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The present study provides fisheries biology knowledge which will allow the implementation of regulatory measures contributing to the sustainability of the fisheries and the conservation of the stout beardfish Polymixia nobilis Lowe, 1838 off the Canary Islands, north eastern Atlantic Ocean. Males ranged between 16.5 and 38.4 cm fork length (FL) and females from 14.2 to 46.5 cm FL. Sex ratio by size classes provided significant differences in classes higher than 36 cm, being clearly unbalanced in favour of females. Individuals in maturing and mature stages were present during all months sampled, although a spawning peak is evident between April and June. Size at first maturity was estimated as 26 cm FL for females and 30 cm FL for males. Age was determined from annuli in whole otoliths. Age range was found to be 0–14 years for fish measuring 14.2 to 46.5 cm FL. It is a slow‐growing and long‐lived species. Significant differences in the growth parameters between sexes were detected. The von Bertalanffy growth parameters estimated for females (n = 213) were L = 45.92 cm LF, k = 0.16 years?1 and t0 = ?2.84 years; and for males (n = 186) L = 36.44 cm LF, k = 0.26 years?1 and t0 = ?2.16 years. Stomach analysis indicated some variations in the feeding habits with growth: individuals of small and medium sizes preyed on crustaceans and fishes, while large specimens preyed mainly on fishes.  相似文献   

Age and growth of the Black Sea turbot, Psetta maxima, were determined from a total of 1445 individuals collected along the eastern Black Sea coast between 1990 and 1996. Age was estimated by interpreting growth rings in whole and broken sagittal otoliths. The former method underestimated the age over 5 years, and a maximum age of 11 years was observed by the latter. Marginal increment analysis clearly showed that a single annulus is formed in early summer each year. Growth in length differed between sexes, and females attained a larger size than males at the same age. No significant difference was found between the mean observed total length (TL), the back‐calculated TL derived from radius measurements and the TL estimated from otolith size–fish size relationship. The von Bertalanffy growth parameters estimated by the length‐at‐age data were: L = 96.24 cm; K = 0.119 year?1; t0 = ?0.01 year for the entire population.  相似文献   

The tub gurnard Chelidonichthys lucerna has been identified by ICES as a potential commercial species in the northeast Atlantic with recommendations made to monitor landings and discards and to derive information on population biology for stock assessment purposes, however, data are lacking for the species in the northeast Atlantic. Therefore, aims of this study were to provide data on the size/age‐structure and patterns of growth, maturity and mortality of C. lucerna in Northwest Wales, UK, and in doing so to provide data on the biological characteristics of the most northerly population studied to date for comparison with the existing data for southerly Mediterranean populations. Data on the age, growth and maturity of C. lucerna were collected by otter trawling (73 mm cod‐end stretched mesh size) in the coastal waters of Northwest Wales, UK in October (2000–2011, excluding 2006). Total length (TL) of fish sampled ranged between 10.5–41.0 cm (males) and 10.4–57.5 cm (females). The majority of the female fish were between 20–30 cm TL (60.2%) and the majority of the male fish between 20–30 cm TL (58.3%) respectively. TL/weight (W) relations for male and female fish were similar and the combined data was described by W = 0.0067 TL3.10. Age of fish ranged between 1–7 years old for female fish and 1–5 years old for male fish respectively with the majority of female fish 3 years old (40%) and the majority of male fish 3 years old (37%). The age structures of female and male tub gurnards were not significantly different with the older age classes consisting predominantly of female fish. Both males and females exhibited similar asymptotic growth patterns and the combined von Bertalanffy growth function was TLt = 51.6 (1 ? e [?0.25(t + 0.41)]). Instantaneous rates of total mortality were calculated as 1.04 year?1 for males and 1.11 year?1 for females. The size (L50) and age at first maturity (A50) were estimated to be 29.1 cm TL and 2.8 years for males, 27.7 cm TL and 2.7 years for females and 28.0 cm TL and 2.8 years for both sexes combined. The results of this study provide the first information on the biology and population dynamics of C. lucerna in the Irish Sea, the first data collected in the northeast Atlantic since 1985 and the most northerly population studied to date.  相似文献   

The relationships between somatic growth and otolith dimensions, otolith size to estimated age and growth parameters of the tigertooth croaker (Otolithes ruber) were investigated in 100 specimens (size range: 19.1–52.0 cm, total length) from the Oman Sea area, September 2014. All 100 otoliths were sectioned and determined by age. The oldest specimen was a 4.5‐year‐old female with a total length of 40.6 cm; the youngest specimen was also a female estimated at 1 year of age with a total length of 19.1 cm. The von Bertalanffy growth equation was estimated as Lt = 54.70 (1 ? exp (?0.37 (t + 0.21))). Concluded was that there is a significant relationship between body size, otolith dimensions and estimated age of Otolithes ruber.  相似文献   

Deep‐water fish in the tropical and sub‐tropical Pacific Ocean have supported important fisheries for many generations. Observations of localised depletions in some fisheries have raised concerns about the sustainability of current fishing rates. However, quantitative assessments of deep‐water stocks in the Pacific region have been limited by the lack of adequate biological and fisheries data. Estimates are provided of age‐based demographic parameters for two important deep‐water snapper species in the Pacific, Etelis carbunculus and E. coruscans. A spawner biomass‐per‐recruit (SPR) model was applied to determine fishing mortality rates for each species that would achieve specified biological targets (40% unexploited levels, SPR40) and limit (30% unexploited levels, SPR30) reference points, and examine the sensitivity of the model to variation in natural mortality and age at first capture. The maximum observed age, based on increment counts from sectioned otoliths, was 21 years for E. carbunculus and 18 years for E. coruscans. Total mortality (Z), estimated from the Hoenig regression, was 0.21 year?1 for E. carbunculus and 0.25 year?1 for E. coruscans. The best approximating growth models were the von Bertalanffy model (L = 896 mm fork length, = 0.28, t0 = 0.51) for E. carbunculus and the logistic model (L = 879 mm fork length, = 0.32 year?1, t0 = 3.42) for E. coruscans. The spawner biomass‐per‐recruit analysis demonstrated that lower rates of fishing mortality were required for E. coruscans than for E. carbunculus to maintain spawning biomass above estimated biological reference points. Estimates of spawner biomass‐per‐recruit were more sensitive to variation in natural mortality than in the age at first capture, suggesting that regulating fishing mortality rather than gear selectivity would be a more effective management measure for both species. Maintaining fishing mortality <0.1 for both species is recommended as a cautious approach to management, given the uncertainty in estimates of natural mortality and mixed fishery considerations.  相似文献   

Age, growth and length-at-maturity of the Argentine hake (Merluccius hubbsi) were studied in the northernmost limit of the species distribution in the south-western Atlantic. A total of 351 otoliths and information from 1610 specimens sampled from the industrial double-rig trawl landings between May 2013 and April 2014 were used. Age and growth were estimated by counting and measuring increments in sectioned sagittae otoliths, and length at maturity was estimated based on macroscopic gonadal analysis. For both sexes, hepatosomatic index and condition index increased mainly during spring, reaching a maximum at the end of summer before the subsequent spawning season began. Gonadosomatic index was highest in April, believed to correspond with peak spawning. The annual periodicity of alternate opaque and translucent zones was validated by marginal increment analysis. Growth curves were fitted to back-calculated size at age by fitting the three-parameters von Bertalanffy growth function. The maximum age was 5 years in fish of either sex. Females attained larger sizes than males. The parameters of the von Bertalanffy growth equations were: L∞?=?533?mm, k?=?0.231 year?1 and t0?=??0.935 year for females; L∞?=?394?mm, k?=?0.405 year?1 and t0?=??0.463 year for males. The mean length and age at first maturity was 273?mm at 1.9 years for males and 274?mm at 2.0 years for females.  相似文献   

The ages and growth of longnose trevally (Carangoides chrysophrys), caught in the northwest Arabian Sea between April 2005 and September 2006, were investigated. Age and growth of 336 fish specimens were determined using sectioned sagittae otoliths. Annual opaque growth rings were formed between December and March, with the majority being laid down in February and March, coinciding with the spawning period and high water temperatures. Marginal zone or edge analysis was used to validate the annual deposition of the opaque zone in the otoliths. This species showed large variations in length‐at‐age, suggesting large growth variations among individuals of the same cohort. The estimated von Bertalanffy growth model differed significantly between the sexes, with males having larger mean lengths at age and reaching a larger asymptotic size. The von Bertalanffy growth models were TL (cm) = 73.34[1‐exp (?0.25 (t + 1.21))] and TL(cm) = 73.26[1‐exp (?0.24 (t + 1.20))] for males and females, respectively.  相似文献   

The aim of this work was to compare age determinations and precision using two deposition structures of trahira Hoplias malabaricus (Bloch, 1794): the scales, which are most frequently used, and otoliths (lapilli). The length‐age relationships were obtained with both structures and compared with results from previous studies. The 163 sets of trahira otoliths (lapilli) and scales were 17–46 cm standard length (SL) from Cayastá (Santa Fe) and Islas Lechiguanas (Entre Ríos), Paraná River, Argentina. Three independent readings of each structure were conducted. An age bias plot was performed to compare age estimations from scales and otoliths. To assess the precision of age determinations using both structures, the percent agreement among readers for both structures and the coefficient of variation were calculated (%CV). The age‐length relationships were plotted and fitted with the von Bertalanffy growth function for both structures and compared with previous works. Age readings recorded for scales were lower than those recorded for otoliths for ages above or equal to 3 years. Percent agreement among readers was higher than 80% for otoliths and less than 65% for scales. The%CV obtained for scales was 20% for young fish and 17% for adults. For otoliths the %CV was 7% for young fish and 3% for adults. The %CV obtained for scales was over the recommended limit (>7.6%). The von Bertalanffy parameters for scales were Linf = 45.80 mm; k = 0.29; t0 = ?1.34 and for otoliths were Linf = 40.76 mm; k = 0.39; t0 = ?1.05. Precision of age estimations assessed from the percent agreement and the coefficient of variation indicates that the scales of the trahira are inappropriate to estimate age in population studies for juvenile and adult specimens.  相似文献   

Age, growth, and mortality of the edible crab, Cancer pagurus, were determined for the native population in South Wales (UK). Sampling was carried out on a monthly basis between February 2001 and September 2002. Carapace width ranged between 10.4 and 163 mm. Based on the carapace width frequency distribution, the Swansea and Gower population was composed mainly of males belonging to the first and second age‐class (1 and 2), and of females belonging to the third and fourth age‐class (3 and 4). Sex ratio was 1.126 ± 0.27 in favour of males. Carapace width frequency distributions and weight‐at‐age data were used to estimate the von Bertalanffy growth equation parameters. For the population as a whole, these were: L∞ = 199 mm, W∞ = 1179.56 g, K = 0.24 year?1, t0 = ?0.1004 years. The overall carapace width–weight relationship was: W = 0.38(CW2.69). Analysis of covariance indicated a significant difference in the carapace width–weight relationship between males and females in the study area. Total mortality Z and natural mortality M rates for combined sexes were 1.245 year?1 and 0.567 year?1, respectively. The exploitation ratio E was estimated to be 54.43%.  相似文献   

The grey gurnard Eutrigla gurnardus (L.) has been identified by ICES as a potential commercial species in the NE Atlantic with recommendations made to derive information on population biology for stock assessment purposes. However, data on the population biology of this species is limited. In this study, data on the age, growth and maturity of grey gurnard were collected by otter trawling in the coastal waters of northwest Wales and Eastern Anglesey. Total length (TL) of fish sampled ranged between 2.1–33.0 cm (male) and 1.9–36.9 cm (female) with the majority of female (70.8%) fish between 11 and 20 cm TL and male fish (70.5%) between 11 and 18 cm TL. The percentage of fish >20 cm TL was larger for females (30.4%) compared to males (17.6%). Total weight (TW) for female and male grey gurnard in the stratified subsample ranged from 1.9 to 499.9 g for females and 2.1–390.0 g for males, with the majority of female (66.3%) and male (76.1%) fish between 10 and 60 g. TL/TW relations for male and female fish and both sexes combined were: TW = 0.006TL3.07, TW = 0.007TL3.03 and TW = 0.007TL3.05 respectively. Age structure (based on otolith reading) ranged between 0.5 and 7.5 years old for females and 0.5 to 5.5 years old for male with the majority of female (41.7%) and male (46.0%) fish aged as 1.5 years old. The age structure of female and male grey gurnards was significantly different with the majority of older fish (>2.5 years) being female. The von Bertalanffy growth functions were calculated as Lt = 32.4[1 ? e?0.24(t + 1.41)] for males, Lt = 45.9[1 ? e?0.16(t + 1.37)] for females and Lt = 44.0[1 ? e?0.18(t + 1.20)] for both sexes combined. Instantaneous rates of total mortality were similar for males and females and the combined Z value 1.00 year?1 with the natural mortality rate estimated as 0.33 year?1. The size at 50% maturity (L50) was estimated to be 25.3 cm TL for males, females and for both sexes combined. Age at 50% maturity (A50) was 3.2 years for both males and females. The results of this study provide the first information on the population biology of E. gurnardus in the Irish Sea, the first detailed study in the NE Atlantic since 1985 and helps to address the data gap identified by ICES in knowledge of the population biology of this species.  相似文献   

Otolith‐based methods were used to determine life history traits of the endemic Brazilian snapper (Lutjanus alexandrei) in estuarine and coastal environments in the south‐western Atlantic. Fishes were caught as juveniles inside mangrove‐bordered estuaries by traditional corral fisheries whereas adults were captured at sea using motorboats with trap and gill nets. Fish were sampled during landings and 331 otolith pairs were extracted from Lalexandrei. Inshore mangroves comprised individuals of 0–4 years (mean: 2 years), while individuals in deeper reef environments were older (range: 3–22; mean: 8 years), indicating an ontogenetic shift at approximately age 3 or 4. Edge analysis was used to validate the annual deposition in the otoliths, suggesting that opaque growth rings were formed between April and September. Age‐at‐length data were used to predict Lalexandrei growth rates using the von Bertalanffy growth model from where the parameters were calculated: L = 31 cm, k = 0.24, t0 = ?1.26, r= 0.97. Mortality rates were estimated for coastal habitats, with Z = 0.22 and S = 0.78 year?1, based on ages 7–17. Additionally, evidence of ontogenetic migration is provided by age and size structure.  相似文献   

This aim of this paper was the study of the reproductive biology and growth of the sand smelt, Atherina boyeri, in Mellah Lagoon (Algeria). These data are important for the sustainable exploitation of the stocks of this species. Examined was a total of 1402 Atherina boyeri specimens captured monthly from March 2010 to March 2011, in a population with a 3‐year life cycle. Length–weight relationship was estimated as W = 0.0047 L3.077 (r2 = 0.935) for males and W = 0.0047 L3.176 (r2 = 0.935) for females. Using scales, the von Bertalanffy growth function fitted to back‐calculated size‐at‐age data was Lt = 9.49 [1 ? e?0.316 (t + 0.928)] for males, and Lt = 11.67 [1 ? e?0.179 (t + 1.514)] for females; using otoliths this was Lt = 9.68 [1 ? e?0.3 (t + 1.02)] for males, and Lt = 11.93 [1 ? e?0.171 (t + 1.55)] for females. The growth performance index (Φ) indicated that males (Φscales = 3.34, Φotoliths = 3.33) grew at the same rate as females (Φscales = 3.19, Φotoliths = 3.24), with a sex ratio of 1 : 1.6 in favor of females. The reproductive season extended from February to June. Individual length at first sexual maturity was 4.20 cm for 1‐year‐old males and 4.35 cm for 1‐year‐old females.  相似文献   

Age composition, growth, and reproductive biology of the non‐native Indian glassy fish Parambassis ranga (Hamilton, 1822) were surveyed in the Haebaru Reservoir on Okinawa‐jima Island, southern Japan. Standard lengths (SLs) of males and females ranged from 19.7 to 44.0 mm and from 19.2 to 52.4 mm, respectively. The overall sex ratio was significantly female‐biased, with the monthly percentage of females ranging from 71.4 to 100.0. Marginal growth analysis of sectioned otoliths revealed opaque zones formed annually from November to May. Observed age ranged from 0 to 3 years for both sexes, although the 1‐year age class comprised the majority of the sampled population. Von Bertalanffy growth parameters were L = 48.8 mm (SL), K = 0.43 year?1, and t0 = ?1.47 years for males, and L = 43.7 mm, K =0.72 year?1, and t0 = ?1.29 years for females. Length at 50% maturity was estimated to be 25.8 mm SL, and maturation was within 1 year after hatching. The main spawning season of P. ranga was estimated to occur from February to October, peaking in April.  相似文献   

This study investigated the age and growth of damselfish, Chromis notate, from Jeju Island in Korea. Samples were collected monthly by lift net from September 2013 to August 2014. Total lengths of the damselfish ranged from 6.4 to 15.3 cm. The relationship between total length and wet weight was WW = 0.0125TL3.1631 for females, and WW = 0.0091TL3.2769 for males. The slopes in the relationship between length and weight were not significantly different between sexes, but were significantly different in the intercepts. There were more female than male specimens (1.3:1). Age determination was conducted using the otoliths. Marginal increment (MI) declined in summer and winter, which suggests that two rings are formed each year. Ages of sampled individuals ranged from 1 to 5 years. Length‐at‐age data were fitted using the von Bertalanffy growth model. The estimated growth functions were Lt = 19.93 [1 ? exp?0.21 (t + 0.811)] total length and wet weight was females, and Lt = 16.47 [1 ? exp?0.32 (t + 0.499)] for males.  相似文献   

The goal of this study was to examine the age and size composition, growth, reproductive biology and mortality of Sillago ciliata Cuvier, 1829 in one of the largest estuarine commercial fisheries in south‐eastern Australia. The study also aimed to present a qualitative comparison of latitudinal variations in some of these characteristics along the eastern Australian coastline. The sampled population contained fish aged up to 10 years with a maximum size of 39.2 cm fork length (LF), and was dominated by 1–5 year olds. Sexual divergence in both the age and size structure of the population was recorded. Female S. ciliata grew slightly faster and attained a greater maximum size (L = 33.79 cm LF, = 0.50 year?1 and t0 = ?0.57 years) than males (L = 29.73 cm LF, = 0.49 year?1 and t0 = ?0.67 years). Females also matured at a significantly larger size (19.13 cm) and older age (1.63 years) than males (size: 17.07 cm, age: 1.10 years). Reproductive activity was highest between September and March. There were no differences between males and females in terms of mortality rate; the estimated total population, natural and fishing mortality rates were = 0.64, = 0.42 and = 0.22, respectively. Although these mortality rates suggest that S. ciliata in the Clarence River are relatively resilient to current rates of exploitation, regular monitoring of their commercial and recreational catch as well as their population structure is recommended in order to maintain sustainable fisheries. Potential latitudinal shifts in the spawning period, age structure and growth of S. ciliata along eastern Australia were also revealed.  相似文献   

The sharpbelly Hemiculter leucisculus, an invasive species, has expanded its range throughout much of Asia and into the Middle East. However, little is known of its adaptive changes regarding life history traits such as age, growth and mortality that could possibly explain its success as an invasive species. A detailed study of the invasive sharpbelly was conducted based on 4539 samples collected from July 2009 to June 2011 in Erhai Lake, China. Standard length ranged from 4.3–19.1 cm for females and 4.6–12.3 cm for males. Length–weight relationships for females and males were significantly different and described as W = 0.0076SL3.2608 and W = 0.0084SL3.1901, respectively. Otoliths are ideal for age determination because of the single annulus formed each year. Based on marginal increment analysis, the total mean CV for age estimate between two readings was 3.55%. The von Bertalanffy growth curves computed by observed length‐at‐age data were expressed as Lt = 25.6 (1 ? e?0.176 (t + 1.347)) for females and Lt = 16.4 (1 ? e?0.354 (t + 0.819)) for males. According to the age, growth and mortality data, there are three possible reasons for H. leucisculus attaining such dominance within a short time in Erhai Lake. First, because of the simple age structure of this species: 97.58% of males were 1–2 years old with a maximum age of only 3 years; 93.14% of females were 1–3 years old, with a maximum age of 6 years. Second, females grew larger than males at any age. Third, instantaneous mortality rates were much higher for males (4.22 year?1) than for females (1.17 year?1).  相似文献   

The age and growth of conger eel, Conger myriaster, were investigated by measuring transversely sectioned sagittal otoliths samples from 635 individuals. Sample ages ranged from 1 to 13 years in the female data. Parameters of the von Bertalanffy growth function were estimated using nonlinear regression from back‐calculation, mean length of samples at age relationships, and otolith weight‐at‐age relationships. Best‐fitting value of the three methods was the otolith weight‐at‐age relationship (r2 = .87). Parameters of otolith weight‐at‐age were estimated as L = 143.76 cm, = 0.081, and t0 = ?1.285. Maximum oocyte diameter (MOD) ranged from 50 to 430 μm. Reproductive traits of ovaries showed a positive relationship between GSI and MOD (r2 = .8515). It is suggested that oogenesis begins to develop from 4 years of age and at lengths of about 45 cm TL. In conclusion, these data provide reliable fundamental data for the fish stock management of Conger myriaster in South Korea.  相似文献   

Synopsis Otoliths and scales were used for age and growth determination ofOreochromis andersonii from the Okavango Delta, Botswana. Marginal increment analysis showed that an annulus was formed in both the scales and otoliths during the dry summer period. Using scales, the growth ofO. andersonii was described by Lt = 285.27(1-e-0.26(t+2.02)) mm SL and using otoliths by the equation Lt = 267.48(1-e-0.25(t+2.18)) mm SL. Maximum age estimates of 10 years using scales and 13 years using otoliths were obtained and the growth curves were significantly different (p < 0.01). Age estimation using scales tended to over-emphasise growth inO. andersonii resulting in larger predicted lengths-at-age. For this reason, otoliths are considered to be more reliable and suitable than scales in determining the age and growth of this species.  相似文献   

This study investigated the age and growth characteristics of spiny gurnard, Lepidotrigla dieuzeidei, from the northeastern Mediterranean. Samples were collected by commercial trawls during the 2012–2013 fishing seasons. A total 1,878 speciments ranged from 7.10 to 15.90 cm total length and 2.28–35.88 g in weight. Female/male ratio was 1.2/1. The total length–weight relationship was W = 0.002 TL3.579 (r² = .909) for sexes combined, W = 0.0021 TL3.551 (r² = .914) for males and W = 0.0019 TL3.602 (r² = .904) for females. Age determination was conducted using the sagittal otoliths. Ages of examined individulas ranged from 3 to 11 years. Total length‐at‐age data were fitted using the von Bertalanffy growth model. Estimated growth functions were TLt = 18.100 [1?e?0.14 (t + 0.63)] for sexes combined, TLt = 23.587 [1?e?0.08 (t + 1.56)] for males and TLt = 16.612 [1?e?0.19 (t + 0.15)] for females.  相似文献   

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