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A qualitative liquid chromatography-electrospray ionization tandem mass spectrometry method was developed for screening of the abuse of 4-chlorodehydromethyltestosterone, danazol, fluoxymesterone, formebolone, metandienone, oxandrolone, and stanozolol. The introduced method measures simultaneously nine different 17-alkyl-substituted anabolic androgenic steroids or their unconjugated metabolites in human urine, using methyltestosterone as an internal standard. Sample preparation involved one-step liquid extraction. Liquid chromatographic separation was achieved on a reversed-phase column with methanol-water gradient containing 5 mmol/l ammonium acetate and 0.01% (v/v) acetic acid. Compounds were ionized in the positive mode and detected by multiple reaction monitoring. All steroids within the study could be selectively detected in urine with detection limits of 0.1-2.0 ng/ml. The method showed good linearity up to 250 ng/ml with correlation coefficients higher than 0.9947. With simple and fast sample preparation, low limits of detection, and high selectivity and precision, the developed method provides advantages over the present testing methods and has the potential for routine qualitative screening method of unconjugated 17-alkyl-substituted anabolic steroids in human urine.  相似文献   

Karlodinium veneficum is a cosmopolitan dinoflagellate with a worldwide distribution in mesohaline temperate waters. The toxins from K. veneficum, or karlotoxins (KmTxs), which have been implicated in fish kill events, have been purified from monoalgal cultures, and shown to possess hemolytic, cytotoxic and ichthyotoxic activities. Three karlotoxins (KmTx 1–1, KmTx 1–3 and KmTx 2) have been isolated from two different North American strains of K. veneficum and characterized using liquid chromatography–mass spectrometry (LC–MS). KmTx 1 karlotoxins have a UV absorption maximum (λmax 225 nm) at lower wavelengths than KmTx 2 karlotoxins (λmax 235 nm). The exact masses and predicted empirical formulae for the karlotoxins (KmTx 1–1, 1308.8210, C67H120O24; KmTx 1–3, 1322.8637, and C69H126O23; KmTx 2, 1344.7938, C67H121ClO24) were determined using high resolution mass spectrometry. Although the individual toxins produce a single peak in reverse phase high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC), MS revealed congeners co-eluting within each peak. These congeners could be separated under normal phase chromatography and revealed a single hydroxylation being responsible for the mass differences. Multistage MS (MSn) showed that the three KmTxs and their congeners share a large portion of their structures including an identical 907 amu core fragment.

These data were used to develop a quantitative LC–MS assay for karlotoxins from cultures and environmental samples. The sensitivity afforded by MS detection compared to UV absorbance allowed toxin quantification at 0.2 ng when injected on column. Aqueous solutions of karlotoxins were found to quantitatively adsorb to PTFE and nylon membrane filters. Aliquots from whole cultures or environmental samples could be concentrated and desalted by adsorption to PTFE syringe filters and karlotoxins eluted with methanol for analysis by LC–MS. This simplified solid phase cleanup afforded new data indicating that each karlotoxin may also exist as sulfated derivatives and also provided a rapid detection method for karlotoxin from environmental samples and whole cultures.  相似文献   

We have developed a method to isolate and enhance the detection of phosphopeptides using liquid chromatography (LC)/mass spectrometry on a tryptic-digested protein sample. The method uses an on-line two-dimensional chromatography approach that consists of strong cation exchange (SCX) followed by reversed-phase (RP) chromatography with mass spectrometric detection. At pH 2.6 or lower, tryptic phosphopeptides are not retained during the first-dimension SCX chromatography step. Thus the capture of these peptides in the flow-through by the second-dimension RP trap can dramatically reduce the complexity of the phosphopeptide chromatography, resulting in little or no suppression of the signal often caused by the coeluting nonphosphorylated peptides. The method provides higher phosphopeptide recovery and less nonspecific biding of acidic peptides than the commonly used enrichment methods, such as immobilized metal affinity chromatography. Since the widely adopted multidimensional LC strategy in shotgun proteomics uses a similar SCX-RP approach, the method can be adapted to detect and characterize phosphopeptides from a complex mixture in a single experiment. Limitations of the method are also discussed.  相似文献   

High-molecular weight aggregates such as antibody dimers and other side products derived from incorrect light or heavy chain association typically represent critical product-related impurities for bispecific antibody formats.

In this study, an approach employing ultra-pressure liquid chromatography size-exclusion separation combined with native electrospray ionization mass spectrometry for the simultaneous formation, identification and quantification of size variants in recombinant antibodies was developed. Samples exposed to storage and elevated temperature(s) enabled the identification of various bispecific antibody size variants. This test system hence allowed us to study the variants formed during formulation and bio-process development, and can thus be transferred to quality control units for routine in-process control and release analytics. In addition, native SEC-UV/MS not only facilitates the detailed analysis of low-abundant and non-covalent size variants during process characterization/validation studies, but is also essential for the SEC-UV method validation prior to admission to the market.  相似文献   

The distribution of silver, arsenic, cadmium, cobalt, chromium, copper, iron, manganese, nickel, lead, selenium and zinc binding to species with different molecular weight in aqueous extract of krill was studied by on-line size-exclusion chromatography (SEC)/inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS). The extract was fractionated in three fractions with different molecular weight (MW) ranges (>20,000 relative molecular mass (rel. mol. mass), 2000-20,000 rel. mol. mass and <2000 rel. mol. mass), which were further analyzed by SEC with columns having different optimum fractionation ranges in order to obtain more detailed information about the MW distribution of the elements. Various distribution profiles for the target elements among different MW ranges were observed. The results obtained indicated that manganese, zinc, silver, cadmium and lead species were mostly distributed in the higher MW range (>20,000 rel. mol. mass). In the case of chromium, iron, cobalt, arsenic and selenium, most of them bind to species with lower MW (<2000 rel. mol. mass). Only copper and nickel species was predominantly present in middle MW range (2000-20,000 rel. mol. mass). Further speciation of arsenic compounds in the small MW fraction was carried out with anion exchange chromatography (AEC) coupled with ICP-MS. The results showed that the dominant arsenic species in this fraction is As(III) (63% of extractable arsenic), while As(V) (13%) and two unknown arsenic species (19% and 5%, respectively) are present in lower amounts.  相似文献   

A simple, highly selective, sensitive, and reproducible liquid chromatography-electrospray ionization/mass spectrometry (time of flight) method has been developed for the direct and simultaneous determination of glutathione and related compounds such as homoglutathione in different plant tissues. These compounds are low-molecular mass antioxidants involved in cellular redox homeostasis in plants, and efforts are being made to develop methods to determine the concentrations of oxidized and reduced forms of these compounds and their ratio. Many of the methodologies developed so far, however, are time-consuming and complex; therefore, analytes can decompose and their redox status can change during the analysis process. The method we have developed allows the simultaneous determination of reduced forms (glutathione [GSH] and homoglutathione [hGSH]) and oxidized forms (glutathione disulfide [GSSG]) of these compounds and is also suitable for the determination of ascorbic acid (ASA) and S-nitrosoglutathione (GSNO). Quantification was done using isotopically labeled GSH and ASA as internal standards. All compounds were base peak resolved in less than 6 min, and limits of detection were 60 pmol for GSH, 30 pmol for hGSH, 20 pmol for GSSG, 100 pmol for ASA, and 30 pmol for GSNO. The intraday repeatability values were approximately 0.4 and 7% for retention time and peak area, respectively, whereas the interday repeatability values were approximately 0.6 and 9% for retention time and peak area, respectively. Analyte recoveries found were between 92 and 105%. The method was used to determine the concentrations of GSH, GSSG, hGSH, and ASA in extracts from several plant tissues.  相似文献   

A high-resolution method for the separation and analysis of disaccharides prepared from heparin and heparan sulfate (HS) using heparin lyases is described. Ultra-performance liquid chromatography in a reverse-phase ion-pairing mode efficiently separates eight heparin/HS disaccharides. The disaccharides can then be detected and quantified using electrospray ionization mass spectrometry. This method is particularly useful in the analysis of small amounts of biological samples, including cells, tissues, and biological fluids, because it provides high sensitivity without being subject to interference from proteins, peptides, and other sample impurities.  相似文献   

Trenbolone (17β-hydroxy-estra-4,9,11-trien-3-one) and its derivatives such as 17α-methyltrenbolone represent a class of highly potent anabolic-androgenic steroids, which are prohibited in sports according to the regulation of the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA). Due to marginal gas chromatographic properties of these compounds but excellent proton affinities resulting from a large and conjugated π-electron system, liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) has been the method of choice for the detection of these analytes in sports drug testing. Recent findings of trenbolone and methyltrenbolone in doping control urine samples of elite athletes demonstrated the importance of a sensitive and robust analytical method, which was based on an enzymatic hydrolysis of target compounds, liquid-liquid extraction and subsequent LC-MS/MS measurement. Diagnostic product ions obtained after collision-induced dissociation of protonated molecules were found at m/z 227, 211, 199 and 198, which enabled targeted screening using multiple reaction monitoring. Using 7 model compounds (trenbolone, epitrenbolone, methyltrenbolone, ethyltrenbolone, propyltrenbolone, 17-ketotrenbolone and altrenogest), the established method was validated for specificity, lower limits of detection (0.3-3 ng/mL), recovery (72-105%), intraday and interday precision (≤20%).  相似文献   

Two rapid methods for highly selective detection and quantification of the two major glycoalkaloids in potatoes, alpha-chaconine and alpha-solanine, were compared for robustness in high-throughput operations for over 1000 analytical runs using potato tuber samples from field trials. Glycoalkaloids were analyzed using liquid chromatography coupled to tandem mass spectrometry in multiple reaction monitoring mode. An electrospray interface was used in the detection of glycoalkaloids in positive ion mode. Classical reversed phase (RP) and hydrophilic interaction (HILIC) columns were investigated for chromatographic separation, ruggedness, recovery, precision, and accuracy. During the validation procedure both methods proved to be precise and accurate enough in relation to the high degree of endogenous biological variability found for field-grown potato tubers. However, the RP method was found to be more precise, more accurate, and, more importantly, more rugged than the HILIC method for maintaining the analytes' peak shape symmetry in high-throughput operation. When applied to the comparison of six classically bred potato cultivars to six genetically modified (GM) lines engineered to synthesize health beneficial inulins, the glycoalkaloid content in potato peels of all GM lines was found within the range of the six cultivars. We suggest complementing current unbiased metabolomic strategies by validating quantitative analytical methods for important target analytes such as the toxic glycoalkaloids in potato plants.  相似文献   

A new simple and rapid liquid chromatographic-mass spectrometric technique was designed for the determination of nine benzodiazepines in plasma and oral fluid. Benzodiazepines were extracted from alkalinised spiked and clinical plasma and oral fluid samples using a single step, liquid-liquid extraction procedure with diethyl ether. The chromatographic separation was performed with a Xterra RP18, 5 microm (150 x 2.1 mm i.d.) reversed-phase column using deuterated analogues of the analytes as internal standard. The recovery ranged from 70.3 to 86.9% for plasma and 63.9 to 77.2% for oral fluid. The limits of detection ranged from 0.5 to 1 ng/ml in plasma and 0.1 to 0.2 ng/ml for oral fluid. The method was validated for all the compounds, including linearity and the main precision parameters. The procedure, showed to be sensitive and specific, was applied to real plasma and oral fluid samples. The method is especially useful to analyse saliva samples from drivers undergoing roadside drug controls.  相似文献   

A two-dimensional liquid-phase separation scheme coupled with mass spectrometry (MS) is presented for proteomic analysis of cell lysates from normal and malignant breast epithelial cell lines. Liquid-phase separations consist of isoelectric focusing as the first dimension and nonporous silica reverse-phase high-performance liquid chromatography (NPS-RP-HPLC) as the second dimension. Protein quantitation and mass measurement are performed using electrospray ionization-time of flight MS (ESI-TOF MS). Proteins are identified by peptide mass fingerprinting using matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization-time of flight MS (MALDI-TOF MS) and MALDI-quadrupole time of flight (QTOF)-tandem mass spectrometry (MS/MS). Two pH regions with 50-60 unique proteins in each pH range were chosen for analysis. Mass maps were created that allowed visualization of protein quantitation differences between normal and malignant breast epithelial cells. Of the approximately 110 unique proteins observed from mass mapping experiments over the limited pH range, 40 (36%) were positively identified by peptide mass fingerprinting and assigned to bands in the mass maps. Of these 40 proteins, 22 were more highly expressed in one or more of the malignant cell lines. These proteins represent potential breast cancer biomarkers that could aid in diagnosis, therapy, or drug development.  相似文献   

We developed a new selective liquid chromatography-electrospray ionization-tandem mass spectrometry method for the identification and quantification of anandamide (AEA), an endogenous cannabinoid receptor ligand, and other bioactive fatty acid ethanolamides (FAEs) in biological samples. Detection limit (0.025 pmol for AEA and 0.1 pmol for palmitoylethanolamide (PEA) and oleoylethanolamide (OEA)) and quantification limit (0.2 pmol for AEA and 0.4 pmol for OEA and PEA) were in the high fmol to low pmol range for all analytes. Linear correlations (r(2)=0.99) were observed in the calibration curves for standard AEA over the range of 0.025-25 pmol and for standard PEA and OEA over the range of 0.1-500 pmol. This method provides a time-saving and sensitive alternative to existing methods for the analysis of FAEs in biological samples.  相似文献   

We report an ultrahigh-performance liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry (UHPLC–MS/MS) method to quantify all-trans-retinal in biological samples of limited size (15–35 mg), which is especially advantageous for use with adipose. To facilitate recovery, retinal and the internal standard 3,4-didehydroretinal were derivatized in situ into their O-ethyloximes. UHPLC resolution combined with high sensitivity and specificity of MS/MS allowed quantification of retinal-O-ethyloximes with a 5-fmol lower limit of detection and a linear range from 5 fmol to 1 pmol. This assay revealed that extraocular concentrations of retinal range from approximately 2 to 40 pmol/g in multiple tissues—the same range as all-trans-retinoic acid. All-trans-retinoic acid has high affinity (kd ? 0.4 nM) for its nuclear receptors (RARα, -β, and -γ), whereas retinal has low (if any) affinity for these receptors, making it unlikely that these retinal concentrations would activate RAR. We also show that the copious amount of vitamin A used in chow diets increases retinal in adipose depots 2- to 5-fold relative to levels in adipose of mice fed a vitamin A-sufficient diet, as recommended for laboratory rodents. This assay also is proficient for quantifying conversion of retinol into retinal in vitro and, therefore, provides an efficient method to study metabolism of retinol in vivo and in vitro.  相似文献   

Virulence of enterotoxicogenic Escherichia coli is mediated by rodlike, rigid, highly hydrophobic proteins designated fimbriae or colonization factors (CFs). More than 20 different colonization factors have been described so far using predominantly immunological and genetic methods. To characterize these hydrophobic proteins by liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry (LC-MS), different methodologies were explored. A novel LC-MS method was developed using hexafluoroisopropanol to maintain the hydrophobic proteins in solution. In addition, these proteins were digested with cyanogen bromide and peptide mapping by LC-MS was established. This technique was particularly useful in identification of closely related CFs. Both LC-MS and peptide mapping methodologies were found to be useful in characterizing highly hydrophobic CFs of E. coli. To search for molecular weights of mature proteins in the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) database, a new feature was developed and its applicability tested. The identification of a class of pathogenic virulence proteins, either intact or digested, is possible with molecular weight database searching.  相似文献   

To determine the protein content of formula, gel electrophoresis was performed on the infant formula samples and the entire protein patterns were analyzed by nano-high performance liquid chromatography-electrospray tandem mass spectrometry (nano-HPLC/ESI/MS/MS). From the commercial infant formula profiled in this study, a total of 154 peptides, corresponding to 31 unique proteins were identified by nano-HPLC/ESI/MS/MS. Each of the identified peptides was reconfirmed by a strict integrated approach using tandem mass spectra. This protein profiling method using gel electrophoresis coupled with nano-HPLC/ESI/MS/MS and manual evaluation is a sensitive and accurate method for protein identification as well as a powerful tool for monitoring various types of food products.  相似文献   

Knowledge of the protein and peptide content in a tissue or a body fluid is vital in many areas of medical and biomedical sciences. Information from proteomic and peptidomic studies may reveal alterations in expression due to, e.g., a disease and facilitate the understanding of the pathophysiology and the identification of biological markers. In this minireview, we discuss miniaturized proteomic and peptidomic approaches that have been applied in our laboratory in order to investigate the protein and peptide contents of body fluids (such as plasma, cerebrospinal and amniotic fluid), as well as extracted tissues. The methods involve miniaturized liquid separation, i.e., capillary liquid chromatography and capillary electrophoresis, combined with high resolution mass spectrometry (MS), i.e., Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance MS. These approaches provide the opportunity to analyze samples of small volumes with high throughput, high sensitivity, good dynamic range and minimal sample handling. Also, the experiments are relatively easy to automate.  相似文献   

The products of nonenzymatic glycation of proteins are formed in a chemical reaction between reducing sugars and the free amino group located either at the N terminus of the polypeptide chain or in the lysine side chain. Glycated proteins and their fragments could be used as markers of the aging process as well as diabetes mellitus and Alzheimer’s disease, making them an object of interest in clinical chemistry. In this article, we propose a new method for the identification of peptide-derived Amadori products in the mixtures obtained by enzymatic hydrolysis of glycated proteins. Two proteins, ubiquitin and human serum albumin (HSA), were modified with an equimolar mixture of glucose and [13C6]glucose and were subjected to enzymatic hydrolysis. The obtained enzymatic digests were analyzed by high-resolution mass spectrometry (HRMS), and the peptide-derived Amadori products were identified on the basis of specific isotopic patterns resulting from 13C substitution. The number of glycated peptides in the digest of HSA detected by our procedure was in agreement with the data recently reported in the literature.  相似文献   

Total homocysteine (tHcy) and cysteine (tCys) concentrations in biological fluids are routinely used in the clinical diagnosis of genetic and metabolic diseases, and this necessitates the development of rapid and sensitive methods for quantification. Liquid chromatography-electrospray tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) was used to measure tHcy and tCys in 23 plasma and 21 urine samples from healthy adults and 14 urine samples from healthy children. The results were compared with a standard high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) method. The coefficient of variation (CV) for the LC-MS/MS method ranged from 2.9% to 6.1% for the intraassay and 4.8% to 6.4% for the interassay. Mean recoveries were close to 100% for both plasma and urinary tHcy and tCys. The mean plasma tHcy and tCys concentrations in healthy adults were 8.62 and 261.40 micromol/L, respectively. The mean urinary tHcy and tCys in adults were 0.98 and 22.60 micromol/mmol creatinine, respectively. The mean urinary tHcy and tCys in children were 1.17 and 27.43 micromol/mmol creatinine, respectively. Bland-Altman difference plots of method comparison between LC-MS/MS and HPLC showed good agreement in plasma and urinary tHcy and tCys concentrations. Our method is suitable for rapid measurements, and the reported urinary values in children will help to develop a pediatric reference range for clinical use.  相似文献   

Tao Y  Zhang L 《Carbohydrate research》2008,343(13):2251-2257
Two water-soluble samples (TM1 and TM2) were extracted from Pleurotus tuber-regium using 0.9% aqueous NaCl at 20 and 80 degrees C to obtain relatively low molecular mass fractions. The chemical structure of TM1 was analyzed to be a branched heteropolysaccharide-protein complex, and the sugar moiety was mainly beta-(1-->6)-, beta-(1-->4)-, and beta-(1-->3)-linked glucan containing galactose and mannose. TM2 was a branched polysaccharide-protein complex, and the sugar moiety was mainly beta-(1-->6)-, beta-(1-->4)-, and beta-(1-->3)-linked glucan. Preparative size-exclusion chromatography (SEC) and analytical SEC combined with three detectors were used to detect the TM1 and TM2 samples, confirming that the proteins were bonded to the polysaccharides. Furthermore, analytical SEC combined with online laser light scattering, differential refractive index detector, and UV to determine the components, weight-average molecular mass (M(w)) and chain conformation of the samples. The relatively low exponent values (nu) of S(2)(z)(1/2)=k(nu)M(w)(nu) for the samples in 0.15M aqueous NaCl at 25 degrees C suggested that TM1 and TM2 existed in compact sphere conformation in the aqueous solution. This work provided valuable information on the structure and chain conformation characterization of the polysaccharide-protein complex having relatively low M(w).  相似文献   

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