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CHAFFEY  N. J. 《Annals of botany》1985,55(1):65-75
Aspects of the structure and ultrastructure of the membranousligule of mature leaves of Lolium temulentum L. are described.In transverse section the ligule was lens-shaped and wedge-shapedin longitudinal section, 6 or 7 cells wide near the base and1 or 2 cells wide at the edges. Two uniseriate epidermes encloseda chlorenchymatous mesophyll tissue of varying thicknesses;both epidermes were continuous with the leaf adaxial epidermis.The cells comprising these three issues all appeared like typicalgrass epidermal long cells; elongate papillate cells were presentat the edges. No stomata, trichomes, intercellular spaces orvascular tissue were found in the ligule. A marked polarizationof ultrastructural complexity existed from the large-vacuolateabaxial epidermis to the ‘densely cytoplasmic’ small-vacuolateadaxial epidermis. Cells of the latter tissue contained numerousmitochondria, hypersecretory dictyosomes and abundant strandsof rough endoplasmic reticulum. Fluorescence microscopy providedevidence for the accumulation of a polysaccharide-containingmaterial within the periplasmic space next to the outer tangentialwall of adaxial epidermal cells. The ligule is considered tobe a highly organized and differentiated leaf organ with a pholosyntheticmesophyll and an adaxial epidermis active in the synthesis ofprotein and polysaccharide. Darnel, fluorescence microscopy, ligule, Lolium temulentum L., Poaceae, ultrastructure  相似文献   

CHAFFEY  N. J. 《Annals of botany》1985,55(4):525-534
Initiation and early development of the membranous ligule ofLolium temulentum L. was studied by light and transmission electronmicroscopy. The ligule appeared to be derived solely from theleaf adaxial epidermis and at this stage had a structure andultrastructure typical of a meristematic tissue. Cells of thefuture collar region of the leaf appear to be initiated at thesame time as the ligule. The siting of the ligule upon the leafis briefly discussed. Darnel, ligule (initiation), Lolium temulentum L., Poaceae, ultrastructure  相似文献   

The ultrastructure and distribution of the mitochondria andmicrobodies within the tissues of the ligule of mature leavesof Lolium temulentum L. are described. Staining of the mitochondriaand microbodies with diaminobenzidine (DAB) was observed. Mitochondrialstaining was totally inhibited by potassium cyanide and sodiumazide but not by aminotriazole, and did not occur in the presenceof added hydrogen peroxide; it was concluded that cytochromec oxidase (EC [EC] ) was responsible. In the microbodies stainingwas reduced in the absence of added hydrogen peroxide and eliminatedin the presence of aminotriazole; it was concluded that catalase(EC [EC] ) was responsible. Presence of succinic dehydrogenase(EC [EC] ) activity was demonstrated in the mitochondriausing the copper-ferricyanide reaction; presence of sodium malonateand absence of sodium succinate greatly reduced mitochondrialdeposition of reaction product. The results are discussed inrelation to possible functions of these organelles in the ligule. Key words: Ligule, Lolium temulentum L., Enzyme ultracytochemistry  相似文献   

Adolescence is a developmental period characterized by heightened vulnerability to illicit drug use and the onset of neuropsychiatric disorders. These clinical phenomena likely share common neurobiological substrates, as mesocorticolimbic dopamine systems actively mature during this period. Whereas prior studies have examined age-dependent changes in dopamine receptor binding, there have been fewer functional analyses. The aim of the present study was therefore to determine whether the functional consequences of D1 and D2-like activation are age-dependent. Adolescent and adult rats were given direct D1 and D2 agonists, alone and in combination. Locomotor and stereotypic behaviors were measured, and brains were collected for analysis of mRNA expression for the immediate early genes (IEGs), cfos and arc. Adolescents showed enhanced D2-like receptor control of locomotor and repetitive behaviors, which transitioned to dominant D1-like mechanisms in adulthood. When low doses of agonists were co-administered, adults showed supra-additive behavioral responses to D1/D2 combinations, whereas adolescents did not, which may suggest age differences in D1/D2 synergy. D1/D2-stimulated IEG expression was particularly prominent in the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis (BNST). Given the BNST’s function as an integrator of corticostriatal, hippocampal, and stress-related circuitry, and the importance of neural network dynamics in producing behavior, an exploratory functional network analysis of regional IEG expression was performed. This data-driven analysis demonstrated similar developmental trajectories as those described in humans and suggested that dopaminergic drugs alter forebrain coordinated gene expression age dependently. D1/D2 recruitment of stress nuclei into functional networks was associated with low behavioral output in adolescents. Network analysis presents a novel tool to assess pharmacological action, and highlights critical developmental changes in functional neural circuitry. Immature D1/D2 interactions in adolescents may underlie their unique responses to drugs of abuse and vulnerability to psychopathology. These data highlight the need for age-specific pharmacotherapy design and clinical application in adolescence.  相似文献   

Chaffey  N. J. 《Annals of botany》1995,76(1):103-112
The endomembrane system of the adaxial epidermal cells of themembranous ligule of the grass Lolium temulentum L. has beenstudied by conventional transmission electron microscopy, andby using zinc iodide-osmium tetroxide impregnation with examinationof thick sections at 100 kV. The components of the endomembranesystem are the nuclear membranes, rough endoplasmic reticulum(present in both cisternal and tubular forms), dictyosomes,dictyosome-derived vesicles, coated vesicles, plasma membraneand tonoplast. Direct continuity between tubular endoplasmicreticulum and the cis face of dictyosomes is demonstrated andthe applicability of the endomembrane concept to this putativesecretory tissue is discussed. The presence of vesicle-likeprofiles apparently within the outer tangential walls is reported.Copyright1995, 1999 Academic Press Ligule, Lolium temulentum L., darnel, grasses, Poaceae, Gramineae, endomembrane concept, ultrastructure, zinc-iodide-osmium tetroxide impregnation  相似文献   

Mesodermal differentiation of dorsal marginal zone (DMZ) before and after invagination was analyzed by a series of combination experiments with different kinds of ectoderm.
Lower DMZ of early gastrula didn't show any axial-mesoderm (notochord and somitic mesoderm) but lateral mesoderm (mesenchyme, mesothelium, or blood cells) in combinant with non-competent ventral ectoderm, while combinant with competent ectoderm was found to have well-differentiated axial-mesoderm with deutero-spinocaudal neurals. The axial-mesoderms have origin in the ectoderm. Uninvaginated DMZ of middle gastrula also showed difference in mesodermal differentiation between competent and non-competent ectoderms; axial-mesoderm differentiation was much better in competent than in non-competent. The axial-mesoderm originated from the uninvaginated DMZ. Archenteron roof of late gastrula showed regional difference in mesodermal differentiation in both combinants with competent and non-competent. The present study further demonstrated that there was regionality in promoting effect of induced neurectoderm on axial-mesoderm differentiation of invaginated archenteron roof.
The present experiments suggest that the cranio-caudal and dorso-ventral axis formations of amphibian mesoderm are finally determined by sequential and reciprocal interactions between the mesodermal anlage and the overlying ectoderm. It should be also shown that lower DMZ acts to trigger a series of the sequential interactions during primary embryonic induction.  相似文献   

SHP-2 is a positive component of many receptor tyrosine kinase signaling pathways. The related protein-tyrosine phosphatase (PTP) SHP-1 usually acts as a negative regulator. The precise domains utilized by SHP-2 to transmit positive signals in vivo and the basis for specificity between SHP-1 and SHP-2 are not clear. In Xenopus, SHP-2 is required for mesoderm induction and completion of gastrulation. We investigated the effects of SHP-2 mutants and SHP-2/SHP-1 chimeras on basic fibroblast growth factor-induced mesoderm induction. Both SH2 domains and the PTP domain are required for normal SHP-2 function in this pathway. The N-terminal SH2 domain is absolutely required, whereas the C-terminal SH2 contributes to wild-type function. The C-terminal tyrosyl phosphorylation sites and proline-rich region are dispensable, arguing against adapter models of SHP-2 function. Although the SH2 domains contribute to SHP-2 specificity, studies of SHP chimeras reveal that substantial specificity resides in the PTP domain. Thus, PTP domains exhibit biologically relevant specificity in vivo, and noncatalytic and catalytic domains of PTPs contribute to specificity in a combinatorial fashion.  相似文献   

SYNOPSIS. There is mounting evidence that prolactin influencesreproductive function in several vertebrate species via directaction on the central nervous system. In most instances, however,the basic properties of these prolactin-induced alterationsin brain function, the neurochemical mechanisms underlying theseeffects, and the identity of the prolactinlike molecules thatmight normally promote these changes have yet to be adequatelycharacterized. Several properties of the prolactin-brain relationshipthat have emerged from our work in the ring dove (Streptopeliarisoria) are described in this paper and discussed in relationto similar work in other species. Receptor binding studies usingradiolabelled mammalian prolactin preparations consistentlyindicate the existence of saturable, high affinity binding sitesfor prolactin in the brains of several vertebrate species. Theapparent concentration of these sites in the diencephalon iscorroborated by recent mapping studies in rabbits, ring doves,and three song birds in which in vitro autoradiography and densitometrywas employed. Nevertheless, direct comparisons among the threesongbird species suggest some differences in the precise distributionand/or concentration of prolactin binding sites within the preoptic-hypothalamiccontinuumthat may relate to species differences in the display of prolactin-related incubation behavior and parental activities. Althoughdefinitive evidence is currently lacking, it would appear thatblood-borne prolactin gains access to binding sites in the centralnervous system and that a receptor-mediated, blood-to-cerebrospinalfluid transport process in the choroid plexus may be a majorconduit for such uptake. Recent findings from several vertebratespecies also suggest that the brain may synthesize one or moreprolactin-like molecules that could conceivably interact withthese binding sites. Direct actions of prolactin and relatedhormones on brain mechanisms underlying reproductive processesare suggested by the profound dose-dependent suppression ofgonadotropin secretion and gonadal activity in ring doves byintracerebroventricular administration of prolactin or growthhormone at doses that are below those required for significantperipheral actions. A major challenge for future investigationwill be to identify the brain site(s) at which these and othereffects of prolactin are exerted and to determine how blood-borneprolactin of pituitary origin, prolactin-like molecules of brainorigin, and growth hormone-like molecules interact with eachother and with other neurochemical systems to promote thesetypes of changes under normal physiological conditions.  相似文献   

A doubled haploid (DH) population, which consists of 120 lines derived from anther culture of a typical indica and japonica hybrid‘CJ06'/‘TNI', was used in this study. Ligule lengths of flag leaf were investigated for quantitative trait loci (QTL) mapping using the DH population. Five QTLs (qLL-2, qLL.4, qLL-6, qLL-IO and qLL-12) controlling the ligule length (LL) were detected on chromosomes 2, 4, 6, 10 and 12, with the variances explained 11.4%, 13.6%, 27.8%, 22.1% and 11.0%, respectively. Using four known genes of ZmGL1, ZmGL2, ZmGL3 and ZmGL4 in maize from the MaizeGDB, their homologs in rice were aligned and integrated into the existing simple sequence repeats linkage map by in silico mapping. A ZmLG1 homolog gene, OsLG1 encoding a squamosa promoter binding protein, was located between the markers RM255 and RM280, which is just identical to the interval of qLL.4 on the long arm of chromosome 4. The results are beneficial to dissection of the ligule molecular mechanism and the study of cereal evolution.  相似文献   

The nonchromosomal stripe 2 (NCS2) mutant of maize (Zea mays L.) has a DNA rearrangement in the mitochondrial genome that segregates with the abnormal growth phenotype. Yet, the NCS2 characteristic phenotype includes striped sectors of pale-green tissue on the leaves. This suggests a chloroplast abnormality. To characterize the chloroplasts present in the mutant sectors, we examined the chloroplast structure by electron microscopy, chloroplast function by radiolabeled carbon dioxide fixation and fluorescence induction kinetics, and thylakoid protein composition by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. The data from these analyses suggest abnormal or prematurely arrested chloroplast development. Deleterious effects of the NCS2 mutant mitochondria upon the cells of the leaf include structural and functional alterations in the both the bundle sheath and mesophyll chloroplasts.  相似文献   

玉米Rab1B基因功能的初步研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
在酿酒酵母中,GTP结合蛋白YPTl调节蛋白质从内质网到高尔基体的运输.YPT1温敏突变株ASY01等在26℃能正常生长,但在高温(37℃)条件下,细胞死亡.经鉴定,YPT1温敏突变是由于第136位的丙氨酸突变为天冬氨酸.克隆一个玉米Rab基因,分子进化研究表明它是一个Rab1基因,命名为ZmRab1B.与酵母YPT1温敏突变体的功能互补实验结果表明,ZmRab1B基因能恢复酵母YPT1温敏突变株的正常生长,说明ZmRab1B基因的功能是调节蛋白质从内质网到高尔基体的运输.  相似文献   

A possible mechanism for the previous finding of a transientpeak of ribulose 1,5-bisphosphate (RuBP) in maize leaves duringinduction of photosynthesis [Usuda (1985) Plant Physiol. 78:859] was assessed. The transient peak in RuBP level during photosyntheticinduction was eliminated when a solution of NaHCO3 was vacuum-infiltratedthrough vascular tissues. These results indicate that a limitedsupply of CO2 to RuBP carboxylase is responsible for the transientpeak of RuBP. The possibility of a non-autocatalytic build-upof RuBP during the initial phase of induction is discussed. (Received January 13, 1986; Accepted March 14, 1986)  相似文献   

Vpr (viral protein R) is a vital HIV-1 accessory protein with multiple functions in the viral life cycle, including nuclear import of preintegration complex, induction of apoptosis and G2 cell cycle arrest. The cell cycle perturbation activity of Vpr requires activation of the ATR (Ataxia-Telangiectasia and Rad3-related) pathway and the integrity of Vpr C-terminal motif that is crucial for chromatin binding. Recent studies also demonstrated Vpr as one of the viral factors that influence HIV disease progression, as mutations in Vpr were overrepresented in some cohorts of long-term nonprogressors (LTNP). The LTNP-associated mutations of Vpr are frequently observed in the C-terminal domain. This raises the question whether the LTNP phenotype of Vpr is the result of the loss its ability to induce G2 arrest. Here we report that the LTNP-associated mutants of Vpr function normally in the induction of G2 arrest. No defects in ATR activation and direct binding to chromatin are observed. These mutants also show similar levels of apoptosis induction as wild-type Vpr. These data differentiate the LTNP-associated mutations of Vpr with those defective in inducing G2 arrest. We propose that the G2 arrest function of Vpr is separated from the LTNP phenotype, and the role of Vpr in HIV disease progression may involve other functions of Vpr.  相似文献   

Interactions between absorption of paraquat and the polyamines putrescine, cadaverine, and spermine in roots of intact maize (Zea mays L. cv 3377 Pioneer) seedlings were examined. Concentration-dependent kinetics for paraquat and putrescine influx were similar and both kinetic curves could be resolved into a linear and a saturable component. The linear component was previously shown to represent cell wall/membrane binding. The saturable components for paraquat and putrescine uptake, which represent influx across the plasmalemma, had Km values of 98 and 120 micromolar, respectively, and Vmax values of 445 and 456 nanomoles per gram fresh weight per hour, respectively. Lineweaver-Burk transformation of the saturable component of paraquat influx in the presence of varying concentrations of putrescine indicated that the diamine competitively inhibited the saturable component of paraquat uptake. Reciprocal experiments similarly demonstrated that paraquat competitively inhibited the saturable component of putrescine uptake. Competitive inhibition of both paraquat and putrescine influx could also be demonstrated with the diamine cadaverine, which has a charge distribution similar to that of paraquat and putrescine. In contrast, the larger, tetravalent polyamine spermine appeared to noncompetitively inhibit the influx of paraquat and putrescine. These results strongly suggest that paraquat enters maize root cells via a carrier system that normally functions in the transport of diamines with a charge distribution similar to that of paraquat.  相似文献   

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