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A partially-purified diacylglycerol (DG) lipase from bovine aorta has been characterized with respect to the effects of lipid metabolites and two lipase inhibitors, phenylboronic acid and tetrahydrolipstatin (THL). DG lipase activity was determined by the hydrolysis of the sn-1 position of 1-[1-4C]palmitoyl-2-oleoyl-sn-glycerol. The products of the lipase reaction, 2-monoacylglycerol (2-monoolein) and non-esterified fatty acids (oleate, arachidonate) produced a concentration-dependent (20–200 μM) inhibition of DG lipase activity. Oleoyl-CoA and dioleoylphosphatidic acid also inhibited aortic DG lipase activity, but lysophosphatidylcholine had little or no effect. The inhibition of aortic DG lipase by phenylboronic acid was competitive, with a Ki of approx. 4 mM. THL was a very potent inhibitor of aortic DG lipase; the concentration required for inhibition to 50% of control was 2–6 nM. THL was a very potent inhibitor of concentration of substrate in the assay was increased. Attempts to identify the aortic DG lipase by covalent-labelling with [14C]THL were unsuccessful. Immunoblotting experiments revealed that hormone-sensitive triacylglycerol lipase (HSL) could not be detected in bovine aorta.  相似文献   

Like many other bacteria, Nocardia sp. possess acid phosphatase activity. In N. brasiliensis, a human and animal pathogen, this activity was resolved into two enzyme forms by native gel electrophoresis. One (isozyme I) was partially purified and characterized. It exhibited an estimated molecular weight on SDS-PAGE of 50 kDa, a pH optimum of 5.2, and a Km value of 1.25 mM for p-nitrophenylphosphate. The N. brasiliensis enzyme was stable at 4 °C for at least 24 h, but readily inactivated at 60 °C. Ammonium molybdate, sodium fluoride and L-(+)-tartrate were found to be potent inhibitors of the enzyme. Although its function is presently unknown, by analogy to other bacterial systems it could be envisioned to play an important role in the physiology and pathogenicity of the microorganism.  相似文献   

By using monoclonal antibodies, a tumor-specific antigen (TSA 41.5) was detected on the cell surface of a B lymphoma CH-1 tumor variant, CH-1.1. This antigen is not expressed by normal lymphocytes (spleen cells, lymph node cells, thymocytes, bone marrow cells, or blast cells) of B10.A mice, the host strain of CH-1.1, or by the CH-1 lymphoma. Immunoprecipitation and biochemical characterization of TSA 41.5 with the use of two-dimensional gel electrophoresis showed this antigen to be a surface protein of CH-1.1 cells with an Mr of 80k and pI of 4.6. TSA 41.5 is not related to the murine transferrin receptor, and not to gp70, a viral envelope protein expressed by CH-1.1 cells, shown by comparative peptide map analysis of these three proteins. TSA 41.5 is a surface antigen unique to the CH-1.1 tumor, which is not expressed by the 19 different murine tumor lines that were tested nor by spleen cells of 15 independent mouse strains. In addition, treatment of spleen cells with bacterial lipopolysaccharide did not induce the expression of TSA 41.5. These characteristics of TSA 41.5 make it unlikely to be a product of viruses. Additional evidence against TSA 41.5 being a viral protein was obtained by the observation that antisera against viral proteins could not block the binding of the anti-TSA monoclonal antibody to its antigen. In vitro treatment of CH-1.1 cells with anti-TSA monoclonal antibody specifically inhibited the in vitro growth of the tumor cells in a dose-dependent fashion. The CH-1.1 tumor and monoclonal antibodies could be a useful murine model system for the exploration of the use of monoclonal antibodies for the in vivo treatment of cancer.  相似文献   

B700 is a melanoma-specific glycoprotein antigen, with a m.w. of 65,000 and an isoelectric point of 4.5; this antigen has been shown to bear significant sequence homology to a normally occurring protein, serum albumin. The production of B700 is apparently restricted to all the murine melanomas tested, since a variety of other transformed and untransformed cell lines do not contain detectable levels of this antigen. The capacity of B700 to function as a tumor-specific transplantation antigen (TSTA) is demonstrated in this study. This activity has been titrated, and it is shown that mice immunized with B700 are able to significantly inhibit the growth of B16 F10 melanomas after subcutaneous challenge; immunized mice can also inhibit the establishment and growth of experimental metastases in the lungs after i.v. challenge with B16 melanoma cells. The TSTA was found to cross-protect also against challenge with two other murine melanoma lines, JB/RH and K1735, but was specific in that the growth of two nonmelanoma lines (RBL-5 leukemia and MCA-105 sarcoma) was not affected. B700 is also shown in this study to be unrelated to other known murine tumor antigens, or to murine leukemia virus antigens. It is further shown that mice immunized with B700 produced antibodies specific to B700 that were not cross-reactive with albumins from various mammalian sources.  相似文献   

Biotransformation of benzaldehyde to L-phenylacetylcarbinol (L-PAC) as a key intermediate for L-ephedrine synthesis has been evaluated using pyruvate decarboxylase (PDC) partially purified from Candida utilis. PDC activity was enhanced by controlled fermentative metabolism and pulse feeding of glucose prior to the enzyme purification. With partially purified PDC, several enzymatic reactions occurred simultaneously and gave rise to by-products (acetaldehyde and acetoin) as well as L-PAC production. Optimal reaction conditions were determined for temperature, pH, addition of ethanol, PDC activity, benzaldehyde, and pyruvate:benzaldehyde ratio to maximize L-PAC, and minimize by-products. The highest L-PAC concentration of 28.6 g/L (190.6 mM) was achieved at 7 U/mL PDC activity and 200 mM benzaldehyde with 2.0 molar ratio of pyruvate to benzaldehyde in 40 mM potassium phosphate buffer (pH 7.0) containing 2.0 M ethanol at 4 degrees C. (c) 1996 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

Purified preparations of hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAg) were solubilized with sodium dodecyl sulfate and urea under reducing conditions and subsequently fractionated by preparative sodium dodecyl sulfate-urea polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (PAGE). Pools of the individual fractions eluted from the preparative PAGE were concentrated and purified further by analytical PAGE. Five purified polypeptides were isolated from HBsAg, types adw and ayw, with molecular weights of 19,000, 24,000, 27,000, 35,000, and 40,000. Each preparations was emulsified in Freund complete adjuvant and injected into guinea pigs. Antibody to each HBsAg type was measured by radioimmunoassay. The 19,000 molecular weight polypeptide derived from ayw particles and the 27,000 molecular weight subunit obtained from both types failed to elicit an antibody response. The other three polypeptides derived from the ayw particles elicited group-specific antibody responses. Similar group-specific reactivities were observed in the testing of anti-adw 35,000 and anti-adw 40,000 molecular weight polypeptide sera. However, guinea pigs immunized with the 19,000 and the 24,000 molecular weight polypeptides of the adw type produced antibody that reacted preferentially with adw particles. This indicates that either these subunits carry predominately d determinants or that, because of the low levels of material used for inoculation, no immune response or an undetectable one was elicited to the a or w components.  相似文献   

Pathophysiological roles of macrophage chemotactic factor (MCF) in granulomatous inflammation were investigated. MCF was extracted in 10 mM phosphate-buffered saline, pH 7.4, from experimentally produced epithelioid cell granulomas in the liver and skin of mice. MCF activity reached a peak in the lesions prior to the time when granulomatous inflammation became maximal. MCF was then purified from 10-week-old hepatic granulomas and 2-week-old skin lesions by gel filtration, ion exchange column chromatography, and HPLC gel filtration. MCF from either liver or skin had a molecular weight about 650 kDa. MCF from hepatic granulomas was coupled to Affi-Gel beads and transplanted subcutaneously into naive mice. In vivo macrophage chemotaxis was observed around the beads and the cells formed a sheet, but organization of macrophages into granulomas did not occur with the MCF-active fractions. Macrophage chemotaxis alone is insufficient to elicit granulomatous inflammation.  相似文献   

Antigen preparations extracted from C3H/HeJ methylcholanthrene-induced fibrosarcomas by the 3M KCl extraction procedure were assessed for tumor-specific and allospecific antigenicity. Specificity of crude tumor antigen preparations and of fractions from preparative isoelectric focusing was investigated by evocation of footpad swelling (FPS) in syngeneic mice immunized with irradiated fibrosarcoma cells. Tumor immune mice displayed delayed hypersensitivity as positive FPS responses to challenge with 3M KCl extract and with fraction (Fr) 15 (pH 5.7 to 6.0) from preparative isoelectrically focused 3M KCl extract. Crude extracts and Fr 15 exhibited immunoprotective activity in vivo. Immune mice demonstrated a specific FPS response only to crude antigen preparations of Fr 15 from immunizing tumors, not to materials from a noncross-reactive neoplasm. DBA/2J mice immunized with C3H/HeJ spleen cells displayed FPS to challenge with crude antigen preparations, but not with the tumor-specific Fr 15. Alloantigen activity, however, was detected by a positive FPS response in C3H-immune DBA mice in fractions from the pH range 5.1 to 5.5. These experiments demonstrated that the FPS assay provides the setting for detection of specific delayed hypersensitivity responses to crude and fractionated tumor antigen preparations and for delineation of tumor-specific and histocompatibility antigen activities in fractions from crude extracts.  相似文献   

This paper describes for the first time the partial purification and properties of uracil phosphoribosyltransferase (UPRTase) from the yeastCandida albicans. UPRTase was purified 38 fold by acid precipitation, DEAE-Sephacel chromatography and ultrafiltration. Further purification of UPRTase was unsuccessful due to the labile nature of the enzyme and the failure in obtaining satisfactory stabilizing conditions. SDS-PAGE suggested that the enzyme exists as a dimer of two dissimilar subunits with molecular masses of 47 and 38 kDa. The pH optimum for phosphoribosylation was about 7.5 and the optimal Mg++ concentration was 2 mM. The kinetics of the enzymes for its substrates, uracil and 5-phosphoribosyl-1-pyrophosphate (PRPP) were determined by measuring initial enzyme velocities over a wide range of concentrations of either substrate at different fixed concentrations of the second substrate. Graphic analysis of the data by Hanes-Woolf plots indicated that the reaction is indistinguishable from a double displacement reaction. Ping pong mechanism has been previously reported for other phosphoribosyltransferases. The enzyme has a low affinity for its substrates (K m=70.5 and 186 µM for uracil and PRPP, respectively) as compared with those ofE. coli and baker's yeast. Inhibition studies indicate that 5-fluorouracil acts as an alternative substrate for UPRTase with 1.6 times higher specific activity.Abbreviations UPRTase Uracil phosphoribosyltranferase - PRTases phosphoribosyltransferases - PRPP 5-phosphoribosyl-1-pyrophosphate - 5-FC 5-fluorocytosine - 5-FU 5-fluorouracil - PEI polyethyleneimine - DTT dithiothreitol - DMSO dimethyl sulphoxide - PMSF phenylmethylsulphonyl fluoride - UMP uridine mono-phosphate  相似文献   

Summary Tumor-specific transplantation antigens (TSTA) were purified from 3 M KCl and butanol extracts of C3H/HeJ 3-methylcholanthrene-induced fibrosarcomas by preparative isotachophoresis (pITP). Fractions from pITP which reacted with antisera to TSTA preparations in an enzyme-linked immunospecific assay were tested in vivo for induction of resistance to the growth of transplanted tumor cells. Isotachophoresis of crude 3 M KCl extracts yielded TSTA that was immunogenic at doses between 17 and 124 g. Isotachophoresis of TSTA partially purified from crude 3 M KCl or butanol extracts by preparative isoelectric focusing (pIEF) of 3 M KCl and butanol extracts yielded TSTA that was immunogenic over a two-fold log dose range. As little as 10 ng purified TSTA reduced tumor growth by 50%. Tumor growth reduction was specific, and immunized animals survived longer than non-immunized controls. A purification of 10,000-fold over crude 3 M KCl extracts and 2,500-fold over crude butanol extracts was obtained. These results suggest that TSTA from murine tumor cells is preparatively purified by following extraction with pIEF and then pITP.  相似文献   

The (K+,Mg2+)-ATPase was partially purified from a plasma membrane fraction from corn roots (WF9 × Mol7) and stored in liquid N2 without loss of activity. Specific activity was increased 4-fold over that of the plasma membrane fraction. ATPase activity resembled that of the plasma membrane fraction with certain alterations in cation sensitivity. The enzyme required a divalent cation for activity (Co2+ > Mg2+ > Mn2+ > Zn2+ > Ca2+) when assayed at 3 millimolar ATP and 3 millimolar divalent cation at pH 6.3. When assayed in the presence of 3 millimolar Mg2+, the enzyme was further activated by monovalent cations (K+, NH4+, Rb+ Na+, Cs+, Li+). The pH optima were 6.5 and 6.3 in the absence and presence of 50 millimolar KCl, respectively. The enzyme showed simple Michaelis-Menten kinetics for the substrate ATP-Mg, with a Km of 1.3 millimolar in the absence and 0.7 millimolar in the presence of 50 millimolar KCl. Stimulation by K+ approached simple Michaelis-Menten kinetics, with a Km of approximately 4 millimolar KCl. ATPase activity was inhibited by sodium orthovanadate. Half-maximal inhibition was at 150 and 35 micromolar in the absence and presence of 50 millimolar KCl. The enzyme required the substrate ATP. The rate of hydrolysis of other substrates, except UDP, IDP, and GDP, was less than 20% of ATP hydrolysis. Nucleoside diphosphatase activity was less than 30% of ATPase activity, was not inhibited by vanadate, was not stimulated by K+, and preferred Mn2+ to Mg2+. The results demonstrate that the (K+,Mg2+)-ATPase can be clearly distinguished from nonspecific phosphohydrolase and nucleoside diphosphatase activities of plasma membrane fractions prepared from corn roots.  相似文献   

1. The metabolism of [14-14C]erucate and [U-14C]palmitate has been investigated in perfused heart from rats fed 0.3% clofibrate for 10 days and from control rats. 2. The total uptake of fatty acids in the heart increased in the clofibrate fed group. Clofibrate increased the oxidation of [14-14C]erucic acid by 100% and the oxidation of [U-14C]palmitic acid by 30% compared to controls. 3. The chain-shortening of erucate to C20:1 and C18:1 fatty acids in the perfused heart was stimulated at least two-fold by clofibrate feeding. 4. The activity of the peroxisomal marker enzyme catalase increased 60%, the activity of cytochrome oxidase increased approx. 16% and the content of total coenzyme A increased 30% in heart homogenates from rats fed clofibrate compared to controls. 5. The isolated mitochondrial fraction from clofibrate fed rats showed an increased capacity for oxidation of palmitoylcarnitine and decanoylcarnitine, while the oxidation of erucoylcarnitine showed little change. 6. It is suggested that clofibrate increases the oxidation of [14-14C]erucic acid in the perfused heart by increasing the capacity for chain-shortening of [14-14C]erucate in the peroxisomal beta-oxidation system.  相似文献   

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