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中枢疲劳既可以作为独立疾病影响人们的日常工作和学习,又可以作为症状出现于多种慢性疾病,其定义和机制国内外说法不尽相同。中枢疲劳是由于中枢神经系统发生退行性或其他不良变化,从而导致躯体、神经、包括心理一系列的疲劳样反应。其机制涉及到中枢神经系统和外周传导系统等多个维度、多个节点的变化,充分把握中枢疲劳的概念本质及潜在生物学机制对其临床防治有着重要理论和实践意义。此外,动物模型作为基础研究的前提和必要工具是中枢疲劳研究过程中又一重要问题。本文在文献整理的基础上,先从定义的角度出发由疲劳引申到中枢疲劳,将现阶段对中枢疲劳的不同概念阐述做一分析,并从机制和动物模型两个方面展开对国外研究进展进行综述。  相似文献   

Translational cognitive neuroscience of dementia involves mainly two areas: the validation of newly developed dementia animal models and the preclinical assessment of novel drug candidates in such model animals. To validate new animal models, a multidomain panel (battery) approach is essential in that dementia is, by definition, not merely a memory disorder but rather a multidomain cognitive/behavior disorder: animal modeling with a certain type of dementia would develop cognitive impairments in multiple (two at minimum) domains in a specific order according to unique spreading patterns of its neuropathology. In new drug development, the availability of highly sensitive tools assessing animal cognition is crucial to the detection of cognitive decline at the earliest stage of the disease, which may be an optimal time point to test a drug candidate. Using interspecies translatable (analogous) cognitive tasks would also be necessary to successfully predict the efficacy of drug candidates in subsequent clinical trials. Currently, this translational prediction is seriously limited given discrepancies in behavioral assessment methods between animals and humans in the preclinical and clinical trials, respectively. Since neurodegenerative diseases are often accompanied by not only cognitive but also affective and movement disorders, simultaneous assessment of task-relevant locomotor behavior and motivation is also important to rule out the effects of potential confounders. The touchscreen operant platform may satisfy these needs by offering several advantages over conventional methodology. In this review, we discuss the touchscreen operant chamber system and highlight some of its qualities as a promising and desirable tool for translational research of dementia.  相似文献   

Researchers typically define animal signaling as morphology or behavior specialized for transmitting encoded information from a signaler to a perceiver. Although intuitively appealing, this conception is inherently metaphorical and leaves concepts of both information and encoding undefined. To justify relying on the information construct, theorists often appeal to Shannon and Weaver’s quantitative definition. The two approaches are, however, fundamentally at odds. The predominant definition of animal signaling is thus untenable, which has a number of undesirable consequences for both theory and practice in the field. Theoretical problems include conceptual circularity and running afoul of fundamental evolutionary principles. Problems in empirical work include that research is often grounded in abstractions such as signal honesty and semanticity, and thereby distracted from more basic and concrete factors shaping communication. A revised definition is therefore proposed, making influence rather than transmission of encoded information the central function of animal signaling. This definition is conceptually sound, empirically testable, and inclusive, yet bounded. Implications are considered in both theoretical and empirical domains.  相似文献   

“野生动物”(wild animal)一词不止在我国, 在全球的英语使用者中也有不同的含义。通过梳理相关研究、国内法和国际法背景下的定义和适用范围, 结合人类对动物繁殖和生活条件的控制情况, 本文提出了“野生动物”的二维概念框架, 梳理了动物从“野生”到“驯化”的12个连续状态。以下状态即未经中长期人工选择的动物类群应被视为野生动物: (1)其在荒野自然或人工环境(如城市或乡村)中自由生存繁殖, 无论是否存在人工投喂、经救护或辅助生殖后被放归的个体; (2)被捕捉圈养在人工环境中生活, 或源自野外但在圈养条件下出生的个体; (3)直系血亲(《濒危野生动植物种国际贸易公约》解释为世系前四代)仍有野外来源的人工繁育后代; (4)放生、逃逸或引入到自然环境中的人工繁育个体。在野生动物物种保护的目标和语境之下, 经过长期人工选择的驯化动物, 无论其是否在人类控制下生活, 如家养猫狗、家禽家畜或模式实验动物, 以及流浪猫狗、放生禽畜和野化家养动物等都不是“野生动物”。但对于一些经过一定程度的人工选择, 所处人类控制情况和对野外种群的影响各异(如经过多代人工繁育的驯养动物、因人类活动导致的外来动物等), 其是否需被作为野生动物管理, 则需要根据生态安全、物种管理、立法目标等特别设定监管范围。《中华人民共和国野生动物保护法》的保护对象可以考虑为: 受到人类威胁濒临灭绝的, 或者具有重要生态作用的野生动物物种, 其状态可不限于是在野外还是人工控制条件下。其他动物的管理, 可根据遗传资源保护、疫病防控、动物福利和生态安全等需要, 另外设立《动物福利法》《生物安全法》等, 并和已有的法律法规如《动物防疫法》《渔业法》等做好衔接。本文还就《野生动物保护法》可能采用的“野生动物”定义提出建议。  相似文献   

Mimicry is a classical example of adaptive signal design. Here, we review the current state of research into vocal mimicry in birds. Avian vocal mimicry is a conspicuous and often spectacular form of animal communication, occurring in many distantly related species. However, the proximate and ultimate causes of vocal mimicry are poorly understood. In the first part of this review, we argue that progress has been impeded by conceptual confusion over what constitutes vocal mimicry. We propose a modified version of Vane‐Wright's (1980) widely used definition of mimicry. According to our definition, a vocalisation is mimetic if the behaviour of the receiver changes after perceiving the acoustic resemblance between the mimic and the model, and the behavioural change confers a selective advantage on the mimic. Mimicry is therefore specifically a functional concept where the resemblance between heterospecific sounds is a target of selection. It is distinct from other forms of vocal resemblance including those that are the result of chance or common ancestry, and those that have emerged as a by‐product of other processes such as ecological convergence and selection for large song‐type repertoires. Thus, our definition provides a general and functionally coherent framework for determining what constitutes vocal mimicry, and takes account of the diversity of vocalisations that incorporate heterospecific sounds. In the second part we assess and revise hypotheses for the evolution of avian vocal mimicry in the light of our new definition. Most of the current evidence is anecdotal, but the diverse contexts and acoustic structures of putative vocal mimicry suggest that mimicry has multiple functions across and within species. There is strong experimental evidence that vocal mimicry can be deceptive, and can facilitate parasitic interactions. There is also increasing support for the use of vocal mimicry in predator defence, although the mechanisms are unclear. Less progress has been made in explaining why many birds incorporate heterospecific sounds into their sexual displays, and in determining whether these vocalisations are functionally mimetic or by‐products of sexual selection for other traits such as repertoire size. Overall, this discussion reveals a more central role for vocal mimicry in the behavioural ecology of birds than has previously been appreciated. The final part of this review identifies important areas for future research. Detailed empirical data are needed on individual species, including on the structure of mimetic signals, the contexts in which mimicry is produced, how mimicry is acquired, and the ecological relationships between mimic, model and receiver. At present, there is little information and no consensus about the various costs of vocal mimicry for the protagonists in the mimicry complex. The diversity and complexity of vocal mimicry in birds raises important questions for the study of animal communication and challenges our view of the nature of mimicry itself. Therefore, a better understanding of avian vocal mimicry is essential if we are to account fully for the diversity of animal signals.  相似文献   

An alternative interpretation is provided of the concepts of carrying capacity and exchange ratios, particularly suitable for game animal species, based on management models for a given area of rangeland or pasture. It involves modelling animal population dynamics as discrete‐time logistic equations. Carrying capacity is then generated endogenously using rainfall as a proxy. The model interaction parameters, also generated endogenously, represent the animal exchange ratios. Because these two parameters are generated endogenously, this approach takes into account all the animals' habitat requirements (food, cover, water and space) simultaneously, unlike other approaches that tend to consider food requirements only. This makes the approach amenable to multi‐species situations. It also captures the ecological definition of population growth models where the realized rather than the theoretical carrying capacity is determined endogenously.  相似文献   

Sandgren EP 《Lab animal》2005,34(10):41-44
An effective Animal Care and Use Program is critical to an institution's ability to ensure that animal research is conducted humanely and follows all applicable regulations and guidelines; however, no straightforward definition of the fundamentals of such a Program now exists. The author provides a global view of the key programmatic components, which can be used to improve existing programs or implement new programs.  相似文献   

Dental studies evaluating microCT output often examine resolution as a parameter that affects the data, but many other factors can influence image quality. The objective of this paper is to present the issues involved with the optimization of microCT data acquisition and processing for two biomechanical animal models. The first model evaluates surface and volumetric changes in root structure after in vitro fatigue loading of dog incisors. The second evaluates the in vivo morphometric bone and tooth responses to application of orthodontic force in inbred and transgenic mice. This type of data required specific magnification and noise control microCT settings to segment and render objects with acceptable definition. The proposed procedures enabled high definition rendering of changes in tooth and bone morphology in orthodontic studies. They also allowed for the construction of solid models for finite element analyses.  相似文献   

The view of animals as optimizers is extremely important in many parts of biology, and is represented in a variety of theoretical models. Current developments in animal welfare create a need for a new theoretical model, which treats the animal as acting optimally in its choice of a sequence of behaviours, and places as few restrictions as possible on what quantity is being maximized. The intention is to facilitate the study of what the animal chooses, which will often be relevant in considering animal welfare. Currently, economic models of the consumer are borrowed in this situation, but they are not well suited for the increasingly exact analyses being performed. A new alternative model is presented here analytically in general, and a special case is studied numerically. The model does not attribute internal states to the individual, which is a simplification with advantages and disadvantages.  相似文献   

The Landscape as a Semiotic Interface between Organisms and Resources   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Despite an impressive number of investigations and indirect evidence, the mechanisms that link patterns and processes across the landscape remain a debated point. A new definition of landscape as a semiotic interface between resources and organisms opens up a new perspective to a better understanding of such mechanisms. If the landscape is considered a source of signals converted by animal cognition into signs, it follows that spatial configurations, extension, shape and contagion are not only landscape patterns but categories of identifiable signals. The eco-field hypothesis, by which cognitive templates are used to identify spatial configurations as carriers of meaning according to an active function, are combined with the sign theory to create an eco-semiotic model of landscape representation. Signs from landscape change in efficacy according to mechanisms of degradation, and metric sign categories have to be considered. An interdisciplinary coalescence is expected by using the theoretical approach in different fields of conservation and resource management and planning.  相似文献   


The development of gene editing techniques, capable of producing plants and animals with new and improved traits, is revolutionizing the world of plant and animal breeding and rapidly advancing to commercial reality. However, from a regulatory standpoint the Government of Canada views gene editing as another tool that will join current methods used to develop desirable traits in plants and animals. This is because Canada focusses on the potential risk resulting from the novelty of the trait, or plant or animal product entering the Canadian environment or market place, rather than the process or method by which it was created. The Canadian Food Inspection Agency is responsible for the regulation of the environmental release of plants with novel traits, and novel livestock feeds, while Health Canada is responsible for the regulation of novel foods. Environment and Climate Change Canada, in partnership with Health Canada, regulates modified animals for entry into the environment. In all cases, these novel products may be the result of conventional breeding, mutagenesis, recombinant DNA techniques or other methods of plant or animal breeding such as gene editing. This novelty approach allows the Canadian regulatory system to efficiently adjust to any new developments in the science of plant and animal breeding and allows for risk-appropriate regulatory decisions. This approach encourages innovation while maintaining science-based regulatory expertise. Canadian regulators work cooperatively with proponents to determine if their gene editing-derived product meets the definition of a novel product, and whether it would be subject to a pre-market assessment. Therefore, Canada’s existing regulatory system is well positioned to accommodate any new innovations or technologies in plant or animal breeding, including gene editing.


Results and new hypotheses in animal models often stimulate development of new paradigms in how we view rheumatoid arthritis (RA). The complexity of RA does, however, eventually lead to the rejection of these hypotheses. Here, it is argued that the large number of so-far described animal models, when taken together, also reveals a complex disease. Fortunately, detailed study of each of the animal models will reveal this complexity, and may also be helpful in elucidating the complexity of the human disease. Benoist and Mathis [1] recently contributed a new animal model in which an autoimmune response to a ubiquitous antigen leads to an antibody-mediated inflammatory attack in the joints. It is argued that this new model, as with other animal models, is unlikely to explain RA, but it will add to the tools available to reveal the complexity of RA.  相似文献   

This paper presents an animal model [the kangaroo], a quantitative anatomical dissection procedure, and a mathematical model [two-phase linear regression] which illustrate that body tissues grow at varying rates relative to each other. An argument is developed that biochemists interested in tissue chemical activity need to be able to sample tissue of known [predicted] growth rate. It is assumed that the ability to select, say muscle tissue samples, from any one animal at a stage of its growth where the individual selected pieces of tissue have known [predicted] low, average and high growth rates would allow comparisons to be made between the sampled tissues that may elucidate the underlying biochemical mechanisms involved in the growth process. It is asserted that to establish standards for tissue samples used in biochemical growth studies, the growth rate of the sampled tissue should be one of the criteria incorporated into the definition of what is "standard" for a tissue sample.  相似文献   

Many people believe that welfare standards for nonhuman animals on farms need to be improved. However, the definition of farm animal welfare (FAW) remains unclear, as different disciplines have developed competing understandings of FAW. Some studies have investigated citizens’ understanding of FAW through quantitative surveys. This study combined both closed-ended and open-ended questions and compared the findings from the different types of questions. For the open-ended question, respondents mostly named criteria in the categories of “housing system” and “management practice”; however, for the closed-ended question, the category “animal health” was most important. These findings suggest that not only whom you ask determines what comprises animal welfare, but how you ask. These findings should be considered when developing new animal welfare programs to increase the likelihood that the new programs will be accepted by the broader public and meet its expectations. In particular, improvements concerning animal health need to be publicized and clearly communicated to citizens, as health-related aspects are important to many people even though those aspects may not be the first thing they mentioned when asked.  相似文献   

Journal of Ethology - The group definition for an animal population is important for building associations among individuals (i.e., social network). Indo-Pacific bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops...  相似文献   

Valveless, tubular pumps are widespread in the animal kingdom, but the mechanism by which these pumps generate fluid flow is often in dispute. Where the pumping mechanism of many organs was once described as peristalsis, other mechanisms, such as dynamic suction pumping, have been suggested as possible alternative mechanisms. Peristalsis is often evaluated using criteria established in a technical definition for mechanical pumps, but this definition is based on a small-amplitude, long-wave approximation which biological pumps often violate. In this study, we use a direct numerical simulation of large-amplitude, short-wave peristalsis to investigate the relationships between fluid flow, compression frequency, compression wave speed, and tube occlusion. We also explore how the flows produced differ from the criteria outlined in the technical definition of peristalsis. We find that many of the technical criteria are violated by our model: Fluid flow speeds produced by peristalsis are greater than the speeds of the compression wave; fluid flow is pulsatile; and flow speed have a nonlinear relationship with compression frequency when compression wave speed is held constant. We suggest that the technical definition is inappropriate for evaluating peristalsis as a pumping mechanism for biological pumps because they too frequently violate the assumptions inherent in these criteria. Instead, we recommend that a simpler, more inclusive definition be used for assessing peristalsis as a pumping mechanism based on the presence of non-stationary compression sites that propagate unidirectionally along a tube without the need for a structurally fixed flow direction.  相似文献   

The woodchuck model is an excellent animal model to study hepadnaviral infection. The new progresses in this model made possible to examine the T-cell mediated immune responses in acute and chronic hepadnaviral infection. Recently, a new assay for cytotoxic T-cells based on detection of CD107 was established for the woodchuck model. In addition, new immunotherapeutic approaches based on combination of potent antiviral treatment and DNA-protein vaccines were proven to be useful for treatment of chronic hepatitis B.  相似文献   

The applicability of a stochastic model was explored to assess the impact of a new independent agency for animal health in England in terms of the cost of animal disease outbreaks. The new agency was proposed to take responsibility for animal disease management in England. The stochastic model estimates the likelihood that the proposed new agency would face animal disease outbreaks of major and minor magnitude; and how many outbreaks of each magnitude, within its first 30 years of operation. Large variability in the potential total cost of the new agency was attributable to the possibility of an outbreak of an unknown major disease, although Bluetongue, Foot and Mouth Disease, and Avian Influenza were also influential. The results show that if the new agency reduces disease costs by even 0.5%, this could benefit society by an estimated £21 million per year. The stochastic approach offers a method for dealing with uncertainties in any continuing deliberations regarding the proposed new agency, resulting in a potential annual gain of £73 million ranging to an annual loss of £144 million.  相似文献   

The woodchuck model is an excellent animal model to study hepadnaviral infection. The new progresses in this model made possible to examine the T-cell mediated immune responses in acute and chronic hepadnaviral infection. Recently, a new assay for cytotoxic T-cells based on detection of CD107 was established for the woodchuck model. In addition, new immunotherapeutic approaches based on combination of potent antiviral treatment and DNA-protein vaccines were proven to be useful for treatment of chronic hepatitis B.  相似文献   

The zebrafish, long recognized as a model organism for the analysis of basic developmental processes, is now also emerging as an alternative animal model for human diseases. This review will first provide an overview of the particular characteristics of zebrafish in general and their dopaminergic nervous system in particular. We will then summarize all work undertaken so far to establish zebrafish as a new animal model for movement disorders and will finally emphasize its particular strength – amenability to high throughput in vivo drug screening.  相似文献   

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