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Using the Genetic Analysis Workshop 14 simulated datasets we carried out nonparametric linkage analyses and applied a log-linear method for analysis of case-parent-triad data with stratification on parental mating type. We proposed and applied a random effect modelling approach to explore the impact of population heterogeneity on tests of association between genetic markers and disease status. The estimated genetic effect may appear to be strongly significant in one population but nonsignificant in another population, leading to confusion about interpretation. However, when results are interpreted in the light of a random effects model, both studies may be making similar statements about a genetic effect that varies depending on environment and background.  相似文献   

Disturbances in dopaminergic activity may play an important role in the pathogenesis of manic depression. The effects of dopamine are mediated by at least five G protein coupled receptors, D1, D2, D3, D4 and D5. Recently, three separate research groups have cloned and characterized the D1 dopamine receptor, which localizes to 5q35.1. We undertook a linkage analysis between the D1 receptor polymorphisms and manic depression in six families in which segregation of the disease was consistent with autosomal dominant inheritance. A highly polymorphic flanking DNA marker, CRI-L1200, was also analyzed as the D1 gene RFLPs were relatively uninformative in our families. Multipoint analyses of manic depression and these DNA markers resulted in lod scores of less than -3.0 at the D1 locus, indicating that the D1 dopamine receptor gene does not confer an inherited susceptibility to manic-depressive illness in the families studied.  相似文献   

Linkage analysis of the human dopamine beta-hydroxylase gene   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The human gene for dopamine beta-hydroxylase (D beta H) has been mapped to chromosome 9q34. Using polymerase chain reaction amplification of exon 11 of the D beta H gene followed by digestion of the reaction products with FnuDII (BstUI), we detected a low-frequency restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP). The CEPH panel of family DNAs was genotyped for this RFLP, enabling us to determine the linkage relationships between D beta H and four other loci previously mapped to human chromosome 9q. We obtained two-point recombination frequencies (theta) between D beta H and arginosuccinate synthetase (theta = 0, LOD = 7.37), the ABO blood group locus (theta = 0, LOD = 4.5), CRI-P111 (theta = 0, LOD = 2.1), and D9S31 (theta = .06, LOD = 2.81).  相似文献   

We performed a two-stage linkage scan involving 25 Chinese schizophrenia families, focusing on 10 target chromosomes which have already been the subject of considerable research. We initially genotyped 237 individuals with 186 markers, five candidate regions were then chosen for fine mapping and 49 additional markers were genotyped. In region 1q21-23, a maximum multipoint HLOD (HLOD=2.38) was observed between D1S484 and D1S2705, under the dominant model. In region 5q35, dominant HOLD of 2.36, 2.04, and 2.31 were found at marker D5S2030, D5S408, and D5S2006, respectively. Consistent multipoint results also supported linkage to this region under the same dominant model, with a highest HOLD of 2.47. Furthermore, single-point HLODs (HLOD=1.95 at D22S274, and HLOD=1.91 at D22S1157) were found in region 22q13, under the dominant model. Evidence from these three regions satisfied the criteria for suggestive linkage and should help in identifying schizophrenia susceptibility genes.  相似文献   

Recent studies have suggested that a high-density single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) marker set could provide equivalent or even superior information compared with currently used microsatellite (STR) marker sets for gene mapping by linkage. The focus of this study was to compare results obtained from linkage analyses involving extended pedigrees with STR and single-nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) marker sets. We also wanted to compare the performance of current linkage programs in the presence of high marker density and extended pedigree structures. One replicate of the Genetic Analysis Workshop 14 (GAW14) simulated extended pedigrees (n = 50) from New York City was analyzed to identify the major gene D2. Four marker sets with varying information content and density on chromosome 3 (STR [7.5 cM]; SNP [3 cM, 1 cM, 0.3 cM]) were analyzed to detect two traits, the original affection status, and a redefined trait more closely correlated with D2. Multipoint parametric and nonparametric linkage analyses (NPL) were performed using programs GENEHUNTER, MERLIN, SIMWALK2, and S.A.G.E. SIBPAL. Our results suggested that the densest SNP map (0.3 cM) had the greatest power to detect linkage for the original trait (genetic heterogeneity), with the highest LOD score/NPL score and mapping precision. However, no significant improvement in linkage signals was observed with the densest SNP map compared with STR or SNP-1 cM maps for the redefined affection status (genetic homogeneity), possibly due to the extremely high information contents for all maps. Finally, our results suggested that each linkage program had limitations in handling the large, complex pedigrees as well as a high-density SNP marker set.  相似文献   

Linkage analysis of schizophrenia: challenges and promise.   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A S Bassett 《Social biology》1991,38(3-4):189-196
Schizophrenia is a serious mental illness affecting nearly 1 per cent of the general population. Family, twin, and adoption studies suggest that genetics plays a major role in the etiology of schizophrenia. The inheritance pattern appears complex, similar to that of other common conditions like heart disease. To uncover a causal genetic factor, researchers have recently begun to apply a linkage analysis strategy to schizophrenia. Early results suggest that there are many challenges facing scientists who undertake schizophrenia genetics research. While one study has shown significant linkage of schizophrenia to a region on chromosome 5, several other studies have not found linkage to this area. The likelihood that there are several major genes predisposing to the illness and uncertainties about inheritance patterns and diagnostic boundaries are potential difficulties to overcome. Many more families need to be studied, and creative complementary research strategies pursued, to achieve the potential success offered by a genetic linkage approach.  相似文献   

Abstract Statistical methods are developed to estimate gender-specific and gender-average recombination frequencies between a biallelic or multiallelic marker and a sex-influenced gene. Iterative solutions are developed for intercross (or F-2 design). For biallelic markers, two iterative solutions are required, one for coupling and repulsion parental linkage phases and one for mixed parental linkage phases. For multiallelic markers, one set of iterative equations applies to all possible parental linkage phases. The resulting formulae for estimating recombination frequency use the full data set and yield estimates that are exactly the same as the true parameters if the observed and expected phenotypic distributions are equal. When one parent is homozygous for the sex-influenced gene as is expected with the backcross design, simple solutions exist for estimating recombination frequencies. However, offspring of one gender (male or female) do not have linkage information depending on whether the homozygous parent has two male-dominant or male-recessive alleles. Consequently, an F-2 design is more efficient than a backcross design for mapping a sex-influenced gene. Knowing each parental linkage phase is important to apply the methods developed in this article. It is shown that an individual's linkage phase of the sex-influenced locus can be determined based on allele transmission from the parents for all crosses except under the mating between an expressed male and an unexpressed female.  相似文献   

Several linkage studies have hinted at the existence of an obesity predisposition locus on chromosome 20, but none of these studies has produced conclusive results. Therefore, we analyzed 48 genetic markers on chromosome 20 for linkage to severe obesity (BMI> or =35) in 103 extended Utah pedigrees (1,711 individuals), all of which had strong aggregation of severe obesity. A simple dominant model produced a maximum multipoint heterogeneity LOD score of 3.5 at D20S438 (55.1 cM). Two additional analyses were performed. First, a one-gene, two-mutation model (with one dominant mutation and one recessive mutation) increased the LOD score to 4.2. Second, a two-locus model (with one locus dominant and one recessive) generated a multipoint LOD score of 4.9. We conclude that one or more severe obesity predisposing genes lie within an interval of approx. 10 cM on chromosome 20. This study generated significant LOD scores which confirm suggestive linkage reports from previous studies. In addition, our analyses suggest that the predisposing gene(s) is localized very near the chromosome 20 centromere.  相似文献   

Pan WH  Chen JW  Fann C  Jou YS  Wu SY 《Human genetics》2000,107(3):210-215
A genetic linkage study of young-onset hypertension was performed on data from 59 nucleus families of Han Chinese residing in Taiwan. Thirty seven microsatellite markers near 18 hypertension candidate genes were genotyped. In a nonparametric identity-by-descent sibpair analysis, a positive linkage signal (defined as P<0.05) was found for four microsatellite markers, viz., D1S1612 (P=0.0162), D1S547 (P=0.0263), D8S 1145 (P= 0.0284), and D17S2193 (P=0.0256), which were located near genes for atrial natriuretic peptide (NPPA)/glucose transporter 5 (SLC2A5), angiotensinogen (AGT), lipoprotein lipase (LPL), and angiotensin-conveting enzyme (DCP1), respectively. Marker D5S1480 located near beta-2-adrenergic receptor (ADRB2) had a borderline P value (P=0.0785) for the positive signal. Comprehensive genotyping with further markers in these regions is underway to confirm whether these genes are linked to young-onset hypertension.  相似文献   

It is currently thought that genetic predisposition to imbalances in dopaminergic transmission may underlie several neurological disorders, including schizophrenia, manic depression, Tourette syndrome, Parkinson disease, Huntington disease, and alcohol abuse. Originally two receptors, D1 and D2, were thought to account for all of the pharmacological actions of dopamine. However, through homology screening three additional genes, D3, D4, and D5, and two pseudogenes closely related to D5 have been characterized. To begin our genomic and evolutionary analyses of the human D5 dopamine receptor gene and its two pseudogenes, we have mapped each of them to their respective chromosomes. By combining in situ hybridization results with sequence analysis of PCR products from microdissected chromosomes, somatic cell hybrids, and radiation hybrids, we have assigned DRD5 (the locus containing the functional human D5 receptor gene) to chromosome 4p16.1, DRD5P1 (the locus containing D5 pseudogene 1) to chromosome 2p11.1-p11.2, and DRD5P2 (the locus of D5 pseudogene 2) to chromosome 1q21.1.  相似文献   

The human dopaminergic system is a significant focal point of study in the fields of neuropsychiatry and pharmacology, plus it is also a promising nuclear DNA marker in studies of human genome diversity. In this study, we assayed six polymorphic markers in the dopamine D2 receptor gene (DRD2) in 482 unrelated individuals from nine ethnic populations of India. Our results demonstrate that the six markers are highly polymorphic in all populations and the constructed haplotypes show a high level of heterozygosity. Out of the eight possible three-site haplotypes, all populations commonly shared only three haplotypes. The haplotypes exhibited fairly high frequencies across multiple populations; Kurumba population showed all eight three-site haplotypes. The ancestral haplotype (B2-D2-Al) was observed at high frequency only in the Siddi population. Haplotypes based on all six markers revealed 16 haplotypes, out of which only 6 are most common with a frequency of greater than 5% in at least one of the nine populations. But only three haplotypes were shared by all nine populations with the cumulative frequency ranging from 80.8% (Kurumba) to 96.6% (Onge). Great variation in levels of linkage disequilibrium (LD) was detected, ranging from complete LD in the Badaga to virtually no LD in the Siddi. This range of LD likely reflects different population histories, such as African ancestry in the Siddi and recent founding events in the population isolates, Badaga and Kota.  相似文献   

 The protochordate allorecognition system has long invited comparison with the vertebrate major histocompatibility complex (MHC). In the colonial species Botryllus schlosseri, a rapid fusion or rejection response resembling graft acceptance or rejection in vertebrates is controlled by a single highly polymorphic genetic region. Because linkage between heat shock protein 70 (HSP70) genes and the MHC appears to be conserved within the vertebrate lineage, linkage relationships between two HSP70 genes (HSP70.1 and HSP70.2) and the historecognition locus (FuHC) have been analyzed in B. schlosseri. Segregation patterns of restriction fragment length polymorphisms located in the 3′ flanking regions of HSP70.1 and HSP70.2 were determined for progeny of defined crosses. These progeny were also analyzed for fusibility type by an in vivo cut colony assay. No close linkage was detected between any of the three loci. These results do not support the hypothesis that the allorecognition response in B. schlosseri is determined by an MHC homologue. However, it remains a possibility that orthologues of other MHC-linked genes will be linked to the B. schlosseri FuHC. Received: 29 June 1997 / Revised: 6 October 1997  相似文献   

Nineteen French breast and breast-ovarian cancer families were tested for linkage with five chromosome 17q markers. The five breast-ovarian cancer families as a group give positive evidence for linkage, whereas the 14 breast cancer-only families do not. Heterogeneity of linkage of breast and breast-ovarian cancers is significant in France and supports the existence of more than one susceptibility gene.  相似文献   

Wilson disease (WD) is an autosomal recessive disorder resulting in copper accumulation to toxic levels. Patients may present with neurologic, hepatic, or hematologic disease at any age between the first and fifth decade of life. Because of clinical heterogeneity, genetic heterogeneity in the etiology of the disease has been proposed. Recently, linkage of the WD locus to loci on 13q has been demonstrated in five Middle-Eastern kindreds. We have used esterase D and several polymorphic markers on 13q to investigate linkage in WD pedigrees from the United States and Canada. Ten kindreds, three with hepatic and seven with neurologic presentations, were informative, yielding a lod score of 2.189 at a recombination fraction of .06 with probe 7F12 at D13S1. Patients were generally of mixed European background, but one particularly informative pedigree was Hispanic. Our data confirm the provisional assignment of the gene for WD to 13q. More specifically, our findings indicate that, irrespective of ethnic background or clinical presentation, the linkage to 13q will be present in most pedigrees. The relative lack of linkage heterogeneity indicates that closely linked polymorphic loci on 13q can be useful in prenatal and presymptomatic diagnosis and in heterozygote detection.  相似文献   

QTL analysis in arbitrary pedigrees with incomplete marker information   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Vogl C  Xu S 《Heredity》2002,89(5):339-345
Mapping quantitative trait loci (QTL) in arbitrary outbred pedigrees is complicated by the combinatorial possibilities of allele flow relationships and of the founder allelic configurations. Exact methods are only available for rather short and simple pedigrees. Stochastic simulation using Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) integration offers more flexibility. MCMC methods are less natural in a frequentist than in a Bayesian context, which we therefore adopt. Among the MCMC algorithms for updating marker locus genotypes, we implement the descent-graph algorithm. It can be used to update marker locus allele flow relationships and can handle arbitrarily complex pedigrees and missing marker information. Compared with updating marker genotypic information, updating QTL parameters, such as position, effects, and the allele flow relationships is relatively easy with MCMC. We treat the effect of each diploid combination of founder alleles as a random variable and only estimate the variance of these effects, ie, we model diploid genotypic effects instead of the usual partition in additive and dominance effects. This is a variant of the random model approach. The number of QTL alleles is generally unknown. In the Bayesian context, the number of QTL present on a linkage group can be treated as variable. Computer simulations suggest that the algorithm can indeed handle complex pedigrees and detect two QTL on a linkage group, but that the number of individuals in a single extended family is limited to about 50 to 100 individuals.  相似文献   

Two families of keratins, type I and type II, can be distinguished within the intermediate filament family of proteins, and at least 20 genes in the human genome code for the 20 known keratin proteins. In epithelial intermediate filaments, keratins from both families appear to be coordinately expressed. We have screened a library of human genomic DNA and have identified several cases of linkage among homologous and heterologous pairs of keratin genes. Genes coding for type I keratins were found linked to those coding for type II keratins. Linkage was discovered also among homologous genes coding for type I keratins and among genes encoding type II keratins. In addition, we found genes coding for glycine-rich keratins linked to genes coding for those that do not contain glycine-rich regions. Our results raise the possibility that all keratin genes are linked in a single region of the human genome.  相似文献   

The error-related negativity (ERN) is a negative deflection in the event-related potential that occurs approximately 50 ms following the commission of an error at fronto-central electrode sites. Previous models suggest dopamine plays a role in the generation of the ERN. We recorded event-related potentials (ERPs) while 279 children aged 5-7 years completed a simple Go/No-Go task; the ERN was examined in relation to the dopamine D2 receptor (DRD2) and dopamine transporter (DAT1) genes. Results suggest an additive effect of the DRD2 and DAT1 genotype on ERN magnitude such that children with at least one DRD2 A1 allele and children with at least one DAT1 9 allele have an increased (i.e. more negative) ERN. These results provide further support for the involvement of dopamine in the generation of the ERN.  相似文献   

Linkage of ribosomal RNA genes in Leptospira   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
We determined the linkage of 16S, 23S, and 5S rRNA genes in several strains of Leptospira and Leptonema by DNA-DNA hybridization. Almost all the hybridizations in all leptospires used in these experiments gave two radioactive bands and the results strongly suggest that the number of the 16S and the 23S rRNA genes in those strains is two, respectively. In contrast with the larger rRNAs, the number of 5S rRNA gene was different. In the strains of leptospires, L. biflexa, which were non-parasitic, there are two genes for 5S rRNA, whereas only one gene for 5S rRNA is carried in L. interrogans, which were originally isolated as parasitic. Southern hybridization experiments suggest that those rRNA genes are interspersed on the leptospiral chromosome.  相似文献   

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