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巢湖春夏季节浮游植物的动态变化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2009年3月至8月,利用原位围隔实验和野外调查,研究了巢湖春夏季节浮游植物的动态变化.结果显示:围隔中浮游植物密度和生物量的变动范围分别是(2.95~102.43)×105 cells·L-1和0.0-7.39 mg·L-1,优势种类为鱼腥藻属(Anabaena)、梅尼小环藻(Cyclotella meneghiniana)和圆筒锥囊藻(Dinobryon cylindricum),其最大生物量分别为0.82 mg·L-1、0.66mg·L-1和2.98 mg·L-1,均出现在3月或4月.在巢湖湖水中,春季(3~5月)浮游植物平均生物量为5.43mg·L-1,其中绿藻占47.59%、硅藻占40.81%、蓝藻占10.18%,优势种类为盘星藻属(Pediastrum)和梅尼小环藻;而夏季(6~7月)浮游植物平均生物量为7.89mg·L-1,其中蓝藻占58.7%、绿藻占2.77%、硅藻占11.4%,优势种类为微囊藻属(Microcystis).磷和枝角类滤食对巢湖春夏季节浮游植物的生物量和群落结构有重要影响.  相似文献   

巢湖蓝藻水华形成原因探索及"优势种光合假说"   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
为探索蓝藻水华的形成原因,从2007以来对巢湖西区浮游藻类种类、优势种季节变化、初级生产力、水质参数及优势种的光合生理生态学特性作了观测。关于蓝藻水华形成过程中迅猛发展的原因,近80a已提出了10种假说,但对解释巢湖形成的蓝藻水华,尚显不足。本文基于我们对蓝藻水华的了解,提出了如下“优势种光合假说”:(1)蓝藻水华包含各种藻类,蓝藻水华发生不仅与藻细胞浓度有关,还与水体初级生产力直接有关。巢湖中这两者在夏季最大,在冬季最小。但无定量关系。(2)水华藻类中生长最快、细胞密度最大的是优势种,含有多个优势种时可能随季节更替。巢湖几乎整年发生蓝藻水华,已检测出4种优势种都是蓝藻,从早春起先是水华鱼腥藻,以后有绿色微囊藻、惠氏微囊藻和铜绿微囊藻。(3)各种环境因子都影响优势种生长,其中少数主导因子影响较大。在巢湖富营养条件下,光强、温度和pH值是主导因子。(4)主导因子对优势种光合活性的影响,可决定其能否处于优势。巢湖的温度和pH值变化可能促进了惠氏微囊藻取代绿色微囊藻,铜绿微囊藻取代惠氏微囊藻,而光强变化可能调节冬季时水华鱼腥藻取代了绿色微囊藻,春季时正好是相反的取代。  相似文献   

淀山湖浮游植物群落特征及其演替规律   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
为探明淀山湖浮游植物群落结构演变与富营养化之间的关系,于2004-2006年对上海市最大天然淡水湖泊淀山湖的浮游植物进行逐月采样调查,分析其群落结构特征.共采集到淀山湖浮游植物84属205种,主要由绿藻(种类数占50%)、硅藻(20%)、蓝藻(13%)、裸藻(13%)等组成.相邻两月之间种类相似性系数呈现冬春季高、夏秋季低的趋势:优势种为银灰平裂藻(Merismopedia glauca)、小席藻(Phormidium tenus)、铜绿微囊藻(Microcystis aeruginosa)、具缘微囊藻(M.marginata)、湖泊鞘丝藻(Lyngbya limnetica)、微小色球藻(Chroococcus minutus),颗粒直链藻最窄变种(Melosira granulata var.angustissima )、啮蚀隐藻(Cryptomonas erosa)、小球藻(Chlorella vulgate)和四尾栅藻(Scenedesmus quadricauda)等.浮游植物群落细胞数量主要由蓝藻(42.73%)、绿藻(37.75%)、硅藻(12.67%)和隐藻(6.06%)组成;生物量主要由硅藻(36.75%)、蓝藻(16.78%)、绿藻(16.36%)和隐藻03.53%)等组成.淀山湖浮游植物群落结构季节演替模式不同于PEG(Plankton Ecology Group)模型,其中蓝藻从春末开始大量出现,夏季大量繁殖,一直延续到秋初.综合文献资料看出,淀山湖浮游植物群落已从1959年的硅藻一金藻型、1987-1988年的隐藻-硅藻型演变为2004-2006年的蓝藻-绿藻型;数量由1959年的103 ind./L上升至2004-2006年的1.11×107 cells/L.演替的总体趋势表现为:贫中营养型的金藻、甲藻比例下降,富营养型的蓝藻、隐藻和微型绿藻增加.浮游植物数量和群落结构的演变指示了淀山湖水体的富营养化进程.  相似文献   

以浮游植物评价巢湖水质污染及富营养化   总被引:33,自引:2,他引:33  
对巢湖浮游植物在22个样点,四季采样,进行了种类组成、种群数量、优势种、污染指示种,多样性指数及硅藻指数等群落生态学的初步研究。选用其中种群数量、优势种、污染指示种、硅藻指数对巢湖水质污染及营养水平进行了总评与分区评价。就巢湖总体而论,藻量年均值达111×10~6个/升(细胞数,或个体数为14.7×10~6个/升),硅藻指数96.7,群落组成种类中,污染指示种占64.2%,除冬季外,各样点多以微囊藻、鱼腥藻为主的蓝藻占优势,其分布频度年平均达98.8%,多度年平均达79.7%,而在夏、秋季,两者则分别为100和99.7%,表明巢湖已受到中等程度的污染,属蓝藻型富营养湖泊;与过去巢湖浮游植物的调查资料对比,表明最近几年来,人为富营养化进程在加速。  相似文献   

The paper describes the seasonal variation in the rate of phytoplankton primary production in Suraha Lake – a large shallow water body – in relation to certain physico-chemical parameters and the abundance and composition of the phytoplankton over a period of two years.  相似文献   

Phytoplankton pigments and community composition in Lake Tanganyika   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
1. A 2‐year (2002–2003) survey of chlorophyll and carotenoid pigments is reported for two off‐shore stations of Lake Tanganyika, Kigoma (Tanzania) and Mpulungu (Zambia), and from three cruises between those sites. Chlorophyll a concentrations were low (0.3–3.4 mg m?3) and average chlorophyll a integrated through the 100 m water column were similar for both stations and years (36.4–41.3 mg m?2). Most pigments were located in the 0–60 m layer and decreased sharply downward. Chlorophyll a degradation products (phaeophytins and phaeophorbides) were detected at 100 m depth, whereas carotenoids became undetectable. Temporal and seasonal variation of the vertical distribution of pigments was high. 2. The biomass of phytoplankton groups was calculated from marker pigment concentrations over the 0–100 m water column using the CHEMTAX software. On average for the study period, chlorophytes dominated in the northern station, followed by cyanobacteria T1 (type 1, or Synechococcus pigment type), whereas cyanobacteria T1 dominated in the south. Cyanobacteria T2 (type 2, containing echinenone), presumably corresponding to filamentous taxa, were detected in the rainy season. Diatoms (and chrysophytes) developed better in the dry season conditions, with a deep mixed layer and increased nutrient availability. Very large variation in the vertical distribution of algal groups was observed. 3. Our observations on phytoplankton composition are broadly consistent with those from previous studies. Our pigment data provide evidence for the lake‐wide importance of picocyanobacteria and high interannual variation and spatial heterogeneity of phytoplankton in Lake Tanganyika, which may render difficult assessment of long‐term changes in phytoplankton driven by climate change.  相似文献   

The phytoplankton community structure, in terms of species composition, total standing crop,and abundance of the dominant algal species, at four stations in Donghu Lake, Wuhan, China, was investigated monthly from January 1994 to December 1996. A total of 260 taxa was observed, of which Chlorophyta (106 taxa) contributed the highest portion of the total number of taxa, followed by Bacillariophyta (82 taxa)and Cyanophyta (32 taxa). The total standing crop measured by means of chlorophyll a content, cell density,and cell biovolume, as well as the abundance of the dominant species, declined in the order of Station I to Station Ⅳ. Seasonal changes of the standing crop varied greatly among the four stations. Although the cell density at the four stations showed a single peak within a year, the peak density varied from July to November, dependent on the sampling year and the station. For chlorophyll a content and cell biovolume,multiple peaks were observed at Stations Ⅰ and Ⅱ, but a single peak was found at Stations Ⅲ and Ⅳ. The phytoplankton community structure indicated that the trophic status was the highest at Station Ⅰ (most eutrophic), followed by Station Ⅱ; Stations Ⅲ and Ⅳ were the least trophic areas. The long-term changes in phytoplankton community structure further suggested that changes in phytoplankton community structure were correlated with water quality, and eutrophication of Donghu Lake had been aggravated since the 1950s.  相似文献   

春季和夏季巢湖浮游生物群落组成及其动态分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
{{@ convertAbstractHtml(article.abstractinfoCn, "cn")}}    相似文献   

The phytoplankton community structure, in terms of species composition, total standing crop,and abundance of the dominant algal species, at four stations in Donghu Lake, Wuhan, China, was investigated monthly from January 1994 to December 1996. A total of 260 taxa was observed, of which Chlorophyta (106 taxa) contributed the highest portion of the total number of taxa, followed by Bacillariophyta (82 taxa) and Cyanophyta (32 taxa). The total standing crop measured by means of chlorophyll a content, cell density,and cell biovolume, as well as the abundance of the dominant species, declined in the order of Station I to Station IV. Seasonal changes of the standing crop varied greatly among the four stations. Although the cell density at the four stations showed a single peak within a year, the peak density varied from July to November, dependent on the sampling year and the station. For chlorophyll a content and cell biovolume,multiple peaks were observed at Stations I and II, but a single peak was found at Stations III and IV. The phytoplankton community structure indicated that the trophic status was the highest at Station I (most eutrophic), followed by Station II; Stations III and IV were the least trophic areas. The long-term changes in phytoplankton community structure further suggested that changes in phytoplankton community structure were correlated with water quality, and eutrophication of Donghu Lake had been aggravated since the 1950s.  相似文献   

巢湖微囊藻和浮游甲壳动物昼夜垂直迁移的初步研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
邓道贵  谢平  周琼  杨华 《生态科学》2006,25(1):8-12
2002年10月进行了巢湖微囊藻和几种优势浮游甲壳动物的昼夜垂直变化的研究,结果表明:微囊藻具有明显的昼夜垂直变化现象。白天上层水中的微囊藻密度显著高于下层水中,夜晚逐渐下沉使得下层水中的密度相对高于上层水。微囊藻与叶绿素a、水温、溶解氧和pH等均呈显著的正相关(p<0.01)。几种优势浮游甲壳动物的昼夜垂直迁移存在较大的差异。短尾秀体溞和角突网纹溞白天在下层水(1.5m和2.5m)中的密度较高,夜晚则倾向于在上层水(0m和0.5m)中活动。相反,卵形盘肠溞白天在上层水中密度较高,象鼻溞则在11:00和15:00时各水层中的密度显著高于夜晚。汤匙华哲水蚤和广布中剑水蚤白天倾向于在下层水中活动,夜晚则逐渐迁移到上层水中。许水蚤在夜晚和凌晨3:00时各水层中的密度显著高于白天。中华窄腹剑水蚤昼夜垂直变化不明显。微囊藻与短尾秀体溞密度呈显著的负相关,而与象鼻溞和卵形盘肠溞呈显著的正相关(p<0.01)。  相似文献   

The patterns of spatial and temporal shifts in bloom‐forming cyanobacteria and the driving factors for these patterns were determined by analyzing the distribution of these cyanobacteria in Lake Chaohu using data from satellite images and field samples collected during 2012 and 2013. The cyanobacterial blooms primarily occupied the western region of Lake Chaohu, and the direction and speed of the prevailing wind determined the spatial distribution of these blooms. The cyanobacteria in Lake Chaohu were dominated by species of Microcystis and Anabaena. Microcystis reached its peak in June, and Anabaena had peaks in May and November, with an overall biomass that was higher than that of Microcystis. Microcystis generally occupied the western region of the lake in summer, whereas Anabaena dominated in other regions and seasons. Temperature may be responsible for these seasonal shifts. However, total phosphorus (TP), pH, temperature, turbidity and nitrate/nitrite nitrogen determined the coexistence of the two genera in different regions in summer. TP was correlated with Microcystis dominance, and pH and light availability were correlated with Anabaena dominance. Our results contribute to the understanding of shifts in bloom‐forming cyanobacteria and are important for the control of cyanobacterial blooms.  相似文献   

巢湖渔业资源现状及其对水体富营养化的响应研究   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
2002年至2004年期间,对巢湖鱼类资源进行调查,共发现鱼类54种,隶属16科、9目,主要以鲤科鱼类为主(35种),占64.8%,与20世纪80年代相比,鱼类种类数减少了40种,主要表现在洄游性种类急剧减少,甚至消失。渔业资源结构(渔获物)表现为以湖鲚、太湖新银鱼等小型鱼类为优势种类,在渔产量的比例不断上升,而大型鱼类(如翘嘴、鲤等)的种群结构趋于低龄化,产量呈下降趋势。结合已有的历史资料,分析巢湖渔业资源变化的影响因素,结果表明造成巢湖渔业资源结构变化受人为活动的影响主要表现在水利工程修建、过度捕捞和水体富营养化等方面。同时探讨近20年巢湖渔业捕捞产量与水体氮磷含量变化的相互关系发现,水体磷的含量变化显著影响巢湖渔业的捕捞产量。因此,合理利用巢湖渔业资源,需要减轻水体富营养化,控制捕捞强度和人为调整渔业结构使得巢湖渔业可持续发展。  相似文献   

南太湖浮游植物特征及其富营养化评价   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
2008年8-9月对南太湖的浮游植物进行了调查,并对9个采样点水样进行了分析.结果表明:共有浮游植物47种,隶属于7门28属,其中蓝藻门 6属9种,绿藻门10属13种,硅藻门7属18种,裸藻门2属3种,隐藻门 1属2种,金藻门1种,甲藻门1种;南太湖浮游植物的密度为3.56×10~6~7.99×10~6 cells·L~(-1);浮游植物的Shannon-Weaver多样性指数为0.29~2.27,均匀度指数在多数位点<0.5,卡尔森营养状态指数(TSIM)均大于64;根据浮游植物的优势种组成、密度、多样性指数及富营养状态指数的评价结果说明南太湖处于富营养化阶段.
In August-September 2008, an investigation was made on the phytoplankton in south-ern Taihu Lake, and the water quality at nine sampling sites was analyzed. A total of 47 phyto-plankton species belonging to 28 genera and 7 phylums were collected, with 9 species of Cyano-phyta, 13 species of Chlorophyta, 18 species of Diatoms, 3 species of Euglenophyta, 2 species of Cryptophyta, 1 specie of Chrysophyta, and 1 specie of Dinophyta. The phytoplankton density was 3.56×10~6-7.99×10~6 cells·L~(-1), Shannon-Weaver index was 0. 29-2. 77, evenness was low-er than 0. 5, and trophic state index (TSIM) was higher than 64. Based on the evaluation of the dominant species composition, density, and Shannon-Weaver index of phytoplankton, and of the TSIM, the southern Taihu Lake was considered at the stage of eutrophication.  相似文献   

巢湖富营养化对河蚬和环棱螺分布及种群密度影响   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
2001年9月和2002年9月两次对巢湖河蚬和环棱螺的调查表明,在富营养化程度较重的西湖区,河蚬生物量分别为17.87和47.29 g·m-2;环棱螺生物量分别为45.45和12.56 g·m-2.而在富营养化程度较轻的东湖区,河蚬的生物量分别为67.86和96.18 g·m-2;环棱螺的生物量分别为32.00和31.21 g·m-2.河蚬和环棱螺的种群密度和生物量均随水体富营养化的加剧而下降.近岸带河蚬和环棱螺的密度和生物量明显高于敞水区.河蚬的分布型为核心型,而环棱螺更接近随机性分布.河蚬和环棱螺的种群密度和生物量与水深均无明显相关(P>0.05).环棱螺生物量与总氮TN、硝态氮NO3-N、总磷TP和溶解性磷PO4-P浓度呈显著负相关,而河蚬生物量仅与PO4-P呈负相关.现有河蚬资源量与1981年相比有较大幅度的下降.探讨了其它环境因子对河蚬和环棱螺分布和生长的影响.  相似文献   

N. Sechi  A. Lugliè 《Plant biosystems》2013,147(4-6):977-994

A picture of the studies carried out in the past 20 years on phytoplankton from the 36 reservoirs and one natural lake in Sardinia is presented. Processing of the 1994 seasonal data shows that the dominant or subdominant algal species in the 36 reservoirs in terms of density belong to only 8 genera, with species of the genus Microcystis in 17 reservoirs, Chlorella in 15, Cyclotella in 12, Ankistrodesmus and Anabaena in 9, Aphanizomenon in 8, Melosira in 7 and Oocystis in 6. Processing of the data from the 16 reservoirs in which annual or plurennial surveys were carried out, shows that on the basis of the biomass the most likely floristic pattern is Microcystis aeruginosa Kg., Microcystis flos-aquae (Wittr.) Kichn., Anabaena flos-aquae (Lyngb.) Bréb., Anabaena planctonica Brunnth., Aphanizomenon flos-aquae (L.) Ralfs., Melosira granulata (E.) Ralfs and Closterium aciculare T. West. In general terms this means that most of these reservoirs are eutrophic. In fact the species are capable of describing an increasing trophic gradient in agreement with the one described using other variables. Specific cases of reservoirs where plurennial surveys have been carried out are considered. From these surveys a great quali-quantitative variability of the phytoplankton is inferred.  相似文献   

巢湖夏、秋季浮游植物叶绿素a及蓝藻水华影响因素分析   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
2007年6-11月份,对设置在巢湖全湖的23个样点水体的理化指标水温(WT)、pH值、溶解氧(DO)、总氮(TN)、总磷(TP)、活性磷(RP)以及浮游植物的种类组成和叶绿素a(Chl-a)浓度进行了调查分析。结果表明:在巢湖夏秋季温差变化不大的环境中,温度依然是影响藻类生物量的重要因素。夏、秋季蓝藻为最主要的藻类类群(其平均值占藻类总生物量的63.36%);藻类生物量与所测理化因子均有显著正相关。在夏、秋季各月份,蓝藻生物量呈前高后低状M型波动,其中7月份湖水中蓝藻浓度最低。夏、秋季湖水中叶绿素的浓度没有太大变化,维持在一个较高的水平(>10mg/m3),遇到合适的气象条件有形成大面积水华的可能。  相似文献   

巢湖及其支流浮游动物群落结构特征及水质评价   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
2013年9月至2014年6月对巢湖及柘皋河、杭埠河、南淝河3条支流的浮游动物进行了调查,共检出浮游动物297种,其中,原生动物124种,轮虫135种,枝角类29种,桡足类9种。南淝河浮游动物物种数最多,为203种,巢湖最少,为130种;巢湖及3条支流均以原生动物和轮虫物种数最多。浮游动物总密度为644 223 ind/L,柘皋河浮游动物密度最高,巢湖浮游动物密度最低,巢湖及3条支流原生动物密度占浮游动物总密度的比例均为最高;四个季节柘皋河浮游动物密度均为最高。浮游动物总生物量为253.14 mg/L,南淝河浮游动物生物量最高,杭埠河和巢湖浮游动物生物量较低;春季和冬季柘皋河浮游动物生物量最高,夏季和秋季南淝河浮游动物生物量最高。相较3条支流,巢湖浮游动物优势种数最少。依据理化指标,巢湖及3条支流为富营养或超富营养水平,营养水平为:南淝河巢湖柘皋河杭埠河。浮游动物群落结构和环境因子的冗余分析(RDA)表明,巢湖及3条支流浮游动物群落结构在四个季节均未能明显区分开,浮游动物群落和环境理化因子的相关性较小。  相似文献   

巢湖表层水体中有机氯农药的分布及其组成   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
以固相萃取-气相色谱法/电子捕获检测器(SPE-GC/ECD)作为检测手段,对巢湖表层水体中有机氯农药(OCPs)的分布及组成特征进行分析.结果表明:研究区13个采样点中共检出包括六六六(HCHs)、滴滴涕(DDTs)、β-硫丹(β-Endosulfan)、艾氏剂(Aldrin)、六氯苯(hexachlorobenzene)和七氯(Heptachlor)在内的16种有机氯农药,其总含量范围为0.54~64.01ng.L-1;16种有机氯农药中以HCHs和DDTs为主,其平均质量浓度分别为5.56ng.L-1和16.57ng.L-1,约占其总量的84.75%;研究区的有机氯农药污染除了主要源于历史上农田中有机氯农药的残留外,近期可能还有新的农药污染源进入水环境;研究区所检出的各类有机氯农药均未超过国家地表水环境质量标准,巢湖表层水体中有机氯农药含量及潜在风险均属于中等偏低水平.  相似文献   

Seasonal, local and monthly vertical variations in chlorophyll a concentration and in qualitative and quantitative counts in Aswan High Dam Lake (AHDL) phytoplankton were followed from March 1982 to February 1984. The chlorophyll a values correlated more or less with the total phytoplankton counts. Total algal counts exhibited considerable local variations in the different seasons and tended to decrease in the most southern part of AHDL, especially during the flood period. The temporal course of algal development showed an almost inverse trend to that of dissolved nitrate-nitrogen. The possibility of nitrogen limitation of algal growth was verified. Diatoms and blue-green algae alternated in the dominance of the phytoplankton community. The genera Cyclotella and Anabaenopsis respectively were the most predominant genera among the diatoms and blue-greens and consequently in the phytoplankton community.  相似文献   

Damming, and thus alteration of stream flow, promotes higher phytoplankton populations and encourages algal blooms (density >106 cells L–1) in the Three Gorges Reservoir (TGR). Phytoplankton composition and biomass were studied in the Yangtze River from March 2004 to May 2005. 107 taxa were identified. Diatoms were the dominant group, followed by Chlorophyta and Cyanobacteria. In the Yangtze River, algal abundance varied from 3.13 × 103 to 3.83 × 106 cells L–1, and algal biomass was in the range of 0.06 to 659 mg C m–3. Levels of nitrogen, phosphorus and silica did not show consistent longitudinal changes along the river and were not correlated with phytoplankton parameters. Phytoplankton abundance was negatively correlated with main channel discharge (Spearman r = –1.000, P < 0.01). Phytoplankton abundance and biomass in the Yangtze River are mainly determined by the hydrological conditions rather than by nutrient concentrations. (© 2007 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

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