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DEAD box family helicases consist of a helicase core that is formed by two flexibly linked RecA-like domains. The helicase activity can be regulated by N- or C-terminal extensions flanking the core. Thermus thermophilus heat resistant RNA-dependent ATPase (Hera) is the first DEAD box helicase that forms a dimer using a unique dimerization domain. In addition to the dimerization domain, Hera contains a C-terminal RNA binding domain (RBD) that shares sequence homology only to uncharacterized proteins of the Deinococcus/Thermus group. The crystal structure of Hera_RBD reveals the fold of an altered RNA recognition motif (RRM) with limited structural homology to the RBD of the DEAD box helicase YxiN from Bacillus subtilis. Comparison with RRM/RNA complexes shows that a RNA binding mode different than that suggested for YxiN, but similar to U1A, can be inferred for Hera. The orientation of the RBD relative to the helicase core was defined in a second crystal structure of a Hera fragment including the C-terminal RecA domain, the dimerization domain, and the RBD. The structures allow construction of a model for the entire Hera helicase dimer. A likely binding surface for large RNA substrates that spans both RecA-like domains and the RBD is identified.  相似文献   

DEAD-box proteins have been implicated in a wide array of cellular processes ranging from initiation of protein synthesis and ribosome biogenesis to mRNA splicing. Here, we report the isolation, biochemical characterization and crystallization of the first thermophilic DEAD box protein, Hera (heat-resistant RNA-dependent ATPase) from Thermus thermophilus HB8. The molecular mass of the deduced Hera protein sequence (510 amino acid residues) is 55.95 kDa. Hera possesses all of the conserved motifs found among the, DEAD-box RNA helicases. In addition, it also has a motif characteristic of the protein component of ribonuclease P at its C-terminal region (residues 372-386). Hera appears to be non-specific with respect to the RNA species that triggers ATPase activity. Nevertheless, at high temperature, ATPase activity is at a maximum when bacterial 16 S rRNA or 23 S rRNA are used as the substrates. Moreover, a deletion of the RNase P protein motif significantly reduces the ability of Hera to hydrolyze ATP in the presence of RNase P RNA. Hera has a specific ATPase activity of 480 units/microg and therefore, displays the highest ATPase specific activity reported for a protein of the RNA helicase family. We determined that Hera shows helix-destabilizing activity, and that the RNA-unwinding or helix-destabilizing activity of Hera is coupled to ATP hydrolysis. Since Hera is a stable thermophilic protein and we have obtained crystals of it diffracting beyond 2.6 A, the possibilities for structure determination of a full-length RNA-helicase are open.  相似文献   

DEAD box helicases are involved in nearly all aspects of RNA metabolism. They share a common helicase core, and may comprise additional domains that contribute to RNA binding. The Thermus thermophilus helicase Hera is the first dimeric DEAD box helicase. Crystal structures of Hera fragments reveal a bipartite C-terminal domain with a novel dimerization motif and an RNA-binding module. We provide a first glimpse on the additional RNA-binding module outside the Hera helicase core. The dimerization and RNA-binding domains are connected to the C-terminal RecA domain by a hinge region that confers exceptional flexibility onto the helicase, allowing for different juxtapositions of the RecA-domains in the dimer. Combination of the previously determined N-terminal Hera structure with the C-terminal Hera structures allows generation of a model for the entire Hera dimer, where two helicase cores can work in conjunction on large RNA substrates.  相似文献   

DEAD box helicases catalyze the ATP-dependent destabilization of RNA duplexes. Whereas duplex separation is mediated by the helicase core shared by all members of the family, flanking domains often contribute to binding of the RNA substrate. The Thermus thermophilus DEAD-box helicase Hera (for “heat-resistant RNA-binding ATPase”) contains a C-terminal RNA-binding domain (RBD). We have analyzed RNA binding to the Hera RBD by a combination of mutational analyses, nuclear magnetic resonance and X-ray crystallography, and identify residues on helix α1 and the C-terminus as the main determinants for high-affinity RNA binding. A crystal structure of the RBD in complex with a single-stranded RNA resolves the RNA–protein interactions in the RBD core region around helix α1. Differences in RNA binding to the Hera RBD and to the structurally similar RBD of the Bacillus subtilis DEAD box helicase YxiN illustrate the versatility of RNA recognition motifs as RNA-binding platforms. Comparison of chemical shift perturbation patterns elicited by different RNAs, and the effect of sequence changes in the RNA on binding and unwinding show that the RBD binds a single-stranded RNA region at the core and simultaneously contacts double-stranded RNA through its C-terminal tail. The helicase core then unwinds an adjacent RNA duplex. Overall, the mode of RNA binding by Hera is consistent with a possible function as a general RNA chaperone.  相似文献   

RNA helicases are a family of enzymes that unwind nucleic acid duplexes, such as RNA/RNA and RNA/DNA, in a 3' to 5' direction into single-stranded polynucleotides. A putative RNA helicase cDNA (CfrHlc64) was isolated from the spruce budworm, Choristoneura fumiferana. CfrHlc64 was 1998 nucleotides in length, and the deduced protein had 565 amino acids with a predicted molecular mass of 64 kDa. It contained eight functional motifs conserved in the "DEAD box" family of RNA helicases. The deduced amino acid sequence showed 10-50% identities to homologues of other species from bacteria to human. In vitro expression of the cDNA resulted in recombinant proteins of 64 kDa as expected from the deduced amino acid sequence. Northern blotting and RT-PCR analyses revealed the presence of CfrHlc64 mRNA in all developmental stages from embryo to adult. Higher levels of CfrHlc64 mRNA were detected in the fat body and midgut than in the epidermis of sixth instar larvae. The CfrHlc64 protein was distributed mainly in the fat body. Female adults expressed CfrHlc64 mRNA at higher levels than male adults. The nonsteroidal ecdysone agonist, tebufenozide, enhanced the expression of CfrHlc64 in a dose-dependent manner.  相似文献   

Vasa and Belle are conserved DEAD box RNA helicases required for germ cell function. Homologs of this group of proteins in several species, including mammals, are able to complement a mutation in yeast (DED1) suggesting that their function is highly conserved. It has been proposed that these proteins are required for mRNA translation regulation, but their specific mechanism of action is still unknown. Here we describe functions of VBH-1, a C. elegans protein closely related to Belle and Vasa. VBH-1 is expressed specifically in the C. elegans germline, where it is associated with P granules, the C. elegans germ plasm counterpart. vbh-1(RNAi) animals produce fewer offspring than wild type because of defects in oocyte and sperm production, and embryonic lethality. We also find that VBH-1 participates in the sperm/oocyte switch in the hermaphrodite gonad. We conclude that VBH-1 and its orthologs may perform conserved roles in fertility and development.  相似文献   

The Escherichia coli RNA degradosome is a multicomponent ribonucleolytic complex consisting of three major proteins that assemble on a scaffold provided by the C-terminal region of the endonuclease, RNase E. Using an E. coli two-hybrid system, together with BIAcore apparatus, we investigated the ability of three proteins, polynucleotide phosphorylase (PNPase), RhlB RNA helicase, and enolase, a glycolytic protein, to interact physically and functionally independently of RNase E. Here we report that Rh1B can physically bind to PNPase, both in vitro and in vivo, and can also form homodimers with itself. However, binding of RhlB or PNPase to enolase was not detected under the same conditions. BIAcore analysis revealed real-time, direct binding for bimolecular interactions between Rh1B units and for the RhlB interaction with PNPase. Furthermore, in the absence of RNase E, purified RhlB can carry out ATP-dependent unwinding of double-stranded RNA and consequently modulate degradation of double-stranded RNA together with the exonuclease activity of PNPase. These results provide evidence for the first time that both functional and physical interactions of individual degradosome protein components can occur in the absence of RNase E and raise the prospect that the RNase E-independent complexes of RhlB RNA helicase and PNPase, detected in vivo, may constitute mini-machines that assist in the degradation of duplex RNA in structures physically distinct from multicomponent RNA degradosomes.  相似文献   

Cooperative binding of ATP and RNA to DEAD-box helicases induces the closed conformation of their helicase core, with extensive interactions across the domain interface. The bound RNA is bent, and its distortion may constitute the first step towards RNA unwinding. To dissect the role of the conformational change in the helicase core for RNA unwinding, we characterized the RNA-stimulated ATPase activity, RNA unwinding and the propensity to form the closed conformer for mutants of the DEAD box helicase YxiN. The ATPase-deficient K52Q mutant forms a closed conformer upon binding of ATP and RNA, but is deficient in RNA unwinding. A mutation in motif III slows down the catalytic cycle, but neither affects the propensity for the closed conformer nor its global conformation. Hence, the closure of the cleft in the helicase core is necessary but not sufficient for RNA unwinding. In contrast, the G303A mutation in motif V prevents a complete closure of the inter-domain cleft, affecting ATP binding and hydrolysis and is detrimental to unwinding. Possibly, the K52Q and motif III mutants still introduce a kink into the backbone of bound RNA, whereas G303A fails to kink the RNA substrate.  相似文献   

RNA helicases play important roles in cellular processes such as pre-mRNA splicing, rRNA processing, ribosomal biogenesis, and translation. A full-length DEAD box RNA helicase cDNA (CfrHlc113) was isolated from the spruce budworm, Choristoneura fumiferana. CfrHlc113 contained the eight functional motifs, which are highly conserved in the DEAD box RNA helicase family, and an arginine-serine-aspartate (RSD) domain at its N-terminal end. CfrHlc113 was highly homologous to Rattus norvegicus HEL117 and human prp5 genes, both of which are suggested to be involved in RNA splicing. The results of Northern and Western blotting showed that expression of the CfrHlc113 gene was low or undetectable in eggs, larvae, pupae, and adults. High levels of expression were, however, detected in the three in vitro cultured cell lines, CF-203, CF-124T, and CF-70, which were developed from the midgut, ovaries, and neonate larvae, respectively. Immunocytochemistry revealed that CfrHlc113 protein was present exclusively in the nuclei of these cell lines.  相似文献   

The molecular mechanisms underlying axonal pathfinding are not well understood. In a genetic screen for mutations affecting the projection of the larval optic nerve we isolated the abstrakt locus. abstrakt is required for pathfinding of the larval optic nerve, and it also affects development in both the adult visual system and the embryonic CNS. Here we report the molecular characterization of abstrakt. It encodes a putative ATP-dependent RNA helicase of the DEAD box protein family, with two rare substitutions in the PTRELA and the RG-D motifs, thought to be involved in oligonucleotide binding: serine for threonine, and lysine for arginine, respectively. Two mutant alleles of abstrakt show amino acid exchanges in highly conserved positions. A glycine to serine exchange in the HRIGR motif, which is involved in RNA binding and ATP hydrolysis, results in a complete loss of protein function; and a proline to leucine exchange located between the highly conserved ATPase A and PTRELA motifs results in temperature-sensitive protein function. Both the broad requirement for abstrakt gene function and its ubiquitous expression are consistent with a molecular function of the abstrakt protein in mRNA splicing or translational control.  相似文献   

Gong Z  Dong CH  Lee H  Zhu J  Xiong L  Gong D  Stevenson B  Zhu JK 《The Plant cell》2005,17(1):256-267
An Arabidopsis thaliana mutant, cryophyte, was isolated and found to have an enhanced cold stress-induction of the master regulator of cold tolerance, C-repeat binding factor 2 (CBF2), and its downstream target genes. The mutant is more tolerant to chilling and freezing stresses but is more sensitive to heat stress. Under warm but not cold growth temperatures, the mutant has a reduced stature and flowers earlier. Under long day conditions, flowering of the mutant is insensitive to vernalization. The mutant is also hypersensitive to the phytohormone abscisic acid. The mutation was found in a DEAD box RNA helicase gene that is identical to the previously identified low expression of osmotically responsive genes 4 (LOS4) locus, which was defined by the los4-1 mutation that reduces cold regulation of CBFs and their target genes and renders Arabidopsis plants chilling sensitive. We show evidence suggesting that the CRYOPHYTE/LOS4 protein may be enriched in the nuclear rim. In situ poly(A) hybridization indicates that the export of poly(A)+ RNAs is blocked in the cryophyte/los4-2 mutant at warm or high temperatures but not at low temperatures, whereas the los4-1 mutation weakens mRNA export at both low and warm temperatures. These results demonstrate an important role of the CRYOPHYTE/LOS4 RNA helicase in mRNA export, plant development, and stress responses.  相似文献   

The L15 region of Escherichia coli RNase P RNA forms two Watson-Crick base pairs with precursor tRNA 3'-CCA termini (G292-C75 and G293-C74). Here, we analyzed the phenotypes associated with disruption of the G292-C75 or G293-C74 pair in vivo. Mutant RNase P RNA alleles (rnpBC292 and rnpBC293) caused severe growth defects in the E. coli rnpB mutant strain DW2 and abolished growth in the newly constructed mutant strain BW, in which chromosomal rnpB expression strictly depended on the presence of arabinose. An isosteric C293-G74 base pair, but not a C292-G75 pair, fully restored catalytic performance in vivo, as shown for processing of precursor 4.5S RNA. This demonstrates that the base identity of G292, but not G293, contributes to the catalytic process in vivo. Activity assays with mutant RNase P holoenzymes assembled in vivo or in vitro revealed that the C292/293 mutations cause a severe functional defect at low Mg2+ concentrations (2 mM), which we infer to be on the level of catalytically important Mg2+ recruitment. At 4.5 mM Mg2+, activity of mutant relative to the wild-type holoenzyme, was decreased only about twofold, but 13- to 24-fold at 2 mM Mg2+. Moreover, our findings make it unlikely that the C292/293 phenotypes include significant contributions from defects in protein binding, substrate affinity, or RNA degradation. However, native PAGE experiments revealed nonidentical RNA folding equilibria for the wild-type versus mutant RNase P RNAs, in a buffer- and preincubation-dependent manner. Thus, we cannot exclude that altered folding of the mutant RNAs may have also contributed to their in vivo defect.  相似文献   

Yoo HH  Chung IK 《Aging cell》2011,10(4):557-571
Human chromosome ends associate with shelterin, a six-protein complex that protects telomeric DNA from being recognized as sites of DNA damage. The shelterin subunit TRF2 has been implicated in the protection of chromosome ends by facilitating their organization into the protective capping structure and by associating with several accessory proteins involved in various DNA transactions. Here we describe the characterization of DDX39 DEAD-box RNA helicase as a novel TRF2-interacting protein. DDX39 directly interacts with the telomeric repeat binding factor homology domain of TRF2 via the FXLXP motif (where X is any amino acid). DDX39 is also found in association with catalytically competent telomerase in cell lysates through an interaction with hTERT but has no effect on telomerase activity. Whereas overexpression of DDX39 in telomerase-positive human cancer cells led to progressive telomere elongation, depletion of endogenous DDX39 by small hairpin RNA (shRNA) resulted in telomere shortening. Furthermore, depletion of DDX39 induced DNA-damage response foci at internal genome as well as telomeres as evidenced by telomere dysfunction-induced foci. Some of the metaphase chromosomes showed no telomeric signal at chromatid ends, suggesting an aberrant telomere structure. Our findings suggest that DDX39, in addition to its role in mRNA splicing and nuclear export, is required for global genome integrity as well as telomere protection and represents a new pathway for telomere maintenance by modulating telomere length homeostasis.  相似文献   

eIF-4A is a eukaryotic translation initiation factor that is required for mRNA binding to ribosomes. It exhibits single-stranded RNA-dependent ATPase activity, and in combination with a second initiation factor, eIF-4B, it exhibits duplex RNA helicase activity. eIF-4A is the prototype of a large family of proteins termed the DEAD box protein family, whose members share nine highly conserved amino acid regions. The functions of several of these conserved regions in eIF-4A have previously been assigned to ATP binding, ATPase, and helicase activities. To define the RNA-binding region of eIF-4A, a UV-induced cross-linking assay was used to analyze binding of mutant eIF-4A proteins to RNA. Mutants carrying mutations in the ATP-binding region (AXXXXGKT), ATPase region (DEAD), helicase region (SAT), and the most carboxy-terminal conserved region of the DEAD family, HRIGRXXR, were tested for RNA cross-linking. We show that mutations, either conservative or not, in any one of the three arginines in the HRIGRXXR sequence drastically reduced eIF-4A cross-linking to RNA. In addition, all the mutations in the HRIGRXXR region abrogate RNA helicase activity. Some but not all of these mutations affect ATP binding and ATPase activity. This is consistent with the hypothesis that the HRIGRXXR region is involved in the ATP hydrolysis reaction and would explain the coupling of ATPase and RNA-binding/helicase activities. Our results show that the HRIGRXXR region, which is QRXGRXXR or QXXGRXXR in the RNA and DNA helicases of the helicase superfamily II, is involved in ATP hydrolysis-dependent RNA interaction during unwinding. We also show that mutations in other regions of eIF-4A that abolish ATPase activity sharply decrease eIF-4A cross-linking to RNA. A model is proposed in which eIF-4A first binds ATP, resulting in a change in eIF-4A conformation which allows RNA binding that is dependent on the HRIGRXXR region. Binding of RNA induces ATP hydrolysis, leading to a more stable interaction with RNA. This process is then linked to unwinding of duplex RNA in the presence of eIF-4B.  相似文献   

p68 and p72 are two highly related DEAD box proteins with similar biochemical activities in the nucleus of vertebrate cells; it is unknown whether they have redundant or differential in vivo functions. We report on a third member of this subfamily that is alternatively expressed from p72 mRNA. A detailed analysis of HeLa p72 mRNA was performed. It has an overall length of more than 5 kb and contains a 0.75-kb 5'-untranslated region and a 3'-untranslated region of 2.5 kb. Its open reading frame extends to nucleotide -243 upstream of the first in-frame AUG (A in the AUG triplet is +1) which serves as the p72 translation initiator codon. We provide evidence that alternative translation at a non-AUG within the extra coding region of this mRNA yields an 82-kDa protein (p82). Immunological studies substantiate that p82 is a naturally existing p72 variant and that both proteins are expressed at similar concentrations. p82 purified from HeLa cells is an ATP-dependent RNA helicase with biochemical properties almost identical to those of p72.  相似文献   

Helicases catalyze the opening of nucleic acid duplexes and are implicated in many nucleic acid metabolic cellular processes that require single stranded DNA or reorganization of RNA structure. Previously we have reported that Plasmodium falciparum genome contains a number of DEAD box helicases. In the present study we report the cloning, expression and characterization of one of the novel members of DEAD box family from P. falciparum. Our results indicate that it is a homologue of Has1p from yeast and it contains DNA and RNA unwinding, nucleic acid-dependent ATPase and RNA binding activities. This enzyme can utilize all the nucleosidetriphosphates (NTPs) and deoxy nucleosidetriphosphates (dNTPs) for its unwinding activity. Using a truncated derivative of this protein we further report that the N-terminal region of the protein is essentially required for its activity. These studies suggest that besides the conserved helicase domain the highly variable N-terminal region also contributes in the activity of the protein.  相似文献   

Vaccinia virus NPH-II is an essential nucleic acid-dependent nucleoside triphosphate that catalyzes unidirectional unwinding of duplex RNA containing a 3' tail. NPH-II is the prototypal RNA helicase of the DExH box protein family, which is defined by several shared sequence motifs. The contribution of the conserved QRKGRVGRVNPG region to enzyme activity was assessed by alanine-scanning mutagenesis. Ten mutated versions of NPH-II were expressed in vaccinia virus-infected BSC-40 cells and purified by nickel affinity chromatography and glycerol gradient sedimentation. The mutated proteins were characterized with respect to RNA helicase, nucleic acid-dependent ATPase, and RNA binding functions. Individual alanine substitutions at invariant residues Q-491, G-494, R-495, G-497, R-498, and G-502 caused severe defects in RNA unwinding that correlated with reduced rates of ATP hydrolysis. None of these mutations affected the binding of NPH-II to single-strand RNA or to the tailed duplex RNA used as a helicase substrate. Mutation of the strictly conserved position R-492 inhibited ATPase and helicase activities and also caused a modest decrement in RNA binding. Alanine mutations at the nonconserved position N-500 and the weakly conserved residue P-501 had no apparent effect on any activity associated with NPH-II, whereas a mutation at the weakly conserved position K-493 reduced helicase to one-third and ATPase to two-thirds of the activity of wild-type required for ATP hydrolysis and RNA unwinding but not for RNA binding. Because mutations in the HRxGRxxR motif of the prototypal DEAD box RNA helicase eIF-4A abolish or severely inhibit RNA binding, we surmise that the contribution of conserved helicase motifs to overall protein function is context dependent.  相似文献   

The nuclear p68 RNA helicase is essential for normal cell growth. The protein plays a very important role in early organ development and maturation. In our previous report, we showed that recombinant p68 RNA helicase was phosphorylated at serine/threonine and tyrosine residue(s). In the present study, we examined the phosphorylation status of p68 in six different cancer cell lines and compared the results with those in cells derived from the corresponding normal tissues. We showed here that p68 was phosphorylated at tyrosine residue(s) in all tested cancer cells but not in the corresponding normal cells/tissues. The tyrosyl phosphorylation of p68 also responded to platelet-derived growth factor. It is thus clear that p68 phosphorylation at tyrosine residue(s) is associated with abnormal cell proliferation and cancer development. The tyrosyl phosphorylation(s) was diminished if the cancer cells were treated with apoptosis agents, such as tumor necrosis factor-alpha, tumor necrosis factor-related apoptosis-inducer ligand, and STI-571. The tyrosyl phosphorylation of p68, however, was not affected by other anticancer drugs, such as piceatannol, etoposide, and taxol. The close correlation between p68 phosphorylations and cancer may provide a useful diagnostic marker and potential therapeutic target for cancer treatment.  相似文献   

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