a continent‐scale map for the distribution of the EP vector species D. variabilis, using a presence‐only modelling approach to assess the habitat preferences of this tick. We used identification records from our tick geodatabase of locations in which the presence of the ADT had been noted. The potential distribution of the ADT in the U.S.A. was estimated from environmental factors using the maximum entropy approach based on localities in which there is a high probability of occurrence according to habitat suitability. Elevation and temperature were found to be biologically significant environmental variables influencing the presence of this tick species. Properly designed and constructed probability surfaces using maximum entropy offer one useful approach to the mapping of distribution ranges of tick species based on suitable habitat in the U.S.A.  相似文献   

The leaf-mining fly Hydrellia egeriae Rodrigues-Junior (Diptera: Ephydridae) was evaluated under quarantine conditions as a candidate biological control agent of the invasive aquatic weed Egeria densa Planchon (Hydrocharitaceae) in California, U.S.A. The objective of this study was to test the fly’s feeding preference for E. densa as compared to the North American native Elodea canadensis Michaux (Hydrocharitaceae), an important benchmark species. No choice testing revealed that H. egeriae can complete development on E. canadensis and choice testing indicated the fly presents little oviposition discrimination between E. densa and E. canadensis. It is concluded that the host range of H. egeriae is too broad for use as a biological control agent of E. densa in the U.S.A.  相似文献   

Harbor porpoises (Phocoena phocoena) are commonly observed in Oregon's nearshore marine environment yet knowledge of their ecosystem use and behavior remains limited, generating concerns for potential impacts on this species from future coastal development. Passive acoustic monitoring was used to investigate spatial and temporal variations in the presence and foraging activity of harbor porpoises off the Oregon coast from May through October 2014. Digital monitoring devices (DMONs) were deployed to record acoustic data (320 kHz sample rate) in two neighboring but bathymetrically different locations off the Oregon coast: (1) a site on the 30 m isobath in close proximity (<50 m) to a rocky reef, and (2) a site on the 60 m isobath in an open sandy environment. Data were analyzed with respect to two dynamic cyclic variables: diel and tidal phase. Porpoise presence at the rocky reef site was aligned with the ebb phase of the tidal forcing, while, harbor porpoise presence and foraging at the offshore, sandy bottom site was associated with night‐time foraging. The spatial and temporal patterns identified in this study suggest harbor porpoise habitat use is modulated by specific environmental conditions particular to each site that maximize foraging efficiency.  相似文献   

1. We investigated the diversity and distribution of freshwater mussels at 40 sites in an agricultural catchment, the River Raisin in south‐eastern Michigan, to relate mussel assemblages and individual taxa to reach and catchment‐scale variables. Unionids were surveyed by timed searches in 100‐m reaches, and in‐stream and riparian habitat were quantified as well as flow, water chemistry and channel morphology. Land use/cover and surficial geology were determined for site subcatchments and riparian buffers. 2. Some 21 mussel species were found overall; richness ranged from 0 to 12 living species per site. From the upper to middle to lower catchment, the number of individuals, number of species, Shannon–Weaver diversity and relative abundance of intolerant unionids all declined significantly. 3. Four groupings based on overall mussel diversity and abundance were significantly related to reach‐scale habitat variables. The richest mussel assemblages were associated with sites with higher overall habitat quality, greater flow stability, less fine substratum, and lower specific conductance. 4. Stepwise multiple regressions revealed that the distribution and abundance of the total mussel assemblage, as well as the most common species, could be predicted from a combination of reach‐ and catchment‐scale variables (R2 = 0.63 for total mussels, R2 = 0.51–0.86 for individual species). 5. Flow stability, substratum composition and overall reach habitat quality were the most commonly identified reach‐scale variables, and measures of surficial geology were the most effective catchment‐scale variables. The spatial pattern of geology is likely to be responsible for the diversity gradient from the upper to the lower catchment. 6. Prior studies, attempting to explain mussel distributions from local habitat features alone, have found relatively weak relationships. By employing a combination of reach‐ and catchment‐scale habitat variables, this study was able to account for a substantial amount of the spatial variability in mussel distributions.  相似文献   

The propagation of an immigrant from North America, viz. the spionid Marenzelleria cf. viridis in the Darss-Zingst Bodden (DZB) (southern Baltic Sea), was studied at three stations from March 1992 to December 1995. Highest mean abundances (over 28 000 ind. m-2) and wet weights (400 g m-2) were recorded at station 2 in 1994. The spionid also reached its highest dominances in terms of biomass (40 to 90%) at this station, which was selected for the population dynamics, growth and secondary production studies. The spionid has a life span of about 3 years, and many individuals achieved sexual maturity after one year. Their growth curve is steepest during the first year of life, during which the animals grow to a length of about 180 segments. However, growth depression was observed during the ripening of the gametes in April, May and June. Secondary production was in the region of 55 to 85 g AFDW m-2 y-1. Productivity (P/B) varied considerably from generation to generation, ranging between 0 and 4.8 with an average between 1.2 and 1.6.  相似文献   

We examined genetic variation in the Oriental fruit fly, Bactrocera dorsalis (Hendel), using six populations in two regions of Yunnan Province, China, to determine the distribution and likely mechanism for the dispersal of this fly. A 501‐bp portion of the mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase gene was sequenced from a minimum of eight individuals from each population, and 43 haplotypes were observed in the six Bactrocera dorsalis populations. When comparing the genetic diversity of populations in the northern and southern regions, which differ with respect to elevation, climate and plant phenology, we found a significantly greater haplotype diversity in the southern region (permutation test; P < 0.05), suggesting that the northern populations, those at Kunming and Qujing, probably originated from somewhere in the southern region. FST and number of pairwise differences revealed a high level of differentiation between the Panxi population and the other populations (permutation test; P < 0.05). Although the difference was marginally insignificant, the Shuitang population seemed to have differentiated from both northern populations. The Mantel test did not detect any isolation due to geographic distance. An amova analysis found that 2.56% of the variance was caused by the Panxi population. Haplotype network analysis showed that none of the six populations had a specific genetic lineage. Together, these analyses suggest that long‐distance dispersal has occurred for this species, and the species most probably took advantage of both a mountain pass and prevailing air currents. The Panxi population was significantly isolated from the others, probably because of its distinguishing habitat features, host plants or the recent reduction of the population size.  相似文献   

Optimal foraging theory has entered a new phase. It is not so much tested as used. It helps behavioural ecologists discover the nature of the information in an animals brain. It helps population ecologists reveal coefficients of interaction and their patterns of density-dependent variation. And it helps community ecologists examine niche relationships. In our studies on two species of Negev desert gerbil, we have taken advantage of the second and third of these functions. Both these gerbils prefer semi-stabilized dune habitat, and both altered their selective use of this habitat and stabilized sand according to experimental changes we made in their populations. Their changes in selectivity agree with a type of optimal foraging theory called isoleg theory. Isoleg theories provide examples of dipswitch theories – bundles of articulated qualitative predictions – that are easier to falsify than single qualitative predictions. By linking behaviour to population dynamics through isoleg theory, we were able to use the behaviour of the gerbils to reveal the shapes of their competitive isoclines. These have the peculiar non-linear shapes predicted by optimal foraging theory. Finally, when owl predation threatens, the behaviour of Gerbillus allenbyi reveals the shape of their victim isocline. As has long been predicted by predation theory and laboratory experiments, it is unimodal.  相似文献   

We examined the relationship of breeding birds to elevation across and within four adjacent mountain ranges in the central Great Basin, a cold desert in western North America. Data came from 7 years of point counts at elevations from 1,915 to 3,145 m. We focused on eight passerine species that in this region are associated frequently with Pinus monophylla–Juniperus spp. (pinyon–juniper) woodland. Mean elevation of species' presence differed significantly among mountain ranges for all species except Spizella passerina (Chipping Sparrow); all species except Spizella breweri (Brewer's Sparrow) occurred at the highest mean elevation in the Toquima Range. Observed patterns were consistent with the elevational distribution of pinyon–juniper woodlands that provide nesting and foraging habitat for these species. Across the Great Basin, driven in part by climate change, pinyon–juniper woodland is increasing in density and expanding its distribution at lower elevations. However, breeding habitat for species dependent on mature trees may not be available in expansion woodlands for several decades, and increased tree densities may have negative effects on bird species that are dependent on shrubs within open pinyon–juniper woodlands. Responses of individual species to elevation differed from the response of assemblage-level patterns. Responses to biotic and abiotic variables within guilds of birds are sufficiently diverse, and responses of individual species sufficiently heterogeneous, that one management strategy is unlikely to meet the needs of all species in the group.  相似文献   

This report summarises efforts to establish Diorhabda carinulata (Desbrochers) and D. elongata (Brullé) in California for the control of invasive saltcedars (Tamarix spp.), which degrade riparian ecosystems in the western United States. Over 14,000 D. carinulata individuals were released in California among four locations between 1999 and 2002 but beetles only established at the Tinemaha Reservoir site, the most eastern release location. More than 236,000 D. elongata individuals were released between 13 sites from 2003–2009 and establishment was limited to two sites, along the Cache and Pope creeks in northwestern California. The D. carinulata population did not disperse beyond the release area despite the presence of nearby (ca. 20?km) patches of the host plant. In contrast, D. elongata spread along Cache Creek and branches of related tributaries within the same watershed at ca. 14?km per year. A survey of 122 Tamarix stands across 15 California counties revealed that neither introduced beetle colonised other host patches, including those in neighbouring watersheds. Despite exclusive use of T. parviflora for ca. 36 generations, field collected D. elongata adults demonstrated strong preferences for T. ramosissima over T. parviflora when selecting both resting and ovipositional sites in caged choice tests. The proportion of D. elongata ovipositing on T. parviflora varied over time but with no clear trend of shifting host preference despite strong selection pressure. Explanations for the limited establishment and spread of Diorhabda spp. as well as impact to the target weeds are discussed.  相似文献   

The health of common bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) within southern Georgia estuaries is of particular concern due to high levels of anthropogenic contaminants in their tissues. Dolphins in this region have the highest polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB) concentrations recorded for any marine mammal and these concentrations correlate to distance from a Superfund point‐source in the Turtle/Brunswick River Estuary (TBRE). Currently, little is known about the population structure of dolphins in this region. This study identifies and compares baseline data on abundance, habitat use, site‐fidelity, and ranging patterns of dolphins across two adjacent field sites; Brunswick, including the TBRE, and Sapelo, including the Sapelo Island National Estuarine Research Reserve. Sapelo is relatively undeveloped and was selected for comparison to the more contaminated TBRE. Dolphin densities increased with tributary size in both sites but dolphin density and total abundance were significantly higher in Sapelo than in Brunswick. Anthropogenic stressors within the TBRE may be an important factor contributing to the differences in abundance, density, and habitat use observed in this study.  相似文献   

The native rock pool mosquito, Aedes atropalpus (Coquillett), and the invasive Aedes japonicus (Theobald) have been found in many types of artificial and natural containers throughout North America. Little is known about the ecology of these two species in habitats where they co‐occur, although multiple investigators have reported the decline of the native species concurrent with the introduction and spread of the invasive species. Here we report the results of riverine rock pool collections (n=503) in the southern Appalachian Mountains between 2009‐2015. Surface water temperatures strongly predicted the presence of each species across a broad range of observed temperatures (11‐39.8° C). For every unit of increase in temperature (°C) the odds of collecting Ae. atropalpus larvae increased by 0.34 while the odds of collecting Ae. japonicus larvae decreased by 0.28. No Ae. japonicus larvae or pupae were collected at temperatures greater than 36° C; however, immature Ae. atropalpus were found in rock pools with temperatures up to 39.8° C. In contrast, Ae. japonicus were highly abundant in cooler rock pools (<17° C) where Ae. atropalpus were infrequent or absent. Our findings suggest that in spite of the successful invasion by Ae. japonicus, Ae. atropalpus remains well established in the southern Appalachian Mountains. Given the strong correlation of temperature with the presence of the two species and the contrasting absence of each species at observed temperature extremes, the role of thermal conditions should be carefully explored in the context of other ecological factors likely influencing the range and abundance of these mosquitoes.  相似文献   

Greater sage‐grouse Centrocercus urophasianus (Bonaparte) currently occupy approximately half of their historical distribution across western North America. Sage‐grouse are a candidate for endangered species listing due to habitat and population fragmentation coupled with inadequate regulation to control development in critical areas. Conservation planning would benefit from accurate maps delineating required habitats and movement corridors. However, developing a species distribution model that incorporates the diversity of habitats used by sage‐grouse across their widespread distribution has statistical and logistical challenges. We first identified the ecological minimums limiting sage‐grouse, mapped similarity to the multivariate set of minimums, and delineated connectivity across a 920,000 km2 region. We partitioned a Mahalanobis D2 model of habitat use into k separate additive components each representing independent combinations of species–habitat relationships to identify the ecological minimums required by sage‐grouse. We constructed the model from abiotic, land cover, and anthropogenic variables measured at leks (breeding) and surrounding areas within 5 km. We evaluated model partitions using a random subset of leks and historic locations and selected D2 (k = 10) for mapping a habitat similarity index (HSI). Finally, we delineated connectivity by converting the mapped HSI to a resistance surface. Sage‐grouse required sagebrush‐dominated landscapes containing minimal levels of human land use. Sage‐grouse used relatively arid regions characterized by shallow slopes, even terrain, and low amounts of forest, grassland, and agriculture in the surrounding landscape. Most populations were interconnected although several outlying populations were isolated because of distance or lack of habitat corridors for exchange. Land management agencies currently are revising land‐use plans and designating critical habitat to conserve sage‐grouse and avoid endangered species listing. Our results identifying attributes important for delineating habitats or modeling connectivity will facilitate conservation and management of landscapes important for supporting current and future sage‐grouse populations.  相似文献   

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