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Length‐weight relationships (LWRs) were determined for five Clupeiformes species representing three families collected from the Persian Gulf and Oman Sea. These are the first references on length‐weight relationships for two of these species (Ilisha megaloptera and Sardinella sindensis). A new maximum length record was obtained for one species (Ilisha melastoma).  相似文献   

Length–weight relationships (LWRs) were estimated for ten elasmobranch species from Iranian waters of the Oman Sea. All specimens were collected by bottom trawl (mesh size 80 mm in the cod end) between May and December 2014. A total of 509 individuals (107 Torpedo sinuspersici, 68 Rhinobatos punctifer, 63 Chaenogaleus macrostoma, 72 Himantura walga, 80 Himantura gerrardi, 58 Gymnura poecilura, 4 Himantura uarnak, 4 Rhinoptera javanica, 14 Aetobatus flagellum, and 39 Pastinachus sephen) were sampled and studied. Results showed that most species had positive allometric or isometric growth but that more studies were needed for final decisions on growth patterns. Both the disk length‐body weight (DL/BW) and disk width‐body weight (DW/BW) relationships also showed a good fit, reinforcing the credibility of the data in relation to the LWRs. This study is the first report of LWRs for these elasmobranchs in the northern Oman Sea.  相似文献   

Iranian mangrove forests occur between longitude 25°19′ and 27°84′, in the north part of the Persian Gulf and Oman Sea. In 2002, it was estimated that 93.37 km2 of Iranian shorelines were covered with mangrove forests, with the largest area (67.5 km2) occurring between the Khamir Port and the northwest side of Qeshm Island, and the smallest area (0.01 km2) in the Bardestan estuary. Only two species of mangrove are found in the Persian Gulf: Avicennia marina from Avicenniaceae and Rhizophora macrunata from Rhizophoraceae. A. marina is the dominant specie in these forests whereas Rh. macrunata is found only in the Sirik region. Overexploitation of mangrove leaves and oil pollution are the main causes of mangrove destruction in this region.  相似文献   

Iranian mangrove forests occur between longitude 25°19′ and 27°84′, in the north part of the Persian Gulf and Oman Sea. In 2002, it was estimated that 93.37 km2 of Iranian shorelines were covered with mangrove forests, with the largest area (67.5 km2) occurring between the Khamir Port and the northwest side of Qeshm Island, and the smallest area (0.01 km2) in the Bardestan estuary. Only two species of mangrove are found in the Persian Gulf: Avicennia marina from Avicenniaceae and Rhizophora macrunata from Rhizophoraceae. A. marina is the dominant specie in these forests whereas Rh. macrunata is found only in the Sirik region. Overexploitation of mangrove leaves and oil pollution are the main causes of mangrove destruction in this region.  相似文献   

The length–weight relationships (LWRs) for four little‐known shark species collected in the Persian Gulf and Oman Sea from March 2014 to September 2015 are presented, namely: Carcharhinus dussumieri, Carcharhinus macloti, Chiloscyllium arabicum, and Chaenogaleus macrostoma.  相似文献   

The present study provides the length–weight and length–length relationships information (LWR & LLR) for three Blenny species; Antennablennius adenensis from the coast of Larak Island in the Persian Gulf and Istiblennius pox and Omobranchus mekranensis, which were captured in the coasts of Chabahar city in the Gulf of Oman, Iran. Total length (TL) and standard length (SL) were determined as well as weight. Specimens were collected occasionally in summer 2017 and winter 2018 by Hand net. The length–weight parameter b for these species was 2.84, 3.29 and 3.06 respectively with a high coefficient of determination (r2 ≥ 0.95). All LLRs were highly correlated (r2 > 0.99). All three species had no previous report for LWR and LLR estimates in FishBase.  相似文献   

Presented is a phylogenetic reconstruction of mudskippers using sequences of the mitochondrial COI and cytb genes. The phylogeny combines the sequences of 12 species from GenBank with those of three species (Boleophthalmus dussumieri, Periophthalmus waltoni and Scartelaos tenuis) collected from the coastal area of the Persian Gulf and Oman (Makran) Sea and sequenced for the first time. Based on the Maximum likelihood and Bayesian methods, Periophthalmus forms a separate clade that is the sister lineage to a group formed by all remaining genera. The subfamilies Oxudercinae and Amblyopinae established on the basis of morphological characters have been shown to be paraphyletic and their use as taxonomic units is no longer recommended. The evolution of Periophthalmus waltoni, Periophthalmus barbarous and Boleophthalmus dussumieri is discussed based on molecular phylogenetic reconstruction.  相似文献   

The Persian Gulf and Oman Sea constitute one of the most important marine ecosystems and have many economically important aquatic species, including several coleoid cephalopods. Some coleoids are difficult to identify using traditional morphological characteristics. In this study, two mitochondrial fragments, cytochrome oxidase I (COI) and the large ribosomal subunit (16S rRNA), were used for identification of coleoid species in four regions in the northern Persian Gulf and Oman Sea. The study led to the identification of potential cryptic species of Sepia, Amphioctopus and Uroteuthis. Furthermore, Euprymna hyllebergi was reported for the first time from the Persian Gulf. A high diversity of Coeloidea was found in the study area. Mean intraspecific and interspecific nucleotide distances for COI were 0%–2% and 2%–7%, respectively, while these values for 16S rRNA sequences were 0%–1% and 1%–4%. Given the uncertainty about species identity and the high levels of intraspecific genetic diversity reported for some species in GenBank, a comprehensive global study will be needed to resolve the taxonomic status of several coleoid species.  相似文献   

Invasive non‐native species (NNS) are internationally recognized as posing a serious threat to global biodiversity, economies and human health. The identification of invasive NNS is already established, those that may arrive in the future, their vectors and pathways of introduction and spread, and hotspots of invasion are important for a targeted approach to managing introductions and impacts at local, regional and global scales. The aim of this study was to identify which marine and brackish NNS are already present in marine systems of the northeastern Arabia area (Arabian Gulf and Sea of Oman) and of these which ones are potentially invasive, and which species have a high likelihood of being introduced in the future and negatively affect biodiversity. Overall, 136 NNS were identified, of which 56 are already present in the region and a further 80 were identified as likely to arrive in the future, including fish, tunicates, invertebrates, plants and protists. The Aquatic Species Invasiveness Screening Kit (AS‐ISK) was used to identify the risk of NNS being (or becoming) invasive within the region. Based on the AS‐ISK basic risk assessment (BRA) thresholds, 36 extant and 37 horizon species (53.7% of all species) were identified as high risk. When the impact of climate change on the overall assessment was considered, the combined risk score (BRA+CCA) increased for 38.2% of all species, suggesting higher risk under warmer conditions, including the highest‐risk horizon NNS the green crab Carcinus maenas, and the extant macro‐alga Hypnea musciformis. This is the first horizon‐scanning exercise for NNS in the region, thus providing a vital baseline for future management. The outcome of this study is the prioritization of NNS to inform decision‐making for the targeted monitoring and management in the region to prevent new bio‐invasions and to control existing species, including their potential for spread.  相似文献   

The body shape variation among 244 specimens of Periophthalmus waltoni Koumans, 1941, collected from seven stations in the Persian Gulf and Gulf of Oman, was analysed by utilising geometric morphometrics (GM) and truss-based morphometrics methods (TBM). Discriminant function analysis did not show significant differences between the shape of females and males. Canonical variate analysis and cluster analysis classified the specimens in two separate groups of stations: those in the Persian Gulf, and those in the Strait of Hormuz plus Gulf of Oman. Potential factors contributing to the observed variation include differences in physicochemical parameters between the Persian Gulf and the Gulf of Oman.  相似文献   

Dendritic cells are one of the most important cell types connecting innate and adaptive immunity, but very little is known about their evolutionary origins. To begin to study dendritic cells from lower vertebrates, we isolated and characterized CD83 from the nurse shark (Ginglymostoma cirratum (Gici)) and rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss (Onmy)). The open reading frames for Gici-CD83 (194 aa) and Onmy-CD83 (218 aa) display approximately 28-32% identity to mammalian CD83 with the presence of two conserved N-linked glycosylation sites. Identical with mammalian CD83 genes, Gici-CD83 is composed of five exons including conservation of phase for the splice sites. Mammalian CD83 genes contain a split Ig superfamily V domain that represents a unique sequence feature for CD83 genes, a feature conserved in both Gici- and Onmy-CD83. Gici-CD83 and Onmy-CD83 are not linked to the MHC, an attribute shared with mouse but not human CD83. Gici-CD83 is expressed rather ubiquitously with highest levels in the epigonal tissue, a primary site for lymphopoiesis in the nurse shark, whereas Onmy-CD83 mRNA expression largely paralleled that of MHC class II but at lower levels. Finally, Onmy-CD83 gene expression is up-regulated in virus-infected trout, and the promoter is responsive to trout IFN regulatory factor-1. These results suggest that the role of CD83, an adhesion molecule for cell-mediated immunity, has been conserved over 450 million years of vertebrate evolution.  相似文献   

In the present work, the morphological characteristics of sagitta were described and analysed for 10 species of combtooth blennies (Blenniidae) inhabiting the intertidal region of the Persian Gulf and Makran zone of Oman Sea to see the taxonomic usefulness of otoliths, especially their hidden characters for species identification. Based on the obtained results, sagitta morphology could be considered as diagnostic characters distinguishing the genera Alticus, Antennablennius, Istiblennius, Omobranchus and Parablennius showing differences related to general shape, that is, elliptic/oval to triangular; shape of antirostrum and its degree of development; the degrees of convexity of ventral and dorsal margins, and shape of ostium. The common/general otolith characters shared in the all studied combtooth blennies, is the heterosulcoid condition, which is a shared character with Perciformes and Gobiiformes. The type of sulcus is ostial, and it can be considered as a plesiomorph character shared with a basal group of actinopterygian fishes. The obtained results could be useful in taxonomical, paleontological, ecological and food and feeding habits studies.  相似文献   

Length–weight relationships (LWR) of fishes are necessary for various purposes such as stock/ecological assessment, monitoring and management (Froese, 2006). In this study we report length–weight relationships for five species of stingrays found in the Persian Gulf, Iran. Only one LWR was previously reported in the scientific literature for Rhinoptera javanica (Raje, 2000).  相似文献   

Ecological studies on commercial important fish species are of great value to support resource management issues. This study calculated trophic levels of those Colombian Caribbean fish species whose diet has been locally described. Usable diet data of 119 species resulted in 164 trophic level estimates. An ordinary regression model relating trophic level and fish size was formulated. The regression slope was positive and significantly different from zero (p < 0.05) suggesting a scaling of trophic level with fish size. Both the list of trophic levels and the regression model should be of help in the formulation of trophic indicators and models of neotropical ecosystems.  相似文献   

Length weight relationships (LWRs) were estimated for three gobiid species, Bathygobius meggitti(Hora & Mukerji, 1936), Acentrogobius dayi Koumans, 1941 and Cryptocentroides arabicus(Gmelin, 1789) (Perciformes: Gobiidae) collected from 13 localities of the Iranian intertidal coast of the Persian Gulf and Makran Sea in seven times from November 2015 to September 2017 using a hand net with mesh size 1.30 mm. The b values showed significant differences between males and females of all species except the C. arabicus. Bailey's t test revealed that b value significantly deviated from the expected cube value of 3 in three species.  相似文献   

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