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Autotrophic picoplankton populations in Lake Kinneret are composedof picocyanobacteria and picoeukaryotes. Overall, the ratesof photosynthetic carbon fixed by autotrophic picoplankton duringthis study were low (0.01–1.5 mg Cm–3 h–1).The highest chlorophyll photosynthetic activity of the <3µm cell-size fraction was found in spring, when picoeukaryotespredominated and in addition small nanoplankton passed throughthe filters. The maximum cell-specific photosynthetic rate ofcarbon fixation by picocyanobacteria and picoeukaryotes was2.5 and 63 fg C cell–1 h–1, respectively. The highestspecific carbon fixation rate of autotrophic picoplankton was11 µg C µg–1 Chl h–1 The proportionalcontribution of autotrophic picoplankton to total photosynthesisusually increased with depth. Picocyanobacteria collected fromthe dark, anaerobic hypolimnion were viable and capable of activephotosynthesis when incubated at water depths within the euphoticzone. Maximum rates of photosynthesis (Pmax) for picocyanobacteriaranged from 5.4 to 31.4 fg C cell–1 h–1 with thehighest values in hypolimnetic samples exposed to irradiance.Photosynthetic efficiency (  相似文献   

CO2-exchange rates (CER) of the sixth and the flag leaves oftwo spring-wheat varieties, Kolibri and Famos, were comparedusing an open-circuit infrared gas analysing system. Measurementswere repeated every two weeks starting when leaf blades werefully expanded. Single plants were grown in a controlled environmenthaving a photopuiod of 15 h and a day/night temperature of 24/19°C(H), 18/13 °C (M), and 12/7 °C (L) respectively untilapprox. 2 weeks after anthesis and at 18/13 °C until maturity.The photosynthetic photon-flux density (PPFD) at the top ofthe plants was 500 µE m–2 sec–1. During themeasurements PPFD was gradually reduced from 2000 to 0 µEm–2 sec–1 whereas the temperature was maintainedat the respctive growth-temperatures during the light period.The CER of the sixth leaf declined fairly similarly for bothvarieties, except for Kolibri where a faster decline was observedduring the first two weeks after full leaf expansion. The CERof the flag leaf declined more slowly than that of the sixthleaf. With the flag leaf of Famos, the decline was nearly linear,whereas with Kolibri it was very slow during the first few weeksbut rapid as the leaves further senesced. This pattern becamemore pronounced as the growth temperature decreased. The declinein relation to leaf age was much smaller at low PPFD than athigh PPFD during the same period. At full leaf expansion Kolibrireached higher maximum CER than Famos except at H. As the PPFDwas reduced the difference became smaller and at very low PPFDsuch as 50 µE m–2 sec–1 was reversed for thesixth leaf. Under optimum growth conditions maximum values ofCER were greater than 50mg CO2 dm–2h–1 and PPFDfor light saturation was close to 2000 µE m–2 sec–1.A comparison between the actual CER and a fitted curve widelyused, PN=(a+b/l)–1–DR, showed that the goodnessof fit strongly depends on cultivar, treatment and leaf ageas well as on the number and the level of PPFD from which datafor calculations are taken. Triticum aestivum, L., wheat, photosynthesis, photon-flux density, light response, carbon, dioxide exchange  相似文献   

Rates of net photosynthesis of the flag leaves of 15 genotypesof wheat and related species were measured throughout theirlife, using intact leaves on plants grown in the field. At thestage when rates were maximal, they were in general highestfor the diploid species, intermediate for the tetraploidspeciesand lowest for Triticum aestivum (means of 38, 32 and 28 mgCO2 dm–2 h–1 respectively). Rates were stronglynegatively correlated with leaf area, leaf width and the meanplan area per mesophyll cell and positvely correlated with stomatalfrequency and number of veins per mm of leaf width. The differencesamong species in these attributes were mainly related to ploidylevel. It was not possible to determine the relative importanceof each anatomical feature, though the changes in stomatal frequencyhad only slight effects on stomatal conductance and the observeddifferences in rates of photosynthesis were much greater thanwould be expected from those in stomatal conductance alone. There was genetic variation in rates of light dependent oxygenevolution of isolated protoplasts and intact chloroplasts butno difference attributable to ploidy. The mean rate, 91 µmolO2 mg–1 chlorophyll h–1, equivalent to 3.9 mg CO2mg-1chlorophyll h-1 was considerably less than the rate of photosynthesisin comparable intact leaves, which was 7.2 mg CO2 mg–1chlorophyll h–1. The total above-ground dry matter yields were least for thewild diploids T. urartu and T. thauodar and the wild tetraploidT. dicoccoides, but the other wild diploids produced as muchdry matter as the hexaploids. The prospects of exploiting differences in photosynthetic ratein the breeding of higher yielding varieties are discussed. Triticum aestivum L., wheat, Aegilops spp, photosynthesis, stomatal conductance, stomatal frequency, polyploidy  相似文献   

The results of our previous study [Sawada et al. (1989) PlantCell Physiol. 30: 691] implied that, under sink-limited conditions,a decrease in the activity of ribulose-l,5-bisphosphate carboxylase(EC [EC] ) caused a reduction in the rate of photosyntheticfixation of CO2 in single-rooted leaves of soybean (Glycinemax L. Merr. cv. Tsurunoko). This reduction in the rate of photosynthesisin source leaves seemed to correspond to a decrease in the demandby sink tissues for photoassimilates. In the present study,the activity of RuBPcase in vivo was estimated by measuringthe "initial" activity immediately after extraction from standardleaves (grown under a regime of 10 h of light and 14 h of darkness)and from sink-limited leaves (exposed for 6 or 7 d to continuouslight to alter the source/sink balance). The rate of photosynthesisin the sink-limited leaves decreased to 47% of that in the standardleaves. The "initial" activity of RuBPcase was 4.3 in the standardleaves but only 1.6 µmole CO2.(mg Chl)–1.min–1in the sink-limited leaves. These results appear to indicatethat the reduction in photosynthetic activity under sink-limitedconditions was mostly due to a deactivation of RuBPcase. Theactivity of deactivated RuBPcase in the sink-limited leaveswas restored to 4.1 µmole CO2.(mg Chl)–1.min–1by incubation of the enzyme in a medium that contained onlyNa2HPO4. This result suggests that free Pi in chloro-plastsplays an important role in the activation of the enzyme. Thelevel of Pi in the sink-limited leaves was 62% of that in thestandard leaves. On the basis of these various results, it appearsthat the deactivation of RuBPcase in the sink-limited leavesis the result of a decrease in the level of Pi. The role offree Pi in the activation of RuBPcase, in particular at atmosphericconcentrations of CO2, was also investigated. (Received November 30, 1989; Accepted May 11, 1990)  相似文献   

Mayoral, M. L., Plaut, Z. and Reinhold, L. 1985. Effect of sink-sourcemanipulations on the photosynthetic rate and carbohydrate contentof cucumber cotyledons.-J. exp. Bot. 36 1551–1558. The photosynthetic rate of cucumber cotyledons (Cucumis sativuscv. Dahla) reached a maximum value of 12 mg dm–2 h–1,10 d after emergence. In 12-d-old seedlings removal of one cotyledondoubled the CO2 fixation rate of the other, as observed 3 dafter treatment. When the primary leaf was removed, the photosyntheticrate of the cotyledons was decreased by 33%. At this stage ofgrowth elimination of the roots as a sink for assimilates bygirdling the hypocotyl affected neither the photosynthetic ratenor the carbohydrate content of the cotyledons. By contrast,in 18-d-old seedlings removal of the first leaf brought abouta 42% increase in the photosynthetic rate of the cotyledons.The simultaneous removal of the first leaf and one cotyledondoubled the rate of CO2 fixation of the remaining cotyledon.Girdling the hypocotyl lowered the photosynthetic rate of thecotyledons by 73%. In both 12- and 18-d-old seedlings a decreaseor increase in the sink-source ratio was correlated with anincrease or a decrease respectively in the carbohydrate contentof the cotyledons. The stomatal resistance of the cotyledonswas not affected by any of the treatments. The effect of sink-sourcemanipulations on photosynthesis and on the level of carbohydratespresent in the cotyledons was more evident in those seedlingsgrowing under high light intensity (580 µE m–2 s–1),than in those exposed to 300 µE m–2 s–1 Key words: Sink-source relationship, cotyledons, photosynthesis  相似文献   

Net photosynthesis rate (Pn), stomatal conductance to CO2 andresidual conductance to CO2 were measured in the last six leaves(the sixth or flag leaf and the preceding five leaves) of Triticumaestivum L. cv. Kolibri plants grown in Mediterranean conditions.Recently fully expanded leaves of well-watered plants were alwaysused. Measurements were made at saturating photosynthetic photonflux density, and at ambient CO2 and O2 levels. The specificleaf area, total organic nitrogen content, some anatomical characteristics,and other parameters, were measured on the same leaves usedfor gas exchange experiments. A progressive xeromorphic adaptation in the leaf structure wasobserved with increasing leaf insertion levels. Furthermore,mesophyll cell volume per unit leaf area (Vmes/A) decreasedby 52·6% from the first leaf to the flag leaf. Mesophyllcell area per unit leaf area also decreased, but only by 24·5%.However, nitrogen content per unit mesophyll cell volume increasedby 50·6% from the first leaf to the flag leaf. This increasecould be associated to an observed higher number of chloroplastcross-sections per mm2 of mesophyll cell cross-sectional areain the flag leaf: values of 23000 in the first leaf and 48000in the flag leaf were obtained. Pn per unit leaf area remainedfairly constant at the different insertion levels: values of33·83±0·93 mg dm–2 h–1 and32·32±1·61 mg dm–2 h–1 wereobtained for the first leaf and the flag leaf, respectively.Residual conductance, however, decreased by 18·2% fromthe first leaf to the flag leaf. Stomatal conductance increasedby 41·7%. The steadiness in Pn per unit leaf area across the leaf insertionlevels could be mainly accounted for by an opposing effect betweena decrease in Vmes/A and a more closely packed arrangement ofphotosynthetic apparatus. Adaptative significance of structuralchanges with increasing leaf insertion levels and the steadinessin Pn per unit leaf area was studied. Key words: Photosynthesis, structure, wheat  相似文献   

The causes of interspecific differences in the µ-l relationshipare examined in the context of a mechanistic model which relatesµ to irradiance in terms of six factors:, kc photosyntheticquotient (PQ), Chl a:C, respiration and excretion. The effectof cell size on the light saturated growth rate is also considered.It is shown that photosynthetic efficiency and PQ exhibit remarkablylittle interspecific variability, and average 0.024 ±0.005 µg C(µg Chl a)–1 h–1 (µEm–2 s–1)–1 and 1.5 ± 0.2 mol 02 molC–1 (when NO3 is the nitrogen source) respectively.Two useful relationships were derived: (i) between growth efficiency,g and Chl a:C at µ. = 0; (ii) between the compensationintensity, Ic and the Chl a-specific maintenance respirationrate. Both relationships were independent of temperature anddaylength. Species best adapted to growth at low light werefound to exhibit high Chl a:C ratios and low maintenance respirationrates. As a group, diatoms were consistently the best adaptedfor growth at low irradiance. Chiorophytes, haptophytes, chrysophytesand cryptophytes were intermediate in their performance at lowirradiance. Dinoflagellates exhibited extreme diversity, withspecies spanning the spectrum from very good performance atlow irradiance to very poor. A new µmax-cell carbon relationshipis given based on growth rates normalized to 15°C. Evidenceis presented to show that noise in this relationship can besignificantly reduced by using only carbon-specific growth ratesand using only data for species grown at the same daylength.  相似文献   

The response of photosynthesis in the flag leaf of rice (Oryzasativa) to elevated CO2 or reduced O2 was investigated relativeto other environmental factors using steady-state gas exchangetechniques. We found under moderate conditions of temperatureand photosynthetic flux density (PFD) (26°C and 700µmolquanta m–2s–1 similar to growth conditions) photosynthesisin the flag leaf of rice during heading and grain filling saturatedat near ambient levels of CO2, with a concomitant loss of O2sensitivity, when a high stomatal conductance was maintainedby high humidity (low vapor pressure deficit). Under 18°Cthere was near complete loss of O2 sensitivity of photosynthesisat normal ambient levels of CO2. This is in contrast to thelarge enhancement of photosynthesis by supra-atmospheric levelsof CO2 and sub-atmospheric levels of O2 by suppression of photorespirationwhen there is no limitation on utilizing the initial productof CO2 assimilation (triose-P) as predicted from Ribulose-l,5-bisphosphatecarboxylase/oxygenase (Rubisco) kinetic properties. Thus, lossof sensitivity to CO2 and O2 has been previously explained asa limitation on utilization of triose-P to synthesize carbohydrates.Under high PFD at 25°C, the rate of photosynthesis in ricedeclined over a period of hours around midday, while the intercellularlevels of CO2 remained constant suggesting a limitation on utilizationof photosynthate. Short-term fluctuations in climatic factorsincluding temperature, light and humidity could result in afeedback limitation on photosynthesis in rice which may be exacerbatedby rising CO2. (Received March 12, 1998; Accepted May 14, 1998)  相似文献   

The relationships between CO2 concentrating mechanisms, photosyntheticefficiency and inorganic carbon supply have been investigatedfor the aquatic macrophyte Littorella uniflora. Plants wereobtained from Esthwaite Water or a local reservoir, with thelatter plants transplanted into a range of sediment types toalter CO2 supply around the roots. Free CO2 in sediment-interstitial-waterranged from 1–01 mol m–3 (Esthwaite), 0.79 mol m–3(peat), 0.32 mol m–3 (silt) and 0–17 mol m–3(sand), with plants maintained under PAR of 40 µmol m–2s–1. A comparison of gross morphology of plants maintained underthese conditions showed that the peat-grown plants with highsediment CO2 had larger leaf fresh weight (0–69 g) andtotal surface area (223 cm2 g–1 fr. wt. including lacunalsurface area) than the sand-grown plants (0.21 g and 196 cm2g–1 fr. wt. respectively). Root fresh weights were similarfor all treatments. In contrast, leaf internal CO2 concentration[CO2], was highest in the sand-grown plants (2–69 molm–3, corresponding to 6.5% CO2 in air) and lowest inthe Esthwaite plants (1–08 mol m–3). Expressionof CAM in transplants was also greatest in the low CO2 regime,with H+ (measured as dawn-dusk titratable acidity) of 50µmolg fr. wt., similar to Esthwaite plants in natural sediment.Assuming typical CAM stoichiometry, decarboxylation of malatecould account largely for the measured [CO2]1 and would makea major contribution to daytime CO2 fixation in vivo. A range of leaf sections (0–2, 1–0, 5–0 and17–0 mm) was used to evaluate diffusion limitation andto select a suitable size for comparative studies of photosyntheticO2 evolution. The longer leaf sections (17.0 mm), which weresealed and included the leaf tip, were diffusion-limited witha linear response to incremental addition of CO2 and 1–0mol m–3 exogenous CO2 was required to saturate photosynthesis.Shorter leaf sections were less diffusion-limited, with thegreatest photosynthetic capacity (36 µmol O2 g–1 fr. wt. h–1) obtainedfrom the 1.0 mm size and were not infiltrated by the incubatingmedium. Comparative studies with 1.0 mm sections from plants grown inthe different sediment types revealed that the photosyntheticcapacity of the sand-grown plants was greatest (45 µmolO2 g–1 fr. wt. h–1) with a K0.5 of 80 mmol m–3.In terms of light response, saturation of photosynthesis intissue slices occurred at 850–1000 µmol m–2s–1 although light compensation points (6–11 µmolm–2s–1) and chlorophyll a: b ratios (1.3) were low.While CO2 and PAR responses were obtained using varying numbersof sections with a constant fresh weight, the relationshipsbetween photosynthetic capacity and CO2 supply or PAR were maintainedwhen the data were expressed on a chlorophyll basis. It is concludedthat under low PAR, CO2 concentrating mechanisms interact inintact plants to maintain saturating CO2 levels within leaflacunae, although the responses of the various components ofCO2 supply to PAR require further investigation. Key words: Key words-Uttorella uniflora, internal CO2 concentration, crassulacean acid metabolism, root inorganic carbon supply, CO2 concentrating mechanism  相似文献   

Measurements of the photosynthesis-light response of flag leavesin a winter wheat crop were made during the period from maximumelongation until complete senescence. Immediately followingleaf elongation, the maximum rates of photosynthesis and thevalues of efficiency at low light were in the range 2.8–3.6g CO2 m2 h–1 and 8–11 µg CO2 J–1respectively. The shape of the photosynthesis-light responseremained constant throughout and was close to a ‘Blackman’type response rather than a rectangular hyperbola. The resultswere analysed, therefore, using a more recent model which isa non-rectangular hyperbola. Stomatal and internal resistanceswere equally important in limiting the maximum rate of photosynthesis.  相似文献   

Measurements of microclimate and photosynthesis of lucerne var.Europe were made in the field during the spring of 1976. Themaximum rate of canopy gross photosynthesis (14.3 g CO2 m–2h–1, I = ) was 2.5 times greater than that of S 24 perennialryegrass at the same LAI. This difference was due to differencesin individual leaf photosynthesis. The photosynthetic rate ofthe youngest fully expanded leaf of lucerne remained constantthroughout the experimental period at 3.6 g CO2 m–2 h–1(300 W m–2). Measurements of soil water potential profiles indicated thatlucerne extracted water from the soil to a depth of at least800 mm, with a region of maximum uptake between 400 and 600mm. This capability, with a moderate mean leaf resistance of460 s m–1, conferred a high assimilation efficiency onlucerne, with a mean water use efficiency of 34 g H2O lost pergram of carbohydrate assimilated, compared with 200 g H2O pergram of carbohydrate for S 24. Medicago sativa L, lucerne, photosynthesis, assimilation efficiency  相似文献   

Delete "In contrast, under 5% CO2, the cells grew even at 40µM NaCl (Fig. 3), and the growth rate at 0.5–10mM NaCl during the linear-growth period was 0.24 µg Chl?(mlculture)–1?h–1"  相似文献   

The relationship between chlorophyll a (Chl a) and primary productivity(PP) in the uppermost water layer and the water column-based(0–15 m) integral values of those variables were examinedusing measurements taken in Lake Kinneret (Israel) from 1990to 2003. In 81% of all Chl a profiles examined, the distributionwas fairly uniform within the entire 0–15 m water column,and 12.3% of instances showed a prominent subsurface maximum,when the lake phytoplankton was dominated by the dinoflagellatePeridinium gatunense. Chl a can be reliably estimated by remotesensing techniques in the productive and turbid water of LakeKinneret, since Chl a concentration at surface layers can beextrapolated to the entire water column. Light vertical attenuationcoefficient average for wavelengths from 400 to 700 nm, Kd,ranged from 0.203 to 1.954 m–1 and showed high degreeof temporal variation. The maximal rate of photosynthetic efficiency,PBopt [average 3.16 (±1.50)], ranged from 0.25 to 8.85mg C m–3 h–1 mg Chl a–1. Using measured dataof Chl a, PBopt, and light as an input, a simple depth-integratedPP model allowed plausible simulation of PP. However, a lackof correlation between photosynthetic activity and temperature(or other variable with remotely sensed potential) renders theuse of models that require input of photosynthetic efficiencyto calculate integrated PP of little value in the case of productiveand turbid Lake Kinneret.  相似文献   

Acclimation of Lolium temulentum to enhanced carbon dioxide concentration   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Acclimation of single plants of Lolium temulentum to changing[CO2] was studied on plants grown in controlled environmentsat 20°C with an 8 h photoperiod. In the first experimentplants were grown at 135 µ;mol m–2 s–1 photosyntheticphoton flux density (PPFD) at 415µl l–1 or 550µll–1 [CO2] with some plants transferred from the lowerto the higher [CO2] at emergence of leaf 4. In the second experimentplants were grown at 135 and 500 µmol m–2 s–1PPFD at 345 and 575 µl l–1 [CO2]. High [CO2] during growth had little effect on stomatal density,total soluble proteins, chlorophyll a content, amount of Rubiscoor cytochrome f. However, increasing [CO2] during measurementincreased photosynthetic rates, particularly in high light.Plants grown in the higher [CO2] had greater leaf extension,leaf and plant growth rates in low but not in high light. Theresults are discussed in relation to the limitation of growthby sink capacity and the modifications in the plant which allowthe storage of extra assimilates at high [CO2]. Key words: Lolium, carbon dioxide, photosynthesis, growth, stomatal density  相似文献   

Ribulose-l,5-diphosphate (RuDP) carboxylase protein and activitywere determined in relation to net photosynthetic rate duringthe senescence of intact flag leaves of wheat on the plant.Initially the decrease in RuDP carboxylase activity was greaterthan the decline in net photosynthesis. The major decrease inRuDP carboxylase activity over this period resulted from a decreasein enzyme specific activity from 11 to 2 µmol CO2 fixedh–1 mg–1 protein. Loss of RuDP carboxylase proteindid not occur until late in senescence by which time chlorophyllconcentration had decreased by more than 50%. Treatment of flagleaves at weekly intervals with either 1000 parts 10–62-chloro-ethyltrimethylammonium chloride or 100 parts 10–6gibberellic acid with 1 part 10–6 kinetin did not significantlyaffect net photosynthetic rate, RuDP carboxylase protein oractivity during senescence.  相似文献   

The relationships between photosynthesis and photosyntheticphoton flux densities (PPFD, P-l) were studied during a red-tideof Dinophysis norvegica (July-August 1990) in Bedford Basin.Dinophysis norvegica, together with other dinoflagellates suchas Gonyaulax digitate, Ceratium tripos, contributed {small tilde}50%of the phytoplankton biomass that attained a maximum of 16.7µg Chla 1 and 11.93 106 total cells I–1.The atomic ratios of carbon to nitrogen for D.norvegica rangedfrom 8.7 to 10.0. The photosynthetic characteristics of fractionatedphytoplankton (>30 µm) dominated by D.norvegica weresimilar to natural bloom assemblages: o (the initial slope ofthe P-l curves) ranged between 0.013 and 0.047 µg C [µgChla]–1 h–1 [µmol m s–1]–1the maximum photosynthetic rate, pBm, between 0.66 and 1.85µg C [µghla]–1 h–1; lk (the photoadaptationindex) from 14 to 69 µ,mol m–2 s–1. Carbonuptake rates of the isolated cells of D.norvegica (at 780 µmolm–2 s–1) ranged from 16 to 25 pg C cell–1h and were lower than those for C.tripos, G.digitaleand some other dinoflagellates. The variation in carbon uptakerates of isolated cells of D.norvegica corresponded with PBmof the red-tide phytoplankton assemblages in the P-l experiments.Our study showed that D.norvegica, a toxigenic dinoflagellate,was the main contributor to the primary production in the bloom.  相似文献   

Wheat plants were grown in a controlled environment with daytemperatures of 18 ?C and with 500 µ Einsteins m–28–1 of photosynthetically active radiation for 16 h. Beforeanthesis and 2 to 3 weeks after, rates of net photosynthesiswere measured for leaves in 2 or 21% O2 containing 350 vpm CO2at 13, 18, 23, and 28 ?C and with 500 µEinsteins m–2s–1 of photosynthetically active radiation. Also, underthe same conditions of light intensity and temperature, therates of efflux of CO2 into CO2-free air were measured and,for mature flag leaves 3 to 4 weeks after anthesis, gross andnet photosynthesis from air containing 320 vpm 14CO2 of specificactivity 39?7 nCi µmol–1. When the O2 concentration was decreased from 21 to 2% (v/v)the rate of net photosynthesis increased by 32 per cent at thelowest temperature and 54 per cent at the highest temperature.Efflux of CO2 into CO2-free air ranged from 38 per cent of netphotosynthesis at 13 ?C to 86 per cent at 28 ?C. Gross photosynthesis,measured by the 14C assimilated during 40 s, was greater thannet photosynthesis by some 10 per cent at 13 ?C and 17 per centat 28 ?C. These data indicate that photorespiration was relativelygreater at higher temperatures.  相似文献   

A study has been made of photosynthetic 14CO2 fixation by isolated‘mature’ internodes of Nitella translucens. Experimentalconditions were similar to those used in studies of the ionicrelations of these cells. Maximum rates of photosynthesis were33–40µµmoles CO2, fixed per cm2 of surfacearea per second (equivalent to 12–15 /xmoles fixed permg chlorophyll per hour). l4CO2 fixation was inhibited to thedark level by 3(3,4,dichlorophenyl)-1, 1-dimethylurea (at 0-6µM or 10µM) and by the uncoupler carbonyl cyanide-m-chlorophenylhydrazone(SµM). The presence of imidazole or ammonium sulphate(both of which uncouple ATP production in vitro) did not resultin an inhibition of 14CO2 fixation. These results are discussedin relation to published work on solute uptake by Nitella translucens.During photosynthesis there was rapid movement of 14C-labelledorganic compounds out of the chloroplasts. 14C-labelled sucrose,ammo-acids, and sugar phosphates were found in samples of vacuolarsap.  相似文献   

Three marine phytoplankton species (Skeletonema costatum, Olisthodiscusluteus andGonyaulax tamarensis) were grown in batch culturesat 15°C and a 14:10 L:D cycle at irradiance levels rangingfrom 5 to 450 µEinst m–2 s–1. At each irradiance,during exponential growth, concurrent measurements were madeof cell division, carbon-specific growth rate, photosyntheticperformance (both O2 and POC production), dark respiration,and cellular composition in terms of C, N and chlorophyll a.The results indicate that the three species were similar withrespect to chemical composition, C:N (atomic) = 6.9 ±0.4, photo-synthetic quotient, 1.43 ± 0.09, and photosyntheticefficiency, 2.3 ±0.1 x 10–3 µmol O2 (µgChl a)–1 h–1 (µEinst m–2 s–1)–1.Differences in maximum growth rate varied as the –0.24power of cell carbon. Differences in growth efficiency, werebest explained by a power function of Chl a:C at µ = 0.Compensation intensities, ranged from 1.1 µEinst m–2s–1 for S. costatum to 35 forG. tamarensis and were foundto be a linear function of the maintenance respiration rate.The results indicate that interspecific differences in the µ–Irelationship can be adequately explained in terms of just threeparameters: cell carbon at maximum growth rate, the C:Chl aratio (at the limit as growth approaches zero) and the respirationrate at zero growth rate. A light-limited algal growth modelbased on these results gave an excellent fit to the experimentalµ–I curves and explained 97% of the observed interspecificvariability. 1Present address: Lamont-Doherty Geological Observatory Columbiaof University, Palisades, NY 10964, USA  相似文献   

Single, seed-grown plants of ryegrass (Lolium perenne L. cv.Melle) were grown for 49 d from the early seedling stage ingrowth cabinets at a day/night temperature of 20/15 C, witha 12 h photoperiod, and a CO2 concentration of either 340 or680µI 1–1 CO2. Following complete acclimation tothe environmental regimes, leaf and whole plant CO2 effluxesand influxes were measured using infra-red gas analysis techniques.Elevated CO2 increased rates of photosynthesis of young, fullyexpanded leaves by 35–46% and of whole plants by morethan 50%. For both leaves and whole plants acclimation to 680µI–1 CO2 reduced rates of photosynthesis in bothCO2 regimes, compared with plants acclimated to 340µll–1. There was no significant effect of CO2 regime onrespiration rates of either leaves or whole plants, althoughleaves developed in elevated CO2 exhibited generally lower ratesthan those developed in 340µI I–1 CO2. Initially the seedling plants in elevated CO2 grew faster thantheir counterparts in 340µI I–1 CO2, but this effectquickly petered out and final plant weights differed by onlyc. 10%. Since the total area of expanded and unexpanded laminaewas unaffected by CO2 regime, specific leaf area was persistently13–40% lower in elevated CO2 while, similarly, root/shootratio was also reduced throughout the experiment. Elevated CO2reduced tissue nitrogen contents of expanded leaves, but hadno effect on the nitrogen contents of unexpanded leaves, sheathsor roots. The lack of a pronounced effect of elevated CO2 on plant growthwas primarily due to the fact that CO2 concentration did notinfluence tiller (branch) numbers. In the absence of an effecton tiller numbers, any possible weight increment was restrictedto the c. 2.5 leaves of each tiller. The reason for the lackof an effect on tillering is not known. Key words: Lolium perenne, ryegrass, elevated CO2, photosynthesis, respiration, growth, development  相似文献   

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