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A study has been made to test if in intact epithelium of rat jejunum with in vivo and in vitro techniques, two transport systems for glucose and analogues, as those characterized in brush border membrane vesicles from guinea pig jejunum, are operative. The passive and mediated transport components of the D-galactose and methyl alpha-D-glucopyranoside intestinal absorption and the mutual inhibitions between both substrates at different relative concentrations have been measured. The effects of cytochalasin B and low temperature (20 degrees C) on the transport in vitro have also been observed. Cytochalasin B inhibits galactose and alpha-methylglucoside transport at 0.1 and 40 mM concentrations in similar percentage. Transport of 0.1 and 40 mM galactose is inhibited 61 and 77% respectively by low temperature (20 degrees C). The transport of galactose and alpha-methylglucoside could be explained by the assumption of just one transport system shared by both substrates, with a higher affinity for alpha-methylglucoside. Operation of two systems was not demanded by the results, due perhaps to species specificity or to the distorting action of the unstirred water layers.  相似文献   

Data on morphological and biomechanical remodelling are needed to understand the mechanisms behind intestinal obstruction. The effect of partial obstruction on mechanical properties with reference to the zero-stress state and on the histomorphological properties of the guinea pig small intestine was determined in this study. Partial obstruction and sham operation were surgically created in mid-jejunum of guinea pigs. The animals survived 2, 4, 7, and 14 days. The age-matched guinea pigs that were not operated served as normal controls. The segment proximal to the obstruction site was used for histological analysis, no-load state and zero-stress state data, and distension test. The segment for distension was immersed in an organ bath and inflated to 10 cm H2O. The outer diameter change during the inflation was monitored using a microscope with CCD camera. Circumferential stresses and strains were computed from the diameter, pressure and the zero-stress state data. The opening angle and absolute value of residual strain decreased (P<0.01 and P<0.001) whereas the wall thickness, wall cross-sectional area, and the wall stiffness increased after 7 days obstruction (P<0.05, P<0.01). Histologically, the muscle and submucosa layers, especially the circumferential muscle layer increased in thickness after obstruction. The opening angle and residual strain mainly depended on the thickness of the muscle layer whereas the wall stiffness mainly depended on the thickness of the submucosa layer. In conclusion, the histomorphological and biomechanical properties of small intestine (referenced for the first time to the zero-stress state) remodel proximal to the obstruction site in a time-dependent manner.  相似文献   

Guinea pig heart mitochondria loaded with [-14C]citrate show exchanges of radioactivity at 30 degrees C with added citrate, L-malate and phosphoenolpyruvate. These exchanges are inhibited by benzene-1,2,3-tricarboxylate. Measurements of rates of citrate transport indicate that the activity of this transporting system is low in heart mitochondria compared to that observed in liver mitochondria. The K(m) values obtained indicate a similarity to those obtained in liver. Citrate oxidation by coupled mitochondria was also found to be slow at 30 degrees C but was inhibited by benzene-1,2,3-tricarboxylate. The role of mitochondrial citrate transport in control of glycolytic flux in the heart is discussed.  相似文献   

Choline uptake across the mucosal border of guinea pig jejunum was measured to determine the characteristics of this step in intestinal absorption. Unidirectional influx of [14C]choline appears to proceed primarily by a saturable, carrier-mediated process at low mucosal choline concentrations; at high concentrations (>4 mM) the influx rate is approximately linearly related to the mucosal choline concentration, suggesting that absorption by passive diffusion predominates. Influx was only minimally reduced by elimination of Na+ from the mucosal test solution or by reduction of the intracellular Na+ concentration. Preincubation of tissue samples with metabolic inhibitors or with ouabain did not markedly reduce influx. These results are consistent with a model of choline transport across the brush border membrane by a carrier-mediated mechanism which is similar to that involved in fructose absorption but different from the Na+-dependent mechanism which participates in active transport of sugar and amino acids. At low lumenal choline concentrations, influx into colonic mucosa is slower than in jejunum and appears to be attributed solely to simple diffusion.  相似文献   

Characteristics of dipeptide transport in pig jejunum in vitro   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
 Characteristics of dipeptide transport in pig jejunum were investigated in vitro by applying the Ussing-chamber technique and mucosal uptake studies. Addition of both glycyl-l-glutamine and glycyl-l-sarcosine (20 mmol · l−1) to the mucosal buffer solution significantly increased the short-circuit current by 2.60 ± 0.15 and 1.57 ± 0.20 μeq · cm−2 · h−1, respectively. Concentration-dependent changes in short-circuit current followed Michaelis-Menten kinetics with similar affinity constants for both dipeptides. From unidirectional flux rates for radiolabelled glycyl-l-sarcosine, a net flux rate for glycyl-l-sarcosine of 49.8 ± 6.7 nmol · cm−2 · h−1 was calculated. In mucosal uptake experiments, the apical influx of 14C-labelled glycyl-l-sarcosine into isolated porcine mucosa was pH dependent and significantly inhibited by glycyl-l-glutamine. Moreover, RT-PCR studies with primers derived from rabbit PepT1 identified two PCR fragments of identical size to rabbit PepT1 from pig intestinal mRNA preparations. In conclusion, our studies revealed key features of mammalian intestinal peptide transporters and give evidence for a PepT1-like transporter in the pig jejunum that could significantly contribute to the overall amino acid absorption from the gut. Accepted: 30 June 1999  相似文献   

The effect of uranyl on sugar transport across rat jejunum has been studied in vitro and in vivo. D-glucose and D-galactose accumulation in jejunum rings at pH 6.0 is inhibited about 40-65% by 1 mM uranyl nitrate. This inhibition is lower than that produced by 0.5 mM phlorizin. The effect was very similar when the incubation of the rings with the sugar was made in the absence of uranyl, after preincubation with the inhibitor. Washing with 10 mM EDTA reverted uranyl inhibition only slightly. D-fructose entry was weakly inhibited by uranyl. Glucose absorption in vivo along perfusion periods of 1 min was not affected by the presence of uranyl (0.001 to 1 mM) in the sugar solution, but the exposure of the mucosa to 0.1 mM uranyl at pH 6.5 for 10 min inhibited sugar absorption at the same pH in the subsequent periods of perfusion. Results suggest that uranyl impairs sugar transport by binding to protein chemical groups at the surface or in deeper sites of enterocyte membranes, a process that requires some minutes to be accomplished.  相似文献   

Proton-linked sugar transport systems in bacteria   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
The cell membranes of various bacteria contain proton-linked transport systems ford-xylose,l-arabinose,d-galactose,d-glucose,l-rhamnose,l-fucose, lactose, and melibiose. The melibiose transporter ofE. coli is linked to both Na+ and H+ translocation. The substrate and inhibitor specificities of the monosaccharide transporters are described. By locating, cloning, and sequencing the genes encoding the sugar/H+ transporters inE. coli, the primary sequences of the transport proteins have been deduced. Those for xylose/H+, arabinose/H+, and galactose/H+ transport are homologous to each other. Furthermore, they are just as similar to the primary sequences of the following: glucose transport proteins found in a Cyanobacterium, yeast, alga, rat, mouse, and man; proteins for transport of galactose, lactose, or maltose in species of yeast; and to a developmentally regulated protein of Leishmania for which a function is not yet established. Some of these proteins catalyze facilitated diffusion of the sugar without cation transport. From the alignments of the homologous amino acid sequences, predictions of common structural features can be made: there are likely to be twelve membrane-spanning -helices, possibly in two groups of six, there is a central hydrophilic region, probably comprised largely of -helix; the highly conserved amino acid residues (40–50 out of 472–522 total) form discrete patterns or motifs throughout the proteins that are presumably critical for substrate recognition and the molecular mechanism of transport. Some of these features are found also in other transport proteins for citrate, tetracycline, lactose, or melibiose, the primary sequences of which are not similar to each other or to the homologous series of transporters. The glucose/Na+ transporter of rabbit and man is different in primary sequence to all the other sugar transporters characterized, but it is homologous to the proline/Na+ transporter ofE. coli, and there is evidence for its structural similarity to glucose/H+ transporters in Plants.In vivo andin vitro mutagenesis of the lactose/H+ and melibiose/Na+ (H+) transporters ofE. coli has identified individual amino acid residues alterations of which affect sugar and/or cation recognition and parameters of transport. Most of the bacterial transport proteins have been identified and the lactose/H+ transporter has been purified. The directions of future investigations are discussed.  相似文献   

Anaesthetized fetal guinea pigs near term were studied under conditions, where maternal placental flow of haemoglobin was maintained within the normal range. The rate of maternal fetal equilibration of intravenously injected 3H2O was found to be similar as in unanaesthetized animals (half time 4 min) indicating that fetal circulation was undisturbed under the present experimental conditions. Umbilical blood flow as determined by a modified 3H2O method was 0.13 ml . min-1 . g-1 of fetal body mass. Radioactive microspheres, injected into the fetal saphenous (jugular) vein, were distributed to the placenta, the lower body, the upper body and the lungs at a ratio of 31(47):27(39):30(6):12(8). From these data, cardiac output was calculated (0.38 ml . min-1 . g-1) and found to be almost equally distributed between the placenta, the lower body and the upper body. There was preferential streaming of the inferior vena caval blood to the upper body. There was no evidence for flow through a ductus venosus. The O2-saturation in the fetal carotid arterial blood was 59 +/- 4%. The O2-supply to the fetal tissues was estimated to be 3 times the oxygen consumption.  相似文献   

Vanadate is known to have an insulin-like action which stimulates sugar transport in some systems like adipocytes and muscle cells, but in other systems it inhibits sugar transport by decreasing the activity of (Na+ +K+)-ATPase. To evaluate whether these two opposing actions may influence sugar transport across the intestine, we studied the effects of acute and chronic vanadate administration on the uptake of glucose, galactose, and 3-O-methylglucose in isolated rat intestinal cells. The sugar uptake measurements were also coupled by determinations of rubidium-86 uptake as a measure of the activity of the Na-K pump. Both acute and chronic vanadate administration reduced rubidium uptake by the cells but the reduction did not uniformly influence the uptake of the three sugars in question which were stimulated by the acute exposure of the cells to vanadate. Glucose uptake was also stimulated by chronic vanadate administration, but the uptakes of galactose and 3-O-methylglucose were respectively unaffected or inhibited by chronic vanadate. The findings suggest that the effect of vanadate on sugar transport is dependent on the net difference between two actions of vanadate: (i) stimulation of a receptor site (possibly an insulin receptor site) in the intestinal cell membrane and (ii) inhibition of the Na-K pump. During acute vanadate exposure, the stimulation of the receptor site was very likely a dominant feature which overwhelms the inhibition of the pump. Chronic exposure to vanadate led, on the other hand, to only a limited degree of stimulation of the receptor site and the inhibition of the Na-K pump became evident in the uptake measurements of galactose and 3-O-methyl-glucose. Glucose uptake, however, was stimulated by chronic vanadate ingestion due, very likely, to an increase in the metabolism of this sugar which occurred only with prolonged exposure of the rat intestine to vanadate.  相似文献   

Cupric ions inhibit galactose absorption by in vivo perfused rat jejunum. It takes some delay for the inhibitory action to display its maximal levels, and previous exposure of the mucosa to Cu markedly increases inhibition. Copper effects were only scarcely reversed by saline solution washing, more effectively by EDTA and more so by dithioerythritol, in no case reaching control values. Absorption of L-sorbose, or that of galactose in the presence of 0.5 mM phlorizin, are not modified by 0.5 mM cupric ions. Cu action may be understood as a selective impairment of the phlorizin-sensitive sugar transport system by binding of the metal to prevailing thiol chemical groups of proteins at the brush border, located at different depth within the thickness of the membrane.  相似文献   

The initial rate of [14C]uridine transport by guinea pig erythrocytes was investigated at different temperatures. At 37, 22, and 10 degrees C the concentration dependence of uridine zero-trans influx and equilibrium exchange influx was resolved into two components; (a) a saturable component which followed simple Michaelis-Menten kinetics and which was inhibited by nitrobenzylthioinosine, and (b) a linear component of low magnitude and insensitive to nitrobenzylthioinosine inhibition. The maximum velocity, Vmax, of zero-trans uridine influx for the saturable transport system was 70-fold higher at 37 than 10 degrees C (1.24, 0.20, and 0.018 mmol/L of cells per hour at 37, 22, and 10 degrees C, respectively). Similarly, the apparent affinity, Km, for zero-trans influx decreased as the temperature was lowered (0.27, 0.066, and 0.038 mM at 37, 22, and 10 degrees C, respectively). In contrast, uridine equilibrium exchange influx was less temperature dependent (Vmax, 2.80, 0.89, and 0.14 mmol/L of cells per hour; apparent Km 0.61, 0.36, and 0.24 mM at 37, 22, and 10 degrees C, respectively). These results demonstrate that the mobility of the empty carrier is impaired to a greater extent than the mobility of the loaded carrier temperature decreased. However, the kinetic constants for zero-trans uridine influx and efflux at 37 degrees C were similar, indicating that the nucleoside transporter exhibited directional symmetry at 37 degrees C. Arrhenius plots of the maximum velocity for equilibrium exchange and zero-trans uridine influx were discontinuous above 25 degrees C, but between 20 and 5 degrees C the plots were linear (Ea = 22 and 30 kcal/mol for equilibrium exchange and zero-trans influx, respectively.  相似文献   

Summary The phosphoenolpyruvate-dependent sugar transport system (PTS) is present in a large variety of bacteria. It catalyzes transport and phosphorylation of hexoses and hexitols at the expense of phosphoenolpyruvate. Only three of four enzymes are required for this entire sequence. Each component has been isolated and purified to the homogeneity from one bacterial species or another allowing recent investigations intomechanistic aspects of energy coupling, energy conservation, transport and regulation using well-characterized enzymes. In each case the phosphorylation of the enzyme is a key element in that enzymes function.The initial step in the energy conversion process is the EI catalyzed conversion of phosphoenolpyruvate to pyruvate and P-HPr. EII is a metal requiring hydrophobic enzyme which is active only as a dimer. Kinetic and gel filtration data confirm that it forms functional ternary complexes with HPr or P-Hpr and phosphoenolpyruvate or pyruvate which influence both the degree of dimerization and the specific activity of the dimer. The dimer appears to carry only one phosphoryl group suggesting that negative cooperativity or a flip-flop mechanism may be involved in the sequence of phosphoryl group transfer.Many of the PTS phosphoenzyme intermediates carry the phosphoryl group as a phospho-histidine. A general mechanism for the transfer of the phosphoryl group to and from the active site histidine residue in each protein has been established with high resolution 1H NMR data. At physiological pH the active site histidine is deprotonated, whereas the phosphohistidine is protonated. Consequently the histidine, as a strong nucleophile, can abstract the phosphoryl group from the donor while protonation destabilizes the phosphohistidine facilitating passage of the phosphoryl group to the following enzyme intermediate. The change in protonation state accompanies a phosphorylation induced conformational change in the carrier.The ability of the PTS to regulate the activity of other permeases and catabolic enzymes has been attributed to EIII Glc. Data obtained with mutants suggest that changes in the phosphorylation state alter the regulatory properties of the enzyme. The nonphosphorylated species blocks various permeases and suppresses adenylate cyclase activity thereby inhibiting the synthesis of catabolic enzyme systems. The phosphorylated species stimulates adenylate cyclase and permits the uptake of inducers leading to the initiation of catabolic enzyme synthesis. Experiments with the isolated EIII Glc confirm that a phosphoenzyme intermediate exists.Transport and phosphorylation of the sugar are catalyzed by a membrane-bound EII via a phosphoenzyme intermediate which can be reached from P-HPr, P-EIII or sugar-P. The phosphorylation state controls the affinity of the enzyme for its substrates. EII is high affinity for P-HPr or P-EIII and low affinity for sugar. P-EII is high affinity for sugar and low affinity for P-HPr or P-EIII. The affinity of the enzyme for sugar substrates is controlled by the oxidation state of a dithiol. The reduced, dithiol form is high affinity for sugar substrates. The oxidized, disulfide form, is low affinity. Phosphorylation of the enzyme chould shift the affinity for substrates by altering the oxidation state of the enzyme.  相似文献   

Placental transport of free palmitic and linoleic acids in the guinea pig   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Radioisotopic tracers were used to measure the unidirectional transfer rates of free fatty acids across the placenta of fed and fasted pregnant guinea pigs. Free (14)C-labeled palmitic and linoleic acids (in serum) were injected simultaneously into a jugular vein of an anesthetized pregnant guinea pig. Serial samples of maternal blood were collected from a carotid artery; fetal blood was collected from the umbilical vein of an exposed fetus. Analysis of maternal and fetal plasma revealed that: (a) the half-lives of free palmitic and linoleic acid in maternal plasma are approximately 1.3 min and 0.7 min, both in fed animals with low plasma concentrations of these acids and in fasted animals with high concentrations; (b) free linoleic and palmitic acids cross the placenta from maternal to fetal plasma in a ratio of approximately 2.0, a value which appears not to change as the transfer rates of these acids from maternal to fetal plasma are increased by fasting the mother. It is suggested that the ratio in which free linoleic and palmitic acids cross the placenta from maternal to fetal plasma is determined by the ratio of the unbound free linoleic and palmitic acid concentrations in maternal plasma. A comparison of several species indicates that a much greater proportion of fetal fatty acids comes from the mother in the guinea pig and rabbit than in the rat, the sheep, or man.  相似文献   

The motility of the gut depends on the chemicals contained in the lumen, but the stimuli that modify motility and their relationship to enteric neural pathways are unclear. This study examined local inhibitory reflexes activated by various chemical stimulants applied to the mucosa to characterize effective physiological stimuli and the pathways they excite. Segments of the jejunum were dissected to allow access to the circular muscle on one-half of the preparation while leaving the mucosa intact on the circumferentially adjacent half. Chemicals were transiently applied to the mucosa, and responses were recorded intracellularly in nearby circular muscle cells. The amino acids l-phenylalanine, l-alanine, or l-tryptophan (all 1 mM) evoked inhibitory junction potentials (IJPs; latency 150-300 ms, amplitude 3-8 mV, each n > 6) that were blocked by TTX and partially blocked by antagonists of P2X receptors and/or a combination of antagonists at 5-HT(3) and 5-HT(4) receptors. The putative mediators 5-HT (10 microM), ATP (1 mM), and CCK-8 (1-10 microM) elicited IJPs mediated via 5-HT(3), P2X, and CCK-B receptors, respectively. Responses were only partially reduced by the effective antagonists. IJPs evoked by electrically stimulating the mucosa were unaffected by antagonists that reduced chemically evoked responses. Both chemically and electrically evoked IJPs were resistant to nicotinic, NK(1), NK(3), alpha-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methylisoxazole-4-propionic acid, N-methyl-d-aspartate, or CGRP receptor blockade. We conclude that mucosal stimulation by amino acids activates local neural pathways whose pharmacology depends on the nature of the stimulus. Transmitters involved at some synapses in these pathways remain to be identified.  相似文献   

Dispersed mucosal cells (approx. 70% parietal cells) prepared from guinea pig stomach maintained their cellular concentration of potassium (65--80 nmol potassium/10(6) cells) for at least 5 h in vitro. Uptake of 42K by dispersed gastric mucosal cells depended on temperature, H+ concentration and oxidative metabolism. Carbachol and, in some instances, gastrin caused a 40--50% increase in cellular uptake of 42K as a consequence of the ability of these agents to increase 42K influx. Ouabain reduced uptake of 42K by 70% but did not alter the effect of carbachol. Cellular uptake of 42K was not altered by histamine, prostaglandin, E1, glucagon, secretin, vasoactive intestinal peptide or C-terminal octapeptide of cholecystokinin. Uptake of 42K was also increased by dibutyryl cyclic AMP or dibutyryl cyclic GMP but not by cyclic AMP, cyclic GMP or their 8-bromo derivatives. Theophylline caused a small (10--15%) increase in 42K uptake and potentiated the increase caused by submaximal concentrations of carbachol. The increase in 42K uptake caused by either dibutyryl cyclic nucleotide and carbachol was additive.  相似文献   

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