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Colletotrichum truncatum is a fungal species associated with anthracnose disease in many economically important crops within the plant families Fabaceae and Solanaceae. Understanding the degree of genetic diversity within C. truncatum population will provide insights into the ability of this species to evolve in response to environmental conditions, and thus be helpful in designing effective control strategies for this pathogen. In this study, microsatellite markers from 27 loci were used to investigate the genetic diversity and population structure among 99 isolates of C. truncatum from India. All the loci (100%) were polymorphic and a total of 140 different alleles were amplified. Six distinct groups were obtained based on unweighted pair group method with arithmetical average cluster analysis. The isolates belonging to Group V showed the highest level of genetic diversity and a broad host range. Analysis of molecular variance analysis showed that the variation occurs mostly within groups. Microsatellite markers-based genetic diversity estimation revealed high diversity among C. truncatum isolates from India.  相似文献   

Anthracnose caused by Colletotrichum (CAD) is an economically important disease of cassava; however, research on its species diversity and geographical distribution of Colletotrichum in China remains limited. In this study, we investigated the phylogenetic diversity of Colletotrichum isolates associated with symptomatic leaf tissues of cassava from Guangxi and Yunnan provinces in China and aimed to confirm their identification using advanced techniques. Based on multi‐locus phylogenetic analyses and phenotypic characteristics, we identified four species from the isolates, comprising C. plurivorum, C. karstii, C. fructicola and C. siamense, and we found variation in degrees of virulence among the species and between cassava varieties. Our results are the first to report these species from cassava, and they provide a basis for the development of management strategies for CAD in cassava.  相似文献   


Genetic diversity and differentiation of 58 C. truncatum isolates from urdbean, horsegram, soybean, ricebean, cowpea and mungbean collected from the traditional crop growing area of north-western Himalayas was studied through RAPD analysis. RAPD profiles generated by the random primers exhibited a high degree of variability among different isolates of C. truncatum. Cluster analysis of the binary data permitted the grouping of isolates on the basis of their origin from different hosts. However, isolates from cowpea and mungbean collected from the same field were grouped together. The dendrogram revealed the presence of 52 multilocus genotypes among 58 isolates of the pathogen. Maximum diversity was detected in the isolates from ricebean and horsegram (′D = 1) followed by urdbean (′D = 0.99). The results indicate that at least some gene flow is occurring between the different host-limited forms of C. truncatum.  相似文献   

A loss of fungicide efficacy, particularly for carbendazim, was noted in soybean fields in Thailand and was considered to be due to the development of Colletotrichum truncatum resistance. The carbendazim sensitivity of C. truncatum populations isolated from various soybean fields in Thailand was thus evaluated with in vitro sensitivity assays and molecular characterization of mutations in the sequences of the ß2-tubulin (TUB2) gene that confer carbendazim resistance in the pathogen. Among 52 isolates, 46 isolates were classified as highly resistant (HR) to carbendazim (EC50 > 1,000 µg/ml). All HR isolates grew on PDA amended with carbendazim at 1,000 µg/ml. Six isolates were classified as carbendazim sensitive (S) (EC50 < 1 µg/ml). Mycelial growth on PDA amended with 1 µg/ml carbendazim was inhibited by over 50% compared with growth on PDA alone. When a partial TUB2 gene from the isolates was amplified and analysed using predicted amino acid sequences, an alteration from glutamic acid to alanine at codon 198 (E198A) was found in 45 HR isolates for which the EC50 was higher than 2000 µg/ml. This mutation resulted from a nucleotide substitution from adenine to cytosine (GA G → GC G). The other HR isolate, CtPhS_1, with EC50 of 1,127 µg/ml, had an alteration at codon 200 (F200Y) (TT C → TA C).  相似文献   

《Fungal biology》2022,126(3):235-249
Persimmon (Diospyros kaki) anthracnose is a major threat in production areas worldwide. Most of the studies are focused on Colletotrichum horii, but other species have been reported as well. The association of distinct Colletotrichum species present in Brazilian persimmon production regions as well as their host ranges are yet elusive. The aims of this work were to identify and characterize Colletotrichum species associated with the persimmon anthracnose. In a survey performed in four production regions of Brazil, 88.7% and 11.3% out of 231 isolates were identified as members of Colletotrichum gloeosporioides species complex (Cgc) or Colletotrichum acutatum species complex (Cac), respectively. A subset of 18 isolates were identified through multilocus phylogenetic analysis, using ITS-rDNA region and two loci, namely GAPDH and TUB2. This study revealed the presence of four species: C. horii (38.8%) and Colletotrichum fructicola (27.7%) from the Cgc and Colletotrichum nymphaeae (27.7%) and Colletotrichum melonis (5.8%), from the Cac. Additionally, 13 isolates were selected for morphological, physiological, and pathogenic analyses. Contrasting characteristics were observed among species of the Cgc and Cac complexes. The optimal temperature for mycelial growth and germination were higher for Cgc species. The percentage of appressoria melanisation also varied across complexes. All the identified species were able to cause anthracnose-like symptoms on persimmon fruit, leaves, shoots, and sepals. Colletotrichum species from persimmon were also able to infect apple and pear. The findings will support decisions to manage anthracnose of persimmon under high infection risk due to multiple host susceptibility.  相似文献   

A laboratory experiment was conducted to study the variability among the eight isolates of Colletotrichum truncatum of greengram collected from different locations on the basis of cultural, morphological and biochemical characteristics by using nine different culture media viz., Potato Dextrose Agar (PDA), Potato Carrot Agar (PCA), Oat Meal Agar (OMA), Corn Meal Agar (CMA), Carrot Agar (CA), Sabouraud’s Agar (SA), Czapek’s Dox Agar (CDA), Richard’s Agar (RA) and V8 Juice Agar. Colony colour varied in different media from white or white with light brown centres which later changed to black or dark to light brown with increase in the age of the fungal cultures. Mostly, the colonies had fluffy or cottony mycelial growth with slight variations and regular to irregular white margin. PDA, PCA, CA and RA produced maximum mycelial growth (90?mm) at 10 DAI (days after inoculation). Minimum growth was observed on SA (69.56?mm) and V8 juice agar media (55.42?mm) and their difference was statistically significant. Morphological variability among the isolates was studied by comparing their conidial length, breadth and length and breadth of setae and their differences were statistically significant. Biochemical variability among the isolates was based on α- and β-esterase and peroxidise profiling. Positive activity was observed for both α- and β-esterase. α-Esterase enzyme showed the highest enzyme activity in terms of maximum numbers of banding loci among the three isozymes tested. The findings of the present study clearly revealed that cultural, morphological and biochemical variability did exist among the different isolates of C. truncatum.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to identify the causal agent of anthracnose disease of cassava in Thailand. The study was carried out by collecting cassava samples with anthracnose symptoms from various planting areas including 10 districts of eight provinces in Thailand. One hundred and thirty‐six Colletotrichum samples were isolated from cassava anthracnose lesions on leaves, petioles and stems. Thirty‐eight single‐spore isolates were subsequently obtained and cultured on half potato dextrose agar for morphological and molecular characterizations. All 38 isolates were pathogenic with varying degrees of virulence when tested on detached leaves of Kasetsart 50, a susceptible cassava cultivar. Based on their growth habit, colony morphology, conidial morphology and the internal transcribed spacer sequences similarity to that of Colletotrichum accessions in the GenBank, one isolate was identified as C. capsici, one as C. lindemuthianum, two as Caeschynomene, four as Cboninense and 28 Cgloeosporioides species complex. Geographically, the cosmopolitan C. gloeosporioides species complex was found in all regions, but other species were found only in particular regions. This is, so far, the first report of Colletotrichum complex species associated with cassava anthracnose in Thailand.  相似文献   

Chilli anthracnose is a major problem in India and worldwide. In this study, we investigated the phylogenetic relationships of 52 fungal isolates associated with chilli anthracnose in southern India. All the 52 isolates were sequenced for partial ITS/5.8S rRNA and glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (gapdh) genes and showed affinities with Colletotrichum siamense and C. fructicola within Colletotrichum. gloeosporioides species complex. Further, a reduced subset of 17 selected isolates was made and in a maximum parsimony analysis of a multigene data-set including partial ITS/5.8S rRNA, actin (act), calmodulin (cal), chitin synthase (chs1), gapdh and β-tubulin (tub2) gene sequence data, these fungal isolates clustered with the type strain of C. fructicola, except for strain MTCC 3439 that showed phylogenetic affinities with C. siamense. The pathogenicity tests involving two representative isolates: UASB-Cg-14 and MTCC 3439, confirmed the involvement of C. fructicola and C. siamense in the development of disease symptoms on fresh chilli fruits. This is the first report of the association of C. fructicola and C. siamense in causing chilli anthracnose in India.  相似文献   

野古草种群克隆的遗传变异和遗传结构   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
用酶电泳法和同工酶分析对东北松嫩草原西北部野古草种群克隆遗传变异性和种群遗传结构做了探讨。讨论了遗传多样性、地理距离和遗传距离之间的关系、大种群和小种群的遗传变异性和种群间的基因流 ;种群间 ,包括大种群和小种群间基因流、遗传和地理距离对遗传多样性的影响、昆虫和风传粉、种群籽苗的补充、遗传多样性的发生和保持 ,自交不亲和性和无性繁殖及体细胞突变  相似文献   

谷峻  张静苗  贾瑞宗  陈文新 《微生物学报》2011,51(10):1310-1310
摘要:【目的】研究我国亚热带和温带地区与山蚂蝗共生的慢生根瘤菌遗传多样性和系统发育。【方法】采用BOX-PCR 和多位点基因序列分析(nifH,nodC 和recA 基因) 方法对分离自我国不同地区的29 株山蚂蝗慢生根瘤菌进行遗传多样性和系统发育分析。【结果】BOX-PCR 分析表明供试的山蚂蝗慢生根瘤菌形成25个基因遗传型,具有丰富的基因组多样性。多位点基因序列分析发现代表菌株位于慢生根瘤菌的3 个分支上,分别与埃氏慢生根瘤菌(Bradyrhizobium elkanii) ,大豆慢生根瘤菌( Bradyrhizobium japonicum) 和圆明慢生根瘤菌(Bradyrhizobium yuanmingense) 亲缘关系近。【结论】我国山蚂蝗慢生根瘤菌具有丰富的遗传多样性,共生基因系统发育分析表明它们多与持家基因共同进化,并以垂直进化为主。  相似文献   

Anthracnose caused by Elsinoë ampelina is one of the most important table grape diseases in humid regions in Brazil and Australia. The objective of this study was to characterize E. ampelina isolates from Brazil and Australia by means of phylogenetic analyses, morphological features and pathogenicity tests. Phylogenetic relationships among 35 isolates were determined based on a data set of internal transcribed spacer (ITS), histone H3 (HIS3) and elongation factor 1‐α (TEF) sequences. In phylogenetic tree analyses, using a combined ITS and TEF sequence alignment, all E. ampelina isolates were clustered together in a single well‐supported clade. In contrast to the absence of genetic variability within ITS and TEF sequences, HIS3 sequences showed 54 polymorphic sites. The haplotype network generated from HIS3 data set showed four distinct haplotypes. EA1 was the predominant haplotype including 29 isolates from both countries. High genetic variability was observed in two Brazilian isolates, haplotype EA4, which may have lost the intron region during species evolution. Colony colours differed between Brazilian and Australian isolates, but showed similar wrinkled colony texture, absence of spores, sparse‐to‐absent white aerial mycelium and slow growth (0.049–0.060 mm/day). Brazilian isolates produced conidia of 5.65 × 2.65 μm, larger than conidia from Australian isolates, which measured 5.14 × 2.30 μm. In pathogenicity tests, all nine Australian isolates inoculated were pathogenic on detached canes and potted vines of table grape.  相似文献   

《Fungal biology》2022,126(4):290-299
Sugarcane is a widely cultivated crop in Brazil and in many parts of the world. However, the red rot causes huge losses due to the reduction of sucrose and deterioration of the juice. The aim of this study was to identify Colletotrichum species associated with the red rot through polyphasic approaches; which included phylogenetic, morpho-cultural analyzes and pathogenicity tests. Nine isolates from the states of Alagoas and two from São Paulo, Brazil, were preliminary analyzed with the glyceraldehyde-3 phosphate dehydrogenase gene (GAPDH), as an initial measure for species diversity. Later on, the representative isolates of each species were sequenced with the β-tubulin (TUB2) gene, calmodulin (CAL), DNA lyase (APN2/MAT IGS) and the ITS-rDNA region. Morphocultural characterization was performed by evaluating the mycelial growth rate (MGR), colony appearance and the shape and size of 50 conidia and appressoria. For the pathogenicity test asymptomatic leaves and stalks of sugarcane were tested with and without injuries. Phylogenetic analysis associated with morphocultural characteristics and the pathogenicity test of the eleven isolates revealed three Colletotrichum species: Colletotrichum falcatum (8 isolates), Colletotrichum siamense (1 isolate) and Colletotrichum plurivorum (2 isolates) causing the red rot disease in sugar cane. All species were pathogenic in wounded leaves and stalks, being C. falcatum the one causing the largest lesions (1.12 cm) in leaves and C. plurivorum in stalks (0.67 cm). Therefore, this study confirms the association of C. falcatum as a sugarcane pathogen and records for the first time worldwide the occurrence of C. siamense and C. plurivorum associated with this host.  相似文献   

Anthracnose, caused by Colletotrichum spp., is one of the most common diseases affecting sweet pepper and chilli pepper production worldwide, especially in tropical and subtropical zones. This disease results in severe fruit damage both pre- and postharvest. The development of resistant cultivars is the most effective strategy for disease control, which requires knowing the genetic basis of resistance. In this study, we analysed the inheritance of resistance of Capsicum annuum to Colletotrichum scovillei at two fruit development stages. The ripe and unripe fruits were inoculated by conidia suspension, and anthracnose severity was evaluated for 8 days using a score scale. It was found that the inheritance of resistance has independent expression in ripe and unripe fruits. In both cases, two main genes are responsible for resistance with polygenic effects. Genetic control, with a quantitative aspect, is more affected by dominance than the additive effects, in both fruit development stages of C. annuum.  相似文献   

Anthracnose is among the most economically important diseases affecting pepper (Capsicum spp.) production in the tropics and subtropics. Of the three species of Colletotrichum implicated as causal agents of pepper anthracnose, C. truncatum is considered to be the most destructive in agro‐ecosystems worldwide. However, the genetic variation and the migration potential of C. truncatum infecting pepper are not known. Five populations were selected for study and a two‐locus (internally transcribed spacer region, ITS1‐5.8S‐ITS2, and β‐tubulin, β‐TUB) sequence data set was generated and used in the analyses. Sequences of the ITS region were less informative than β ‐ tubulin gene sequences based on comparisons of DNA polymorphism indices. Trinidad had the highest genetic diversity and also had the largest effective population size in pairwise comparisons with the other populations. The Trinidad population also demonstrated significant genetic differentiation from the other populations. AMOVA and STRUCTURE analyses both suggested significant genetic variation within populations more so than among populations. A consensus Maximum Likelihood tree based on β‐TUB gene sequences revealed very little intraspecific diversity for all isolates except for Trinidad. Two clades consisting solely of Trinidad isolates may have diverged earlier than the other isolates. There was also evidence of directional migration among the five populations. These findings may have a direct impact on the development of integrated disease management strategies to control C. truncatum infection in pepper.  相似文献   

马比木是具有抗癌活性的药用植物,前期实验从不同地区、不同部位的马比木植株中分离得到1 339个内生真菌菌株,ITS序列分析结果表明隶属于刺盘孢属的菌株有268个,说明刺盘孢属为马比木内生真菌的优势属之一。为了解马比木中刺盘孢属菌株的多样性,本研究按不同地区、不同部位归类,分析刺盘孢属菌株的地域和部位分布特征。选择31株代表菌株与参考菌株的ITS-TUB2-ACT-GAPDH 4个基因片段联合分析,通过分子系统发育和形态学结合的方法对代表菌株进行分析。结果显示,从分离部位上看,除花以外,其他部位均有刺盘孢属真菌的分布,叶和茎为主要分离部位;从分离地区上看,每个地区均分离到刺盘孢属菌株,但分离数量差异较大,贵阳和吉首的分离数量较大。多基因系统发育树将选择的31株代表菌株分成了19个操作分类单位(OTUs)。以上结果表明,马比木中不同生境的内生刺盘孢属菌株表现出一定的偏好和选择性,但没有明显的特异性;马比木内生刺盘孢属真菌具有较高的多样性。  相似文献   

Coffee Berry Disease, caused by Colletotrichum kahawae, is a major limitation for Arabica coffee cultivation in Africa and for which genetic control is only partially effective. As part of the effort to re‐launch coffee cultivation in Angola, our aim was to study the diversity of this pathogen and so contribute to more effective breeding for disease resistance. A collection of 30 C. kahawae isolates showed limited diversity in genetic and colony characters. However, some isolates are distinct, suggesting that breeding for disease resistance in Angola should be dependent on an adequate knowledge of the diversity of local and neighbouring C. kahawae isolates. Analysis of C. kahawae nrDNA nucleotide sequences showed distinct lineages clustering within the broad diversity of C. gloeosporioides, prompting further studies aimed at understanding the origin and pathogenic specialization of C. kahawae.  相似文献   

Microsatellites are powerful markers to infer population genetic parameters. We used 10 microsatellite loci to characterize the genetic diversity and structure of 79 samples of Sclerotinia sclerotiorum isolated from four Brazilian dry bean populations and observed that eight of them were polymorphic within populations. We identified 102 different haplotypes ranging from 6 to 18 per locus. Analyses based on genetic diversity and fixation indices indicated variability among and within populations of 28.79% (FST = 28793) and 71.21%, respectively. To examine genetic relatedness among S. sclerotiorum isolates, we used internal spacer (ITS1‐5.8S‐ITS2) restriction fragment length polymorphism (PCR‐RFLP) and sequencing analysis. PCR‐RFLP analysis of these regions failed to show any genetic differences among isolates. However, we detected variability within the sequence, which does not support the hypothesis of clonal populations within each population. High variability within and among populations may indicate the introduction of new genotypes in the areas analysed, in addition to the occurrence of clonal and sexual reproduction in the populations of S. sclerotiorum in the Brazilian Cerrado.  相似文献   

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