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Growth of Pseudomonas sp. NRRL B3266 in the presence of oleic acid resulted in the induction of two enzymes: oleate hydratase, which produced 10(R)hydroxyoctadecanoate, and hydroxyoctadecanoate dehydrogenase, which catalyzed the oxidized nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide-dependent production of 10-oxooctadecanoate. This latter enzyme was purified to homogeneity and shown to consist of two polypeptide chains of about 29,000 daltons each. The enzyme had a broad substrate specificity, catalyzing the dehydrogenation of a number of 18-carbon hydroxy fatty acids. The kinetic parameters for various 10- and 12-hydroxy fatty acids were similar (Km ca. 5 micron and Vmax ca. 50 to 200 mumol/min per mg of protein). The enzyme also catalyzed the dehydrogenation of unsubstituted secondary alcohols. The effectiveness of these alcohols as substrates was highly dependent on their hydrophobicity, the Km decreasing from 9 mM for 4-heptanol to 7 micron for 6-dodecanol. Inhibition of the enzyme by primary alcohols also showed a dependence on hydrophobicity, the Ki decreasing from 350 mM for methanol to 90 micron for decanol.  相似文献   

Further support for hypotheses proposed earlier for the genetic control and subunit composition of the alcohol dehydrogenase of Triticum has been obtained through the purification and partial characterization of the enzyme. The alcohol dehydrogenase of the wheat T. monococcum was purified 103-fold to a specific activity of 55,900 units/mg. Purification was achieved using streptomycin sulfate precipitation, gel filtration chromatography, DEAE-cellulose anion-exchange chromatography, and preparative isoelectric focusing. The native enzyme has a molecular weight of 116,000 and a dimeric subunit structure. The apparent Michaelis constants are 1.2 × 10?2m for ethanol and 1 × 10?4m for NAD. The substrate specificity of wheat alcohol dehydrogenase differs significantly from the substrate specificities of the enzymes of horse and yeast.  相似文献   

Cinnamyl alcohol dehydrogenase (CAD) is an enzyme involved in lignin biosynthesis. In this paper, we report the purification of CAD to homogeneity from tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum) stems. The enzyme is low in abundance, comprising approximately 0.05% of total soluble cell protein. A simple and efficient purification procedure for CAD was developed. It employs three chromatography steps, including two affinity matrices, Blue Sepharose and 2′5′ ADP-Sepharose. The purified enzyme has a specific cofactor requirement for NADP and has high affinity for coniferyl alcohol (Km = 12 micromolar) and coniferaldehyde (Km = 0.3 micromolar). Two different sized polypeptide subunits of 42.5 and 44 kilodaltons were identified and separated by reverse-phase HPLC. Peptide mapping and amino acid composition analysis of the polypeptides showed that they are closely related, although not identical.  相似文献   

Aspergillus alcohol dehydrogenase is produced in response to growth in the presence of a wide variety of inducers, of which the most effective are short-chain alcohols and ketones, e.g. butan-2-one and propan-2-ol. The enzyme can be readily extracted from fresh or freeze-dried cells and purified to homogeneity on Blue Sepharose in a single step by using specific elution with NAD+ and pyrazole. The pure enzyme has Mr 290 000 by electrophoresis or gel filtration; it is a homopolymer with subunit Mr 37 500 by electrophoresis in sodium dodecyl sulphate; its amino acid composition corresponds to Mr 37 900, and the native enzyme contains one zinc atom per subunit. The enzyme is NAD-specific and has a wide substrate activity in the forward and reverse reactions; its activity profile is not identical with those of other alcohol dehydrogenases.  相似文献   

Three alcohol dehydrogenase (ADH) isozymes from embryos of the durum wheat cultivar Bijaga Yellow having the variantAdh-Alb allele were purified using (NH4)2SO4 precipitation, gel filtration, and ion-exchange chromatography. ADH is a dimeric enzyme. The variant isozyme ADH-1-1, which is a homodimer composed of b monomers, was compared with ADH-1-5 (homodimer composed of a monomers), the product ofAdh-B1, and the ADH-1-3 isozyme (ba heterodimer) on a number of parameters includingK m, substrate specificities, and molecular weights. No appreciable differences among the three isozymes were found, except for the faster electrophoretic mobility of bb dimers (ADH-1-1). The results indicate that the variant isozyme is the result of a mutation altering only the charge of the isozyme.  相似文献   

Aldehyde dehydrogenase (EC has been purified from human brain; this constitutes the first purification to homogeneity from the brain of any mammalian species. Of the three isozymes purified two are mitochondrial in origin (Peak I and Peak II) and one is cytoplasmic (Peak III). By comparison of properties, the cytoplasmic Peak III enzyme could be identified as the same as the liver cytoplasmic E1 isozyme (N.J. Greenfield and R. Pietruszko (1977) Biochim. Biophys. Acta 483, 35-45). The Peak I and Peak II enzymes resemble the liver mitochondrial E2 isozyme, but both have properties that differ from those of the liver enzyme. The Peak I enzyme is extremely sensitive to disulfiram while the Peak II enzyme is totally insensitive; liver mitochondrial E2 isozyme is partially sensitive to disulfiram. The specific activity is 0.3 mumol/mg/min for the Peak I and 3.0 mumol/mg/min for the Peak II enzyme; the specific activity of the liver mitochondrial E2 isozyme is 1.6 mumol/min/mg under the same conditions. The Peak I enzyme is also inhibited by acetaldehyde at low concentrations, while the Peak II enzyme and the liver mitochondrial E2 isozyme are not inhibited under the same conditions. The precise relationship of brain Peak I and II enzymes to the liver E2 isozyme is not clear but it cannot be excluded at the present time that the two brain mitochondrial enzymes are brain specific.  相似文献   

An NADP-dependent branched-chain alcohol dehydrogenase was purified from Saccharomyces cerevisiae var. uvarum grown under anaerobic conditions. Its quaternary structure is monomeric, and it has a molecular mass of 37 kDa and a pI of 5.9. A possible role of the enzyme in flavor production during alcoholic fermentation is discussed.  相似文献   

An NAD-dependent alcohol dehydrogenase has been purified to apparent homogeneity from cell suspension cultures of Lithospermum erythrorhizon Sieb. et Zucc. (Boraginaceae), using protamine sulphate and ammonium sulphate precipitation and chromatography on DEAE-Sephacel, Superdex 200, hydroxyapatite and HiTrap blue. The enzyme is a homodimer with a Mr of ca. 77,000. Each subunit with a Mr of 40,000 contains two zinc atoms. Its isoelectric point was found at pH 5.0. The best alcohol substrate of the enzyme is ethanol. The pH optimum for ethanol oxidation is at pH 8.7 and for acetaldehyde reduction at pH 4.6. The Michaelis constants for ethanol and NAD are 2.49 and 0.05 (pH 8.7), and for acetaldehyde and NADH 2.2 and 0.078 mM (pH 4.6), respectively. Partial amino acid sequences of the purified enzyme showed high homology to alcohol dehydrogenases from other plants.Abbreviations ADH alcohol dehydrogenase - DTT dithiothreitol - PMSF dephenylmethylsulfonyl fluoride - PVPP polyvinylpolypyrrolidone - IAA indole-3-acetic acid - TFA trifluoroacetic acid  相似文献   

The sulfate-reducing bacterimDesulfovibrio strain HDv (DSM 6830) grew faster on (S)- and on (R, S)-1,2-propanediol (μmax 0.053 h) than on (R)-propanediol (0.017 h−1) and ethanol (0.027 h−1). From (R, S)-1,2-propanediol-grown cells, an alcohol dehydrogenase was purified. The enzyme was oxygen-labile, NAD-dependent, and decameric; the subunit mol. mass was 48 kDa. The N-terminal amino acid sequence indicated similarity to alcohol dehydrogenases belonging to family III of NAD-dependent alcohol dehydrogenases, the first 21 N-terminal amino acids being identical to those of theDesulfovibrio gigas alcohol dehydrogenase. Best substrates were ethanol and propanol (K m of 0.48 and 0.33 mM, respectively). (R, S)-1,2-Propanediol was a relatively poor substrate for the enzyme, but activities in cell extracts were high enough to account for the growth rate. The enzyme showed a preference for (S)-1,2-propanediol over (R)-1,2-propanediol. Antibodies raised against the alcohol dehydrogenase ofD. gigas showed cross-reactivity with the alcohol dehydrogenase ofDesulfovibrio strain HDv and with cell extracts of six other ethanol-grown sulfate-reducing bacteria.  相似文献   

Two primary alcohols (1-butanol and ethanol) are major fermentation products of several clostridial species. In addition to these two alcohols, the secondary alcohol 2-propanol is produced to a concentration of about 100 mM by some strains of Clostridium beijerinckii. An alcohol dehydrogenase (ADH) has been purified to homogeneity from two strains (NRRL B593 and NESTE 255) of 2-propanol-producing C. beijerinckii. When exposed to air, the purified ADH was stable, whereas the partially purified ADH was inactivated. The ADHs from the two strains had similar structural and kinetic properties. Each had a native M(r) of between 90,000 and 100,000 and a subunit M(r) of between 38,000 and 40,000. The ADHs were NADP(H) dependent, but a low level of NAD(+)-linked activity was detected. They were equally active in reducing aldehydes and 2-ketones, but a much lower oxidizing activity was obtained with primary alcohols than with secondary alcohols. The kcat/Km value for the alcohol-forming reaction appears to be a function of the size of the larger alkyl substituent on the carbonyl group. ADH activities measured in the presence of both acetone and butyraldehyde did not exceed activities measured with either substrate present alone, indicating a common active site for both substrates. There was no similarity in the N-terminal amino acid sequence between that of the ADH and those of fungi and several other bacteria. However, the N-terminal sequence had 67% identity with those of two other anaerobes, Thermoanaerobium brockii and Methanobacterium palustre. Furthermore, conserved glycine and tryptophan residues are present in ADHs of these three anaerobic bacteria and ADHs of mammals and green plants.  相似文献   

A new form of alcohol dehydrogenase, designated mu-alcohol dehydrogenase, was identified in surgical human stomach mucosa by isoelectric focusing and kinetic determinations. This enzyme was anodic to class I (alpha, beta, gamma) and class II (pi) alcohol dehydrogenases on agarose isoelectric focusing gels. The partially purified mu-alcohol dehydrogenase, specifically using NAD+ as cofactor, catalyzed the oxidation of aliphatic and aromatic alcohols with long chain alcohols being better substrates, indicating a barrel-shape hydrophobic binding pocket for substrate. mu-Alcohol dehydrogenase stood out in high Km values for both ethanol (18 mM) and NAD+ (340 microM) as well as in high Ki value (320 microM) for 4-methylpyrazole, a competitive inhibitor for ethanol. mu-Alcohol dehydrogenase may account for up to 50% of total stomach alcohol dehydrogenase activity and appeared to play a significant role in first-pass metabolism of ethanol in human.  相似文献   

J C Burnell  T K Li  W F Bosron 《Biochemistry》1989,28(17):6810-6815
Human liver alcohol dehydrogenase catalyzes the NAD+-dependent oxidation of alcohols. Isoenzymes are produced in liver by five different genes, two of which are polymorphic. We have studied the three beta beta isoenzymes produced at ADH2 because they exhibit very different kinetic properties and they appear with different frequencies in different racial populations. The beta 3 beta 3 isoenzyme which appears in 25% of black Americans was purified to homogeneity, and conditions were found to stabilize this labile isoenzyme. The comparison of substrate specificity among beta beta isoenzymes for primary straight-chain alcohols indicates that there is a positive correlation between Vmax/KM and the log octanol/water partition coefficient for alcohols with beta 2 beta 2 and beta 3 beta 3 but not with beta 1 beta 1. Methyl substitutions at C1 or C2 of these alcohols reduce the catalytic efficiency with all three isoenzymes. The KM and Ki values of beta 3 beta 3 for NAD+ and NADH are substantially higher than values for beta 1 beta 1 or beta 2 beta 2. The Vmax of beta 3 beta 3 ethanol oxidation is 90 times that of beta 1 beta 1. Sequencing of the beta 3 subunit and gene indicates that the polymorphism results from a single amino acid exchange of Cys-369 in beta 3 for Arg-369 in beta 1 and beta 2 [Burnell et al. (1987) Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 146, 1227-1233]. In horse alcohol dehydrogenase and beta 1 beta 1, the guanidino group of Arg-369 is thought to stabilize the NAD(H)-enzyme complex by bonding to one of the pyrophosphate oxygens.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

A quick, reliable, purification procedure was developed for purifying both benzyl alcohol dehydrogenase and benzaldehyde dehydrogenase II from a single batch of Acinetobacter calcoaceticus N.C.I.B. 8250. The procedure involved disruption of the bacteria in the French pressure cell and preparation of a high-speed supernatant, followed by chromatography on DEAE-Sephacel, affinity chromatography on Blue Sepharose CL-6B and Matrex Gel Red A, and finally gel filtration through a Superose 12 fast-protein-liquid-chromatography column. The enzymes co-purified as far as the Blue Sepharose CL-6B step were separated on the Matrex Gel Red A column. The final preparations of benzyl alcohol dehydrogenase and benzaldehyde dehydrogenase II gave single bands on electrophoresis under non-denaturing conditions or on SDS/polyacrylamide-gel electrophoresis. The enzymes are tetramers, as judged by comparison of their subunit (benzyl alcohol dehydrogenase, 39,700; benzaldehyde dehydrogenase II, 55,000) and native (benzyl alcohol dehydrogenase, 155,000; benzaldehyde dehydrogenase II, 222,500) Mr values, estimated by SDS/polyacrylamide-gel electrophoresis and gel filtration respectively. The optimum pH values for the oxidation reactions were 9.2 for benzyl alcohol dehydrogenase and 9.5 for benzaldehyde dehydrogenase II. The pH optimum for the reduction reaction for benzyl alcohol dehydrogenase was 8.9. The equilibrium constant for oxidation of benzyl alcohol to benzaldehyde by benzyl alcohol dehydrogenase was determined to be 3.08 x 10(-11) M; the ready reversibility of the reaction catalysed by benzyl alcohol dehydrogenase necessitated the development of an assay procedure in which hydrazine was used to trap the benzaldehyde formed by the NAD+-dependent oxidation of benzyl alcohol. The oxidation reaction catalysed by benzaldehyde dehydrogenase II was essentially irreversible. The maximum velocities for the oxidation reactions catalysed by benzyl alcohol dehydrogenase and benzaldehyde dehydrogenase II were 231 and 76 mumol/min per mg of protein respectively; the maximum velocity of the reduction reaction of benzyl alcohol dehydrogenase was 366 mumol/min per mg of protein. The pI values were 5.0 for benzyl alcohol dehydrogenase and 4.6 for benzaldehyde dehydrogenase II. Neither enzyme activity was affected when assayed in the presence of a range of salts. Absorption spectra of the two enzymes showed no evidence that they contain any cofactors such as cytochrome, flavin, or pyrroloquinoline quinone. The kinetic coefficients of the purified enzymes with benzyl alcohol, benzaldehyde, NAD+ and NADH are also presented.  相似文献   

K Ma  F T Robb    M W Adams 《Applied microbiology》1994,60(2):562-568
Thermococcus litoralis is a strictly anaerobic archaeon that grows at temperatures up to 98 degrees C by fermenting peptides. Little is known about the primary metabolic pathways of this organism and, in particular, the role of enzymes that are dependent on thermolabile nicotinamide nucleotides. In this paper we show that the cytoplasmic fraction of cell extracts contained NADP-specific glutamate dehydrogenase (GDH) and NADP-specific alcohol dehydrogenase (ADH) activities, neither of which utilized NAD as a cofactor. The GDH is composed of identical subunits having an M(r) of 45,000 and had an optimal pH and optimal temperature for glutamate oxidation of 8.0 and > 95 degrees C, respectively. Potassium phosphate (60 mM), KCl (300 mM), and NaCl (300 mM) each stimulated the rate of glutamate oxidation activity between two- and threefold. For glutamate oxidation the apparent Km values at 80 degrees C for glutamate and NADP were 0.22 and 0.029 mM, respectively, and for 2-ketoglutarate reduction the apparent Km values for 2-ketoglutarate, NADPH, and NH4+ were 0.16, 0.14, and 0.63 mM, respectively. This enzyme is the first NADP-specific GDH purified form a hyperthermophilic organism. T. litoralis ADH is a tetrameric protein composed of identical subunits having an M(r) of 48,000; the optimal pH and optimal temperature for ethanol oxidation were 8.8 and 80 degrees C, respectively. In contrast to GDH activity, potassium phosphate (60 mM), KCl (0.1 M), and NaCl (0.3 M) inhibited ADH activity, whereas (NH4)2SO4 (0.1 M) had a slight stimulating effect. This enzyme exhibited broad substrate specificity for primary alcohols, but secondary alcohols were not oxidized.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

From the yest Candida biodinili grown on glucose a new secondary alcohol dehydrogenase was purified 426-fold by heat treatment, column chromatography on DEAE-Sephacel, affinity chromatography on Blue Sepharose Cl-6b, and gel filtration on Sephacryl S-300. The purified enzyme was homogeneous as judged by analytical polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. The molecular weight was found to be 150 000 by sedimentation equilibirum as well as by flitration. The enzyme appears to be composed of four identical subunits (Mr = 38000) as determined by SDS-gel electrophoresis. The enzyme catalyzes the oxidation of isopropanol to acetone in the presence of NAD+ as an electron acceptor. The Km values were found to be 0.099 mM for isopropanoi and 0.14 mM for NDA+. Besides isopropanol also other secondary alcohols like butan-2-ol, pentan-2-ol, pentan-3-ol, hexan-2-ol, cyclobutanol, cyclopentanol, and cyclohexanol served as a substrate and were oxidazed to the correponding ketones. Isopropanol seems to be the best substrate for this enzyme which we therefore call isopropanol dehydrogenase. Primary alcohols are not oxidized by the enzyme. The optimum pH for enzymatic activity in the oxidation reaction was found to be 9.0, the optimal temperature is 45°C. The isolectric point of the isopropanol dehydrogenase was found to be pH 4.9. The enzyme is inactivated by mercaptide-forming reagents and chelating agents, 2-mercaptoethanol is an inhibitor. Zinc ions appear necessary for enzyme productuion.  相似文献   

A new type of glucose dehydrogenase was purified from vegetative cells of Bacillus megaterium IAM1030. The characteristics of the vegetative-cell enzyme were investigated and compared with the enzyme from sporulating cells of B. megaterium IWG3. They are very similar in the following points: molecular size (Mr 120,000), subunit composition (homo tetramer), pH-activity profile with an optimum pH at around 8, pH-stability profile with a stable pH range of 6.0–7.5 (at 25°C, for 30 min), substrate specificity (specific for d-glucose and 2-deoxy-d-glucose), and the affinity for glucose (a Km value of 11–12 mM at pH 8.0, 2.5 mM NAD). They are a little different in the following points: slower mobility for the vegetative-cell enzyme in polyacrylamide-gel electrophoresis at pH 8, immunological determinants (some of them are common), and higher heat resistance for the vegetative-cell enzyme at pH 6.5. They are quite different in their affinity for NAD and NADP. The Km values for NAD are 0.1 mM for the vegetative-cell enzyme and 1.0 mM for the spore enzyme, while the values for NADP are 7.1 mM for the vegetative-cell enzyme and 0.09 mM for the spore enzyme, at pH 8.0, 0.1 M d-glucose. These results suggest that B. megaterium has at least two types of glucose dehydrogenase.  相似文献   

Human erythrocyte aldehyde dehydrogenase (aldehyde:NAD+ oxidoreductase, EC was purified to apparent homogeneity. The native enzyme has a molecular weight of about 210,000 as determined by gel filtration, and SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis of this enzyme yields a single protein and with a molecular weight of 51,500, suggesting that the native enzyme may be a tetramer. The enzyme has a relatively low Km for NAD (15 microM) and a high sensitivity to disulfiram. Disulfiram inhibits the enzyme activity rapidly and this inhibition is apparently of a non-competitive nature. In kinetic characteristic and sensitivity to disulfiram, erythrocyte aldehyde dehydrogenase closely resembles the cytosolic aldehyde dehydrogenase found in the liver of various species of mammalians.  相似文献   

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