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ABSTRACT: Background and methods A longitudinal Anopheles gambiae s.l. insecticide-resistance monitoring programme was established in four sentinel sites in Burkina Faso. For three years, between 2008 and 2010, WHO diagnostic dose assays were used to measure the prevalence of resistance to all the major classes of insecticides at the beginning and end of the malaria transmission season. Species identification and genotyping for target site mutations was also performed and the sporozoite rate in adults determined. RESULTS: At the onset of the study, resistance to DDT and pyrethroids was already prevalent in An. gambiae s.l. from the south-west of the country but mosquitoes from the two sites in central Burkina Faso were largely susceptible. Within three years, DDT and permethrin resistance was established in all four sites. Carbamate and organophosphate resistance remains relatively rare and largely confined to the south-western areas although a small number of bendiocarb survivors were found in all sites by the final round of monitoring. The ace-1R target site resistance allele was present in all localities and its frequency exceeded 20% in 2010 in two of the sites. The frequency of the 1014 F kdr mutation increased throughout the three years and by 2010, the frequency of 1014 F in all sites combined was 0.02 in Anopheles arabiensis, 0.56 in An. gambiae M form and 0.96 in An. gambiae S form. This frequency did not differ significantly between the sites. The 1014 S kdr allele was only found in An. arabiensis but its frequency increased significantly throughout the study (P = 0.0003) and in 2010 the 1014 S allele frequency was 0.08 in An. arabiensis. Maximum sporozoite rates (12%) were observed in Soumousso in 2009 and the difference between sites is significant for each year. CONCLUSION: Pyrethroid and DDT resistance is now established in An. gambiae s.l. throughout Burkina Faso. Results from diagnostic dose assays are highly variable within and between rounds of testing, and hence it is important that resistance monitoring is carried out on more than one occasion before decisions on insecticide procurement for vector control are made. The presence of 1014 S in An. gambiae s.l., in addition to 1014 F, is not unexpected given the recent report of 1014 S in Benin but highlights the importance of monitoring for both mutations throughout the continent. Future research must now focus on the impact that this resistance is having on malaria control in Burkina Faso.  相似文献   

The most important archive of Earths climate change through geologic history is the sedimentary rock record. Rhythmic sedimentary alternations are usually interpreted as a consequence of periodic variations in the orbital parameters of the Earth. This interpretation enables the application of cyclostratigraphy as a very precise chronometer, when based on the assumption that orbital frequencies are faithfully recorded in the sedimentary archive. However, there are numerous uncertainties with the application of this concept. Particularly in carbonates, sediment properties such as mineralogical composition and fossil associations are severely altered during post-depositional alteration (diagenesis). We here point out that the assumption of a 1:1 recording of orbital signals in many cases is questionable for carbonate rhythmites. We use computer simulations to show the effect of diagenetic overprint on records of orbital signals in the carbonate record. Such orbital signals may be distorted in terms of frequency, amplitude, and phase by diagenetic processes, and cycles not present in the insolation record may emerge. This questions the routine use of carbonate rhythmites for chronostratigraphic dating.  相似文献   


Usually, an age-specific calibration of detectors used for in vivo monitoring of 131I thyroid radioactivity is not performed in practice. This study aimed to investigate the reduction in uncertainty that one can expect if an age-specific calibration is performed. For this, voxel and stylized computational phantoms of the thyroid, corresponding to children at different age groups, were used to simulate the calibration process of 131I detectors used for thyroid monitoring. SCK?CEN physical phantoms were also used for this purpose. Both analytical and Monte Carlo methods (MCNPX version 2.6.0) were used to estimate the counting efficiencies of the considered detectors. The results show that the uncertainties in the assessment of thyroid activity at a distance of 20 cm would be reduced from a range of?+8% to?+30%, to a range from ? 6% to?+15% when age-specific calibration was performed. Using a calibration based on thyroids of adults would result in an overestimation of the thyroid activity for children by up to 30% at a detector-neck distance of about 20 cm; a larger overestimation may be expected at closer distances. It is concluded that age-specific calibration of in vivo monitoring systems for the thyroid is important and has to be taken into consideration to improve the reliability of thyroid dose assessment for children.


Environmental changes, immune status and treatment failure constitute the three major risk factors for the (re-)emergence and spread of leishmaniases. Except for Leishmania-HIV co-infection, these risk factors are not systematically monitored and their interaction is poorly studied and understood. Recently, the multidisciplinary network Leish-Med was launched to document this issue around the Mediterranean and to promote transborder control strategies.  相似文献   

Phenylketonuria (PKU) is an inborn error of amino acid metabolism caused by severe deficiency of phenylalanine hydroxylase activity, leading to the accumulation of phenylalanine and its metabolites in blood and tissues of affected patients. Phenylketonuric patients present as the major clinical feature mental retardation, whose pathomechanisms are poorly understood. In recent years, mounting evidence has emerged indicating that oxidative stress is possibly involved in the pathology of PKU. This article addresses some of the recent developments obtained from animal studies and from phenylketonuric patients indicating that oxidative stress may represent an important element in the pathophysiology of PKU. Several studies have shown that enzymatic and non-enzymatic antioxidant defenses are decreased in plasma and erythrocytes of PKU patients, which may be due to an increased free radical generation or secondary to the deprivation of micronutrients which are essential for these defenses. Indeed, markers of lipid, protein, and DNA oxidative damage have been reported in PKU patients, implying that reactive species production is increased in this disorder. A considerable set of data from in vitro and in vivo animal studies have shown that phenylalanine and/or its metabolites elicit reactive species in brain rodent. These findings point to a disruption of pro-oxidant/antioxidant balance in PKU. Considering that the brain is particularly vulnerable to oxidative attack, it is presumed that the administration of appropriate antioxidants as adjuvant agents, in addition to the usual treatment based on restricted diets or supplementation of tetrahydrobiopterin, may represent another step in the prevention of the neurological damage in PKU.  相似文献   

The past decade has witnessed significant progress in revealing an important role for IL-17 in the pathogenesis of several immune-mediated inflammatory diseases. Recent studies have provided new insights into the cellular source of IL-17, originally identified as the signature cytokine of a distinct CD4+ T-cell subset known as Th17. Accumulating evidence suggests that the majority of the IL-17 released in inflammatory arthritis is produced by innate immune cells rather than T cells. Understanding molecular mechanisms behind these early innate immune responses will be the key to designing rational therapies targeting these important inflammatory pathways.  相似文献   

The term “Epiphyte” has been used for a plant growing on any object, and also for any organism growing on a plant. Evidence from analogy, dictionaries, use and precedence supports the two interpretations equally. We recommend that “epiphyte” be used only for an organism growing on a plant.  相似文献   

The number of species‐rich seminatural grasslands in Northern Europe has decreased significantly due to the abandonment of traditional land use practices. To preserve these habitats, an increasing number of abandoned and overgrown grasslands have been restored by cutting down trees and shrubs and reintroducing grazing. These practices are considered a useful tool to recover the species richness of vascular plants, but their impact on other taxa is hardly known. Here we studied ants as one important group of grassland insects. We investigated (1) the effects of restoration of nongrazed and afforested seminatural grasslands, compared to continuously managed reference sites; and (2) the modulating impacts of habitat characteristics and time elapsed since restoration. We found a total of 27 ant species, 11 of these were characteristic of open habitats and seven characteristic of forests. Neither species richness per site nor the number of open‐habitat species, nor the number of forest species differed between restored and reference sites. Yet, within the restored sites, the total species richness and the number of open‐habitat species was positively related to the time since restoration and the percentage of bare rock. High frequencies of most open‐habitat species were associated with low vegetation, older restored sites, and reference sites. Most forest species showed their highest frequencies in tree‐ and shrub‐dominated habitat. We conclude that restoration efforts have been successful in terms of retrieving species richness. A regular and moderate grazing regime subsequent to the restoration is suggested in order to support a high abundance of open‐habitat species.  相似文献   



To collect and identify the issues that may affect the future global and local management of biological invasions in the next 20–50 years and provide guidance for the prioritization of actions and policies responding to the management challenges of the future.




We used an open online survey to poll specialists and stakeholders from around the world as to their opinion on the three most important future issues both globally and at their respective local working level.


The 240 respondents identified 629 global issues that we categorized into topics. We summarized the highest rated topics into five broad thematic areas: (1) environmental change, particularly climate change, (2) the spread of species through trade, (3) public awareness, (4) the development of new technologies to enhance management and (5) the need to strengthen policies. The respondents also identified 596 issues at their respective local working levels. Management, early detection, prevention and funding‐related issues all ranked higher than at the global level. Our global audience of practitioners, policymakers and researchers also elicited topics not identified in horizon scanning exercises led by scientists including potential human health impacts, the need for better risk assessments and legislation, the role of human migration and water management.

Main conclusions

The topic areas identified in this horizon scan provide guidance where future policy priorities for invasive alien species should be set. First, to reduce the magnitude and speed of environmental change and its impacts on biological invasions; second, to restrict the movement of potentially invasive alien species via trade; third, to raise awareness with the general public and empower them to act; and finally, to invest in innovative technologies that can detect and mitigate adverse impacts of introduced species.

《Biophysical journal》2021,120(20):4307-4311
This article bemoans the demise of truly modular open-source image processing systems, such as SPIDER, in recent years’ development of tools for three-dimensional reconstruction in cryo-electron microscopy. Instead, today’s users have to rely on the functionality of software systems that have little or no transparency. As a consequence, users of such packages no longer gain a conceptual understanding and intuitive grasp of the analytical routes leading from the stream of input data to the final density map. Possible remedies of this situation with free software are discussed.  相似文献   

A recent study in the rat has shown that hippocampal place cells and entorhinal grid cells exhibit vertically-elongated firing fields, indicating that the rat's brain may encode the animal's elevation less accurately than its horizontal position.  相似文献   

Failing to acknowledge substantial differences between Darwinism and neo-Darwinism impedes evolutionary biology. Darwin described evolution as the outcome of interactions between the nature of the organism and the nature of the conditions, each relatively autonomous but both historically and spatially intertwined. Furthermore, he postulated that the nature of the organism was more important than the nature of the conditions, leading to natural selection as an inevitable emergent product of biological systems. The neo-Darwinian tradition assumed a creative rather than selective view of natural selection, with the nature of the organism determined by the nature of the conditions, rendering the nature of the organism and temporal contingency unnecessary. Contemporary advances in biology, specifically the phylogenetics revolution and evo-devo, underscore the significance of history and the nature of the organism in biology. Darwinism explains more biology better, and better resolves apparent anomalies between living systems and more general natural laws, than does neo-Darwinism. The "extended" or "expanded" synthesis currently called for by neo-Darwinians is Darwinism.  相似文献   

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