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Socioeconomic variation in the growth status of 293 children, 6 through 13 years of age, from a rural subsistence agricultural community in southern Mexico was considered. Socioeconomic status was based on an index developed from landholdings, household goods, and occupation, and households were classified as high and low status. Growth measurements included weight, stature, sitting height, estimated leg length, arm and estimated arm muscle circumferences, triceps skinfold, and right gripping strength. The growth status of boys showed a clear socioeconomic differential, while that of girls did not. The results are consistent with the generalization that males are more influenced by environmental stresses than females, including, of course, the favorable stress of improved socioeconomic circumstances, even within seemingly single-class rural communities.  相似文献   

为探讨遗传与环境因素对学龄双生子儿童头面部特征的影响, 对呼和浩特市和包头市7-12岁369对双生子儿童(同卵180对, 同性别异卵141对, 异性别异卵48对)的16项头面部指标进行活体测量。采用通径分析方法, 用Mx软件拟合最佳结构方程模型, 计算各指标遗传与环境方差组分, 分析年龄、性别的作用。结果发现, 校正年龄后, 头部指标中头围的遗传度(男66%, 女66%)较高; 面部指标中, 容貌面高的遗传度(男73%, 女84%)最高, 其次为鼻宽(男57%, 女67%)、眼内角间宽(男57%, 女50%)和额最小宽(男50%, 女50%); 头长(男64%, 女25%)、头宽(男26%, 女82%)、眼外角间宽(男76%, 女34%)和容貌耳长(男23%, 女70%)的遗传度存在一定的性别差异。表明遗传因素与环境因素对学龄双生子儿童的头面部发育均有一定影响, 其中遗传因素对男女头围及容貌面高、男性头长和眼外角间宽、女性头宽、鼻宽、口宽、容貌耳长的影响相对较大。  相似文献   

Stepwise discriminant function analysis and Mahalanobis's generalized distance are applied to 36 measurements recorded in crania from Australasia and Oceania for assessing biological relationships and possible origins of these populations. Craniofacial variation in Australia is found to be clinal. There is extreme diversity in the Murray River Valley and southern Queensland cranial series. Multiple origins of the Australians are not supported by these results. Although selection and other processes cannot be completely ruled out, gene flow and restrictions to the exchange of genes can explain most of the morphological patterning observed. Breadth and length dimensions of the vault, interorbital breadth, biorbital breadth, palate length, and upper facial height are among the most important discriminators. Viewed within the broader context of Asia and the Pacific, Australians represent a biologically distinct population, one sharing ancestral ties with Melanesians but not with the recent populations of Asia and the rest of the Pacific. The latter represent a second major population complex.  相似文献   

Craniofacial morphology in the velo-cardio-facial syndrome   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
The velo -cardio-facial syndrome is a recently delineated congenital malformation syndrome, probably of autosomal dominant inheritance. Previous reports have concentrated on facial, oropharyngeal, cardiac, speech, language, and psychological features of this fairly common syndrome. To date, no radiographic data have been presented which might help to further delineate the syndrome, nor has there been an explanation of the characteristic facial appearance seen in this syndrome. This current study reports on cephalometric evidence of platybasia (obtuse angulation of the cranial base) in the velo -cardio-facial syndrome. The finding of platybasia adds one more phenotypic feature to the syndrome and also may help to explain the facial features of retrognathia, malar flatness, and prominence of the nasal root.  相似文献   

Clinical and cytogenetic studies are performed on 14 patients with PWS including endocrinological investigations, as coagulation factor XI activity and pigmentation studies. Recent hypothesis from molecular analysis are discussed.  相似文献   

A new tool for the study of biological form change is applied in a comparison of craniofacial growth in normal children and those affected with Apert syndrome. Using finite-element scaling analysis, the magnitude of size change during postnatal growth in the Apert sample was determined to be generally less than normal, and the magnitude of shape change was generally greater than normal. No consistent, statistically significant, alteration from normal growth was defined in the Apert sample, however. There appears to be no consistent effect on general cell and tissue proliferation in Apert syndrome. Rather, specific subpopulations of cells and tissues may be affected differentially over time.  相似文献   

A 14-year-old male with Prader-Labhart-Willi syndrome (PLW) had hypogonadism, normal serum gonadotropin levels and 13/15 chromosome translocation. The 24-hour pattern of LH and FSH secretion was normal and comparable to that observed in males at the middle to late stage of puberty. LH rose during sleep and LRH infusion. Basal serum testosterone was low, in the 60-136 ng/dl range, and rose modestly during sleep, LRH and HCG. The 24-hour mean concentrations of androsterone, androsterone sulfate, dehydroepiandrosterone, dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate and prolactin were comparable with normal adolescent males. Biopsy of an undescended testis revealed poor morphology with disorganized spermatogenesis and normal Leydig and Sertoli cells. The 13/15 chromosome aberration was a balanced Robertsonian translocation occurring in his mother and in 5 of 6 siblings, although only the patient had PLW. These data indicate that hypogonadism in PLW is not necessarily hypothalamic-pituitary in origin and that D-chromosome translocations, or deletions per se are not sufficient to explain the etiology of PLW.  相似文献   

African colobine monkeys show considerable craniofacial variation among species, although the evolutionary causes of this diversity are unclear. In light of growing evidence that diet varies considerably among colobine species, we investigated whether colobine craniofacial morphology varies as a function of their diet. We compared craniofacial morphology among five African species: Colobus angolensis, C. guereza, C. polykomos, Piliocolobus badius, and P. verus. Matrix correlation analysis indicated a significant correlation between species-specific morphological distance and dietary distance matrices. The mechanical advantage of the masseter muscle was higher in seed-eaters (C. angolensis and C. polykomos) and lower in those that eat mainly young leaves (C. guereza, P. badius, and P. verus). Canonical correspondence analysis revealed that the durophagous colobines possess relatively wider bigonial breadths, anteroposteriorly shorter faces, shorter postcanine tooth rows, more medially positioned dental batteries, wider bizygomatic arches, and anteroposteriorly longer zygomatic arches. Under the constrained lever model, these morphological features suggest that durophagous colobines have the capacity to generate relatively greater maximum bite forces. However, no consistent relationship was observed between diet and variation in the mandibular corpus and symphysis, implying that robust mandibles are not necessarily adaptations for stress resistance. Factors that may influence mandibular robusticity include allometry of symphyseal curvature and canine tooth support. Finally, linear measures of mandibular robusticity may suffer from error.  相似文献   

Advances in surgical techniques for correction of craniofacial anomalies have necessitated the development of objective pre- and postoperative quantitative assessments. Standard anthropometric techniques, supplemented by additional methods oriented to specific clinical problems, have proved useful in defining surface dysmorphology in craniofacial patients. A series of 77 surface measurements of the head and face and 41 proportions were determined in 20 preoperative patients with Treacher Collins syndrome, a rare congenital defect of the first and second branchial arches. To permit comparison with age- and sex-specific data for healthy North American children, the patient data were converted to standard (Z) scores. To test the hypothesis Z = 0, Student's t-test was performed on all variables. The anthropometric findings verified many of the clinical findings in this syndrome. In addition, a number of previously unreported defects were found. The cranium was low and short with a low, narrow forehead and a narrow cranial base. The face was narrow and shallow, the mandible long and narrow, and the lower face receding. The eye fissures were short with an antimongoloid inclination, but the orbits were hyperteloric. The nasal root was high and wide, the nasofrontal angle open, and the bridge inclination low. The labial fissure was narrow, and the ears were microtic. Except in the nasal root the defects were hypoplastic. Most of these defects were either horizontal or anteroposterior. Recognition of the defective areas and their contribution to disproportions of the head and face is important in the development of surgical strategies.  相似文献   

C L Lavelle 《Acta anatomica》1985,123(4):201-206
With the growing appreciation that traditional cephalographic analyses provide data of dubious scientific validity, this study was undertaken to investigate craniofacial growth using the technique of biorthogonal analysis. This specific technique for the analysis of shape change showed relatively minor contrasts between control and craniosynostotic patients between 6 and 10 years of age. By contrast, marked variation was noted within component regions of the craniofacial skeletons in both patient samples: a feature not evident from traditional cephalographic analyses.  相似文献   

Pan R  Wei F  Li M 《Journal of morphology》2003,256(3):342-348
In order to analyze, separately and dynamically, the variation in cranial size and shape of Chinese macaques, a new method, Morphologika, was used to illustrate 3D profiles based on the coordinates of 26 landmarks on the skull. Striking image variation between the two sexes was detected on the facial region: males exhibited a larger and more protrusive facial structure. Males also displayed a bigger cranium than females. The two sexes also showed quite different images in skull shape. However, they expressed the same allometric pattern with regard to the relationship between size and shape, which was significantly positively associated with each other along the first axis. The same relationship was negatively displayed along the second axis when the two sexes were analyzed together. However, only the relationship for females reached a significant level when the two sexes were studied separately. This was considered to be related to their differentiation in growth trajectory. This study also tested the concept of size revealed by the second axis of principal components analysis based on traditional morphometric methods on the same taxa.  相似文献   

Biological anthropologists can contribute a unique perspective as well as technical expertise to the diagnosis and classification of genetic disorders. Anthropometry has been used with increasing frequency to characterize syndromes and to establish ranges of variation within syndromes. The specific anthropometric-radiologic technique of metacarpophalangeal pattern profile analysis has proven useful in discriminating individuals with the Prader-Labhart-Willi (PLW) syndrome from unaffected persons. Analysis of these data also indicate a negative correlation between age and Z-score transformations of individual hand bone lengths. These findings sound a cautionary note to clinical investigators who would use the Z-score transformation to standardize for age and sex. Problems encountered in the classification of genetic syndromes afford many parallels with those faced by anthropologists in the classification of living and fossil populations. The reliance on “key” traits and the necessity of focusing on pedigree analysis results in a deemphasis of the total range of variation and typological thinking. Application of numerical taxonomic techniques to the classification of the heterogeneous connective tissue disease osteogenesis imperfecta (OI) illustrates the heuristic value of this technique and points out the need to consider phenotypic overlap when defining typologies. Clinical genetics affords just one example of an area in medicine where the unique training and generalist perspective of the biological anthropologist is in demand. The decline in the availability of positions in the traditional academic habitat for biological anthropologists makes it imperative that graduate students be aware of alternatives and that they obtain training in the practical skills which such alternatives will demand.  相似文献   

Quantitative genetics, or the genetics of complex traits, is the study of those characters which are not affected by the action of just a few major genes. Its basis is in statistical models and methodology, albeit based on many strong assumptions. While these are formally unrealistic, methods work. Analyses using dense molecular markers are greatly increasing information about the architecture of these traits, but while some genes of large effect are found, even many dozens of genes do not explain all the variation. Hence, new methods of prediction of merit in breeding programmes are again based on essentially numerical methods, but incorporating genomic information. Long-term selection responses are revealed in laboratory selection experiments, and prospects for continued genetic improvement are high. There is extensive genetic variation in natural populations, but better estimates of covariances among multiple traits and their relation to fitness are needed. Methods based on summary statistics and predictions rather than at the individual gene level seem likely to prevail for some time yet.  相似文献   

The aim of this work is to explore the pattern of craniofacial morphometric variation and the relationships among five prehistoric Sardinian groups dated from Late Neolithic to the Nuragic Period (Middle and Late Bronze Age), in order to formulate hypotheses on the peopling history of Sardinia. Biological relationships with coeval populations of central peninsular Italy were also analysed to detect influences from and towards extra-Sardinian sources. Furthermore, comparison with samples of contemporary populations from Sardinia and from continental Italy provided an indication of the trend leading to the final part of the peopling history. Finally, Upper Palaeolithic and Mesolithic samples were included in the analyses to compare the prehistoric Sardinians with some of their potential continental ancestors. The analysis is based on multivariate techniques including Mahalanobis D2 distance, non-parametric multidimensional scaling (MDS) and principal component analysis (PCA). The results showed the tendency to progressive differentiation between Sardinian groups and peninsular Italian groups, with the possible exception of a discontinuity showed by the Bonnànaro (Early Bronze Age) Sardinian sample. Several aspects of the morphological results were found to agree with the current genetic evidence available for the present-day Sardinian population and a Nuragic sample: (1) biological divergence between the Sardinian and peninsular Italian populations; (2) similarity/continuity among Neolithic, Bronze Age and recent Sardinians; (3) biological separation between the Nuragic and Etruscan populations; (4) contribution of a Palaeo-Mesolithic gene pool to the genetic structure of current Sardinians.  相似文献   

Past investigations of Down's syndrome (DS) have indicated that there are marked abnormalities in the craniofacial morphology. The aim of this study was to establish the craniofacial anthropometric variables which discriminate DS group from healthy population and also to observe the changes occurring with growth. Using noninvasive method of craniofacial anthropometry, craniofacial pattern profile (CFPP) analysis (from twenty-five anthropometric measurements per person) was performed in 104 DS individuals and 365 healthy controls, aged seven to fifty-seven and divided into four age ranges. Z-scores were calculated for each variable and the variations in the craniofacial region have been identified by multivariate discriminative analysis. The results showed that three variables (head length (g-op), head circumference (OFC) and outer canthal distance (ex-ex) were responsible for 85.68% variability (p < 0.001). The analysis of z-scores showed that the majority of variables were in subnormal (under -2 SD) and normal range (from -2SD to +2SD), but none of them was in the supernormal range (over the +2SD). Some craniofacial characteristics are age-related. On the basis of craniofacial anthropometric traits it was possible to separate even 91.35% of DS patients from the healthy population. It could be concluded that these findings demonstrate the usefulness of application of CFPP in defining abnormal craniofacial dimensions in DS individuals.  相似文献   

Five select Reddi populations based on 750 males in the age range of 20 to 50 years have been studied for 15 anthropometric measurements and 10 indices. The Pokanati show higher mean value for a majority of the measurements. F-values are significant for all measurements except for bicristal breadth. All indices but nasal index show negligible variation. Mesocephalic heads predominate among Pokanati and dolicocephalic heads among the rest. the cluster analysis and principal coordinate analysis, as diagrammatically represented, show the extent of variation among the five Reddi populations.  相似文献   



Anthropometric surveys devised by each country attempt to fulfill the requirements of the manufacturers, designers, and human welfare device production, providing them with data and tools and allowing them to face both the internal and export markets. To this end, national anthropometric data collections and comparisons including three-dimensional information, together with comparison of these data among countries, are conducted at both the domestic and global levels.


The anthropometric data of the Korean population measured in 2013 (Korean Agency for Technology and Standard (KATS) 2013 data) and the data collected from 2010 (KATS 2010 data) that was conducted on 710 males between the ages of 13 and 18 years were analyzed in this section to obtain information on Korean boy’s physical features and growth.


The mean height increased about 5 cm from 13 to 14 years which shows the early fast maturing somatotype. Also, the mean height of boys aged from 15 to 16 increased about 1 to 2 cm. For the results of body proportion rate index against height, they show 0.93, 0.81, 0.38, 0.99, and 0.26 times the height in eye height, shoulder height, fingertip height, and span and maximum shoulder breadth, respectively, in 16-year-old boys. For the body mass index, the weight is increased from the age of 16 years.


There are several studies that cover growth features of the entire range from birth to maturity, and they have reported the comparison of the growth patterns among Europeans. Even though such researches have been made, as for the industry, the human modeling tools based on the anthropometric data and morphological features that cover all the countries should be developed for well-fit garments and other human-oriented design process.  相似文献   

Populations with histories of outbreeding tend to be taller even in the face of seemingly unchanged health and nutritional circumstances, while inbreeding generally results in a negative correlation between body dimensions and level of inbreeding. Populations that have experienced a positive secular trend in stature and maturation typically have histories of higher outbreeding rates in combination with improved nutritional, health, and economic conditions, suggesting a genetic-environment interaction. In general, Middle American Indians have not experienced a secular trend in stature, nor a substantial increase in their standard of living, but they have experienced varying degrees of admixture with Spanish and African populations since the Spanish Conquest. The relationship between estimated gene flow and variation in several anthropometric dimensions is thus considered in indigenous Mesoamerican populations. Available data on height, sitting height, craniofacial dimensions, and admixture rate of Indian populations from southern Mexico, Guatemala, and Honduras were assembled from the literature. The population mean data on 3,371 adults from 23 populations for males and 18 for females were analyzed by regression with anthropometry as the dependent variable, and log10 of admixture as the independent variable. Admixture was less than or equal to 28.9% in this study and is suggestive of a primarily traditional Indian cultural and economic base. The results suggest that populations with higher admixture tend to be taller, and that the increase in stature is due to greater subischial length in both sexes. A decrease in nasion-menton height, and an increase in nasal breadth, nasal height, and the nasal index is suggested for the dimensions of the craniofacial complex.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Metacarpal-phalangeal (M-P) lengths, metacarpal sign, and carpal angle were studied using 142 pairs of hand X-rays from 81 individuals with Turner's syndrome age 6 to 25 years. Left M-P lengths, grouped by bone age, were compared with normal female standards and Z-score pattern profiles calculated for each bone age. Differences between Turners and normals in most M-P lengths increased with age, particularly after puberty. Calculation of inter-individual and intra-individual variability yielded good evidence for a M-P pattern profile typical of Turner's syndrome, with increasing growth deficiency from distal to proximal and lateral to medial. The incidence of positive metacarpal sign was 33.8%, with no significant difference between XO and non-XO Turners. It did not appear that M4 ceased growth prematurely, suggesting that short M4 is not the result of early epiphyseal fusion. Carpal angle, reported to be abnormally decreased in Turners, was not found to differ from normal. There was no difference between right and left sides or between XO and non-XO Turners, but carpal angle did decrease significantly with both decreasing ulnar deviation in positioning of the hand and increasing age. In the latter respect Turners differ from normals who show an increase in carpal angle with age.  相似文献   

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