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Six new species are described:Gagea anonyma, G. Staintonii, G. siphonantha, G. Grey-Wilsonii, G. chloroneura. All belong to subgen.Platyspermum (Boiss.)Miscz. Florae Iranicae praecursores63–68. — Praecursores praecurrentes: Pl. Syst. Evol.151, 281–293 (1986).  相似文献   

Two species ofConsolida are described as new:C. lorestanica is distributed in W. Iran (Lorestan), andC. kandaharica is endemic to S. Afghanistan.Dedicated to Hofrat Prof. DrK. H. Rechinger on the occasion of this 80th birthday.  相似文献   

88 species and 20 subspecies ofCarex, altogether 94 taxa, occur in the area ofRechinger's Flora Iranica. Of these, 48 taxa, have an Euro-Siberian, 11 an Irano-Turanian and 35 a Central Asiatic distribution, the last including five species with connections to E. and tropical SE. Asia. The Saharo-Sindian element is missing. Endemic taxa are found in all groups. Eight taxa, endemic to the NW. Himalayas occur in the E. part of the area. The Euro-Siberian taxa are concentrated in the NW. of the area, but have connections to the east; similarly, Central-Asiatic taxa are concentrated in E. Afghanistan and N. Pakistan, but have connections to the west. Some Euro-Siberian taxa are widely distributed in the area, but avoid the most arid regions. The Irano-Turanian taxa are few and extend from Egypt through the area of Flora Iranica to Kazakhstan SSR and Central China.Dedicated to Hofrat Univ.-Prof. DrK. H. Rechinger on the occasion of his 80th birthday.  相似文献   

记述中国滑菌蚊属4新种:浅黄滑菌蚊Leia bubaline sp.nov.,密毛滑菌蚊Leia densisetosa sp.nov.,黑龙江滑菌蚊Leia heilongjiangensis sp.nov.,和粗角滑菌蚊Leia robusticornis sp.nov.。编制了该属中国种类检索表。模式标本保存于浙江农林大学昆虫标本室。  相似文献   

Asparagus brachiatus , a new unarmed species from limestone rocks in north-eastern Somalia, is described, illustrated, and compared with A. leptocladodius and A. africanus.  相似文献   

首次报道了黄瓣蜘蛛抱蛋(Aspidistra lutea H.-J.Tillich)和吉婆岛蜘蛛抱蛋(A.arnautovii H.-J.Tillich)在中国的分布。这两种植物分别被发现于广西西南部的靖西县、龙州县。文中提供了形态学描述和图片。凭证标本存放于广西植物标本馆(IBK)。  相似文献   

Leopoldia tabriziana Jafari (Hyacinthaceae) from northwest of Iran (East Azarbaijan province) is described here and illustrated by a line‐drawing. It is similar to L. comosa Parl . but differs in having violet (not cream) pedicels in the fresh fertile flowers, oblong‐campanulate (not oblong‐urceolate) fertile flowers, triangular‐obovate (not globose‐obovate) sterile flowers, dark violet (not beige) fertile flowers and dark violet (not pale violet) sterile flowers with much shorter pedicels. (© 2014 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

Lonchocarpus castaneifolius, L. grazielae, L. longiunguiculatus, and L. montanus from Brazil are described and illustrated based on field and herbarium studies. The first species belongs to Lonchocarpus sect. Punctati and is restricted to northeastern Brazil (Bahia state). The other three are included in sect. Laxiflori. Lonchocarpus grazielae is restricted to the southern coastal region (Santa Catarina state), L. montanus is found in northeastern Brazil (Bahia and Piauí states), the west-central region (Goiás and Tocantins states) and the southeast (Minas Gerais state), and L. longiunguiculatus occurs in northeastern (Bahia state) and southeastern (Minas Gerais state) Brazil.  相似文献   

A new species of Tzeltalia (Solanaceae) from Chiapas, Mexico is described and illustrated: Tzeltalia esenbeckii. A key and a table, distinguishing the members of the genus, are included.  相似文献   

王文采 《广西植物》2016,36(Z1):152-155
该文描述了自云南东南部发现的荨麻科楼梯草属2新种。其中,文山楼梯草与上林楼梯草在亲缘关系上相近,与后者的区别在于本种的茎密被短柔毛,叶片在基部斜楔形,具半离基三出脉,雌头状花序的花序托较小,长约1.2 mm,宽1 mm,不分裂,其雌苞片约12,不等大,只3枚在顶端具角状突起。第二种,绿突楼梯草与马关楼梯草近缘,与后者的区别在于茎密被反曲的柔毛和贴伏的短柔毛,雄花序较长,雄总苞的苞片6枚,排成2层,2外层苞片较大,背面具1绿色纵列龙骨状突起和4或6绿纵肋,4内层苞片较小,背面近中央有1绿色角状突起。  相似文献   

王文采 《广西植物》2017,37(4):407-415
该文描述了毛茛科唐松草属五新种:(1)小花唐松草,发现自贵州东北部,与多枝唐松草近缘,区别为其小叶较小,雄蕊较少,花丝较短,呈狭条形。(2)新宁唐松草,发现自湖南南部,与爪哇唐松草近缘,区别为本种的雄蕊花丝呈狭条状棒形,花只含3~6枚心皮。(3)短蕊唐松草,发现自河南东南部,在体态上与爪哇唐松草十分相似,区别为本种的雄蕊很短,花丝呈丝形,花只含4~6枚心皮。(4)毛蕊唐松草,发现自四川北部,与长柄唐松草有密切的亲缘关系,区别为本种的茎和花梗被短柔毛,萼片被缘毛,花药不具短尖头,子房密被短柔毛。(5)小金唐松草,发现自四川西部,与白茎唐松草在亲缘关系上甚为相近,区别为本种的小叶被微硬毛,雄蕊花丝呈狭条形,花药顶端无短尖头或具极小短尖头,心皮较小,长仅2.4 mm,柱头无翅。  相似文献   

王文采 《广西植物》2016,36(9):1019-1022
该文描述了荨麻科楼梯草属2新种,其中发现自贵州的安龙楼梯草与条叶楼梯草近缘,与后者的区别在于此新种的茎和叶无毛,叶片椭圆形或狭倒卵形,较宽,雄苞片无角状突起,雌头状花序无梗,其花序托不等3~4裂,柱头画笔头状;自广西发现的厚序楼梯草与福贡楼梯草近缘,与后者的区别在于此新种的叶片质地较薄,呈膜质,上面疏被糙伏毛,叶柄较短,长达2 mm或不存在,雄花序梗圆柱形,较长,密被短柔毛,雄总苞由一层不具角状突起的苞片组成。  相似文献   

王文采  李良千 《广西植物》2016,36(Z1):73-75
描述了自四川东南部发现的毛茛科铁线莲属二新种:黄荆铁线莲和古蔺铁线莲。  相似文献   

王文采 《广西植物》2017,37(2):135-138
该文描述了自云南东南部发现的荨麻科楼梯草属二新种。(1)文山楼梯草,与上林楼梯草在亲缘关系上相近,与后者的区别在于本种的茎密被短柔毛,叶片在基部斜楔形,具半离基三出脉,雌头状花序的花序托较小,长约1.2 mm,宽1 mm,不分裂,其雌苞片约12,不等大,只3枚在顶端具角状突起。(2)绿突楼梯草,与马关楼梯草近缘,与后者的区别在于茎密被反曲的柔毛和贴伏的短柔毛,雄花序较长,雄总苞的苞片6枚,排成2层,2外层苞片较大,背面具1绿色纵列龙骨状突起和4或6绿纵肋,4内层苞片较小,背面近中央有1绿色角状突起。  相似文献   

王文采 《广西植物》2022,42(1):10-13
该文描述了自四川西部发现的毛茛科二新种,包括四川乌头属一新种,即泸定乌头(Aconitum ludingense W.T.Wang),此新种隶属于乌头属乌头亚属,以及四川唐松草属一新种,即狭药唐松草(Thalictrum stenantherum W.T.Wang),给出了此新种与其近缘种六脉萼唐松草之间的形态区别.  相似文献   

该文描述了自云南西北部发现的毛茛科银莲花属一新组,即维西银莲花组(sect. Deinostigma)和一新种,即维西银莲花(Anemone weixiensis)。此组与卵叶银莲花组有亲缘关系,与后者的区别在于其心皮较少(约11枚),子房被短柔毛,柱头明显,呈椭圆体形,瘦果被短柔毛,不扁,无肋,顶端具椭圆体形宿存柱头。  相似文献   

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