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Body mass is a strong predictor of diet and nutritional requirements across a wide range of mammalian taxa. In the case of small‐bodied primates, because of their limited gut volume, rapid food passage rate, and high metabolic rate, they are hypothesized to maintain high digestive efficiency by exploiting foods rich in protein, fats, and readily available energy. However, our understanding of the dietary requirements of wild primates is limited because little is known concerning the contributions of their gut microbiome to the breakdown and assimilation of macronutrients and energy. To study how the gut microbiome contributes to the feeding ecology of a small‐bodied primate, we analyzed the fecal microbiome composition and metabolome of 22 wild saddleback tamarins (adult body mass 360–390 g) in Northern Bolivia. Samples were analyzed using high‐throughput Illumina sequencing of the 16 S rRNA gene V3‐V5 regions, coupled with GC‐MS metabolomic profiling. Our analysis revealed that the distal microbiome of Leontocebus weddelli is largely dominated by two main bacterial genera: Xylanibacter and Hallella (34.7 ± 14.7 and 22.6 ± 12.4%, respectively). A predictive analysis of functions likely carried out by bacteria in the tamarin gut demonstrated the dominance of membrane transport systems and carbohydrate metabolism as the predominant metabolic pathways. Moreover, given a fecal metabolome composed mainly of glucose, fructose, and lactic acid (21.7 ± 15.9%, 16.5 ± 10.7%, and 6.8 ± 5.5%, respectively), the processing of highly fermentable carbohydrates appears to play a central role in the nutritional ecology of these small‐bodied primates. Finally, the results also show a potential influence of environmentally‐derived bacteria in colonizing the tamarin gut. These results indicate high energetic turnover in the distal gut of Weddell's saddleback tamarin, likely influenced by dominant bacterial taxa that facilitate dietary dependence on highly digestible carbohydrates present in nectar, plant exudates, and ripe fruits.  相似文献   

Body size (stature and mass) estimates are integral to understanding the lifeways of past populations.Body size estimation of an archaeological skeletal sample can be problematic when the body size or proportions of the population are distinctive. One such population is that of the Holocene Later Stone Age (LSA) of southern Africa, in which small stature (mean femoral length = 407 mm, n = 52) and narrow pelves (mean bi‐iliac breadth = 210 mm, n = 50) produce a distinctive adult body size/shape, making it difficult to identify appropriate body size estimation methods. Material culture, morphology, and culture history link the Later Stone Age people with the descendant population collectively known as the Khoe‐San. Stature estimates based on skeletal “anatomical” linear measures (the Fully method) and on long bone length are compared, along with body mass estimates derived from “morphometric” (bi‐iliac breath/stature) and “biomechanical” (femoral head diameter) methods, in a LSA adult skeletal sample (n = 52) from the from coastal and near‐coastal regions of South Africa. Indices of sexual dimorphism (ISD) for each method are compared with data from living populations. Fully anatomical stature is most congruent with Olivier's femur + tibia method, although both produce low ISD. McHenry's femoral head body mass formula produces estimates most consistent with the bi‐iliac breadth/staturemethod for the females, although the males display higher degrees of disagreement among methods. These results highlight the need for formulae derived from reference samples from a wider range of body sizes to improve the reliability of existing methods. Am J Phys Anthropol, 2010. © 2009 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Reproduction is energetically financed using strategies that fall along a continuum from animals that rely on stored energy acquired prior to reproduction (i.e., capital breeders) to those that rely on energy acquired during reproduction (i.e., income breeders). Energy storage incurs a metabolic cost. However, previous studies suggest that this cost may be minimal for small‐bodied ectotherms. Here I test this assumption. I use a laboratory feeding experiment with the European green crab Carcinus maenas to establish individuals with different amounts of energy storage. I then demonstrate that differences in energy storage account for 26% of the variation in basal metabolic costs. The magnitudes of these costs for any individual crab vary through time depending on the amount of energy it has stored, as well as on temperature‐dependent metabolism. I use previously established relationships between temperature‐ and mass‐dependent metabolic rates, combined with a feasible annual pattern of energy storage in the Gulf of Maine and annual sea surface temperature patterns in this region, to estimate potential annual metabolic costs expected for mature female green crabs. Results indicate that energy storage should incur an ~8% increase in metabolic costs for female crabs, relative to a hypothetical crab that did not store any energy. Translated into feeding, for a medium‐sized mature female (45 mm carapace width), this requires the consumption of an additional ~156 mussels annually to support the metabolic cost of energy storage. These results indicate, contrary to previous assumptions, that the cost of energy storage for small‐bodied ectotherms may represent a considerable portion of their basic operating energy budget. An inability to meet these additional costs of energy storage may help explain the recent decline of green crabs in the Gulf of Maine where reduced prey availability and increased consumer competition have combined to hamper green crab foraging success in recent years.  相似文献   

This study used stable‐isotope analysis to define the nearshore regional residency and movements of the small‐bodied Australian sharpnose shark Rhizoprionodon taylori. Plasma and muscle δ13C and δ15N of R. taylori were collected from across five embayments and compared with values of seagrass and plankton from each bay. Linear distances between adjacent bays ranged from 30 to 150 km. There was a positive geographic correlation between R. taylori tissue and environmental δ13C values. Populations with the highest tissue δ15N were collected from bays that had the highest environmental δ15N values. These results suggest that R. taylori did not forage more than 100 km away from their capture location within 6 months to 1 year. The successful application of isotope analysis to define R. taylori movement demonstrates that this technique may be used in addition to traditional methods to study the movement of sharks, even within similar habitats across regionally small spatial scales (<100 km).  相似文献   



Mega hydroelectric dams have become one of the main drivers of biodiversity loss in the lowland tropics. In these reservoirs, vertebrate studies have focused on local (α) diversity measures, whereas between‐site (β) diversity remains poorly assessed despite its pivotal importance in understanding how species diversity is structured and maintained. Here, we unravel the patterns and ecological correlates of mammal β‐diversity, including both small (SM) and midsized to large mammal species (LM) across 23 islands and two continuous forest sites within a mega hydroelectric reservoir.


Balbina Hydroelectric Dam, Central Brazilian Amazonia.


Small mammals were sampled using live and pitfall traps (48,350 trap‐nights), and larger mammals using camera traps (8,160 trap‐nights). β‐diversity was examined for each group using multiplicative diversity decomposition of Hill numbers, which considers the importance of rare, common and dominant species, and tested to what extent those were related to a set of environmental characteristics measured at different spatial scales.


β‐diversity for both mammal groups was higher when considering species presence–absence. When considering species abundance, β‐diversity was significantly higher for SM than for LM assemblages. Habitat variables, such as differences in tree species richness and percentage of old‐growth trees, were strong correlates of β‐diversity for both SMs and LMs. Conversely, β‐diversity was weakly related to patch and landscape characteristics, except for LMs, for which β‐diversity was correlated with differences in island sizes.

Main conclusions

The lower β‐diversity of LMs between smaller islands suggests subtractive homogenization of this group. Although island size plays a major role in structuring mammal α‐diversity in several land‐bridge islands, local vegetation characteristics were additional key factors determining β‐diversity for both mammal groups. Maintaining the integrity of vegetation characteristics and preventing the formation of a large set of small islands within reservoirs should be considered in long‐term management plans in both existing and planned hydropower development in lowland tropical forests.

Andrea R. Norris  Kathy Martin 《Oikos》2010,119(7):1126-1135
Resource pulses within structured communities can lead to changes in the ecological roles of community members, particularly for species that exhibit plasticity in resource use. The red‐breasted nuthatch Sitta canadensis is a facultative excavating cavity‐nester that forages on seeds and insects, thus exhibits plasticity in both nesting habits and diet. In a long‐term study of cavity‐nesting vertebrates, we used point counts, and nest and vegetation surveys to examine the effects of two resource pulses of mountain pine bark beetle prey Dendroctonus ponderosae and tree cavities via excavator populations, on population densities and cavity reuse of red‐breasted nuthatches, from 1997–2006. We observed a doubling in mean nut‐hatch densities from 0.12 to 0.24 individuals ha?1 then a collapse later in the decade to 50% below endemic levels (0.06 individuals ha?1). These regional fluctuations were positively correlated with densities of trees recently infected by bark beetles. Because nuthatches range over large areas in winter, this regional correlation suggests that populations responded to the increase in winter food supply. At the site scale, general linear mixed effects models showed that nuthatch populations increased following years of high densities of downy woodpeckers Picoides pubescens, suggesting that downy woodpeckers were important facilitators, via cavity excavation. Type of nesting cavity used by nuthatches varied during the pulse, such that the use of existing cavities (in lieu of excavation) increased on sites that had harboured downy woodpecker nests in the previous year. We conclude that increased densities of cavity excavators allowed facultative excavators to increase their reuse of cavities, which may have contributed to the dramatic increases in nuthatch populations. However, nuthatch populations collapsed after the boom suggesting that this dual resource pulse may have destabilized populations by enabling densities to reach unsustainable levels. Thus, plasticity in resource use can have serious costs as well as benefits.  相似文献   

The effects of environmental change on fecundity and mortality rates of ancient populations are likely to have influenced extinction patterns and biogeographical range shifts. To test for a relationship between environmental change and palaeodemographical change, the mortality profiles of late Pleistocene muskrats (Ondatra zibethicus) from north Florida were compared with recent populations of the same species to assess the effect of the Pleistocene–Holocene transition on the demographics of this species, as well as a potential role in the extirpation of O. zibethicus in Florida during the Pleistocene–Holocene transition. At the older locality (Latvis‐Simpson: approximately 32 14C Ky BP), there is strong sedimentological evidence for late summer or autumn seasonal deposition. Most of the individuals in the youngest cohort were adults approximately 7 or 8 months old at death, suggesting that the breeding season had occurred in the fall or winter. This breeding schedule is similar to recent southern populations where breeding is most intense in the fall and winter, and unlike northern populations where breeding occurs in the spring. The inferred breeding seasonality is consistent with other evidence suggesting that the south‐east was warm and equable in the late Pleistocene. At the younger locality (Sloth Hole: approximately 12 14C Ky BP) muskrats exhibit faster dental wear and lower life expectancy, suggesting harsher conditions near the time of extirpation. Cooler temperatures, aridity, water table fluctuation, and human presence all comprise potential factors leading to a lower life expectancy during this time interval. The fossil record shows a potential for investigating links between climate change and the demographics of palaeopopulations. © 2012 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2012, 106 , 41–56.  相似文献   

Synopsis Both historical patterns and recent evidence of resource partitioning and complementarity within the Lake Michigan fish community provide circumstantial evidence for interspecific competition. But competition is difficult to document in the field without controlled experimentation. In Lake Michigan, controlled experiments on competition within the fish community are nearly impossible, but we still need to understand the interactions among the dominant fishes. For this purpose, I have relied upon hypothesis-based field observation, natural experiments in the field and designed laboratory experiments to evaluate competitive interactions. Resource use patterns and trophic morphology of the bloater, Coregonus hoyi, a native cisco, from samples taken before alewife, Alosa pseudoharengus, became abundant (1960) were compared to more recent data (1979–80). After the alewife density increase, bloaters had significantly fewer and shorter gill rakers. This suggests a morphological shift toward greater benthic foraging efficiency in response to high abundances of an efficient pelagic planktivore, alewife. Resource use comparisons suggested that bloaters now shift from pelagic zooplanktivory to benthic habitats and diets at least two years earlier in their life history than they did before alewife became abundant. This evidence, albeit not experimental, provides strong support for the importance of competition in the structure of the current Lake Michigan fish community.In Lake Michigan, seasonal thermal habitat compression can pack fish into a narrow thermal zone across the lake bottom, leading to increased habitat overlap, reduced prey availability and fish diets containing fewer and smaller prey. Thermal habitat compression, which can occur intermittently through the season, may create competitive bottlenecks which help maintain the observed resource partitioning among these fishes.  相似文献   

The present work provides length–weight relationships for 16 species captured in the surf zone of six sandy beaches near the mouth of the estuarine system of the Piraquê‐açú and Piraquê‐mirim rivers, southeastern Brazil.  相似文献   

Relationships between fish and otolith measurements were analyzed in nine demersal fishes from the north‐eastern Tasmanian waters: Foetorepus calauropomus, Trachurus declivis, Parequula melbournensis, Neosebastes scorpaenoides, Platycephalus aurimaculatus, Platycephalus bassensis, Platycephalus conatus, Lepidotrigla mulhalli and Lepidotrigla vanessa. The values of exponent b from the relationships between fish weight and fish total length, total length and otolith length, total length and otolith width, and fish weight and otolith length were estimated. All above relationships were statistically significant. The analysis of covariance (ANCOVA) was used to test the effect of the categorical factor of species in the fish length and otolith length relationship. Significant differences in fish length and otolith length relationship between species were highlighted in both gurnards and flatheads. Results from this study will provide novel information on quantitative biometric relationships between body and otolith measurements of fish species in Australian waters.  相似文献   

Spatio‐temporal recruitment patterns, growth and survival of the Swan River goby Pseudogobius olorum and western hardyhead Leptatherina wallacei are described from two small, coastal lagoons on the south coast of Western Australia. In these lagoons, estuarine salinity dynamics were relatively stable over much of the autumn–spring period when freshwater inputs from rivers were reduced and there was no oceanic connection. Preflexion and flexion stages of both fish species contributed strongly to population size structure in downstream reaches, whereas upstream reaches were dominated by postflexion larvae and juvenile stages. Spawning of both species was protracted and largely asynchronous, although the episodic presence of stronger preflexion and flexion cohorts suggested some synchronized spawning had occurred. Comparison with estuarine conditions over this period provided evidence that synchronized spawning may be related to temperature and salinity variations from a combination of freshwater inputs and periods of marine exchange. Uninterrupted growth and the progression of cohorts through to juvenile stages were consistent with the generally stable estuarine conditions. Larval and juvenile stages of both species were also tolerant of abrupt changes in salinity and temperature, which occurred due to a non‐seasonal oceanic connection. These findings were consistent with the euryhaline nature of adults of both species.  相似文献   

Shark take, driven by vast demand for meat and fins, is increasing. We set out to gain insights into the impact of small‐scale longline fisheries in Peru. Onboard observers were used to document catch from 145 longline fishing trips (1668 fishing days) originating from Ilo, southern Peru. Fishing effort is divided into two seasons: targeting dolphinfish (Coryphaena hippurus; December to February) and sharks (March to November). A total of 16,610 sharks were observed caught, with 11,166 identified to species level. Of these, 70.6% were blue sharks (Prionace glauca), 28.4% short‐fin mako sharks (Isurus oxyrinchus), and 1% were other species (including thresher (Alopias vulpinus), hammerhead (Sphyrna zygaena), porbeagle (Lamnus nasus), and other Carcharhinidae species (Carcharhinus brachyurus, Carcharhinus falciformis, Galeorhinus galeus). Mean ± SD catch per unit effort of 33.6 ± 10.9 sharks per 1000 hooks was calculated for the shark season and 1.9 ± 3.1 sharks per 1000 hooks were caught in the dolphinfish season. An average of 83.7% of sharks caught (74.7% blue sharks; 93.3% mako sharks) were deemed sexually immature and under the legal minimum landing size, which for species exhibiting k‐selected life history traits can result in susceptibility to over exploitation. As these growing fisheries operate along the entire Peruvian coast and may catch millions of sharks per annum, we conclude that their continued expansion, along with ineffective legislative approaches resulting in removal of immature individuals, has the potential to threaten the sustainability of the fishery, its target species, and ecosystem. There is a need for additional monitoring and research to inform novel management strategies for sharks while maintaining fisher livelihoods.  相似文献   

Length–weight relationships are given on six freshwater fish species ( Phoxinus phoxinus , Cobitis vardarensis , Neogobius gymnotrachelus , Proterorhinus marmoratus, Petroleuciscus borysthenicus and Gambusia holbrooki ) from four streams flowing into Lake Sapanca, north-western Turkey.  相似文献   

Polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHA) constitute a group of microbial biopolyesters with important ecosystem functions and a high biotechnological potential. During the past decade, the rapid development of new molecular and microscopic techniques resulted in novel insights into the ecology of PHA‐producing bacteria in aquatic and terrestrial microenvironments. Ecosystems showing fluctuating availability of carbon or transient limitation of essential nutrients, e.g. the rhizosphere of plants or estuarine sediments, contain a broad number of various PHA producers. PHA‐producing microorganisms show a widespread phylogenetic diversity and are often characterized by a symbiotic or syntrophic life style. PHA are already produced commercially in large‐scale fermentation. However, they have to compete economically with petrol‐based polymers. Hence, the development of low‐cost production strategies on the basis of diverse renewable materials is a crucial challenge. Ecological knowledge is required for these developments, which links both parts of the review together. The article highlights how a better understanding of the ecology of PHA‐producing microorganisms can lead to a broader application of microbial biopolymers on the basis of sustainable production processes. These processes have to be evaluated by means of life cycle assessment and Cleaner Production studies prior to their industrial implementation.  相似文献   

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