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There is a need to better understand the survivorship of discarded fishes, both for commercial stocks and species of conservation concern. Within European waters, the landing obligations that are currently being phased in as part of the European Union's reformed common fisheries policy means that an increasing number of fish stocks, with certain exceptions, should not be discarded unless it can be demonstrated that there is a high probability of survival. This study reviews the various approaches that have been used to examine the discard survival of elasmobranchs, both in terms of at‐vessel mortality (AVM) and post‐release mortality (PRM), with relevant findings summarized for both the main types of fishing gear used and by taxonomic group. Discard survival varies with a range of biological attributes (species, size, sex and mode of gill ventilation) as well as the range of factors associated with capture (e.g. gear type, soak time, catch mass and composition, handling practices and the degree of exposure to air and any associated change in ambient temperature). In general, demersal species with buccal‐pump ventilation have a higher survival than obligate ram ventilators. Several studies have indicated that females may have a higher survival than males. Certain taxa (including hammerhead sharks Sphyrna spp. and thresher sharks Alopias spp.) may be particularly prone to higher rates of mortality when caught.  相似文献   

The present study provides length‐weight (LWR) and total length‐standard length (LLR) relationships for 16 freshwater fish species collected in coastal rivers of the northern Brazilian, state of Amapá in 2015. Fishes were caught in heterogenic environments like ponds, stream and river channel with sieve and trawl. As result, we present novel information of LWR and LLR for 11 and 15 species, respectively. Maximum values (first values or new maximum values) of TL, SL and WT are presented for 14, 12 and 15 species, respectively.  相似文献   

The present study provides the length–weight relationships (LWRs) of 13 fish species belonging to eight families that were collected in Rongcheng Bay, March 2009 to December 2014. The r2 values ranged from 0.953 to 0.994 and values of b varied from 2.542 to 3.454. The study also describes the total length – standard length relationships (LLRs) for these fish species. This is the first record of length–weight and length–length relationships for the fish species in this area.  相似文献   

This report describes the length–weight relationships (LWRs) of 22 freshwater fish species from freshwater western Caribbean drainages in Venezuela. Fishes were collected in dry seasons between 2005 and 2007 with standardized electrofishing from coastal streams of Aroa, Yaracuy and Urama drainages. Results include the first LWR information for ten endemic and threatened species. Novel data on these freshwater fish faunas are important for monitoring their populations, as well as the condition of fluvial habitats to promote strategies for their conservation.  相似文献   

The weight–length relationships (WLRs) for six endemic fish species of Greece are presented here. All WLRs were highly significant (P < 0.001), and reported for the first time for five of the six species. Moreover, for three of the species studied, new maximum body lengths are provided.  相似文献   

Weight–length relationships (WLR) were estimated for six batoids, namely: Urotrygon chilensis, Narcine entemedor, Rhinobatos leucorhynchus, Rhinobatos planiceps, Rhinobatos prahli and Urobatis tumbesensis captured in the Ecuadorian Pacific. Data were collected between October 2013 and August 2014 in two artisanal fishing ports. In addition, this represents the first WLR estimations for five of the species.  相似文献   

Length–weight and length–length relationships were assessed for eight endemic Aphanius species from Turkey. This study provides a new reference on length–weight and length–length relationships and new maximum sizes for all species examined.  相似文献   

Estimated length–weight relationships are presented for 11 marine fish species representing six families, found above the continental shelf and in the pelagial of the Okhotsk Sea. A total of 13,841 specimens were caught by trawls that were equipped with a 1.0 by 1.2 cm mesh webbing inset. The period between 1974 and 2015 comprised mostly spring and autumn months. All length–weight relationships were highly significant (r2 ≥ .95) on a log scale. None of the species had previous length–weight estimates, and two species had no previous length–length estimates in the FishBase.  相似文献   

Massive coral bleaching events associated with high sea surface temperatures are forecast to become more frequent and severe in the future due to climate change. Monitoring colony recovery from bleaching disturbances over multiyear time frames is important for improving predictions of future coral community changes. However, there are currently few multiyear studies describing long‐term outcomes for coral colonies following acute bleaching events. We recorded colony pigmentation and size for bleached and unbleached groups of co‐located conspecifics of three major reef‐building scleractinian corals (Orbicella franksi, Siderastrea siderea, and Stephanocoenia michelini; n = 198 total) in Bocas del Toro, Panama, during the major 2005 bleaching event and then monitored pigmentation status and changes live tissue colony size for 8 years (2005–2013). Corals that were bleached in 2005 demonstrated markedly different response trajectories compared to unbleached colony groups, with extensive live tissue loss for bleached corals of all species following bleaching, with mean live tissue losses per colony 9 months postbleaching of 26.2% (±5.4 SE) for O. franksi, 35.7% (±4.7 SE) for S. michelini, and 11.2% (±3.9 SE) for S. siderea. Two species, O. franksi and S. michelini, later recovered to net positive growth, which continued until a second thermal stress event in 2010. Following this event, all species again lost tissue, with previously unbleached colony species groups experiencing greater declines than conspecific sample groups, which were previously bleached, indicating a possible positive acclimative response. However, despite this beneficial effect for previously bleached corals, all groups experienced substantial net tissue loss between 2005 and 2013, indicating that many important Caribbean reef‐building corals will likely suffer continued tissue loss and may be unable to maintain current benthic coverage when faced with future thermal stress forecast for the region, even with potential benefits from bleaching‐related acclimation.  相似文献   

Present study provides length–weight relationships (LWRs) and length–length relationships (LLRs) of eight fish species from river Ganga, India. Specimens were sampled from gill nets (mesh, 22–120 mm), cast nets (mesh, 12–14 mm), and seine nets (mesh, 12 mm) on quarterly basis from September 2016 to September 2017 within the river stretch from Buxar (25°33′43.90″N and 83°56′3.10″E) to Freserganj (21°35′40.58″N and 88°15′28.92″E). The b value ranged from 2.86 (Otolithoides pama) to 3.08 (Polynemus paradiseus), whereas a value ranged from 0.004 (P. paradiseus) to 0.016 (Rita rita). Both relationships (LWRs and LLRs) were found to be highly correlated (p < .001). This study provides first report on LWR for Amblyceps mangois and Osteobrama cotio, whereas new maximum length recorded for Macrognathus pancalus. Furthermore, the estimate of R. rita should be considered as tentative because of the limited size range in the study.  相似文献   

Length–weight and length–length relationships (LWRs and LLRs) for eight fish species collected quarterly by trawl net in Bohai Bay, China, were estimated in a total of 1,395 specimens from 2012 to 2015. These were Pholis fangi, Setipinna taty, Engraulis japonicus, Larimichthys polyactis, Thryssa kammalensis, Scomberomorus niphonius, Johnius grypotus and Sardinella zunasi. The LWRs for the last two fish species are first reports for FishBase.  相似文献   

The relationships of total length (TL), fork length (FL) and standard length (SL) are presented for four fish species and the relationships between TL and wet weight for 23 fish species from the Chi River in northeastern Thailand. All length–length relationships were linear (r2 > 0.95). Slope (b) of the length–weight relationships showed values between 2.5073 and 3.4896.  相似文献   

The Lake Eyre Basin in central Australia is one of the world's last unregulated dryland river systems. To facilitate future research in this area, the relationships between total length, standard length, and wet weight for 10 widespread, large‐bodied freshwater fish species are presented. All linear relationships were strong (r2 > 0.90) and values of the exponent b of the length–weight relationships ranged from 2.786 to 3.336. These results provide novel baseline data for species in this area.  相似文献   

The present work provides the length–weight relationships (LWRs) and total length – standard length relationships (LLRs) of 11 fish species belonging to six families. The fishes were collected from seasonal bottom trawl surveys in the Zhimai River estuary, March 2011 to May 2013. This is the first record of LWRs and LLRs for several of the fish species in this area.  相似文献   

Length–weight relationships (LWR) were estimated for 12 species, representing three orders and eight families of fishes from the Paraná and Uruguay rivers in Argentina: Acestrorhynchus pantaneiro, Cynopotamus argenteus, Pachyurus bonariensis, Pterodoras granulosus, Hypostomus commersoni, Pseudoplatystoma corruscans, Pimelodus maculatus, Parapimelodus valenciennis, Salminus brasiliensis, Prochilodus lineatus, Hoplias malabaricus and Leporinus obtusidens. For the last four species, the length at first spawning (Lm) was estimated using three different methods. The captures were made in shallow river areas during 2005–2013. Significant length–weight relationships were found for all species. None or few LWRs were previously available for these species.  相似文献   

Length‐weight and length‐length relationships were estimated for four native fish species from the Yalong River and its tributaries, China. A total of 976 specimens were collected monthly using trap nets and electric fishing in May 2013 and July 2015 to February 2016. This study presents the first references on LWRs (length–weight relationships) and LLRs (length–length relationships) for three species (Gymnocypris firmispinatus, Paracobitis variegatus and Euchiloglanis kishinouyei). Moreover, maturation length, absolute fecundity and predominant food items for the four species were also described in the study.  相似文献   

Length‐weight (LWRs) and length–length (LLRs) relationships are reported for three fish species belonging to two families and two genera from the Heihe River, northwest China. Fish samples were collected using trap nets (mesh size 1 cm) in May and December of 2016, and April and October 2017. Standard length (SL) and total length (TL) for each individual were measured to the nearest 0.1 cm by digital slide caliper and each body weight (BW) was measured to an accuracy of 0.1 g using digital balance. The b‐values for LWRs varied from 2.580 to 3.164 (r2 > .956). The results further indicated that the LLRs were highly correlated (r> .991; < .01). This study presents the first references on LWRs for Gymnocypris chilianensis and Triplophysa hsutschouensis, and LLRs for G. chilianensis, Triplophysa leptosoma and Thsutschouensis. This biometric data and their relationships are relevant to the management and conservation of local fishes and fisheries.  相似文献   

This study investigated length–weight and length–length relationships of three Clupeonella species: C. caspia, C. engrauliformis and C. grimmi captured in the southern Caspian Sea, Iran. Using a lantern net, 206 specimens were collected from July to August 2016. Presented for two of the species are the length–weight and the length–length relationships as well as the first reference on length–weight and length–length relationships for C. caspia in its distribution range.  相似文献   

Caballer M  Ortea J  Narciso S 《ZooKeys》2011,(115):1-18
Two new species of the genus Rissoella Gray, 1847 are described from Venezuela, one from the National Park Morrocoy, Rissoella morrocoyensis sp. n. and the other from the Wildlife Refuge Isla de Aves, Rissoella venezolanicola sp. n. Rissoella morrocoyensis sp. n. has a deep umbilicus (partly closed), preumbilical cord, black head, hypobranchial gland marked by a pale yellow boomerang-shaped ribbon and it lives on the leaves of the seagrass Thalassia testudinum Banks & König, 1805. Rissoella venezolanicola sp. n. has an angled preumbilical cord which extends to the columella delimiting a trapezoid, a hypobranchial gland marked by a yellow quaver-shaped ribbon and protoconch with fuchsia highlights. It lives on the brown alga Dictyota spp. The records of Rissoella in the Caribbean are revised and illustrations, a comparative table and a key to the Caribbean species known for the genus are provided.  相似文献   

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