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Offspring of long-lived species should face costs of parental trade-offs that vary with overall energetic demands encountered by parents during breeding. If sex differences exist in how parents make the trade-off, sex-specific differences may exist in the contribution of each parent to those costs. Adaptations of offspring facing such costs are not well understood, but the hormone corticosterone probably plays a role. We manipulated breeding effort in Cory's shearwaters (Calonectris diomedea) to increase costs to offspring and used an integrated measure of corticosterone from chick feathers to investigate how experimental variation in parental investment influences offspring physiology. Average foraging trip duration and foraging efficiency (FE) of breeding pairs were not related to chick corticosterone, but sex biases in FE were. Adult male investment was more strongly related to chick corticosterone than was female investment. Importantly, we show for the first time suppression of adrenocortical activity in nestling Procellariiform seabirds, and explain how our results indicate an adaptive mechanism invoked by chicks facing increased costs of parental trade-offs.  相似文献   

Manipulations of brood size measure the willingness or ability of parents to invest in offspring and different reproductive roles may lead to differences in feeding effort between the sexes. Parental investment in birds is usually assessed by quantifying feeding rates, but this provides an incomplete picture of parental effort because it fails to account for how parents collect food on the landscape. We studied northern flickers (Colaptes auratus), a woodpecker in which males provide the majority of parental care and used a repeated measures design and short‐term (24 h) brood enlargements (N = 35) and reductions (N = 27) to assess effects of treatment on feeding rates to nestlings and parental foraging behaviour. Parents of enlarged broods did not significantly increase feeding rate, resulting in a decline in nestling mass. Parents of reduced broods decreased their feeding rates by 84%, but increased per capita feeding rates, resulting in nestling mass gain. The variation in feeding rates to enlarged broods was not influenced by feather corticosterone, body condition, feather re‐growth rate or mass change between the incubation and nestling periods. Foraging pattern on the landscape remained the same during the enlarged treatment for both sexes. We conclude that flickers respond to proximate cues in brood demands, but do not increase feeding rates to enlarged broods, at least in the short term. A literature review suggested that this lack of response is atypical for short‐lived species. We hypothesize that parents in species with large home ranges and long nestling periods face energetic limitations that constrain their ability to respond to enlarged broods. We encourage future studies to assess foraging behaviour on the landscape to document important trade‐offs for parents such as predation risk and energy expenditure while feeding offspring.  相似文献   

Central-place foraging seabirds alter the availability of their prey around colonies, forming a "halo" of reduced prey access that ultimately constrains population size. This has been indicated indirectly by an inverse correlation between colony size and reproductive success, numbers of conspecifics at other colonies within foraging range, foraging effort (i.e. trip duration), diet quality and colony growth rate. Although ultimately mediated by density dependence relative to food through intraspecific exploitative or interference competition, the proximate mechanism involved has yet to be elucidated. Herein, we show that Adélie penguin Pygoscelis adeliae colony size positively correlates to foraging trip duration and metabolic rate, that the metabolic rate while foraging may be approaching an energetic ceiling for birds at the largest colonies, and that total energy expended increases with trip duration although uncompensated by increased mass gain. We propose that a competition-induced reduction in prey availability results in higher energy expenditure for birds foraging in the halo around large colonies, and that to escape the halo a bird must increase its foraging distance. Ultimately, the total energetic cost of a trip determines the maximum successful trip distance, as on longer trips food acquired is used more for self maintenance than for chick provisioning. When the net cost of foraging trips becomes too high, with chicks receiving insufficient food, chick survival suffers and subsequent colony growth is limited. Though the existence of energetic studies of the same species at multiple colonies is rare, because foraging metabolic rate increases with colony size in at least two other seabird species, we suggest that an energetic constraint to colony size may generally apply to other seabirds.  相似文献   

Evidence of sex-specific foraging in monomorphic seabirds is increasing though the underlying mechanisms remain poorly understood. We investigate differential parental care as a mechanism for sex-specific foraging in monomorphic Common Murres (Uria aalge), where the male parent alone provisions the chick after colony departure. Using a combination of geolocation-immersion loggers and stable isotopes, we assess two hypotheses: the reproductive role specialization hypothesis and the energetic constraint hypothesis. We compare the foraging behavior of females (n = 15) and males (n = 9) during bi-parental at the colony, post-fledging male-only parental care and winter when parental care is absent. As predicted by the reproductive role specialization hypothesis, we found evidence of sex-specific foraging during post-fledging only, the stage with the greatest divergence in parental care roles. Single-parenting males spent almost twice as much time diving per day and foraged at lower quality prey patches relative to independent females. This implies a potential energetic constraint for males during the estimated 62.8 ± 8.9 days of offspring dependence at sea. Contrary to the predictions of the energetic constraint hypothesis, we found no evidence of sex-specific foraging during biparental care, suggesting that male parents did not forage for their own benefit before colony departure in anticipation of post-fledging energy constraints. We hypothesize that unpredictable prey conditions at Newfoundland colonies in recent years may limit male parental ability to allocate additional time and energy to self-feeding during biparental care, without compromising chick survival. Our findings support differential parental care as a mechanism for sex-specific foraging in monomorphic murres, and highlight the need to consider ecological context in the interpretation of sex-specific foraging behavior.  相似文献   

How would resources be allocated among fertility, survival, and growth in an optimal life history? The budget constraint assumed by past treatments limits the energy used by each individual at each instant to what it produces at that instant. We consider under what conditions energy transfers from adults, which relax the rigid constraint by permitting energetic dependency and faster growth for the offspring, would be advantageous. In a sense, such transfers permit borrowing and lending across the life history. Higher survival and greater efficiency in energy production at older ages than younger both favor the evolution of transfers. We show that if such transfers are advantageous, then increased survival up to the age of making the transfers must co-evolve with the transfers themselves.  相似文献   

Hominid evolution is marked by very significant increase in relative brain size. Because relative brain size has been linked to energetic requirements it is possible to look at the pattern of encephalization as a factor in the evolution of human foraging and dietary strategies. Major expansion of the brain is associated with Homo rather than the Hominidae as a whole, and the energetic costs are likely to have forced a prolongation of growth rates and secondary altriciality. It is calculated here that modern human infants have energetic requirements approximately 9% greater than similar size apes due to their large brains. Consideration of energetic costs of brain allow the prediction of growth rates in hominid taxa and an examination of the implications for life-history strategy and foraging behaviour.  相似文献   

Human growth in early life has major implications for fitness. During this period, the mother regulates the growth of her offspring through placental nutrition and lactation. However, parent-offspring conflict theory predicts that offspring are selected to demand more resources than the mother is selected to provide. This general issue has prompted the development of begging theory, which attempts to find the optimal levels of offspring demand and parental provisioning. Several models have been proposed to account for begging behavior, whether by biochemical or behavioral pathways, including: (1) blackmail of parents; (2) scramble competition between multiple offspring; (3) honest signaling of nutritional need; and (4) honest signaling of offspring worth. These models are all supported by data from nonhuman animals, with species varying according to which model is relevant. This paper examines the evidence that human suckling and crying signal nutritional demand, need, and worth to the mother. While suckling provides hormonal stimulation of breast milk production and signals hunger, crying fulfills a different role, with evidence suggesting that it signals both worth and need for resources (nutrition and thermoregulation). The role of signaling in nutritional demand is examined in the context of three common health problems that have traditionally been assumed to have physiological rather than behavioral causes: excess weight gain, failure to thrive, and colic. The value of such an evolutionary approach lies in its potential to enhance behavioral management of these conditions.  相似文献   

Influential demographic projections suggest that the global human population will stabilize at about 9–10 billion people by mid-century. These projections rest on two fundamental assumptions. The first is that the energy needed to fuel development and the associated decline in fertility will keep pace with energy demand far into the future. The second is that the demographic transition is irreversible such that once countries start down the path to lower fertility they cannot reverse to higher fertility. Both of these assumptions are problematic and may have an effect on population projections. Here we examine these assumptions explicitly. Specifically, given the theoretical and empirical relation between energy-use and population growth rates, we ask how the availability of energy is likely to affect population growth through 2050. Using a cross-country data set, we show that human population growth rates are negatively related to per-capita energy consumption, with zero growth occurring at ∼13 kW, suggesting that the global human population will stop growing only if individuals have access to this amount of power. Further, we find that current projected future energy supply rates are far below the supply needed to fuel a global demographic transition to zero growth, suggesting that the predicted leveling-off of the global population by mid-century is unlikely to occur, in the absence of a transition to an alternative energy source. Direct consideration of the energetic constraints underlying the demographic transition results in a qualitatively different population projection than produced when the energetic constraints are ignored. We suggest that energetic constraints be incorporated into future population projections.  相似文献   

The massive energetic costs entailed by reproduction in most mammalian females may increase the vulnerability of reproductive success to food shortage. Unexpected events of unfavorable climatic conditions are expected to rise in frequency and intensity as climate changes. The extent to which physiological flexibility allows organisms to maintain reproductive output constant despite energetic bottlenecks has been poorly investigated. In mammals, reproductive resilience is predicted to be maximal during early stages of reproduction, due to the moderate energetic costs of ovulation and gestation relative to lactation. We experimentally tested the consequences of chronic-moderate and short-acute food shortages on the reproductive output of a small seasonally breeding primate, the grey mouse lemur (Microcebus murinus) under thermo-neutral conditions. These two food treatments were respectively designed to simulate the energetic constraints imposed by a lean year (40% caloric restriction over eight months) or by a sudden, severe climatic event occurring shortly before reproduction (80% caloric restriction over a month). Grey mouse lemurs evolved under the harsh, unpredictable climate of the dry forest of Madagascar and should thus display great potential for physiological adjustments to energetic bottlenecks. We assessed the resilience of the early stages of reproduction (mating success, fertility, and gestation) to these contrasted food treatments, and on the later stages (lactation and offspring growth) in response to the chronic food shortage only. Food deprived mouse lemurs managed to maintain constant most reproductive parameters, including oestrus timing, estrogenization level at oestrus, mating success, litter size, and litter mass as well as their overall number of surviving offspring at weaning. However, offspring growth was delayed in food restricted mothers. These results suggest that heterothermic, fattening-prone mammals display important reproductive resilience to energetic bottlenecks. More generally, species living in variable and unpredictable habitats may have evolved a flexible reproductive physiology that helps buffer environmental fluctuations.  相似文献   

In the theoretical structure of new home economics models, human fertility decisions are taken so as to maximize satisfaction provided to the parents by the presence and well-being of their children and by other competing commodities. Nevertheless, the concept of utility of children fails to specify why parents benefit from the presence and well-being of their progeny. In this study, fertility choices are analyzed from an evolutionary perspective. Parents are thus expected to adopt a lifetime fertility schedule `that maximizes fitness, defined here as the product of quantity with quality of offspring. Quality refers to the probability that reproduction occurs in the next generation, a variable that is thought to depend on the amount of resources allocated by the parents to the progeny. Using multiperiod dynamic models of fertility, it is shown that an increase in wealth and income reduces time to first conceptions and increases total conceptions. However, the relationship between offspring number and income is not always positive as changes in child quality also occur. Uncertainty about future economic status favors more conservative fertility schedules. Qualitative predictions of the models are generally supported by available evidence, although much work remains to be done to estimate the models quantitatively.  相似文献   

Optimal foraging theory suggests that avian parents should prefer the most energetically efficient (largest) prey items when delivering food to offspring at a central place. However, during periods of high demand, selectivity of prey may decline, leading to the delivery of smaller and/or less nutritious items. We compared foraging trade‐offs between great tits (Parus major) which had a wider feeding niche than blue tits (Cyanistes caeruleus). We also compared the foraging efficiency of cross‐fostered young, which had learned the spatial foraging niche and prey size of the foreign species, to that of control conspecifics. Mean delivery rates did not differ between control and cross‐fostered parents of either species but as delivery rates increased, prey size declined for both species and both treatment groups. However, across the range of increasing delivery rates, parents were able to increase the total biomass of prey delivered. Cross‐fostering did not alter the proportion of different prey taxa in the diet, but cross‐fostered birds shifted the size of the prey taken to that of their foster species. Consistent with their broader feeding niche, great tits, but not blue tits, incorporated more unpalatable items (flies) as delivery rates increased. Although great tits foraged less efficiently in the blue tit niche, paradoxically, blue tits seem to deliver more prey biomass when foraging in the great tit niche.  相似文献   

Parasites by drawing nutrition from their hosts can exert an energetic stress on them. Honeybee foragers with their high metabolic demand due to flight are especially prone to such a stress when they are infected. We hypothesized that infection by the microsporidian gut parasite Nosema ceranae can lower the hemolymph sugar level of an individual forager and uncouple its energetic state from its normally tight correlation with the colony energetic state. We support our hypothesis by showing that free-flying foragers that are infected have lower trehalose levels than uninfected ones but the two do not differ in their trehalose levels when fed until satiation. The trehalose level of infected bees was also found to decline at a faster rate while their glucose level is maintained at a quantity comparable to uninfected bees. These results suggest that infected foragers have lower flying ability and the intriguing possibility that the carbohydrate levels of an individual bee can act as a modulator of its foraging behavior, independent of social cues such as colony demand for nectar. We discuss the importance of such pathophysiological changes on foraging behavior in the context of the recently observed colony collapses.  相似文献   

The role of the ant colony largely consists of non-reproductive tasks, such as foraging, tending brood, and defense. However, workers are vitally linked to reproduction through their provisioning of sexual offspring, which are produced annually to mate and initiate new colonies. Gynes (future queens) have size-associated variation in colony founding strategy (claustrality), with each strategy requiring different energetic investments from their natal colony. We compared the per capita production cost required for semi-claustral, facultative, and claustral gynes across four species of Pogonomyrmex harvester ants. We found that the claustral founding strategy is markedly expensive, costing approximately 70% more energy than that of the semi-claustral strategy. Relative to males, claustral gynes also had the largest differential investment and smallest size variation. We applied these investment costs to a model by Brown and Bonhoeffer (2003) that predicts founding strategy based on investment cost and foraging survivorship. The model predicts that non-claustral foundresses must survive the foraging period with a probability of 30–36% in order for a foraging strategy to be selectively favored. These results highlight the importance of incorporating resource investment at the colony level when investigating the evolution of colony founding strategies in ants.  相似文献   

Foraging behavior under the risk of predation has interested biologists for decades. Here, we examine paternal genetic effects on foraging decisions of bluegill (Lepomis macrochirus) larvae sired by males adopting alternative life histories. We use split in vitro fertilization to generate maternal half‐siblings sired by either a ‘parental’ male or a ‘cuckolder’ male. Immediately, upon the switch to exogenous feeding, we fed the larvae ad libitum for 2 d. We then starved the larvae for between 12 and 17 h, following which we subjected them to a dichotomous choice foraging trial, where one side of a test tank posed a risky foraging habitat and the other posed a safe foraging habitat. Equal amounts of food were simultaneously introduced to both sides of the tank and the proportion of individuals on either side was recorded. There were significantly fewer cuckolder offspring foraging on the risky side of the tank when compared with their parental half‐siblings indicating that cuckolder offspring took fewer risks than parental offspring. These results demonstrate a paternal genetic effect (sire life history) on foraging behavior. We ruled out energetic state as a possible explanation for this difference because the half‐siblings did not differ in body length or mass. Instead, previous research suggests that cuckolder offspring have higher conversion efficiency (efficiency of converting food into soma) than parental offspring and therefore the differences in foraging behavior observed here may, in part, be attributed to genetic differences in conversion efficiency.  相似文献   

Nutrition, fertility and maternal investment in primates   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Phyllis C.  Lee 《Journal of Zoology》1987,213(3):409-422
While the energetics of reproduction have been intensively investigated among women, studies of mother-offspring relationships among non-human primates have tended to neglect the effect of nutrition of the mother on lactational performance and on growth and survival of offspring. Typically fertility has been compared between populations under different nutritional regimes. In this paper, the relations between suckling frequencies, the time of weaning, the survivorship of offspring, the contraceptive effects of lactation and the quality of maternal diets are outlined. Energy transfer from mother to offspring in the form of milk is proposed as a measurable component of maternal investment, and the behavioural causes and consequences of lactational anoestrus are explored using data from free-ranging vervet monkeys. It is suggested that nutrition of the mother is most important during the early phase of rapid infant growth, because at that time the energetic requirements of lactation are high; and that a mother's ability to assess her infant's demands and needs for nutrition for growth leads to alterations in suckling frequencies which result in variation in female fertility.  相似文献   

Offspring growth and survival are predicted to be higher for older parents, due to a variety of mechanisms, such as increased breeding experience or greater investment favored by low residual reproductive value. Yet the extent to which parent age affects offspring viability is likely to vary between different aspects of growth and survival, perhaps being most pronounced at the most stressful stages of reproduction. We studied the link between parent age and nestling growth and survival in the Laysan albatross, a long-lived seabird with a mean first breeding age of 8 years. Offspring of older parents were more likely to survive to fledging. Among those that did fledge, nestlings of older parents grew more rapidly. However, parent age did not influence the eventual asymptotic size that nestlings reached before fledging: fast-growing nestlings of older parents reached 90% of asymptotic size roughly 1 week sooner, but slow-growing nestlings of younger parents eventually caught up in size before fledging. Older parents bred c . 2 days earlier than younger parents, but hatch date did not explain observed variation in offspring success. The extent to which parent age accounted for variation in size of individual nestlings was not constant but peaked near the midpoint of development. This could reflect a time period when demands on parents reveal age-based differences in parental quality. Overall, growth and survival of offspring increased with parent age in this species, even though the late age of first breeding potentially provides a 7-year period for birds to hone their foraging skills or for selection to eliminate low-quality individuals.  相似文献   

The flux of energy and materials constrains all organisms, and allometric relationships between rates of energy consumption and other biological rates are manifest at many levels of biological organization. Although human ecology is unusual in many respects, human populations also face energetic constraints. Here we present a model relating fertility rates to per capita energy consumption rates in contemporary human nations. Fertility declines as energy consumption increases with a scaling exponent of ?1/3 as predicted by allometric theory. The decline may be explained by parental trade‐offs between the number of children and the energetic investment in each child. We hypothesize that the ?1/3 exponent results from the scaling properties of the networked infrastructure that delivers energy to consumers. This allometric analysis of human fertility offers a framework for understanding the demographic transition to smaller family sizes, with implications for human population growth, resource use and sustainability.  相似文献   

Parental care typically enhances offspring fitness at costs for tending parents. Asymmetries in genetic relatedness entail potential conflicts between parents and offspring over the duration and the amount of care. To understand how these conflicts are resolved evolutionarily, it is important to understand how individual condition affects offspring and parental behaviour and whether parents or offspring make active choices in their interactions. Condition effects on offspring have been broadly studied, but the effect of parental condition on parent–offspring interactions is less well understood, in particular in species where care is facultative and offspring have the option to beg for food from the parents or to self‐forage. In this study, we carried out two experiments in the European earwig Forficula auricularia, a system where females provide facultative care, in which we manipulated female condition (through a high‐food and low‐food treatment) and the degree by which mothers and offspring could make active choices. In a first experiment, where female mobility was limited, female condition had no significant effect on the rate of offspring self‐foraging, which increased with nymph age. In a second experiment, nymph access to food was limited and females in poor nutritional condition provided food to significantly fewer nymphs than high condition females. In both experiments, offspring attendance remained at a constantly high level and was independent of female condition even after experimental separation of females and offspring. Our results show that earwig nymphs do not use cues of female condition to adjust rates of self‐foraging, that females control food provisioning depending on their own condition, and that females and nymphs share control over offspring attendance, a form of care not influenced by female condition.  相似文献   

Offspring provisioning is commonly referenced as the most important influence on men's and women's foraging decisions. However, the provisioning of other adults may be equally important in determining gender differences in resource choice, particularly when the goals of provisioning offspring versus others cannot be met with the acquisition of the same resources. Here, we examine how resources vary in their expected daily energetic returns and in the variance or risk around those returns. We predict that when available resources impose no trade-off between risk and energy, the targets of men's and women's foraging will converge on high-energy, low-risk resources that allow for the simultaneous provisioning of offspring and others. However, when minimizing risk and maximizing energy trade-off with one another, we expect men's foraging to focus on provisioning others through the unreliable acquisition of large harvests, while women focus on reliably acquiring smaller harvests to feed offspring. We test these predictions with foraging data from three populations (Aché, Martu and Meriam). The results uphold the predictions, suggesting that men's and women's foraging interests converge when high-energy resources can be reliably acquired, but diverge when higher-energy resources are associated with higher levels of risk. Social factors, particularly the availability of alloparental support, may also play a major role.  相似文献   

Day length is the primary cue used by many mammals to restrict reproduction to favourable spring and summer months, but it is unknown for any mammal whether the seasonal loss of fertility begins at the same time and occurs at the same rate in females and males; nor it established whether the termination of mating behaviour in males and females coincides with the loss of fertility. We speculated that females, owing to their greater energetic investment in reproduction, are the limiting sex in terminating offspring production in short days (SDs). Oestrous cycles and production of young were monitored in Syrian hamsters (Mesocricetus auratus) transferred from long days (LDs) to SDs. Females were mated to LD males after three to eight weeks of SD treatment; in a parallel experiment, males housed in SDs were mated to LD females. After five and eight weeks in SDs, at least twice as many males as females were fertile. Both males and females continued to copulate for several weeks after becoming infertile. The onset of seasonal infertility occurs earlier in females than males and the decline in fertility precedes the seasonal loss of mating behaviour in both sexes.  相似文献   

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