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Living organisms establish complex networks of mutualistic and antagonistic interactions in nature, which impact strongly on their own survival and on the stability of the whole population. Fungi, in particular, can shape natural as well as man-managed ecosystems due to their ubiquitous occurrence and the range of interactions they establish with plants, animals and other microbes. This review describes some examples of mutualistic and antagonistic fungal interactions that are of particular interest for their ecological role, or because they can be exploited by man to improve plant health and/or productivity in sustainable agriculture and forestry.  相似文献   

The role of Toll-like receptors (TLRs) in signaling immune responses to fungal pathogens is reviewed. TLR2 and TLR4, acting via the adapter protein MyD88, signal responses to Cryptococcus neoformans, Aspergillus fumigatus and Candida albicans in vitro, although the relative significance of these TLRs to host defenses in vivo is unclear.  相似文献   

Interactions were investigated among five xerophilic fungi, Polypaecilum pisce, Basipetospora halophila, Eurotium rubrum, Aspergillus wentii and A. penicillioides, isolated from Indonesian dried salted fish. A range of water activities ( a w) (0·98, 0·95, 0·90 and 0·84) and temperatures (15°, 25° and 30°C) were studied on agar media in Petri dishes, and with dried fish as a substrate at 0·90 and 0·84 a w at 30°C. Generally, the fungi exhibited one of two interaction types: mutual inhibition on contact, or inhibition of one or both species on contact, with the inhibited species continuing to grow at a significantly reduced rate. On glucose-based agar media A. wentii and E. rubrum were most competitive at all a w values and temperatures studied, while on NaCl media P. pisce and B. halophila were usually most competitive. The Petri dish system was a useful model, but did not completely simulate the interactions observed on dried fish. Polypaecilum pisce and B. halophila were able to compete more strongly on fish than on agar media, especially at 0·90 a w. This study provides some evidence that each species examined had a niche in which it was dominant, and that species interactions as well as environmental factors are important in determining the dominant fungal species on dried salted fish.  相似文献   

This research examined cellulolytic effects of fungi and other microbes present in cured sausages on the strength and stability of regenerated cellulose casings (RCC) used in the sausage industry. Occasionally during the curing process, RCC would split or fail, thereby leading to loss of product. The fungus Penicillium sp. BT-F-1, which was isolated from fermented sausages, and other fungi, which were introduced to enable the curing process, produced small amounts of cellulases on RCC in both liquid and solid cultivations. During continued incubation for 15-60 days in solid substrate cultivation (SSC) on RCC support, the fungus Penicillium sp isolate BT-F-1 degraded the casings' dry weights by 15-50% and decreased their tensile strengths by ~75%. Similarly commercial cellulase(s) resulted in 20-50% degradation of RCC in 48 h. During incubation with Penicillium sp BT-F-1, the surface structure of RCC collapsed, resulting in loss of strength and stability of casings. The matrix of industrial RCC comprised 88-93% glucose polymer residues with 0.8-4% xylan impurities. Premature casing failure appeared to result from operating conditions in the manufacturing process that allowed xylan to build up in the extrusion bath. The sausage fungus Penicillium sp BT-F-1 produced xylanases to break down soft xylan pockets prior to slow cellulosic dissolution of RCC.  相似文献   

Many ectomycorrhizal (ECM) fungi produce fruit-bodies below ground and rely on animals, especially mammals, for dispersal of spores. Mammals may therefore play an important role in the maintenance of mycorrhizal symbiosis and biodiversity of ECM fungi in many forest ecosystems. Given the pivotal role played by mycorrhizal fungi In the nutrition of their plant hosts and, possibly, in the determination of plant community structure, the ecological significance of mycophagous mammals may extend to the productivity and diversity of plant communities. Mycologists and mammalogists have been aware of the interaction between their study organisms for many years, but recent research has produced new insights Into the evolution of mammal-vectored spore dispersal among ECM fungi, the ecological importance of mycophagy to small mammals, and the effectiveness of mammals as spore-dispersal agents.  相似文献   

The fungal pathogens Aspergillus fumigatus and Candida albicans are major health threats for immune-compromised patients. Normally, macrophages and neutrophil granulocytes phagocytose inhaled Aspergillus conidia in the two-dimensional (2-D) environment of the alveolar lumen or Candida growing in tissue microabscesses, which are composed of a three-dimensional (3-D) extracellular matrix. However, neither the cellular dynamics, the per-cell efficiency, the outcome of this interaction, nor the environmental impact on this process are known. Live imaging shows that the interaction of phagocytes with Aspergillus or Candida in 2-D liquid cultures or 3-D collagen environments is a dynamic process that includes phagocytosis, dragging, or the mere touching of fungal elements. Neutrophils and alveolar macrophages efficiently phagocytosed or dragged Aspergillus conidia in 2-D, while in 3-D their function was severely impaired. The reverse was found for phagocytosis of Candida. The phagocytosis rate was very low in 2-D, while in 3-D most neutrophils internalized multiple yeasts. In competitive assays, neutrophils primarily incorporated Aspergillus conidia in 2-D and Candida yeasts in 3-D despite frequent touching of the other pathogen. Thus, phagocytes show activity best in the environment where a pathogen is naturally encountered. This could explain why "delocalized" Aspergillus infections such as hematogeneous spread are almost uncontrollable diseases, even in immunocompetent individuals.  相似文献   

Summary The vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhizal (VAM) fungus,Glomus versiforme increased significantly the growth ofAsparagus officinalis under controlled conditions using Turface as the growth medium. The growth responses, including increases in root fresh weight, numbers of shoots, shoot dry weight, and shoot height follow a pattern similar to other mycorrhizal systems. Indigenous VAM fungi appeared to have negative effects on average shoot fresh and dry weight, number of shoots per pot and average shoot height on one year oldA. officinalis seedlings obtained from the field and grown under controlled conditions. These results may be due either to the high levels of soluble phosphate present in the soil or the ineffectiveness of the particular indigenous fungi as mycorrhizal fungi in asparagus. Indigenous mycorrhizal fungi overwinter in asparagus root crown as vesicles and as external and internal hyphae. Soil obtained from the same fields as the one year old crowns was a good source of mycorrhizal inoculum for sterile seedlings.  相似文献   

Interactions between killer yeasts and pathogenic fungi   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Abstract A total of 17 presumptive killer yeast strains were tested in vitro for growth inhibitory and killing activity against a range of fungal pathogens of agronomic, environmental and clinical significance. Several yeasts were identified which displayed significant activity against important pathogenic fungi. For example, isolates of the opportunistic human pathogen, Candida albicans , were generally very sensitive to Williopsis mrakii killer yeast activity, whilst killer strains of Saccharomyces cerevisiae and Pichia anomala markedly inhibited the growth of certain wood decay basidiomycetes and plant pathogenic fungi. Results indicate that such yeasts, together with their killer toxins, may have potential as novel antimycotic biocontrol agents.  相似文献   

Five early-phase ammonia fungi (EP fungi) – Amblyosporium botrytis, Ascobolus denudatus, Peziza moravecii, Pseudombrophila petrakii, Coprinopsis phlyctidospora, and Tephrocybe tesquorum, and one late-phase ammonia fungus (LP fungus), Hebeloma vinosophyllum – were co-cultured on malt extract-yeast extract agar media at pH 5.5, 7.0, 8.0, and 9.0. The co-cultures among the early-stage EP fungi Amblyosporium botrytis, Ascobolus denudatus, Peziza moravecii, and Pseudombrophila petrakii, generally did not inhibit or accelerate the reproductive structure formation of the opposed fungi. Among the EP fungi, Am. botrytis, As. denudatus, and Pe. moravecii intermingled with each other. The late-stage EP fungus T. tesquorum inhibited the growth of other EP fungi. Another late-stage EP fungus, C. phlyctidospora, showed ability to invade other EP fungi, but it did not deeply invade into the territories of early-stage EP fungi. The LP fungus H. vinosophyllum tended to accelerate basidioma formation of C. phlyctidospora at pH 5.5 and 9.0. H. vinosophyllum formed the highest numbers of basidomata at pH 5.5. These results show that successive occurrence of ammonia fungi is caused by the interspecific interactions among ammonia fungi as well as by the physiological characteristic of each fungus associated with conditions of its inhabiting soils, such as pH and nitrogen concentration.  相似文献   

Interactions between arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi and soil bacteria   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The soil environment is interesting and complicated. There are so many interactions taking place in the soil, which determine the properties of soil as a medium for the growth and activities of plants and soil microorganisms. The soil fungi, arbuscular mycorrhiza (AM), are in mutual and beneficial symbiosis with most of the terrestrial plants. AM fungi are continuously interactive with a wide range of soil microorganisms including nonbacterial soil microorganisms, plant growth promoting rhizobacteria, mycorrhiza helper bacteria and deleterious bacteria. Their interactions can have important implications in agriculture. There are some interesting interactions between the AM fungi and soil bacteria including the binding of soil bacteria to the fungal spore, the injection of molecules by bacteria into the fungal spore, the production of volatiles by bacteria and the degradation of fungal cellular wall. Such mechanisms can affect the expression of genes in AM fungi and hence their performance and ecosystem productivity. Hence, consideration of such interactive behavior is of significance. In this review, some of the most important findings regarding the interactions between AM fungi and soil bacteria with some new insights for future research are presented.  相似文献   

Interactions between mycorrhizal fungi and other soil organisms   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
Mycorrhizal fungi interact with a wide range of other soil organisms, in the root, in the rhizosphere and in the bulk soil. These interactions may be inhibitory or stimulatory; some are clearly competitive, others may be mutualistic. Effects can be seen at all stages of the mycorrhizal fungal life-cycle, from spore population dynamics (predation, dispersal and germination) through root colonization to external hyphal growth. Two areas that seem likely to be of particular importance to the functioning of the symbiosis are the role of bacteria in promoting mycorrhiza formation and of soil animals in grazing the external mycelium. Mycorrhizal fungi also modify the interactions of plants with other soil organisms, both pathogens, such as root-inhabiting nematodes and fungi, and mutualists, notably nitrogen-fixing bacteria. These interactions are probably important both in natural ecosystems, where pathogens are increasingly recognized as playing controlling roles, and in agricultural systems, where mycorrhizas may be valuable in designing integrated systems of pest control and growth stimulation.  相似文献   

丛枝菌根真菌与植食性昆虫的相互作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
高春梅  王淼焱  弥岩  万方浩  刘润进 《生态学报》2014,34(13):3481-3489
丛枝菌根(arbuscular mycorrhizal AM)真菌与昆虫均是陆地生态系统中的重要组分,同植物关系密切,对植物的影响和作用是巨大的。生态系统中则以AM真菌-植物-昆虫互作体系参预食物网与生态过程。早在20世纪80年代,人们已开始研究AM真菌对昆虫的影响。进入21世纪人们越来越重视AM真菌与昆虫的相互作用。总结了AM真菌对昆虫取食偏好、生长、繁殖和对植物危害等方面的影响、以及昆虫对AM真菌侵染、扩展和产孢的影响;分析了植物营养状况、昆虫性别、昆虫龄期和AM真菌种类等对AM真菌与昆虫相互作用的影响特点;探讨了AM真菌与昆虫相互作用的机制;展望了利用AM真菌抑制植食性害虫、及促进天敌昆虫和部分传粉昆虫作用的可能性,旨在丰富菌根学研究内容、促进AM真菌与昆虫互作领域的深入研究、为探索生物防控农林业害虫的新途径提供依据。  相似文献   

Relatively little is known about the factors controlling ectomycorrhizal fungal communities. One possible factor is forest litter chemistry. In a series of experiments we demonstrated that the growth of ectomycorrhizal fungi able to colonize red pine ( Pinus resinosa Ait.) are differentially affected by red pine needles and needle chemical components. For example, water extracts of pine needles stimulated the growth of Suillus intermedius (Smith & Thiers) Smith & Thiers and inhibited the growth of Amanita rubescens Pers. Catechin and epicatechin gallate, components of the water extract, acted similarly to the extract. The volatile compounds α- and β-pinene also had differential effects on the growth of the various species of ectomycorrhizal fungi. Our results suggest that forest litter chemistry has the potential differentially to affect the growth of ectomycorrhizal fungal species and so could affect the structure of ectomycorrhizal fungal communities.  相似文献   


Interactions between three genotypes (Ljsym 71-1, Ljsym 71-2 and Ljsym 72) of Lotus japoicus and one isolate from each of four species of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (Glomus sp. R-10, Glomus intraradices, Glomus etunicatum, and Gigaspora margarita) were investigated and compared with the wild-type ‘Gifu’ B-129. All the three genotypes showed no or defective internal colonization after inoculation with these AM fungi. In Ljsym72 mutant, the AM fungi produced deformed appressoria on the root surface, but failed to form any internal structures (internal hyphae, arbuscules and vesicles) except only in Glomus intraradices. The Ljsym71-1 and Ljsym71-2 mutants had more deformed appressoria and occasionally formed internal hyphae, arbuscules and vesicles, depending on AM fungi used. Wild-type ‘Gifu’ (nod+myc+) plants had typical colonization. The colonization of mutants by several fungi varied and provides a basis for studying recognition and compatibility between plants and mycorrhizal fungal species. These mutants also will be useful in studies of the genetics of the symbiosis between plant species and AM fungi.  相似文献   

The adhesion of fungi to host cells is an important area of study. Knowledge of the molecular mechanisms involved in these interactions can be used to devise methods to interfere with them. Similar to many pathogens, loss of fungal adhesion to epithelial or endothelial cell surfaces results in a marked decrease in virulence when evaluated in both in vivo and in vitro disease models. This review emphasizes literature from the past year and focuses on the molecular mechanisms by which fungi in the genera Candida, Cryptococcus, Sporothrix, Pneumocystis, and Aspergillus adhere to epithelial and/or endothelial host surfaces. The methodologies used to conduct these studies are also discussed.  相似文献   

Interactions among endophytic bacteria and fungi: Effects and potentials   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Plants benefit extensively by harbouring endophytic microbes. They promote plant growth and confer enhanced resistance to various pathogens. However, the way the interactions among endophytes influence the plant productivity has not been explained. Present study experimentally showed that endophytes isolated from rice (Oryza sativa) used as the test plant produced two types of interactions; biofilms (bacteria attached to mycelia) and mixed cultures with no such attachments. Acidity, as measured by pH in cultures with biofilms was higher than that of fungi alone, bacteria alone or the mixed cultures. Production of indoleacetic acid like substances (IAAS) of biofilms was higher than that of mixed cultures, fungi or bacteria. Bacteria and fungi produced higher quantities of IAAS than mixed cultures. In mixed cultures, the potential of IAAS production of resident microbes was reduced considerably. There was a negative relationship between IAAS and pH of the biofilms, indicating that IAAS was the main contributor to the acidity. However, such a relationship was not observed in mixed cultures. Microbial acid production is important for suppressing plant pathogens. Thus the biofilm formation in endophytic environment seems to be very important for healthy and improved plant growth. However, it is unlikely that an interaction among endophytes takes place naturally in the endophytic environment, due to physical barriers of plant tissues. Further, critical cell density dependant quorum sensing that leads to biofilm formation may not occur in the endophytic environment as there is a limited space. As suchin vitro production and application of beneficial biofilmed inocula of endophytes are important for improved plant production in any agro-ecosystem. The conventional practice of plant inoculation with monocultures or mixed cultures of effective microbes may not give the highest microbial effect, which may only be achieved by biofilm formation.  相似文献   

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