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There is increasing interest in the analysis of annual growth rings in the secondary root xylem of perennial forbs (herb-chronology). Therefore, we need to verify whether these growth rings are always formed annually. To investigate the formation of root rings we performed common garden experiments at two distinct sites in Switzerland. We grew nine unrelated forb species from seed and subjected them to competition and clipping treatments. Anatomical developments in the roots of the individuals were tracked during five growing seasons. Across all species and treatments at least 94 % of the expected growth rings associated with full growing seasons were identifiable and the development of the anatomical patterns was consistently seasonal. While the distinctness of annual rings varied somewhat between species and sites, the treatments had no effect on the presence of annual rings. In no case were false rings developed. The results of this study demonstrate that the growth rings in the roots of northern temperate forbs represent robust annual growth increments and, hence, can reliably be used in herb-chronological studies of age- and growth-related questions in plant ecology.  相似文献   

Prairie restoration is not complete without the establishment of both grasses and forbs. However, if desirable forbs and grasses are seeded simultaneously, control of broadleaf weeds is problematic. If possible, a two‐step process of introducing forbs after establishing grasses would allow use of broadleaf‐specific herbicides at the critical early stages of grass growth. We conducted experiments to investigate methods for introducing forbs into previously restored native perennial grasslands on rural roadsides in the Sacramento Valley of California. In one experiment, we studied the effects of background vegetation (established perennial grasses or tilled ground) on seven native forb species planted from seed. In a second experiment, we evaluated the effects of background vegetation (existing perennial grasses or tilled ground) and container size (36 ml or 105 ml) with excavation technique (excavation by core removal [core] or by creating an impression [dibble]) on the growth of transplants of the native perennial forbs Asclepias fascicularis and Sisyrinchium bellum. The presence of established perennial grasses reduced the growth of seeded forbs, but did not affect transplants, indicating the vulnerability of seedling forbs to interference. When compared to control plots that had been tilled in the autumn, weed canopy cover was significantly lower in the presence of perennial grasses if seeded with forbs, but not in the presence of perennial grasses alone. Both transplanted species grew better in the large container/core treatment than the small container/dibble treatment; however, existing grasses eliminated these positive effects. Asclepias fascicularis performed better when grown in large containers than in small containers, but its growth was not affected by excavation method; S. bellum performed better when planted with the core method than the dibble method of excavation, but container size made no difference. We attribute differences in the responses of the species to interactions between phenological differences and expansive clay soils that naturally de‐compact upon drying.  相似文献   

多年生草本年轮资料是反映草本物种生长状态的重要指标,已被应用于草本物种年际生长动态特征、生活史策略及气候响应敏感性研究当中,然而这方面研究在黄土高原还未引起足够的重视。在黄土高原不同地点采集了16种多年生草本物种的根部年轮样品,通过根部解剖结构识别年轮结构,并分析了这些物种的年轮宽度和导管大小随年龄的变化趋势特征。研究结果表明调查样品中共有14个草本物种(87.5%)具有清晰可识别的年轮结构,平均年龄为7年左右;草本年轮宽度随年龄均有不断减小的趋势,这主要是由于随年龄不断增强的水分胁迫导致的。自然草本物种导管直径(导水能力)随年龄有不断变大的趋势,生长具有可持续性;人工草本物种导水能力随年龄有不断减弱趋势,生长趋于衰退;而分布于黄土高原北缘至半荒漠地区的二色补血草导水能力则随年龄有先上升后下降的趋势,表现出输水效率和安全的权衡策略。本研究阐述了黄土高原多年生草本的年轮学价值和对胁迫生境条件下的生活史策略,能为黄土高原草地植被的生态恢复提供科学依据。  相似文献   

内蒙古多伦县土地沙漠化景观格局变化特征   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
阿如旱  杨持 《应用生态学报》2007,18(11):2520-2525
利用景观分析软件Fragstats 3.3和内蒙古多伦县1960、1975、1987、1995、2000、2005年6期遥感影像解译结果,分析了1960—2005年间土地沙漠化景观格局变化.结果表明:1960—1995年间研究区土地沙漠化面积呈先增后减趋势,总沙漠化面积增加212.70km2,沙漠化斑块数先增多后减少,景观多样性和均匀性上升,轻度、中度、重度沙漠化斑块形状趋向简单;1995—2005年间研究区沙漠化斑块数大幅增加,景观多样性和均匀性下降,轻度、中度、重度沙漠化斑块形状趋向复杂;严重沙漠化斑块形状在1960年以后一直趋向复杂化.整个景观在研究期间表现为完整-破碎-完整-破碎的趋势,由轻度到严重沙漠化,其景观类型的破碎化程度逐渐降低.  相似文献   

从内蒙古高原及河套地区不同生境中,采集混合土样52份。分离获得51个暗色丝孢菌菌株,经鉴定分隶于18属27种。其中包括1个新种,贺兰山小镰孢Fusariella helanshanensis和1个中国新记录种,葫芦细基格孢Ulocladium cucurbitae。除新种具拉丁文特征集要和图示、对中国新记录种作简要描述和绘图外,25个国内已报道种附有分布和生境的引证。所有供研究标本(干制培养物)与活菌种,均保存于山东农业大学植物病理学标本室(HSAUP)。  相似文献   

不同放牧率下糙隐子草种群补偿性生长的研究   总被引:30,自引:0,他引:30  
糙隐子草(Cleistogenes squarrosa(Trin.)Keng)是研究草原植物在放牧利用条件下补偿性生长及其机制的较理想的实验植物,通过对该草生产力的形成及其构成的研究表明,在适牧条件下,糙隐子草种群明显地存在超补偿性生长。适牧可以刺激糙隐子草个体地上净光合效率,而地下净光合效率不受影响;但在高强度牧食下,糙隐子草个体则通过降低地下简略主的生产来达到地上较低的补偿性生产。糙隐子草种群的超补偿性生长主要是形成小株丛和高密度的种群结构以适应较贫瘠的生境条件。因此,糙隐子草与食草动物的关系,在适牧条件下可能是互惠的,即既可提高牧草的光合效率和利用效率,又可提高动物的生产;而在重牧和条件下,可能是交换的,对牧草是以降低地下生产而获得地上生产的;对食草动物,也只能是暂时较高比例的利用牧草。这种“互惠”和“交换”的关系较好地支持了放牧优化假设。  相似文献   

Desertification causes not only a reduction of vegetation cover and surface moisture but also the expansion of sandy land. Considering that the modified soil adjusted vegetation index (MSAVI) is linearly related to canopy cover, albedo plays a significant role in the surface energy balance, and the sandy feature index (SFI) can identify sandy land. This paper proposed a desertification monitoring index (DMI) based on MSAVI, albedo and SFI to accurately monitor desertification. In addition, three classification methods (quantile grading, the susceptibility index segmentation method, and Jenks Natural Breaks) were used to divide the DMI into non-desertification, mild desertification, moderate desertification, and severe desertification. The relative exponential entropy model was adopted to select the optimal method for desertification classification. Spatiotemporal distributions of desertification in Duolun County were finally observed from 2005 to 2020. The results show that (1) although MSAVI, albedo and SFI have their own advantages in monitoring desertification, a single indicator is not suitable for various land uses. The DMI can combine the advantages of MSAVI, albedo and SFI in desertification monitoring and is more consistent with the real desertification levels. (2) Compared with quantile grading and susceptibility index segmentation methods, Jenks Natural Breaks has the smallest relative exponential entropy (2.124), with an overall classification accuracy of 88.21%, indicating that Jenks Natural Breaks is an optimal method for desertification monitoring. (3) Although approximately 1708.60 km2 of desertification areas have improved from 2005 to 2020, accounting for 44.23% of the whole area, the remaining areas are still under fluctuating or degraded conditions. This shows that the local government has made some progress in desertification protection, but the areas under fluctuating or degraded conditions still require protection or management.  相似文献   

Cleistogenes squarrosa ((Trin.) Keng) is a C4 plant and a short, perennial grass with drought tolerance that tends to occupy the medium degradation grassland in Inner Mongolia steppe. It is an ideal plant suitable for the studies on compensation or over-compensation growth because its important value of population is the maximum in the medium disturbance in Inner Mongolia steppe. The results showed that the over-compensation existed for net primary productivity (NPP) of Cleistogenes squarrosa population because the plant morphotypes remaining in the population were characterized by a higher density with small individual plant in moderate stocking rate (1.33 sheep·hm-2 during 138 days of growth seasons). As for an individual plant, grazing reduced the height and biomass per plant, but the above-ground net photosynthesis efficiency or above-ground net primary productivity (ANPP) was increased and it almost did not affect the below-ground net primary productivity (BNPP) in the moderate stocking rate. However, the lower compensation of ANPP was a greater cost with BNPP in heavy stocking rate (>4.00 sheep·hm-2 during 138 days of growth season). From this study, it appears that the plant-herbivore association might be regarded as mutualistic in moderate grazing because not only the ANPP of the population was increased, but also was the efficiency of herbage utilization. However, the compensation of ANPP was attained at the cost of BNPP, therefore, the association between plant and herbivore might trade-off in heavy grazing because the temporary higher efficiency of herbage utilization could not keep the sustainable development of the population. The results support the grazing optimization hypothesis.  相似文献   

A total of 50 isolates of soil dematiaceous hyphomycetes belonging to 39 species in 18 genera were found from the area of Dahingganling Mountain Range. Among them, Monodictys arxanensis is a new species. Chrysosporium fastidium, Exserohilum pedicellatum, Monodictys asperospora, Papulaspora brachiata, Scolecobasidium anelli, Scolecobasidium verruculosum and Ulocladium tuberculatum are new to China. The other 31 taxa which have been previously reported from China are also listed. Specimens (dried cultures) and living cultures of all fungi studied have been deposited in the Herbarium of Shandong Agricultural University: Plant Pathology (HSAUP).  相似文献   

A total of 50 isolates of soil dematiaceous hyphomycetes belonging to 39 species in 18 genera were found from the area of Dahingganling Mountain Range. Among them, Monodictys arxanensis is a new species. Chrysosporium fastidium, Exserohilum pedicellatum, Monodictys asperospora, Papulaspora brachiata, Scolecobasidium anelli, Scolecobasidium verruculosum and Ulocladium tuberculatum are new to China. The other 31 taxa which have been previously reported from China are also listed. Specimens (dried cultures) and living cultures of all fungi studied have been deposited in the Herbarium of Shandong Agricultural University: Plant Pathology (HSAUP).  相似文献   

To assess the potential for enhancing an existing stand of native perennial grasses on a California Coast Range Grassland site, we experimentally manipulated the seasonal timing and presence of grazing for 3 years (1994 through 1996) and of autumn burning for 2 years (1994 and 1995) and measured species cover for 6 years (1993 through 1998). We subjected the species matrix to classification (TWINSPAN) and ordination (CCA) and tested the ordination site scores as well as diversity indices with linear mixed effects models. Four distinct plant community groups emerged from the classification. Two of these were dominated by annual grasses and two by perennial grasses. No treatment effects were observed on diversity. For composition, temporal and spatial random effects were important mixed effects model parameters, as was the fixed effect covariate, pre‐treatment CCA site score, indicating the importance of random environmental variation and initial starting conditions. Incorporation of these random effects and initial condition terms made for more powerful tests of the fixed effects, grazing season, and burning. We found no significant burning effects. Grazing removal imparted a shift in plant community from more annual‐dominated toward more perennial‐dominated vegetation. Individual perennial grass species responded differently according to genus and species. Nassella spp. increased gradually over time regardless of grazing treatment. Nassella pulchra (purple needlegrass) increase was greatest under spring grazing and N. lepida (foothill needlegrass) was greatest with grazing removal. Danthonia californica (California oatgrass) had little response over time under seasonal grazing treatments, but increased with grazing removal. Under relatively mesic weather conditions it appears that grazing removal from Coast Range Grasslands with existing native perennial grass populations can increase their cover. However if N. pulchra is the sole existing population, spring season‐restricted grazing should be equally effective at enhancing cover of the native grass species.  相似文献   

内蒙古典型草原几种不同植物的生长动态比较   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
张彩琴  杨持 《生态学杂志》2007,26(11):1712-1718
选择内蒙古典型草原羊草 大针茅群落中的优势植物羊草、大针茅、冰草和冷蒿,采用多种数量化指标,分别比较一个生长季内的生长动态、绝对生长速率(AGR)、相对生长速率(RGR)。结果表明:植物地上生物量均呈S形增长,8月中旬达到最大值;主要生长季内受降水不足的抑制作用依次为羊草>冰草>大针茅>冷蒿。羊草和冰草AGR均呈双峰曲线,大针茅呈三峰曲线,冷蒿呈单峰曲线。生长主要集中在中前期,AGR大小依次为冷蒿(0.099g.株-1.d-1)>大针茅(0.029g.株-1.d-1)>羊草(0.003g.株-1.d-1)>冰草(0.002g.株-1.d-1)。RGR与AGR有相似的季节性变化,其中羊草、冰草、冷蒿RGR均呈单峰曲线,大针茅呈三峰曲线;生长季初期RGR均表现出最高,生长潜能较大,7月末至8月中旬呈现负值;4种植物的最大净积累效率依次为冷蒿(0.108g.株-1.d-1.g-1)>大针茅(0.064g.株-1.d-1.g-1)>羊草(0.055g.株-1.d-1.g-1)>冰草(0.042g.株-1.d-1.g-1)。不同生活型的生长曲线及生长速率均存在较大差异,但同属于根茎型的羊草和冰草生长动态曲线明显相似。  相似文献   

While it is widely accepted that disturbance often promotes the process of plant invasion, few data are available on specific relationships between different types of disturbance and success of plant invaders. Nor is much known about variation in invader behaviour in response to changing composition of the dominant native species in the recipient habitats. In the middle Main valley near Würzburg (Germany), two invasive Brassicaceae forbs, Bunias orientalis and Rorippa austriaca, are frequently associated with a small number of dominant native species in the herbaceous vegetation of productive, disturbed sites. Variation in the relative dominance of these species suggests high variability between sites in the factors influencing the local invasion process. In our study, we examined variation in regeneration mode, type and frequency of disturbance, and native species composition, and considered life history differences between the two invasive species as factors contributing to the distinct dominance patterns. These factors were tested in a controlled field experiment in which individuals of the two invasive species and four native species were grown in mixed stands for almost 3 years. The development of the plants was monitored by cover values and all plants were harvested at the end of the study. All factors investigated contributed considerably to the development of distinct dominance patterns in the species mixtures. Relative to the natives, both invasive species were promoted by regeneration from vegetative fragments as compared to development from sexual offspring. While both invasive species were generally promoted by disturbance relative to the natives, they differed in their response to distinct types of disturbance, and these differences were strongly affected by species composition. Our results indicate that invasion success of R. austriaca may depend more on soil disturbance, soil transport and deposition, while B. orientalis is expected to particularly expand at mown sites that do not have dense cover by meadow grasses. Whether the native resident vegetation is mainly composed of successional competitors that suffer from disturbance or of ruderal competitors that compete early and strongly with the invasive species may be of critical importance for invasion by the two species.  相似文献   

Variation in water resources is a main factor influencing ecohydrological processes and sustainable development in arid regions. Lake level changes are a useful indicator of the variability in water resources. However, observational records of changes in lake levels are usually too short to give an understanding of the long-term variability. In the present study, we investigated the tree rings of shrubs growing on the lakeshore of Lake West-Juyan, the terminus of the Heihe River in western China, and found that Lake West-Juyan had undergone degradation three times over the past 200 years. The lake level decreased from 904.3 to 896.8 m above sea level (a.s.1.) during the period 1800-1900, to 892.0 m a.s.1, from around 1900 to the late 1950s, and the lake dried out in 1963. The trend for changes in lake levels, which was represented by the composite chronology of three beach bars, showed that the phases of increasing lake levels over the past 150 years were during the periods 1852-1871, 1932-1952, 1973-1982, and 1995-1999. Comparison with the history of regional economic development showed that human activity has played an important role in regulating the water resources of the lower reaches of the Heihe watershed over the past 200 years.  相似文献   

赵利清  刘芳  陈宝瑞 《西北植物学报》2011,31(10):2131-2132
描述了白头翁属(毛茛科)一新变种———呼伦白头翁,新变种与原变种的主要区别是:花萼多数,粉红色,矩圆状条形;花梗长5~7 cm。  相似文献   

Populus euphratlca Olve. is a dominant tree species in Ejlnaa Oasis of the lower reaches of the Helhe River, inner Mongolia, China. In recent years, the population of this species has shown signs of degradation that are suggested to be probably associated with the decrease of surface water. In this study, the history of river runoff In this region was examined with a dendrochronological study of P. euphratica from four sites. It Is found that tree-ring widths In the all sites have negative correlation with runoffs of all months at the Zhengylxla hydrological station. Principal component (PC) analysis of the tree-ring chronologies shows that the first PC (PC1) accounts for 49.98% of the total variances. The first PC Is found to have a significantly negative correlation with runoffs In March and April (- 0.52 and - 0.43, respectively, P 〈 0.05). This negative correlation might be related to variations In the depth of underground water.  相似文献   

Question: Is there a pattern in growth of annual rings in roots of perennial forbs in relation to climate and climate extremes in grassland ecosystems? Location: Semi‐arid grassland in Duolun (42°27′N, 116°41′E, 1380 m a.s.l.), central Inner Mongolia, China. Methods: Main roots of three perennial species, Potentilla anserina L., Cymbaria dahurica L. and Lespedeza daurica Schindl., were sampled. Cross‐sections (10–15‐μm thick) were produced from the proximal end of sampled roots using a sledge microtome. Annual growth rings in the main roots were identified and measured by differentiating between earlywood and latewood in the secondary xylem. Relationships between annual growth rings and monthly mean temperature and total monthly precipitation were identified using correlation analysis. Differences in an annual ring width to the previous and following years were examined by calculating a distinctness score. Results: The three perennial forbs showed clearly demarcated annual growth rings in all individuals and the same fluctuation patterns. Their ring widths were generally positively correlated with precipitation from April to October (except for August) and with temperature from February to June (except June for L. daurica), September to October, and the annual mean. Strong deviations of annual ring widths from their neighbour rings were observed in 1998 and 2000. The trend of absolute distinctness scores (Dm) increased significantly from 1988 to 2003, indicating an increase in the frequency of annual ring width variation. Conclusions: Annual growth rings in the main roots of three perennial forb species can be used as an indicator of the influence of climate on below‐ground grassland growth. The change in below‐ground conditions and effects on the functioning of grassland should receive more attention in future studies.  相似文献   

Despite increasing claims of pre-Cretaceous angiosperms, whether there really are angiosperms in the Jurassic is apparently still an open question for many people before further evidence is available. This question can only be answered by studying more Jurassic plant fossils. Here we report a fossil angiosperm, Yuhania daohugouensis gen. et sp. nov, from the Middle Jurassic of Inner Mongolia, China. The plant includes connected stem, leaves, flowers, aggregate fruits, fruitlets, and seeds within fruitlets. The leaves are helically arranged along the curving stem, linear in shape, with 5–6 parallel veins. The aggregate fruit is pedicellate, composed of over 20 carpels/fruitlets helically arranged. Each fruitlet encloses a seed. The reproductive organs in various stages are found in the same plant, allowing us to understand the development of Yuhania. The occurrence of Yuhania in the Middle Jurassic re-confirms the Jurassic history for angiosperms that has been suggested by other independent research and adds to the on-going study on the early evolution of angiosperms.  相似文献   

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