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When cells are treated with cytotoxic agents, they enter apoptosis asynchronously to yield cells at various stages of cellular deterioration. This mixture makes it difficult to study the biochemical pathways leading to cell death. We have fractionated apoptotic mammalian cells in a simple discontinuous bovine serum albumin (BSA) density gradient centrifugation into five layers, each containing cells at different stages of apoptosis, (1) nonapoptotic, (2) undergoing apoptosis, and (3) mature apoptotic cells, as judged by light and electron microscopy of chromatin condensation and by the extent of DNA fragmentation. Modifications of apoptosis markers including c-Jun N-terminal kinase/stress-activated protein kinase and procaspase 3 cleavage were apparent in those cells that are undergoing apoptosis. Apoptosis-specific histone H2B phosphorylation was highly elevated and DNA fragmentation activity in the cytoplasm was observed in those cells that are undergoing apoptosis, but not much was observed in the cells of other fractions. Results show that apoptotic cells can be fractionated easily by the BSA gradient method, and this method will be invaluable for studying the biochemical processes that drive apoptosis.  相似文献   

Semen from three mature stallions was used in an attempt to isolate a population of highly motile spermatozoa. An ejaculate of semen, collected from each stallion at 7-day intervals for 35 days, was evaluated for percentage of motile spermatozoa and rate of progressive motility (scale 1 to 4). Two milliliters of semen were layered over 6 ml of 3% bovine serum albumin (BSA) in 13 × 125 mm columns at room temperature (RMT) or in a warm water bath (WB). After a 30-minute separation period, the top semen layer and the upper and lower halves of the BSA fraction were separately withdrawn from columns and reevaluated. In both the RMT and WB separation columns, percent motile spermatozoa and progressive motility decreased in the top semen fraction as compared to initial values for these parameters. Percentage of motile spermatozoa in the lower BSA fractions increased (P<.01) to 58.7 and 65.7 following separation at RMT and in a WB, respectively. Also, there was a significant increase in rate of progressive motility rate for spermatozoa in the lower BSA fraction of both the RMT and WB treatments.In a second experiment 30 Quater Horse mares were artificially inseminated to compare fertility of spermatozoa isolated in BSA with raw semen diluted with either Tyrode's solution or BSA. The pregnancy rate for 10 mares inseminated with 100 × 106 live isolated spermatozoa was not different from that of control mares inseminated with the same number of live untreated spermatozoa. Foaling rates were 70, 40 and 60% for the isolated, Tyrode and BSA treatment groups respectively.  相似文献   

Unwashed human spermatozoa enter columns of 20% albumin in cohorts and not in a continuous stream. Using normospermic ejaculates, a single cohort, representing approximately 10% of the total number of spermatozoa added, appeared within 1 h of addition. In contrast, when ejaculates from asthenozoospermic men were tested using the same incubation period (1 h), the cohorts contained less than 5% of the total. Exposure of ejaculates to 2-deoxyadenosine, a potent stimulator of sperm motility, doubled the number of spermatozoa present in the cohort, but not the average velocity of the group. We suggest that spermatozoa also enter the cervical mucus and pass through the female reproductive tract in cohesive groups.  相似文献   

Inclusion of either 1 or 3% (w/v) bovine serum albumin (BSA) in 8.6, 10, or 12% sucrose enhanced the maintenance of equine sperm motility in vitro at 38 degrees C for 8 h. There was a trend toward higher percent motile spermatozoa (PMS) at 16 and 24 h of incubation in semen samples containing BSA than in those that did not. The highest concentration of sucrose (12%) was slightly less effective in supporting PMS than either of the lower concentrations. However, sucrose concentrations had no apparent effect on rate of forward movement (RFM) of spermatozoa. Pregnancy and foaling rates were similar for mares inseminated with semen extended in either cream gel or 3% BSA-10% sucrose.  相似文献   

Partitioning of the proteins from cheese whey, bovine serum albumin and porcine insulin were analysed using aqueous two-phase systems (ATPS) prepared with PEG–phosphate, PEG–citrate and PEG–maltodextrin (MD). Proteins were quantified through one of the following methods: FPLC, Bradford and spectrophotometry at 280 nm. Results showed that whey proteins partitioned unevenly on the phases of the systems used, with α-lactoalbumin (α-La) concentrated in the upper phase and β-lactoglobulin (β-Lg) in the lower. Albumin in PEG–MD systems concentrated in the MD-rich lower phase. Porcine insulin showed great affinity with the PEG-rich phase, its partition coefficient was always over 10 and increases with PEG molecular mass.  相似文献   

The extraction of a relatively large molecular weight protein, bovine serum albumin (BSA), using nano-sized reverse micelles of nonionic surfactant polyoxyethylene p-t-octylphenol (Triton-X-100) is attempted for the first time. Suitability of reverse micelles of anionic surfactant sodium bis (2-ethyl hexyl) sulfosuccinate (AOT) and Triton-X-100/AOT mixture in organic solvent toluene for BSA extraction is also investigated. Although, the size of the Triton-X-100 reverse micelle in toluene is large enough to host BSA molecule in the hydraulic core, the overall extraction efficiency is found to be low, which may be due to lack of strong driving force. AOT/toluene system resulted in complete forward extraction at aqueous pH 5.5 and a surfactant concentration of 160 mM. The back extraction with aqueous phase (pH 5.5) resulted in 100% extraction of BSA from the organic phase. The addition of Triton-X-100 to AOT reduced the extraction efficiency of AOT reverse micelles, which may be attributed to reduced hydrophobic interaction. The circular dichroism (CD) spectrum of BSA extracted using AOT/toluene reverse micelles indicated the structural stability of the protein extracted.  相似文献   

A set of anti-carbohydrate antibodies and a set of anti-protein antibodies were isolated from the serum of rabbits immunized with a glycoconjugate ofl-fucose and bovine serum albumin. The sets were separated by affinity chromatography by a two-column method on adsorbents withl-fucose or bovine serum albumin ligands. Isoelectrofocusing results showed that the anti-carbohydrate antibodies consisted of 11 molecular species and the anti-bovine serum albumin antibodies consisted of seven molecular species. The anti-carbohydrate antibodies are all of the IgG type while the anti-protein antibodies contain three types of globulin molecules, IgA, IgG, and IgM. The former antibodies should be useful as markers for unique glycoproteins of diseased cells and the latter antibodies may be useful for investigating the mechanism of simultaneous synthesis of three types of immunoglobulins.  相似文献   

A procedure for isolation of subpopulations of highly motile spermatozoa from ejaculates of several mammalian species was modified for use with boar semen. An initial trial was conducted to test the effectiveness of concentrations of 3 to 15% Bovine Serum Albumin (BSA) as an isolation medium. A concentration of 15% BSA resulted in isolation of a population of boar spermatozoa with 70% motility compared with an estimate of 53.5% determined after collection. Although there was a variable effect of isolation on the rate of forward movement, sperm cell concentration decreased (P<.05) as BSA level increased.To test the fertilizing capacity of isolated boar spermatozoa, 16 sows were randomly alloted to either a treated group bred with isolated spermatozoa (12% BSA) or control group bred with raw semen. Both the percent motile spermatozoa (64.1%) and the rate of forward movement (2.9) were increased (P<.01) after isolation in BSA compared with initial values obtained at collection (51.4% and 2.3). Farrowing rates (71.4% and 75% for treated and control groups, respectively) were not significantly different, and the sex ratio of the offspring was not altered by the procedure.  相似文献   

Some properties of a fragment of bovine serum albumin containing residues 184–582 of the protein sequence, produced by cyanogen bromide cleavage, have been reported. Urea-induced difference spectra of the fragment showed considerable exposure of aromatic chromophores by 8 M urea. Reversible unfolding of the fragment by urea, as followed by difference spectral measurements at 30°C, pH 7.0, occurred in two distinct steps involving at least 3 major conformational states, namely the native (N), intermediate (X) and completely denatured (D) states. The co-operativity values for the two transitions, N⇌X and X⇌Dwere found to be 4.0 and 16.4, respectively. Analysis of the data on bilirubin binding to bovine serum albumin and its fragment suggested that the fragment retains significant amount of its native structure. However, hydrodynamic parameters such as Stokes radius (3.f14 nm), diffusion coefficient (6.98 × 10−7cm2/s) and frictional ratio (1.32) obtained by analytical gel chromatography as well as intrinsic viscosity (4.31 ml/g) indicates some asymmetry in the fragment molecule.  相似文献   

The heterogeneity of bovine serum albumin   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  

Addition of bovine serum albumin (BSA) as a proteic feeder facilitates obtaining cross-linked enzyme aggregates (CLEAs) in cases where the protein concentration in the enzyme preparation is low and/or the enzyme activity is vulnerable to the high concentration of glutaraldehyde required to obtain aggregates. CLEAs of Pseudomonas cepacia lipase and penicillin acylase were prepared. CLEA of lipase prepared in the presence of BSA retained 100% activity whereas CLEA prepared without BSA retained only 0.4% activity of the starting enzyme preparation. Lipase CLEA showed 12-fold increase in activity over free enzyme powder when the CLEA was used in transesterification of tributyrin. For the transesterification of Jatropha oil, while free enzyme powder required 8 h and 50 mg lipase to obtain 77% conversion, CLEA required only 6 h and 6.25 mg lipase to obtain 90% conversion. In the case of penicillin acylase, 86% activity could be retained in CLEA prepared with BSA whereas CLEA made without BSA retained only 50% activity. CLEA prepared without BSA lost 20% activity after 8 h at 45 degrees C whereas CLEA with BSA retained full activity. CLEA prepared with BSA showed Vmax/Km of 36.3 min-1 whereas CLEA prepared without BSA had Vmax/Km of 17.4 min-1 only. Scanning electron microscopy analysis showed that CLEAs prepared in the presence of BSA were less amorphous and closer in morphology to CLEAs of other enzymes described in the literature.  相似文献   

Bovine spermatozoa were fractionated on Percoll density gradients into two major subpopulations of motile spermatozoa and a minor fraction containing mostly nonmotile spermatozoa with abnormal morphology. Fractionation required the addition of bovine serum albumin and a continuous Percoll gradient buffered with sodium bicarbonate. It is postulated that, under suitable ionic conditions, the binding of bovine serum albumin to spermatozoa amplifies subtle differences between subpopulations. These studies were directed toward separating Y- and X-bearing spermatozoa. However, when the subpopulations were evaluated by flow cytometry, their Y:X ratios were similar to that of an unfractionated control.  相似文献   

The fluorescence-based long-chain fatty acid probe BSA-HCA (bovine serum albumin labeled with 7-hydroxycoumarin-4-acetic acid) is shown to respond to binding of long-chain acyl-CoA thioesters by quenching of the 450 nm fluorescence emission. As determined by spectrofluorometric titration, binding affinities for palmitoyl-, stearoyl-, and oleoyl-CoA (Kd = 0.2-0.4 microM) are 5-10 times lower than those for the corresponding nonesterified fatty acids. In the presence of detergent (Chaps, Triton X-100, n-octylglucoside) above the critical micelle concentration, acyl-CoA partitions from BSA-HCA and into the detergent micelles. This allows BSA-HCA to be used as a fluorescent probe for continuous recording of fatty acid concentrations in detergent solution with little interference from acyl-CoA. Using a calibration of the fluorescence signal with fatty acids in the C14 to C20 chain-length range, fatty acid consumption by Pseudomonas fragi and rat liver microsomal acyl-CoA synthetase activities are measured down to 0.05 microM/min with a data sampling rate of 10 points per second. This new method provides a very promising spectrofluorometric approach to the study of acyl-CoA synthetase reaction kinetics at physiologically relevant (nM) aqueous phase concentrations of fatty acid substrates and at a time resolution that cannot be obtained in isotopic sampling or enzyme-coupled assays.  相似文献   

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