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Aims: A triplex real‐time PCR assay to quantify Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae in specimens from live and dead pigs was developed and validated. The minimal dose of Myc. hyopneumoniae required to induce pneumonia in specific pathogen‐free pigs was determined. Methods and Results: This TaqMan test simultaneously detected three genes encoding the proteins P46, P97 and P102. All Myc. hyopneumoniae strains analysed were detected, including strains isolated in three countries (France, England and Switzerland) and from several pig farms (n = 33), and the test was specific. The estimated detection thresholds were 1·3 genome equivalents (μl?1) for the targets defined in p97 and p102 genes and 13 genome equivalents (μl?1) for the segment defined in the p46 gene. This test was used to quantify Myc. hyopneumoniae in specimens sampled from experimentally infected pigs. In live pigs, c. 107, 108 and 1010 genome equivalents (ml?1) of Myc. hyopneumoniae were detected in the nasal cavities, tonsils and trachea samples, respectively. In dead pigs, 108–1010 genome equivalents (ml?1) of Myc. hyopneumoniae were detected in the lung tissue with pneumonia. The estimated minimal dose of Myc. hyopneumoniae required to induce pneumonia was 105 colour‐changing units (CCU) per pig (corresponding to 108 mycoplasmas). Conclusion: The triplex RT‐PCR test was validated and can be used for testing samples taken on the pig farms. Significance and Impact of the Study: This test should be a very useful tool in pig herds to control enzootic pneumonia or healthy carrier pigs and to study the dynamics of Myc. hyopneumoniae infections.  相似文献   

Aims: To develop a real‐time PCR assay to quantify Fusarium graminearum biomass in blighted wheat kernels. Methods and Results: Primers designed to amplify a gene in the trichothecene biosynthetic cluster (TRI6) were evaluated for sensitivity and specificity. Primer pair Tri6_10F/Tri6_4R specifically and consistently amplified a 245‐bp DNA fragment from F. graminearum. A workflow was developed and validated to extract DNA from infested grain. The assay detected as little as 10 μg of F. graminearum mycelia in 1 g of ground wheat grain with a high correlation between fungal biomass and cycle threshold values (R2 = 0·9912; P = 0·004). In field‐inoculated grain, qPCR measurements of biomass correlated closely with deoxynivalenol levels (R = 0·82, P < 0·0001) and two visual techniques to assess grain quality (R = 0·88, P < 0·0001 and R = 0·81, P < 0·0001). Conclusions: The qPCR assay provided accurate and precise assessments of the amount of F. graminearum biomass in blighted wheat kernels. This method represents a technical advance over other approaches to quantify kernel colonization and real‐time PCR detection methodologies for F. graminearum that do not correlate quantification of fungal genomic DNA to biomass. Significance and Impact of the Study: Quantifying F. graminearum biomass, especially low levels of growth associated with kernels that are visually asymptomatic, represents a new approach to screen for resistance to kernel infection, an understudied yet potentially important avenue to reduce the impact of head blight.  相似文献   

Aims: To investigate whether the relative abundance of the Bacteroidetes and Firmicutes divisions in pigs is different between obese and lean animals. Methods and Results: Group‐specific primers were designed to target the 16S rRNA genes of Bacteroidetes and Firmicutes present in the gut. After the validation of their specificity, these primers were used in the real‐time PCR quantification of all Bacteria, Firmicutes division, Bacteroidetes division and Bacteroides spp. in the faecal samples of obese and lean pigs from Banna mini‐pig inbred line. The obese pigs had a ~61% fewer percentage (based on all Bacteria) of Bacteroidetes division (P = 0·033) and a ~56% fewer proportion of Bacteroides spp. (P = 0·047) than the lean pigs. The proportions of both Bacteroidetes and Bacteroides had a negative correlation (P < 0·01) with the body weight. Conclusion: The results suggested that the fat storage might affect the proportion of Bacteroidetes division in the gut. Significance and Impact of the Study: The real‐time PCR assays developed for Firmicutes and Bacteroidetes will be useful for investigating the composition of gut microbiota.  相似文献   

Aims: To assess two real‐time PCR methods (the Riviere and Qvarnstrom assays) for environmental Acanthamoeba. Methods and Results: DNA extracted from Acanthamoeba castellanii taken from water and biofilms of cooling towers was analysed by the Riviere and Qvarnstrom assays. To quantify environmental Acanthamoeba, the calibration curves (DNA quantity vs cell number) were constructed with samples spiked with A. castellanii. The calibration curves for both quantitative PCR assays showed low variation (coefficient of variation of Ct≤ 5·7%) and high linearity (R2 ≥ 0·99) over six orders of magnitudes with detection limit of three cells per water sample. DNA quantity determined by Qvarnstrom assay was equivalent between trophozoites and cysts (P = 0·49), whereas a significant difference was observed with Riviere assay (P < 0·0001). Riviere assay failed to detect Acanthamoeba in 21% (15/71) of the environmental samples which were positively detected by Qvarnstrom assay, while one sample (1·4%) was shown positive by Riviere assay but negative by Qvarnstrom assay. Moreover, Acanthamoeba counts by Qvarnstrom assay were greater than those by Riviere assay (P < 0·0001). Conclusions: Qvarnstrom assay performs better than Riviere assay for detection and quantification of Acanthamoeba in anthropogenic water and biofilms. Significance and Impact of the Study: Qvarnstrom assay may significantly contribute to a better knowledge about the distribution and abundance of Acanthamoeba in environments.  相似文献   

Aim: To develop a rapid real‐time PCR method for the specific detection and quantification of Bacillus thuringiensis var. israelensis (Bti) spores present in the environment. Methods and Results: Seven soil samples as well as one sediment sample obtained from various regions of Switzerland and characterized by different granulometry, pH values, organic matter and carbonate content were artificially inoculated with known amounts of Bti spores. After DNA extraction, DNA templates were amplified using TaqMan real‐time PCR targeting the cry4Aa and cry4Ba plasmid genes encoding two insecticidal toxins (δ‐endotoxins), and quantitative standard curves were created for each sample. Physicochemical characteristics of the samples tested did not influence DNA extraction efficiency. Real‐time PCR inhibition because of the presence of co‐extracted humic substances from the soil was observed only for undiluted DNA extracts from samples with very high organic matter content (68%). The developed real‐time PCR system proved to be sensitive, detecting down to 1 × 103 Bti spores per g soil. One‐way analysis of variance confirmed the accuracy of the method. Conclusions: Direct extraction of DNA from environmental samples without culturing, followed by a specific real‐time PCR allowed for a fast and reliable identification and quantification of Bti spores in soil and sediment. Significance and Impact of the Study: The developed real‐time PCR system can be used as a tool for ecological surveys of areas where treatments with Bti are carried out.  相似文献   



Create a method for highly sensitive, selective, rapid and easy‐to‐use detection and identification of economically significant potato pathogens, including viruses, bacteria and oomycetes, be it single pathogen, or a range of various pathogens occurring simultaneously.

Methods and Results

Test‐systems for real‐time PCR, operating in the unified amplification regime, have been developed for Phytophthora infestans, Pectobacterium atrosepticum, Dickeya dianthicola, Dickeya solani, Ralstonia solanacearum, Pectobacterium carotovorum, Clavibacter michiganensis subsp. sepedonicus, potato viruses Y (ordinary and necrotic forms as well as indiscriminative test system, detecting all forms), A, X, S, M, potato leaf roll virus, potato mop top virus and potato spindle tuber viroid. The test‐systems (including polymerase and revertase) were immobilized and lyophilized in miniature microreactors (1·2 μl) on silicon DNA/RNA microarrays (micromatrices) to be used with a mobile AriaDNA® amplifier.


Preloaded 30‐reaction micromatrices having shelf life of 3 and 6 months (for RNA‐ and DNA‐based pathogens, respectively) at room temperature with no special conditions were successfully tested on both reference and field samples in comparison with traditional ELISA and microbiological methods, showing perfect performance and sensitivity (1 pg).

Significance and Impact of the Study

The accurate, rapid and user‐friendly diagnostic system in a micromatrix format may significantly contribute to pathogen screening and phytopathological studies.  相似文献   

Aims: This study was designed to define the extent of water contamination by Legionella pneumophila of certain Italian hotels and to compare quantitative real‐time PCR with the conventional culture method. Methods and Results: Nineteen Italian hotels of different sizes were investigated. In each hotel three hot water samples (boiler, room showers, recycling) and one cold water sample (inlet) were collected. Physico‐chemical parameters were also analysed. Legionella pneumophila was detected in 42% and 74% of the hotels investigated by the culture method and by real‐time PCR, respectively. In 21% of samples analysed by the culture method, a concentration of >104 CFU l?1 was found, and Leg. pneumophila serogroup 1 was isolated from 10·5% of the hotels. The presence of Leg. pneumophila was significantly influenced by water sample temperature, while no association with water hardness or residual‐free chlorine was found. Conclusions: This study showed a high percentage of buildings colonized by Leg. pneumophila. Moreover, real‐time PCR proved to be sensitive enough to detect lower levels of contamination than the culture method. Significance and Impact of the Study: This study indicates that the Italian hotels represent a possible source of risk for Legionnaires’ disease and confirms the sensitivity of the molecular method. To our knowledge, this is the first report to demonstrate Legionella contamination in Italian hotels using real‐time PCR and culture methods.  相似文献   

Microbial substitution occasionally occurs following the administration of antimicrobials to horses that have pneumonia or pleuropneumonia. Four specific loop‐mediated isothermal amplification (LAMP) assays were developed to detect some equine respiratory pathogens, namely strains of the BacteroidesPrevotella group, Klebsiella pneumoniae, Stenotrophomonas maltophilia, and Staphylococcus aureus. These four LAMP assays and two previously published LAMP assays targeting Escherichia coli or Pseudomonas aeruginosa were used on clinical respiratory specimens and a high accordance found between the results of the LAMP assays and bacterial culture. Use of these LAMP assays could enable rapid detection of pathogenic bacteria and swift administration of the appropriate antimicrobials.  相似文献   

A real-time PCR assay using 136F/211R primers and 161T TaqMan probe for the detection and quantification of Aphanomyces euteiches in soil is presented. The specificity of primers was tested on 105 different A. euteiches isolates, mainly from France. A calibration curve was established with a plasmid pHS1 resulting from the target region cloned into the pCR4 Topo vector (Invitrogen). The target copy number was evaluated and was constant whatever the isolate. A DNA-based method was able to discriminate between different artificial infestation levels in soil with small SDs thus validating the relevance of the extraction and amplification method in soil samples. Furthermore, a good correlation was observed between inoculum quantity in soil estimated by qPCR and root rot severity in plant evaluated by bioassays. These steps are essential when considering the feasibility of using a DNA-based method as a fast and accurate way to evaluate inoculum quantity in soil.  相似文献   

Culicoides (Diptera: Ceratopogonidae) midges are the biological vectors of a number of arboviruses of veterinary importance. However, knowledge relating to the basic biology of some species, including their host‐feeding preferences, is limited. Identification of host‐feeding preferences in haematophagous insects can help to elucidate the transmission dynamics of the arboviruses they may transmit. In this study, a series of semi‐quantitative real‐time polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) assays to identify the vertebrate host sources of bloodmeals of Culicoides midges was developed. Two pan‐reactive species group and seven species‐specific qPCR assays were developed and evaluated. The assays are quick to perform and less expensive than nucleic acid sequencing of bloodmeals. Using these assays, it was possible to rapidly test nearly 700 blood‐fed midges of various species from several geographic locations in Australia.  相似文献   

Aims: The prevalence of enteric viruses in drinking and river water samples collected from Pune, India was assessed. During an outbreak of HEV in a small town near pune, water samples were screened for enteric viruses. Methods and Results: The water samples were subjected to adsorption–elution‐based virus concentration protocol followed by multiplex nested PCR. Among 64 Mutha river samples, 49 (76·56%) were positive for Hepatitis A Virus, 36 (56·25%) were positive for Rotavirus, 33 (51·56%) were positive for Enterovirus and 16 (25%) were positive for Hepatitis E Virus RNA. Only enterovirus RNA was detected in 2/662 (0·3%) drinking water samples, and the samples from the city’s water reservoir tested negative for all four viruses. HEV RNA was detected in three out of four river water samples during HEV outbreak and partial sequences from patients and water sample were identical. Conclusions: The study suggests absence of enteric viruses both in the source and in the purified water samples from Pune city, not allowing evaluation of the purification system and documents high prevalence of enteric viruses in river water, posing threat to the community. Significance and Impact of the Study: The rapid, sensitive and relatively inexpensive protocol developed for virological evaluation of water seems extremely useful and should be adapted for evaluating viral contamination of water for human consumption. This will lead to development of adequate control measures thereby reducing disease burden because of enteric viruses.  相似文献   

Aims: To develop and evaluate primer sets targeted to the dissimilatory sulfite reductase gene (dsrA) for use in quantitative real‐time PCR detection of sulfate‐reducing bacteria (SRB) in stored swine manure. Methods and Results: Degenerate primer sets were developed to detect SRB in stored swine manure. These were compared with a previously reported primer set, DSR1F+ and DSR‐R, for their coverage and ability to detect SRB communities in stored swine manure. Sequenced clones were most similar to Desulfovibrio sp. and Desulfobulbus sp., and these SRB populations differed within different manure ecosystems. Sulfur content of swine diets was shown to affect the population of Desulfobulbus‐like Group 1 SRB in manure. Conclusions: The newly developed assays were able to enumerate and discern different groups of SRB, and suggest a richly diverse and as yet undescribed population of SRB in swine manure. Significance and Impact of the Study: The PCR assays described here provide improved and efficient molecular tools for quantitative detection of SRB populations. This is the first study to show population shifts of SRB in swine manure, which are a result of either the effects of swine diets or the maturity of the manure ecosystem.  相似文献   

Aim: To develop and to validate a method for the quantification of Lawsonia intracellularis in porcine faeces by real‐time PCR. Methods and Results: A real‐time PCR including a calibrator based on plasmid DNA for quantification by means of ΔΔCt method was evaluated. The parameters specificity, detection limit, quantification limit, linearity, range, repeatability, precision and recovery were validated. The detection limit of the agent was 1 copy per reaction, and quantification was reliable between 101 and 107 copies per μl reaction volume. The linearity calculated by logistic regression revealed a slope of ?3·329 reflecting an efficiency of 99·7% for the assay. Moreover, it was shown that storage of samples and repetition of tests including DNA isolation by same or other investigators did not influence the outcome. Conclusion: The quantification method described herein revealed consistent results for the quantitation of L. intracellularis in porcine faeces samples. Significance and Impact of the Study: In contrast to common PCR in combination with gel electrophoresis, this validated quantification method based on real‐time PCR enhances a reliable quantification and is even more sensitive.  相似文献   

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