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Currently available vectors for mammalian cells suffer from a number of limitations which make them only partially useful for genetic modification of eukaryotic cells and organisms and for gene therapy. While integration of a vector can lead to unpredictable interactions with the host genome and silencing of the integrated transgene, most non-integrating vectors mediate only transient expression of a transgene. All available vector types can lead to transformation of the recipient cell and many of them can cause serious immunological side effects in the organism. The ideal vector has to be free of these side effects and should allow long-term expression of a transgene in the absence of selection. In this report we describe a novel non-viral episomal expression system fulfilling these criteria. The gene encoding the truncated rat NGF-receptor gene under the control of the CMV-promoter was inserted into a vector construct containing a scaffold/matrix attached region (S/MAR). This vector was then transfected into CHO cells and human HaCat cells. We show that this vector replicates episomally in these cells and is mitotically stable in the abscence of selection over more than 100 generations. Moreover, we provide the first experimental data that the CMV-promoter in an episome is not subject to silencing by cytosine methylation, thus allowing long-term expression of the transgene in the absence of selection.  相似文献   

We used bisulfite sequencing to study the methylation of a viral transgene whose expression was silenced upon plum pox virus infection of the transgenic plant and its subsequent recovery as a consequence of so‐called virus‐induced gene silencing (VIGS). VIGS was associated with a general increase in the accumulation of small RNAs corresponding to the coding region of the viral transgene. After VIGS, the transgene promoter was not methylated and the coding region showed uneven methylation, with the 5′ end being mostly unmethylated in the recovered tissue or mainly methylated at CG sites in regenerated silenced plants. The methylation increased towards the 3′ end, which showed dense methylation in all three contexts (CG, CHG and CHH). This methylation pattern and the corresponding silenced status were maintained after plant regeneration from recovered silenced tissue and did not spread into the promoter region, but were not inherited in the sexual offspring. Instead, a new pattern of methylation was observed in the progeny plants consisting of disappearance of the CHH methylation, similar CHG methylation at the 3′ end, and an overall increase in CG methylation in the 5′ end. The latter epigenetic state was inherited over several generations and did not correlate with transgene silencing and hence virus resistance. These results suggest that the widespread CG methylation pattern found in body gene bodies located in euchromatic regions of plant genomes may reflect an older silencing event, and most likely these genes are no longer silenced.  相似文献   

The gene for the integral membrane protein glycophorin A (GPA) was cloned in frame to the 5' end of the antibiotic resistance gene, neomycin phosphotransferase II (NPT). Protein expression was achieved in Escherichia coli as well as in mammalian cells. In case of Chinese hamster ovary cells (CHO) the resistant populations were analyzed 2 weeks after transfection; the amount of GPA-NPT fusion protein produced was constant from experiment to experiment. Neomycin resistance was directly correlated with GPA expression, thus allowing the direct selection for a stable GPA-expressing cell population without the need of a cloning step. The amount of GPA-NPT produced was further increased by weakening the specific NPT enzymatic activity via site-directed mutagenesis. Detection was simplified by the fact that all different fusion proteins could be detected by the same anti-NPT antibody. This approach may be also applicable to other membrane proteins.  相似文献   

There are now many mammalian examples in which single cell assays of transgene activity have revealed variegated patterns of expression. We have previously reported that transgenes in which globin regulatory elements drive the lacZ reporter gene exhibit variegated expression patterns in mouse erythrocytes, with transgene activity detectable in only a sub-population of circulating erythroid cells. In order to elucidate the molecular mechanism responsible for variegated expression in this system, we have compared the chromatin structure and methylation status of the transgene locus in expressing and non-expressing populations of erythrocytes. We find that there is a difference in the chromatin conformation of the transgene locus between the two states. Relative to active transgenes, transgene loci which have been silenced exhibit a reduced sensitivity to general digestion by DNase I, as well as a failure to establish a transgene-specific DNase I hypersensitive site, suggesting that silenced transgenes are situated within less accessible chromatin structures. Surprisingly, the restrictive chromatin structure observed at silenced transgene loci did not correlate with increased methylation, with transgenes from both active and inactive loci appearing largely unmethylated following analysis with methylation-sensitive restriction enzymes and by sequencing PCR products derived from bisulphite-converted genomic DNA.  相似文献   

Matrix attachment regions (MARs) are DNA sequences that bind an internal nuclear network of nonhistone proteins called the nuclear matrix. Thus, they may define discrete gene-containing chromatin loops in vivo. We have studied the effects of flanking transgenes with MARs on transgene expression levels in maize callus and in transformed maize plants. Three MAR elements, two from maize (Adh1 5' MAR and Mha1 5' MAR) and one from yeast (ARS1), had very different effects on transgene expression that bore no relation to their affinity for the nuclear matrix in vitro. In callus, two of the MAR elements (Adh1 5' MAR and ARS1) reduced transgene silencing but had no effect on the variability of expression. In transgenic plants, Adh1 5' MAR had the effect of localizing beta-glucuronidase expression to lateral root initiation sites. A possible model accounting for the function of Adh1 5' MAR is discussed.  相似文献   

A new sensitive method for antigen detection employing a phosphorylation reaction is described using human serum albumin as a model. The antigen is initially bound to the surface of polystyrene microtiter plates and reacted with an antibody (rabbit). A microbiologically produced bifunctional fusion protein of protein A and neomycin phosphotransferase II (NPT II) serves as a second immunological reagent by virtue of its protein A component. The detection is based on the phosphorylation of an aminoglycoside antibiotic by the NPT II moiety of the fusion protein using [gamma-32P]ATP as a cosubstrate. This reaction is performed in solution and the evaluation is accomplished by dotting aliquots of the reaction mixture onto phosphocellulose paper, washing with water, and autoradiography. Microtiter plates with a specially designed 10 microliter-volume reaction chamber are particularly advantageous for this procedure. The sensitivity of detection is currently 10 fg (1 pg/ml) of antigen.  相似文献   

To investigate the binding of 5′–CpG–3′ sequences by small molecules, two pyrrole (Py)–imidazole (Im) hairpin polyamides, PyImPyIm–γPyImPyIm–βDp (1) and PyIm–βIm–γPyIm–β–Im–β–Dp (2), which recognize the sequence 5′–CGCG–3′, were synthesized. The binding affinities of the 5′–CGCG–3′ sequence to the Py–Im hairpin polyamides were measured by surface plasmon resonance (SPR) analysis. SPR data revealed that dissociation equilibrium constants (Kd) of polyamides 1 and 2 were 1.1 (± 0.3) × 10–6 M and 1.7 (± 0.4) × 10–8 M, respectively. Polyamide 2 possesses great binding affinity for this sequence, 65-fold higher than polyamide 1. Moreover, when all cytosines in 5′–CpGpCpG–3′ were replaced with 5-methylcytosines (mCs), the Kd value of polyamide 2 increased to 5.8 (± 0.7) × 10–9 (M), which indicated about 3-fold higher binding than the unmethylated 5′–CGCG–3′ sequence. These results suggest that polyamide 2 would be suitable to target CpG-rich sequences in the genome.  相似文献   

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