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The objective of this study was to determine the environmental factors that best explain the distribution and community composition of benthic diatoms in undisturbed mountain streams in the Eastern Highlands of Zimbabwe. Benthic diatoms were sampled during the dry season from 21 sampling sites established along altitudinal gradient of the study rivers. A total of 119 diatom species belonging to 38 genera and twelve families were recorded for all the 21 sites sampled. No significant differences were observed in species diversity and equitability amongst the three river systems. However, species richness, diversity and equitability decreased significantly along the longitudinal gradient of the rivers, with the highest richness, diversity and evenness being recorded in the upper reaches. Temperature, velocity, NO3? and Ca2+ levels were strongly associated with changes in diatom communities in the three rivers. Inventory of diatom communities has applications in many fields of biological research including conservation and biological monitoring of ecosystem changes.  相似文献   

Peeters  Edwin T.H.M.  Gylstra  Ronald  Vos  Jose H. 《Hydrobiologia》2004,519(1-3):103-115
The relative contribution of sediment food (e.g. organic matter, carbohydrates, proteins, C, N, polyunsaturated fatty acids) and environmental variables (e.g. oxygen, pH, depth, sediment grain size, conductivity) in explaining the observed variation in benthic macroinvertebrates is investigated. Soft bottom sediments, water and benthic macroinvertebrates were sampled in several water systems across The Netherlands. The variance partitioning method is used to quantify the relative contributions of food and environmental variables in structuring the benthic macroinvertebrate community structure.It is assumed that detritivores show a significant relationship with sediment food variables and carnivores and herbivores do not. The results of the variance partitioning method with data sets containing only detritivores, herbivores or carnivores confirm this assumption. This indicates that the variance partitioning method is a useful tool for analyzing the impact of different groups of variables in complex situations. Approximately 45% of the total variation in the macroinvertebrate community structure could be explained by variables included in the analyses. The variance partitioning method shows that sediment food variables contributed significantly to the total variation in the macroinvertebrate dataset. The relative importance of food depends on the intensity of other environmental factors and is lower on broad spatial scales than on smaller scales.The results of the partitioning depend on the selected variables that are included in the analyses. The method becomes problematic in case variables from different groups of variables (e.g. one food variable and one environmental variable) have a high inflation factor and thus are collinear. The choice of the variable that is left out impacts the variance allocated to the different groups of variables.The variance partitioning method was able to detect the spatial scale dependent contribution of food variables in structuring macroinvertebrate communities. This spatial scale dependency can also be caused by the size, the composition, and the heterogeneity of the dataset. Performing extra analyses in which specific samples are removed from the original dataset can give insight in under- or overestimation of the impact of certain factors and offers the possibility to test the robustness of the obtained results.  相似文献   

The benthic fish communities of 161 Swedish lakes, sampled with multi-mesh gillnets, were examined by direct gradient analyses with ten environmental factors. A geographic gradient, correlated with climatic factors and productivity, was most important for ordination of species optima. By contrast, the distribution of biomass in different size-classes and trophic groups, was influenced more directly by local factors such as water quality (pH) and lake morphometry (area and maximum depth). The communities are not only structured at the species level, but also by size-related allocation of resources, within and between coexisting species. This national survey confirmed patterns observed in previous local field studies, as well as experiments designed for testing mechanisms acting on size-structured populations. However, it highlighted the need for more extensive studies on if and how large-scale environmental variation affects the cues for size-related ontogenetic niche shifts in facultative piscivores, because species such as perch Perca fluviatilis , brown trout Salmo trutta , and Arctic charr Salvelinus alpinus often dominate the benthic fish community.  相似文献   

Leonard Sandin 《Ecography》2003,26(3):269-282
Spatial scale, e.g. from the stream channel, riparian zone, and catchment to the regional and global scale is currently an important topic in running water management and bioassessment. An increased knowledge of how the biota is affected by human alterations and management measures taken at different spatial scales is critical for improving the ecological quality of running waters. However, more knowledge is needed to better understand the relationship between environmental factors at different spatial scales, assemblage structure and taxon richness of running water organisms. In this study, benthic macroinvertebrate data from 628 randomly selected streams were analysed for geographical and environmental relationships. The dataset also included 100 environmental variables, from local measures such as in-stream substratum and vegetation type, catchment vegetation and land-use, and regional variables such as latitude and longitude. Cluster analysis of the macroinvertebrate data showed a continuous gradient in taxonomic composition among the cluster groups from north to south. Both locally measured variables (e.g. water chemistry, substratum composition) and regional factors (e.g. latitude, longitude, and an ecoregional delineation) were important for explaining the variation in assemblage structure and taxon richness for stream benthic macroinvertebrates. This result is of importance when planning conservation and management measurements, implementing large-scale biomonitoring programs, and predicting how human alterations (e.g. global warming) will affect running water ecosystems.  相似文献   

Tan  Xiang  Hou  Enqing  Zhang  Quanfa  Bunn  Stuart E. 《Hydrobiologia》2021,848(21):5067-5085
Hydrobiologia - Human activities have increasingly impacted rivers globally and influence environmental factors at multiple scales: proximal factors (e.g., light and nutrients) and distal controls...  相似文献   

Few studies have explicitly examined avian community structure in the North American northern boreal forest Herein we report upon the results of bird surveys in mature stands of boreal forest in the Great Clay Belt Ontario. Canada We related trends in avian community structure and individual bird species abundance to two environmental gradients described in a landbase classification scheme called the Forest Ecosystem Classification a moisture and a nutrient-richness gradient Variation in environmental characteristics is limited in the Ontario Clay Belt and this was reflected in short environmental gradient lengths However major trends in avian community structure were strongly associated with the nutrient-richness gradient axis summarized by this scheme Analyses of avian community composition indicated a continuum from moist coniferous habitats to drier aspen-dominated mixed woodlands with several bird species occurring in varying abundances across the width of both gradients 48 of the 58 species examined showed statistically significant associations with at least one of the two multivariate gradient axes A smaller proportion of short-distance migrant species were associated with these gradients than were species in either the neotropical migrant or resident categories We used a multivariate variable (habitat breadth) to compare degree of habitat specialization across different migratory groups A large proportion of neotropical migrants showed a high degree of habitat specialization m mature Clay Belt forests, and neotropical species with small habitat breadths were more commonly associated with habitats dominated by broad-leaved deciduous tree species than either short-distance or permanent resident species We discuss our findings in relation to the post-glacial history of the Clay Belt region  相似文献   

Epilithic diatom communities are particularly suitable for the evaluation of freshwater quality. In Ecuador, however, no water quality index includes this biotic parameter. This work is the first attempt in the country to determine the composition of epilithic diatom communities associated with different degrees of eutrophication. This was accomplished by measuring physical, chemical and microbiological variables at five sampling sites along the Pita River, Ecuador, from August to December 2016. The results indicate a clear gradient of eutrophication from sampling sites P1 (good water) in the upper reaches to P5 (bad water) located in the lower reaches. Concerning diatom analyses, the results indicated a high diversity for tropical areas in terms of species richness, varying from S = 34 in headwaters to S = 42 downstream. Moreover, the results obtained suggest a lack of concordance with the trophic values given to some of the epilithic diatoms in the literature. There were also species that seem to be sensitive to downstream nutrient increases that were not considered as bioindicators in previous studies. We concluded that the trophic values of diatom species available in the scientific literature are not directly applicable to their sites in the Pita River. Hence, it is necessary to establish a trophic diatom index for the Andean region of Ecuador.  相似文献   

Coral Reefs - Most of the diversity on coral reefs is in the cryptofauna, the hidden organisms that inhabit the interstitial spaces of corals and other habitat-forming benthos. However, little is...  相似文献   

Diatoms are widely used in the biological monitoring of streams because they are strong responders to environmental change, but dispersal and spatial factors can play important and potentially confounding roles in the presence, absence, and abundance of species along with characterizing species–environment relationships. To examine how spatial factors affect diatom community structure and biomonitoring, multiple scales were sampled including the Western Allegheny Plateau (n = 58), Leading Creek watershed (n = 18), and the adjacent Shade River watershed (n = 21) in southeast Ohio. Partitioning of spatial, environmental, and spatially-structured environmental variation was conducted on diatom assemblages and on diatom metrics used in biomonitoring. At the regional scale, diatom assemblages and metrics had strong relationships with agricultural (e.g., significant correlations with nutrients, conductivity, and pasture/row crops in the watershed) and alkalinity gradients. Diatom assemblages and metrics in both watersheds were strongly associated with acid mine drainage (AMD) impacts, and when spatial factors were set as covariables in CCAs, relationships with AMD gradients became even stronger, indicating the need to consider how spatial factors could reduce the strength of diatom-environment relationships. Metrics calculated at all scales had very little variation explained exclusively by spatial factors, likely because multiple species are combined into a simplified metric that reduces the effects of species dispersal. Local environmental variables accounted for 57, 42, and 42% of the total variation explained (TVE), and spatial variables accounted for 28, 31, and 37% of the TVE in the regional, Leading Creek, and Shade River datasets, respectively. The amounts of variation in diatom assemblages explained solely by spatial factors at these scales were substantial and similar to what has been reported at continental, national, and large regional (Level I Omernik ecoregions) scales (approximately 1/3 of TVE). Although amounts of variation explained are similar across scales, processes underlying the spatial structure likely differ. In addition to describing ecological patterns, recognizing the potential influence of spatial factors could improve the identification and management of environmental problems at a range of scales, as well as aid in the development of new research questions and hypotheses aimed at exploring factors that could explain portions of the spatially explicit variation.  相似文献   

  • 1 The physical characteristics of two contrasting streams, and habitat types within these streams, are described in terms of a two-dimensional physical habitat templet in which disturbance frequency and the availability of spatial refugia are the temporal and spatial axes.
  • 2 It is predicted that habitats experiencing a high disturbance frequency and low refuge availability will be characterized by a low invertebrate species diversity, a low biomass of epilithic algae and particulate organic matter and a community made up of mobile, weedy species. Habitats having a low disturbance frequency and high refuge availability will be characterized by a diverse community containing sedentary and specialist species, with high algal and particulate organic matter levels.
  • 3 A lower median substrate particle size and higher shear stress regime in Timber Creek were indicative of a higher disturbance frequency than in the Kyeburn. Substrate diversity was lower in Timber Creek than in the Kyeburn and indicated that the availability of refugia was lower in Timber Creek. In both streams, pools were found to have a higher disturbance frequency and lower availability of refugia than riffles.
  • 4 Invertebrate species diversity, the biomass of epilithic algae and particulate organic matter and the representation of sedentary species, filter feeders and shredders were higher in the more temporally stable and spatially heterogeneous Kyeburn. The community of Timber Creek, frequently disturbed and having low refuge availability, had a high proportion of mobile and weedy species, with the highly mobile, generalist-feeding Deleatidium spp. (Ephemeroptera; Leptophlebiidae) being the most dominant organisms.
  • 5 The predictions made about stream community structure and species characteristics in relation to disturbance frequency and the availability of spatial refugia are generally supported. Now a larger scale investigation is required to test the generality of the predictions. We conclude that the habitat templet approach offers a sound framework within which to pose questions in stream ecology.

Spatial changes in structural and functional characteristics of fish and macroinvertebrate communities in eastern Kentucky were investigated in a drainage system chronically exposed to high levels of chloride salts from nearby oilfield operations. Salinity levels at biological monitoring stations ranged from 0.12–31.3‰. Lotic regions with salinities greater than 10‰ were dominated by larvae of the dipterans Ephydra and Culicoides. In regions with salinities less than 10‰ species richness increased more or less linearly with decreasing levels of chloride salts. Ephemeropterans appeared to be one of the major invertebrate groups least tolerant of elevated NaCl levels and were absent in regions with salinities greater than 2‰ Availability of food resources, such as periphyton and particulate organic matter, did not appear to be grossly altered in disturbed regions, and it is suggested that the observed distribution of macroinvertebrate fauna was largely in response to taxonomic differences in salt tolerance. Fish seemed to be more tolerant of highly saline conditions, and several species were observed in regions experiencing salinities as high as 15‰. Accordingly, assemblages of fish taxa along the salinity gradient may have been influenced by trophic factors, such as spatial limitations in availability of invertebrate prey.  相似文献   

The arrangements of mammals differ along environmental gradients, such as of disturbance and resources. We examined how mammal community composition in the Kalahari, Botswana, varied in relation to disturbance and resource gradients. We predicted that livestock-keeping villages are disturbances and pans are resources for wildlife, that the responses of mammals to disturbance and resources depend on their functional types and that increased disturbance over time has reduced the numbers and distributions of wildlife. The methods involved road-side counts of mammals >0.2 kg and trapping of small mammals, <0.2 kg. The disturbance gradient was more important than the resource gradient for explaining the distribution of mammals >0.2 kg. Communities in low disturbance-high resource areas were most diverse regarding species and functional types. Small mammal species richness and abundances were unaffected by villages, but increased with distance from pans. Villages were particularly deterring to large wild herbivores, functionally similar to livestock. Most large wild herbivores had decreased since 1975–1983. We conclude that large and medium-sized mammals are highly affected by large-scale disturbance gradients, while small mammals are most dependent on small-scale variation in resources, probably shelter and food. Increased disturbance over time leads to decreasing ranges and numbers of the large wild herbivores.  相似文献   

I investigated the impact of riparian vegetation type on stream invertebrate communities in SIX Danish forest streams during the period 1992–1993 Two of the streams ran through beech forest Fagus sylvatica , two through mixed, mainly deciduous forest, and two through conifer plantations Algal biomass and detritus standing stock differed significantly depending on forest type In mixed deciduous forest streams algal biomass was higher and detritus standing stock lower than in beech and conifer forest streams Benthic invertebrate community composition was functionally similar in all streams, with detritivores comprising >80% by numbers of the community Grazer abundance was low in all streams Shredder abundance in the four deciduous streams was significantly correlated to coarse detritus standing stock When taking into account both quantitative and qualitative POM parameters for all six streams combined, shredder abundance correlated significantly to the amount of CPOM There were significantly more invertebrates with a ≥ 2 yr life cycle in the conifer and beech forest streams than m the mixed forest streams, probably reflecting the larger and more stable food resource For all streams combined there was a significant correlation between predator abundance and the abundance of potential prey My findings suggest that Danish forest streams are regulated by "bottom-up control" at all trophic levels within the invertebrate community, and hence that forest type can structure benthic communities in forest streams  相似文献   

An analysis of the relationships between lotic macroinvertebrates and environmental variables was earned out on material from 60 riffle sites in streams in northern Sweden The approach involved the use of TWINSPAN classification and canonical correspondence analysis on presence/absence data from two seasons (spring and autumn) Variables most strongly associated with distribution patterns of assemblages were drainage area, elevation, water quality in terms of alkalinity, colour and phosphate and the presence of macrophytes The significance of affinities of different species to these variables are discussed The eight clusters resulting from the TWINSPAN analysis could biologically be interpreted as classes of taxa related to stream size, chemical conditions and algae A multiple regression analysis for predicting species nchness using three independent variables, viz drainage area amount or organic matter, and discharge was constructed The results of the study could be used as a starting point for further work on the community organization of benthie stream assemblages  相似文献   

Trophic strategies and spatial use habits were investigated in reef fish communities. The results supported the hypothesis of differential use of food resources among tropical and higher latitude reef fishes, i.e . the number of species and relative abundance of fishes relying on relatively low‐quality food significantly decreased from tropical to temperate latitudes. The species : genus ratio of low‐quality food consumers increased toward the tropics, and was higher than the overall ratio considering all fishes in the assemblages. This supports the view that higher speciation rates occurred among this guild of fishes in warm waters. It was also demonstrated that density of herbivorous fishes (the dominant group relying on low‐quality food resources) in the western Atlantic decreased from tropical to temperate latitudes. Spatial use and mobility varied with latitude and consequently reef type and complexity. Fishes with small‐size home ranges predominated on tropical coral reefs.  相似文献   

分别于2004年5月和11月对雅砻江(锦屏段)及其主要支流22个采样点的底栖藻类进行研究.共采获底栖藻类150种,分属3门(硅藻、绿藻和蓝藻),37属.其中硅藻门占绝对优势(96.5%),线性曲壳藻(Achnanthes linearis)和Achnanthes deflexa为绝对优势种,其相对丰富度分别为35.3%和11.0%.细端菱形藻(Nitzschia dissipata)和小型异极藻(Gomphonema parvulum)是雅砻江(锦屏段)干流的优势种,而线性曲壳藻、扁圆卵形藻(Cocconeis placentula)和Achnanthes deflexa是其他支流的优势种.基于底栖藻类的物种组成和相对丰度,对两次的采样点进行去势对应分析(DCA),结果发现:两次采样雅砻江(锦屏段)干流样点与其他支流样点在DCA第一轴上得到了很好的分化,表明研究区域底栖藻类群落存在明显的空间差异,这主要是由干流的特殊生境所致.典范对应分析(CCA)结果显示不同季节影响底栖藻类群落结构的环境因子有所差异.总磷(TP)是5月份影响底栖藻类空间分布的最主要因素;11月份影响底栖藻类空间分布的最主要环境因子为氨氮(NH4-N)和海拔(Elevation).  相似文献   

1. Epilithic and epiphytic diatom community composition were assessed in small streams of the Melbourne region to test the effects of (a) urban density (sub-catchment imperviousness 0–51%) and (b) stormwater drainage intensity (comparing the intensively drained metropolitan area with urban areas of the hinterland, which had open drains and some localized stormwater drainage).
2. Communities separated into three groups: eastern hinterland, western hinterland and a metropolitan group. Separation of eastern and western hinterland groups, and of eastern and western sites within the metropolitan group were best explained by patterns of electrical conductivity, basalt geology and annual rainfall. Separation of metropolitan and hinterland groups, and patterns within the hinterland groups were best explained by nutrient gradients (phosphorus, ammonia and total nitrogen).
3. Nutrient concentrations were not only apparently influenced by urban density but also by effluents from small sewage treatment plants and agricultural activities at a few sites.
4. Species richness did not vary consistently between the metropolitan and hinterland groups but within the western hinterland, sites with low nutrient concentrations tended to be more species-rich than mildly enriched sites.
5. Composition of both diatom and macroinvertebrate communities (assessed in a concurrent study) were sensitive indicators of urban-derived impacts. However, diatoms were better indicators of nutrient enrichment, while macroinvertebrates were better integrative indicators of catchment disturbance.  相似文献   

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